Ceres' stories - pt 1

Story by Mickeylion on SoFurry

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#1 of Ceres' stories

first story in a new series

Like all wood sprites, Ceres had never met another of her kind before. She could talk to animals, but humans were completely blind to her existance. She could see them. But they could never see her, even if she was buzzing around their heads.

As far as she knew, she was the only sprite in existance. She didn't even know where she came from, if someone created her or if she simply came into being. Everything she knew she learned from experience, or from innate knowledge.

Her friends were the flowers and the trees, and the animals that could actually talk to her. Her magic she learned to control over the ages. Just as the humanscould not see her physical form, she couldn't directly interact with their physical world. But with her magic, she could manipulate it. Undetected, she could effect the shapes of rocks, plants, animals, and even the shape of the humans themselves. She couldn't talk to them, touch them, or alter their thoughts and feelings, but she could mold their bodies.

When much younger and of a more childish attitude, she learned to amuse herself by playing with the shapes of the things around her. Humans were her favorite targets, not only because of their complete lack of awareness of her, but because of their profound level of intelligence. Although she could communicate telepathically with animals, they were not nearly at the level of her own. But the humans were something else. Though it was frustrating she didn't even exist to them, they were so much more fun to play with.

Her first interactions with humans were basic pranks. Turning a boy's shoelaces into dirt. Turning at hat into a leaf. The simple surprise and confusion on the humans' faces were enough to make her fly away in childish laughter.

But soon enough those small pranks were a bore, and she moved on to transforming humans completely into animals. Her first victim was random. It was man by the lakeside she turned into a frog. Disappointly, she was unable to communicate with him, which was her initial idea. The humans kept their mind when changed into animals, and this were still unable to see her or hear her voice in their heads even in animal form. She changed him back shortly after, leaving the man naked and confused as he stood next to the pile of clothes trying to figgure out if any of that had actually happened.

The transformations were quick, instantaneous if she wanted. But she could also transform things gradually, or bit by bit if she wanted. Sometimes she'd find a group of humans and play with one of them, giving them the beak of a duck for example, watching in amusement as they quacked in confusion as the others watched in shock. But always she turned them back with no real harm done to them except some amusement at their expense.

Over time as she got older, occasionally venturing into the strange sterile human habitats, did she realize that humans had a dark side. The first time she didn't restore a human to their original form was a turning point in her secret relationship with humanity. She hadn't intended for the transformation to be permanent. But there was one thing that she certainly could not reverse: death.

It was a cool autumn evening when she ventured into the edge of her home woods, in an area very near human habitat. She'd heard the cries of an animal suffering and flew over to the commotion to find a cat yeowling in pain. He was in clear agony with a small bullet hole in its haunch seeping blood. The cat limped around slowly before it was picked up by the scruff of the neck by a man. Ceres watched in horror as the man shook the poor animal, yelling angry words at it, before smashing it's head against a tree.

The sight horrified Ceres. She'd seen death before, she'd seen animals kill others, even human hunters kill animals with their guns. But she'd never seen a human take another life with such senseless malice. The cat had been in his prime and was the companion of a young girl who lived nearby. He did nothing to warrant death, and humans never ate the meat of cats. This was done out of pure cruelty. The fact that the man laughed and began to walk away from the body confirmed it.

It was in a moment of rage that Ceres decided to punish the human. As he slowly walked away she willed her magic at him, instantly turning him into a mouse. The small white mouse squeaked in confusion as it finally made its way out of the collar of his shirt, completely disoriented. In her anger Ceres determined that a mere scare was not good enough, so she found a nearby cat and enlisted her help to teach the man a lessen. Although, as she would soon find out, cats aren't exactly the most trustworthy creatures.

She'd watched as the cat toyed with the man turned mouse, snatching it with its paws and batting it around. Disoriented to his own body, the mouse only tripped itself up every time it tried to run away, quickly to be caught again by a paw. Perhaps it was good she could not read into the human's mind, because it must have been filled with sheer terror. But she didn't care. She'd even encouraged the cat to subject the mouse to mock swallowings, scooping it's body into its mouth and lifting the jaws as if to swallow it whole, only to spit it out and bat it around again.

