Game Renamon

Story by Sharpfang on SoFurry

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Game Renamon

a fanfic by Sharpfang

Dedicated to Trapper

Two strong male slaves in oiled leather harnesses brought the heavy slab covered with black silk, then set it upright against the far wall. They bowed and left. Master bowed his head to Castellana who walked up to the slab and removed the silk.

The slim, muscular but feminine body, yellow and white fur, sparkling, narrow blue eyes with dark zig-zag marks below them, smooth, long, bushy tail with white tip, thin ears pointing backwards like stilettos, pointed nose tip, dark violet sleeves, whirly marks on thighs... She was held to the slab with thick, wide metal bracers, her neck, lower chest, thighs, ankles, arms and wrists kept firmly in place by separate bands attached to the slab.

"Hello, Renamon." Master Kami stood up and walked up to the figure. He was a human man in his forties, short neatly trimmed beard and mustache, long black-silver hair, a black gold-rimmed kimono, the dark eyes full of attention.

Renamon turned her head, taking the location in, her eyes adjusting to the gentle light of many candles after days spent in darkness. The room was a traditional Japaneese style, doors on two sides opening on a dark outside, full moon, a meadow going down the hill, black trees below, and many small houses over dark-blue sea, moon and stars reflecting in the calm water. There was also a woman, the Castellana, a human female in tight black outfit that kept her breasts proudly pointing through a narrow gap, multiple buckles, straps and D-loops for attaching ropes and restricting her freedom, currently unused, her rich, dark hair in a loose bun. There were some mats and a low table with two meals set, some candle stands and not much more in the room. Another door led into the residence.

As Master Kami reached to stroke Renamon's head, she snapped her teeth, trying to bite. Castellana gasped loudly, covering her mouth, but Master was way too fast to get caught like that, he touched the long ear, while the vixen squirmed under the touch.

"Will you allow this... cheek, this... insubordination, Master? Why did you purchase this... animal?"

"There are things that can be changed, things that can't be changed and things that will change at their right time. For her, it was impossible not to try to bite me now and as such, punishment makes no sense. And don't underestimate her, she is more intelligent, better educated and has better manners than you, my Castellana. That's why I purchased her, to make her my Castellana in your place."

"Master? Have I not served you well? Why would you dispose of me?" - The voice was scared, Castellana on her knees expecting punishment for her cheek.

"Some things cannot be changed, like your heart. I request your assistance in preparing Renamon to her new role, and in exchange for your help I offer you freedom."

"Freedom? I would never wish..."

"Silence. It's time to end the act. I know of your secret affair and your desire, I know why you acted so faithful and so perfect as my servant, to remove all suspicions, to be a flawless servant during the day while seeking a way of escape during the night. I have allowed for your antics exactly for that reason, for your perfect, flawless service. Your strength of will and patience have impressed me so as a reward I'm giving you this chance to escape. I still expect flawless service and hard work, but redirect your nightly efforts onto this fox, and as soon as she takes the place of my castellana, you will be free to go back to your secret lover, and receive a rich reward for your service."

"And what if I fail?"

"I'm not asking much, just that you don't sabotage the efforts of others, provide assistance wherever necessary, undertake wise steps, use your skills. I don't even request results or successes, just efforts."

"Thank you, Master." the voice was firm, but two tears fell on the floor below Castellana's deeply bowed head.

"Now I will set her free. Pass these regulations to all the slave masters, slaves, constructs and dwarves. They are not to interfere unless she asks them personally. She will be free to roam the island freely, do whatever she wants, take whatever she wants, she should receive any assistance she desires with the following exceptions: Leaving the island, accessing the Missile Command and the Power Plant. These two areas are off-limits to her as well. Still, any of her own attempts at leaving the island should only be reported to me, not interfered with. Report her sightings and activities, but don't trace specifically, she is to receive all the privacy she desires if she wishes so."

"Yes, Master. It will be so."

"Do it now."

"Yes, Master." Castellana bowed her head and left.

"Renamon, you understood it, I presume. If you care to share a table with me and eat a meal together, I'd be delighted, but my guess is it will not be so, and in this case feel free to pick any fruit you find in the garden and live off this land. All doors are open to you except of the ones that could tempt you to kill many. Now, you are free to go."

The clamps clicked, the bracers opened and Renamon was not there any more. Master Kami sat by the table and ate his meal, the other set untouched. He didn't rise his gaze to meet the blue eyes observing him from the distance in the darkness.

*"Master, there was a report on the pier. She has taken a small sailboat and took it to the sea."*

*"Tell the portmaster to keep the edges wrapped, don't allow her course to coincide with arrivals and departures. Give her enough room for three days of travel, good wind, good weather. Rough her up with a small storm on the third night, nothing too hard though."*

Renamon sat at the rudder of the boat, as the wind caressed the fluff of her chest. She wrapped herself in a bright yellow anorak, it was getting seriously cold. The first day she was in euphoric mood. Perfect weather, warm, strong wind, the boat skimmed the tops of the waves. Going northeast, she was bound to reach a major landmass in two days at that pace, as she remembered from the map posted near the bay in the port village.

Nobody said a word when she took the boat, loaded it with some fruit and smoked fish she had found on the way, and took it to the sea. But at the end of the second day, there was still no land. She didn't sleep all night, afraid of reefs, and now the weather was getting worse, the food was all gone, thirst was getting to her, the cold wind pierced through her fur, forced her to wear human clothes for the first time in her life and made her paws ache from keeping the sail against the rapid gusts - even though now she was traveling twice as fast as before. There was no land in sight, dark clouds covered the sky and it was getting dark. Then, still far in front of her, a thunder hit the surface of the water. She just squinted her eyes, found a rope and proceeded to tie her waist to the boat, leaving some slack to move around.

Over the last two days her mind has cleared a lot from the turmoil, shock and fear of the capture and imprisonment. She had a lot of time to rethink her situation. Taken from the Digital Plane, mere weeks after she digivolved from the tiny, cute four-legged viximon, bound, locked in a crate, she was treated as a cargo - precious cargo, but cargo nevertheless. She had longed to find a way to the real world, she had longed to find a strong tamer, a person who would give her enough strength to oppose everything and everyone who would stand in her way. And now she found herself in this weird place, and was truly scared.

The digital world was not a safe place, but here, everywhere, she could smell pain, lots of pain. The leather straps on the oiled chest of the muscular men smelled like pain. The perfectly round buttocks of Castellana sticking through tight latex bore red stripes where the skin still ached. As she ran through the orchard, there were fruit trees, and there were trees where the fruit were humans, men hanging by their hands and legs, with their erect members pointing at the grass below, their spines bent painfully, and women tied to the trees, often with their legs forced wide apart, their muscles aching in pain, their eyes tightly squeezed, and this smell, this scent of bodies, of latex and leather, and mechanisms and oil. There were constructs, machines that crawled in the darkness and observed. She didn't stay long, she picked some fruits and ran to the port, to the shore, where the sea breeze took that terrifying scent from her nostrils and replaced it with serene salt of the sea.

And that person... "Master Kami", she recalled the name. She shook in fear thinking of him. There was something about him, about his calm, patient gaze, deep husky voice, his impeccable manners and limitless confidence, that sent shivers up her spine. "So I wanted a strong tamer... A truly strong tamer... I guess I got more than I bargained for. Much more than I can handle. Much, much more."

The thunders were closer, the wind pulled the boat at full speed. Renamon began pulling the sail down the mast and securing it tightly, then drank the small remainder of drinkable water from a jug and ate the last piece of smoked fish, before the storm could take them away.

No longer than two minutes later, the storm hit her. Cold rain drenched her fur in matter of seconds, the waves shook the boat madly, and the sky got utterly dark.

Then she spotted lights in the distance.

A glance at the compass assured her about the northwestern course, and gripping the rudder tightly, she pondered pulling the sail back on the mast. But even without the sail, the wind pushed the boat hard, and the waves, getting higher each moment, were dangerously close to rolling the boat over.

Ankles deep in water, she grabbed the bucket and began removing the water from the boat, but every new wave was filling the boat much faster. Suddenly the wind direction changed, the boom swung to the other side of the boat and hit her head hard. The painful blow made her shake her head dazed and pause for a moment. The lights were much closer... or maybe that was an illusion due to the injury?

She could see the lights of the shore, boats pulled up the sandy beach, a small wooden pier, light of houses hidden in a forest running up the hill. There were people on the pier, watching her. The land reduced the wind a bit, but the waves were so high she could barely hold. The boat was half-full of water. Then a thunder tore the sky and ran down along the mast. The horrible pain, the burning limpness as her limbs refused to cooperate, water rushing in through a hole in the hull, the rope around her waist holding her secured to the sinking boat, and the electric shock making her utterly helpless, unable to move a finger.

As the water closed above her head, she felt hands fumbling with the rope, a knife, then strong arms pulling her to the surface.

She didn't breathe. She didn't feel like breathing was something she needed to do, or knew how to do. Her consciousness was fading, the remainder of her conscious mind tried to convince her to breathe, but the body just didn't care.

Then she felt mouth on her mouth and air was forced into her lungs. Her body recalled breathing, began the routine anew, but her consciousness slipped away. The last she heard was "Bring her to Master's residence."

Warm blankets. Warmth. Soft bedroll. Soft pillow. Warmth seeped through the blanket from one side, quiet crackling of fire. Her whole body was so tired, so exhausted, so weak. Cold inside, and aching from the shock.

"Have some warm milk, Renamon." she heard a soft female voice. Castellana was there and she held a cup in her hands. Renamon forced herself to turn her head and see the room. There was nobody but them, the bedroll right by the fireplace radiating warmth into her body, Castellana wearing an ornate kimono this time, kneeling by her.

"Where is Master Kami?"

"He left as soon as you began to regain consciousness. He didn't want to stress you with his presence. He won't come unless you ask him to.", she handed the cup of milk. With shaky hands, Renamon accepted it and put it to her lips, sipping the hot, sweet liquid, which delightfully warmed her inside.

"Thank you", she whispered, returning the empty cup. Milk, honey, some herbs, cinnamon, she recognized the tastes and aromas. "It was delicious."

"The herbs will allow you good, restful sleep, but before they act you can ask whatever you want."

"Why did they send me back?"

"The people at the Dog Head Rock? They saw you sailing from south-east, and as soon as they got you, they carried you to the residence, by Master's orders. You must have made a full circle around the sphere, since you departed to north-west. This island is one of three landmasses on this sphere, and the other two are just a small uninhabited, wild islands, one tropical, and one barren and rocky."

"And the map? The continent?"

"The map at Squid Bay? It is a four hundred years old antique, long obsolete."

Renamon raised her head and held Castellana's hand in her paw.

"Please, help me escape. How can I escape this place?"

"I had thought you can escape for a long time, but the only ways of escape I found are worse than staying here. You may become someone else's slave. You may escape into death or madness. But the only route of true escape? Only through his mind. You must make him wish to free you, only then you can be free."

