Chapter 9: Little Plaything

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#9 of The Mating Season

Chapter 9: Little Plaything

Aliona spent the next day as Eno's plaything. With Eloein gone on his daily village circuit to heal illnesses and bless livestock, and with his wives and children out tending to their own livestock, Aliona was left alone in the hut with Eno all day. She was supposed to go out and help the other wives, but Eno had begged his father to let him stay in the hut all day with Aliona. He had even declared sulkily that Aliona was his and that he should be able to do whatever he wanted with her. Eloein's black lips had tightened as if he wanted to smack his son, but seeing Eno's hard need, he laughed and said that he had been sixteen once and why not so long as Eno kept it a secret. Eno had promised not to get caught and Eloein had left after giving his son a fond ruffle on his mane.

Aliona had then been dragged by the arm back to the curtained chamber she'd slept in the night before, which she realized was Eno's chamber. She laid quietly on the bed, allowing Eno to spread her legs, and as a reward for her submission, Eno licked her pussy a long time, sucking hungrily at the lips and pulling his mouth around her clit until her pussy was gushing, until she was squirming and flushing, until her breasts were heaving with gasps. He laughed softly that she was so easy to arouse, then proceeded to enter her with his rigid cock, moving inside of her gentle and slow.

Aliona kept her eyes open as she'd been told the night before, but she still thought of Kel. She looked up at Eno's panting face and imagined it was Kel's face. She gazed into Eno's eyes and imagined they were Kel's eyes. And suddenly, it was very easy for her to climax, very easy for her to yield. And when it was over, Aliona was surprised when Eno took her lovingly into his arms.

"You're the best female I've ever had," Eno whispered in her ear. He lifted a lock of her mane and let it fall again in her eyes. "These big tits," he said, weighing Aliona's breast in his paw. "And . . . this tight pussy. . ." He closed a paw over her vagina and closed his eyes, as if he was thinking hungrily of being inside her once more. "And you come so quick, you get so wet. Your husband must be missing you."

Aliona closed her eyes and let out a sob before she could stop herself. Her body shook with sobs, and Eno surprised her once more by holding her close, by kissing her mane.

"Sorry I mentioned him. I told you to forget him!" Eno softly chastised. "The next time I mention your husband, you are to say 'What husband?' Understand?"

Aliona gave a miserable nod.

"Your husband must be missing you," tested Eno, watching her through narrowed eyes.

Aliona said nothing and burst into fierce sobbing. She saw Eno shake his head darkly, and before she knew what was happening, he had thrown her over his lap. The air was knocked out of her. And then that first walloping smack jolted her, shook her buttocks, made her give a choked cry. She sobbed harder, then another slap came, and she knew Eno was enjoying this, she knew her wet sex was rubbing against his lap, that her breasts were smacking him, but she didn't care. She struggled. And the slap came again. And she felt her buttocks tighten, as if somehow this would lessen the pain. And Eno, as if he knew what she was thinking, only laughed and slapped her ass yet again. Her tail was thrashing and he snatched it in his teeth, giving her another resounding slap. Her buttocks were stinging by now, throbbing with the pain. And then it came again: a series of hard slaps in rapid succession, very heavy and very painful. When he paused, she fell limp across his lap, her quiet sobbing filling the hut.

"There, there, Sasha," whispered Eno, and she felt his fingers gliding in and out of her sex. He spread the lips of her pussy and rubbed her clit until it was gently throbbing. "I should have slapped you across the face, but Father says females from the summer village can't take our strength. And I couldn't have hurt you that badly -- I even held back."

Aliona sniffed quietly, her head hanging.

"I have to train you in our ways here before my friends come because I swear to god if you embarrass me, I'll spank you with my full strength, and you don't want that."

