Apocalypse, Ch. 9

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl....

Greg an I looked at each other, and then back to the uniformed man. They still have the TSA in the future?, I wondered. I guess the war on terror never ended....

"Are we in some kind of trouble?", asked Greg.

"Maybe", he replied. "Do you have the registration for that car on you?"

"We found it in the Forbidden Zone, in an old lab", I told him.

"So you're from the Forbidden Zone?", he asked. "Are you Restorationists?", he asked.

There was that word again. I still didn't know what it meant.

Greg looked at me. I looked at the TSA agent. "What's a Restorationist?"

He laughed at that. "That's someone who prowls the ruins, looking for old tech", he replied.

"Well, we did kind of salvage it. We're just here in D.C. to sell it", I said.

"I see", he said. He took a tablet off his belt, turned it one, and began to write on it with a light pen.

Beneath the table, Greg took my hand in his.

"Is there a problem officer?", I asked.

He finished writing. "Mm-hmm. That's an unregistered aerospace vehicle. We're going to have to impound it."

"You can't do that!", Greg exclaimed. "It's ours!"

"How will we get home?!", I blurted out, my ears going flat.

"That's not my problem, ma'am", he said, then pressed a button causing his tablet to print out a piece of paper. He handed it to us. "Come to Central Authority, set up an appointment, pay the registration fee, and you can have it back."

I looked over the official looking piece of paper. It had an address on it, and contact numbers.

"How much is the registration fee?", I asked.

"Ten thousand dollars", he responded, "and you'll have to apply in person."

Then he gave us a short salute, turned on his heel, and walked out.

Greg and I looked at each other. "I wonder how he found us?", I asked.

"They must have been tracking us with cameras", Greg replied.

Great. The whole city must be under surveillance if he could find us here, I thought.

"Well, it looks like where stuck in D.C. for awhile", Greg said.

I nodded. "Come on, let's get back to our room and set up an appointment with these guys", I suggested.

So we left a tip, got up, and went outside to hail a rick-shaw.

We arrived at the Hilton, took the elevator up to the fourteenth floor, and went to our room. One there, I went straight to the phone and called the number on the piece of paper. A secretary answered, and I told her I needed to set up an appointment to get registration for a bubble car. She took my name, and told me to show up in two weeks time, at two in the afternoon.

"Two weeks?!", I was shocked. Bureaucracy at it's finest. It seemed that little had changed since my era. I wrote down the date and time.

Behind me, Greg was sitting on the corner of the bed. He had the TV on, and had found an action movie. On it, a group of uplifted animals with futuristic weapons where sneaking through a forest.

"What are you watching?", I asked.

"A Band of Furries", was his reply. "It's about World War Four."

I sat down to watch it with him. In the movie, uplifted animals where fighting humans and wickedly armed looking drones and robots with nothing but their wits, senses, and some guided missile launchers and what looked like blasters from Star Wars.

"Greg", I said, getting an idea, "we're stuck here for two weeks. Let's get an apartment and move out of this hotel."

"Fine with me", he replied, not taking his eyes from the TV, fascinated by it.

So I went to the phone-book, and started looking for apartments. There where plenty to choose from, but the first thing I noticed was that many of them had a disclaimer saying "No Humans or Pets". I frowned. That's weird, I thought, the sign I saw upon first entering Riverside had said "Humans Welcome!"

I started calling, looking for a place we could rent week-to-week that was furnished, and finally found a travel lodge. They told me to "drop by anytime, we have plenty of room", so I dug a pen from my purse and wrote down the address. Then we packed up and left, checking out on ground floor. We took a rick-shaw to the travel lodge, walked into their air-conditioned office, and met the owner, another tall, blond haired and blue eyed man with a quick smile. He looked a little young to be the owner, maybe in his early thirties, but he knew his stuff. We asked him for a one-bed room for two weeks, and he nodded, showing us a room a with a mini-kitchen, a bathroom with a shower, a large wall-mounted TV, and one of those black truncated pyramid computers.

"Here you go", he said. "It has cable TV and the east coast internet. For only two thousand dollars a week!"

