Angels and Demons

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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Creative title is creative. >.>

Ildac has a bit of (mostly) unwilling fun with a demonic acquaintance. This is what happens when you let a succubus hang around with you, you silly angel!

Femdom and sexual stuff ahead! Decided to exclude the usual trancey stuff for a change, because I figured it'd allow for a little more character. :3

Characters and story (c) AnubusKiren

A cool breeze whispered through grass and leaves as the sun disappeared behind a green and blue horizon. Shadows cast by the setting star melded into one long, glorious darkness, broken only by a steadily-climbing moon and the vast blanket of distant stars up above. The great plains far from the city limits fell silent in the brief transition between diurnal and nocturnal activity; birdsong gave way to crickets chirping, and the buzzing of bees went silent in favor of a frog's distinct croak.

"Divine Justicar, I offer you my praise." a lone figure quietly droned atop a grassy hill overlooking the distant city lights. The fox's brilliant white fur shone in the brightening light of the moon, marred only by black pawprint markings on his bare chest and dark feathered wings protruding from his back. The feathery appendages hung loose at his back as he knelt in place, head ducked down in reverence to an unseen subject. "To have seen me safely through one more day, through calm and through turmoil, through--"

"Mmmh~" came a long, drawn out moan from behind the fox. A faint ripple in the air hinted at the presence of something unseen, but certainly heard and felt.

The fox's tongue momentarily twisted, but a quick clearing of his throat brought him back to normal. "Through joy and through misery. May your ever-shining light guide the just and the lawful to--"

"Annnhh...~" Something else brushed up against the fox's back. An unsettling glow, muted gasps, and not-so-silent moans. It bumped against him again, letting loose another lewd vocalization into his ear.

The angelic figure produced an irate sound; a gruff little growl that rumbled in his throat. "Do you mind?"

"Not really." said the invisible sexual predator, intoning in a light French accent. "Do you?"

"Very much so." The angel's wings extended in a brilliant flourish, casting stray black feathers into the air. "Didn't you agree to lay off when I'm giving praise?"

A wistful sigh joined the chilly breeze. The translucent figure behind the fox dispelled its disguise, revealing a tall, violet-skinned female with a whip-like tail and hooves like a goat's. Jet-black horns clashed beautifully with a silvery pixie-cut head of hair, and endless pools of emerald opened to the unveiled world. Luscious blue lips compressed into a pout. "Mon dieu sombre. You're such a bore, Ildac. When are you going to take that pole out of your ass?"

"I don't have a pole up my ass." The angel stood and spun around to face his demonic companion, arms crossed in defiance. "There is a time and a place for your idea of... entertainment. This is not one of them."

The playful hellspawn rocked on her hooves and gyrated her naked hips, hands clasped at the small of her back. "Let us not forget that it is often your idea of entertainment, too, mon chéri."

Ildac's already tense posture only grew more rigid. He didn't dare meet the succubus's gaze. "I'm sure I have no idea what you mean."

"Perhaps I should jog your memory, mm?" She grinned as the fox turned his back to her and retreated a couple steps. The demoness followed, spaded tail swaying in a long, serpentine arc behind her. She slipped into the space between the fox's wings and fell into him, dainty hands resting on his shoulder blades and taking gentle handfuls of fur. "We had so much fun the other day. Surely you must remember, oui?"

"Ignoring you." Ildac resumed his earlier posture; one knee to the grassy floor, head ducked low. He continued his hushed praise to his Goddess. The fox felt proud that he didn't immediately pitch a tent when he felt his demonic acquaintence's pillowy breasts squish up against his back. "Fleur. Seriously."

The sultry succubus giggled into his ear as her lips sought a soft spot upon which to latch. "You've got a literal eternity to suck up to mommy goddess."

"Don't dare to profane my creator's name, demon, or I might forget our agreement."

"Oh, my irritable little angel." Fleur drew her arms around the fox's shoulders and pressed her cheek to his.

