Rhythm is a Dancer

Story by FoxyAllyx on SoFurry

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#1 of Rhythm is a Dancer (working title)

Just a simple bit of fluff I thought up in my spare time. If you're underage and you read this story, your eyes will melt. So don't do it. I am not responsible for any subsequent eye-melting. You have been warned.

On a side note, this is only the second story I've posted, so criticism is welcomed, as long as it's tasteful. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Enjoy...

And yes, there is sort of a musical theme to the names. Except Amber. That one was just kinda random.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The nineteen-year-old bunny woke with a start as the school bell rang to signal the end of 5th period. ‘Ugh,' he thought to himself, ‘History is just so damn boring...Why do these classes have to be so long, anyway?' He tried to stay awake most days, but the two-hour lectures were so monotonous that he rarely ever succeeded.

Amber, a short, rather attractive feline stopped in front of his desk on her way out of class. "Hey there, Sleeping Beauty," she teased him, "Nice to see you're finally awake, Peter."

"I told you, don't call me that..." He complained. She always did it anyway, just to annoy him. The lapine hated his real name, and she knew it.

"Whatever, Peter Rabbit."

There it was. The inevitable nickname that everyone gave him as soon as they found out his real name. Oh God, how he hated it.

"Listen," she continued, "I'm having this party tonight, and I was wondering.."

"I don't do parties, you know that. What do you want?"

"Umm, I was actually wondering if you could bring Melodi over around 6 PM. She said she could come, but she doesn't have a ride. And you live close to her, right? Please?"

"I'll see what I can do."

"Oh come on! I need a real answer.. Just take a break from playing Warcraft long enough to bring her over. Please? It'd be a really big favor."

"But what would I get in return?"

She wiggled her hips suggestively at the stark white rabbit, who just looked up at her, clearly uninterested.

"You know what I want, Amber."

"What?! I can't give you that!" She lowered her voice to a whisper and leaned over, so that only he could hear. "I need that! Please! Anything else!"

"Sorry, that's my price. I'll expect it by no later than 5:30 this evening."

She lowered her ears in disdain. "Fine, I'll do it," she muttered as she walked out.

The bunny shook his head with a slight smile as he got up and exited the classroom. Out in the hall, he met up with a group of his friends. They were a group of skinny, geeky misfits; They looked like rejects from Geek Squad more than high-school teenagers. One of them, a wolf, looked his way as he approached, and came running over to him.

"Hey Dancer, how's it going?" the wolf asked, after checking to make sure no one else was listening.

The lapine's ears twitched a little and he looked around, a light tinge of pink covering his cheeks. "Be careful with that name, Rhythm... You never know who's listening. I don't want that name getting around too.. I'd never live it down."

"Relax, I know. You can trust me, okay? Remember last weekend?"

"Well, I wouldn't recognize the name if I had forgotten, now would I? I know, just be a little more cautious.."

The previous weekend had found them at the local arcade, challenging each other to a few hours of DDR. The names had been taken from the song ‘Rhythm is a Dancer' by Snap. Someone had played it on the jukebox, and found out that they both loved that song. After that, they had walked and talked for a while, and ended up at the park, making out under the stars. Afterward, they decided it was best that they not tell anybody, and just write it off as ‘exploration.'

"Yeah, I guess... Hey, you gonna be on tonight?" the wolf queried.

"I'll be there, but I've gotta.. I got something to do, so I'll be on a little late. Sorry."

"It's cool, just PM me when you log in." With that, the wolf pushed Peter into a nearby corner, checked that no one could see them, and kissed him quickly before hurrying off to catch the bus.

Well, almost no one. A few of the students stared for a moment, a couple muttering something about ‘fags,' but they all left him alone. Luckily it wasn't anyone he knew.

Peter went out to his truck and drove himself home to wait for his prize. When he pulled into his driveway and got out, he noticed something small and white on the door. As he got closer, he realized it was a note from his mother. He looked around the empty street to be sure that he wasn't being watched, then carefully opened it and held it at such an angle that even if someone were staring over his shoulder, they wouldn't be able to read it.

_Hey Sweetie,

I got called in to work for a little while, so I'll be home when I can.

There's money for pizza on the fridge. Love you!


He folded up the note and stuffed it into his pocket as he unlocked and opened the door. The bunny ran straight upstairs to his room, and immediately signed in to the object of his obsession: World of Warcraft. He waited for a few minutes, wondering if his patience was being wasted. Then, precisely at 5:30, Sexy_Kitty_Amber logged in and sent him a message. She logged out as soon as it was sent. Peter excitedly checked his inbox, delighted to find that there was indeed an Item attached to the note. He first checked to ensure that she had given him the correct one, then read the message.

