A Hybrid's Struggle. Prologue: Part 1.

Story by Sparda 16 on SoFurry

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THIS IS MY DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL BLAAARRRG: I do NOT own Pokemon. Any names, places, or individuals mentioned are entirely FICTIONAL, and do not exist!(That we know of ;3). This Story and it's OCs are rightfully owned by me, Sparda 16 and Sparda 17(The two halves that make an even bigger half!) And last but not least, this Story is Rated M for mature themes, cursing, violence, and (possibly???) Lemons. Read at your own risk, yeah?Author's Note: Nervous as hell right now... Been about a whole year since i uploaded something New. You may find that the prologue's are mostly written in Italic, since it is viewed in the past. If that bugs you, then... GOOD! I wouldn't be a demon if i didn't induce a little torture here and there >_> No, but really, I am deeply sorry if it bugs you. That is just the way it was meant to be... Deal with it, and... Er, hope you enjoy!Oh! And I've cut the first "Chapter" into 3 parts. Next part will be up tomorrow... Uh, hopefully. (Probably not XD But hopefully!)My life... It was perfect at one point. As a kid, you don't... You don't really think about all the troubles in the world, all of the things happening around you... It's just you, and the joys of exploring a new world. The joys of living... With a family... And in a world you think is absolutely perfect for you...My life was once like that... I had a beautiful family. My father, Parker... He was a human. A rare individual... His mind wandered on many a thought, and it gave him a lot of different perspectives... Haha, and my mother... Oh my mother. She was a Garchomp... A beautiful Land-shark, with such a warm personality... She constantly watched over me- as her only child, I couldn't blame her... Both of my parents were such wonderful beings, who loved each other with all their hearts, and me, even more...You're probably a little confused, huh? With my parents being two completely different creatures...? Well, I only know half of their story, and all of it probably wouldn't be accurate coming from my point of view... So it's not my story to tell. But, I do know that their love was true. Truer than most you might find... Their love was proof that a human and a Pokemon could truly be together... That it wasn't just a disgusting act other's might think it is.Their relationship proved that love could blossom naturally between the two species... Nothing had to be forced, they kept their freedom, but they kept each other. Not... Not all Pokemon and Human relationships are like that... Well, not in my eyes...But I think I'm getting ahead of myself right now... Let me take you back to when my story starts... When I was a happy, 8 Year

old, Anthropomorphic Land-Shark...I ran through the wide fields of grass, laughing away as I chased the Butterfree around in a playful manner. Mother and Father always took me here when I asked... And I loved it here. This place didn't see much activity, so I enjoyed the peaceful times, alone with just my family. I ran and ran, making sure to stay in the sights of my parents. They tend to get a little upset if I go off on my own... Cant blame them. Last time I went off on my own, I got lost in a forest... Gods it was embarrassing."Alex! We're heading out in 10 minutes, okay sweetie?" Mother called from afar.I turned to her direction, waving my clawed hands in response. "Alrighty!" I quickly went back to my pointless task; chasing Pokemon. But being the careless child I was back then, I tripped on something... Something tough. I fell face first! It hurt a lot at the time, my poor muzzle covered in dirt... I wiped my face like nothing had happened, I'd hate to be rushed home so early because of a worried mother. I-i wasn't as fragile as they thought, I could... I could handle myself.Ah, but yes, I tripped. And what I tripped over was nothing I had ever seen before... It was a pretty object; black, with yellow and red stripes swirling around it's surface. Though a lot of it's surface was covered in dirt... I even had to dig it out of the ground. And dug I did. Eagerly, in fact. I thought I had found treasure! I wonderful jewel that was special and important. After I dug it out of the soil, I held it in my hand. It was pretty light for it's size... Made me wonder what it truly was. If it was a rock, it surely had to be heavier... Right?"Whoa..." I exclaimed in amazement, my head perking up to look at mother and father. "Mother! F-Father!" I called, rushing to my feet and hurrying over to them. "I-I found a pretty rock!"Mother and Father turned their heads, watching me run towards them. Mother's face lit up with a smile, as she spoke. "Aha! Hey sweetie, what did you find?"It wasn't long before I was sitting down in front of them. "Look!" I showed them my newly found treasure. "I saw a shiny thing in the dirt, and I dug it up, and I found this awesome rock!" Of course, my story wasn't entirely true. I didn't see a shiny, I tripped over the damn thing!"Huh?" My father raised a brow, "Let me have a look at that there, Alexander." I obeyed father, handing over my treasure to him for a moment. He looked it over, rolling it about in his hands. He gave it a curious look, and I couldn't help but wag my tail in anticipation."What is it?" I asked."It... seems like-" His eyes went wide all of a sudden, as