The fur on Ildac's shoulders fluffed up as his patience wore thin. He shrugged one shoulder hard, forcing the succubus to retreat and giving him room to turn and face her again. "This is very important to me--EEE!" He instantly regretted giving her an opening. Before he even saw her move, Ildac felt Fleur's hands on his left arm. With a skilled practice and just the tiniest exertion of effort, she redirected his momentum and sent him tumbling onto his back. He landed with a groan, more from irritation than pain. "Fffucking--"

"That comes later." She was instantly upon him, sliding her thigh up his hip as she sprawled across his muscular form. Soft hands petted through his fur, sliding down his neck to his vulnerable sides. "Oh, Ildac, I only want to be held~"

"Oh yeah, I'm sure." Ildac glared at the pretty demoness now situated firmly on top of him. Gentle starlight framed her dusky skin, and she smiled serenely down at him. Had he not known better, she might have struck him as angelic for just that moment.

Fleur's delicate digits trailed up to Ildac's cheek and lingered there, brushing through his downy fur with a practiced caress. "Je t'aime."

"Don't bullshit."

"What? I can be romantic if I want to." That false innocent smile lingered on her lips, and her long tail whipped back and forth like a cat's. "It just rarely suits my needs."

"You know what suits my needs? Just an hour of solitude." Ildac lay his head back against the grass and stared up at the moon. He'd had plenty of peace and quiet only under a week ago, and things were just peachy. He'd gone for a walk through the park one night and happened across one of Fleur's victims, still in the succubus's grasp. Ildac was ready for a fight, but Fleur took the wise way out of the confrontation and released her prey after only a minor nibble at his soul. She agreed to be gentle with her victims' vital energies, in return for her spared life and some... supplementary sustenance from the angel himself.

The mere thought made Ildac shiver. The things he did for mortalkind. He chanced a glance back at Fleur and found her staring back with that stupid fake smile still plastered onto her face. "Stop."

"What am I doing?"

"Staring, you creep."

Little fingers walked across Ildac's muzzle. Fleur's soft lips, painted an exotic shade of blue, lingered just shy of the fox's own. "If I can't look, can I touch?"

"I'd prefer if you didn't." He tried to turn away, but a firm hand held his head in place. "I'd really prefer it, actually."

"That's not what your body is saying." Those sinfully-soft lips found purchase upon the fox's muzzle. Even something as awkward and strange as a cross-species kiss such as this, Fleur's maneuvers were perfectly-practiced. She knew just where to press those delicate lips to make the angel tremble with desire.

The logical part of the fox's mind wanted so badly to will his arms to life and shove the succubus away, but no such impulse ever left his brain. There was something magical within that kiss. Something paralyzing. Something wonderful. He could only lay there and enjoy the pleasant tingle upon his lips that slowly spread through his mouth and along his skin and fur. He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt their lips disconnect, and movement was once again granted to him. His head turned left, then right, seeking out a place in which to hide the burning redness in his cheeks. There was nothing he could do about the hard bulge protruding from his pants.

"Aww, how cute." the devious demon teased. "You're all bashful! And other things..."

"Shut your mouth." Even with his motility restored, he didn't immediately take the opportunity to escape this awkward situation. She was so warm. So inviting.

Fleur's lips curled into a smirk, dropping that innocent expression for the first time this evening. She rose up, straddling just above the fox's waist. Delicate fingers drew a swiveling line from his collarbone to his navel, then across her bare, perfectly hairless mons and up her own tummy, between her breasts, and finally to her lips, where a long, forked tongue slithered out and licked her first two fingers. "I can take care of one of those things."

"N-No, I--"

"But you want it." Her assertion silenced the squirming, fidgeting angel's protest. "Your body responds so well to my touch. And you don't even want to know how your soul looks right now." Fleur's tail snaked itself around the pointed bulge in Ildac's pants and squeezed hard around the tip. She moaned softly through her nose and suckled on her lower lip as her soon-to-be-victim whimpered helplessly under her touch. "You might die of shame."

