
Story by Kane Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Pack

I think I fixed the problem and have uploaded the edited version of this story.

The cool air of the night blew through the she-wolfs' hair as she walked through the woods that has been home to her pack for centuries. Her goal is to find a buck or doe for the feast tonight celebrating the new moon of the new wind. Though why they need more meat when the hunters have brought around three boars, two bucks, five squirrels, ten rabbits, and a pig the size of a lion for the feast. Though their pack numbers in two hundred, they have stores of food for the feast as well. But nonetheless her mother, the alpha female, specifically asked her to do this and to look for her brother as well who has not returned from fetching water. She walked the hunting trail for an hour not picking up any scent of doe or buck seeing that prey have been scarred into hiding from the early hunting parties.

The she-wolf sighs as she walks from the trail towards the river picking up the scent of her brother. She growls angrily wondering why it takes him so long to do simple tasks such as this. If he doesn't step up he will remain in pup status forever and she will have to look after him until the day she dies which does not appeal to her one bit. She is a proud huntress who has proven to be a worthy candidate for female alpha in the future and has sired a litter of pups already she has no interest looking after her brother for much longer. As she neared the river her brother's scent grew stronger with an underlying tone of lust in the mix. She growled in frustration that her incompetent brother has worried mother and wasted her time just to fuck some stray wolf or lustful human.

She rushed through the brush to see her brother stroking his wolf-hood as he came to orgasm. He panted hard in a blissful euphoria unaware of his angry sibling dangerously pointing her spear shaft towards him. "So you worry mother and waste time stroking yourself when there will be plenty of bitches and males at the feast to sate your lust." He jumped startled by his sister's intrusion and looked at her with wide eyes.

"What the hell sister! It's not nice to sneak up on your brother." She rolled her eyes tapping her foot impatiently glaring at him.

"What the hell to you brother! You haven't even made it past pup hood yet so I'm forced to look after you! I've had enough looking out for you and being forced from my mate and my pups just so I can watch you goof off not doing anything useful except acting like a useless pup! Grow the fuck up so I can finally live my life!" Her brother looked away ashamed a bit knowing she is right but he jumps snarling at his sibling.

"I've been trying to find water that hasn't been spiked with wolfs-bane by the humans! I couldn't come back yet because almost all the water sources were spiked with wolfs-bane! I was stressed out so I started jacking off to get rid of that tension." Her brother started tearing up with anger and frustration. The she-wolf dropped her spear and embraced her brother in a hug his head nestled between her huge breasts. She stroked his crimson fur trying to calm him down. He gripped into a tighter hug with his purple furred sister slowly calming his breathing to where they can speak of a solution to their water problem.

After crying for a bit he finally pulled away from his sister wiping his eyes before picking up the two buckets he brought with him. His sister picked up her spear and both walked into the forest heading down the path to an old natural spring miles from the nearest human village. As they approached the spring the she-wolf's brother cursed throwing down his buckets in frustration. "What is wrong brother we haven't even reached the spring yet?"

"Those damn humans already spiked it I can smell the nectar of the bane from here." He growled in frustration but his sister not convinced walked the rest of the way to the spring and true to her brothers word there is wolfs-bane nectar in the water. She growled in anger making her way back to her brother who was leaning on a tree. She wondered why he hasn't made it past pup hood yet. His body is fit and has the right amount of muscle everywhere and he is a great hunter and warrior. Now for herself she doesn't like to boast but she has a natural feminine body, big boobs, and if any male thinks they can rape her will be met with a very pissed off she-wolf.

Anyways back to their water problem without water their pack-mates will get dehydrated before the fun really starts. "Now what shall we do brother? Without water the celebration will be short and that will displease father greatly. Not only that, other packs will think we have disregarded tradition and attack." Her brother nodded knowing the risks if the feast isn't performed right, but without water the ritual is doomed to fail unless...

"We could go to Artem he could get us some water. He'll have to once he finds out it was one of the humans from his village." His sister growled and shook her head

"No out of the question the rules are clear that we meet him in the forest never at his home and he has no reason to help us after establishing this truce between the wolves and humans so put that thought out of your head brother. Now let us return to the village so we can...." She didn't get a chance to finish as her brother struck her with a bucket knocking her out. He covered her in some leaves to hide her from hunters that may be prowling tonight.

"I'm sorry sister, but if I'm ever going to get out of pup hood I need to do this to show them that I have grown into a man." He bowed his head in apology to his unconscious sibling then rushed off to the human village in high hopes to save the feast.

In the human village everyone was preparing for the evening finishing up some last minute chores or laundry before heading to bed. A group of men emerged from the forest yelling and laughing in glee with their work done. "Those bloody mongrels feast will be cut short when all of them die from drinking the water." The others cheered before taking swigs from their whiskey bottles leaning on each other as they laugh and started singing a tune. Those who were still out and about looked at these men with disgust and contempt as they stumbled through the streets in a drunken mess. Two villagers looked at these men out of a window. One slowly shook his head like a father would showing his disappointment in a child.

