Of Rejection and Mid-day Service

Story by Lucrowse on SoFurry

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#2 of Fate's Minion

Of Rejection and Mid-day Service

Sorry everyone for the delay, I'm still relatively new at writing for the furry community, so I'm not totally sure how/what to write. Hope ya guys like this installment. I promise it'll get better as I get more practice.

If you'd be so kind, please give me some feedback, and ask where you'd like to story to turn. I've got a general idea of where I'd like it to go, but I wouldn't mind hearing of some input.

Thanks again!

"C'mon man, just tell me. I will seriously pay you money if you fill me in." Lyro anxiously said as the tip of his creamy white tail swayed increasingly faster from side to side. A stray chuckle arose from Fen's face and once again, there was silence in the library.

"So, what does that sentence mean again?" Pados asked breaking each from their own ritual of copying Chinese characters.

"Ya know, I'm good at speaking Chinese, not reading it." Replied Fen.

"Some help you are, anyway I gotta get going, it's already past midnight." Pados proceeded to pack his laptop before slowly walking out of the library's common room.

"He's gone, you can tell me how to get Kay now right?"

Fen let out another chuckle as he looked back at his laptop. The game that had been running is off now, his mind somewhere else. "I can't give you an unbiased answer. If you really want to know, I'll mention it sometime else."

"You're just shitting with me now man, not cool." Say's Lyro with a mock serious face.

"Come on, let's follow Pad, it really is getting kinda late." Fen says as he begins wrapping his laptop cord.

As Fen and Lyro walk out of the library, Fen looks up at the night sky. The faint shimmers of the stars and gentle rustling of the leaves above him remind him of the restless nights the summer before. "It's going to rain, I'll walk you to your dorm ."

Fifteen minutes later, the two are almost to Lyro's dorm. "You can tell me now right?" interjects Lyro as they're walking through the infamous Rape Tunnel connecting DaGriff Hall to the main campus.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Just tell me already, it's going to keep me up most of the night if you don't."

"Alrighty, I have a crush on you, that's why I can't give you a clear opinion on the situation. " Says Fen, stopping in his tracks. His heart is starting race again, what is Lyro going to say?

It takes a moment for what Fen has said to sink in, his head slowly turns around to stare at his friend, fluffy white ears are perked, a puzzled look on his face. "Wait... what? You mentioned a girlfriend earlier, and... really?"

Trying hard not to laugh, Fen takes a deep breath before replying, "That was in the past, I came to terms with myself, and I think you're cute. Kay's a friend of a mine also, and as much as I think you two might be a good couple, at the same time, I really don't know what to say since I like you too."

"I never knew... I'm sorry man, I'm not gay."

A light sigh escapes Fen, "Yeah, I figured as much, though I'm slightly surprised, that you didn't notice any of the hints and confront me about it. Most guys would have gotten a clue when I stroked their arm."

"Uh... I thought you just well liked doing that... Guess I was wrong." Lyro's spotted tail flicked from one side to the next.

"We're cool right?"

"I'm not going to stop being your friend just because ya like me."

"Yeah, I might as well ask, different people take things differently."

"Well I will admit that I'm kinda shocked, I've never had a guy hit on me before... But it's cool."

"Kk, see ya then." Fen responds, not totally sure what else to say. A mixture of relief and brokenness has set in, though getting his mind off of it feels awesome.

Just before Lyro entered the main dorm complex, Fen shouts: "Oh! By the way, Kay wants someone who can assert himself. If you want her, prove yourself."

"Huh? Forget you!"

"Yo Fen! Hey Fen!" shouts Lyro running toward the slightly shaggy wolf in a bright orange Hawaiian shirt, who is totally oblivious to everyone around him. Various other furs alerted by the shouts turn heads, to see the snow leopard run towards the unsuspecting wolf.

Just before Lyro is about to pounce on Fen, the wolf turns around to the noise of flip-flops against pavement, only slightly louder than the techno that is blaring in his ears. "Hm? Oh, hey Lyro. Sorry, my music was on, didn't notice you. Did ya need something?"

"Not really, just haven't talked to ya in a while. I was about to ask her out. Pados warned me that Kay's not seeing anyone right now."

"I'm sorry to hear so. Anything I can do to help?"

"I really don't know. I really had hoped we could have worked something out. Well ya know I just wanted to get in her pants, a hot girl like her is awesome... but a relationship wouldn't have been a bad thing either..."

"Typical guy-reaction." Replies Fen a smirk forming on his muzzle. Biting his tongue for a moment, Fen looked into Lyro's caramel eyes. "If you're not busy, come with me for a little while, I think I know of something that'll cheer ya up."