So saying, Eno pulled Aliona upright in his lap and lifted her chin. "Little thing," he whispered sympathetically. His paw smoothed down her waist and over the side of her hip. "It really was delicious, the way you squeezed your ass together." He closed his lips over hers, and Aliona felt his tongue fill her. Her eyes fluttered open wide. His paw went back to her clit, gently caressing her toward an orgasm. She trembled under his touch, wishing he was Kel, wishing she could turn her body off like a snuffed flame rather than give her passion against her will to this pup who hadn't even had his first mating season yet. But she couldn't stop herself from moaning, couldn't stop her nipples from standing out hard the more he kissed her and fondled her. And then his fingers were curling in her mane, stroking it as he kissed her, and she felt his penis go erect against her thigh. Eno pulled back, and Aliona, weak with her passion, let her head fall against his shoulder. Eno stroked her mane, rocking her on his knees and even kissing her tears.

"You're so spoiled," Eno whispered. "But it's my fault. I'm too good to you. My friends should see an obedient plaything when they come."

Aliona's eyes grew wide and she could not mask her fear. He had already mentioned once that his friends were coming over. Coming over for what? Just to see her? Her heart pounded fast in her chest. Eno laughed again softly.

"Don't be afraid, Sasha. So long as you do what I say, you'll be fine. Now first thing's first: you will address me at all times before them as Master. Understand?" He placed a finger under Aliona's chin, and she whispered miserably that she understood.

"Yes, what?" Eno demanded, his face darkening.

"Yes, Master!" Aliona cried, terribly frightened now. Oh, god, what was about to happen to her!

Eno patted her on the head like his lapdog. "Very good. And when I tell you to do something, you must scramble to obey. You must not speak unless spoken to, or I will punish you, understand? I don't have to spank you with my paw."

Aliona gulped and remembered the pans hanging from the walls in the entrance room of the great hut. She also remembered Arorta's cooking ladles and that viscously thick broom handle.

Eno opened his mouth to speak, but a shout came from the front of the hut. Eno stood at once, and to Aliona's dismay, he slung her over his shoulder like a sac and went to the door. Aliona heard voices, and then exclamations of surprise. Eno proudly announced that his father had captured a female from the summer village for him, and so saying, he swung Aliona's around and set her on the floor, then gestured for her to kneel. Feeling lowly, Aliona did what she was told and looked up into the grinning faces of Eno's friends. There were two of them, both young male wolves, one completely white and the other a dusty brown. Aliona was startled by how handsome, how muscular they were, unlike their thinner, more slender friend. They were also taller than Eno, their eyes black and intense, their cocks stiff at the sight of her.

"What fun we'll have with this one!" said the brown wolf, and to Aliona's shock, he grabbed her by the neck and drew her to her feet. She was pressed into the wall, and then he was kissing her hard. His paw clamped down roughly on her sex and he squeezed, drawing a shocked gasp from her. Aliona stood trembling against the wall as the brown wolf continued his advances, and the white wolf appeared at her side and smoothed his paw over the curve of buttocks. She trembled, and he laughed and nibbled at her neck. Both young males touched her all over, prodding, pinching, caressing. They slapped her breasts back and forth as if it amused them, watching her blush and shudder and suffer. Then they led her by the arms toward Eloein's fur chair. The big brown one sat down, and the white one threw her across his lap. Hanging there suspended over the brown wolf's hard thighs, Aliona closed her eyes against the gentle prodding of his fingers and then the sudden rough intrusion of them into her anus. She gave a little gasp and bucked.

"Ah, ah, ah," she heard the white one sing, who was standing over her.

The brown one laughed and gave her buttocks a hard slap. She jolted, sobbing. Eno had been telling the truth: he had never spanked her so hard.

"I was training her when you came," said Eno, and he was suddenly standing in front of her, his heavy paw smoothing her mane. "She doesn't know she's not supposed to squirm when we try to finger her." And then she heard Eno say directly to her, "If you squirm and buck again, Sasha, I'll let Marc here spank you full force."

Aliona shuddered and fell limp across the brown wolf's thighs, who she could only assume was Marc. They continued prodding and poking her anus, laughing and talking together. They stroked her tail and spread her buttocks and slipped their fingers in her vagina, pinched the swelling lips with moans of delight. They smoothed their paws up her thighs, and she felt one of them even lick them. She was shuddering uncontrollably when they flipped her over, and Marc thrust his knee into the small of her back, forcing her breasts to jut toward the ceiling. They squeezed her breasts and took turns suckling them, slow and wet and hungry sucks. Aliona bit her lip, holding back moans. The white wolf slipped his fingers in her pussy again, back and forth against the pussy lips.