"I'm scared of him. I'm deadly afraid of him."

"And rightly so, but if you can master your fear, you can play a game with him. The game is ghastly horrifying. If you lose, you lose parts of yourself. It's the mind game of dependence, domination, desires and fears. You can't beat him at the game, it's impossible, but if you play well enough to impress him, he will yield and grant you victory. And you can't refuse to play. The game will go on, whether you want it or not. You are already in it."

"Lose parts of yourself? How so?"

"You hate him now, don't you? Just see how long till he shakes this part. I no longer wish his death or suffering, I am no longer tempted to disobey his orders, I crave his touch like I hated it before. I am now afraid I won't be able to leave the island when he sets me free, I'm still afraid this declaration is just another cruel game on his side."

"Is there no other way to escape than through that stupid game?"

"It is thirty years I have spent here and I found no way out. But then, I never had the freedom you have now. Gather knowledge, seek, use the right to enter every nook and corner you desire and request any help you may require. Seek, snoop, search. You are free to do so. I never had that comfort, I had to pay for every piece of information I gathered dearly."

"Except the missile command and the power plant... do you think the answer is there?"

"No. Only death of us all. The exit is elsewhere and you may find it."

"How do you know?"

"He's adamant about certain rules of the game. The opponent is always given a chance. You are never unable to win. Only misguided into losing. Sometimes he lets me watch the game he plays with others from his perspective, reveals his plans and intentions to me, and I see how the victims follow the steps he designated them while thinking they just defy him. But..."

Renamon lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. The warmth filled her body and her head got heavy.

"But I just can't see how he can foresee your moves giving you that much freedom. I just can't see him win if you take it cautiously and use your advantages wisely. And I wish to see his face when you have made your escape. I wish it almost as much as to meet my lover."

...and Renamon drifted off to sleep.

*"Perfect work, Castellana. Flawless."*

*"I believed everything I had said."*

*"She would sense it, if you didn't."*

*"So, there is no way she could escape?"*

*"I never said that."*

As she opened her eyes, she sensed a presence. The old man was there, sitting by a table set for two, watching her. Seeing her wake up, he gestured, inviting her to the table. The door was open, dawn rising over the distant sea. She was rested, strong and healthy again, recovered in full and very hungry. The food smelled delicious. She swallowed, stood up and bowed courtly.

"Thank you for your kindness, Master but please forgive me, I will take my leave now."

"If that is your wish."

...and she was gone.

She found fruit in the garden, and a fountain full of crystal clear water. She averted her gaze from shapes of humans hanging like fruits on some trees, and chased away a disturbing thought of picking them like fruit for nutrition. She walked to the edge of the forest and sat on a rock overhanging the small port town from where she had made her unfortunate escape. Eating fruit, she thought about it.

She sensed a presence, and turned, facing a terrifying spider-like construct, gazing at her from a short distance with multiple lens-like eyes. The thin, long sharp legs supported the black irregular torso with multiple odd appendages. As she stepped back from the shocking sight, she found no support for her legs, there was the overhanging and a long fall down, and she was about to fall. Then suddenly the sharp legs shot forward and held her, supported her back and released her when she regained her balance.

"Thank you... I guess... if you can understand me..." she muttered.

"I have a message to you from master Kami", the construct said with a synthetic, clicking and hissing voice. Then he replayed the voice of the man. "I know you are shy to request assistance from anyone yourself, so I'm assigning this construct to serve you with any help you desire. If you do not wish its assistance, you can send it back or request it to leave and come back at a later time. However, it can serve you with many skills you will find very useful, so before you refuse my offer, consider its usefulness."

The construct bowed in a creepy parody of a courtly bow, and stood motionlessly.

" how can you help me?"

"I have access to the central library of the Lunarium. I have the neuromatic sting, which will allow you to travel the sphere and the cybersphere with lightness of thought. I have keys to all locks and power to change everything that can be changed in the sphere."

"So, where's the catch?"

"I am not allowed to provide you with any direct information or assistance in leaving Lunarium. I am not allowed to act violently. I am not allowed to disobey Master's future orders."

"And you are not allowed to withhold any information from Master, are you?"

"That is not necessary. The neuromatic grid of Lunarium makes such requirements redundant."

"What is the neuromatic grid?"

"Touch the sting. It will answer your question much faster and clearer than speech."

A needle shot from the top of the construct head, a sharp horn-like tip the length of a thumb.

"How do I use it?"

"Hurt yourself lightly with it."

Renamon reached fearfully and touched the needle with her finger. It didn't hurt the least bit, she barely felt the touch. But suddenly the limits of physics were gone.

She felt that with some, not even all that much effort, she can still rise her paw and sever the link, but now she could leave her body behind and go anywhere, in any direction at any speed, and that included up and down, fly through the air and through the soil. And there was nothing to obscure her sight either. She saw everything with the same clarity as always, but she could just will to see anything behind. She could see under ground, through the soil, see deep shafts and underground chambers. She saw the island was in fact a platform standing on four artificial mile-long legs on the bottom of the sea. She saw the sphere wrapping on itself and forming a closed world, not quite a planet because a planet is round. The sphere... was a sphere only in the name, and in the fact that if you go continuously forward, you eventually come back to where you started from, but it was a flat slice of the world, looping back into itself countless times, without edges but with well defined size.

And she sensed the cybersphere. Another world overlaying the original one, connecting creatures, constructs and places, with information flowing through it, reflecting every thought, feeling and desire. She touched it and felt, with tears in her eyes, the matter of the digital world, the same kind of land as where she was created. This one was not quite like her home though. It was tame, orderly and well organized. It was also much smaller. Sure there was a gate outside, to a wide world, possibly to her old home, but the gate was guarded and watched, she was not allowed to pass.

She could feel the streams of data, feel their content, taste the feelings they carried.

Some of the data was dry, hot and felt like spider web. It connected the span of the land, the ever-watchful constructs. Most of it, though, carried pain and arousal. That was a weird pain she began to understand slowly. That pain was like food and air, a requirement to live, an addiction for most humans on the island. They needed it to function, to focus, to get through the day. Without pain they would lose concentration, sense of aim. They lived to give and receive more of it, the pain building another need in them, a need Renamon knew -about-, but didn't -know- herself. She was curious and fascinated by the mating rituals, by the sophisticated positions, by the countless ways to cause sexual release, and she was panicked by how closely this was connected to pain. She was fascinated, and simultaneously terrified at the intensity of the feelings. They all caused her to react, her body to answer with a pleasurable shiver. Pulled deeper into the web, losing grasp of herself, overwhelmed by the maze of flesh, ecstasy, pain, frustration and its release, and abuse of all negative feelings there are for intensifying the pleasure, with the last of her consciousness she raised her paw, broke the connection, then collapsed to her knees.

She knelt and cried, feeling dirty, feeling her mind full of these images. She fell on all fours, shaking, as the spider retreated. Her stomach turned and she vomited all the fruit she had eaten. She was shaking whole, unable to contain her sobs and tears. The ideas of humiliation, disgust, fear, prolonged suffering, all that used as stimulant for pleasure, the mere shade of thought about it, it was utterly unbearable, sending her head in a spin, making her whole body shiver and spasm. And worst of all was the sensation of attraction to all that. The dreadful desire, the fact that it was all a part of her, that her body, her subconscious mind wanted it all, was making her panic. There was nowhere to escape from it, utterly nowhere, not even into her own mind. She cried and howled from fear, her throat shaken in loud, pitiful cries. She stood up and began walking aimlessly, staggering on her feet, howling cries of a tortured puppy, from the pain of her innocent, virgin mind raped over and over by the images and sensations, her eyes blank, filled with horror.

She didn't perceive, didn't hear the steps approaching. A hand gently held her paw, the sensation so insignificant in the overwhelming cloud of shock she couldn't even feel it. Neither did she feel the sting of the needle in her arm. But she felt all the hard shock swimming away, insignificant, losing focus. Then she lost consciousness.

*"Did you foresee it?"*

*"No, my Master. If I did, I would have warned you."*

*"Such a horrible mistake. All I wanted was to give her a key to more knowledge."*

*"She sure seemed stronger mentally. We both overestimated her stamina"*

*"No, we underestimated her sensibility."*

Renamon sat huddled in the corner, covering herself with a blanket, watching the room with cautious eyes, her ears flicking nervously, fishing every sound of the house. The door to the garden was, as always, open, but she didn't run this time. It was the third day in this room, slaves in modest kimono clothes were bringing her food and drink, and doses of drug that made the images go away. Master Kami showed up only once, he bowed deeply and apologized. Then he left without another word, fully aware his further presence could only make her more nervous.

This time though, she skipped her dose of the drug. She ate the food and even walked around the room a bit. And now she sat, not to sulk, but to think clearly, without the drug dulling her mind.

She was strong. She was not going to allow that experience destroy her. She would not give up, she would not surrender. She needed a plan, and for a plan she needed knowledge. And knowledge was to be gained through the spider's sting, and she could not allow herself to panic again. Not only she would have to face the streams of pain again, she couldn't skip and stay away from them, she would have to use them as rightful, useful source of information on equal rights with all other streams. And in order to do that, she had to find and master the core of her own desire for pain.

Finding it was the easy part. The memories kept nagging her, the sick curiosity, the grim fascination were all too close. Her inner discipline kept them at bay, she could now ignore them, keep them outside her focus. But ignoring them and mastering them were two very different things. She would need more strength than in any challenge before, to become whole again.

With a quick and determined move she swung the blanket away and stood up. She opened the door and ventured into the corridors, following the map of the house she had built in her head basing on the sounds alone. Two turns later she stood in front of a door, and asked for permission to enter.

"Please. I'm happy you came." sounded Master Kami's voice from inside.

She entered and bowed courtly. The man was alone, sitting behind a table, writing utensils and a parchment partially covered with text meaning she interrupted him writing something. He invited her to sit on a pillow on the other side of the table, but she refused politely.

"I came to request assistance, Master."

"Ask whatever you need."

"I need the construct back. And I need a room where nobody and nothing will disturb me."

"The construct is on its way, but as for nobody and nothing, I beg you allow the construct to summon help if any harm befalls you."

"This, I can agree to."

"As for the room, depends on how far you want the "nothing and nobody" to extend. You can have my parlor above Dog Head Rock, a single-room house surrounded by forest on the hill. There will be sounds of people in the port and animals around, but nobody will come uninvited. You can be transferred to Mirth, the tropical island, for company of few tropical birds, or to Dreary, the tiny, cold rocky isle, where only wind and rain will accompany you. Or I can get you an underground chamber, where nothing, not even a flicker of light will disrupt your concentration."

"I will ask for the underground chamber, a couple of candles and a pillow."

"The chamber will be constructed for you before you arrive at the site. If you have any desires as for the shape, the size or other features, please make them."

"Merely enough room to sit and extend arms will suffice, though it would be good to have a door to isolate it from the outside world. A niche for the construct to wait outside would be thoughtful too."

