Up In Smoke

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#30 of Miscellany

The wonderful sgtklark rendered his impression of part of this story as the wonderful illustration you see here.Please give the talented sir a big round of applause for his immediately recognizable and visually pleasing style! Thanks Sarge!

                You know, I'm so much older now in comparison to my age in the story I'm about to tell you. It's funny how some things come full circle. In this I speak of the push to legalize marijuana. I was a kid back in the late sixties to early seventies when everyone was smoking pot. The recent news has brought back a flood of memories, not the least of which was my first sexual experience. It started as an embarrassing situation, thanks largely to my somewhat strict upbringing. You know how moms are.                 I was a typical fourteen year old, with my fangs growing longer and my hair beginning to change color. By the time I hit twenty I was one handsome dude, but back then I was still awkward and ungainly, especially for a leopard. Teenage years suck and no one will ever convince me otherwise.                 My parents; really my father but mother decided to go with him; went on a business trip. Dad was a businessman and told mom if she could find a sitter for me then she could come on one of them. I thought I was old enough to stay by myself, but they said there wasn't going to be a chance of that. There was plenty of crazy shit going on back then, with the Black Panthers and all, and they didn't want to risk trusting me by myself. The last thing they wanted was a report of the pigs showing up.                 The lingo? I'm talking about the seventies of course.                 Can you imagine how embarrassed I was, knowing what the kids would say when they found out I spent a week of my summer vacation stuck with some old bat in a bouffant hairdo whose wings smelled like patchouli? I'd never live it down. I intended to hide in my room the entire time.                 I didn't find out who the sitter was until the day they left. I was pretty depressed about the whole thing, and unlike you spoiled brats today, I didn't have game systems and the internet; hell even the television was pretty much just a handful of channels. I couldn't just immerse myself in something electronic and hide from my problems. So when that morning came, I was ready to barricade my door.                 "Gregory, come down here and see us off and meet your sitter. She'll be staying the entire week, so you be nice to her, you hear?"                 I dragged myself down the stairs and felt the dread rise in my heart. As I got to where I had a clear view, I saw three sets of legs. One set was dad's and the other mom's, but the third set was thin and shapely and sleek below the hemline, and I had a boner before I even saw the rest of her. Anyone with legs like that couldn't be all bad!                 I nearly tripped the rest of the way down, in part because I was in a hurry to see who this was, and in part because I did see her and nearly expired before reaching the ground floor. It was Shanna! Yeah, I know. You have no idea who she was. Give me a chance to spit it out.                 She was a senior. I guess you could say she was the senior girl. I knew she did babysitting to earn money, which was weird since her parents had plenty of it. But she was also on the cheerleading squad and had been homecoming queen. I mean, sure, she had graduated a few months ago, so she was technically an adult now, but it was hard to think of her that way.                 She was wearing a wildly patterned, loose fitting shirt, a knee length skirt and sandals. Even just a glimpse of her perfectly arranged tawny fur and hair was enough to make me want to shoot a load in my pants. She was the epitome of the beautiful, sexy, sultry lioness.                 I suddenly wished I had known who it was, as my own clothing was about as unhip as it got. I was immediately  more self-conscious now of her presence than I ever was at school. There, all of us uncool guys just sort of blended in. Here, her and I were going to be interacting one on one. Sadly, I was stuck for it.                 "There you are! Gregory this is..."                 "I know who it is mom. Hi Shanna." I didn't sound enthusiastic because while my hormones were roiling, my emotions were muted by the fact that I was totally embarrassed and confused. This was the girl everyone wanted to date, and here she was baby-sitting me! This was totally fucking embarrassing! I'd never live it down, except to my nerdy friends, who would be jealous because they didn't know any better. I was thinking that I might have actually been better off with some old bat.                 "Hi Greg!"                 She knew my name! That gave me hope until I realized that she had to know my name because mom and dad told her. She probably had never even noticed me at school.                 I waved goodbye to mom and dad as they drove off for the airport. Shanna was standing beside me waving too, and I was very self-conscious about it. My cock was trying to crawl out the top of my shorts, and it was long enough to do it. I excused myself, went to my room, locked the door and stripped as quickly as I could.                 I had some lotion in my room under the pretense of have dry hands and feet. I doubt dad believed it, but I think he understood. He was busy and didn't have time for doing a lot of things together, but I think he remembered his own teenage years. He let a few things fly that other parents might have flipped out over. And come to think of it, it was probably his idea to hire Shanna!                 I grabbed the lotion and a dirty t-shirt from the pile on the floor and went to work. My paws grasped my rod (there was room for both) and stroked it fiercely, all the while picturing Shanna as the object of my lusts. It wasn't the first time, but this time it was more real. She was in my house for real, and that added more verisimilitude to my fantasy.                 