She let this go on for quite awhile before she decided that the man had gotten what he deserved. Only the cat had different plans. Unknown to her the dead cat was the father of the female's kittens, and she had decided for herself that a harsher punishment was appropriate. Just as Ceres was ready to transform the man back to his human form, the cat bit him in the head, crushing the skull and killing him instantly.

Strangely, aside from feeling betrayed by her feline friend, she did not feel too angry at the cat. Especially not after realizing the existence of the kittens and that they would have to face the first weeks of their lives without a father. She was almost relieved to realize that true justice has been done, and the man would be prevented from getting his own revenge. Although more intelligent, a human life was no more valuable than another animal's. And at least she understood animals, could talk to them, understand their feelings. Humans were a mystery to her.

After killing the mouse, the mother cat had taken the dead mouse back to the nest beneath her human companion's porch. Though the kittens were too young to eat meat, it must've given them solice seeing the body of their father's killer. Or perhaps she wanted to keep it as a trophy.

It was while wondering the fate of the body that the gravity of what she had done truly hit her. She had caused that human's death. Though she didn't do it herself, it was her that caused it to happen. It was her that allowed the justice to be done.

After that experience Ceres avoided contact with humans. Even though she convinced herself the man got what he deserved, the finality of it, the fact that she had directly caused his death, troubled her. And what was her purpose? Why did she even exist? It was during these days of isolation and self doubt that convinced herself that her purpose was punish evil humans and to protect her animal friends. After all, why else could she not communicate with the humans or feel their emotions like she did with animals? Perhaps because that would allow her to carry out her purpose objectively: to be an unseen force keeping the humans in check. Dealing justice in a world where humans had the unfair advantage.

True or not, Ceres convinced herself of her of this purpose. She spent the next several weeks observing humans. The more she saw of the human world, the more she came to hate it's destructive nature. More and more she grew determined to punish the worst of them.

Over time Ceres view on humans became more and more perverted, and she began to endulge in darker and darker impulses.

She began keeping logs of her experiences with each victim, stashed away in her mind. Mainly for herself. Obviously no one else would even know what she did, save for a few animals. But their memories were too short to remember.

Eventually, far later in her history, would she finally encounter other wood sprites. They, like her, had spent most of their lives alone, learning their role in the world without guidance. They were all fated to meet some day to learn from each other, share their stories.

Her memories recorded stories of a wood sprite led astray. They would horrify the others, who had taken similar but much more benevolent paths.

These are those stories recounting Cere's lifetime of interactions with the humans in her wood:

Human 2

It took several days flying around before I found another human for me to play with. It was boy I saw kicking a poor dog in the street. I promptly turned him into a cat, and I let the dog bully him back and chase him around in circles. I was just a small dog so the boy wasn't hurt. I just left him there crying naked on the ground after turning him back. Seemed like he got what he deserved.

Human 3

I encountered a woman who had senselessly killed a squirrel with poison and was burying it's body in the wood behind her house. I turned her into a squirrel and let her live outside in that shape overnight. She had some interesting encounters with other squirrels, but she was most preoccupied trying to get the attention of the humans inside of the house next door. It was amusing watching her knock on the glass door and try throwing pebbles at it. The next morning I restored her. It was alot of fun watching her check herself, making sure her tail was gone, checking her arms and legs. Interestingly she wasn't as hysterical about it as I hoped. Perhaps she thought it was a dream. Next time I'll make sure they know it's real.

Human 4

This one was fun. I found a pair of human hunters who had just killed a deer. Common thing. But I thought it'd be fun to let one of them see things from a deer's perspective. They were standing by the dead doe when I transformed one of them into a deer, right in front of the other man's eye. I made his body transform slow so it was obvious to both what had happened. It was very funny as the transformed man backed away in fear, like he was afraid his companion would shoot him too. The other man did the exact same, running away in the other direction screaming like he was afraid the same would happen to him. Maybe the next time it will.

