Last Train

Story by AtomicCoon on SoFurry

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Well well well. Look who decided to crawl his ringtailled backside back to the Fap-Zone that is YS. After a rather long hiatus, I finally got a spark to write up a story. Which is lucky for me considering I've been involved in alot of incidents. For back stories, look for me on LiveJournal. (atomiccoon)

So I'm not bringing back my Complex series just yet. It's a winding series and I gotta work the kinks out the current installment. So I'll just give you a quicky to help me get back on the roll. And now for something completly the same...

All characters (c) AC. If they happen to be like a character you have, my bad. And even though the front page covers it, if you're under 18 (or 21), or just don't like what's about to go down, run away! RUN!!! It'll rot your mind!!!!

Or just cause what I hope is a sticky mess. ;)

"No.... I can't be late...."

Jason was speeding through the traffic as fast as his old beater of a car would let him, trying to make it to the train station. The otter just had to make it and tell her everything.

"I gotta tell her just what I'm feeling. I know this is going to be my last chance. And I must!" He kept glancing down to a picture in the passenger seat as he drove between traffic on the highway. It was a picture of him and her just hanging out at the neighborhood arcade. But it was of her, the soft form of the skunkette at a second racing unit, which he kept glancing at. She was having such a good time, not even caring for the fact that she was beating him with ease.

He knew he had to see her one last time before she was shipped off to boarding school two states over. It's not everyday that you have a chance to fall for an albino anything, let alone an albino skunk. Soft, snow-white fur that was striped black covered her form. She wasn't thin like a supermodel, but he didn't care. He liked the one-step up in the "meatiness" category. And that deep red head fur she had. Everyone in the group wondered if it was natural. But oddly enough it-

"Holy shit!" he yelled out when he looked back up, managing to shift to a free lane quickly before he hit a slower moving truck. The driver honked his horn at him and gave Jason a firm middle finger, but he didn't care. He knew he had a short amount of time to get to the station before her train left, taking his last chance with it. He made it to the exit, barely slowing to prevent himself from skidding off the road.

He looked down to the clock on the radio. 3:45 PM. "Oh man...five minutes.... I got this...I got this." He kept saying to himself as he took the turns through the town. He made it to the station with about three minutes left, but he knew it wouldn't be enough. Now he just wanted to see her one last time before she would be gone. He bolted out of his car and ran for the platform, using his natural agility of the water to move between the flow of furs.

Platform 3, the 3:50PM train to Tallahassee, FL. Not there. He looked both ways of the tracks, and saw nothing. "No..." he whispered out, dropping down to his knees. He looked down at the picture in his paws, watching a tear drop onto it. He had lost her. Probably for good. He didn't really care as the other furs around him didn't seem to wonder why the otter was down on the ground like he was, sending him further into his gloom. He didn't even look up when someone did stop to look.

"That's a cute girl in the picture." The soft voice spoke. "She have a name?"

"Yeah," he said between sobs. "Her name's Samantha. But everyone just called her Sam. She liked it better that way."

"Well that is a lovely name," the voice spoke. Jason had a feeling that the form had knelt down beside him, still just staring at the picture.

"She was a lovely furson," he spoke out, wiping a tear out his eye before it could drop. "And I really wanted to tell her how I felt about her."

"Really?" the voice whispered back, Jason deciding from the tone that it had to be a female. "And what would you have said?"

"Well.... I didn't think that part through. I figured I'd tell her that I loved her. As odd as it may have been."

The voice kept silent for a moment before speaking back. "That's sweet. And what would you have done if she said she loved you back?"

"Hell I don't............know...." He said, having turned to finally confront the furson speaking to him. It was Sam in all her glory, dressed in a pair of baggy black jeans and a faux camouflage tank top. Jason could have sworn he heard angels singing in the background as he just stared into her soft violet eyes. "Samantha?"

Sam gave a soft pat to his nose, a light smile forming on her face. "Jason? What I have I told you about calling me that?"

", this can't be real." As soon as the words had left his mouth he gave a yelp, standing up quickly and rubbing his forearm. "Hey! Why'd you pinch me for?"

"To prove it wasn't a dream, silly," Sam cooed out as she stood as well. She then smiled softly, a slight blush forming under her fur. "Can you tell me something?"

"Anything, Sam."

"Did you mean it?"

Jason was caught off guard by the question, trying to figure out what she meant. It finally clicked in his head, his reaction being a slow nod. "Yes, Sam, I meant it."

She blushed a bit more, seeing him also give a blush. "Wow, you did. You didn't call me 'Samantha' when you said that."

"Sam, let's stop dancing around this." The otter moved close to the skunkette, taking a paw into his as he looked softly into her eyes. "I do have strong feelings for you. And the last thing I wanna see is you go away and never come back. I thought I had to do something to try and make you stay. And if not, I wanted to at least see you one last time."