"Do you take gold?", I asked.

"Sure do", he replied. He led us back to the office, took four of our gold coins, and gave us back some change. Then he had us sign some paperwork, gave us both blue plastic key-cards, and walked us back to our room.

Back inside, I went straight to the kitchen while Greg sat down in front of the TV. The refrigerator was empty. There where also no cups, plates, or silverware.

I sighed - we where going to have to do some shopping. I wondered how long our money would last.

I went to the phone-book and looked up "pizza". Surprisingly, there where still Pizza Hut's. So I called one, and ordered a triple meat pizza with extra cheese. They told me it would be delivered by drone in fifteen minutes. So the future has drone delivery service, I thought with a smile, and hung up.

Behind me, I could hear moaning and cries of passion: Greg had found another porn channel. On it, two vixen-girls where going at it with vibrators. I sighed: men, I thought. I can't believe I used to be one....

I took the remote control from Greg's hand and changed the channel to some kind of documentary on fishing. "Hey, I was watching that!", he protested. I tossed the remote on the bed, and hefted my breasts for him with my hands.

"What's wrong with me?", I smiled down at him. He smiled up at me, got up, and kissed me.

Soon, we where making out while the TV played in the background. Then the door-bell rang, interrupting us: the pizza was here.

I opened the door. Outside, a small quad-copter drone was waiting with a stack of pizza's. It had a 3D video-screen, and a mouse woman looked at at us and said "two hundred and thirteen dollars please", while a tray opened up on the copter. I put the money the in the tray, took our pizza, and we went in and ate.

At least pizza hadn't changed.

After that, we went back to making out, eventually making love and sleeping together in the oversize bed.

The next morning I had my first hot shower since I had woken up in the future, although there was no soap and no towels. So I shook myself off and got dressed. Greg was up and dressed already, and we decided to go shopping to get the stuff we needed and stock the fridge.

We took a rick-shaw to the supermarket, and bought food, wine, dog-shampoo, and towels. We found disposable paper plates, and cutlery made out of something called "bio-plastic", whatever that was. We also bought a box of bio-plastic trash bags.

That cost us another five hundred dollars in gold. On the way back, I did some quick math, and realized we might start to run out of money, with the ten thousand dollar registration fee coming up, and I brought that up with Greg.

"It looks like where going to have to get jobs", I told him, wondering what the job situation was like in D.C. It had been pretty dismal back in my time, but hopefully, there where was no Great Recession or anything going on....

Greg agreed, and after we unloaded the groceries, I opened up the phone book and looked for temp agencies. Again, some had disclaimers saying "Human's need not apply". I shook my head: it was starting to look like discrimination against humans was a very real thing in D.C.

We made an appointment, and by mid-afternoon we where in another air-conditioned building being given aptitude tests and filling out paper work. Greg, it turned out, was only fit for manual labor, but I could type, and it seemed that typists and data entry clerks where in demand. We where each given an address to show up to the next morning, and our lives as regular workers began.

Greg got a job clearing construction sites, and I got a job as a data entry clerk for a firm that did government paperwork.

My first day on the job, I found out that my co-workers where all uplifted animals: mice, rats, cats, two dogs, and a fox, all of various ages. One of the mouse-girls was obviously pregnant, and one of the dog-girls was nursing a little puppy-baby from her breast in a baby sling worn on her chest.

God, looking at her, she looked so happy and matronly. I felt an instinctive urge to hold the baby in my arms, and asked her if I could. "Sure!", she replied, "I could use a break. Take care of him for me for awhile!", and she handed me her baby.

He was a cute little thing, brown furred, and holding him and bouncing him I cood to him and gave him my finger to suck. I sighed, wishing I had a baby of my own to nurse and take care of, and then I frowned, shocked at my own maternal instincts coming out. My body, it seemed, certainly did want a baby, even though my mind was horrified at the prospect of getting pregnant and giving birth to a baby of my own!

Having female hormones, I thought, sure is strange!

I shook off the feelings and handed her the baby back. She smiled down at him lovingly, putting him back in the sling, and he grasped her breast in his little hands and began to suckle. She made coo-ing noises and began to rock him.

