Swept away

Story by Milly Snowpawz on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories and the like

Rather Personal story.

Tigress is Me... others i will not name.

Rough times.... Suddenness.. Pain and Losses.

Is this what it feels like?

The question played inside the mind of the Tigress for hours, now she lay in shadows of the trees the moon poking through the leaves as she stared up waching it drift over the sky at snails pace, a cold winter breeze prickling at her fur. she shivered constantly but didnt move, her usually bright aqua blue eyes shining, we're dull and clouded over with the emotions she was feeling.

'Am i honestly such a bad fur that im so misunderstood?' she whispered to herself she hadnt eaten in over 24 hours, her belly was rumbling but she didnt care, no one else cared either. Her mind had been racing with the hurt and pain of the day she hadnt cared about anything else esp her own well being.

She stood as the moon vanished behind some dark rain clouds, no sooner had she stood leaning against the tree trunk claws out did the rain start to fall heavily, soaking through her clothes and fur, causing the lean Tigress to Shiver more so as she set off into it.

'time to vanish, after today no one will care.' she stood in a clearing the River near by running loud and quick. A deep painful sigh came from her maw, this place, she had been here before. She meet a Feral Wolf in this clearing over a year ago.

Tears suddenly erupted from her dull Aqua eyes at the pain of loosing her dear friend, over somethign so stupid, 'Why did you start it, Why did it end lke that' she cried out knowing no one could hear her over the rain, river and distance.

Little did she know as she sunk onto the rain soaked grass, that she was been watched, a pair of Hazel eyes glistening with Tears of there own, stood a Rain Soaked Husky. Not noticable in the Dark even with his Red and Silver fur. he watched Crying with her feeling her pain. He had gone looking for her.

The Husky whom always had The Tigress' Spirit at his side had felt it vanish, instead his own Spirit returned to him, Alerting the Husky into finding His wonderful Tigress Sister. Now he stands in tears watching her, the pain she was in clear to the Husky. Still he wasnt yet sure if he should approch the emotionatly drained Tigress, in fear of her running once more he sunk down where he stood and knelt on the soddon ground.

Slamming her Paws into the muddy ground she ended up spraying her white and black fur with large splotches of Brown mud her voice full of pain. 'Dont you know i loved you deeply as a friend, dont you realise what you started, the chain reaction, dont you know the pain that has fallen upon me, you and the Timber wolf, the accusing you both did, the lies others told only making you even more nasty towards me'

The Tigress crawled over to the fast running river, she closed her eyes , flopping forwards soaking her belly fur and clothes in the thick mud. Her whole posture through out the afternoon refelecting all the pain of this day. Not one she concidered family had stood beside her, supported her, talked to her. She felt alone in this world as if she didnt exsist.

Slowly the Tigress moved, spinning her drained hurt body around, dropping her foot paws into the water. From a distance the Husky watched before gasping as he realized what she was about to do and took off at a sprint hoping to reach her in time. But he wasnt fast enough, instead he sat back ears down and watched the Tigress drown out of his life forever, never trying to reach in for her, jsut let her go. Now forever in his memory. A Sister Lost forever.