A Brother's Love Part 2 - Consequences

Story by Golbeze on SoFurry

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#2 of Brother's Love

Well, here it is, the sequal to my popular story, 'A Brother's Love'. First thing's first, the Disclaimer: This story contains a sexual content and romance between a brother and a sister. If you're offended by such content or are not of legal age to view this story, please turn back now. You have been given warning. Also, like the other, this is copyright me, Golbeze. Do not steal it. I'll allow redistribution as long as this disclaimer and copyright reamains on it and it is not altered in any way, shape, or form. Now, enjoy! n.n

Edit: Corrected a few spelling errors I noticed.


A Brother's Love - Part 2: Consequences

"Nng, Mike, harder," Ashley moaned as her brother pounded into her. It had been around a week since Mike took his little vixen sister's virginity. Ashley - not wanting to make Dianne, their mother, suspicious - had been sneaking into Mike's room after she had gone to bed. The young vixen wrapped her arms around her vulpine brother, sensually rubbing his back and nuzzling his shoulder.

"Ah, Ashley, I'm close," Mike groaned as he held onto her as well, his paws rubbing over her small frame as he thrust into her. They loved the sounds they each made as they mated. Ashley moaned as she felt his knot pound against her entrance, threatening to slip in. She looked into his eyes and he looked back, pure love shining in them as his bulge slipped into her and tied them, pure ecstasy flooding them as their climaxes were triggered.

"Ah, Mike! Nng..." the young vixen howled in pleasure, her fluids flooding over her brother's pulsating shaft as he filled her womb with his fertile seed. Mike growled softly as he came, then laid down with his sister on top of him, the two basking in the afterglow as they held each other in a loving embrace.

"Mike, I love you," Ashley told her brother as she snuggled him, murring softly.

"I love you too, Ashley. We better get to sleep, Mom's taking you to the doctor in the morning," he responded, petting her. Ashley nodded, dozing off quite quickly, quite content in his arms. Mike soon followed, looking down at his little lover as he too entered into the realm of dreams.

Ashley woke up in the morning to the sound of Mike's alarm clock. It read 6:30, an hour before Dianne would be getting up. She reached over and turned it off, then looked to Mike, who smiled at her and took her into his arms, getting out of the bed and setting her on the floor.

"Go get some clothes and I'll meet you in the shower," he told her as he walked over to his dresser to get some clothes himself. She nodded eagerly and headed to her room. She headed to a small chair where a purple skirt and panties had been laid out for her by Dianne the previous evening.

As she gathered them up she thought about the previous week. She had been sent to the psychiatrist that was recommended by Dianne. She didn't really like being there, but she figured it was for the best. She was still shaken from the events with Abel. Afraid of being sent to the principal's office again and having to walk down that hall alone, she paid a lot more attention in class. Everyone could tell the memories were affecting her greatly and had been trying to help her through it. Dianne was also quite shaken and was taking her to the doctor today to get her on birth control medication.

Ashley held the clothes to her tightly as the memories flooded her, but shook them away as she remembered that Mike was waiting in the shower. She walked out of her room and down the hallway to the bathroom, opening the door and walking in. Mike was already there and smiled down at her, taking her clothes and hanging them on a rack.

"What took so long?" he asked the little vixen, noticing her somber look. "You alright?"

"Yeah," Ashley responded, nodding as she looked back up at him. A smile formed on her muzzle as Mike reached down and took her paw, leading her into the stall and closed the glass door.

He turned the shower on and picked Ashley up, letting the water splash onto them. She giggled and snuggled into his grasp, loving the feeling of being held by him and the water splashing onto her fur. They resisted the urge to mate, opting instead to help clean the previous night's activities from their fur. As they cleaned each other they did take the chance to teasingly please each other, their paws occasionally rubbing over the other's crotch.

They took each other onto a deep kiss and murred softly as Mike carried Ashley out of the shower, reaching over to grab a couple towels to dry themselves off. Ashley took hers and dried herself off, but then cringed as she felt a wrenching in her stomach. "Ugh, Mike..."

"Huh, what is it?" Mike asked as he looked upon his sister, a look of concern upon his eyes. His concern grew to worry when Ashley covered her mouth, looking like she was getting sick.

"I- I need to use the toilet!" she pleaded hurriedly. Mike quickly took her there and set her down just in time as she bent over and started heaving into it. Ashley panted and rested her head on the edge of the toilet, letting out a moan of discomfort.

"Are you ok?" Mike asked her softly as he rubbed her back, trying to comfort her. She nodded a bit, reaching up to pet his cheek in thanks. He smiled and picked her up, walking out of the bathroom and to her room.