The transformed man wondered around for awhile until coming in contact with the group of deer that the doe they had killed came from. It was a good time to restore his human form, and I couldn't help but laught as the man ran away in terror, especially after the buck reared at him, making him fall over.

I don't think either man will be killing dear again any time soon. If they ever even enter the forest again. Later the buck told me that the man made a fine doe, and wished he'd given him more time with her. That thought hadn't crossed my mind at the time, or even the realization that I'd switched his sex. I wonder if the man had realized it either. How interesting it would have been to find out. Perhaps next time.

Human 5

Being female myself, I find the idea of taking away a man's maleness and endowing him with female parts most interesting. It seems that the male mating partner is usually dominant, especially in human pairings. I decided to first try on a man by himself. I found a man who live alone with a dog companion playing with himself in his bedroom. I changed his male genitals into a girl's. He noticed immediately and paced around his house all night not sure what to do, constantly examining himself. He was clearly in distress. He didn't sleep at all. He didn't play with himself either even though I could tell he definitely thought about it a few times.

Morning came and I changed him into a dog just like the one living with him. I made it happen slowly so both he and the dog could watch it happen. His change in species seemed to terrify him worse than his sex, although his dog didn't seem to mind. In fact, the male was immediately aroused and encouraged her to mate with him. This was clearly not what the human wanted, so I changed him back to his original form. He had done nothing wrong, even though the dog seemed more than ready to force himself upon his own master. It'd be fun to see what happens to a human that really deserves it.

Humans 6 and 7

I found two humans to play with this time. A young man and woman were catching fish in a lake from a boat. After tossing a catfish into the bottom of their boat, I saw there were many other fish flopping helplessly on the bottom. Some of them were already dead. So I slowly transformed the woman into a catfish. They were in the middle of the lake so it was really fun watching them react as her arms and legs withered away to fins while a fish tail grew from her back end. Her pretty face twisting into a slimy fish face was funniest of all. The look on the man's face made me laugh. Too bad they couldn't hear me. When her gills came in she started to panic since she couldn't breathe and she fell into the water.

I did the same to him right after her, except he didn't go into the water. I let him flip around helplessly with the other fish as the bottom of the boat. I turned him into a female catfish for fun, but that didn't amount to anything. Doubtful he even noticed. I eventually turned him back and watched as he spent hours calling the woman's name and looking into the water. She never came up.

Even if I were to find her tomorrow I couldn't tell the difference between her and the thousands of other catfish in the lake. I wouldn't be able to talk to her, and normal fish don't have much intelligence to begin with. So aside from knowing she's a male now, I wouldn't be recognize her.

This is the second time I've left a human transformed. Not on purpose this time either. But I'm not worried, she's better off as a fish than a disgusting human.

Human 8

Humans are such vile creatures. I hate them. I found one today throwing rocks at a robin's nest. Thankfully I stopped him in time before he was able to hurt any of the chicks.

I turned her into a girl robin. She ran around the ground flapping her wings wildly until I filled her belly with eggs. Empty eggs, of course. I watched as she struggled to lay the first one. When that one finally came out the next one came. I enjoyed watching her confused and scared as she had no choice but to lay five eggs on the ground.

After those five were out, I gave her another five. Then another. And another.

I guess she'd laid about 50 or so eggs before I got bored. I turned her back and laughed at him as he ran away screaming.

Human 9

This is the first human I've purposely left to be an animal forever. This despicable man set a metal trap that caught the leg of a poor fox. I knew this couldn't be for the meat. I was so angry with this man. He was just about to murder the fox when I transformed the metal trap, releasing the fox, then reforming into a shackle that wrapped around the man's leg. The fox limped around, injured, but he'd survive. I spoke to him and decided on a suitable punishment for the man.

I transformed his gender first. The look on his face as he looked inside his pants and watched his male bits wither away to a female's was almost justice enough.

He couldn't get away from the shackle, which I smartly made shrink with him as his limbs became slender. His tail started as a naked limb like the rest of his body. I watched as it, like the rest of him, puffed out into a thick pelt of red and white fur.

