Apocalypse, Ch. 10

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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I awoke the next morning cuddled up to Greg, deeply in heat. I moaned - my pussy was wet, and my burning vagina ached to be penetrated. My breasts where warm, my nipples erect. My whole body felt warm and tingly.

I looked over at Greg: he was deeply asleep, his furry chest rising and falling with his breath, and then I looked down between his legs, unable to keep my fascinated gaze away from his penis, which was erect. I giggled girlishly: he had morning wood.

Well, I knew what to do about that! I reached over to the night stand, and took a condom out of the box, tearing off it's wrapper and slipping it over his dick while he slept. Then I climbed over him, straddling him with my hips, reaching down with one hand to guide his cock into me, and sat down on his erect penis, moaning as I felt the ribs of the condom sliding through my wet flesh, opening me up.

Beneath me, Greg snorted, opened his eyes, and looked up at me. I smiled down at him, hefting my breasts with my hands, thumbs rubbing my erect nipples. "Good morning, Greg!", I said to him, then leaned down and kissed him.

"Mmmph!", he managed with my tongue in his mouth, looking up at me. Then I broke off the kiss, and he smiled and said "Oh, Samantha!", and I started to bounce on his hips, sliding his penis up and down in my vagina.

Then he raised his hands to my tits and began to play with them as I fucked him. I rode him for about five minutes, until we both came together. Then I just sat on him, catching my breath, as his penis grew flaccid inside me. Finally, I got off him, peeled off the condom, and tossed it in the trash.

"Thanks for waking me up, love", he said, then he sat up, kissed me, and reached for the phone. "I've got to call work", he explained, and dialed the number. He got ahold of his boss, and said "my mate is in heat, so I won't be in for a few days". Then he was listening, nodding his head, said "Okay", and finally he put the phone back on it's cradle. He turned to me and smiled, then grabbed the vibrator and clicked it on.

We made love for hours after that. God, I couldn't believe how good it felt, and I needed it so badly! We stopped only for lunch, and then went right back to having sex. He fucked me again and again and again, telling me how much he loved me, and using the vibrator on me while he was waiting to get it back up again.

He told me he he loved making me orgasm, and listening to the sounds I made in bed. I could understand that - I had felt the same way when I was a guy, making love to my girlfriends.

I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have found Greg. He was just the perfect lover. And, as he told me over and over, he was madly in love with me....

And that made me feel really guilty. I was, after all, using him as my fuck-toy. But I lied to him anyway, and told him that I loved him too....

And so, he started talking about buying a house with the money from selling the bubble car, and moving in together. I told him we would, not knowing what else I was going to do in post-apocalypse America, and not having any other plans....

Greg told me he thought he would get promoted soon, and that I wouldn't have to work anymore. That sounded pretty nice, living a life of simple leisure.

I thought about his pans for my future, and being a domestic housewife: it was, I thought, kind of appealing. No work, just housekeeping, cooking and cleaning for him, and watching TV and surfing the internet....

And then he brought up children. "I want to have kids", he told me as we rested beside each other after sex, the vibrator humming away in my pussy. I looked away, and he started sliding it back and forth in me, making me gasp and moan in pleasure. Sure, I thought_, you don't have to give birth to them! You get the easy part of the job!_

But the idea of having a child of my own was kind of exciting. I'd never wanted children before, but he was the perfect mate. Raising children with him would be... a fun experience, I was sure. And a very rewarding one, too....

I thought of the girls at work, and how I had felt holding the dog-girls baby.

Then I shook my head angrily as I pictured myself being pregnant, with a swollen belly. How could I even contemplate such a thing? Female hormones, I guess. My body just wanted a baby. My biological clock was ticking, it seemed....

Finally, we broke for dinner, frying pork-chops in a skillet. It was all I could do to keep from masturbating while we ate. Then we went back to bed, and started making love again.

The pleasure he brought me was so_intense,_ and I just couldn't get enough of him....

And he was so sweet to me, and so caring....

God, I just didn't know what to do with Greg.

But slowly, I started to come around. I was, I thought that night, actually starting to love him. And then, some time around mid-night, when he told me he loved me, I told him I loved him too, and I meant it.

Greg was the best thing that had ever happened to me, and I didn't want to let him go....

Finally, we where both too exhausted to do it anymore, and we cuddled up and slept.

And I dreamed. I dreamed we where back at Greg's parents house, and that I was pregnant, my belly huge. His mother was telling me how proud she was of me for making her a grandmother, and I could feel our baby inside me, filling my womb. I could feel his little head and his little arms and legs pushing against the sides of my womb, and I felt such joy and happiness I started to cry....