God, I wondered what that felt like. And I hoped I would never find out.

The person I was working for who ran the whole outfit appeared to be a human in his early thirties, with blond hair and blue eyes. When I asked one of the mice why a human was working here, when the temp agency said it didn't want any, she told me that he was an Inheritor, and that all of our bosses where Inheritors.

D.C., it seemed, was racially stratified, with Inheritors on the top of the food chain.

So that night, after work, I used the pyramid computer to do some research on Inheritors, but all I could find was what I already knew: they where genetically modified immortal humans, perfect in every way, with genius level IQ's.

That got me interested in why there was discrimination against regular humans, and a little searching found it for me: the genetics law of 2302 had stripped ordinary human beings of their right to vote after so many had supported the Caliphate of Europe, which was wholly human, in World War Four.

Then there where a series of human revolts, all of which had been forcefully put down with extreme bloodshed. The remaining humans where cloistered into camps and forced to work menial jobs, mostly in agriculture.

It was a real shock.

President Wallace, it seemed, wasn't such a benevolent dictator after all.

But the days passed as we worked, watched TV, and made love in our little apartment until the day came for our appointment at Central Authority.

We took the day off work, and arrived by rick-shaw at a huge glass and steel skyscraper, carrying our piece of paper. In we went, and where immediately met with a greeter in a black uniform. Unlike the Inheritors, he had brown hair and eyes, and seemed a little old though. I wondered why an ordinary human was working at Central Authority, and asked him. "Oh, I'm not a human", he said with a smile, "I'm a clone of Gerald Stevens, the war hero!"

That's when I noticed that there where a dozen copies of the guy working at desks and helping people. They even had the same scent!

He led us to a waiting room and we took our place among a diverse group of uplifted animals, Inheritors, and even some ordinary humans. There, we waited our turn to be called.

Finally, our number was up. We approached the desk while another Gerald typed something into the 3D display on his computer. Finally, he looked up at us and said: "I see your here to register a bubble car", and began printing out paperwork.

We nodded, and he handed us a thick sheaf of papers and two pens. We went to a table, and sat down to go through them.

They wanted to know everything about us! From our birthplace, to our marriage status and how many children we had, to what our plans where for the bubble car. That last part was easy: we where going to sell it. For a birth place, I simply put down "Forbidden Zone", and for a birthday, I simply counted back twenty-two years to 2295.

Eventually we finished the paperwork, and turned it in. He asked for the ten thousand dollar fee, and we paid him with most of our remaining coin. Then we where led by another Gerald to a small room where we where photographed and had our irises scanned, and then we where led to an administrators office - another blond haired, blue eyed thirty-ish perfect Inheritor. He looked up at us and said "It will take about two weeks to process your paperwork, then you can have your car back."

Two weeks! This place was as bad as the the DMV! All these centuries, and government still hadn't changed....

Worse, mating season was coming, and in two weeks, I would be in heat! I sighed, wondering what I was going to do....

Greg asked where we could pick up the car when he was finished, and he told we would be mailed some paperwork giving us the location. We thanked him and left, since there was really nothing else we could do.

When we got home, we made dinner, and Greg watched TV while I got on the computer. The first thing I did was type "Gerald Stevens" into the search bar, and an impressive biography came up.

Gerald, it seemed, was chosen as a template for cloning because of his loyalty and undying patriotism, as well as his combat skills. Clones, it seemed, matured and aged at twice the rate of humans, due to "epigenetic factors", whatever those where. Geralds had been made since the mid twenty-third century, and where the most common form of clone in government work, due to their high stress tolerance and lack of ambition.

Well, that answered that.

Next, I needed something more personal - I typed "Birth control for uplifted wolves" into the search bar, and got listings for sex shops specializing in wolves, selling condoms fit for wolf penises and also sex toys. I found one that was open late, and wrote down the address, deciding to visit it.

So I kissed Greg good-bye, and got into a rick-shaw and headed out to find "Needs for Wolves", the shop listed on the internet.