he began to scratch the dirt off of it eagerly. "Hold on a minute!" He continued to clean, scrubbing the dirt away as fast as he could. Its surface slowly became clearer and clearer. This object was perfectly round, I'd never seen such a treasure before! "It's a... A-a Pokeball!" He exclaimed."Pokewhat?" I tilted my head, utterly lost."Ah!" Mother pitched in, raising a talon. "A Pokeball is a tool humans use to capture Pokemon," She announced happily, a smile on her face. She always loved sharing her knowledge with me. "Your mother has a Pokeball of her own, but she rarely ever sees it. You see sweetie, when a human finds a Pokemon that they really like, and want to own it, they throw a Pokeball at it! If they are successful, the Pokemon is theirs to look after for.""W-wha-?" I was a bit shocked at the concept. "That doesn't sound very good!" I pouted.Father laughed. "Ohoho, it's just human nature, son." He seemed amused at my reaction.I hanged my head low and groaned. "Aww... I thought it was cool..." But it was just a Pokeball. Nothing cool about it at all."Aw, sweetie, don't look so down. I'm so proud of you for finding this! Who knows, maybe you'll get a reward for returning-""Quiet, you two!" Father spoke, voice raised. He finished cleaning most of the dirt off the object, and he looked scared almost, worried. "I think there's still life in this Pokeball!"Oh... That explains it."Wait, wha-""No way!" I exclaimed, leaning closer in amazement. Being the youngster that i was, i was still learning. I didn't know anything about these devices... So when i thought about a poor creature being trapped in a tiny ball, i kinda freaked out! What if it was being squished in there?! I certainly couldn't let that poor creature suffer!"Open it, dad! We gotta save the poor creature!""H-hold on, son, it may very well be dangerous. We don't know if-" I snatched the ball out of his hands. Sorry father, no time to waste."You're taking too long, dad! The poor creature needs to be rescued!" I announced, digging my claws into the ball and trying to pry it open with brute strength."Alexander!" Father spoke, his voice raised. "Stop that! You'll never open it that way!" He shuffled over on his knees, initially grabbing my arm, and eventually trying to pry the ball from my grasp."F-Father! Please!" I kept my grip on the object and heaved, trying to pull it away from father's reach.Mother sighed at the silly scene, clearing her throat. "Love, why not show him how to open it properly instead of trying to rip it from his poor young hands! It is his after all," She suggested to father as casually as can be."Y-yeah, Dad," I grunted. "Teach me how to rescue Pokemon!""Ahh! Fine!" Father let go, making me stumble back. "But it's not my fault if this ball contains a raging Rampardos." He got to his feet, walked over to me and gave a heavy sigh. "Alright son... Listen up, now."I looked up at him, blinking steadily. He had my undivided attention!He pat my head softly, "It's quite simple, Alex... Just click that little button in the centre.""Huh?" I rolled the ball around in my hand until I noticed what Father was talking about. "Oh... Really? That's all? Just click this button and...""Yep." He smiled, before glancing back at Mother with a worried stare. "Might wanna prepare yourself, honey."Click!A bolt of red lightning shot out from the Pokeball as it opened up, it startled me so much I threw the ball in a panic! "A-ah!" The lightning came back down, hitting the ground and slowly becoming a red glow of... a shape? I didn't know what it was at first, i'd never seen such a sight."Careful now, son." I heard father speak, his voice serious. "We've no clue what this beast could do..."I couldn't take my eyes of the red glow, it soon faded, and a Pokemon was laying there... Curled up... Not moving one bit..."Wait a moment..." Dad dropped his guard."Parker!" Mother ran over to the unconscious creature, kneeling by it's side. "Parker, hurry!""R-right!" Father ran over, kneeling down across from mother to check up on the black critter. "Alexander! Fetch my backpack, would you? It's just over by the tree there!" Father asked, trying to be as calm and collected as he could.I wasted no time in replies, running over to fetch father's backpack. I was back by his side in seconds, falling to my knees next to him. "H-here!""Thanks." Father zipped open the front pocket, pulling out a Golden Crystal."W-will the creature be okay?" I asked hesitantly."..." Father didn't answer. He just held the crystal to the creature's chest, waiting...The crystal soon lit up, shining brightly as it slowly dissipated into the creature's body. A slight sigh of

relief left mother's jaws,as did with father. "The Pokemon will be okay..." Mother spoke, happy."Maybe..." Father looked at me, soon smiling. "You okay, son?"I gave a nod. I was a little worried for a second there... I didn't know what was going on. "I'm fine."The creature soon gave out a small cry- it's voice projecting a sorrowful pain into my heart."Easy there, little one," Mother spoke softly to it.The little black fox groaned again, its eyes shut tight and its body twitching all over. "H-hungry... Mumma... O-oww-""Hey, are you alright?" Father asked softly, "Can you move?""W-water... M-Mum... D-don't..." It's unconscious banter continued, I don't even think the creature understood it's own situation. It looked so exhausted and fragile... So pained."Oh dear." Mother frowned. "We better get her back home...""Well come on then! I... I cant stand to see another in pain..." I spoke, my voice struck with urgency. Seeing another act like this... It tore me apart, and I was still so young... I didn't fully understand what this young Pokemon was going through, yet I couldn't stand seeing it in this condition.Mother and Father both nodded, and we all rushed back home with care. Father carried the poor creature, and I was told to take the Pokeball with us. My parents apologized for the whole situation, but there was no need to say sorry. I just wanted to see this creature all better... That was the first time I ever prayed to Arceus. I prayed that... It would be okay.