Here ya go, Freq. I hope you're happy.

She used his alias, Freq (pronounced same as ‘freak'), knowing better than to try his patience. The rabbit might not seem like much, but he could send out a pretty mean virus if he wanted to.

He read through the rest of his messages before getting offline. There was a request for gold from some new player, Jayce had sent him a quest, telling him that he had to do it and describing the loot he had gotten from it. There was also a message from StripedMaster707:

_Hey Freq, just wondering if you might want to run that quest again, the one we did last time? You did great, but there's still a lot more I can teach you, if you still want to learn. I won't be on tonight, I've got something I have to do. But tomorrow night or this weekend, I'm free.

Write me back when you can! Talk to ya later, Freq..

~~StripedMaster707~~ _

StripedMaster was one of the best players Peter had ever seen, and she was nice enough to take time to teach him how to be a better player, and to make things on his own, so he wouldn't have to buy them. Peter always loved talking to her. He told her about all of his troubles at school, at home, and with friends. He felt like he could tell her anything.

Now that he had been paid, it was time for Peter to hold up his end of the bargain. He went downstairs, and crossed the street to where Melodi lived. He stopped in front of her door, nervously rethinking this. ‘How do I..? What should I say?' he wondered as he raised his paw to knock. However, before he was able to answer his question, the door opened, revealing a beautiful female skunk. He noticed that she was wearing a very short skirt, but didn't have a chance to notice much else. She was looking at him rather curiously, and he realized that he was still standing there holding his fist up, like an idiot.

He quickly returned it to his side, flushing pink as he spoke. "H-hey, Melodi... Uhh, Am..Amber a-asked me-e to..."

She giggled at the flustered rabbit, and his blush went deeper as she did. "It's okay, Peter. I know why you're here." She began walking toward his house, and he followed, staying a few steps behind. "Umm, if you don't mind though...Hey, why are you back there? Stop staring at my ass, and get up here!"

"I-I, umm, no! I-.. I w-wasn't. Promise..." He stammered as he caught up with her. "I just..I d-don't talk to ...p-pretty girls..." His blush, which had yet to go away, turned a few more shades of pink.

She looked into his light blue eyes, smiling. "Aww, you're sweet... but I'm not that pretty, so no worries. Anyway, uh, if you don't mind...Do you have anything to eat? I'm starving.. Don't wanna go drinking on an empty stomach, ya know?"

"Umm, actually, I-I don't know...I don't really go to parties.. I've got some money for pizza though, if you don't mind the wait..." He looked down at his feet as he finished, knowing she'd say no. There was no way a pretty girl like her would want to spend any length of time with a nerd like him.

"Okay, sounds good. What kind do you like?"

Peter tripped over his feet and hit the ground, hard. "Ow," he muttered as he stood up, "a-anything you w-want..."

"Hmm, okay. Let me think.." They reached the house and went inside, sitting on the couch in the living room to watch TV while they talked and waited for the food to arrive. Peter found out that even though she didn't look it, Melodi was actually a little bit of a geek herself.

Knock, knock, knock. The pizza guy arrived, was paid, and left. He was ecstatic when he was told to ‘keep the change' from a twenty, for an 8 dollar pizza.

Peter fixed two plates of their pizza, and sat back down next to Melodi. Knowing she had something in common with him helped to ease his tension around her. After he handed her a plate, he looked down at his own. "Are you sure this is edible? I didn't even know you could get some of this stuff on a pizza..."

"Oh shut up and eat it, whitey," she teased, giggling. "I know it looks odd, but it tastes great."

"That's what she said," he joked.

"Oh really, now?" she laughed, "And who is ‘she,' Mr. Ladykiller?"

Peter just turned bright red and looked away, his ears falling flat against his head.

"Ohh, come on, you can tell me..." she begged.

His reply was barely above silence, and the skunk had to lean in close to even hear it.

"I-I...I've n-never...I..was ju-just joking..."

"Aww, Petey, I'm so sorry.. I didn't know.. Don't be upset.." She tried to console him, but even when he finally looked at her again, she could tell he was embarrassed. "I know, why don't you take me upstairs and show me that technological masterpiece you spend all your time on.."

He snapped at up this. "R-really? You wanna see my computer?"