"God, she's dripping. And the way she shudders. Irresistible. This tight, trim little body. She's so small!" The white wolf laughed.

"Does she know any tricks?" Marc asked.

"We can teach her," said Eno.

Aliona's heart was thudding with Eno's words. Oh, god, what would she be made to endure now? Before she had time to panic, Marc shoved her from his lap and Eno commanded her onto her knees. She obeyed with a miserable "Yes, Master!" to which they all laughed. She watched as Marc pulled a small ball from a pouch at his waist. He held the ball up for her to see in the firelight and asked,

"Do you see this, little female? I want you to hold it in that tight little pussy of yours and jog across the room. Jog to that curtain over there and come back. If you make it back without dropping the ball, I'll reward you."

Aliona wanted to know what would happen if she dropped the ball, but she knew she'd be a fool to ask. Marc told her to lay back and spread her legs, and when she did, he passed the ball to the white wolf, who then knelt and inserted it gently between her throbbing pussy lips. She felt a wave of pleasure as he pushed the ball deeper with his finger, and then she was being smacked on the thighs, told to get up and run. She scrambled up and jogged across the room, back and forth, her great breasts bouncing, struggling to hold the ball inside of her, her face the perfect picture of distress. The ball made her pussy lips bulge, and she knew the three young males were sitting back, their dicks hard, watching her struggle with great delight.

Eno snapped his fingers and told her to come, which she did, relieved that she hadn't dropped the ball. But to her dismay, Eno told her with a nasty smile to jog in place. Her face twisted up, but she daren't disobey, and instead jogged in place, panting out, "Yes, Master!" She felt the ball slipping lower, she was becoming so juicy, and her eyes begged them to give her some relief. They didn't. They watched with glazed eyes as her breasts bounced up and down, flushed with her passion and with her exertion, the nipples standing out painfully hard. Their eyes traveled over her hips swaying as she jogging in place, and then Eno commanded her to turn around as she was jogging, and when she did, she knew they were looking at her little buttocks flexing.

"Now down on your paws and knees," Eno commanded, and Aliona did with a sigh of relief. Her relief was short lived, however, when she felt one of the wolves come up behind her and lift her hips until her legs were straight beneath her. She was commanded to move around the room like this, her buttocks in the air, her tail lifted so that they might see her pink anus and her sex, which was swollen from holding the ball. And to her horror, she felt another ball shoved inside of her.

Aliona let out a sob, but proceeded to move around the room with her ass in the air, her huge breasts swinging low, her tail lifted to reveal the balls, which were threatening to shoot out of her one after the other. Aliona soon realized that this was what they wanted: for her to fail. It didn't take long for the balls, slippery with her juices, to go shooting out of her pussy and across the room. The moment this happened, she fell to her knees and cried. But there was no use crying: they were triumphant. They surrounded her, and then she felt her buttocks pried apart, her tail grabbed at the shaft, and a massive cock sink hard and fast into her anus. She gave a chocked scream. It was too big to be Eno. And now she was being lifted up, and the white male entered her vagina, sliding warm and hot between the swollen pussy lips, pushing up inside her with a force that made her sobs come faster. Being held suspended like this, she was fucked brutally hard, and when she could not hold back her gasps and screams, Eno tied a gag in her mouth.

When the two big males were through, they gave her another chance to redeem herself. If she passed this next test, they told her, they would let her alone. They brought out a wooden stool, and having her stand on it, they told her to grip the wooden beam above. No sooner had Aliona done what she was told than they kicked the stool from under her, and now she was dangling from the beam among the pots and pans, her legs swinging helplessly.

"Now I will fuck you," whispered Marc in her ear, "and you will hold on or you will be punished again."