Hearing his human cries turn to the yipping of a vixen was most satisfying. His clothing stayed on his body. It was most amusing seeing the transformed man shaking nervously in his dainty fox body on all fours, still draped in her oversized human clothes. The tail coming out one leg was awkward most of all.

Even if she wasn't tied by a hind paw I doubt she would have been able to get away from the todd, even with his wounded leg. Not only would she be clumsy in her new body, but the tangle of her pants would have tripped her up.

It didn't take much hesitation for the todd take action. I think she was in too much shock to even resist him pulling the pants down from her body, freeing her unbound leg and tail. Most importantly, it freed up her loins. The male didn't even bother with the man's shirt, going straight to sniff between her legs. I made sure her body was in estrus, and he didn't need any more encouragement than that.

I think it was at this moment it dawned on the man what was about to happen, when the todd licked her square on her new sex. She yipped loudly, thrashing her tail and kicking her legs. But this encouraged the male even more. He easily held her still with a heavy paw.

I think he enjoyed toying with her more than I enjoyed watching it. It must've been a combination of her helplessness and the identity of the vixen that took away the usual urgency that comes with mating in the wild. I don't normally watch animals mate, but I admit I took a lot of pleasure watching this man get his punishment.

Unfortunately I can only imagine the chaos that was in the man's head as the heat between her legs increased with each penetrating lick of the tongue. That much was obvious by how much her genitals swelled up and slickened with lubrication. I couldn't help but help the cause by manipulating her body to be as receptive to pleasureful sensations as possible.

I kept wishing I could read human minds. Her eyes were closed and she made a cute noise with each lick. I couldn't tell if she was enjoying the male or simply trying to hold on mentally. Probably both. The thought amuses me.

She was panting by the time the todd finally decided to mount her. She was much smaller than him, and she opened her eyes when she felt him climb on her back. She couldn't see me, but I hovered right there in front of her face, relishing the flurry of emotions in her eyes. I didn't see the moment of penetration, but her eyes opened wide and she made a high pitched sound when it happened. He was much larger than her after all, and I saw just how tightly her sex lips were wrapped wound his penis. And that was before he introduced the knot.

The remainder of the mating also took much longer than usual. The male humped his hips slowly, enjoying every moment of the justice he was carrying out on his would be killer. She seemed to be enjoying it too. At least physically, by her pants and drooling. But I could see the flashes of horror in her eyes. There must have been a conflict of sexual bliss and the resisting human concious trapped in her own body. That the mind was a human male's made it all the better.

Perhaps I should be disturbed that I got so much pleasure watching this all play out. But this man deserved worse than what he got. So I don't see any harm in taking joy in it. The todd certainly enjoyed it.

I watched their first coupling without looking away. It didn't feel as long as it actually took. They both climaxed and cried out at the same time. I even saw a some of the male's fertile seed spill out around the base of his penis on small squitss. Soon they stood there tied together. The male looked proud and satisfied, the female with her head down, staring between her legs. Again, I wished I could know her shame and confusion...

I left them in that state before the sun set. Now the sun will soon rise again. Overnight I could hear the sounds of their mating happening over and over again. Pregnancy was assured with the first mating. But this is about justice, not reproduction. I'll give them the rest of day together. Then I'll release her shackles so she can begin her new life.

I'm confident he'll take good care of her. I'll certainly be there to watch when she has her first litter. Today has been the most fun I've ever had.

Human 10

It's been a busy day. Another human hunter arrived, disrupting the new fox couple in their mating. Surely he was attracted by their wails. By the way he reacted to the clothing on the vixen and the other items scattered around, it's clear this man was the other's relative, who'd ventured here looking for his brother.

I couldn't let him leave, not without risking the fox's litter, so I transformed him too. His transformation was of the quick variety. Quickly he was on the ground, falling to all fours as his body changed into that of a pine marten. Female of course.

For a few moments the vixen and marten stared at each other, until the todd growled at the intruder, even while still tied to his mate. The marten ran away abandoning his belongings and his brother.