"Sure. Lead the way, bunny." She held out her hand and he took it, turning pink again as he did so, then he led her carefully up the stairs to his sanctuary.

As soon as they got there, she let go of his hand. He walked forward to show off his computer equipment, and she followed close behind him. "Oops, I dropped my pen," She declared.

Peter didn't remember her having anything in her hand, but turned to look anyway. He turned bright red and nearly fainted at what he saw.

Melodi was bent over, facing away from him, and she had her tail raised in counterbalance to keep her from falling over. However, it also served to rather immodestly show off the fact that she had chosen not to wear anything under her skirt for this occasion.

He turned away just as she stood up from retrieving her ‘pen,' and hastily tried to look as if he hadn't been watching her. He suddenly felt himself being dragged backwards by his shirt collar. He landed on his bed with a thump, bouncing a little and finding a very beautiful skunk staring strangely down at him.

As he puzzled over what that look in her eyes could be, she leaned down and pressed her muzzle firmly against his. His eyes went wide with shock as he figured it out.

She liked him?! No girl had ever liked him before... Why would she? He pushed all of these thoughts from his mind, and just concentrated on kissing her back. His lips slid over hers expertly until they both had to come up for air.

"Peter, that was amazing... I thought... where did you learn to kiss like that?"

He hesitated, not sure if he should tell her. "Uh-uhm...I...you gotta promise not to t-tell anyone, ever...o-okay?"

She made an ‘X' over her heart with a finger. "I swear. Please tell me. You can trust me, Peter."

"Umm, well... Do you know Jayce? The wolf in your math class?"

"Yeah, why?" He stared at the skunk girl until she figured it out, watching as it dawned on her. "Peter! I...I didn't know you were.."

"I'm not!" he cut her off, blushing once again, "I-I... We just, it just kinda happened..."

She smiled. It was so cute the way he was so nervous about everything. "Relax, Peter. Your secret's safe with me.. I won't tell anyone that you go around kissing boys."

He stammered a few times, not sure what he was even trying to say, and she giggled at his expression. "It's okay," she promised him. "That does sound like a pretty interesting story, though.. Would you mind telling me the rest of it? I promise not to tell.."

Her look was sweet and innocent enough, that if there had been any doubt in his mind that he could trust her, it would have been shattered into a million pieces. He told her all about the arcade, the nicknames they gave each other, the walk, and the way they ended up kissing in the park as they watched the stars.

She seemed genuinely interested, and didn't make any comments until he was finished. She just quietly smiled at him, assuring him that she could be trusted.

Once he was done explaining, she gave him another kiss, this time just a quick peck, leaving him wanting more.

"Dancer, huh?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm the better dancer of the two of us, and he thought it was a cute name.."

"Mmm, so do I... I think you're pretty cute, too.." She leaned closer, until their muzzles almost touched, then stopped, just waiting there.

"You're just saying that..." his ears lay flat against his head as he spoke.

"No, I mean it," she beamed at him, her lips brushing his as she replied. "Now kiss me.."

He lifted his head and pushed his lips up against hers. The bunny reached up and pulled her down so that she was lying next to him, then wrapped his arms around her in a gentle embrace as they locked their muzzles together, tongues slowly exploring each other.

Melodi let her paws roam over the lapine's body, up his arms, down his chest, then grabbing his thigh, making him squeak a little. She tickled his bum lightly, causing him to squirm and gasp into her mouth. Then she moved her hand to rest on the crotch of his pants, and felt a tight bulge there. He jerked back from her, but it was too late; She knew.

"M-Melodi! I-I'm so sorry! I.. it just..." She pressed her lips to his again to calm him, then moved toward him, replacing her paw between his legs.

"If I had a problem with it, I wouldn't be kissing you, silly." The skunk told him. "But you do seem a bit skittish. What do I have to do to calm you down?"

"W-well," he thought for a moment, "You know my secret...so, m-maybe one..of yours?"

She considered this for a few seconds, then stipulated, "Okay, but only if I get to touch whatever I want while I tell you."

The mess of shivering white fur simply nodded to her, and she began. She started by moving her hand up to his head, scritching between his ears to soothe him.

"W-well," she began, "First, you can't tell anyone I told you this, okay? I promised I wouldn't tell..."

"I won't.....s-s-say, anyth-thing..." He stumbled, finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate with her now gently massaging everything from his arms to his chest to his butt, his legs, back up to his chest....Her fingers were flying over him, rubbing through all of his pure white fur.

"Okay..well, my first kiss was sort of like yours."