"It is being constructed now as we speak, and your construct is waiting outside the house to guide you there. The items you have requested will be there when you arrive. If you need anything else, just ask."

"Thank you, Master Kami. I have no more requests, and if you allow, I will take my leave now."

"Good luck, and take care."

The weird spider-like creature led her down to a small town in the valley in the center of the island. Somehow she was fond of this creepy metal and resin creature. It had no hidden agenda, it had no need to be cruel to her, it was absolutely, perfectly emotionless and neutral - the closest thing to a friend in this place. It led her to a large, low stone building in the center. It was a kind of warehouse with various goods scattered by the walls, and a section of a large open cargo lift and several smaller lifts, staircases and ramps scattered around, leading downwards. Many dwarves, short, mere 4-5 feet tall bulky bearded men in what looked like medieval clothes, were bustling around carrying the goods to and from the depot.

The spider led her to one of the lifts, a clean, smooth metal one, and pressed one of many buttons. She didn't feel movement, but soon it got colder, and when they stopped, the door opened and they stepped into what seemed to be a dark corridor of a mine. The construct lit a light on top of one of its whiskers, and led on, through a couple of crossroads and down a very long and only slightly curved corridor. It was cold, dark and quiet, very, very quiet. They walked for what seemed like a mile or more, until they arrived at a simple wooden door. There was a niche in the wall, where the construct stopped as Renamon opened the door.

The room was just as she imagined it, a small round chamber, merely wide enough for her to lie on the floor, and only high enough to stand without discomfort. There was a big, white, soft, simple pillow in the middle, and a box of candles and matches.

She lit two candles and set them on the stone floor, then asked the construct to leave her alone. It retreated to the niche, switched the light off and went completely still and quiet. She closed the door, and noticed a big, simple, solid latch on the inside. She closed it too, rested her paws on the door and sighed deeply, closing her eyes for a while.

Then she sat on the pillow, in a lotus pose, closed her eyes and entered her own consciousness. She calmed some small doubts and examined some new developments. Without much surprise, she found the bit of hate towards Master waning, the shock of being held a prisoner reduced to minor anxiety, the disappointment about her failure at escape with the boat a mere annoyance. She locked off all the minor problems, and concentrated on the big one. She didn't find people causing and experiencing the pain for pleasure very disturbing already. It was their lifestyle, their addiction. They did it because they wanted it, and she was open-minded enough to accept the odd behavior just fine. She came to peace with herself about living among these people, completely, she filed the matter under 'no-problem' issues.

Then she picked the part that did disturb her. The part in herself that made it attractive to her, that caused this weird tingling, speeding her breath up and made her hair stand in her fur thinking of these things done by her and to her. She trembled, finding the thought of making Castellana's butt red with stripes from a whip. She thought of the naked bodies, felt sweat under her fur thinking of the erections of men hanging on the trees, the desire to take one's member in her mouth. She calmed herself down. She knew these things were with her, she knew she could master these desires, and she knew they weren't dangerous to her.

She explored some more. She reached into her mane and squeezed her nipple, increasing pressure gradually, feeling it stiffen as first signs of pain appeared. She pushed her claws against her breasts, her breath sped up, the pain was weakening her focus. She did take a beating much harder than that before, and it didn't hurt her focus as badly as this, fingers of one hand squeezing her breast, using claws, fingers of the other rubbing the nipple lightly. The feeling was overwhelming and very pleasant. She judged the danger, and it was significant. An opponent in battle could use it against her, weaken her will to defend and counter-attack. A strong opponent could hold her to the ground and she might just give in.

She continued squeezing her breast, and moved her other hand to her labia. She felt the wetness and the.scent. "Every digimon would feel that scent miles away", she cursed quietly. She fought to keep her mind clear, entered an exercise of focus, where you look at elements of your environment according to a specific pattern, requiring a lot of attention not to pick a wrong one. Not pausing the exercise she rubbed her labia and squeezed her breast, allowing her pleasure to rise in the background, while not breaking her concentration. She tried for split attention, keeping the precise, geometric exercise of mind and simultaneously flexing her visual memory, trying to recall all the details she had seen about Master Kami. The image of his experienced, handsome face caused a purr to escape her throat. "Control your voice, Renamon" she thought to herself, and didn't allow herself to lose the pattern even though suddenly the pleasure spiked. She recalled his gentle touch on her head when she was brought first, and her body arched in a shudder. "Not good, I have mental focus but I can't control my body", she thought, and recalled the memory again. With high effort and practically pausing the focus exercise, she managed to keep her body in check while the pleasurable wave washed over.

"I will need a lot of training and meditation to master control over this... it's harder than I thought. And why am I reacting this way to the old man?"

She pushed her finger between her labia, feeling the pleasurable pressure. She could stop now, but she decided she didn't want to, and wanted to test her limits. She had never experienced this kind of feeling before. She knelt up, squeezing the pillow between her legs and grinding herself against it. "So, how far does it go?" she thought, still convincing herself it's just experimenting with her mind and body. She gave up the mental exercises and thought of the naked bodies and hard members again, imagined herself opening up and taking one inside, pushing it in. The feeling grew and she felt the control slipping from her. In matter of seconds her body was on fire, she was beyond control, moaning and gasping, and rolling on the floor with her lean body twisting and writhing in pleasure. Her claws nearly pierced the skin on her breasts, she cried out loud, her labia throbbed on her fingers, her tail writhed like a snake, her mouth wide open for air, eyes squeezed tightly, her mind beyond any control and discipline, under complete and utter power of her orgasm.

She caught a spark of consciousness, and used it to bring her self-discipline back, but she didn't use it to extinguish the fading fire, but to keep it, coax it back to life, control and ride it. The feeling, better than anything she had felt in her life before, was with her, under her control. She chased it from her toes to her tail tip, she kept it dim, barely present, then brought it back to the scale of wildfire, making her body dance from ecstasy like a broken puppet. She let it wash over her, focus in her womb into a burning spark, or spread gently over her groin, chest, loins, back. She played with the new wonderful feeling, delighting in it and taking it in.

She experimented with thoughts and memories, checking how the new feeling is influenced by them. The naked men and women coaxed it. Castellana made it dance brightly. The thought of the old man doing it with her nearly tore the control from her again, which she found very disturbing and embarassing. Then she went with her memories further back. She was friends with Lucermon in the digital plane, and she never understood herself back then. Now she felt she would really like to get -closer- to that boy. And she remembered Flamon teasing them and attacking Lucermon. She felt some twisted attraction towards the nasty one, but the memory of her bending over Lucermon, seeing his pained face turned to her for help filled her with heat. Then she remembered her first kill. The first time she used Power Paw and how her claws went right through Flamon. She remembered the little demon's pained expression, as his body began dissolving into bits of data, his pain and despair, his eyes saying "please, forgive me, let's be friends, I don't want to die", begging for her to save him, and suddenly her orgasm shot red-hot, making her writhe and roar in terror. She smashed the feeling, extinguished it, panically stomping on its last sparks with her mind. She cried, tears rolling down her cheeks, fear and hate draining her strength.

"It's evil. I'm not like this. I must control it. I cannot draw pleasure from killing. Not this kind of pleasure. It would corrupt and destroy me. I must control it and destroy it at the source. I can never again allow myself to feel this kind of pleasure, not from taking life."

She gathered herself together, turned the pillow damp side down, and sat down to meditate. She spent the next few hours training her psyche, strengthening blockades, mastering control over her desires. When she finished, she called the construct and touched the needle.

First, she learned what she could about the sphere.

There were three isles. Bliss, a small tropical isle, Dreary, merely a strip of rocks on the sea, and Lunarium, the main isle consisting of three hills. One, higher hill with Master's Residence on top on the southern side, and two connected hills on the northern side formed a valley and two bays on western and eastern side. In the middle of the valley, there was town called Tisque, the main settlement on the island besides the Residence. The western side was Squid Bay, the port and fishing village. On the eastern side there was only the tiny settlement known as Dog Head Rock. There was a lighthouse tower on the hill overlooking Squid Bay and the small parlor on the north-eastern hill. A small, empty hut and a pier on the southern side of the island was the only other surface feature.

But the underground was a whole big town of dwarves. They had their own life, they were independent and bound only with business agreements with Master Kami. They lived in the isle, in the pillars that supported the island over the sea, and in some caverns in the bottom of the sea. Down there, though, the grid reached only a short way, to something that seemed to be a railway terminal, a couple of dwarven security buildings, and a short way into some rather empty, rough corridors on the other side of the track.

"Guests arrive by boats, yachts and gondolas, parts of the edge of the world are unwrapped for them and they can enter. Wares are brought by train, to the station, from where dwarves bring it to the depot." she deducted, examining arrival and supply data logs. "These seem to be the only routes of escape. I don't think I can escape through the sea without someone's help, so I'd better concentrate on the railway... and whatever there is beyond it."

She was itching to go, but she scolded herself for it. "Calm down, Renamon", she reminded herself. "Think before you act. Learn before you do. I can go there any time, and I'm absolutely sure they have that exit covered too. Rushing there can only get me in trouble again."

She began scanning the grid for something that would help her. Souls that want to escape, people who aren't afraid of opposing Master Kami, discrepancies in the solid pattern of the grid and the weird, twisted and painful peace and order of Lunarium. She found damaged constructs in a repair workshop. She found an unhappy dwarf jailed for a drunken burt. Driven more by hunch than by information, she found Castellana, and after a long examination, found her longing disguised under a calm obedience. She found Master Kami in his office, writing again. He turned to her and greeted her just as if she was there bodily. She apologized profusely, then ran far away, ashamed of her snooping on private lives. She tried to find the furthest, most forgotten and abandoned parts of the island, more to hide in shame than for a real purpose.

No place suited her really, not the forests, not the barracks and the station under the sea, not the far islands. They were always in focus, there were always people who thought of them and the thoughts hovered over them. Finally, she found almost abandoned areas, the insides of the long, thick pillars. Some dwarves lived there, but they didn't really care, they were the lowest of the low, unskilled peasants with nothing to do, lazy bums, depressed, abandoned loners living in their own imagination. The lower she descended the pillar, the emptier it was, till she found an area that hasn't been remembered in many years, nobody lived there and nobody cared about the forgotten access shafts, the crawlspaces and ducts, unused empty chambers, corridors and stairways. She settled there and meditated.

Something in her mind hinted her to make a round trip through the remaining pillars. Another two were just as forgotten, but in the last one she found an echo of fear, pain, genuine unwanted, unwished for and overwhelming suffering. She felt an odd affinity with the person. She traced the source and found it huddled in one of the far chambers, locked inside, hurting, hungry and afraid. It was a dwarf child.

She found two other thoughts strongly anchored to that room, ugly thoughts. Dwarven degenerates who kidnapped the child, put it there and abused it, for their pleasure. Their thoughts reached to a different, room nearby as well, where she found corpses of two other children.