Then I felt a kick inside me, and I woke up.

I opened my eyes, staring up at the ceiling in the pre-dawn gloom. My whole body felt warm and tingly, my tits and vagina burning with heat, my nipples erect, and my pussy wet. Right away, I put my hands to my belly: it was flat. I wasn't pregnant. It had just been a dream.

And I felt a pang of regret.

I loved Greg, and I wanted to make him happy. And if that meant having his children, I thought, that's what I would do.

And we would get married, and live happily ever after, together.

And somehow, the thought of being pregnant and giving birth didn't really seem to bother me anymore. I kind of wanted it: it would certainly be a new experience, and I wondered what it would be like. Maybe, I thought, just like in the dream, and I put my hand to my womb and rubbed the fur over it. It was exciting just to think about it....

I turned to look at Greg, love in my eyes. He looked so peaceful laying there, his firm furry chest rising and falling as he breathed. I looked down between his legs, and saw he had an erection as he slept. I smiled.

So I straddled his sleeping frame, took his penis in my hand, and sat down on him, impaling myself on his erection with a moan.

He stirred and awoke, looking up at me, and I started working my hips against his, smiling down at him, my tail wagging.

"Sam", he whispered, "I'm not wearing a condom!"

"Greg", I told him, "I want you to get me pregnant...."

He reached up and cupped my breasts, his thumbs running over my erect nipples. "Oh, Sam....", he breathed, a pained expression coming across his face. "That's the heat talking...."

"Shh...", I told him, gently raising and lowing myself on his cock. "I want to have your baby."

"Oh Sam", he told me, "I want you to also, but...."

"But what?"

"But you'll never forgive me when you come out of heat!"

"It's what I want, Greg. What we both want."

"Sam", he said. "Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam...."

Then he closed his eyes and came in me.

I rested there atop him, feeling his penis grow flaccid inside me. I looked down at him lovingly, a smile on my face: we where going to have a baby together! A baby to love, and cherish, and to raise together. It would be wonderful. We would get married, and share a house together, and I would become a housewife, just like he had wanted. Just like, I realized now, we both wanted.

I took his hands off my breasts and held them, then slowly rose off him, his penis sliding out of me with a wet sound, leaving a feeling of emptiness in me.

My stomach grumbled. "Time to make breakfast Greg", I told him with a smile, and we got up.

We made bacon, eggs and toast, sitting down naked to eat. I played footsies with him under the table the whole time, only growing hornier by the minute.

"Are... you sure about this?", he asked me while we ate.

I nodded, smiling at him. "Yes Greg. I want to have our baby."

He leaned over the table and kissed me. "I want you to, too", he said.

We finished breakfast, went to the bathroom, and I suggested that we shower together, even through the shower was rather small.

So we got in the shower, trading places under the shower-head, soaping each-other down with dog shampoo. Greg's penis was erect the whole time, and I was burning with heat and lust. It was all I could do not to rape him in the shower.

We rinsed the shampoo off, and I turned off the water, and we shook ourselves try. I hated the way shaking water off my fur made my teats fly, swaying and bouncing uncomfortably, then jiggling to a stop, but then I had never gotten used to having tits in the first place. Next we got out of the shower and toweled each other off.

Then we stood there, naked in front of each other, our scents mingling in the warm foggy bathroom air. God, I wanted him so badly. I looked down at his erect penis, fascinated by it, and stroked it - I wanted it in me again. I wanted to submit to him again, to have him in me, to loose all control to him and orgasm again.

I smiled at him, taking his hands in mine, and said "Let's go make a baby". He nodded, and I led him to the bed and climbed on it on all fours.

I looked back and up at him and gave him me best coy come-hither look, swishing my tail aside to reveal my glistening wet pussy. He got behind me, put his hands to my waist, and penetrated me. I moaned as I felt his manhood slide electrically through my wet flesh, opening me up and stretching me out.

God, it felt so good to have his penis inside me, hard and long and warm, and throbbing to the beat of his heart.

Then he was thrusting, and I was crying out as waves of pleasure coursed through me from my pussy to each thrust, his balls slamming into my cunt, my burning tits bouncing, swaying and jiggling. I started pushing my hips back against his, bucking. Then he took his hands off my waist, leaned forward, and cupped my breasts in his hands, caressing them while he fucked me, and began to lick the back of my head and my ears.

"Oh... God... yes!", I cried out as the waves of pleasure grew too intense to handle and I came, carried away weightlessly on a massive wave of pleasure as I saw fireworks and shooting stars behind my eyes.

I came for ten or fifteen seconds....