It was a simple one story affair, but the inside was stacked with porn videos on ram-sticks, erotic magazines, and sex toys of all kinds, including very realistic looking female wolf dolls. I asked the wolf behind the counter for a box of condoms, and he asked me "what size?"

I held my hands apart, the length of Greg's erect penis, and he smiled and found me a box of a hundred ribbed ones. "This should more than last you", he told me with a wink.

Remembering the time I had taken sim-cycle, and how frustrating it had been between our fucking sessions waiting for Greg to get it back up again, I asked him for a vibrator. He found me a nice blue one, and satisfied, I paid for my purchases and left, returning home.

I went in and set my shopping bag down on the bed. To my dismay, Greg was watching porn again. "Guess what I bought!", I whispered into his ear, and showed him the box of condoms and the vibrator.

He licked me on the ear and asked, "So when does your cycle start?"

"In about two weeks", I answered. "But we can try out the vibrator tonight!", and I started to take off my clothes.

Greg joined me, and soon we where both naked and in bed. He licked my pussy and clitoris with his long wolfy tongue until I was good and wet, and then turned on the vibrator and slid it up into me. I moaned as it's thick vibrating length slid past my wet inner flesh, creating a diffuse sense of pleasure in my pussy as it vibrated inside me. Then Greg began to suck my tits while sliding the vibrator back and forth inside me, making me cry out and thrash in bed! God it felt good!

In minutes I had lost all control and was begging him to fuck me for real, but he kept masturbating me until I came, leaving it in me as I came down from my orgasm, vibrating away....

Then, when I could see and think again, he pulled it out of me and clicked it off. By now, he had a raging erection, and he climbed atop me and fucked me for another ten minutes, making me cum twice before he came himself.

After that night, the vibrator became a regular thing in our sex sessions.

Work dragged on for another week or so, when one morning I started to get hot and cold flashes. Worried that I was coming down with something, I told the boss I was getting sick, and he let me take the rest of the day off.

On the way back home, riding in a rick-shaw, I couldn't help but think about Greg. He would probably want to take time off to take care of me, and I smiled to myself, knowing how much he loved me! I would, I thought, make up for his troubles with some great sex, once I wasn't sick any more, because, I didn't want to give him whatever it was I had.

Once inside, I sat down at the computer and typed "uplifted wolf symptom hot and cold flashes" into the search bar. The first thing to come up was a page entitled "What to expect when you go into heat".

Scowling, I clicked on it. Sure enough, the hot and cold flashes where caused by the bodies production of estrogen: I was going into heat! Already! A week earlier than I had expected!

I sighed, and continued reading. According to this, I would be in heat for two or three days, so I called work and told them that my estrus cycle was starting and that I needed three days off. My boss told me he understood, and to come back to work when I was ready, and "wouldn't rape your co-workers."

I hung up the phone, and laid there in bed for awhile. So, I was going into heat! I remembered the sim-cycle, and what a trial it had been, but at least now I was prepared: I had condoms and the vibrator....

Greg, I thought, would be overjoyed to hear it, and I smiled at the thought: he really did love me, and we enjoyed great sex together, but still I couldn't help but to feel a little nervous.

Two to three days....

It was going to be a lot of sex.

So I busied myself with making lunch, trying to ignore the hot and cold flashes, and noticing that my body was feeling like it was warming up - especially my breasts and vagina. Then tingles started to settle in my underbelly, and my nipples started to come erect every time they rubbed against my bra....

And I couldn't stop thinking about Greg, even as I ate. I kept seeing mental images of his naked body flashing through my mind, and by mid-afternoon, I was pretty horny. Even the TV wasn't distracting enough, and I could feel a wetness between my legs.

I kept looking at the clock, wondering when he would be home, knowing it wouldn't be until about five thirty. It couldn't be soon enough, I thought, and tried to distract myself by making some sandwiches for him, and putting them in the fridge.