She shivered with rage. She located the two bastards, living not far from the child, in the pillar. She told the construct to lead her there, and retreated from the grid. The rage burned in her, and she wanted to kill. "Hurry up!" she shouted to the construct. It ran along the corridor on its clicking legs and she followed.

Suddenly, the construct stopped. "Master Kami wants to talk with you. Touch the sting."

"Not now!"

"Renamon!", the spider spoke with Master's voice, "You have the priorities right, but you don't have to do everything yourself."

"Speak." she angrily hit the needle with her paw hard, making it pierce her palm and come out through the other side. The pain was welcome. She wanted to hurt.

Master Kami's thought was right there and passed the informations to her mind directly. The offenders were arrested as they spoke. A counselor was sent to retrieve the child and bring it to a nice chamber in the dwarven underground town. The offenders will be dealt with very harshly and efficiently, the dwarves had enough of resources for that. But the dwarven counselor was inexperienced and careless. Currently, Renamon was the most qualified person on the island to take care of the abused dwarven child.

"The child is an orphan, a girl. She will be sent to people who will take the best care of her, most experienced and dedicated to their task. But she needs counsel now. Follow the construct and tame your attitude, please."

*"Master, you never did fetch the game that far."*

*"I never would. That was not the game. That was her, being better at handling my people than I am."*

*"Do you mean this happened without your knowledge?"*

*"If she couldn't do things I can't foresee, the game would make no sense. But I definitely didn't intend not to notice that. You may believe I'm a heartless monster at times, but that time I wasn't one. I was merely an incompetent old fool. If that was the game, she would have won this round completely. But it wasn't the game."

*"Will you stop playing with her now?"*

*"No, I can't. If I want to keep her, I must keep playing, and win. And now, most definitely, I want to keep her."*

She cried, as the boat took the child away. The girl didn't speak to her, didn't move much, but seemed to soften, loosen up in her arms. She would rest her face against Renamon's mane and cry quietly without doing much anything. In the morning a boat arrived, and the young woman took the child and spoke to it in a strange, soothing language. The child looked in her eyes and didn't cry any more. She thanked Renamon and sailed away. And now Renamon sat on the pier of Squid Bay and looked as the boat vanished in the distance, her eyes wet with tears.

She was needed here. He didn't play this round. He might have even believed she won. but if that was a round, she lost it bad. Her faith in the need for escape was shaken. Now she was attached to this place and these people. She was needed. If she escaped, she would abandon them.

Still, she wanted to escape. She was afraid of this place and how it changed her. It would change her more, till nothing is left from her old self, which, for a creature born from data, would mean as much as death.

Later that day, she spent more time learning about the place. The grid didn't extend onto the mines, but she found a traditional up-to-date map, depicting all the new corridors where various stone was mined. Sure enough the railway track was locked by enormous floodgates that would stop the ocean from flooding the tunnels if the railway tunnel got flooded. Still, she found a few old tunnels that went around the floodgates in the past, now sealed off, and one with a piece that ran really close to the railway track past the gates. Given some time she would be able to mine the short way to the track and escape.

She told the construct that if she's not back by tomorrow morning, it is relieved from the duty. Then she took a lift from the depot to the bottom level.

The station area wasn't big. A wide corridor to the cargo lift, two small barracks with fortifications overlooking the station, four long platforms, two main tracks and two secondary, connecting with the main tracks a short way from the platforms, and a series of mechanized gates that could cut the station off the rest of the fortress. There were armed dwarves near the gates. The area was mostly deserted save from a few dwarven guards in the barracks, and a one-odd miner entering or departing, walking across the track to one of corridors excavated in the opposite wall.

"Ma'am?" one of the guards, a relatively tall dwarven woman, stopped Renamon before she passed the doors.

"Can't I go there?" Renamon asked.

"You can, no problem, but please return before night. We lock down the mines for the night. Nothing and no one may enter or leave through those gates, and most of what tries, gets shot from the barracks."

"Most of...what?"

"Underground dwellers. Like, giant cave spiders. Or giant bats. Or giant rats. From time to time we hit a demon pit and it gets really hot then."

"And is it safer during the day? Sun doesn't shine here, does it?"

"During the day there are four squads of armed dwarves stationed near current mining areas, able to intercept whatever may put the miners in danger. At night both the miners and the soldiers sleep, and the monsters roam the corridors freely."

"Are there many of them? The monsters, that is?"

"You are almost guaranteed to meet some rats or spiders, but a fit person like you seem to be should be able to handle them with no more than a couple flesh wounds. Demons are much worse, but we find them rarely."

Against reason, Renamon was excited as she crossed the tracks and entered a dim, dark, cold corridor. She had little hope for escape. She was almost sure she would get caught or stopped some way, but that would be another experience for her, and possibly a point in the game, a point towards being granted freedom. And she longed for a real, clean fight. What the dwarf described sounded just like the right challenge she wanted now.

*"Castellana, leave me now. Let the construct in."*

*"Yes, Master"*


*"Construct, your orders. Contact the Pits. They are to release one Fiend now, and one Tentacle Demon in four hours. The orders are top secret."*

"I will need a pick. I wonder how dwarves get to mine that fast." Renamon sighed, looking at the small depression in the wall and some rubble scattered around by her Power Paw attack repeated a hundred or so times against the wall. She envied the make of smooth surface of the corridor walls, her short tunnel a mess of broken sharp rocks, which hurt her paws. "I wonder if I can just ask for a pick."

Then she heard hooves. Two hooved legs approached quickly. She hid in the small depression, hoping whatever comes will miss her, but the roar announced it was all in vain.

The creature was bent over to fit in the corridor, despite the corridor not being really low. Lower body of a furred goat-like animal, upper body male, somewhat human, but distorted. The head was the ugliest human-animal mix she ever saw, with goat horns, huge nostrils, red bloodshot eyes and lots of sharp yellow teeth.

The creature stopped, a red sphere formed in its hands, and only lightning reflexes saved Renamon from getting hit by the fireball.

She tried to kick the creature, running past it, but instead felt a knock on her neck, and rolled, hurting, pushed to the ground by the blow. The demon matched her in speed and outmatched her in power.

She stood up and noticed the demon prepares something shiny in its paws.

"Diamond Storm!" she shouted, not leaving the fiend any time to react. The million shards that shot from her body hurt bad, it was cold, it was... expensive. But the shards hit and hurt, the demon roared in pain, bending over. Then it hurled what it had prepared, a blue sphere that grew into a blue wall, running along the corridor.

There was no room to escape. Renamon took defensive position, feeling the blue zone hit her, drain heat from her, make her slow and weak. She could smell snow, winter in the air.

She attacked again, trying to go for the power paw, but the demon tripped her, punched her back and kicked her down the corridor.

As she struggled to her feet, she felt another blue sphere engulfing her again. The cold hurt worse, and she was really slow now.

She managed to stand up and judged her chances. The demon, much stronger than her, now was much faster as well. She couldn't run. She would fight and die. She grimaced bitterly, such a simple ending to her struggles.

The demon approached and grabbed her neck. It lifted her by her neck, increasing pressure of his finger, with determined intention to rip her head off.

"power... paw..." she muttered.

Then using last of her strength, she kicked. She kicked the demon in the balls. And her kick split the demon in three, two halves falling to the sides, and the head hitting the ceiling.

She lay on the floor, unmoving, trying to find breath, barely alive. She lost power. She was hurt, she was tired, she was near-dead. She struggled to her knees and crawled back where she came from.

"Too strong. Way too strong for me alone. If I had a strong tamer..." she muttered, trying to stand up and walk.

She had to rest four times before she reached the tracks. Then she saw the exit door. It was closed. She whinnied quietly, then crawled across the rails and up the short stair to the locked exit.

There were openings in the side walls, dwarven eyes peeking through them at her.

She sat on the stairs, tired.

She heard some scuttling. Squeaks. Whizz of arrows, yelps of pain. She saw a shape of a rat the size of a big dog running along the rails. Some more arrows and a yelp. There were some cheers inside.

Some friendly eyes appeared in a gap near the door, a metal flask fell through the hole. "This will help you with your wounds", sounded from inside.

"Couldn't you just let me in? It will take seconds at most."

"I'm sorry, but this is the law. Our law, and demands of the humans are not above it."

Renamon sighed and took the bottle. The drink smelled like mushrooms, flint and burned wood. She drank some. It tasted somewhat burning, somewhat dusty, she could feel sand texture with her tongue and teeth. It filled her body with pleasant, numb warmth. She felt some strength returning to her. She drank some more and she could stand up effortlessly, the pain was mostly gone, but she didn't recover the superior speed and the drink adversely affected her coordination. She swayed a little as she walked.

She sat on the short stair leading down to the platform. Closer to potential danger, but harder to get cornered. "I'm not much of a fight now." she cursed quietly. "Let's hope nothing happens until morning."

The entrance was brightly lit by two incandescent spheres, and further down the platform along the tracks light filtered from the dwarven fortifications but the tunnels were dark and hostile. It was quiet, sometimes she heard the dwarves shifting, moving things or talking, but the tunnels were very quiet.

Then she heard slithering. Some very, very nasty sounding slithering in the mining tunnels across the track.

"Did you hear that?" she spoke to no-one in particular. The dwarves hushed each other quickly. The slithering approached.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit" sounded behind the fortifications. "Sound the alarm!"

"Run, girl!" some dwarf shouted. A bell rang loud and clear, more bells sounded further in the fortress.

"Please, open the door, let me in!" she cried out.

"Too late! Run while you can!" she heard.

Thinking quickly, unable to determine which of the mine corridors the slithering came from, she ran along the track. She could hear footsteps, winding crossbows, short commands behind. The lights were far and dim behind her now, she put quite a distance from the platform, the four-track railway connected into two tracks, the tunnel narrowed and soon she found the dead end, huge massive gates sealing the passage tightly, matching the track with paper-thin gaps.

She turned and walked along the wall back seeking a place to hide. There was a tiny room where track-switching mechanisms resided. She huddled in there and observed the battle in the distance.

A big oozing mass slithered across the track. Crossbows sang almost without a pause, but they didn't impress the demon much. It leaned against the fortifications and tried to ooze inside, but apparently it met a stronger resistance than expected, as with a gurgling roar it retreated. Then it hesitated on the platform for a while, ignoring the rain of bolts completely, then began crawling towards Renamon.

"It caught my scent. I'm trapped here", she thought.

She ran from her hideout, for dear life, hoping to evade the oncoming monstrosity. She was still faster, and it just wasn't big enough to cover all the four tracks of width of the tunnel.

She stopped in front of the monster, still good two hundreds yards from the lit platform and fortifications. They were well aware of each other. She pondered, which side to evade the monster from, quickly. Then she stood in terror, seeing the ooze spread in thin tentacles and block the whole width of the tunnel. "No..." she muttered as she saw the tentacles crawl around her, surrounding her from behind.

