Apocalypse, Ch. 15

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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A side door opened, and a group of three men in city camouflage walked into the bay. They where holding mat-black futuristic looking rifles at the ready. Then one waved and said: "Hi Mark! Are these your friends with the bubble car?"

"Meet Greg and Samantha Brenner", said Mark, introducing us. We waved.

"Follow me, then", he said, and headed back through the door. He followed him. He took us to a lift, then down into a basement, and to a tunnel opening in the wall. The tunnel looked like it had been burned though the earth with tremendous heat: the walls where fused slag.

We followed the tunnel to a guard post manned by a rabbit-man, also in camo. The three men saluted and gave a password, and he pressed a button opening a blast door, and we continued walking until we came to a balcony that overlooked what seemed to me a small town, built underground in a massive fused-earth dome, lit by LED lights. The whole thing was air-conditioned.

The took us down to the floor level, and down a street to a plastic building. We went in, then to an elevator, up to the third floor, and to a door. We stood in front of it for a second, and then it slid open.

Inside was an opulent office filled with office plants. A disfigured, pie-bald mutant in a military dress uniform greeted us.

He shook Marks hand. "It's good to see you back. Is this your crew?", he asked.

Mark nodded. "Greg and Samantha Brenner. They'll be taking our team to the Moon."

"Excellent", the officer replied. "Follow me, and I'll take you to the briefing room."

So we followed him out of the room and through a maze of passageways and elevators until we ended up in a medium sized room, with tables full of equipment, including futuristic looking rifles and pistols. Also in the room was a short man with dark hair and eyes, and a black furred panther-man, wearing black jump suits.

"This is Kevin", said the officer, pointing to the short man. "He's a first order mutant telekinetic. And the panther is Roger, our demotions expert."

We waved. They waved back. We introduced ourselves.

"the first thing we're going to do", said the officer, "is get you two outfitted for space travel". He went over to one of the tables, and picked up a black jumpsuit. "These self-sealing suits will protect you from the vacuum and extreme temperatures on the Moon", he said. Next to the suits where a pair of fish-bowl helmets and some oxygen tanks.

He handed us the suits. I noticed that they had tail sleeves for us. "Put them on, we have to go in a hurry."

Greg and I looked at each other, then stripped, and slipped on the space suits. They fit perfectly.

Then he handed each of us one of the mat-black rifles from the table. "These are phased plasma rifles in the 40 kilowatt range", he said. I looked at mine: a safety, a firing stud instead of a trigger, a magazine, iron sights, a flashlight, and a laser designator with an on/off switch.

Then he handed each of us a pouch of grenades on a shoulder strap. "Be careful with these", he said, "the blast radius is forty meters."

Roger went to one of the tables and picked up a shoulder-mounted missile launcher. Kevin was only carrying two pouches of grenades. I supposed he would be tossing them telekinetically.

Then the officer handed us our helmets and oxygen tanks. "These have a re-breather in them, and are good for two days. The mission should only take a few hours, though", he explained.

Then he asked us to follow him back to the bay, and the five of us got in line behind him. He took us through the maze of corridors, up elevators, and back to the bubble car.

"If anyone has any questions about the mission, Lieutenant Kevin Baker here is the mission commander", he said, nodding at Kevin.

"So, have any of you ever been to the Moon before?", I asked. Kevin and Roger shook their heads. Well, I guess there was a first time for everything....

We climbed into the bubble car, and Kevin gave me a scrap of paper with coordinates on it. I punched them into the navigation panel, and a picture of the Moon came up, showing a landing site in the Sea of Nectar, on the bright side.

The car moved out of the truck bay and into the parking lot, then rose rapidly into the stratosphere. Only this time, it kept climbing. Soon, we where way, way above the cloud layer, and the horizon became black and curved. Then we where climbing away from the whole Earth....

As we traveled past low Earth orbit, the proximity alarm flashed a few times. The bubble car's radar showed objects passing us. Space junk, apparently.

We traveled into the shadow of the Earth, and I could see lights below as cities lit up across the continents. Then I could see the stars, far more than I could see from Earth, even with my wolf night-vision, and they where all colored instead of white!

It was breathtakingly beautiful.

Then the moon swung into view, and he hurtled towards it. The navigation panel said the trip time would be about eight hours.

About that time I noticed that my breasts where floating. We where in zero gravity! I unbuckled my seat belt, and floated free of my seat. Greg saw me and did the same.

We floated together in the cabin for a few short moments until I felt a force pulling me back down into my seat. "Stay seated, you two. Where on a mission here", said Kevin, holding his hand out like a Jedi using the force.

I sighed and buckled back in.