It didn't take long for me to explode all over my belly and chest, even to the point of feeling droplets striking my face. God that felt good! I beat my meat all the time, but this one topped the all time winner's list, even if it was over way too fast. I had a feeling I was going to be doing a lot of this over the next week.                 I got cleaned up and sauntered back downstairs. She was sitting on a stool at the breakfast counter, talking on the telephone with one of her friends. She didn't hear or see me, so I sat down where I could eavesdrop, to see what she was talking about.                 I was fairly hip on slang, and figured out that they were talking about partying and sex and dope. I got down on the floor to get closer, sneaking past the end of the couch. From her perspective, I didn't think she could see me. I moved my head and looked up, finding that her head was turned, but that she would probably catch me if I stayed too long. Just as I was pulling my head back I looked under the counter and found I could see up her skirt! I about blew a load again! She was going commando!                 I lingered so long that I was nearly discovered. I hid just in time and backtracked until I knew she couldn't see me. Thank god the phone had a short cord or she might have been pacing the room with it. As it was, I jumped up and quietly went up the stairs, turning around at the top and noisy clumping back down. I passed the kitchen door, waved to her and stepped outside. She waved and smiled and went back to her discussion on the telephone.                 I had a week to figure out a way of getting her into bed. Hell or high water, I was going to get me a piece of that. Feline heredity aside, I intended to go ape on her slender body. That cat was one hot fox!                 I walked behind the garage where I couldn't be seen and dry-jerked myself until I splattered a load against the back fence. I had it really, really bad!                 I was totally flustered around her, sitting though supper mostly stuffing my face and trying not to say anything stupid. She on the other hand was a delight. She was very relaxed and open, at least in talking to me. I actually found myself chilling a little around her.                 My blood pressure was still up though, for once in a while she would lean this way or that, revealing her nipples though the material of her top, or leaning forward to give me a view down the neck of her blouse. Whether this was on purpose or just by chance I did not know. But I enjoyed it to no ends.                 That evening, rather than push my luck and ruin any chances I might have had with her, I went up to my room and spent the next hour rubbing my wood until it shone with a high polish. I shot enough loads to fill a jar and I still couldn't get the damn thing to deflate. I was smitten with that kitten and if I didn't dump at least one load in her I was going to die!                 I was sitting up there with the door closed when I smelled it. I didn't know what it was, other than to say it was smoke. I pulled on some clothes and opened the door. The smell wafted in much stronger. Dad smoked, but this wasn't his brand, not by any means. I slipped down the stairs and found Shanna watching the tube, a glass of alcohol on the coffee table, a doobie in her mouth and her free hand between her legs.                 I have to admit I had two thoughts at that moment. The first was, shit, she's drinking dad's scotch! Followed by, I hope she put a towel down or mom will be furious about the stain! I told you I was geeky!                 Then I saw a bottle of liquor I didn't recognize, and realized she had brought her own. Cheeky little thing! She came well prepared! The doobie glowed and ebbed as she sucked it down, snubbing it out before lighting another one.  I had never even seen one before, much less smelled the smoke. It was a peculiar aroma and I inhaled deeply to etch it in my memory.                 Shanna finished the second one, all the while fingering herself. With her now free hand she sipped at her glass and was soon glassy eyed. She had a far off look in her eyes, like she was staring past the television screen and into the aether. The glass, which was thankfully empty, clattered to the floor but didn't break.                 I padded up to the couch, very quietly, and picked up the glass. Shanna was sitting there eyes half-lidded, slightly slumped over, her hand still between her legs. I snapped my fingers to see if she would respond. Nothing. I tilted her head back to look at her face. The expression was part blankness and part nirvana. She was totally stoned! I was shaking in my nonexistent shoes with my next thought.  I pushed her against the back of the couch and pulled back her blouse for a good look. The light was dim, but a perfect pairs of breasts were exposed.  I stared at them for a moment, ready to run in case she started to come to. I then remembered her hand and pulled it free, lifting her skirt for a good look. Her crotch hair was much like the rest of her hues, being more fluffy and full. Straight down the middle was a glistening pink slit. My cock nearly climbed out of my pants and tried dragging me straight for it. Not wanting to fuck things up, I reached in and pinched the inner part of her thigh. Nothing. She was totally out. I sucked in a breath and slipped my fingers to her crotch. The warm moistness was a real turn on. I slid in a finger, turning around inside her, desperate now to get my cock in there. I fiddled around with one hand while my other stroked my aching meat. I heard a sound that spooked me for a moment. It was her moaning softly. I had found, and was playing with, her clit. I didn't know what one was back then. I had lingered over it because it was a noticeable protuberance. Apparently I ended up rubbing it the right way, for while pain had no effect on her, pleasure did. I blamed the drugs.                 