A Hybrid's Struggle. Prologue: Part 2.

Story by Sparda 16 on SoFurry

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THIS IS MY DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL BLAAARRRG: I do NOT own Pokemon. Any names, places, or individuals mentioned are entirely FICTIONAL, and do not exist!(That we know of ;3). This Story and it's OCs are rightfully owned by me, Sparda 16 and Sparda 17(The two halves that make an even bigger half!) And last but not least, this Story is Rated M for mature themes, cursing, violence, and (possibly???) Lemons. You have been waaaaaarned... For future events, of course.Author's Note: Well... It's like... 4 in the morning? I've had the same Queen song playing on the headphones for about 27 minutes... Just went through hell trying to defeat The Profound Darkness... And almost ready for bed! Might read something before i hit the hay, though... Er, anyway, my people, i bring you the next prologue... Slightly behind schedule XDOn the same night I recovered that strange Pokeball, the creature that was inside- A Zorua, was nursed back to health. Even though it was still a little weak, we were able to speak with it for the first time.I watched and listened carefully as Mother and Father asked it questions. Of course, we were curious about this little creature's story. No doubt, it was curious about us, too."Warm enough for you?" Father asked the Zorua, as he stoked the fires carefully. We had a nice fire-place in the house. Absolutely perfect in the winters."It... Is nice... Thanks," The Zorua spoke softly, seeming content enough with the situation."So, little one, do you have a name?" Mother asked the fox politely."A... name?" It looked down, it's eyes focusing hard. "Erm... Minva? Min... nuurva..." It's lips contorted as it tried it's best to remember. "Minerva... my... name's Minerva." It looked back up, a bright smile on its face."Minerva. What a pretty name~" Mother smiled warmly.Father sat down on the carpet with us, resting his hands in his lap. "Minerva. Do you... remember much?" He asked cautiously.The dark fox looked down again, frowning. "I'm sorry...""Hey, it's alright," Father reassured. "There's no need to be sorry...""O-okay..." It looked at us with curiosity, it's ears tilting in the slightest. "What's... you guys' names?" It asked."I'm Parker," Father said."You may call me Garchomp," Mother pitched in.The Zorua looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to answer. "I... I'm Alexander..." I smiled slightly."Alwexandur?" It tried my name.I couldn't help but chuckle... It was adorable. "No no. Alexander." I repeated."Alexunder.""You..." It's the first time someone has ever gotten my name wrong. "You can just call me Alex, if you want..." I turned my head, still smiling away."Alex... Alex!" It smiled wider, tail wagging.Father and Mother seemed to find it quite amusing. "Looks like she's taken a shine to you."She...? Yes, it did indeed sound feminine when it spoke. I guess it was female."Y'know, Minerva," Mother began. "Alexander is the one that found you! If it wasn't for him, we may never have found you in that field in the first place.""Really?" It's smile grew fainter, "Alex...?""Yep. He had quite the eye to spot you. Thank goodness when he did," Mother said with joy.Motherrrr..."Wow!" It jumped on the spot. "Thanks, Alex!" It said, taking a step closer. "You're the best!""I-It was nothing, really..." I went a little red-faced. How embarrassing. I didn't spot her with a good eye, I tripped over like a loser and found her...! Good thing I did, though. Minerva... She wasn't in the best condition when we found her. "Um..." I stared at her for a moment, wondering which question to pop first. "Why were you there in the first place, Minerva?"She looked down, her face scrunching up again as she went into thought. "Ah... I don't know... I was playing in the grass with Mummy, and..." It looked up, frowning. "I'm sorry...""It's alright, Minerva," Mother spoke up. "We're not angry with you." The fox gave an apologetic gesture in response. Mother smiled. "Besides... You've only just recovered, and surely you're still tired... We'll save our questions for another time. Okay?""Okay," Minerva said, her mood lightening."Is there any more questions you wanna ask, Minerva?" Father asked casually."U-um..." She looked around for a moment. "What's... gonna happen?" Her voice sounded somewhat sombre."Ah... Well," Mother started. "You're gonna get some rest tonight, and tomorrow we'll go look for your Mommy. Is that okay with you?"The Zorua smiled wide. "Yeah!""Ahaha, good!" Mother responded, giving the fox a little scratch under the chin with her talon.Father looked to me, whispering. "How about you keep her company tonight, son? I