I was panting as I was coming back down to Earth from the orgasm, Greg still humping away, his penis sliding back and forth inside me. Then the waves of pleasure started to return, and in a few minutes Greg brought me to a second orgasm.

God I loved him.

Finally, I felt him push his penis all the way into me, and I felt it grow more engorged and warmer for an instant inside me as he growled atop me, then it was pulsing inside me as he shot his sperm into me, filling the top of my vagina.

I put a hand to my womb, wondering if our baby would be a boy or a girl.

I was hoping for a boy.

"Stay there", he said, pulling out of me and reaching for the vibrator. I looked back at him as he clicked it on, and inserted it into my vagina, it's vibrations creating a warm tingly diffuse sense of pleasure in my pussy.

He started masturbating me, and soon I was crying out in ecstasy again, bucking and squirming and writhing. He got beside me, using the vibrator with one hand while he played with my tits with the other.

I laid down on my side, then rolled over on my back, spreading my legs and putting my knees in the air. "Suck my... tits Greg...", I told him, gasping for air, and he smiled down at me and put his mouth to my right nipple and sucked and sucked and sucked, each suck causing a warm, tingling electric sensation that ran from my tit straight to my pussy. I closed my eyes and moaned, wondering what it would feel like to actually nurse, and to give milk.

God I wanted a baby. Our baby. Greg's and mine. He would be a little me - no, a little us, to love and to cherish and to raise together....

Greg continued to masturbate me, and soon made me cum with the vibrator, and I watched his penis with fascination as he slowly became erect again. Then he took the vibrator out of me, clicked it off, put it back on the night stand, and climbed atop me again.

"I love you Sam", he told me, looking down at me.

"I love you too, Greg", I smiled back up at him, and he penetrated me and we made love again.

We made love all that day, without any protection, breaking only for lunch and dinner, and to use the bathroom.

Finally, we slept.

The next morning, my estrus was just as intense as it had been the previous day, and I still needed him. And my love for him was as intense as ever. And I was still excited about having his baby. So we fucked all day long as Greg knocked me up.

Looking up at him, into his eyes as he fucked me, I couldn't believe I was going to become a mother, and make him a father! I felt so overjoyed at the idea of having a baby that I wanted to cry. I had, I thought, finally come to terms with the idea that I was now a girl, stuck in the future, with no way back to my own time, but I did have a man who loved me, and that was all that mattered.

Between sex sessions, we talked about marriage. Greg wanted his parents to be there, so where going to have to hold off on selling the bubble car just long enough to go back to Riverside and get hitched. We would take our money out of the the bank, and use it to have a wonderful ceremony, officiated by the mayor. Then we would return to D.C. and buy a house with the money from the sale of the bubble car, where I could safely give birth in the hospital.

Greg asked me how many children I wanted, and I thought about it and said "three sounds good". A small family, all our own.

But finally, my estrus started to fade, and the penetration ache I felt in my vagina started to go away. And I started to have doubts about what I was doing....

Did I really want to have Greg's baby? Suddenly, I wasn't too sure. But I did love him, and it was too late to back out now....

Still, I started to come out of heat, I started to have my doubts. After all, I wasn't really a wolf-girl, except on the outside! And what was I thinking of, wanting to marry a wolf-guy! It seemed so ridiculous.

And as my heat started to fade, and my need for Greg faded with it, I was reminded of the time I had taken the sim-cycle. Hadn't I wanted a baby then, too? And when I had come out of heat, hadn't I been really upset over the whole thing?

But the need I was feeling was still there, and Greg was still with me. And when we rested beside each other after sex, he would tell me how much he loved me, and how wonderful our life would be together with our new family, and how he would always be there for me, taking care of me.

It was just so damn hard to say no to him. And I really did want a baby, but as the night drew to a close, and my insatiable need for sex began to fade, I really started to question myself.

Being pregnant started to sound less like an exciting and wonderful adventure, and more like a lot of trouble, and birth less like a miracle and something really painful to go through.

Of course, it was too late now....

Finally, we grew exhausted from sex and slept.

Apocalypse, Ch. 11

The next morning, when I woke up, I wasn't in heat anymore. Instead of being wet and horny, I felt completely sexually satisfied. Only my pussy felt a little sore.... And as I looked over at Greg's sleeping frame, I thought about the last few days,...

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Apocalypse, Ch. 9

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ Greg an I looked at each other, and then back to the uniformed man. _They still have the TSA in the future?_, I wondered. I guess the war on...

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Apocalypse, Ch. 8

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ I awoke, curled up to Greg in bed in the pre-dawn light, his warm furry body a comforting presence. His scent, mingled with mine, filled the...

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