She moved a little, stretching lithely like the cat she was before falling over on her side, still mostly unconscious.  I was as jittery as a cat at a dog convention, worrying that I would be found out. But she suddenly started snoring. I waited a moment before throwing her legs up on the couch. Still nothing animated from the head end. She was in dreamland.                 Now, the idea of rape never entered my mind. She was here, I was here, and neither of us was voicing any complaints.  I pulled up her blouse, revealing that wonderful pair of firm, pert tits. I rubbed my fingers across her nipples just to be able to say I had, and she let out a low moan that nearly freaked me out again. When she did nothing more, I returned to playing with them.                 She was letting out little groaning and mewling noises as my fingers worked them over. Hell, if she was having half the fun I was we were both in great shape. I stopped long enough to get undressed before climbing up on her and continuing to play with them. No matter how hard I rubbed them, she seemed to enjoy it, though she never opened her eyes even once.                 I finally had enough with her chest. My cock ached for her cunt, and I mean ached badly. I pulled her skirt up higher on her thighs until the hem was on her belly. I spread her legs and stuck my face in her crotch. I didn't know a thing about eating a girl out, but I had read a few things in the few porno mags I had been able to snag. I was a little creeped out by sticking my face down there, but that lasted about ten seconds. After that it was heavenly.                 I struggled with my physical needs for I wanted to just nail her and get it over with, but at the same time take every advantage I could before doing so. I might only have this one chance and I was going to make the most of it. As my tongue lapped at her cunt, and played with her clit, I felt her move. The next instant her paws where on my head.                 She groaned before uttering, in a hazy, drug filled voice, "Jerry, I finally got you to go down on me!"                 I had no idea who Jerry was, but if she liked it, who was I to stop? The last thing I was going to do is talk though, because drugs or not, she'd probably recognize my voice and snap to her senses.                 I licked her out until she came, another first for me. I didn't know what to expect from her, but the result was pretty intense. As it was, she left dents in my scalp from her nails. Her scream was a primal call of the wild and once again, managed to unnerve me until I remembered there was no one around to hear it. After she was done she dropped back down, as limp as a noodle.                 That decided it for me. I was going to go for it. I climbed into position and was going to go for the gold when her paws reached up and grabbed a hold of me. I don't mean like my sides; she got a grip on my cock.  "You're bigger than I remember."                 My ego jumped a dozen levels with those words. At this point I was afraid she was going to come to her senses, and to stave off any abrupt ending before I could blast a load inside her, I clicked off the television, making the entire room dark. Her hands were velvet gloves, and the power behind them was surprising considering her general appearance. She stroked my cock far better than I ever did, but then, she was a girl and I wasn't. That had to make a psychological difference.                 She played with me for a few minutes and I was content to let her. But she eventually let go and grabbed my sides, pulling me into the region I so anxiously wanted to be. I knew what a virgin was, and I knew that she didn't qualify. But I didn't care. Hell, from what I had heard, that was a messy business. We were on the couch, and any more mess would have landed both of us in hot water.                 And speaking of hot, as the tip of my cock hit her hole, I knew I was hooked on sex. She was superbly wet, and as my tip spread her open, I could see, just barely in the light filtering in from the streetlight, her eyes open wide as I was drawn inexorably inside her. Driven was probably a better word, for she was doing it all by herself. I was so nervous that I let her pull me down. The entire time she was groaning and cooing as my cock filled up her hole. I didn't know what to expect and despite that, this was far better than anything I ever could have imagined.                 As you can guess, the incident has stuck with me for all these years. You never really forget your first time.                 I thought I was done with surprises, but when her arms came up and wrapped themselves around me, and her whiskers tickled mine; when those wonderful lips found the set belonging to me, I was hooked. I kissed her like I had always imagined I would kiss a girl and it was beyond compare. Her tongue wedged between my lips and past my teeth, making straight for a rendezvous with mine.  I did my best to respond appropriately, finding myself to be way out of my league.                 She wrapped her legs around me and did was I was too overcome to do; start moving. I was plenty overwhelmed, as I think I said, and the thought of moving while engaged in kissing seemed foreign to me. How could I do one while doing the other?                 I found out.                 She was wrapped around me like a python. Her arms and legs were as lithe and flexible as a gymnast's and she had the strength of a linebacker. I don't know if I envied this Jerry or pitied him. Guys liked to be the dominant ones, and Shanna was nothing close to being submissive. Maybe it was the dope, and maybe not. She was from a matriarchal hierarchy after all.                 