Between You And The Beast-kin 2: The Skunk

Story by 0bs1d1an_kn1ght on SoFurry

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#2 of Between You And The Beast-kin

A big thanks to Zargoseckt from Inkbunny for choosing the Beast-kin for this chapter.

Omniscience: Back in a time long that has since passed, wizards used to rule each corner of the world like gods, throwing around civilization-ending magic like fastballs. They were proud of their powers and intellect, very proud. So much so, that most viewed using their powers for killing outside of war was a waste- they preferred more enjoyable methods for their conquered enemies, or disobedient servants; in fact, you would've been considered lucky getting any form of execution by their hands. Humiliation was a fate worse than death- and what's more humiliating than being turned into an animal? They stripped their enemies of their right to be called "humans" thereon out, and exiled them far from their kingdom. And thus, the Beast-kin were born.

YOU are an accountant, intelligent with numbers, working behind the scenes of your wife's business, keeping the ship financially afloat. Let's just say, your wife doesn't make very smart investments. Being newly married to a Skunk-kin who owns an aromatherapy and candle shop, you're exposed to a plethora of different scents, and sometimes, it gets a little overwhelming for your sniffer. Some days, it gets so overwheming, you think you've actually lost that sense. But your love for your wife was all you cared about, your love being strong enough to drive you day by day, to tank through the sometimes obnoxious smells.

But today was considerably slow for the shop: if your wife was able to precisely count the number of customers that came in, you wouldn't call it a very productive day. Heck, you were barely able to get any stocking in, the shelves remained somewhat full throughout the afternoon. The skunk stood at the front desk, her arms irritatingly crossed, ears laid flat across her head.

"Gah, I wish someone would just come in already, and buy something." She groaned, her boredom being the only thing "productive" about today. You had to admit, you were on the same boat with her. "Gosh, why can't we jus' go home right now, ya' know? I don't see the point of keeping the shop open, WHEN NO ONE'S GONNA COME IN!!" Her roars rumbled across the small space for a shop, the shelved merchandise rumbled from her voice. Obviously she seemed bothered to you, you noticed her fur always puffs up slightly when she throws a fit.

You tried calming your rustled lover down, reassuring that someone might come in sooner or later, but she persisted, "Honey, by the time they come, we'd be packing up from going out of business! I don't understand why we're dead today; we were sellin' like hotcakes jus' yesterday!" She slammed her head against the desk top out of a sudden impulse, and soon you heard her sob manically. You couldn't tell if she was crying from hitting her head really hard, or if she was just having an episode. Either way, from the sound and intensity of those waterfalls, ignoring her with a clear conscience proved impossible to you.

You embraced Karin in your arms, your chest became her tissue to soak up those tears, and she returned the embrace. "I-I-I'm sorry for acting like this, dear." She cried into your chest, trying to catch a breath, her usually sweet tone muffled by your damp shirt. "I-I-I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe I've been feeling a little pent up, with little time to vent."

A light bulb lit up in your head. You left the Skunk-kin's company, and headed for the entrance, hanging up a small sign on the front door : "Out for lunch- will return in an hour." it read to anyone strolling by, with windows concealed from peeping eyes by curtains. "Wh-what are you doing? It's not exactly lunch time, yet." Karin questioned, still sniffling. Your answer to her: a loving bite to her sensitive neck as you returned to your embrace. "Hnngh~!" She started to moan, uncontrollably rubbing her legs together. Despite having a mouth full of fur you continued, your teeth gently grinding away at her underskin. You knew your wife's weakness, and you knew it well, she squeezed you by your sides tightly, her moaning filled more and more with arousal. "R-really, honey? Sex at the workplace? I-I appreciate the thought, but we shouldn't be doing this up front!"

You weren't doing this for yourself: as your hands explored her puffy fur body, you whispered in her ear how you didn't like to see her upset herself- all of this was for her. "Okay," She understood, "but can we do this somewhere more private? Your office, perhaps?" What a splendid idea that sounded like. With all the mixed smells of Apple-Cinnamon, Waterfall Mist, and Autumn's Beckoning plaguing the sales floor, you didn't mind going somewhere with more breathable air.