wouldn't want her to be alone right now, especially after what she just went through...""M-me? B-but I-" No... This was no time to complain. If I was in the fox's situation, I wouldn't want to be alone either... "Alright... Father... I-I'll stay with her." I gave a faint smile of understanding, knowing that it was the right thing to do."Thanks son. Remember, we are only a room away... You need anything at all, or if something happens to her, come straight to us."I gave a firm nod. "I know. Thanks, dad.""Ah! So did you have enough to eat?" Mother asked the dark-fox, giggling slightly."Yes, I had plenty! Thanks!" Minerva said.Mother smiled joyfully, "Great!"The fox's gaze jumped to me. "Hey Alex! Wanna go out and play?" Minerva asked."Now?" My eyes went wide. It was night!"Haha, hold on a minute. It's late, Minerva," Father laughed. "This isn't the time to be playing outside.""O-oh..." She looked to the nearest window, her mouth twisting in disappointment. "I didn't know..."Ah, hearing her sound as such made my heart sink. "H-how about tomorrow? I promise we can play then.""Ooh!" She jumped. "Really? Can we really?"I laughed. "Sure!"Her smiled widened. "Aww yay! I'm so happy!" As if her speedy tail wagging didn't make that more apparent! Haha, but she was cute."It's settled. But right now, you two must get some rest," Mother spoke up, looking at Minerva and myself. "We have a big day tomorrow.""Okay. Come on, Minerva," I called softly."Right!" She quickly ran up to me, and jumped into my arms. Good thing I caught her! She was really light... No surprise, I guess, considering her size."Be a little careful, Minerva," I replied, looking down at her. "You just got better...""Ah, sorryyy," She murmured apologetically."It's okay. I just don't want you to get hurt." I smiled.Mother and Father grimaced merrily, waving goodnight. I held the little fox in my hands, got to my feet, and headed to my room. "Night, mom. Night, dad." I said, before leaving.Once in my room, I closed the door three quarters of the way behind me, making sure a little bit of light peered through. I never could sleep in complete darkness... I hoped the Zorua

understood."Your room is cool," Minerva said lightly, looking around."You must have good eyes." Minerva raised a brow in response. "I mean, it is pretty dark...""Oh." She gave a nod. "You cant see in the dark, can you?""Not really," I chuckled, walking over to my bed cautiously, trying not to trip over my mass of Lego scattered across the floor.For the first time ever, I didn't step on a piece! I guess when someone's watching you, you're more inclined to caution. But anyway. I placed the little dark-fox on one side of my bed, and crawled in on the other side. Making sure to pull the blankets up my figure and rest my head easily on my own pillow.Minerva seemed really content with just a single pillow; curling up on the soft surface and letting out a deep breath as she relaxed.I watched her, with steady eyes. This was... Kinda nice. Felt... I dunno... Brotherly? I don't think I've ever had company before... Er, besides mom and dad on the occasion of a nightmare."Ah... Are you sure you are alright?" I asked again, double checking on her.She gave a nod, and flashed a smile. "I'm okay... Thank you for asking, Alex."I continued to stare into her eyes, my mind still filled with questions about her. "C-can I... ask you something?"She gave another slight nod."You were in one of those thingy's... Those ball things. Does that mean you were taken by a human...?"Her smile soon faded, and her expression scrunched up in thought, like she normally did. "U-uhm..." She paused for quite some time, biting her lip while she growled unintentionally. "I don't really know... It's still so fuzzy. I remember only parts... A scream, a-and... The grass. I don't remember... mum, I... I-I cant see her face... I cant..." She sniffled, hiding her face from my view. "I'm sorry.""N-no, I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you upset!" I growled apologetically, reaching out my hand in reflex. I tried to comfort her; She let out a slight gasp as I brushed her head softly, and she looked up at me."A-Alex... W-what if I never remember?" She sobbed. "What if I never remember M-Mum?"I frowned. "I-I... don't know..." She sounded so upset, and I hadn't the slightest in what I should have done! I've never dealt with another's sadness... Mother always hugged me when I got upset, so... I-I gave it a try, and gave Minerva a soft embrace."But... I know I'll always help you... Minerva... I promise.""You pwomise?" Her voice

broke."I... Promise."Minutes passed... So many that it ended up being an hour later. My eyes slowly opened as my ears picked up the voice of father...Obviously, I couldn't sleep... My mind was still lingering on the promise I had made Minerva about an hour ago... I wasn't entirely sure if it was in my power to keep that promise... I was certainly too young to be of much help.The little Zorua was sleeping soundly, dried up tears on her face... But she was smiling. I carefully shuffled out of bed, making sure not to disturb Minerva in any way. I crept over to my open door, accidentally stepping on a Lego. God damn Lego!Suppressing my growls of pain, I sat next to my slightly opened door, and eavesdropped on Father. Nothing i haven't done before..."How do you think Alex is doing in there... You think he's okay with all that's happening?""I'm sure he's fine," Mother spoke. "Probably a little shaken up... Worried. But he's a tough one, and he's... certainly growing a lot faster than I thought."Father chuckled. "You can say that again... Ahh, it's funny how fast they grow..."There was a short pause in their conversation... I could hear the coals in the fire crackling. If they kept the fire going then it could only mean that they've been up since I went to my room. No surprise, really... My parents always seem to be up so late."About Minerva..." Mother began."Yes?""I just... Keep thinking about how she ended up in such a way..." She took a deep breath. "What kind of trainer would be so heartless? She's still... So young...""It might not have been the trainer's fault... Any number of things could've happened.""I know... It just bugs me. If you're going to own a Pokemon, the very least you can do is be responsible enough to take care of them. They aren't tools...""Not everybody sees it that way, but you're right..." Father sighed softly. "I just hope, after all is figured out, that Minerva has a loving family to come back too...""And if she does not?" Mother questioned.Father took a sip from his drink- No doubt it's lemonade. "We'll probably turn her in to the local daycare.""No!"My hands clasped my mouth suddenly... That voice i just heard... Was my own. I just couldn't keep my mouth shut, could I? I just had to speak..."Alexander?" Mother