"Well then, Jason," she spoke gently as she looked back into his soft amber eyes. "I've been having some feelings for you as well. I never knew what they were until now. But you're wrong about something."

He gave a slightly puzzled look, tilting his eyebrow slightly. "Please explain where I'm wrong. You're not going to the school?"

She shook her head slowly. "No, nothing like that. The school works like a public school here, so to speak. I'm back on all lengthy holidays." She gave a soft smirk before continuing, "And we have a 3-month summer break. Even I'm sure we could find some time together. That is, if you want us to be together."

"Sam, that last part is like asking a thirsty man if he wanted some water. Of course we can be together. I'm sure I could handle a long distance relationship." He gave a warm smile, and then gulped lightly. He looked into her eyes again before pulling her close gently. He tilted her head up slightly, never looking away, before he moved in and placed a soft kiss on her muzzle. She gave a light sigh as she wrapped a paw behind his head.

"Come now, that was rather weak," she churred out before pulling his head downwards. She tilted her head enough to lock both their muzzles into a warm kiss. Jason was again caught off-guard, but soon returning the kiss as warmly. He wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her close to his form. After what felt like an eternity to him she pulled from the kiss, her eyes closed softly.

"'re a pretty good kisser," she spoke softly, "even though I don't have anything to compare to."

"Likewise, Sam," he whispered out as he looked around. He looked up at the clock: 4:01 PM. "Since you're still long was your train delayed?"

She looked up at the marquee, finding her train number quickly. "Twenty more minutes at the most." She turned back towards him, a slightly defeated look on her face. "What can we do in that amount of time?"

"Well.... I have one idea," he said as he rubbed the back of his head. "But it's inappropriate at this time...."

"Try me."

"We a bit?"

"But the arcade is 10 minutes away, and there is no kind of gaming here."

Jason rubbed the back of his head again then reached into his pocket. He slowly pulled out a small aluminum-wrapped object, flashing it towards her. "That's...not what I meant...."

She looked down at the object, noting the words 'Trojan' on the wrapper before blushing a noticeable shade of red. "Jason...did you come all this way for a yiff?"

He quickly shook his head, putting the condom back in pocket. "No no no! Getting laid was at the bottom of my list of goals. But being a male, it's the only thing I could come up with when limited in time and resources."

She gave a soft chuckle as she grabbed onto his wrist, quickly tugging him behind her. He reacted this time, managing to keep pace easily, wondering what was going on. She grabbed a book bag off a nearby bench before she continued to lead. In moments they had reached the closed off area of the platform, it shut off by cones and caution tape.

"Sam, it's closed off. We can't go back their!" Jason said, it going to the wind as she pulled him under the tape. They moved over loose tiling before she took a sharp turn into the women's restroom. She pulled him behind her then pinned him against the wall before she smirked softly.

"If we're going to do this," she spoke, "I at least want some form of privacy."

"But Sam...." He said, starting to protest. "I don't want our last moment to be just a one day stand."

"You for got already? You'd be surprised even with all the gaming I did how much I saved. I could hop a train back on Saturday for the next 3 month straight if I wanted. We'll be back together."

Jason gave a soft huff, looking back into her eyes gently. "I know, but wh-" His words were cut off as she gripped a paw around his maw, holding it shut as she smiled softly. Without a word of warning from her he heard the sound of his pants zipper being lowered.

"Jason.... you know you talked to much?" She waited till he shook his head before continuing. "Well let's just say...I want something a bit better that a latex toy."

"But..." Jason started before he heard a second zipper being dropped. He knew it wasn't his, since it was already down. And the fact that his sheath was going against his will proved the fact even more. Then he took a breath and knew exactly what that the second zipper concealed. "Are you...what I think you are?"

Sam couldn't help but nod. "Yes I am.... now you see why I wanted you to wear that?"

"Yeah, I do. But isn't your condition kind of a disadvantage to me?"

"Doesn't seem like one. You're already peeking from your sheath. So how about we skip the chit-chat..."

"And have our last bit of fun?" Jason finished for her, moving in to gently kiss her lips. She nodded as she returned the kiss, bumping her paws into his as they had both gotten the same idea. After a soft, nervous chuckle, they each decided to undo there on jeans, letting them drop to the floor.

Sam was the first to make a move, grabbing the top of his boxers and pulling them down to his knees. She looked down to the shaft between his legs, running a paw along the respectable length just to be sure it was real. "You know...I've never done this before."

"That makes two of us, babe." Jason said back, reaching down a paw to remove her panties. But he stumbled around a bit, finally looking down to realize she wasn't wearing anything underneath. He blinks softly as he looks down to the glistening slit between her legs, his shaft now starting to throb.