You lead her into your office, a small cubicle compared to the rest of the shop. With the complete lack of space, you liked to periodically tiddy up your workplace, with papers organized and stacked on your desk, and not a spec of dirt on your floor. You wrapped your lips around Karin's nozzle, her whiskers tickled your chin as you two kept each other in an embracing kiss. Your hands had a very good grasp on her toned derriere, squeezing a palm's worth of the muscle; you could tell she's been getting some good walks in, here and there. From the sounds of her squeaks of arousal, she was enjoying it a little.

Still embraced in a lip lock you subtly nudged her towards your desk, bending her over. As you lifted up her red sweater, you see her chest went commando. Hiding behind a tuft of white fur, she sported a pair of perky breasts, big enough to fill the entirety of your palms, not supported by a bra. Her ebony fur had a nice sheen despite the lack of adequate light, and was as soft as cotton to the touch. You teased her mounds, each nip scissored between two fingers, causing her to deepen her side of the kiss.

She broke away from your passionate mouth, "I hope this isn't the only thing you're plannin' on doin' with me." Her sweet voice teased, rattled by pleasure, though she desperately tried to hide it in an attempt of sounding assertive. Her long, fluffy tail rubbed and swept across your face as you unbuttoned her skinny jeans, pulling them down. Placed underneath her tight cheeks was her femininity, snugly wrapped in fur, her lips blatantly showing between her thighs.

You kneeled down to meet the clam face-to-face, but with an air of caution: you were a tad hesitant, the chamber placed above her dripping snatch might discharge on you. "Don't worry, dear, chamber's empty," Karin assured you, peeking behind her shoulder, finding you hovering a bit too wearily over her lips, "I unloaded into a vial before we came to work. You should be fine." What a relief to hear. Without further delay, you plunged your pink licker into her pussy!

Despite the slight scent of skunk raping your nose, you muscled through the unpleasant smell, only focusing on making your young wife squirm as your tongue danced around inside her. The selfless thought of her happiness powered you through the strong odor her people were infamous for. "Nnnngh~! Nggggh~! Yes, that hits the spot~! Ooooh~!" Your wife squealed, holding your head firmly to her sex flower as you delivered her ecstasy by tongue. You could only imagine how this felt to her, but telling from her restlessly repositioning her legs ever now and again, and her tail wagging like a flag on a windy day, you were giving her more than just a good tickling. With each moan her vagina contracted, tightening around your licker, until it nearly became impossible to push inside her with pure force of your squishy muscle.

Your tongue eventually burned out, leaving your mouth filled with the girl's pussy juice. As you swallowed her essence, a slight zing invaded your taste buds, making for a surprisingly decent aftertaste. "H-hey, don't stop now," a sexed up Karin barked, wagging her cute, little butt in your face, "I was half way from comin'! Come on, help me finish!" She did have a point: what kind of husband would you be if you get your wife half way to release, but then leave her to take care of the other half? Not a very good one.

You told her not to needlessly worry, as you were on top of it, as you got on top of her. With one hand devoted to her pussy, and the other caressing a boob, you gently bit her on the neck as you delivered her a three coarse meal of pleasure. Her moans grew louder, "Y-YES~! MORE~! GIVE ME MORE~! D-DON'T STOP~!" as your fingers ravaged her sex wildly, and your teeth ground her sensitive neck meat. Her tail wrapped around your waist, keeping you in place as she obliged to be your sex toy. Slick-slick-slick-slick-slick-slick, your fingers tunneled faster down her canal, playing you that sweet song coupled with your wife's constant moans.

"F-F-FASTER! G-GO FASTER! I-I FEEL MYSELF ABOUT TO CUM!! K-KEEP DIGGING!!" Her words encouraged you to go faster, her walls tightened against your quickening pace. More often her legs keep squirming, and her hips keep wiggling from the building pressure. It didn't take long before you heard her scream, "I...I...I-I-I'M GONNA CUM! I-I'M GONNA CUM!!" She grasped the edge of your desk tightly, and her thighs clenched together, embracing for her release.