"Insufferable young men getting drunk and doing stunts like this that would get them killed. One should put them out of their misery." His companion swiftly assembled a crossbow, loaded it, and aimed it directly at the group of drunk men. The man laughed a bit before waving his hand signaling not to fire. The companion lowered the crossbow before sitting down in a chair. "Though it would be a mercy compared to what those wolves would do to them." His companion nodded before pointing to the brush where bushes were rustling. "Hmmmm looks like we have a visitor." The man stood up and grabbed his cane. "Come let us greet our friend before those drunken assholes do." His companion followed him with crossbow in hand.

The young crimson wolf edged closer and closer to the village through the brush so as not to be spotted by any of the villagers. He knows that Artem's house is the farthest from the other buildings, but beyond that knowledge he has no idea what the man looks like or even if he is at home now. An arrow shot out of a tree landing directly in front of him. The wolf stopped cursing himself for being spotted. "Worry not wolf we are not here to kill you. Unless you give us a reason to." The wolf turned to see an old man in a cloak leaning heavily on a cane. This man has lived for a very long time and has been through much hardship. The evidence is clear on his rough looking skin, wrinkles and old scars, as well as the white beard and bald head. Suddenly a figure dropped right next to him from the trees holding a crossbow. So that is where the arrow came from. The wolf thought to himself as he sniffed the air identifying the figure as a woman.

The wolf stood up straight and cleared his throat. "Your village has laced our water supplies with wolfs-bane and I was wondering if I can see Artem and ask for water. Can you two take me to him?" The old man started laughing as he slowly walked to the young wolf placing his hand on the wolf's shoulder.

"I am Artem boy and yes I will give you some water for that feast of yours if you come with me to help me with something." The wolf nodded vigorously ready to do anything to save his packs feast. Artem led the wolf to a clearing where a young man laid there naked covered in bruises. As the wolf looked over the boy he noticed that the boy's arm was twisted at an odd angle. He looked to Artem and saw that the old man had a sad look on his face. "Such a nice young lad. Strong, kind, caring for others, and a devilishly handsome young man. It's a shame he was born into this world with such a cruel father, a cowardly mother, and oblivious siblings." The wolf looked the boy over again and saw that he is handsome indeed. A soft face, toned body from years of hard labor, lush brown hair, and even though injured greatly he had a soft smile on his face as he slept.

"What do you need me to do Artem?" Artem pulled a small white cube from his cloak and forced it into the boys' mouth. Next he sprinkled some sage and other spices that assaulted the wolf's nose in terrible ways. Finally he poured water on the boy's body making sure to put as much water on the twisted arm.

"I need you to bite him wolf so he can become one of you. I know you are not a man yet since you have the reckless mind of a pup, but even so these little things I've put on him will slow the transformation process long enough for me to convince your alpha to let the boy live in your pack. Do this and the water is yours."

The crimson wolf looked at Artem like he was touched in the head. "I don't know I never done this before and besides he needs a wolf's cum and bite before he can transform."

Artem smiled a bit before offering his rebuttal. "That white cube is condensed wolf cum. The sage and water will slow the transformation like I said. If you don't do this then I will not give you the water or means to purify your water. Everything has a price boy no one helps others without wanting something in return." The wolf looked at the boy then at Artem thinking hard about this. "If you're not going to do this then stop wasting my time and return home. I don't need to be out this late anyways old bones you see."

The wolf took a deep breath before crouching down and taking a quick bite into the boy's shoulder. He gave the boy a love nip not wanting to make a huge bloody mess out of the human's shoulder. Artem clasped him on the shoulder giving him a pouch. "This is new moon salt it can dissolve the nectar in the water. It'll take a full day to do so, so put it in as soon as you can. Now for your water I'll have some of my loyal friends take it to the old checkpoint meet them there. Thank you for your help and go now before you are seen." The young wolf bowed before running back into the forest whence he came.

"Now what my master?" The woman questioned Artem.

"We now wait Amma. We will see how this boy develops and we will see if those bloody fools need to be killed." Amma bowed and picked up the boy to carry him home.

The purple she-wolf awoke with a groan as she rubbed her head from where her brother struck her. "That fool I'm going to get him back for this, but first I need to find him." She stumbled a bit leaning on her staff sniffing the air for any trace of her brother's scent. She sniffed out a faint scent of him leading to the old checkpoint in the middle of the forest. After composing herself she set out to the checkpoint twirling her spear ready to give her brother a good whack on the head. Arriving at the checkpoint she could smell her brother's scent all over the place; however instead of her brother two of the pack's runners were here chatting.

"Ah Myrabelle good to see ya. We'll need some help carrying the water back to the village." Myrabelle cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"What water? My brother sniffed out wolfs-bane nectar in all of our water supplies we can't drink it." Both silver wolves looked at each other then smiled.

"Well Adam told us that he made a deal with Artem and some of his men are bringing us enough water for the feast. Then he went off in the direction you came in saying he had to dig you up." Myrabelle scowled at both of them but heard footsteps. She quickly turned around pinning her brother to a nearby tree scowling at him.

