Chapter 12

Story by rhenthar on SoFurry

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Lost In The Mist © 2015 Sinclair Diavante

Chapter 12.

As we made our way back to Mist's ship, what was becoming a familiar heaviness had begun to settle into my limbs. I was starting to withdraw. My heart was laboring, my nose dripped sweat within the confines of the muzzle. Irritation blended with my shock and confusion of having seen Sinclair again. I'm on Phaylact! Fucking shit, how the hell do I tell him?

"What a nice dog you have." I looked up and met the brown eyes of an old female German Shepherd Rhenthar sitting across from us on the subway car. She had more white around her muzzle than any other color. Our bodies collectively rocked and shuddered as the poorly tuned maglev's limits were surpassed into actual rail contact. I turned and looked up at Mist, sitting in the seat behind me.

"He's not so nice, lady. He'd bite your arm off, if he wasn't muzzled." Mist smiled down at me.

She squinted, looking closer at me. I wondered if she even realized I was a Rhenthar, like her. I tongued the empty sockets around where the tube entered my mouth, feeling anger add to my irritation. The muzzle hugged my jaws closer, now that my mouth was completely shut. Less metal in my field of view, but it felt more confining. It was tighter, more form fitting. My anger kept bouncing off a wall of submission, I felt so helpless without being able to bite something.

My days of eating were over. Out the window with speaking, too? Shit. I swallowed, feeling the thick tube all the way down in my stomach. I missed my ship, I missed Sinclair. I missed Nod and Jimmy. I had no hope, I had never felt so defeated. I should have stayed on The Hahkota. My old team would never have let this happen to me.

Well, that's not true, now, is it?

They didn't stop Sinclair from taking me. But, as much as I hated it, at the time, in retrospect it was easily the best experience of my life. Could I somehow turn this into the same?

I turned and looked at Mist again, considering. He caught my gaze and stared back. Oh, how I hated him! If he hadn't taken my nibbler teeth, maybe things could have been different.

Mist leaned forward and growled at me. I splayed my ears and looked away. The old lady poked me with her walking stick, I turned and shot her a look that should kill.

"Such a mean dog. You should have him neutered. That'll fix him." I froze, staring at Mist in the corner of my vision. Dog, anything but that.

"Hm." He started to pet me between my ears. "That's an interesting idea," he said.

My anger dried right up, evaporating into terror.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, though," Mist said, shaking his head wistfully. I exhaled a sigh of relief. "He's wearing a parasite that prevents him from breeding. Without his balls, it would kill him." Mist cocked his head and stared at me severely. He leaned close and whispered into my ear.

"You wouldn't be the first to try castrating himself to escape the attentions of his 'site. But. You don't act like someone who's been 'sited. What did you mean by... you had a way around it? Hm. Yes, we need to see what's going on."

The subway car ground to a halt with brake pads that were probably more backing plate than friction material, judging by the level of noise they made. I thought back to my conversation with Zach, a long time ago. He mentioned something about modifying my 'site, killing off some aspect of it. I kicked myself for not researching how 'sites worked, back when I had the chance. There seemed no reason to, I thought I knew them inside and out.

Mist kept the leash short as we exited the subway and walked back to his ship. It was parked in a crumbling starship landing area. A few empty hulks stood the tests of time, stripped of everything useful. Also present on the blast-scarred surface were a couple dozen other ships, which were well guarded by people and sentry weapons. They paid us no attention as we boarded, Mist authorizing his presence through his wetware.

He walked me to "my" room and patted the bed's surface. I jumped up and sat, eager to breathe the gas my body was craving. More thoughts of inhibition and addiction plagued my conscience, but what the fuck could I do about it? The idea of leaping onto him and breaking his neck sat a few miles in the distance. He seemed like a fighter, though, the move he had used to flip me onto my back was smooth and precise. He would only make things worse, that's all resistance amounted to: more pain for me. So I forced such thoughts to recede even further.

I heard a click in the muzzle, and he dug the heavy metal valve off the end and unclipped the leash. I had to hold my breath, closely watching his every move, staring at his hands. I glanced at the tip of the braided hose, it was retracted into a recess above the bed. I looked back at him.