Shrugging, "Sure, why not."

Fen should be going to class about now, but it's a crappy poetry class, where the pregnant bear has been having mood swings. And anyway he can afford an absence, his record is still nearly spotless.

About five minutes later, Lyro finally asked, "Fen, where're you taking me?"

"Oh... a few weeks ago, I found out that they accidentally programmed my keycard with every building access on campus. I stumbled into this place when I was trying to find somewhere quiet to study."

After sliding his keycard through two sets of official looking doors, the two finally enter an extremely modern chemistry lab.

"You know we're trespassing right? And um... there's noth..." Fen broke Lyro's comment with a well placed kiss. His tongue playfully forcing everything from Lyro's mind. And though he really wasn't sure he wanted any attention like this, Lyro returned the kiss; his own tongue playing back with Fen's.

When Fen finally took his tongue out, "Oh a few things came to mind when I thought you needed some cheering up. I'm not likely to stop, so just enjoy the ride."

Fen's paws unbuckled Lyro's belt, slow but deliberately, savoring every moment where his prey has finally entered his trap. A certain other member already joined the crew, called on board by Lyro's sudden moment of excitement.

On his knees, Fen traced small circles around the bulge in Lyro's jeans with the tip of his nose, relishing in the smell and feel of the member hidden beneath the denim.

When the zipper is finally let loose, a skin pink rod is staring back at Fen. Droplets of pre-cum already formed on the head. "Someone's been waiting for me."

Lyro's normally snow white cheeks instantly flushed at the remark. "I... well ya know no one's ever um... yeah..."

"Pretty well endowed also eh? Ah well, let's see what other tricks you've got." Fen begins with a single clean sweep of the rigid member, from the base where it connected to Lyro's furry sack slowly to the tip, snaking in a zigzag pattern across the seven inches. Then a short circuit spiral brushing the head with his velvety tongue.

"Ohhh..." gasps Lyro, whose mind is swimming in pure ecstasy. The slight roughness of the tongue rubbing against him forcing his mind away from the moment.

Nosing each of the fuzzy balls for a moment, Fen took Lyro's entire member into his muzzle, allowing himself a moment to adapt to the feel of the gently pulsing organ. His tongue wrapping it slowly, bathing and rubbing against the contours of each vein.

Eyes closed, Fen rubbed the triangular patch of Lyro's pelvis with his nose, forcing a light growl from the snow leopard. Continuing to nurse the cock in his mouth, Fen's paws begin gliding up the snow leopard's shirt, caressing each well defined muscle. Lyro did as his body commanded, placing his paws on Fen's shoulders and began gently thrusting into the wolf's muzzle. Slowly at first, but with a bit more force in each successive movement. Lyro had never experienced such pleasure before, the swimming sensation that rippled through his body with each thrust, the tingling that built up within him trapped inside the wolf's muzzle; held caressingly tight by pure bliss.

Lyro could feel the pleasure building up at the base of his cock, the warm sensation traveling into his chest, causing his heart to beat faster. That same sensation demanded release from the torture that was still gripping his sensitive head. His penis was pulsating more and more, the embrace of the wolf's tongue gripping and holding onto the girth, rubbing back and forth over the sensitive areas.

Fen could tell Lyro was about to climax even before the sharp moan escaped the snow leopard's mouth. Lyro grabbed Fen's neck with his paws as he came, forcing his cock completely into the wolf's hungry muzzle. The ensuing flood of semen torpedoed into his mouth spraying him multiple times with the snow leopards cream.

When Lyro's hips had finally stopped bucking, and his breathing had returned to normal, he looked down at his friend who was milking the final drops out. "Wow... that was... wow."

Fen got up and planted another French kiss. The snow leopard could taste his own sweet and salty milk on the wolf's tongue, instantly realizing that everything that had happened, really had.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" asked Fen when the kiss broke. His ears had perked in Lyro's direction, muzzle slightly wrinkled, eyes hoping not to see signs of rejection looking back. But there was none there. The caramel eyes that looked back accented the no longer flushed cheeks, with cheerfulness.

"Does it mean I'm gay if I admit to having liked that?"

"Nope, just means that you found something you liked. Nothing wrong with that."

"Well what about us then?"

"As long as you're still willing to be my friend, nothing's changed."

Lyro looked down at his watch and noted that he had missed his afternoon class, the otter that taught it would have to tan his hid later. For now, there was simply too much enjoyment flooding him.

"Ok, that works for me, wanna grab a bite to eat?"

"With you, sure."