Starburst: Prologue - The day the world burned,

Story by wolftwins17 on SoFurry

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#1 of Starburst

Prologue of my orginal story Starburst.

1995 - Santa Monica. A lazy summer's day turning slowly into an evening. The pier's waters chatching the last sharp rays of the sun and the gentler glow of twillight settles in. People are getting ready to go home from work, and families are out going to diners and resturants along the pier. A sleepy town with sleppy residents with an evening that seemd inoccent in its summer-soft lazyness. No one knows that destruction is near. No one thinks about it at all. It is as far from their minds at it could possibly be. But it's near, growing slowly and perhaps most horribly of all, completly silently, more than thousand miles up in the cold, vacume of space. And becuse it grows slowly it also starts slowly.

The orange rays of the sun slowly shifts to white. No one notics for a few minutes. And when they do, surprise blooms out instead of fear. Awe instead of terror. Some take photos with their cameras and phones. Still, people moves just as slowly as they did before, becuse it still is a slow-moving evening in Santa Monica.

It starts to grow warmer, the air grows thick, still people laugh about it and says that it's going to be good wethter for a BBQ at the beach or a good evening to grill. Parents offers their kids ice-cream and everything is still fine, still lazy and alive. Maybe twenty five minutes after all of that, a little girl sits down on the pier, takes off her pink sandals and starts to lightly play her feet in the warm water. And everyone expects her to turn to her mother and father and say that the water is perfect and warm and that everything is fine. They expect her to.

But she dosen't.

Instead she screams.

The second the sound leavs her mouth, her parents are there, dragging her up and out of the water. But the damage is done, the end has begun and had they known it...but of course the couldn't have known. No one could have.

The girl's little feet is red and raw, the skin most likley starting to develop blisters. A third degree burn-injury, from almost boilingly hot water. The two parents starts to immediately warn other families not to go near the water at any costs.

The horizion is now nearly white with the bursting white-hot rays of the sun. The end has begun for real.

Suddnely chaos breaks out. Soda cans explode with soft drinks like acid tanks bursting. The heated contens spilling over faces and body parts. A chacphony of starttled screams rise, and panic starts to spread. When the pier's waters starts to bubble people rushes onto it to watch. They are tranfixed; hypnotized. So much so that when a woman screams as she combusts into flames, it takes a few seconds for people to react fully.

The terror comes, and growns ten-times stronger when two other persons - a elderly pair - explodes into balls of fire, too. People starts to rush around in blind panic. Some falls into the waters, and boils to death in seconds, their screams drowned by heat-bubbles.

The aspalt is starting to bubble, and the sharp sent of it starts to fill the air, which has started to vibrate from the heat. More and more people has started to burst into flames. Others has started to scrats their faces in blind, frenized hysteria; their skin has started to melt away from their bones becuse of the hellish heat.

Tempratures must had been over two-hundred degrees. It must have been like being in a furnace. People were burning, mealting and suffocating to death. What had been a lazy evening in Santa Monica, had transformed into a burning slaughterhouse of pain.

Of course it wasn't just Santa Monica that was struck down. Wherever the sun touched that evening, things burned and boiled and died.

The world was paralyzed with terror that something similar like it would happen. The most briliant scientists gathered to see what it was that caused The Burning of Santa Monica as the event was later called. It struck the world as hard as the bombing of World Trade Center would and as the sinking of the Titanic had.

Another event like it would happen. But not for a few years at least. But people would still remember the first time the world burned.

2011 - Stockholm.

Instead of lazyness, there's bustling activity. It's early in the morning when the danger of fire and heat strikes. On the contrary to the event in 1995 the rise in temprature is so sudden and drastic that people notice it almost immidetly. When someone cries out in pain and tounges of fire starts to lap at their skin and muscles, people take action. People help. The desrucion of lives is by some miracle less this time than the event at 1995. The destruction of objects and property is great however. Windows on houses and cars melt. Plants and whole gardens are incienarated and some unfortunate houses burns down. But people live.

And then comes the paralyzasion again, like a returning sickness. The whole of Europe cowers in fear that something is going to happen again: something so destructive, something so fatal that it will change the face of the Earth, and maybe wipe the human race from it. And something does change.

The arrival of a gigantic fleet of space ships a few months after shakes the very fundations of human sicene, religion and belife to the core. And more so the beings that come along in them.

An race of anthromorphic dragons. They called themselves Star Dragons, and reasured the human popilation of their good will from the start. The humans however were sceptical. And the humans greatets leaders came togheter to deside what to do. The Star Dragons tried to comunicate and asked, almost beseecht the humans not to start a war - they assured the humans goverment that if they started a war it would end in defeat for the human race. It was a known fact. One needed just to look their fleet over to see that.

For about four months the world held its breath for the answer as the fate of the world was desided.

The fourth of May 2011 a alliance was forged: Trading was established and promises were made and writen. The Star Dragons were allowed to come to Earth and trade, but in return they should teach the humans to build star ships like the ones the dragons used, and be under offical Star Dragon protection. The Inter-Galactic Aliance was born.

The dragons kept their word. What would have taken years, maybe centuries, the dragons taught us in months.

The human race started to depart from earth, some went to the Star Dragons homeworld - Patreia, others built titanic space-stations and started lives their. One of the biggest one is Atlas 4 and another one with human and dragon recidents is Andromeda 9.

The true age of space traveling for the human race had begun.

But the true story starts in the age of 2031.