So saying, Marc crammed himself into her, his cock squelching in her juices. He was so rough and so violent in his thrusts that Aliona did indeed have a hard time holding on. She screamed around her gag, hating herself when her pussy became wetter and juicier. Marc's pleased groans seemed loud and sudden to her, and then he lifted her thighs and spread them wide apart, pushing himself deeper. The white wolf instantly buried his mouth in Aliona's exposed sex, licking and lapping at her so hungrily her head fell back in ecstasy. They held her thighs open wide as one fucked her and one licked her, and she was drooling behind the gag, she was shuddering with pleasure, her breasts heaving, her cries loud to her. With the white wolf's hot mouth closed over her and sucking so hungrily, she felt herself throbbing harder and thicker until she could hold back no longer: she came. The orgasm left her trembling violently. She let go of the beam and fell forward into the white wolf's arms, who -- to her surprise -- kissed her on the cheek and stroked her mane. The brown wolf slid out of her, and now he came up behind and kissed her neck, sometimes nibbling her fur.

"She is a sweet little creature, she can't help her passion," said the white wolf, gathering a weak Aliona into his arms.

The three of them took her to the back and into Eno's chamber, where they laid her on the furs.

"But she disobeyed us," said Marc, shaking his head.

Eno nodded. "She must be punished."

Aliona watched in wonder and fear as Eno took a strip of cloth, then tied it over her eyes. Her face was forced roughly to the floor, her arms twisted behind her back, and now they had her wrists bound as well. She was their little doll, their sex toy. She felt so low, but she couldn't stop a moan from escaping around her gag when a finger slid wetly between her pussy lips and withdrew, sticky now with her juices. She heard movement in the room, felt a paw stroke her mane every now and then, lips kiss her ears. With her face still in the furs, her hips were guided higher until she was on her knees, her buttocks in the air. Aliona's heart pounded and she listened with all her might. Oh, what were they doing? What was happening? A paw smoothed hungrily up her thigh, over the curve of her ass, and then it came: a hard, heavy, wallop on her back side, so hard that her body shook and the sound sharply cut the air. She screamed behind the gag, choking on sobs. A paw pulled her tail roughly aside, and the smack came again.

"She is far too gentle for our play," Aliona heard Marc grunt, and his fingers roughly rammed into her anus. He pulled them out and another smack came, leaving a horrible stinging in its wake. Aliona sobbed harder and felt her tears rising. Unable to hear over her own sobs, she waited breathless for the next slap to come, but fingers were prodding gently at her sex, pulling her lips, teasing and caressing. Her body softened as her legs were spread, and then kisses were showered on her thighs, on her sex, even on her anus. She felt a tongue slither inside her anus and gasped, her body tensing, but the tongue traveled over her sore buttocks and was soothing after the hard slaps.

They flipped her over onto her back and spread her legs. She could feel them hovering around her, kneeling over her. She smelled Eno nearby as he caressed her ears and her mane. A large paw swallowed her ankle in its grasp and lifted it as high as it would go. She felt her sex splayed wide, more revealed than ever, and her face and breasts grew hot in her humiliation. A finger glided into her sex, prodding at her juices, pinching them up as if to study them. Her body relaxed at this gentle examination and somehow, with the blindfold on, being revealed so completely was easier to bear. Her sobs were low now as she sought to catch her breath, and she was grateful to feel lips on her cheek, loving lips,

caressing lips.

"Shapely thighs," the white wolf whispered, running his paw up her thigh and down to her buttocks. "Narrow waist . . . small, dimpled back . . . irresistible."

"Beautiful bitch," Marc sighed. "Too bad she's so small and delicate. I'd smack her around good, make her really scream." He lifted her leg higher and gave her buttocks an underhanded clap that shook her body.

"That was wonderful when she jogged in place though, wasn't it?" said the white wolf, and Aliona felt a heavy paw close over her breast and rotate it hungrily. "These luscious tits just flapping. I don't think I'd ever been so hard. . . ."