He felt as if he might just do that now. Never mind how his soul looked; just being at this stupid succubus's mercy was humiliating enough. "I shouldn't be doing this..." He had to pause to bite back another sound of forced pleasure as her tail coiled and squeezed firmly around his shaft, the tight fabric of his pants now only adding to his torment. "It's undignifying..!"

"Dignity is a tool of churches and prudes, used to shame people into obedience." The succubus's hands set upon the fox, caressing his toned chest, tracing the lines of his abs, tickling and petting, tugging croons and muted giggles alike from his throat. "You are a man. I am a woman. We may be born of law and chaos... prudish security and lust... but we take definite shapes, and our demeanors match them. Men and women have needs. You are not immune to that."

"Says who?" The fox's challenge didn't sound very convincing with the half-moan that escaped with it when she squeezed his shaft again.

"Says Little Happy Foxcock." Fleur's tail squeezed again, then released that needy shaft and continued to playfully swish through the air. She shifted positions on the fox, turning herself completely around so that her bare, slender back now faced him. Fleur rose onto her knees and glanced back at the fox, a mischievous gleam in her emerald eyes. "Let me help you."

"I don't need any help." Ildac turned his head, but his muzzle was snatched up by her tail and turned back toward her. He barely had time to take a breath before Fleur shuffled back toward him and pressed her plump, bubbly ass against his face. He flailed his arms and tried to shake her away, but that soft rump remained planted firmly on his muzzle.

Fleur's tail coiled possessively around the fox's neck and draped there like a velvety-soft collar and leash. She giggled at his reaction, watching his cock twitch with need beneath his pants. The succubus wriggled and swiveled her hips, adjusting herself so that her warm, wet sex pressed against the front of Ildac's muzzle. "You know what to do."

Finally given a chance to breathe, Ildac sucked down a gasp, only to smell and taste the deep, heady fragrance of the finest perfume. Her skin smelled so sweet, and that warm treasure between her legs just oozed with that scent. Try as he might to resist, the demon's pheromones settled into his sinuses and didn't let go. The pleasurable tingling they induced shot straight to his cock, now throbbing almost painfully, trapped within his pants. "Damn you...!"

"You don't want to taste?" Fleur's hands busied themselves with the fox's pants. She slowly fiddled with the button, then slid the zipper down to the very bottom. One hand took the hem of his pants and boxers and slowly tugged them down. She cooed with delight as a stiff, throbbing foxcock bobbed free, standing hard at attention. "Well, don't mind if I do. Bon appétit..."

Ildac watched Fleur bend forward, her thighs sliding along either side of his head as she adjusted herself. Soft lips enveloped his shaft, and her hot, wet tongue lapped along the top, tugging a muffled moan from his lips. He tried to drown it out, tried to resist. He didn't want to give her the satisfaction. But the more of her sweet pheromones he breathed in, the more his cock twitched, and the more inviting those wet folds against his muzzle were. He took one slow, reluctant lick, and then he couldn't stop. She tasted just as sweet as she smelled, and before he could stop himself, he was desperately tonguing her dripping wet cunt. His cheeks flushed bright red, and he moaned in shameful pleasure as he gave in to his desires. He felt her tongue coil his shaft from bottom to top and squeeze, and he just about came right then and there.

"Mmfff..." Fleur's hips swiveled and gyrated, and the tip of her tail tickled under the fox's chin. She murmured something that might have sounded like 'good boy', but her mouth was too full for it to be even remotely coherent. Her hooves dug into the soft earth below, and she arched her back when Ildac's tongue fluttered over her clit. She slowly uncoiled her tongue from his cock and pulled back, releasing him from her mouth and stroking him briskly with her gentle fingers. "You gave in so quickly."

"I'm gonna make your life a living hell..." Ildac whimpered between desperate laps at her cunny. "...Heaven." Another flurry of licks. "...Earth..?" Once more, his tongue dove into her pussy, tugging moan after pleasured moan from the succubus's lips. "I'm just gonna make things unpleasant."

Fleur giggled between gasps and backed herself against the fox again, silencing his empty threats with her sex. "It's hard for me to be intimidated when you're worshiping my cunt, you know."