"You sure smell eager. I bet you want more than just air, hm?" He stood tall and crossed his arms. "I want to know what you've done to your 'site. I want to know what you meant by having ways around it." My air was running out. I lay down on the bed and rolled over onto my back, showing him my neck. He laughed.

"So much submission. I know what you want, and now you know what I want. Do we have a deal?" He smiled, showing some very sharp teeth. I nodded my head, please, just give me some air...

He reached up to the recess and pulled out a length of the steel braid, clicking it into the end of my muzzle. I drew a long breath. I took breath after breath, feeling the withdrawal vanish like smoke. My mood brightened, along with the rest of the room as my pupils grew wide. My fur relaxed, euphoria climbed onto my chest and punched me in the face. I felt myself harden up in my sheath, and my previous concerns of the situation vanished.

This wasn't so bad, I could endure this. What's wrong with feeling good? This is better than I've ever felt, so what if it's artificial? This came for free.

Well, not quite.

It came at the price of... my life. With my owner, Sinclair. He wanted me back.

Euphoria fell a notch, or two. I shut my eyes and felt tears leak from them, wishing he were here. I knew no matter how good this felt, it would be even better if it were him doing this to me.

The buzz in my head kept intensifying, causing me to feel increasingly disconnected from my body. I felt distant, fuzzy, and tranquil. Mist pulled my sheath back all the way to the base, behind my knot, and even painfully past that. The sensation was only distant, though. I twisted my neck to watch him passively. A black thickness was behind my knot, abruptly transitioning to my white shaft, where the mouth of the parasite ended. He tried to dig his claws under the 'site, all the way around. The hard, calcified area was a part of my tissue, though, no such gap existed. The parasite squirmed inside me, pain in my bladder spiked. My body seized, tensing up on its own. Mist tried pushing and pulling at it, my erection had faded, and it wasn't corning back. He shook his head. "You're going to have to explain."

I had zoned out, caught up in the bliss. Mist set a large, flat square on the bed, next to me, and slapped the bed. "Roll over, sit up. That s a touch screen, use your claws to spell out the answers to my questions." I shut my eyes, what a weird dream...

"Keman!" I opened them, staring into his angry green gaze. I tried to draw a breath, but none came. Er, shit. I rolled over and sat up.

"Do I have your attention now? Huh?" I nodded, the steel cable shook with my muzzle. I resumed breathing.

"What did you mean, you have a way around your 'site?" Mist pointed at the flat tablet lying on the bed. I picked it up, moving in slow motion through the mind numbing pleasure.

I drew a claw across its surface, bold white stood out wherever it touched. Mist reached forward and tapped the upper right corner, the marks vanished. Even while stoned, I got it.

I wrote: I use a stimulator to get an orgasm. I looked up at Mist, he twisted his head, leaning over my shoulder to read what I had written.

"Not surprising. But what else have you done to it? It's not acting right."

I erased the surface, then wrote: Nothing. How should it be acting?

Mist was quiet for a minute, contemplating. "Keman, it should... oh. My my. Has it always been this way?"

I wrote: Yes.

Mist threw his head up and laughed. He pulled the tablet from my paws and tossed it onto the bed. "And here I thought you'd been wearing it for your whole life, and you just found some way to ignore it.

"But it's young, only a few years old, at the most. I can tell by the distance it's grown behind your knot. Just didn't make any sense, until now.

"I'll be right back. The hose is locked, stay, Keman."

Mist left the room and I sat there, buzzed out of my mind. Movement caught my eyes. Sinclair walked up to me, he pointed behind me. "Look that way." I did, staring at the open door, not quite understanding why. I looked back at Sin and he nodded, pointing to the tablet laying on the bed.

"Do you know where you're at? Write it down on that, quickly."