There was no way of escape. She was surrounded. She could only fight.

"Diamond Storm!"

She aimed it at the center of the demon, then ran after the shards. Surrounded by the deadly cloud she attacked the demon.

"Power Paw!"

The flesh of demon gave in under the shards, she flew through the opening and hit a thin remaining layer of the ooze, felt herself emerging through the other side. She prepared to land and run, lose the monstrosity in the labyrinth of tunnels.

...then she felt a sudden jerk on her tail. Her graceful jump changed into fall onto her face on the gravel of the track. With a quiet yelp and dull thud she hit the ground.

It hurt. It left her stunned for a second or two. Then a rude tug on her tail pulled her in the air. She saw a thick black tentacle engulfing her tail. She squirmed, tried to turn and attack it, but immediately another tentacle caught her chest, two others got her arms, and no more that a second later her legs were immobilized too. She freed her hands by slipping them off her thick violet sleeves, and clawed at the tentacle holding her chest, but no longer than a second later her hands were held spread wide by two new tentacles.

"Kill me then", she muttered, giving up the struggle. She lost her strength, she lost her grace and speed, and there was nothing and no one to save her.

But she didn't know about the tentacle demons.

The tentacle on her chest grew smaller tentacles that surrounded her breasts. They squeezed them, surrounding the base and making the two globes stand out, stretched painfully, then their tips pulled, tugged and pinched at the nipples.

A thin tentacle engulfed her clitoris and began pushing its way into her clitoral hood. Then two big, thick, blunt-tipped tentacles floated in front of her face. They played with each other, teased, till the full realization came to her.

"No. Please. Not this. Not like this. No, I beg you, don't do this!" she repeated over and over. The tentacles suddenly twisted around her body, sneaked down, one along her back, the other down her belly. She felt them pressing, one against her vagina, one against her anus.

Renamon's yell of fear turned into scream of pain.

Her two virgin holes got invaded by the monstrous tendrils mercilessly, her virginity broken with violence of stabbing to kill. The tentacles didn't stop for a moment, covered with virgin blood, they pounded the two holes, exchanged places, rammed deep inside, filling and stretching her beyond what she could take, and she screamed, without stop, her screams beyond meaning, just pain.

Then her screams stopped with a sad gurgling sound as another tentacle was jammed down her throat.

Her disciplined mind began to snap. In the haze of pain, so overwhelming it took all from her, her hope and despair, will to fight and indifference of surrender, she felt her orgasm, spreading like a cold creature over her insides, taking control of her limbs and senses, beyond her consciousness, possessing her mind.

The engorged tentacles didn't stop. They would continue to ravage her till she becomes just a bodily shell for a new tentacle demon built from the horrible dark orgasms.

Her mind was slowly shutting down. She struggled, she embraced the overwhelming pain, took it in instead of fighting it, because it kept her from becoming more of the demon.

Then she heard voices. Her eyes registered many humans coming. The dark creature inside her leaned in delight, more rape. The tentacles turned her, presenting her limp body to the oncoming people, displaying her two abused holes in all their glory, pushing against her cervix to make her body jerk, slashing the exposed breasts.

She was losing her grip, in matter of seconds she would come again and take another dose of the poison into herself.

Then she felt something like pain, but not pain, a horrible numbness that shook her body out of her control. It squeezed her cervix and made her hands clutch, weird weakness filling her. Her body came, but totally beyond her awareness, beyond feeling any pleasure, or anything for that matter, and beyond the horrible thing the demon was forming in her. It was an electric shock. One of the people was wielding a cattle prod, and prodded the demon.

She recognized the clothes of a slave of Master Kami. There were dozens of them, both male and female, in the assortment of latex and leather meant to provide means to restrict movement and not obstruct access to their sexual organs, they rushed the demon, with bare hands. The first one tossed the prod away and jumped headfirst into the mass of ooze, the others followed suit, getting caught, lifted in the air on countless tentacles that immediately proceeded to rape them. She noticed Castellana rising by her, her mouth getting filled by the tentacle, her expensive kimono torn from her body, tentacles assaulting her orifices without a second of delay.

The monster changed into a forest of bound slaves and still more were coming. But behind them' there were dwarves. Armed with swords and axes, they hacked their way to the center, some of them captured, the tentacles now thin and impotent unable to rip their armors off, some pushed deeper, hacking their way in, and she saw what they aimed at, a silvery globe in the center of the demon, now exposed partially from the ooze which was all used up to hold the slaves.

Four dwarves were thrown away as they approached the core, but the fifth one managed to thrust his sword at the sphere, piercing it.

The tentacles shook, they pulled and squeezed. There were noises of popping joints, maybe some bones broken, screams of tentacles slashing wildly. Then the ooze matter vanished.

She fell, but someone caught her. She saw Master Kami's face. He was shouting orders to have the wounded taken care of, and all slaves to go meet their pairs, whatever that meant.

His firm grip was so assuring, warm against the cold inside her. He turned and carried her, followed by a crowd of slaves, some carrying or supporting the hurt ones.

Renamon cried and hugged the strong man, seeking warmth that would push the darkness away.

The world felt weird and distant. She was cold. So terribly cold.

She half-realized the lights of station, the lift, then a corridor, another lift, paper walls of the residence, then a very hot room with wooden walls. The warmth of the air, steam lingering in a thick veil, was very welcome but didn't penetrate into her body. Then she was put in hot water, the nearly-scalding heat was sinking deeper into her skin, cleared her thoughts a little.

Master Kami, now naked, entered the tub and sat behind her. At first she wanted to squirm away, but as he put his hands on her shoulders, the horrible cold suddenly left the area he touched, the warmth of his body chased the cold away, reaching deep into her.

Just for a test, she leaned back against his chest. He embraced her around her shoulders and the cold was gone from her back and upper torso. She felt him shudder.

"It's a terrible cold. Only touch of another person, not infected with it can cure it. It passes onto that person, but then dies in them."

"Am I hurting you that way?" Renamon asked.

"Nothing I can't cope with. But some of the cold found its way to my heart... and it was feeling too much at home there for my liking."

"So to heal me you must..."

"Not yet. Wait. Let me wake you."

Renamon obeyed. She felt his hands holding her head, then mouth touching her forehead. And seconds later, the cold was gone from her head, her mind was clear.

Then she began realizing her situation. She was in the tub, with the man who was technically her owner, and to be healed she would have to allow him to touch every part of her body. She squirmed away from him, she tried to stand up and run, but the inside of her legs was utterly frozen. She sobbed quietly, realizing her vulnerability. She huddled as far from him as she could.

"Renamon, listen please." he bowed, caught one of her limp legs and began massaging it, removing the dreadful cold. "I will not allow you to die. I will save you one way or another, with your approval or without. But I give you the opportunity to participate, to consent and do it the way you prefer."

She began realizing what he meant.

"If you won't agree, the cold will spread in you, it will steal your consciousness away. You won't feel a thing until you are fully healed. I don't want to do it that way, but as I said, I won't let you die, no matter what. You will wake up maybe a bit sore, but you won't feel a thing in the process."

"...and the alternative is..." she asked,

" and now."

"I'm scared."

"Nothing will change for you afterwards. When we finish, you will go your own way just the same as you did so far, and I will try to stop you just like I did so far. We will be back to our old silly game, and if you choose so, you will just ignore this event. I'm not requesting any commitment. Oh, I wish it, I wish it like nothing in the world, but I won't dare to ask for it. All I'm asking for is consent to this one time."

"It's not like you leave me much choice..."

"Oblivion and ignorance, you wouldn't feel a thing. And afterwards you would be able to blame and hate me all you want, for raping you unconscious. It would be your victory, ability to hate me like that. Not even a passing risk of any feeling growing between us."

"It would be a cowardly escape if I allowed this to happen."

"Your courage will be your undoing some day, Renamon, but for now all I can do, is to adore its beauty."

"Master Kami?" she extended her hand to him and he pulled her to him. He embraced her tightly and held her chest to his. She could feel him shudder as the cold was leaving her body. They kissed and suddenly her chest, her lungs, her heart were warm again. Not only warm, they were feeling hot. She embraced him and gave in to the kiss, their tongues entwined and her mind not resisting him any more, but accepting him as... at least a friend. And the heat fought the dark frost, which escaped through her body, vanishing, chased through her limbs, to her fingers and toes, where it fought a losing battle. But she didn't even think about this, utterly lost in the kiss, some deep longing fulfilled, something she desired her whole life but didn't realize it, finally happening to her.

She desired this man. Both her mind and her body were conflicted. Her mind, full of reservations and distrust, craved to give in, to be his, to love him and serve him, while her independence and will for freedom still fought that desire. Her body was in less of turmoil. The last node of the cold possession was confined to her womb, and there was only one way to kill it there, and her whole body screamed "yes", it desired this man, wanted him. The fresh horror of the horrible abuse was completely gone, Renamon was on fire, she wanted that man, she wanted to make love to him, to feel him inside her. She leaned forward, feeling his maleness on her belly, pricking her, hard and willing.

She broke the kiss and looked in her lover's eyes. The hunger she saw scared her. This man wanted her more than anything in his life, more than his life and his soul. And she was about to satisfy that desire, at least partially. What would happen if this kind of hunger was satisfied? Would she ever be her own again if she allowed herself to be his for a moment? For a moment she seriously considered running now, letting the darkness fill her, and hurting them both just to avoid the commitment.

Then she thought... this man would consciously sacrifice the chance to satisfy this kind of hunger, possibly forever, to save her life. Knowing this, how would she feel about him? Would she not forgive him? And contrary, in not forgiving him, wouldn't she validate his sacrifice, assuring her she should have forgiven him? Whatever her decision, she would doubt it to the end of her days. Well played, Master Kami, well played.

Without another moment of hesitation, she moved her body up along his member, then pushed herself down onto it, taking it whole in one, long stroke. She moaned in pain mixed with pleasure, her insides sore from the earlier violent rape, but currently swollen and moist with desire for his body, the pain only adding to the experience.

They both forgot about the game and just enjoyed each other, giving in to the desires of their bodies, kissing and embracing. He wasn't Master now, he was her lover. He sucked on her nipples and massaged her spine, she was arching her back pushing more of him, deeper, her tail playing with his thighs, her legs wrapped around his loins, pulling him and holding tight. His kiss of her throat, touch on her sensitive ears, touch of his chest on her nipples. She bowed, licking droplets of water from his chest, her rough pawpads rubbing his back delightfuly. His short, rough beard and moustache tickled her nose as she kissed his mouth.

Then she began riding him, in a slow, regular pace. He calmed her bouncing breasts with his hands, and adored their perfect shape, now revealed as her normally fluffy mane, now soaked, flowed in strands between them along her chest.

"Please, come. Let me see it on your face." he asked her, his voice deep and husky with emotion. His finger got to her clit, he rubbed the soft nub gently, watching her face.