"Mike, should we have mated last night? I... I don't want you to get sick," she told him, her voice a little weak. Mike smiled at her and shook his head.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I guess it's a good thing you're going to the doctor today. They'll probably give you something," he told her then licked her cheek, garnering a giggle and a gentle murr from his little sister.

After Dianne woke up Mike told her about Ashley getting sick, telling her that she woke him up when it happened so as not to bring any suspicions.

"She was wrapped in her towel, and I just carried her to bed," he said to her as he sat at a kitchen chair and ate his breakfast. Dianne nodded and stood up to start down the hall to Ashley's room.

"Alright, I'll go check on her. Good thing I'm taking her to the doctor anyway," she said, a concerned tone in her voice.

Dianne peered into Ashley's room and found her awake, snuggled into the covers. Dianne smiled gently as she walked over to the young vixen and sat next to her.

"G'morning Mom," Ashley said to her with a little smile.

"G'morning sweetie," Dianne smiled back and petted the kit. "Mike told me you were sick. You feeling better?"

Ashley nodded and nuzzled into Dianne's paw. "Yeah, a little," she responded, murring softly. Mike peered into the room at the two, holding Ashley's clothes.

"Hey mom, here's her clothes," he told Dianne as he walked into the room and handed them to her. He looked over to Ashley and petted her, earning a smile from the kit.

"Thanks Mike," Dianne told him as she set the clothes on the chair. "Alright Ashley, get dressed, it's almost time for your appointment."

She nodded and watched as the two walked out. she threw the covers off and walked over to the clothes and put them on, letting out a sigh as she did.

'I hope Mike doesn't get sick too,' she thought as she slipped on the purple skirt and put on her socks and shoes.

"Ah, you ready?" Dianne asked as Ashley made her way into the kitchen. Ashley looked at the clock on the wall, which said 8:10, and nodded. Mike walked over to Ashley and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I'll see you later," he told the kit before walking out to head to school. Ashley smiled and nodded, waving to him as he left.

As Dianne drove down the roads of the small town, Ashley's thoughts went back to everything that happened. Abel had plead guilty to assault and attempted rape. She saw him when he left the courtroom. He had a defeated and somewhat shocked look about him, as if being in a courtroom made reality sink in. Ashley received a bit of a shock herself when he mouthed an 'I'm sorry' as he was lead into the police car.

Ashley didn't know what to make of it. She thought Abel would be mad, but the emotions conveyed by him were fearful instead. It was apparent that he was scared of going to juvenile detention, but he knew he didn't have a choice, and would spend his time there until he was 18.

Ashley's thoughts shifted as she thought of her mother getting this appointment with the doctor. Dianne was clearly shaken and wanted to get Ashley on birth control. However, the only doctor in town was at a meeting over the week, and the two nurses were taking a vacation. The people didn't like it, as it made them to either wait or go to the nearest city, which was around 70 miles away, to receive medical care. Dianne was going to take Ashley there instead, but after calming down and seeing Abel be carried away, decided to wait.

Her thoughts were interrupted as they arrived at the doctor's office.

"Alright Ashley, we're here," Dianne told her as she got out of the car.

"Alright, mom," Ashley nodded and got out as well and they made their way inside. As Dianne checked in with the receptionist, Ashley felt sick again and rushed up to them.

"M-mom," Ashley started before clenching her stomach with one paw and holding her mouth with the other. They noticed this and the receptionist, a yellow tiger looking to be in her mid-30's, quickly lead the young vixen to the bathroom.

After a moment Ashley came out of the bathroom. She held her stomach and her tail drooped as she walked down the hallway with the tiger.

"Ok, go sit down and rest until the doctor can see you," the feline told the sick vixen and went back over to her desk.

Ashley and Dianne waited for about 15 minutes until the receptionist called out for them.

"Ashley and Dianne Curtis? Dr. Lynaris will see you now," she called out into the room. The two foxes got up and followed her. They were led first to a scale where they took down Ashley's weight, then she was given a cup and sent to the bathroom. Afterwards they were led to another room where Ashley sat on an examination table while a nurse asked the two some standard questions, then left them to wait for the doctor.

After around 10 minutes the door opened again and a slim, grey-furred wolfess walked in. She wore the standard clothing and equipment for a doctor, and carried the notes that the nurse took earlier, along with some others.

"Hello Dianne, Ashley," she greeted the two, a smile formed on her muzzle. The two vulpines smiled and greeted back.

"Hello Carrol."

"Hi miss Lynaris!" the two responded at almost the same time. Carrol was a good friend of the family and often visited with them. She went over the questions with Ashley again, then had her lay on the table as she did some examinations.