growled.My body froze in fear. Oh gods, I'm gonna get in trouble!"Get out here... Now." Father spoke firmly.I poked my head out the door, my gaze meeting with my parents' glares. Yep... Caught. I gave a sigh and crawled out of my room, walking over on my hands and knees. "Um...""Alex," Mother crossed her arms. "How long have you been listening? We told you to go to bed.""I-I know..." I looked down, ashamed.There was a small silence, before Father finally spoke again. "Well...? Come and sit."I perked my head up, and looked into father's composed eyes. I got up and sat on the couch beside him, head down, hands in my lap."Alex," Mother sighed. "Can you not sleep?"I shook my head."Is Minerva's presence troubling you?"I shook my head."Is it... Nightmares, again?"I shook my head once again, and looked up at her, frowning. "It's just some thoughts...""About today?" Father asked."Sort of..." I shifted on the couch and tried to comfort myself. "I'm a bit worried...""Sweetie... We're all worried about Minerva," Mother said softly.I gave a nod, looking at father. "She's just so lost... I feel like helping her, but...""Alexander." Father smiled. "You've already done a great amount... You found her, rescued her, and even kept her company... And you made her happy when you promised to play," He gave a soft laugh, soon continuing. "It might not seem like much to us, but smiles and happiness are very important while going through a struggle... It helps ease the mind, and brings some hope to their hearts.""Really?" I looked up at him."Of course.""That's how your father and I got through most of our troubles." Mother said merrily."We were determined to keep the promises we made." Father relaxed on the couch and took another sip from his drink."Did you keep all your promises...?" I asked softly."Son... You'll find that, like it or not, you won't be able to keep every promise... Just so long as you try your best to keep them all, it will be alright.""Are you alright, sweetie?" Mother asked with concern. "You seem a little...

apprehensive.""What's that mean?" I tilted my head."W-wha- Apprehensive? Uh, like... worried... uneasy. What I was trying to ask, is that... You don't seem yourself.""Oh..." Well, she wasn't wrong. I've never fought with my own thoughts like this... And it was all about this promise I had made. It was making me feel different then normal... I had to tell them."Is this about what you overheard? About... Sending Minerva to the daycare?""Mm..." I gave a nod. "I promised her that it will be okay... S-so, you cant send her to the daycare!" I growled."Son... It might not come to that.""Yeah," Mother spoke up. "We might find her parents in no time! We don't know. But, if worse comes to worst, the daycare... well, they'll take care of her.""But what if she doesn't get along with the others? What if they are mean to her? I cant keep my promise if she goes to the daycare..." I whined softly, looking away."Th-then... What do you want us to do?" Mother asked in a caring manner."I don't knowww," I murmured. "Can't we just... Keep her?""You mean let her stay with us? You... That wouldn't bother you?" Father asked.I shrugged my shoulders meekly. "I don't think so..."There was a short silence... My parents both let out a sigh. While I anxiously waited for them to speak."I guess... If the worst happens, we can... Take her in." Mother spoke.I looked up, and smiled faintly. "Really?""Sure, why not." Father smiled.My spirits were raised! I would never have thought my parents would consider such a thing. "Thanks, dad!" I hugged him, soon jumping off the couch to hug my Land-Shark mother. "Thanks, mom!""Ahaha, you're welcome." Mother returned my embrace, purring."But only if we cant find her parents, okay?" Father spoke up.I stood in between my parents, smiling wide. "I understand. Thanks...""Like your mother said, you're welcome," Father gestured."Would you like a hot chocolate, Alexander?" Mother asked sweetly. "A hot beverage before bed might help you sleep.""Yesss!" I almost jumped with joy. HOT CHOCOLATE!"A-and then bed time straight after, alright?!" Father spoke,

taken aback by mother's offer.I gave a childish, sharky grin. "Got it, dad~"Author's Note: Uh... Anybody else feel like something's off with this? I've spent the last 20 minutes looking this over... something's bugging the hell outta me XD I KNOW there's something wrong here, and yet... I think my brain's too tired to figure it out... I'll read over it again tomorrow. If there's anything wrong, i'm sure it'll be fixed when i'm "capable". My apologies for any errors or bugs...