My heart began to race, I was almost too dizzy to understand but I'd do anything he asked. Anything. I grabbed the tablet, and it slipped from my paw, tumbling onto the floor. No! I strained to reach it, to pick it back up, but the braided hose wasn't long enough. I reached up to disconnect the hose from the muzzle, but it wouldn't pull free, it was locked. I strained to reach it again, turning my head to stare at the wall as my paw groped blindly next to the bed. I couldn't tell how close I was getting, since I couldn't look at it.

My claws brushed something hard, I snatched it up, pulling myself the rest of the way back onto the bed to quickly write: Phaylact, Trinity. South Side, starship landing zone. I looked up into Sin's magnificent yellow eyes, while tears leaked from mine. I missed him so badly, the pain was almost unbearable.

"Fuck yes! We're coming." Sin vanished, de-materializing like an unplugged viewscreen. I erased the text on the tablet, sniffing and swallowing my snot mixed with tears, feeling a whole new level of hope.

Mist walked back into the room, moving in like a dark thundercloud, to set several pieces of equipment onto the bed. He pushed me over onto my back. "Just lay there like a good boy. I've changed the mix you're breathing. This is your reward for earlier good behavior. Remember this, Keman. I want your associations carved in tritanium, when I say you get a reward, you get one."

Something did change. The scent of the gas turned sweeter, I could almost taste it.

I poked my tongue against my side teeth, and the pain felt... unlike pain. More like pleasure. I shuddered, and began to shiver as my body temperature rose. The room was too bright, colors felt threatening. I shut my eyes, then opened them, but still couldn't see. They were rolled back into my head. I had to consciously look straight out at the ceiling, seeing colors and patterns that shouldn't have been there, as they twisted and turned.

Mist slid a fat probe down into my dick, through the opening in the tip of the 'site, the one my urine was drawn from. The probe was long and metal, and the resulting pain was the most delicious sensation I had ever felt. I wanted him to push it deeper, I bucked my hips, trying to make him do it.

"You like that, eh? You shouldn't. I'm going to have to keep a close eye on you, so you don't do something stupid." Mist turned and stared at a small handheld screen, pushing various buttons while twisting the probe around.

I rubbed my stomach and my eyes grew wide, I pressed my claws into my fur, then pulled, rolling my eyes from the sensation. The shear intensity of the pleasure combined with having seen Sinclair earlier, I tensed up my stomach and drove my claws even deeper. Then deeper, more... I wanted more...

Mist grabbed my paws and pulled them away from my stomach. "That's enough of that. If you do that anymore, I'll paralyze you for the rest of this reward." I blinked at him muzzily, my eyes were still trying to roll back. I saw blood glistening on the tips of my claws, and a very distant part of my mind reeled, screaming at me to stop what I was doing. But I wanted more... shit, I wanted so much more...

I found a different way to get the same feeling. I simply played back the sensation I had just felt against my stomach, in my head... over and over again. Each time, I swore that it felt better than the last. I writhed on the bed, twitching my tail around, feeling each hair on my back rub against the bed's surface. Pure ecstasy.

"Keman, your 'sites stimulator branches are all dead. All it does is prevent you from getting off. I don't understand. That 'site cost more than my ship. Why didn't your owner just neuter you?"

I opened my eyes, staring glassily at Mist. I'd heard every word, but it was taking a while to swim from the depths of my ecstasy in order to make any sense of them. I laughed at him, or at least, tried to. It came out of the muzzle as a rhythmic exhale.

"Ah. Because you like it. You like not being able to get off, you like chastity. Your owner spent all those credits just to give you what you wanted. " Mist sounded enthusiastic, like he was slowly figuring out the world's toughest equation. A very small part of my mind was concerned with the efficiency in which he was figuring me out.

"Well, be that as it may. Things are going to be a whole lot different for you, soon. You're going to learn what being 'sited is truly all about. I won't ruin the surprise, but, haven't you ever wondered why it's anchored in your bladder? After all, it's bonded to your dick, you can't pull it off. So... why?"

I stared at him, wondering what he was getting at, trying to make sense.

Mist smirked, picking up the dildo he had shown me that morning, to spread something greasy onto its tip. "When you wake up, and gotta pee real bad, you get an erection for a very specific reason."