She just stopped holding back. She felt the spark of orgasm growing in her, and it grew inevitably, slowly, gradually, at a regular, determined pace, a straight unwavering line, impossible to stop. It came and drove through her, then took her and carried to new heights at the same regular pace, every second of it better than before. Her face, filled with bliss, changed slowly into a pained expression of ecstatic madness, her mind fleeting away, giving in to the pleasure.

Then it reached a plateau, the most wonderful experience of her life, and she cried when she felt it fading at last. And in the fading blaze of her ecstasy, she felt semen touching her cervix, the maleness throbbing in her rapidly, a small, last core of cold darkness vanishing.

She let the last sparks vanish, leaving some fantastic afterglow, her whole body filled with power like never before, not just recovered but stronger than ever. She flexed her back, presenting her shapely bust proudly, and smiling mischievously. She gave Master Kami a fleeting kiss and teased his beard with her finger, grinning, her face hovering over him.

"Despite your traps, I won this round." she cooed.

"You totally did. I'm so proud of you."

*"Master, I beg you. Don't hurt her like that."*

*"Don't. You beg in vain. I will stop for nothing to have her. Nothing. I wish I knew better ways. Ways that involve hurting myself and not her. But even if I'm to sacrifice myself, if I'm going to loathe myself in the end, even if I will know I deserve her eternal hate for all my deceits and crimes, and put her through hell to make her believe I saved her from it, she will be mine."*

*"You are an evil person."*

*"I am not evil, just insane. And this insanity will force me to act evil if this is the only way to satisfy it."*

She woke up in clean sheets, positively beaming. There were two beautiful silken violet sleeves by the bedroll for her to wear, in place of the old two destroyed by the demon. There was also a comb and a mirror. She combed her fur nicely, watching her reflection.

She scented some food and followed the scent to the neighbor room. By the table set for two, near the door leading out to the garden, Master Kami was waiting for her.

"Don't refuse this time, please."

"I won't." she laughed and sat by his table, taking her pair of chopsticks in her hands.

"So, what are your plans for today?", he asked.

"And what are your plans for me today?"

"You are supposed to pay a visit to the portmaster and snoop on arrivals and departures. You would notice Mistress Ecaterina leaving through a window in the north, follow her through there, warp into her sphere, get captured by her guards, serve a couple of days as her slave, experience countless horrible tortures and humiliations, after which I would buy you back in exchange for one of my slaves which Mistress Ecaterina desired to have for a long time, but I never had the heart to give him into hands of such a harsh mistress. After which you would feel horribly guilty and start plotting a way to beat Mistress Ecaterina and free her slaves, temporarily completely abandoning your quest to escape from me and buying my support with your ...compliance."

A piece of sushi fell from Renamon's chopsticks to her plate, as she stared at Master Kami with her mouth open.

"Why?" she coughed out, flabbergasted.

"Because not all battles are worth fighting. And because I hope I'll earn some of your gratitude if I allow you to skip this one."

"Okay, I will have sex with you in the evening if that's what you want." she laughed. "You bastard, you won this one without even trying."

"You're wrong. You won it. Now you can seriously think of practical ways of escape, instead of being stuck here in preparations to a war. You're bargaining with me instead of begging me. I lost this one pretty bad. Consider it a bonus for your yesterday's impressive victory."

"Does there even exist such a thing as a practical way of escape?"

"I'd say escape itself is impractical, but the reality is that if you devise a plan devilishly clever enough, it would be arrogant on my side to thwart it. Of course I will poke at its weak points and break it if it's flawed, but..."

"If it's flawless, then you won't be able to do anything anyway."

"I can cheat in the game. I just choose not to."

"Good to know." she nodded and ate in silence for a while. "Where is my construct?"

"On its way here the moment you mentioned it."

"Thanks for the breakfast." she bowed, "I need some more time to think and learn. Maybe much more than some."

"Visit the cabin on the southern side of the island. It's a wonderful place if you want to have some time to think and relax."

"Thanks for recommendation. I'll be sure to avoid it far and wide." she smiled and stood up. Master Kami chuckled, then concentrated on observing the beauty of her hypnotic curves as she walked away.

She met the construct before she reached the forest. They wandered down to the valley, crossed it and climbed the pass between the two northern hills. After a while of thinking, she decided to see the lighthouse and turned west. The forest was nice, and there were no distracting "slave trees" here - this hill seemed wilder, it was not a garden or a park, it was just a moderate climate mixed forest. Always taking direction upwards, soon she found the white building of the lighthouse and a small white house attached to it, flowers in pots on the parapets, red roof, neatly cut grass, a paved path leading from the Squid Bay to the door of the house. There was a rather young man with hair in a ponytail, bare chest, black jeans, and a silver talisman on his chest, sitting on a bench by the house door, enjoying the sun. As he noticed Renamon, he stood up and bowed to her. "Lee, we have a guest, come here! Hello, lady Renamon. I'm honored to meet you. Hello clever construct, may your oil never dry."

Renamon was somewhat taken aback by this openness. She got somewhat used to other people on the island lowering their gaze as if afraid to bother her. But not losing her composure, she returned the greeting.

She heard steps running down what sounded indeed like spiral staircase down the tower, and soon another man emerged from the house, almost a mirror copy of the other, only his hair loose, and his trousers white linen.

"Greetings, my Lady. My name is Lee, and this is my husband, Kyo."

"You are not slaves, are you?"

"Not anymore, and not so for eleven years so far. Happily married and living in this humble abode, courtesy of Master Kami, employed as light-keepers but free men living here by choice and preference. Not that many here would prefer a different place. But where are my manners, would you like to come inside and see Lunarium from above, or would you prefer the picnic place with a view of the bay? Something to eat or drink maybe?", Kyo said.

"Oh, I don't want to be a problem to you, I just was curious..."

"Please, I insist. We don't get many guests around here. Sometimes Master Kami comes to play chess, or the portmaster comes with a flask of cherry wine on slow days, but generally we have only each other to entertain ourselves." this time Lee spoke.

"Not that we'd be bored with each other, mind you, but a guest is always welcome, and such a famous and beautiful lady is most welcome."

"With such an invitation, it would be rude to refuse." she bowed her head. "I'm freshly after breakfast, so thanks for the meal, but I'd be delighted to talk with you."

"Then some tea, please. I insist, practical reasons. If one of us is delayed, the other gets the story underway and can talk with the guest uninterrupted, and we take orderly turns. If we start together we begin to interrupt each other and argue."

"Let's have some tea at the picnic place then please." she smiled.

Two rounds of Rock-Paper-Scissors later, Lee went to make tea and Kyo offered his hand to Renamon to lead her to the picnic table, a short way around the lighthouse. Here the forest stopped some way down the steep grassy slopes and the view opened on the bay, port and sea all around. They sat on pillows by a low table. Kyo invited the construct to join but it refused, shaking its camera-ridden head.

"One of the things I learned here is to respect the constructs. With the previous master, constructs were far more important than slaves. Some of them developed a strong psyche. Some a very nasty one. They are sentient and sapient but they lack willpower of their own. Given an order to live, a construct will simulate normal willpower of a living creature and behave in a way that would be indistinguishable from any other living creature, but it's not their nature, they are unhappy performing such an useless and aimless, in their opinion, task. They much prefer precise orders that do tax their creativity and imagination, but have a set purpose and end. They also hate boredom, but still, whatever they like or hate doesn't quite affect their performance, except a construct who feels miserable may choose a solution that is more destructive than necessary or requires it to work longer, to delay the moment of becoming redundant. But your construct is young and eager and excited to serve you. No wonder, too. Serving a Master's Challenger is indeed an exciting work, if dangerous."

"A Master's Challenger? What does it mean?"

"A person who directly opposes the will of the Master, a player of the Game. We were Master's Challengers too."

"And we won!" Lee shouted, carrying a tray loaded with tea set.

"Oh yes, we won. What a glorious victory it was! Good times, good times."

"Master Kami was the lord of the sphere for a short time then." Lee picked the story, while Kyo took the tray from him and began unloading it. "His rule was not as harsh as that of Sacred Androgyne, and he tried to match the tasks of the slaves more to their desires. The two of us were madly in love with each other, and Sacred Androgyne took a great delight in making one of us suffer while the other watched, or making one of us to hurt the other, or suffer cruel punishment for refusing to do so. Back then nobody really knew and understood the game. Nobody realized that Sacred Androgyne losing the sphere, the slaves, the title and anything s/he ever possessed, and getting sold into slavery to some of his worst enemies, was the end of the first in the series of games. The reign got more lax. Sun shone over Spider Garden for the first time in its history, and it was renamed for Lunarium, for the moon which was always full from then on."

As Renamon and Lee took sips from their cups, Kyo continued. "So then Master Kami found our secret desires, and set us as a team, while making sure that we wouldn't be able to get away together. We were to oversee the constructs and pick the ones that got too unhappy, and give them tasks that would get them back on track."

"It was back before the Dwarves yet," Lee interrupted. "All the mundane tasks were handled by slaves, overseen by constructs. Master Kami changed it so that constructs would perform the actual tasks."

"It seemed that Sacred Androgyne had even better understanding of constructs than Master Kami," Kyo resumed, "but s/he kept some purposely miserable to punish slaves by making them serve these constructs. We didn't quite understand it, but Master Kami set us up for the game. We got a couple of opportunities to escape, but only one of us would be able to go every time. We tried to escape together twice, with really bad consequences. We tried a thid time, a pretty advanced plan, and when I messed up and we got caught, and brought to Master Kami, he praised us and we got out of it without any punishment. Only then did we realize he wanted us to escape."

Kyo took his tea cup and Lee resumed the story.

"We noticed some patterns in the cargo deliveries. We devised a clever plan to hide in empty crates and be shipped out to megapolis where we would be able to hide. We also learned about some controls the cargo undergoes, and found a sweet spot of time, skill and dexterity to bypass the security. Except if one manages to get through and the other gets caught, we would be separated, likely forever. So we acted like we prepare for the grand escape, while secretly exploiting our free access to all the constructs. We prepared a coup d'etat. On the fateful night we planned to assassinate Master Kami using all the constructs. They surrounded the residence, raided his bedroom..."

"...and in the meanwhile he sneaked up on us." Kyo picked up. "As we guided the constructs from a command room, there he appears in the door. He just takes a chair and sits between us. He picks my notebook where I made all the secret plans. He reads it. And as I slowly draw a poison sting, for a last desperate attempt on his life, he watches me so triumphantly I lose all the confidence."

"Then I nearly broke a hydrogen bottle on his head and he didn't even blink,"

"Then he says 'Stop fighting me. I'm not here. I'm back in the residence torn to shreds by the constructs. And you have won.'"

"So we ask him what he means by that."

"And he explains that by the terms of the game, there was no way we could learn he could not be harmed by the constructs, and our assumption otherwise was a very logical one. Therefore the fact that the constructs didn't actually kill him is an insignificant technicality, with no impact on the outcome of the game."