"W-with...with a f....?" He trailed off, arching his back a little, and trying his best to keep his blue eyes on her golden ones.

"A female, yes..." She finished, smiling sheepishly down at the squirming bunny.

"..Oh." His ears twitched a little. "I-I was gonna say ‘friend'..."

They both giggled at this, and before continuing her story, she took this opportunity to turn him over, so that he was now face down on the bed.

"Anyway, it was with Amber," Melodi explained as her paws now dug into the rabbit's back. "She and I tried a few other things, and even tried it with a couple more of our friends.. We kept doing it for a couple of years, until we all picked up an interest in boys."

"Did, umm...Do you still.....?"

"Sometimes, when we're both having boy troubles." She worked her way downward, until she was groping at his bum through his pants. "Hey, do you mind if...?" She asked, tugging on them.

He twisted his head around to face her. "Aah, umm... I...I d-don't want... to umm, you might see..." was the best reply he could give, his blush returning now, with a vengeance.

"It's okay.. don't worry. I just want to feel your fur.. Just don't turn over, and I won't see. Although," She added with a mischievous grin, "I-I wouldn't mind...If you wanted to. Think about it?"

Peter nodded, and the skunk swiftly reached around and undid his pants, pulling them down anxiously. She climbed back up on the bed and sat on his legs, just below that cute little bunny butt. She stared at it for a moment, watching his tail twitch with his nervousness.

"You okay?"

"Uhh, yeah.." a minute later, he added, "Mmmm...." As she was squeezing his rump, fingers working deep into his fur. After a few minutes of this, he felt her hands move away from him, and they were replaced by a warm, wet, slightly painful pleasure on his tail.. "What the...?" He squeaked, jumping a little. "A-are...are you...biting...m-my tail?"

"Mmhmmph.." Came the muffled reply, vibrating the little ball of fluff.

"Okay...w-why would you want t-to do......thaaaat!" It started out as a question, but before he could finish asking, she responded.

With one gentle stroke of her tongue on the exposed flesh just below his tail, she gave him his answer. She lifted her mouth off of his tail, just enough to speak clearly. "Is that okay?" she sounded a little worried.

"Uhm, I.. I like it, but..."

"Too fast?"

He nodded quietly, shivering a little.

"Okay," she smiled down at him, "Maybe some other time.. Whenever you decide you're ready, let me know. If it'd too much for now, I can wait."

"Thank you..." he replied simply, as she pulled his pants back up, having finished her massage and her story.

He rolled onto his back, and she was over him instantly, pressing herself down against him and kissing him fiercely. The shy bunny was caught by surprise, and it took him a second to catch up to her actions. As soon as he was able, he started kissing her back, pressing his muzzle firmly against Melodi's.

When they finally broke apart, the skunk sat up and motioned for him to sit between her legs. She watched as he complied, her eyes shining brightly. She wrapped her arms around the lapine, and just held him there in her gentle, loving embrace for a few minutes.

"Umm, M-Melodi?"

"Yeah, Dancer?"

He smiled. He was growing quite fond of that name. Not that it would matter, he told himself, since he was about to say the dumbest thing ever. He assured himself that he would ruin everything by saying it, but told himself he had to. His internal conflict had the skunk girl in hysterics, and he realized with a blush that all of his emotions had been showing on his face as he fought with himself. "I, uh... I have to s-say something. P-please don't be upset with me..."

She was really starting to worry now. She hadn't seen him this nervous before. "I... I promise. What is it?"

He laid his ears back, summoning all of his courage as he went for it. "Umm, I-I've liked you for a long time... S-since about 4th grade, I think... ever since the f-first day you came to my school.."

"Oh, Peter..."


"Yes, Peter?"

"I...I-I think I l-love you..."

Ohh, Peter......" She buried her muzzle in his shoulder as tears spill from her eyes.

He twisted himself around, and held her against his chest, stroking her back. This was exactly the reaction he had wanted to avoid. "...I-I'm sorry, Melodi. I sh-shouldn't have said..." He couldn't force the last few words out, as he laid his head on her shoulder and cried too.

"N-no..." she sobbed. "No, I-it's f-f-fine...I just.. Usually g-guys only...tell me th-that...to g-get i-in....m-m-my p-pantss...."

"I..I didn't mean...!"

"No, I know..." She sniffled. "I can t-tell you mean it...."

Peter just held her silently, rubbing her back softly as she composed herself.