It took me just a bit to sort myself out. Masturbation wasn't nearly as complicated as this was, nor was rubbing yourself raw even remotely as thrilling. I found a rhythm to match her thrusts and soon had my hips pounding a staccato beat all the way to her womb. Her claws dug in from all four extremities as things began to heat up.                 I managed to get my paws on her shoulders, but only after slipping through her grasp. It gave me a better purchase from which to launch my attack, a feverish assault that could very well have been mistaken for rape had the observer not noted that the girl was as much a part of the action as I was. I was pounding away like my life depended on it, so much so I'm afraid to say that when she started to scream I put a paw over her mouth.                 She bit me.                 Actually, she bit me because my hand was there and she probably knew she needed to keep the noise down. Still, it hurt like hell!                 Funny thing was, the pain was making me crazy. It amplified the pleasure like a lens did the sun.  In the next five minutes I think I wore an inch off of my spine. And other parts as well. Her screaming resumed, allowing me to pull my paw away and grab that shoulder again. Her pitch increased until my ears hurt and the drinking glass shattered.                 I didn't know how girls had orgasms, not outside of what I had read. The real experience was fantastic! Her cunt massaged my cock even better than her hands had done. I savored the feeling as long as I could but eventually I couldn't hold out any longer. I shot a hot load into her with the explosive force of a cannon.                 She jerked up and tried to kiss me, but missed and ended up biting my lip; she bit it until I bled! She wasn't an easy lover. I know that now from my advanced and jaded point of view. But at the time, I thought that it was the most wonderful thing under the sun, moon  and stars! I hardly understood how much she was going to ruin my future experiences. It was tough to find a lover equal to her after that. I take that back. It was impossible. It simply never happened.                 And I spent a long time looking.                 Her legs never unwrapped themselves from me. I don't know if it was something conscious on her part, or if she was simply frozen up from her orgasm. She was still twitching around me, and I was still no closer to having my erection soften than I had been all day. Her hips started bucking again and in no time we were back at it. I'll tell you honestly that there was no closer thing to heaven for a kid my age than this.                 As she took over again, I did have a clear thought or two, one of which was that I could never tell anyone anything about this. It wasn't that I would get in trouble. No one would ever believe my story. Even if they knew she was babysitting me, they would assume that any story I came up with was going to be a lie. Keeping this all to myself was going to be the most Herculean task I ever had to do.                 I was driven out of my thoughts by a pain in my shoulder. She had sunk her teeth into my clavicle and was hanging on like a feral might do to its prey. Praying is what I was doing, hoping that she let go before she drew blood. A lip I could explain away, but a shoulder would be far more difficult to gloss over.                 Feeling a little vindictive, I sank my own teeth into her exposed flesh. That was a big mistake. She retaliated until I screamed and let go. That was when I knew I was found out. She let go too and whispered n my ear.                 "You're pretty tough, you know that?"                 "Uhhhh."                 "What's the matter?"                 "You know who I am?"                 "I'm high, not stupid."                 "And you're OK with that?"                 "Boys are so slow. If I wasn't OK with it, would we still be locked together like we are?"                 "Uh, I guess not? Then you're not mad at me?" "For what? You're better than my boyfriend." "I am?" I suddenly felt even better than before. I was like a kid getting behind the wheel of a hot rod and winning the race on the first go. "Sure you are, and you come equipped with a better tool for getting to the hard to reach places." "Tool? Oh, tooooolllll." "You're a little slow on the uptake, but your output is pretty great. I was hoping this week wouldn't be boring. Money is nice, but it isn't everything." Boring? I can honestly say it is still the most memorable week of my life. It was an impossible act to follow. I had my first girl, my first booze and my first weed. I learned all about oral and anal, including a few things I wasn't ready for, not by a long ways. But I dived into everything like an eager beaver. For a homecoming queen, she certainly had the cumming part down pat, whether it was her own orgasms or mine. As for the queen part? I worshipped her for a week. After that, life was a letdown. She had no interest in me as a person, which made sense. Why should she? I was four years younger and she was an adult. But she didn't abandon me entirely. We met up once in a while, for a day here or there, when I could get away, and then we made a racket loud enough to raise the dead. Sometimes I still wonder to this day whatever became of her. I have a few souvenirs from that week, like a couple of very yellowed reefers and that colorful top she wore on her first day at the house. The aromas that were associated with them in the past have long since faded, but just looking at them is as good as any commercial aphrodisiac.   Which reminds me of an old hippie joke. How many hippies does it take to screw in a light bulb? It's a trick question; hippies don't screw in light bulbs, but they will screw just about anywhere else! Trust me, I'm not lion. But Shanna was!