Horny as hell, I couldn't wait until he got back, so I switched the TV to a porn channel, finding one dedicated to uplifted dogs and wolves, and I took off my clothes and got in bed. There, I took the vibrator from the night-stand drawer, and switched it on, penetrating myself and masturbating while I watched uplifted dogs and wolves banging each other on TV, thinking of Greg the whole time.

God, I wished Greg would hurry up and come home and fuck me! I wanted to smell his scent, to feel his hands on my body, to feel his lips on my rock-hard nipples.....

I gave myself a half dozen orgasms, imagining it was Greg doing me the whole time, and I was working on another when I heard the door open, and Greg came in. Immediately, he sniffed the air, catching my scent, and I looked up at him from the bed, smiling, the vibrator sticking out of my pussy, humming away....

"Oh, Samantha...", he said, smiling down at me, and I let go of the vibrator and gestured for him to come to me.

"I'm in heat, Greg", I told him with a grin, and he closed the door behind him and walked up to me, kissing me on the nose. He took his clothes off, revealing his muscular male wolf body to me in all it's glory, and he got into bed with me.

He took the vibrator from between my legs, clicked it off, and set it down on the night stand, opening the box of condoms. I watched as his penis started to come erect, and I licked my lips - I wanted him in me. I wanted to submit to him, to be fucked by him, to loose all control and cum with his penis thrusting in me....

He slid one of the ribbed condoms over his erect shaft, grinning at me as I spread my legs, my knees in the air. Here it comes!, I thought excitedly as he climbed atop me, and he penetrated me.

I let out a little howl as I felt the ribs of the condom sliding past my wet inner walls, his penis stretching me out and filling me, sending a wave of pleasure through me. God, it felt so huge inside me, warm and long and hard, throbbing to his heartbeat....

Then he was thrusting, each thrust sending another wave of pleasure through me, making me cry out in ecstasy as my tits bounced and shook to his motion, his balls slamming into my cunt.

Then he took one hand and began to gently rub my clitoris as he fucked me, kissing me at the same time, making me scream in pleasure and buck as bright bolts of sensation shot from my clitoris to my brain. It was too much! I couldn't take it anymore and I came, floating weightlessly and helplessly as a massive warm wave of pleasure poured through my body, making me howl and scream his name as my vagina spasmed around his cock and I creamed....

As I slowly started to come back down to Earth, the pleasure started to fade but the desire for him didn't, and I smiled up at him, so glad I had him with me, his penis in me....

Then he stopped thrusting and pushed his penis as far up my vagina as he could, growling as he came. I could feel his penis pulsing inside me as he shot his cum into the condom. Then he collapsed atop me, and we started kissing as I felt his penis going flaccid inside me.

Finally, he got off me, pulling his penis out of me, leaving a sensation of emptiness in my vagina. I was still trying to catch my breath as he peeled off the wet condom and tossed it in the trash. Then he laid down beside me, and we smiled at each other, our tails wagging.

"How was that, Samantha?", he asked with a grin. I grinned back at him as my vagina began to ache with the need to be penetrated again. God, I wanted him back in me!

"Do it again, Greg!" I begged. And he reached over for the vibrator and clicked it on.

"Give me a few minutes", he said, and penetrated me with the vibrator, making me gasp.

Then he leaned over me and began to suck my tit while he masturbated me with the vibrator, making me thrash and howl in pleasure, until I came again, and then again.

Then finally he was erect again, and he put another condom on and climbed atop me, entering me, and we made love again.

We made love all night long, interspersed with sessions with the vibrator, until we where both too exhausted to stay awake, and we finally fell asleep in each others arms.

Apocalypse, Ch. 10

I awoke the next morning cuddled up to Greg, deeply in heat. I moaned - my pussy was wet, and my burning vagina ached to be penetrated. My breasts where warm, my nipples erect. My whole body felt warm and tingly. I looked over at Greg: he was deeply...

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Apocalypse, Ch. 8

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ I awoke, curled up to Greg in bed in the pre-dawn light, his warm furry body a comforting presence. His scent, mingled with mine, filled the...

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Apocalypse, Ch. 7

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ It took a week to sell all the cars I had keys too, and I used the time to read the owners manual for the bubble car. It turned out that...

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