"'...which means you can ask me for whatever rewards you desire, within reason of course, but don't hold back.' he said. So we asked for freedom, and something for a start-up in the metropolis."

"A month later we asked him for a place here, and he gave us this lighthouse. Gosh, the metropolis is a horrible place."

"Not worse than Spider Garden, mind you..."

"But I'd rather be Master Kami's slave than live there."

"Filth, noise and crowds. And crime."

"So..." Renamon interrupted "You attempted to murder him and he rewarded you with this house?"

"And freedom. And each other."

"You really wanted to murder him?"

"Look. For us it was a very hard decision back then. But currently the players don't even think twice about it. He's about impossible to kill. There is a rumor that there is some secret method of hurting him, but gosh, they got him drowned, ran over by a train, shot with a dozen bullets of various metals, bombed, poisoned several times and attacked by a tiger. Not a scratch. He is offended by mundane attempts, but impressed by creative ones."

"The rumor goes he's a werewolf and vulnerable to some kind of metal. Not silver, mind you. It was tried the first time the rumor broke. Earned Martha her freedom."

"She melted all her jewelry into a hair pin and tried to stab him while making love to him. So there she looks at her pin bent like a harmonica and at him smiling happily at her and saying 'It should have worked, shouldn't it?'"

"Supposedly she held some grudge against him, no clue about details, but she was definitely not satisfied by merely winning the game. Currently she's somewhere in Megapolis, still plotting to murder him.'

Renamon pondered it for a while. "What would you suggest I should try?"

"Anything but what we suggest. Most likely he has all our current ideas covered."

"There is supposedly still some loophole in cargo departures. Ryosaki told me, before he went with his "storm me to death" plan."

"That was one stupid plan. He got what was coming to him. I wouldn't trust the hint neither."

"What do you mean?" Renamon asked.

"He devised this concept, that players are protected by a 'Plot armor.' Meaning no matter how stupid their actions, they will survive whatever is thrown at them, even if not unscathed. Well, he was proven wrong,"

"Master killed him?"

"Storm killed him. During a violent storm, windows out of the sphere open at random. So he waited for forecast of a very violent storm, took a boat and sailed off. And he couldn't even swim. He was found five spheres away, three days later. For a time we even believed he made it."

"Tell me please, about Master Kami as a chess player."

"He would beat us every time if not the same weakness... If we develop some new, elaborate strategy, sometimes he will skip a move that would break it, just to observe us execute the strategy to the end. Sometimes it costs him the game, but he prefers to learn something new than to win."

"You have been an immense help... I don't know how to thank you."

"Just stay with us a little longer. Let's share some more stories. Maybe you'd like stories of other past winners? We've got them all!"

*"Master, you stopped her from going! I thank you."*

*"Some battles are not worth winning. But this fight, I must win. I won't be swayed by my curiosity. And it saddens me... that now she will seek along the third way."*

"Master Kami" - Renamon bowed. Master Kami came out from the residence to meet her as she approached.

"Renamon" - he answered with a polite bow.

"I want to spar with you."

"Spar? Not duel? Not fight to last drop of blood?"

"If I understood the rules of the game, I don't need to kill you. Your acknowledging my victory is good enough."

"You understood the rules well. But you can't beat me if you hold back and don't try to kill me. And as much as I hate to admit this, after a certain point in the fight, I may not be able to hold back either."

"I don't want any of us die."

"From my side, I will do what I can, but I ask you, don't drop your defenses until I acknowledge the end of the battle. From your side... I'll take care of my survival. You just fight your best."

"Here and now?"

"Not here. I don't want anyone get caught in the battle. Dreary or Bliss, your call."

"Bliss then."

...and they were there, on a sloped piece of rock half a mile long, covered with tropical forest on top, steep cliff around three sides, palm beach on the fourth, reefs, rocks and shallows all around. They stood on a small grassy patch in the highest place of the rock, overseeing the tallest cliff and the forest, white rock sticking from under the grass in many places. The sun was setting on the horizon, basking the island in golden light. Strong wind was blowing through Renamon's fur, as she gazed at the sunset. And Master Kami was gazing at Renamon with sunset in the background, the sight truly magnificent.

Neither of them broke the moment until the last bit of Sun hid behind the horizon and for a second or two, a ray of green light shot through the water.

Renamon turned. Her face was full of almost painful concentration.

"Let's fight." she said.

Master Kami struck first, his punch to her chest easily deflected, the following one avoided, then Renamon kicked, aiming for his waist, but he blocked with his leg. For now, they fought almost lazily, testing the opponent, playing with each other, the oldest tricks in the book doomed to be stopped even before they started them, but it was the manner they were stopped that was important, it was like learning about a person's character from their style of writing, while the written text was insignificant.

For some five minutes they were warming up and testing each other like that, they broke the first sweat and got a hunch of each other's styles. Renamon was devilishly fast, and skilled in deceit, able to trick Master Kami with a feint then drive another blow that nearly got him a couple of times. Master Kami was stone-tough, not even wincing while blocking her kicks with his hands, and he was making up for lower speed with strength, Renamon taking a note to dodge rather than block.

They stopped, gasping a little and breathing harder.

"Show me what you've got" Master Kami shouted, a playful note in his voice.

"Is this the way you talk to the lady?" Renamon answered, amused. Then... she was behind him, and she punched his loins.

"Ouch, good one!" he shouted, but just as the second fist met his back on the other side, she felt his grip on her wrist. He turned rapidly, twisting her hand and forcing her to turn around, then threw her over his head, and smashed into the ground hard.

He knelt over her as she tried to get her breath back, and suddenly kissed her mouth.

Surprisingly, the kiss felt rejuvenating, not unwelcome. Master Kami broke the kiss and stood back. Renamon, stirred but not shaken, stood up and readied herself to fight more.

"That wasn't fair!" she said, not really angry.

"We still haven't discussed what happens if I win."

Renamon attacked violently. "Not... Going... To... Happen..." she shouted as she was delivering kicks and punches, the last of them going under the opponent's defenses and sending Master Kami flying good twenty feet back.

"Not bad," he said, "but you need to try harder."

He charged, Renamon dodged, but his fist met her chest as he dashed past, and she fell back. She gracefully changed the fall into a backflip, landed on her legs and beckoned to Master Kami.

"So do you. I'm still just warming up."

They both charged, not holding back this time. Renamon cried out as her leg met Master Kami's block, he gasped as her punch hit his belly. At one point he grabbed her neck, and while taking a series of punches to his chest, he brought her head down hard against his knee.

She managed to protect her face with her hands, and soften the blow, but still she was shaken, it hurt bad. She grabbed his other leg and pulled, while bucking his stomach with her head, making him fall. Without a second of hesitation she fell with her knee down on his stomach, driving the knee deep against his lower body, then extended her other leg and delivered a hard kick to his chin. His head flew back, hitting the moss-covered rock surface.

Cold itching sensation crawled up her spine. The last hit was a neck-breaking blow, and he lay unmoving.

"Master Kami?" She asked, while checking his face for signs of life, straddling his chest.

"Nice that you care, but stop wasting the advantage you got." he muttered. "You could have thrown me around three times while I was out. Damn, girl, it's been some fifty years since I got spanking like that last time."

"Just surrender. I've beaten you."

"Are you kidding?" he said and suddenly his legs were encircling her throat and pulled her back hard. They wrestled, as he held her legs, then she gripped his chest with them and his legs with her hands. They fought a duel of strength and flexibility, not letting each other go, trying to bend the opponent body, snap it. But he couldn't help staring down between her spread legs, and she couldn't help feeling his prick right against her ass. Together, as on command, they both let go.

They stood up, facing each other, gasping.

"Clean fight. No dirty tricks" she said.

"Sorry. Wasn't intentional." he answered.

He waved his hand encouraging Renamon to strike. She calmed down, lowered her head, then jumped.

"Power Paw!" she shouted. Her limbs covered with blue fire and as her kick connected, she felt the body yielding, flying with the blow, but she also felt a very conscious and determined hold of two hands on her leg. And then a violent kick to her back, sending her flying a long way. She withstood the kick and prepared to land on her legs, but the human was nowhere to be seen.

Sensing a trap, she jumped back in the air, and not a moment too soon, as she saw the leg shooting right where she would be. She kicked back, pushing the man to fall and rising in a magnificent jump, then she turned midair and spread her arms.

"Diamond storm!"

The small shiny particles ripped the man's kimono to shreds, leaving him naked and covering his face, protecting it from the shards. But when the attack ended, he stood up almost unscathed. There were just two small shards stuck in his chest, he picked them and looked at them fascinated.

"Try harder. Much harder."

She tried power paw again, but this time he dodged and grabbed her leg. She swung her wildly around and smashed against the ground.

He straddled her and bowed over her face.

"Much harder."

"I can't. This is all I can do. You are stronger."

"Then get stronger!" he said as he lowered his face to deliver a soft kiss to her forehead.

And with that kiss she felt odd energy entering her body. Not just rejuvenation, but ascending to a higher level. He released her and stepped away.


She stood up, shivering with power. It flowed through her skin in ripples that changed her shape.

"Digivolves to..."

Her tail sprouted sevenfold, her paws got sleeker, her muzzle thinner. She found standing on all fours to be her natural posture.


She stood for a moment, unsure of her new form. She made a few steps, it felt completely natural as if she was never anything else. She looked at Master Kami, her eyes level with him. Now she was bigger than a horse.

"Are you my tamer?"

"As much as I dream to, as much as I want, I can't be your tamer. I'm not a kid anymore, by far. But I care about you. It's the only thing you need to digivolve.

"I can feel the bond. I can feel the energy you share with me. I... I will be able to fight, to draw from that energy as long as you can stand."

"Yes, now you see the handicap I got to balance the odds in your favor."

"You can't win! Each blow you deliver will deplete your energy! Each time I attack you, I weaken you double, by hitting you and by drawing power for the attack. It's just a matter of time till I bleed you unconscious. It's not fair!"

"It's only fair now, when you have means of beating me. Do you really believe I would do this if there was no catch?"

"But you care..."

"I do. And that's why I will win."

He attacked furiously, without any further warning. The small human posture, hitting the fox the size of a rhino with avalanche of punches, and Kyuubimon felt each of the blows drawing the power twice, once to deliver it, and once when it hit her and her strength immediately replenished from his source.

"Stop it!" she shouted. "It will kill you!"

"Fight me, Kyuubimon. You want freedom, this is your chance. I told you I can take it. I told you I will win."

As he attacked her furiously and she was only stepping back under his fury of blows, she began understanding it. He had means to win, but to win, he would have to fight. If she just stood there, she would allow him to lose all his power fighting himself. She could win this round... and the whole game, by just refusing to fight.

"That's not fair. He gave me a chance. I shall use the chance, not exploit it."

She hit his chest with her paw, throwing him back. Her new strength combined with extra damage, threw him far back.