He pressed the tip under my tail, and then slipped it inside me; its cool surface sank deep. I started to firm up in my sheath, as the bulge of the knot wedged into me. He pulled a finger out, and my tailhole closed, the toy was completely inside of me.

"Half of all your sexual nerve endings are clustered around your bladder sphincter. That's why taking a big leak feels so good. In addition, it's also the same region that rhythmically pulses during an orgasm. That's all I'm going to say. Remember those words, the rest you'll find out on your own."

I felt a small vibration inside me as the knot swelled up. I thought it was as big as it was going to get, and then I realized it was still slowly growing larger. I swallowed and arched my back, squeezing what was inside me, realizing how horny it was making me.

Mist squeezed my thick sheath. "Too bad you don't have your stimulator right now. But maybe tomorrow... when your 'site finishes healing, it'll give you some temporary relief. On accident.

"'Sites don't like sperm, they feed on pre... you're going to learn as much about it, as it's about to learn you. Poor thing must be starving, for all these years you've fed it the wrong diet."

He slid a finger back under my tail and checked to see how deep the dildo had lodged, and seemed satisfied. He pulled his finger back out. It felt amazing to me, I clenched down again, and gripped my sheath in a paw, squeezing. I laid there on the bed, squirming, squeezing.

Then I couldn't breathe.

"So it begins. Clench down if you want to breathe, Keman..." I gulped hard on the tube in my throat, feeling all the pleasure around me fall away as I struggled to take a breath. I clenched down, hard, then harder, and finally as hard as I could. No air came.

"Quit lying down on the job. A different position will work better, c'mon. I've not made you that stupid. Think!"

That was the problem. I didn't want to think. I rolled over onto my stomach and hunched in on myself, a similar position to if I was fucking. My tail curled between my legs as I rose up onto my haunches, trying still more positions to squeeze the mass locked inside me, I was starting to feel desperate. I bore down with the new position, hugging an invisible body, constricting as hard as I could. Suddenly I could breathe, again.

"There you go. That's the ticket. I've set a reasonable expectation curve for improvement, in the device. For how much stronger I expect your ass to get. If I'm wrong, well, it won't let you die, but it'll suck to be you. Therefore, I suggest you keep up the good work and don't just squeeze enough to get some air. It will want more, and the times will vary."

He snaked the black hose between my legs and slid it into place, twisting it to lock it. The cath that slipped through my erection felt exotic and delicious to me.

"I'm going to leave you alone for a while," he said. "I have to go track down a lead on someone who can maybe fix your collar. I sure wish it worked right. By now, you'd be the happiest wolf in the world; this doesn't have to be so hard. Still. Give me your paw."

He snatched one of my hands and started cutting my claws off, one by one. I watched with a strange combination of fear and pleasure, disappointed that I couldn't rake them through my skin again, but a small part of my mind was relieved that I couldn't try it, now. He repeated the same process on my other paw, staring at them closely so as not to cut through the quick.

Mist collected everything lying on the bed and moved to walk out.

"I know you'll be a good boy, but here's something extra to help the time pass."

My vision rippled, like I was underwater for a moment. I couldn't breathe, I clenched down. Air came back. I couldn't breathe again... I looked around, and realized Mist wasn't in the room anymore. I constricted my ass, took a deep breath. Again, and again... each cycle was only a second apart. I pushed on the black hose, trying to squeeze it, to hump it, and then I tugged on it until it ripped free. The catheter whipped around, spattering drops of urine on the bed while it retracted into the hose, I briefly glimpsed its slick blue exterior.

Eventually, squeezing became a reflex. I didn't have to consciously think about clamping down on the big mass inside me. It just happened as soon as I couldn't breathe. My mind had more time to wander; I found that I could get the same muscles to move, when I was on my side.

I rubbed my paws up and down my body, feeling a rush of ecstasy as I worked myself back to the state I was in earlier. I slid my sheath back and tugged on the parasite, feeling my body convulse in spasms that normally took my breath away. I smiled something unhealthy, and decided I was already the luckiest wolf in the world.

Eventually I blacked out.