Open Content Stream Story: The Red-Fanged Redhood

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A story of rape, werewolves, and breast growth? Who else could it be?

The Red-Fanged Redhood

For Reyo

by Draconicon

The firewood wouldn't chop itself. That was what Alba kept telling herself, but it was nothing more than a distraction as she kept breaking down block after block of wood. The physical activity kept her body busy; she wished the thought would do the same for her mind.

The retired hunter looked back at her cottage. If she really squinted, she could see through the window at her former student inside, see Mariana inside, squirming and moaning in her bed.

No, she didn't want to think about that. She was out chopping wood specifically NOT to think about that.

CHOP went the axe, plonk went the wood. Alba got another block, hefting the axe over her shoulder.

"What happened to you, girl? What happened to you?"

None of the herbal remedies she knew were working, and the fever that Mariana had refused to go down. Ever since she returned from the Levant on her mission, the young woman had been burning up, holding her body and moaning in pain. Even the best of Alba's potions had been ineffective, barely dulling the pain that the young woman was going through.

The axe creaked as she struck poorly, and Alba put a boot on the wood as she yanked it free.

"It can't be that...Don't let it be that. Poison, sickness, plague...anything but that."

Because that was the only thing her mind told her it could be. No matter the excuses that her emotions flung up for her, her long years as one of the Redhoods told her that only one thing led to these symptoms, and that one thing only had one cure.

The next chop was so violent that the wood halves flew off of the stump, landing several feet away. Alba stumbled, almost falling over as she dropped the axe. She forced herself to lay it down carefully, then sat on the stump, her head in her hands.

"It could still be sickness. You've seen a lot, but you haven't seen everything. You know that. You see that every year."

But no Redhood would ever deny this.

"I'll...I'll know tonight."

She looked to the sky. The sun was halfway set, and on the other horizon loomed the building silhouette of the full moon. Alba reached down, grasping the edge of the axe.



When the sun went down, Alba walked into her bedroom. Mariana was finally quiet, her breathing shallow but even enough. The pained moaning had stopped.

She wished that comforted her, but it did the opposite.

The huntress walked to the bedside, sitting down next to her pupil. She laid her hand on the young lady's cheek, and Mariana opened her eyes. The weak smile cut her to the heart, and her hand clenched on the axe hilt.

"How are you feeling, dear?"

"Hot...very hot. Can't I take these blankets off?"

"I suppose." Either my blood or yours will be on them tonight.

She tugged the blankets down. Mariana's naked body - glistening with sweat from her fever - was slowly revealed. Any other fever victim would have wasted away more than half their muscle in the two weeks since the woman had taken to bed. Mariana's was stronger than ever.

There was no denying it now. Alba shook her head, and lifted the axe to her shoulder.

"Alba, what, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, Mariana. You know what you are."

"But I'm your student!"

"And I'm retired. But there is no leaving duty behind."

She raised the axe above her shoulder -

  • Just as the moonlight shone through the window.

From the first touch, the transformation began. Gray fur rippled down Mariana's legs and belly, spreading up from there to her chest and face. The frail and slender woman screamed like she had been lit ablaze, and Alba's heart nearly stopped at the sound, the huntress knocked back a step from the sound of pain. Her thoughts vacillated between sympathy and duty, between healing and killing.

In the end, healing won out. Dropping her axe, she rushed forward to take her pupil's hand, squeezing it futilely, knowing she was a fool.

The change continued, fur ripping apart skin and covering it as it healed again. Alba closed her eyes tightly, her lips whispering old forgotten prayers as the change continued. She heard the screaming, felt the growing body at her side, but gave back nothing but silence and her presence.

The hand she held yanked her off the ground. It was the strength of the beast, she knew, irresistible as it was sudden. Alba was launched off of the chair and landed on the bed, her eyes flicking open as the beast Mariana was becoming straddled her.

"You were going to kill me!"

"I was going to save you."