"AAAAAAGGGGGHHHH~!!!" You stepped back as you were hit with a surprise, her hips jerked up violently and blasted you with a geyser from her lady lips; she even managed to soak a good portion of your left leg! Karin went down on her knees hard, weak in her legs, continuing to flood your office with puddles of her sex. Dang it, and you just cleaned these floors this morning! You wondered if she'll ever empty out, seeing she was spewing everywhere gallons at a time. By the time the geysers ran dry, she barely had the strength to stand herself up; despite her heavy, exhausted pants, though, you could hear a bit of satisfaction in each of her breaths. Hell, you had to admit, even you enjoyed yourself thoroughly through the ordeal. "Th-thank you, hun," Karin barely had the strength to form an audible sentence, "I-I was...gasp...needin' that." You helped your recovering wife back to her feet, you two met with a series of kisses. She pulled back a little, "Hey, since we still have some time left, can we actually go out for lunch? I'm starvin'." you know what, that actually didn't sound like a bad idea to you, though you repressed the strong urge to jokingly tell her you already ate out.

It turned out you were right: the rest of the day grew progressively faster after your little "lunch break" with Karin. The waves of customers grew, and so did your wife's smile as she served the single moms and home decorators. As her candles and aromatherapeutics sold faster than a candy shop selling candy on Halloween, it proved a bit challenging for you to restock as fast as they were going off the shelves. And you still planned on cleaning that mess Karin left in your office.

You wondered where the entire day went as the sky painted its canvas a dark purple. You laid in your bed at home, the mental wear and tear of work finally catching up to you. But just as you were about to fall asleep, you felt something gently glide across your chest and pajamas. It honestly kinda tickled you out of opening your heavy peepers, seeing Karin laying beside you, wearing a somewhat lustful smirk as her hand danced across your body. Her silky, straight, white hair was freed from being worn in a tight bun,and rested down to her midback. Sluggishly you asked her what she was doing. "Oh, nothing," the Skunk-kin replied in a cheery tone, "I was just thinking about how great a husband I have for helping me out earlier today. You've been such a good boy, I decided to give you a little treat." Her baby blues filled with lust as she stared at you, a hand sneaked into your sleepwear to take a hold of your manhood. "I just can't leave my man without any fun, now can I?"

Despite your drowsiness telling you to take no part in this, your anaconda sure had no problem being tamed by the skunkgirl's smooth strokes, standing as tall as your pj's would allow it. Karin threw her playful self over your hips, pulling your pants straight down to reveal your fleshy tower. Something in the back of your mind told you to stay up a while longer, see where this was going. "Mmmm~, look at it: it's been waiting for me the entire day, hasn't it?" She teased, stroking your member with a single hand. "Well then, I guess I shouldn't keep it waiting." She dived right in with her mouth, Her short snout completely hid your dick from sight.

Just as you knew her weaknesses, she knew yours: that tongue of hers wrapping around your dick as she cocked her head back and forth wasn't easily describable to you. All you could think of on the top of your head as she worked you restlessly was "you were in Heaven!" You let off a couple moans of your own, your wife sure knew how to bring out the most sensitive side of you. A few shots fired into her mouth outside of your control, but she effortlessly drank every bit of it. "Geez, I knew you were sensitive, but firing this early? Normally it would've taken you another minute tops to give out like that." Her playful words only hardened your erection, making it easier for her to clean you up. That soft tongue of hers missed not a single drop of cum on your shaft, she made you a happy boy indeed.

Before you knew it you find her soaking wet snatch hovering above your pecker, rubbing a little slow against your head. Your dick pulsated, thirsting to be plunged right into her sugary folds to relieve itself of its lust, You grew impatient, grabbing her by her furry butt and sinking her down your shaft yourself. You took the girl completely by surprise, "Agh! Hey! You didn't have to be so forceful!" She puffed her fur at you, something about seeing those irritated baby blues seemed cute to you. Her hips started thrusting, her tight pussy walls demanded the full attention and sensitivity of your member. You felt yourself melting away from the pleasure, moaning in extreme ecstasy, ignoring your wife annoyingly chanting to herself, "Naughty boy. You're a naughty boy for forcing me like that. I don't even know why I'm still giving it to you."