I wasn't sure what to do so I followed. Eventually the marten rested under the safety of a tree. She was examining her body when we both heard the hissing sound of an agitated snake. The snake began to slither away despite my attempts to tell it there was no real danger.

I realized I didn't want the brother going back and causing trouble with the foxes so I took the opportunity to transform him once again. Her legs retracted fully into her body as her body and tail grew even longer and thinner. The brown fur fell out to reveal green scales.

In a few moments what was once a confused pine marten laid a confused garter snake. How distracting it must have been to be transformed into two different creatures so quickly. But I didn't feel too bad. Surely he was just as guilty as the other hunter.

What happened next wasn't part of my intention, but the other snake stopped its attempt to flee, apparently sensing that the threat was gone. Not just that, but it noticed the arrival of another of its kind. I watched it slither back, licking the air with its tongue. The new snake didn't even notice him slithering towards her. Without hesitation he was upon her, coiling his body around her like a vine. She writhed on the ground as her curled tightly around her. It wasn't until I saw the twin barbed penises emerge from his underside that I even realized that it even was a male.

I watched as they rolled on the ground, the male trying to match his genital vent with her own as she helplessly writhed within his grasp.

I decided to give these two privacy. Perhaps because I didn't feel the same amount of malice towards this one. He likely deserved his fate. But even so, I knew it was wrong to take too much joy in this. I resisted the curiosity to stay and watch, leaving the two writhing in the grass.

Human 10

It'd been a few days since I set the foxes loose and I've sense lost track of them. I'm determined to find them. By now they've probably found a den. They can't have gone far. I want to keep an eye on her. I certainly don't want to miss her giving birth. What the prospect of pregnancy must be like for a transformed human man, especially one as despicable as him, is too interesting not to persue. I hope he never loses his mind. I hope he always feels the shame of the punishment I gave him.

I'll find them soon enough. Instead, in my search today, I found my other recent victim, the snake. When I left her, she was locked in the embrace of a male snake trying to mate with her. Not only did he succeed, repeatedly but many others did as well.

Instead of two snakes I found a slithering mass of them. There must have been nearly a hundred, all tied together in a tight ball. All of them male. With the exception of one female.

Since I last saw them the male's had been all attracted to the scent and sounds of the mating ball, which grew larger and larger as more arrive. I'd only seen such a thing once before. What luck that she would get to be the center of attention of this one

It had been days of continuous mating for the female, and clearly there would be more to come. The male's would persist until each other them were satiated. And even more could yet arrive.

Every so often I caught a glimpse of her within the ball. Once I identified her I made her scales turn a reddish green to make her out better for the rest of the mass. I watched for awhile before growing bored. I'll keep a watch on her as well. I wonder how many eggs she'll lay.

Human 11

I turned a man fishing by the lake into a worm. The same kind he was using as bait to catch fish. I changed him slowly so he knew what was happening to him. A worm is such a simple creature that if you transform a human to quickly, they won't even realize what they became. I let him with around helplessly on the ground for awhile before changing him back. I waited for him to be over soft soil as he ran away before changing him back into a worm. He at least made it into the safety of the ground, squirming onto the earth. If I find him again I'll change him back someday. I doubt it. I don't care. I like to imagine him tunneling in the dirt, not even able to see.

Today I also watched the snake laying her first clutch. She didn't seem to enjoy it. All the males were long gone. Just her curled up under a bush on a bed of leaves. Fortunately there's still room in a man's mind for motherly instinct it seems.

I watched her strain as each and every baby came out one by one. Her scaly jaw opened slightly hissing cutely each time her muscles squeezed. When I left her she was still straining to push out her fifth baby. By the looks of her belly there were many to come. I'm not sure how big a clutch her species lays.

I found her brother too. The vixen is obviously gravid now. The todd never takes his eyes off her, like he knows she may try to run away or hurt herself. In her current state she wouldn't get very far. Right now she seems resigned to her new life. Pity. I expect her birthing to be most enjoyable to watch. I look forward to watching her being bred again too. I need to find more deserving victims like her.