He gave her a shaky smile. "Ah sister glad to see I only gave you a bump and not a concussion." She growled and put more pressure onto him causing him to choke before fainting with a goofy smile on his face. His sister pulled off in a huff letting him slump on the ground. She smoothed out her fur on her arms before kicking Adam in the stomach waking him from his daze. He gripped his stomach a bit before standing up slowly edging away from his wrathful sister.

"Oi are you two done the men are here with the water." Sure enough four men came along each with two large containers supposedly filled with water. They dropped the containers, bowed, then left to go home and sleep. The four wolves checked all the containers seeing that there was fresh water in them and not laced with wolves bane. "Well this should last the entire evening. Good thing Artem keeps his part of the bargain of any deal he makes. But quick question: Why couldn't we just get water from our own ponds, streams, or the river?"

Adam looked at his sister before explaining. "It's okay if you think I'm lying when I tell you this. When I went to the lake I smelt wolfs-bane nectar in it. At first I thought some flowers fell into the water during the storm we had last night, but when I went to the ponds they were all laced with the nectar as well. I went from one source to the next finding them all spiked with the nectar. I finally tried the river, but that was spiked as well and that is when I hear some humans laughing. I found a group of them drunk and they had bottles full of wolfs-bane nectar. I was stressed out so I decided to jack off. Really bad choice I know. That's when my sister found me and we went to the last pond I haven't checked and sure enough it was spiked by the humans as well. And that's why I had to make a deal with Artem." He looked at both silver grayed wolves ready for laughing or degrading comments from them. Instead they gave him a warm loving smile.

"You probably should have come talk to the alpha before making that deal, but you did good doing this. You just saved the feast and possibly the future of this pack." He came and patted Adam on the back.

"Thanks Martin. Oh Max can you take these orbs and place one in each of the water sources on our land. Artem said they should get rid of the nectar in a day or so." The silver grey wolf that had been silent nodded his head before swiftly taking off into the night.

"He's a man with very few words isn't he?" Myrabelle said with a slightly annoyed look on her face. "And you are in big trouble when we get back to the village." She said while angrily pointing at Adam.

"Why for making a deal with Artem?"

Myrabelle grabbed Adam by the ear and started pulling on it hard. "No for knocking me upside the head with a bucket you brat. I'm going to make sure you lose your virginity to Bruno tonight." Adam's eye went wide with fear as he frantically tried to run away, but Myrabelle held tightly onto the scruff of his neck as he moved his legs in fear.

"Please not Bruno anything, but your mate. Please sister reconsider. I'll do anything: I'll look after the pups, do your weapon cleaning, skin the hunts you kill, carry anything for you. Anything anything at all, but please for the love of that is all good please don't sick Bruno on me."

Myrabelle started dragging her brother as he pleaded for mercy. "Should have thought twice before hitting me in the head."

"Oh brother." Martin said as he shook his head as he balanced all four containers in his arms as they all made their way back to the village.

Back in the human village the boy that was bitten by Adam was sleeping soundly in his bed before his door was kicked open. The boy jerked awake in a cold sweat his eyes wide with fear as he saw his drunk father in the doorway. His father stumbled in dropping the whisky bottle before gripping his son's neck forcing him back down. The boy let out a pained gasp as his broken arm was moved with the motion. "Damn little slut. Can't even take a beating like a man." His father slurred as he eyed his son with pure hatred in his eyes. "Such a smart little slut getting high marks in school going away from your family to a snobby little rich kid's school?" His son frantically shook his head no hoping to avoid what was going to come next. His father slapped him across the face before ripping the blanket exposing his son's naked and bruised body. "I didn't want you to answer you fucking slut." He quickly flipped his son over rewarding him with a painful scream from the boy as his broken arm was slammed against the bedding and the cold wooden frame. The father gripped his son's head forcing it down into the pillow. "Shut your fucking mouth or I'll break the other arm." His son bit his lip to stop his screams. He looked back at his father with tears in his eyes knowing what was coming next.

His father took off his trousers and underwear to reveal a six inch long and eight inch wide dick. The very penis that was used to create him was about to rape him once again. His father quickly slammed it in causing nothing, but pain to his son as he forced himself to be silent. The father fucked him hard and rapidly not caring about his son's comfort. He laid on top of his son licking the boy's neck as he hammered away into him. "Such a tight little bitch you are. I'm glad you're weaker than your other two brothers. You don't fight as much and you're so very good at being my little slut. Going to take you to the cabin for a few days so the boys can have fun with ya." He forced the boy to face him and roughly kissed him before reaching climax filling his son with his seed. He pulled out then pissed on the boy just as he had every other night since this started. "Sleep well little slut." He let out a drunken laugh before stumbling out of the room.

His son spit on the floor in disgust trying to get the taste of his father out of his mouth. He cried face down into the pillow tears streaming from his eyes like rain water. "I hate this place. I hate that bastard I hate this down and worst of all I'm beginning to hate the rest of my family for not believing me when I called him a rapist pig." He looked out his window to see the full moon rising its peak in the sky. "Please somebody please take me away from this horrid place." He cried a little longer before falling back asleep unaware of the changes that are about to happen.