The skunk wrapped one arm around behind Peter, bringing the other to rest on the fur of his tummy. "Sorry for crying on you.. I guess you must think I'm a wuss. .."

"No," he replied quickly, "I don't think you're a wuss.. I think you're very brave, actually. A-and...quite be-beautif-ful..."

She sniffled, and slid her paw just a bit lower on his belly. "Really?"

He nodded.

"Do I still have permission to touch anywhere I want?"

He nodded slowly, blushing.

She slipped her paw under the waist of his pants, rubbing softly at his boxers for a minute. Once she started to feel his sheath swell again, she put her paw under the boxers too, just holding him gently as he grew more and more aroused.

Peter stammered for a minute, but utterly failed to put together a coherent thought. Finally he managed a simple question. "w-w....w-why...would y-you...want...t-to..?"

Looking at his face, she discovered a few new shades of pink. "Because," she said, blushing noticeably under her black fur, "I really like you... I've always thought you were cute...And because I think I love you too, silly rabbit.."

"I-I, umm...."

"What is it?"

"Y-you didn't really have a pen, did you?"

She laughed, so loud that for a moment he thought he had said something wrong. Then the skunk girl squeezed his shaft a little, "No, I just thought maybe you hadn't seen a girl that close before..." she blushed brighter, "And that maybe you would want to see?"

"I..I-I do...I just... you. You d-didn't have to..."

"I know I didn't have to, silly rabbit. I wanted to."

He relaxed a bit, feeling overwhelmed by the affection she was showing him. "Th-thank you..."

She giggled again, and added, "maybe I'll show you again, but I think we need to take care of this first..." She moved her paw up and down his shaft, watching his pretty blue eyes for any signs of discomfort.

He moaned softly, allowing her to do what she wanted. She was the first person other than him to touch him there, so he laid back against her and enjoyed the new feeling, gently rubbing the fur behind her ears as she tended to him.

Melodi moved her paw a little faster, maneuvering it the best she could in the tight space. The rabbit whimpered and moaned out his pleasure as his light blue eyes locked with the deep golden ones of this wonderful girl.

After just a few minutes, his moans got louder, and he arched his hips up, humping into her paw as he came.

"S-sorry!" He apologized quickly, and she just smiled at him.

"Well, what did you think was going to happen, silly bunny?" She pulled her hand out, making sure it was covered with the sticky fluid. She tasted it a few times, licking most of it off of her paw. Then she offered the paw to Peter.

He nodded, and she giggled at the tickly feeling as he slowly licked his seed off of her. He brought two fingers up, wiping the last of it off her paw. He just looked at it for a moment. Then he quickly brought his arm up and hit her on the muzzle with them, making a wet slapping sound.

"Hey!" she giggled, "You bastard! I'll get you back for that!"

The lapine put on his best ‘innocent' face, "You promise?" he grinned.

"Hmm, I guess so... But you have to help me out now.." She smirked.

"But, b-but, I... I haven't... I ..." he replied, turning bright pink.

"Aww, Bunny's not so brave anymore? I was kinda liking it..."

"N-no, just... I..I-I'll do it. What, umm...How..how d-do I..?" He was flustered again, for the umpteenth time today.

The skunk got up, and sat down beside him. She grabbed his paw, squeezing it lightly as she guided his fingers up under the hem of her skirt. "Feel free to...explore, Dancer.."

He nodded, trying not to panic as he slid his paw up her thigh. He took his time, wandering this way and that, causing Melodi to moan and whine with anticipation, a few of his strokes coming so close to her furless places that she could almost feel it, only to have that paw drift away again.

"Please... I need it..." She whimpered.

"Your wish is my command..." He moved his fingers to rest gently against her entrance, running one finger around the outer lips.

She giggled at his comment. "Who are you...Aladdin?"

"Umm, actually that would be the Genie. You should brush up on your Disney movies.."

She couldn't help but laugh at that. "You really are a nerd, you know that?" She grinned.

"You have no idea..." Peter welcomed the conversation; It served as a distraction to keep him from over thinking what he was doing. As long as Melodi could stand to keep it up, that is...

"Ohh, I think....I have some idea,...Freq..." She was panting now as he finally pressed his finger inside, going in as far as he could, then he pulled it back out.

Peter stopped when he realized what she had called him, but before he could ask about it, she whined and grabbed his arm, moving it for him. "M-more...more f-fing-ers..!" she shouted.

Peter added two more fingers, and took control of his arm back, speeding up. The skunk whined in pleasure and brought her paws up to his ears, kneading them between her fingers.