On the trip, Greg tried to make small talk about the Resistance. He wanted to know what it was like. So Kevin and Roger shared their war stories about raiding government outposts and stealing tech and weapons for the resistance, all the while fighting robots, drones, and Wallace's soldiers.

It didn't sound like a life I wanted to lead, but Greg was enthralled. I guess Mark had been right about him....

Meanwhile, the Moon continued to grow in our view window, until it finally filled the view-space, and a green circle of light lit up over our landing zone.

Nectar City, said the navigation panel, and the bubble car headed towards it.

We stared out at the craters on the Sea of Nectar as the bubble car took us in, then finally we could make out the ruins of a domed city. It's glass dome was smashed, most of the top half missing.

The bubble car took us in on it's own, and landed in a residential neighborhood of moon-cement houses and fused rock streets. There where trees and grass in the yards, perfectly preserved, all flash frozen by the vacuum of space....

We looked at each other, put on our helmets, and hooked up our oxygen packs. Then I depressurized the car, and we got out.

Stepping onto the moon was quite an experience: I could tell there was only one-sixth gravity by the way I bounced. Then I heard Kevin say through the suit radio that our target was down the street about a mile.

We started a floating walk in the direction he was pointing. Hell, this is actually kind of fun, I thought, I'm actually walking on the Moon!

It was the second strangest thing that had ever happened to me, except for turning into a wolf-girl.

As we walked, we noticed big shards of glass dome sticking out of yards and houses. And we started to pass freeze-dried corpses, dressed in a variety of clothes. Whatever happened, it must have happened quickly.

I asked Kevin how the dome had been smashed, and he told me the Europeans had used hyper-kinetic missiles on the Lunar cities in World War Four.

Now, the whole place was nothing but a big graveyard.

We continued walking down the streets until we came to an outpost of some kind. It was a big concrete building studded with gun turrets and surrounded by walls, blocked off by big metal doors.

Roger wanted to blow the doors, but Kevin said he could lift us all telekinetically, and he did, flying us over the wall into a courtyard. We looked around at the silent cameras and gun turrets, and headed for a pair of security doors. Roger attached explosives to them, and we hid behind the corner of the building while he set them off by radio control. There was no noise - just a flash of light - and debris flew through the sky and hit the ground in long, lazy arcs.

We walked into the building. It was dark inside, so we clicked the flashlights on on our guns,and walked down the hall. We passed a number of rooms, went down a ramp, and came to a room marked with a radiation symbol.

"This is it", said Kevin, and Roger attached explosives to the door. We cleared out, and he blew the door.

Inside was a small arsenal of bombs and boxes. Kevin began to look over the warheads, finally announcing "this one is it", and lifting it telekinetically. We turned around, and headed out the door.

I was first, and the first thing I saw was a three meter tall robot standing in the corridor, blocking our way. It had some kind of weapon in it's hands, connected by a power line to it's belly.

It raised the weapon and pointed it at me.

In a flash, Greg jumped in front of me, raised his plasma rifle and fired. There was searing bolt of red energy, and chunks of molten metal flew off the robots chest.

Then it fired. It looked like a bolt of blue lightning coming from it's weapon. I struck Greg full in the chest, and he fell.

"No!", I screamed, raising my own rifle as he fell in slow motion in a cloud of blood. I clicked the safety off and fired a bolt into it, hitting it the chest. My rifle ejected the spent capacitor, and I fired again, this time aiming for the head. The shot barely missed.

Then it fired at me. I saw blue actinic light, felt hot burning pain, and then I blacked out.

Then next thing I knew, I awoke from a deep dreamless sleep, on a hospital bed, in a hospital gown, in a white room. I turned my head, looking around. Sitting next to me in a chair was a dark-furred short wolf girl in a pink shirt and tan shorts, a baby-sling on her chest, with a little wolf-baby in it, sleeping. Her shirt had a flap for her right breast, and it was open, revealing the bottom of her tit and her nipple.

She got up and approached my bed. "Hello, Sam", she said. "I'm Professor Henry Grissom. I understand you where one of the Morpheus Project subjects?"

I nodded. She had a guys name? Then I remembered the files I had decrypted from the lab. Wasn't there a Professor Grissom on the list of test subjects?

Then I remembered what had happened to me: I had been shot. And so had Greg....

"Where's... Greg?", I croaked, my mouth tasting dry and terrible.

She handed me a glass of water from a table by the bed. I sat up and drank it.

"Greg's in intensive care. He doesn't regenerate like you or I do."

Oh no. The robot, the energy gun, it all rushed back....

"Will... he be okay?", I managed.

"The doctors say he has a fifty percent chance of survival", she said.

My heart sank. Greg was in intensive care? My husband? With a fifty percent chance of survival?

"I... need to see... him", I managed, trying to get up from the bed. But my strength failed me, and I laid back down.