You lost track of time, the sensation of your wife's vagina sucking away your energy was too overwhelming not to ignore. It almost felt like the both of your minds melded into one: Your hips moved in unison to hers; your moans mixed and fused with her own, to the point you couldn't tell exactly who was moaning. You thought, at some point, you shot some pre-cum down her canals, but you never minded it; she seemed to be too into the sex to even notice. "Hagh~! Hagh~! Honey, I love you so much~!" Karin squeaked the only moan you realized was hers.

Eventually Karin moved off to try something different. She laid on all fours, jiggling that tight butt of hers in front of you, showcasing her beautiful lips dripping wet with sex. Her fluffy black tail wagged left to right, like a feather dancing in the gentle wind. She glimpsed behind her shoulder, her sapphires full of sexual desire, "Come on, baby: assert yourself as my Alpha-male~." She sung in a tone as smooth as silk. You couldn't deny her presentation, your manhood painfully ached to mount her lovely hole, and you did as it commanded, diving right into her sugary walls.

Each thrust proved quite the workout for you, the Skunk-kin's tightness wouldn't let go of your fleshy pecker, it always tried to suck you right back in when you try to pull out. The bedroom filled with the fused moans of both you and your lover, along with the lewd slapping sounds of flesh. Taking your Alpha-female by her shoulders, you rocked her back and forth along your cock, like she was your very own, life-sized onahole, while simultaneously slamming your pelvis into her tight ham. You felt Karin tremble from underneath your grasp, moaning and screaming your name with all the lust she could muster in words. You could just tell she couldn't get enough of you. "Aaaaaaaaggggggh~! Yes~! Yes~! M-make me your bitch!" She screamed dirtily from under your position, knowing her sexy talk gets you slightly off, "Make me lose all feelin' in my legs, my Alpha-male! P-put me in a wheelchair~!!"

Your instinct kicked in, your thrusting sped up faster and harder, like a well-oiled piston. Somehow, from all the constant punishment her snatch was taking it managed to slip out from your aggressive rhythm, but you won't allow it a single second of rest. You perked her ass up as high as you can get it, and you continued your onslaught, nearly your entire body looming over the poor girl as she was dominated like some toy. With both hands pinning her streaking white back to the rocking bed, her tits dangled freely, jiggling as if they were about to be torn off by your sheer impact alone, Her soft tail brushing wildly across your torso before deciding to wrap itself around your waist. The sudden sensation for a climax crept from inside your rod, you decided to fight it back for as long as possible to keep enjoying the ride. The thought of just how much of your wife you've ruined in this one night alone was pushed back to your mind, though, you wouldn't be surprised if she could fit your entire head inside after this ordeal.

But the sensation to climax wouldn't stay quiet in your groin, eventually pushing back all of your resistance as you fought back with all your strength for just one more minute with your wife's fuck hole. You lifted Karin's obedient body to yours, holding her by the waist as your aggressive beast-like pounding became just a slow poke to her pelvis. The skunk-girl giggled a soft giggle, immediately reading your situation with a precise mark, "Hehehe, Growin' tired, babe? Gonna explode?" She teased, "Here, babe, lemme lend you a hand-" she slipped herself off your pulsing cock, grabbing you by the manhood as she proceed to finish you by hand. You relieved a heavy sigh into her shoulder, the lost memories of what your wife's tender paws felt like were coming back to you. With you in your wife's hands, now, there was no point in holding back. Your balls ached and burned as they furiously emptied themselves of their content, jetting the longest streams of cum you ever saw yourself ejaculate. Hell, Karin even wore a tired smile of satisfaction, knowing she caused her husband's cumshot to almost hit the edge of the wall located just five feet away from where you two tamed each other. Even as your wood grew limp, she kept jerking it in her palm, though at a slower pace. "Hmm-hmm-hmm, feeling better now honey? Yeah, you wish all that went inside my juicy snatch, don't you?" Her sweet tone sprinkled with fatigue almost made your sheathing cock want to harden again, just to hear her tease you.