"Ohh, Dancerrrr..!" She cried out, moving her hips a little bit, thrusting back against his fingers. Then she tilted her head back and shouted a few words that made Peter blush as her insides clamped down tightly on his fingers. He took that as his cue to stop moving, as just stayed there, watching the pleasure wash over her.

"You're so beautiful," he blurted out.

"And you're...a bad liar..but, don't stop...on my account..."

"No, I mean it..." He countered indignantly.

"Okay, okay...you win." She lay back on the bed as she came down from her high, being bathed in ecstasy. Once she finally cooled down, she sat up and pushed at the lapine paw still buried deep in her. Peter took the hint and slowly slipped his fingers out. He brought the paw up to his nose, and Melodi watched as he sniffed it a few times, then began licking her juices off of a finger.

The bunny noticed he was being watched, and blushed a little. "Y-you smell nice..."

"Mmm, I know... I can smell it. I was just wondering if you were planning to share..." She smiled seductively at him, and he couldn't refuse, even if he had wanted to.

The rabbit put his fingers in front of her muzzle, and he watched as she sucked them clean of her juices. "...Wow.." was all he could managed to say.

Melodi giggled, "You like that?" she asked, grinning at him like a Cheshire cat.

He nodded. Then, something came back to him. "Hey Melodi, I've got to know something.."

"What's that?"

"You called me Freq earlier...where did you hear that name?"

"Well, as I said, I might have some idea about how much of a nerd you are..."

"How's that?"

"Promise you won't tell?"


The skunk pointed to herself, and said simply, "StripedMaster707."

The lapine's jaw hit the floor as he realized what she was saying. "Y-you!?! ...B-but how did you know it was m-me?"

"Well, uh.." The skunk turned bright pink under her black and white fur, "..You're actually the whole reason I started playing....I talked your username out of one of your friends..."

"Whoa... I had no idea.. How come you never said anything?"

"You never really seemed to take much of an interest in girls..At least, not that I could tell.."

"Uhm, yeah... about that.." He had a sheepish look on his face, head bowed, like a puppy that knew it had misbehaved. "I... kinda used to follow you to all of your classes..."

Melodi punched his shoulder. The hit was playful, but Peter cried out in pain.

"Ow!" the bunny shouted, falling back on to the bed.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" The skunk girl leaned over him to kiss his shoulder, but instead found herself being dragged into a deep passionate kiss, Peter's muzzle locking with hers.

She broke the kiss and pulled back to look into his loving blue eyes. "That's cheating...I thought you were really hurt!"

"I love you, Melodi." He stared into her golden eyes, smiling as he said it.

"I love you too, silly rabbit..." She stared back at the lapine, grinning.

"So, do you still want to go to your party? It's a little late, but you could still go if you wanted..."

"Nah, I've got something better to do."

"And what's that?"

"Well, some nerdy little white bunny needs me to teach him how to play a certain ‘game'..."

"Oh, crap! Speaking of games, I need to get online for a second. I promise I'll be quick."

"That's okay. Take your time, bunny."

Peter logged back in to his Warcraft account, and sent a Private Message to Amber.

Hey Amber, Sorry that Melodi didn't make it to your party.. Thank you so much for asking me take her though. She can tell you all about it. Since I didn't bring her, you can have this back. I don't think I'll be needing it anyway.

"Okay...So you're going to teach me some new tricks?" The lapine inquired.

"No, I said ‘a game'. Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids!"

The Next Day, At School

"Hey guys!" Peter called as he approached his group of friends. Just before he got to them, Jayce came out of nowhere and dragged him into a corner, being more careful to check that there was no one around this time..

Jayce quickly leaned forward and kissed his friend. "Where were you last night?"

"Sorry, Rhythm. I, uh, got caught up in something else."

"Yeah? What's that? I noticed you logged on a couple of times. What were you up to?"

As if on cue, Melodi chose that moment to approach the two boys. Without so much as a ‘hello' to either of them, she pressed the bunny against the wall and kissed him. After releasing him, she said, "Good morning, Dancer! Love you! By the way, that was pretty hot, seeing you and Jayce make out..." and the skunk pranced off toward her first class.

Peter cast an apologetic glance toward the confused wolf and mouthed the words 'I'll tell you later' to him. Then, He scampered off to catch up to his new obsession.

Not sure if I'll write a continuation of this or not... Depends on what you guys think. If you've got any ideas, let me know!

Also, to Brittany, beautiful wife of an adorable nerd, I love you.