"Well, everything seems to be normal. And you just got sick this morning?" she asked the young vulpine, who nodded in response.

"Well, I'm going to go check on the sample we took. I'll be back in a moment, so just wait here."

As they waited Dianne sat by her daughter and rubbed her hand softly, smiling.

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure Carrol can give us something for it," she told her child and smiled. Ashley smiled back and nuzzled her mother. "Yeah..."

After a moment Carrol walked back in, her look rather serious. Dianne and Ashley noticed this and wondered what was wrong.

"Now what I have to tell you will come on as a shock, so I want you two to prepare for it," the lupine began as she gazed at the two on the bed. They gazed back as they became scared at what the doctor had to say.

"I looked it over, and there's a chance Ashley... could be pregnant," she told them with a sigh at the end, her voice filled with concern. Dianne and Ashley's eyes went wide at Carrol's words. Dianne shook her head, her mind filled with disbelief.

"No, it can't be. Mike told me he stopped Abel before he could do anything!" she almost yelled, while Ashley just looked at the floor, her mind going over the past week with her older brother.

Carrol shook her head and sat down in a chair to the side of them.

"Well, I could run the test again, but it looks like something did happen."

Dianne looked over to Ashley, who kept gazing at the floor as tears started falling from her eyes.

"Ashley?" Dianne asked her and grabbed onto her shoulders. "Please tell me, did Abel do this?" Ashley shook her head and sniffled.

"N-no, it wasn't him," she choked out through her sobs. "It..." she started, sighing, "was Mike."

Meanwhile, Mike was at school getting ready to go to class. The first bell had yet to ring, so he took his time and talked to his friends. They talked as they headed to their various classes, when a figure came up behind Mike and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Huh?" he meeped as he turned to see who it was. It was a slender, silver-furred vixen. She wore a plain purple shirt and dark-blue pants.

"Oh, Hi Crystal," Mike greeted with a low sigh and glanced away from her.

"Hi Mike. Um, can we talk alone?" she asked him and glanced back at his friend. Mike nodded and his friend excused himself to head to class. "Ok, what is it?"

"I'm sorry for leaving you, but I needed some time to think, and was wondering..." she told him and gazed at the floor, a somber tone in her voice.

Mike shook his head and glanced at her. "... if we could get back together, right?" he asked her with an uncertain tone. She nodded and looked back, her eyes telling him she was serious.

Mike sighed and turned away, facing in the direction of the class.

"I'm sorry, but I can't," he said seriously but with his voice lowered.

"But, why?" she asked, her eyes wide. "Why can't you?"

"I'm," he started and paused for a bit, "I'm seeing someone else."

Crystal couldn't believe her ears. She took a step back as a tear escaped her eye.

"You're seeing someone else?!" she almost yelled, her eyes in disbelief.

"Why? Wh-who is it?" she demanded and gazed at him. Mike shook his head again, still gazing away from her.

"I can't say it. I'm sorry," he answered plainly. Crystal was about to demand as to why when Principal Rembrant called through the PA.

"Mike Curtis, please come to my office," he said in an authoritive tone. Mike turned to Crystal and sighed.

Sorry, I gotta go," he told her and headed to the office. As he arrived he found Dianne and Ashley sitting right outside in the chairs.. Dianne had a very serious, yet confused look about her. Ashley looked up at him, quite shaken and scared. She looked as if she held back tears.

"Mom, Ashley, what's wrong?" he asked the two, concerned about their demeanor.

"Mom, what's wrong? What did the doctor say?"

The secretary looked over to them and got up. "I'll let you be alone," she told them and walked into a nearby restroom. Dianne looked at her son as he sat next to them. He looked back and started petting Ashley softly. He saw in his mother's eyes that whatever it was, it also concerned him.

"I'll let Ashley tell you," she told him and looked down at the somber kit. Mike also looked down at her as he continued to pet her and scratch her ears.

"What is it? Ashley?"

She looked up at him. Small sobs escaped her throat as she struggled for the words to tell him.

"Mike, I'm," she started and laid a paw on her belly. "I'm pregnant."

His eyes grew wide as he heard his sister's words. He was speechless. The thought of his own sister pregnant with his child was more than he could believe, but he knew there was no-one else.

He gazed between Ashley and Dianne, his disbelief giving way to realization. This meant Dianne knew what they've been doing.

"Mom," he started, but was interrupted by her.

"Mike," she sighed as she looked into his eyes. "Why?" she asked and shifted her gaze to Ashley.

"I don't know. No, I can't say that," he started as he rubbed Ashley's shoulder. "She was in her heat. We spent those nights together, and it kept me awake each night. I..."