"No! You were going to save yourself!"

The beast within glared at her, the girl's green eyes turning gold in the moonlight, swirling into a bestial, feral color. The hands on Alba's shoulders morphed, the fingers cracking and swelling as they grew longer, the claws on the ends digging into the mattress, like nails into a board.

Worst, worst of all, Alba could feel the moisture that was building between Mariana's legs. She felt it dripping from her pupil onto her stomach, and she shook her head.

"I -"

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up! Murderer! That's all any of you are!"

The girl continued to change. The lean, limber body of a huntress was losing its slenderness, the rail shape becoming more rounded. She could feel it holding her down, feel the roundness spreading over her, giving the werewolf-becoming more body to hold her down with. But it was the shapes in front of her eyes that were most obvious.

Mariana had always prided herself on her bow skill, which she had a particular ease with due to her small chest. That would never be the case from now on. Alba watched as the flat chested woman grew, and grew. Her nipples swelled beneath the layer of fur, pointing through it and huge. The flesh beneath ballooned, growing past the size of the whores in the small town nearby, to a size that would tempt even men that would have never touched fur before.

Despite the agony in the werewolf's voice and growls, Alba knew better. She had never before felt another woman so wet, and the wagging tail growing out of Mariana's spine gave away the truth. Her student wanted this, and would be a danger forevermore.

"Then if I am a murderer, give me that punishment." She lifted her head, baring her neck. "Rip my throat out and show me what you think of me."


"Do it!"

"I'm not like you!"

The wolf threw her from the bed, knocking her to the floor. Alba rolled to a halt before the wolf grabbed her again, throwing her to the other side of the cabin. The claws ripped through her tunic, and the third throw ripped through it more.

By the time that Mariana was done throwing her around, her clothes were tattered, her older body nearly as revealed as her pupil's had been. Bruised and battered, Alba gasped for breath, laying on her back, her head barely supported by the wall behind her.

The wolf approached her, lumbering forward. She couldn't even stand like a human anymore, Alba realized; her legs were too wrong for that, and her back was hunched over, weighed down by the breasts she carried. Worse, the stink of the wolf's sex filled the cabin, inescapably pungent. The sounds of feral wolves filled the air, the were calling to the beasts that were its allies.

"I am you..."

"Then...what will you do?"

"The worst thing I can, old woman."

The werewolf grabbed her legs, forcing them apart. What few bits of cloth covered her down there were ripped away by the rough movement, and Alba hissed in pain as something felt like it was broken.

"I will turn you into what you most hate."

" can't..."

"I don't know how it works...but you'll burn in whatever hell I'm doomed for, old woman."

The bite was deep, right in her upper thigh. If it had been any wild animal, she would have bled out in minutes. Were it any wild animal, it would have been preferable to what she had just felt.

Alba screamed as the fire of the werewolf curse burned through her, the old woman feeling it run rampant through her body. Even as she bled, the wound sealed itself up again, and the blood stopped.

"You have...turned against everything you stood for."

"No, Alba. You did. Protect people, remember?"

"From things like you."

"From things like us."

The moonlight spread through the room, almost supernaturally finding her body. And as Alba saw the fur sprout along the tops of her feet, she knew she was doomed.

There was one chance. As her body healed, she saw the axe again. If she could just grab it in time, she could stop herself.

She leaped -


Her leap turned into a squat, her naked body left on display and refusing to move. Mariana smirked at her, the wolf shoving her down on all fours.

"Don't worry. It won't take long for me to...persuade you."

Alba shuddered, feeling the hot breath of her student puffing along her leg, and then higher. Her arms ached as she tried to force them to reach for the axe, but they refused to move. They were locked Mariana's command. What other free will she had left, other thoughts, faded quickly as her transformation rushed over her body, over her back and down her rump, towards the back of her legs.

When that tongue touched her between them, when the transformation reached her there at the same time, she howled, her will leaving her with her humanity.

The End

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