"My honor will be my undoing one day. But for now, show me what you've got." she said.

They charged each other. Kyuubimon expected Master to try some flying kick and prepared to put her jaws to use. She didn't expect him to roll, grab her paw, pull with all his might, and to have this small by comparison man to throw her face down at the ground and make her fall on her back heavily. But this time he didn't stop to kiss her. He twisted the paw, forcing her to roll on her belly, punched her nose, stunning her momentarily, put the pawpad on his knee and sat on the wrist joint heavily.

The nasty, loud crack was followed by a howl of pain. Then, twisting the injured paw he forced her to roll on her back again. He left the paw and attacked her nose again, but she just opened her muzzle and closed it again, on his hand. She rolled on her belly again, forcing him to follow in a wild jump that saved him from having his arm broken. She pulled to grab more of his hand in her teeth, jerked trying to break his bones, now very serious about the fight. Still, despite the strength, he seemed just unbreakable. The grip of her jaws that would surely result in arm of a normal man bitten off, caused pain to Master Kami, but didn't seem to wound him.

She felt influx of power. Warmth filled her wounded paw, and it healed, the bones grew together. Simultaneously she felt taste of blood on her tongue, the man's body gave up a little when it gave power to heal her. He fought and struggled, but she managed to hold him down with her paws and grip his neck with her teeth. Unfortunately she freed both his hands that way, and now he was punching her throat mercilessly, and she felt she loses breath with every punch, she will cough and release him.

At last, she threw him hard and far, then set her paws wide and sent her power after him.

"Fox tail inferno!"

The storm of blue fires smashed into him. She staggered herself, feeling the blow through him, but he lay, face down, stunned. She walked up to him and held his neck again, but this time he was facing away from her. She pushed, and she felt the body yielding reluctantly. She was slowly, gradually smashing his neck. The shock from the pain of the broken paw, the fire of the battle, they made her forget for a moment. She would really kill him. She would regret dearly later, but now she would kill him without realizing it.

Then she felt his hands on her teeth. He was pulling her jaws apart. His strength was impressive, but couldn't match her, and the more effort he put in pulling, the more yielding his flesh was.

But then she felt something else. A shift in the taste of his blood, an odd taste of dark vine fruits, a hot summer night. She saw the moon rising from behind the horizon, full moon, it's always full moon here, she remembered.

The blood was intoxicating. It encouraged her to push stronger, demand more. The hands were annoyingly strong, pulling her teeth away from this delicious blood, from this delicate meat. And she smelled another animal. She held that animal, but then, the animal pulled her jaws apart and freed itself at last.

The taste of blood was gone from her mouth and she sobered up at once.

The "animal" growled. It shook and stretched.

It was a massive, huge wolf. Almost as big as she was. It no longer had human hands. It had a long, bushy tail. It had shining amber eyes. It was black, well muscled and had terrifying, huge teeth. Yet it was beautiful in its own way, a monstrous animal.

The wolf growled, and prepared to attack. Kyuubimon's mind was in turmoil. She has just recovered from one of the most terrifying, but simultaneously most liberating experiences in her life. For a moment she was just a wild animal, all self-control and discipline gone. It felt wonderful, the blood tasted like sweetest wine, and now she wanted more of it.

She begged the wolf to wait. She backed off. The wolf slowed the advance, sat down, sniffed at the air and howled. The howl did it again, it was intoxicating, it took her conscious mind away and rang in her ears, shook her skull demanding her to join. And as she began to howl together with the wolf, the vibrations of her vocal chords brought a nearly orgasmic shiver down her body, it felt great, but it felt irresistible.

The wolf stopped and she was now scared of her new form, a form she could not fully control. The fear cumulated in her, and hit outside her conscious mind again, forcing her to run. She ran into the forest, and the wolf followed. The fear made her sprint, she dodged the trees of the forest, dove through small gaps, jumped over obstacles. Then a corner of her consciousness noticed the wolf was not chasing after her, but by her side, and suddenly the fear was replaced by joy of the run, as they raced down the sloping jungle floor till they emerged on a moonlight-bathed beach, in shadow of the palms. She found a small sweet-water stream and drank from it fearlessly, the wolf suspiciously circling her. Her conscious mind was gone again, and nowhere around to be found, a neglected piece she hoped to find later but unimportant for now.

She caught the scent of the wolf for a moment, and it had something very... juicy in it. Not the blood, she didn't want to fight him. It felt like sinking teeth in a fruit and releasing the sweet juice in her mouth. She trotted to the wolf and drank that smell from his fur. And as he leaned against her, rubbed his flank against her, nuzzled her shins, she felt that empowering feeling, the juice of his energy dripping into her body.

He nibbled at her chin a little, licked her muzzle, and she rolled on her back like a big, defenseless puppy. They licked each other's muzzles. His touch tasted deliciously, a fruit of the wild, intense and natural. She could smell her own taste reflected in his mind as he drank from her mouth, an energizing, sour, intense, orderly taste of the digital world, the sour sharp smell of the digital sand. She almost - just almost recalled her conscious self, but then she felt his tongue elsewhere, and this wild wonderful energy entering her sex, it blew all other thoughts away, the short licks making her squirm and yip quietly.

Suddenly she knew how to drink the juice from the fruit. She rolled onto her legs again and presented her hindquarters, crouching on her front paws, rising on her hind paws and looking back, desire in her eyes.

The strong paws that held around her hindquarters brought back her conscious mind for a second, but before she could react to the thought of "what the hell am I doing?" she was blown away again in the wonderful fulfillment, as she felt the maleness enter her, tug at her body in rapid thrusts, violently stretch her, the brutal pounding sending waves of pleasure. She pushed against the pressure, forcing more of the organ into her, dreamlike delight, the pain being just the right thing, the force feeding her passion.

She felt his hot breath on her back, his teeth nibbling on her neck. He slowed down, nearly stopped, his member tightly encircled with her body, penetrating her deeply and its throbs so wonderfully stimulating her inside. Her body sent spasms squeezing on it with every heartbeat. Then she felt it sliding in, slowly. It wormed its way deeper inside her, as her opening was slowly stretched wide, her spasms flailing against a rock-hard sphere, that was entering her, She braced herself for the push, it was gentle but firm, stretching her to her limits just as her limits expanded, bordering on painful but just on the right side of the exhilarating desire for more, just between being torn and wanting it stronger, harder. She felt the brackets of limits closing, her flesh wouldn't yield and her mind wouldn't stop for less, and suddenly she felt everything click in place, her inside filled the way it was meant to be filled, deeper, thicker than before, and the knot so delightfully thick, throbbing against her clit, the pressure just as she wanted it.

She drank from the fruit, it was there and the delicious juice was squirted right into her belly. She was beyond herself, the ecstasy, the exquisite taste of power, that energy soaking into her and her body all lost in the feeling, closed on the source as snugly as only possible. She savored the wild and free lifeforce of nature, forests from before the times of man. Her womb was filled with it, a power no other digimon possessed, and the process of taking it in... She felt as if every second of her life before that was a second wasted... on not doing this.

Her conscious mind crept on her unnoticed, but when it came back, it was way too overwhelmed with the intensity and quality of the sensation, to protest. "Screw the discipline, screw the independence and freedom if this is the alternative" summed it up. She savored the various shades of texture of the power. She could shape it and give birth to the most powerful digimon ever, a king over the sovereigns. Or she could keep it for herself. She kept it, and still took more in, the slow regular throbs not subsiding the least bit.

She realized she would be fainting from exhaustion right now, if not that power, which allowed her to stay sharp, concentrated and able to experience every smallest detail of the wonderful sensation. Her inside danced over the surface of the canine cock, her spasms sending shivers up the spine of the wolf, making him whine quietly, as the fur on his back shone and flowed, his body a gate for the energy, taking it from an inexhaustable source and transforming it into a form she could absorb. She turned her head to him, licked his muzzle, smiling at the expression of extreme tension when she squirmed a bit.

The ecstasy faded slowly into a warm glow, a delightful, fulfilling state of warm fatigue. Without words they both lay down, turned belly to belly and kissed for a long time, stincll tied, him still sending small waves of his power into her. Only now she began feeling the physical form of the power, small tickling spurts of semen that currently stretched her belly. The liquid was filled with power which she absorbed every moment. Some of old, well known, good Digimon power, data, and lots and lots of a strange, new power. She felt the source of it, the moon channeling its magic into the beast form of Master - now known as Master Okami, and him sharing it with her freely.

Then, just as she felt the strength of the tie loosening, the stream of power subsiding into a trickle, she realized that she wanted this to last. She wanted this to last forever, and if it couldn't last forever, she wanted it happen to her over and again. She felt her will for freedom and independence slipping away, a silly childhood fantasy, nothing of value was lost.

And as she felt the maleness retreating from her, the connection severed, she realized the wolf is crying.

"Why are you crying, Master Okami?" she asked, licking his muzzle.

"Because I can't keep you. You have ultimately won."

"I... won?"

"I can draw from the power of the moon, but I can't store it. I have succumbed to my lust and granted you power surpassing mine a thousand times over. The power will vanish with sunrise, but until then I am entirely on your mercy."

"But I don't challenge you. The fight is over, it ended when I ran cowardly when you changed to the beast form. I don't intend to kill you or challenge you, at least until morning." she said with a smirk.

She smiled and licked his muzzle, seeing his confusion, hope, shame, fear, desire. He fought with his emotions for a long while. Finally, he sighed and shook his head.

"I can't change the rules. Unlike all the illusions of power your precedessors posessed, you are wielding a genuine power over my life and death now. I can't discount that. By all means, you have won. You are are free to demand whatever you desire that is within my power. Freedom, wealth, whatever I can give."

"Freedom for Castellana."


There was some silence. Master Okami broke it.

"When I said whatever you desire, I didn't mean just one wish."

"I know, I know." Kyuubimon murred quietly, gazing at the sky.

They fell silent for a very long while.

"So what wishes are you thinking about?" Master Okami asked.

"What? Wishes?" Kyuubimon asked, as if totally surprised by the question. "Oh... You can call it that way." she fell silent for a moment longer. Then she grinned. "I wish I lost the game. No, seriously. I'm perfectly happy with things as they are. I don't want this stupid victory or the wishes or freedom or anything really. I want you to fuck me tomorrow till I faint, and I know you will, without any wishing. I want that castellana job. I want to snuggle up to you", she paused and snuggled up to the wolf. "I want to play your stupid game again and blow your mind with some clever solution again. Or just play chess with you. And to wake up to you at the table and have a meal together. No, wait, if I'm to be the castellana, I'll be serving the meal to you. Good enough. And not to lose the edge, we will be sparring here in the evenings before we have sex just like tonight. Now, now, be a big wolf and stop weeping like a baby."

by Sharpfang

Wed Mar 18 21:50:27 CET 2009

inspired by:

Digimon Tamers (obviously)

The Spider Garden by Michael Manning

Dwarf Fortress by Tarn Adams