Aliona heard movement through the room and was pulled onto her knees suddenly. She gasped, waiting for whatever was about to happen. Then she felt the white wolf kneeling behind her, his legs around her. She could smell him. His was a rugged scent, very pleasant. His hard body against her back was feverishly hot, as if his entire body was coursing with his passion, and then he reached from behind and started fingering her carefully, gently. Aliona's thighs closed on his paw on reflex, her back arched, and she gave a little cry to feel his other paw squeezing her breast, but the white wolf kept fondling her, kept squeezing her until she knew her milk was squirting through the air. Her body was arched in the curving shape of an S against him, almost as if she was thrusting her breast into his paw, thrusting her buttocks against his cock in a silent plea. He kissed her neck, nuzzled his face into her shoulder, but kept squeezing her breast, kept pumping out the milk and fingering her so gently, so steadily. She couldn't remember the last time she had been touched this way: with slow and loving skill, with paws that were confident and willful, yet gentle and sweet. No, she remembered. Kel. Kel had always touched her this way, had always wrung the deepest cries of pleasure from her lips, and now this white wolf was doing the same.

Kneeling there with her body twisting against the white wolf in her passion, Aliona could not stop the shrill gasps escaping her. She almost called Kel's name but bit her lip just in time. And then the white wolf was whispering words in her ear, telling her she was beautiful, she was lovely, she was so soft and so wet and so tight, telling her she had the strongest, most delicious smell, that just her smell alone aroused him. And then his kisses were traveling down her neck, over the back of her shoulder, and his fingers prodded more deeply until she shuddered and fell back against him.

"Yes," whispered the white wolf in her ear, "yield to me, little one. Yield!"

With both paws he spread her knees wide and continued to fondle her.

"I bet you wish I was your master, don't you? And not that idiot Eno," whispered the white wolf in Aliona's ear.

It hit Aliona for the first time that she and the white wolf were alone. He pulled the gag over her chin, and hooking a finger in her mouth, he pulled her mouth open and commanded into her ear, "Answer me."

Aliona shivered and stammered. The pleasure had taken her voice, and she couldn't distract herself from his paws on her breasts, squeezing out the milk, pinching the nipples, then squeezing again. She felt her own milk dribbling down through her fur, over her slender belly, to the hot nest of passion between her thighs. He dipped his finger into the milk staining her pussy and when she heard a smack, she knew he had put his finger to his lips to taste her. She felt his paws squeeze her breasts painfully hard as he whispered again, "Answer me."

"I - I don't know . . ." stammered Aliona.

The white wolf laughed and she felt her blindfold taken off. When she looked at him, he was eying her sympathetically. His thumb traced over her lip, his black eyes clouding over.

"My stupid uncle," the white wolf whispered. "Taking females from their homes, from their husbands, without a thought. Even his own wives hate him, though the moron hasn't a clue. Do you know why I persuaded Eno to let me share you?"

Aliona gazed at him speechless and shook her head.

"So I could help you escape."

Aliona stared at him. She couldn't quite believe what she was hearing.

"The summer village isn't far from here. Just a few days' journey through the pine forest and down the cliffs. I can show you the way. Travel at night, and if you get lost, there's a certain star you can follow. Though it's dangerous for a female to travel alone. I thought about coming with you, but I'd be blamed if I was gone from the village the same time you disappeared."

Aliona shook her head in amazement. "But why are you helping me?"

"Because Uncle Eloein is an idiot. Because I can't stand my cousin Eno. Because I want to." He smiled.

"Thank you!" Aliona cried breathlessly, and fell against his chest, sobbing.

The white wolf hesitated a moment as if he was startled, then put his arms around her.

"What's your real name?" he whispered curiously.

"Aliona." Aliona sniffed and smiled into his eyes. "What's yours?"

"Norilyn. Wolves around here call me Lynny."

"Thank you, Lynny!"

To Aliona's surprise, Lynny pressed her down on the pillows, a fire in his eyes. "Oh, you will thank me," he whispered, climbing on top of her. "I want to see you yield, to see you moaning and squirming beneath me, and then I'll help you -- but only then," he said playfully.

Aliona clenched her thighs around him, a silent agreement, and he drove himself into her, deep and slow.