He shook his head as he thought back to the events that lead up to it.

"I started thinking about what Abel tried to do. I started getting feelings for Ashley. I knew they were wrong, and tried to shove them away. But then, I broke up with Crystal. You remember I told you that I broke up with her."

Dianne nodded and motioned him to continue, listening intently to his story.

"That night was the same as the others. I eventually went to sleep," he resumed, a somber tone in his voice.

"I dreamt of Ashley. I couldn't help it, but it was of mating her. I woke up to see her staring at my, um, privates. She- she had the same look as I must've had."

Tears ran down his face at this point. He had wrapped his arm around Ashley and she was laying on it as she heard him tell of their deeds.

"I'm sorry mom."

Dianne sighed and moved to the chair beside him. She placed a paw on his shoulder and rubbed it gently.

"I know, I know," she tried to comfort him. She was displeased with them, but wasn't angry. "But you know, you two are going to have to make a choice."

Mike nodded and laid his head on Dianne's shoulder.

"You're either going to have to give the child for adoption, or you'll be made to get married and learn to raise it. I'd rather not see you have such a responsibility at your ages, but since you obviously were grown-up enough to make the decision to mate, I'll let you make the decision of what to do next."

The two kits looked up to her. After a moment they hesitantly nodded and looked at each other. Dianne got up and helped them do the same.

"Well, you better get to class," she told them. The first bell had rung while they talked. The two cubs stood up and followed their mother out into the hall.

They said their goodbyes for the time and headed off, Dianne back home and Mike and Ashley to their classes. Mike started down the hall when he was confronted by Crystal. She crossed her arms and had an upset look in her eyes.

"Crystal, what is it?" Mike yeeped as he noticed her gaze.

"Mike, I heard everything." she told the shocked todd. His mouth hanged open.

"What? Why?" he asked in disbelief.

She glared at him and looked to the side, her eyes closed.

"Well, I don't know. You know I would always go with you whenever you were called to him during break or lunch," she started. Mike nodded and gazed at her.

"Yeah, you were always concerned about me."

"Well, I guess I did it out of habit. I remembered that she had that appointment today, and was about to follow to see how she was doing, when I heard you guys start talking. I decided to wait outside, and ended up hearing everything," she continued as her tone became upset. He hanged his head and leaned against the wall.


"Mike, your own sister! Were you really that upset over losing me that you would go and fuck your own sibling?!" she demanded as tears began matting her fur.

"You gave up your virginity to her. I know we separated, but still! I-" she sobbed and looked away from him.

Mike sighed and looked up at her. "I'm sorry, but she's my mate now. She's gonna have my kit, and I need to be there for her."

Crystal shook her head and stated towards class. They were late by now, and she thought it best not to get into anymore trouble than they would already be in. "Tell me one thing Mike, are you really ready to marry your own sister?" Mike stared in the direction of his own class and headed there himself.

"I- I don't know."

It was later after school. The foxes were going about their usual business. Ashley and Mike did their homework, and Dianne prepared dinner. There was a noticeable heaviness in the air, and the usual clatter that often filled the house was gone. Ashley and Mike went to their own bedrooms this time, but they found it difficult to sleep.

Ashley laid in her bed and thought of everything that happened during the day. 'What am I going to do?' she thought as she curled up into the blankets. Thoughts of having this child and the decision between keeping it or putting it up for adoption flooded her mind. She placed a paw on her belly as she thought of giving it up. 'It would probably be better if I did,' she continued thinking, but didn't like the idea of giving something up she would be carrying for the next five months.

After a bit the door opened and Mike stepped inside. The young vixen watched as he sat on the bed next to her and petted her shoulder.

"Mike, I'm sorry," she apologized but was hushed by him.

"Hey, shh. Look, I had a hand in this as well, so don't go blaming yourself. Okay?" He bent over and kissed her on the forehead. She reached up and wrapped her arms around him.

"But, what are we gonna do?" she begged and buried her snout into his shoulder. He held her and rubbed her back.

"Look, we'll get through this, ok? This is our child that's in you, and I'm going to do my best to help you raise it," he spoke into her ear. She looked up into his eyes as he mentioned raising it. He quickly placed a finger over her lips to silence her.

"Yes, we're going to raise this kit. Maybe I'm making a mistake, but it's one I'm willing to live with. These feelings I've developed for you, I can't just ignore them."

Ashley's eyes soften and a smile cracked on her muzzle.

"Ok, I'll keep the child," she said back as she nuzzled his shoulder. Mike smiled and laid down with her in the bed, pulling the covers over them and fell into a deep slumber with his new mate.