"Screw you..!" he barely managed to whimper out, his hips bucking against her stroking hand.

"Mm, that would be wonderful." she purred, leaning down again and licking a bead of precum off the tip of his shaft. "But for now, I'm feeling very peckish. I want something sweet. You'll give me my treat, oui?"

Ildac clammed up, at least as far as retorts were concerned. It didn't matter what he said; there was no way he'd be able to keep himself from cumming soon. He needed her touch, her taste, her scent, and he would have it, regardless of his meager protest and resistance. His cock throbbed to life once more as her lips returned and swallowed him whole, the fox muting his moans with the succubus's thighs.

Fleur's fingers squeezed the swelling knot at the base of Ildac's cock, stroked along the quarter-inch of flesh that her throat couldn't quite hold. Her thighs closed around his head, trapping him against her dripping pussy. Her lewd vocalizations grew in pitch as her climax neared, and she doubled her efforts on the sensitive fox beneath her. The space between the demon's lips and her victim's cock glowed faintly as she tugged and nibbled at his soul, suckling down that sinfully-delicious matter in combination with his sweet precum and copious amounts of sexual energy. With a catch like this, she was bound to eat her fill.

The angel's entire body tingled. A sense of vertigo overtook him for a few brief moments, and he almost felt as if he'd black out. Then, all at once, he felt his consciousness return in a near-explosive surge of pleasure. He'd been through this once before; having one's soul lapped at was a draining experience. The body becomes momentarily convinced that it's dying, and the sudden return of the soul to the ethereal pocket within which it normally rests jolts the body back to life. The resulting innervation alights the victim's nerves with the pleasure of being alive.

That joyous sensation, among other things--suckling, stroking, teasing things--was more than enough to push the fox over the edge. He buried his muzzle in Fleur's cunt, to spare himself the indignity of moaning like a whore, as his seed filled the demon's mouth. His hips bucked all on their own, causing Fleur's well-endowed curves to jiggle and bounce. The succubus drank down his sweet seed and gleefully fed him her own sinful nectar. Her thighs dripped with her feminine essence, and the pleasure-addled fox licked and lapped at every bit he could get, to satisfy the unquenchable thirst that was his lust for the lovely hellspawn.

"Mmm, I knew the pole would vanish if I pushed the right buttons." Fleur giggled and licked her lips to catch a stray dribble of seed. She suckled her fingers one by one, determined to have every drop, every fleeting taste. "Angel seed is such a rare treat for one of my kind. We're usually so afraid of being killed on sight. But you, Ildac? You're just a gentle giant, aren't you?"

"G... Go fuck yourself..." The fox panted in the afterglow. Somehow, those lust-inducing pheromones had cleared up all at once. Demon magic was a foul, complex thing. He tried to shove her away, but the nibble at his soul had drained much of his strength, and his hands groped uselessly at her hips. "Dammit..."

"A little tired, are you?" Fleur relieved her victim of the dripping wet pussy in his face and settled on top of him. She cuddled up under his chin, emerald eyes shut to the world as she got comfy. "You're lucky, you know. Some succubi just kill their lovers when they're done. But not me. I think it's a terrible waste."

Ildac grumped quietly. Apparently he was to be her bed for the evening. "I'd not have let you live if you were that sort. I have my ways of knowing."

"Then perhaps you also knew I'd drain your balls every once in a while, too. Maybe that's why you let me hang out with you."

"I let you hang out with me?"

The demon gave him a cheeky grin, but did not answer. Her horns glowed and shrank into her head, vanishing so that she wouldn't gouge out his eye or stab an artery while she slept upon him. "Goodnight, mon chéri. Thanks for the snack."

Ildac rolled his eyes and stared at her for a long moment. A cool breeze whisped across the field, and he saw goosebumps rise up on Fleur's bare skin. With an amused sigh, the fox wrestled his wings out from under him and curled them around the sleepy succubus. He couldn't help but mirror her smile.