He had to resist right then and there mounting the skunkette, remembering the condom still in his pants pocket. He kneels down and quickly pulls it out, removing it from the wrapper and starting to slip it on when she grabbed his shaft firmly.

"Hey!" he yelped out, quickly covering his maw hoping that no one heard him. "Just what are you doing?"

"I don't want it wrapped, Jason." She cooed out, looking sincerely into his eyes.

"Listen, I know you're on the pill. But I don't want to take any chances. I promise, unwrapped when you're not in heat. Deal?"

She nods gently, letting go as the otter's shaft. "I can live with that. Now hurry...I don't think we have much time."

He gave a nod and finished slipping on the condom, wrapping one arm around her to lift her up and against the wall. "You ready?"

"I'm ready, Jas. Be quick, but make it good."

"Lucky us, we're each other's first. No pressure on me." He smirks softly before pushing into her, being gentle until he felt some resistance. He knew he had reached the brink and looked into her eyes, not moving until she gave a gentle nod. He moved in and locked her into a soft kiss before giving a firm thrust, breaking past the final barrier as he gave his virginity to her and hers to him.

He pushed in to the hilt, holding still as he revealed in the moist and extremely warm feel of her sex. "Gods. This is so much better than pawing off."

Sam giggled softly, giving a lick to his nose. "And this is so much better than using a toy. Now, I don't think I can last long..."

"Again, something that we can agree on." Jason chuckled out before starting a rather quick pace. She moaned out gently, wrapping her arms around his neck as she started to whisper into his ear.

"Hey... I know we're both horny and close, but you could at least slow it down a bit." She gave a soft churr when he did slow to a medium pace, gently starting to nip on his neck in approval. Jason held the pace as best as he could, reaching his other paw under her top to gently fondle on a breast. This elicited a soft squeak from the skunk as she nipped a bit harder now.

Jason was enjoying the feel and starting to feel himself getting closer when he gave an audible gasp. He felt her walls starting to massage on his shaft, as if a set of paws were working on his shaft as well. He closed his eyes to prevent them from rolling into the back of his head, enjoying the new feel. He couldn't help but to speed up again, thrusting up into the female in his arms as he whispered his pending climax.

"Go ahead...I'm theee- aahh!!!" Samantha started to say, it interrupted but her own orgasm hitting her. Her entire form became warm with heat and her walls clamped down around the otter's shaft as she felt her juices start to spill out of her. Jason was caught off guard and on his hilting stroking when she climaxed, gritting his teeth as he shot his own load into the condom. He looked up to her and locked her again into a passionate kiss, wrapping both arms around her in a hug as they both churred happily. They held the kiss for a couple of moments before gently pulling from it and then Jason slowly pulled out of her.

"Oh gods, that felt wonderful." Sam cooed out, being gently placed back onto the floor. She reached in her bag and pulled out a couple of Wet Ones, handing one to Jason. "Listen, I know that this was an awkward and quick way to lose our vir-"

She was cut off again, this time by the intercom system. "Attention:" a soft feminine voice rank out, "All passengers for the 3:50 train to Tallahassee, Florida, please report to Platform 3 for final boarding. All passengers to Tallahassee report to Platform 3. Thank you."

"Dammit! Already?!" She gave Jason one last kiss before she pulled up her jeans and grabbed her bag, running out the restroom. Jason barely had time to toss the undamaged condom and clean up before he saw her run, pulling up his clothes and running after her.

"Sam! Samantha, wait!!" he yelled out, tripping over the caution tape. He managed to roll back onto his feet and looked around but had lost track of her. He ran along the side of the train, trying to peek in to try and see her one last time. But alas, he couldn't find her. He had reached the front of the train, standing back when it started to pull away. He watched each window one last time when he felt a buzzing in his pocket. His cell phone.

He reached in a pulled it out, seeing the Caller ID was reading 'Sam T.' He opened it and just listened to the voice on the other end.

"Jason," Sam whispered out, it partially drowned out by the sound of the train. "I'm sorry for bolting out like that. My parents keep track of the records to make sure I got on. So just look up."

Jason was a bit surprised and looked to the back of the train, seeing his skunkette standing at the back door to the dining car and waving gently with her cell in her other paw. "Just know that I love you, and I'll be back soon."

"Love you too, Sam." Jason whispered back, waving back to the fading train. "And I'll be waiting." They said their good byes before he hung up, standing on the edge of the platform as he watched the train fade away. After a couple minutes he sighed heavily and started what felt like the eternal walk back to his car. After he had gotten in and started his car he felt his pocket buzzing again. He opened his cell and saw he had gotten a text and picture message from Samantha. "I'll pretend that it's you," the message read before he opened the picture.

He looked at the pic and chuckled softly, making sure to save it as he gently closed the flip top cell phone. "And I'll be dreaming about it for a while, Sam," he whispered to himself as he started his car and drove his way back home, never letting the smile fade from his face.