"Take it easy Sam, your not fully healed yet. Give it a day."

I laid there for a second. "You're one of the... Morpheus Project subjects, right?", I asked her.

"Yes", she replied. "The Indianapolis Army of the Resistance flew me here when they heard you had been shot."

"And... you where a guy, too?", I managed feebly.

She smiled. "Was. Until I woke up as a wolf-woman in one of their labs."

I looked at her baby. "And the baby... is yours?"

"Yes", she smiled again, looking down at him. "This is little Timothy. I love him with all my heart."

"How...", I sputtered.

"How do you think?", was her reply. "It was my first time in heat, and it took me by surprise. I got pregnant with a Resistance soldier named Craig. That was almost a year ago". She looked down at her sleeping baby, and tickled him. The baby stirred, and reached for her breast....

I sighed. He sure was cute little thing. I resisted the urge to ask to hold him....

"Did they get the bomb back?", I asked.

"Yes", she said. "The mission was a success."

I leaned back in the bed and sighed. So it had worked....

At her breast, the baby found her nipple and began to suckle. She winced for an instant, then sighed, then smiled down at him, a look of love in her eyes, and tickled him again. I could smell a yeasty scent coming from her as her mothers milk flowed....

My maternal instincts came out: Don't you want a baby just like hers?, part of me asked. But I shoved the thought aside. I still had so many questions to ask....

"So... why did they choose political scientists to transform?", I asked.

"Loyalty", was her reply. "They knew we wouldn't like the new government. And they needed subversives with no background that could fit in...."

So that was why. The Resistance needed infiltrators.

"Here", she said, handing me a blue pill from the table beside me. "This will help you sleep. You can see Greg in the morning."

I took the pill, and almost instantly started to become drowsy. I fought to ask one last question....

"What was... the birth like?", I asked her, my eyelids drooping. She had once been a man too, so I was curious as to her take on it....

"Oh, it was a lot easier than I expected. I hear it's rougher for human women", was her reply. "Now sleep. You need your rest."

And I dozed off.

When I woke again, I was terribly hungry. There was a doctor standing next to my bed, and Henry was there with him, with her baby in it's sling.

"How do you feel, Samantha?", asked the doctor.

I shrugged. "Hungry, I guess. Other than that, a lot better."

Then I thought about Greg.

"Take me to Greg", I said, "I need to see him!"

I started to get up out of bed. Henry and the doctor helped me.

"Follow me, and I'll take you to him", said the doctor. Then the two of them turned, and I followed them out the door.

They led me down several corridors to an intensive care ward. Pulling aside a curtain, they revealed a bed, with Greg sleeping on it, breathing from an oxygen mask. His chest was covered with some kind of red gel. Machines where monitoring his heartbeat.

I took his hand in mine, holding it. "Oh God, Greg!", I wailed.

He had tried to protect me from the robot in the fight, stepping in front of me, and now he was clinging to life....

I turned and looked at the doctor. Tears started to stream from my eyes. "Is... is my husband going to make it?", I asked.

"We don't know", he said. "At this point, it all depends on him."

I turned back to look at my husband, wiping tears from eyes and sniffling.

"I'll leave you three alone", the doctor said, "I have other patients to attend to."

I nodded, and he left.

Henry put her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry", she said.

I started to sob. This is all my fault, I thought. If I hadn't wanted a damn abortion, he wouldn't be in a hospital bed, possibly dying.

Greg had stepped in front of me, and taken the robots energy blast. And he had done it because he _loved_me.

And in that moment, I realized that I loved him too. Greg had always been nice to me, had never argued with me or threatened me, and had always supported me. And it wasn't because he enjoyed the sex I gave him, either. He loved me for who I was. Hell, when I got pregnant, he had offered to marry me! He was such a good man, a far better man than I had ever been....

And I had been so selfish towards him.

If you die, Greg, all I will have left to remember you by is our baby, I thought.

I put my hands over my womb.Screw getting an abortion, I thought, I'm having your child!

Apocalypse, Ch. 16

I broke into sobs and started to wail. Henry put her arms around me and hugged me. I thought of everything we had been through, the times we had shared, how he had been towards me, even being in heat. I thought of what he had told me, about his plans...

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Apocalypse, Ch. 14

I awoke the next morning to Greg kissing me awake. I looked up at him, and he smiled down at me. _My new husband_, I thought, trying to smile for him. "It's time for breakfast", said Greg, and we got out of bed and made breakfast in the nude. Greg...

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Apocalypse, Ch. 13

I awoke the next morning in the pre-dawn gloom, cuddled up against Greg, as usual. It was Sunday, my wedding day, I realized. I sighed. I couldn't believe I was getting married. I couldn't believe I had told Greg yes. Suddenly, I had cold feet. What...

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