You both collapsed in each others arms, falling back for your heads to meet with the awaiting pillows. Neither of you sex-filled fiends could muster a single word, your vocabularies consisted of overly heavy sighs and gasps. You hadn't the strength to left yourself up, all remaining stamina was used to ensure your wife won't slip out of your arm, though the beast was too fast asleep to even care either way. One thing's for sure: you deserved a good night's sleep after this. Seeing no point in fighting to keep those heavy lids of yours open, you closed them without a second thought, and fell deeply in slumber.

The next morning you manned the front desk alone at your wife's shop. She was feeling quite under the weather this morning, though you kinda missed her fits of bickering in the early hours, realizing her angered shouts with no reason behind them were a gift to the slowly moving day with not a single customer in sight. It felt hollow to you, being the only one manning the fort. Or so you thought.

The door swung open with added aggression, to your surprise, but the person who was standing behind it gave you more of a shock: Karin, her black fur all in a puff and a murderous glare aiming at you, limped towards the front register as if to give you a piece of her mind, and oh boy, were you going to get it. But her presence boggled you, she was supposed to be in bed sick! Why was she here?

"So, guess what I just learned this morning." Her calm words effectively hid a storm, you only being able to feel the rage by looking into those burning blue eyes of hers. Like any husband would do before the wrath of their wives you nervously decided to play coy, telling her you left the toilet seat up before leaving the house. "Oh, funny you mentioned that: see, when I was sitting on the toilet with a pregnancy test between my thighs, I found out I have a bun in my oven! YOU MADE ME PREGNANT!!!" The storm was fully unleashed, the small shop shook from the earthquake caused by her enraged shout! You told her why you thought it impossible, since the only juice you ejected into her was your precum, but that regretfully didn't make things any better, "Oh, really, precum? That automatically makes it all right? An' you didn't think that you might have given a lil' swimmer a headstart to my finish line? You didn't think you might have shot a live round down my firin' range? YOU KNOW I DON'T WANT TO GET PREGNANT!!!" Despite standing a good ten feet away, she somehow managed to summon the high-pitched screeching sound ringing in your ear drums, that won't go away no matter how much you clean your poor lobes out with the edge of your pinkies.

Squeezing her temple while releasing an irritated sigh, she continued in a calmer demeanor, "Seriously, it's like I can't trust you anymore, you monster. I might as well get an abortion." It was almost like she knew you would react highly sensitive to her threat, as you desperately pleaded with her to not go through with that plan, your palms shaking in the air in a combined clasp! She turned her back on you, though to only sneak her scheming grin with her hand gently scratching under her chin, "Hmm, I don't know honey, if you want me to keep the kids, it's goin' ta take a lot of convincin'. But how 'bout this: I'll keep them, if you take me out to dinner tonight, an expensive dinner, of my choice. You know that new seafood place that just opened up but you were too stingy to let us go there? Yeah, I wanna go there tonight. That's my one and only offer."

Man, after hearing that, you couldn't help but feel a little like an ass for crying to her like that, that growing kernel of embarrassment telling you to lower those begging hands of yours. She was after that fancy restaurant this entire argument, that clever girl. But you couldn't help but feel angered and disgusted with your wife: gambling with potential life like that, just to get food out of you, "happiness" would be the last thing to feel towards the situation. But nonetheless, you gave in to your wife's request, becoming a father had always been a small dream of yours, might as well try to keep it alive. "Hehehe, oh yeah, mama's gonna eat well tonight!" She spoke out loud to herself, taking in the satisfaction of reigning over her husband victoriously. "I love you, honey." Through all your disgust and disappointment, you huffed drearily: this was your wife's little way of handing out "poetic justice", as cruel and weird as it may be. But for now, there were some contents of your wallet you needed to learn to part ways with.