Wrong Side Of Town

Story by PBU on SoFurry

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#1 of Gore Street

Standing, nine and a half hours, smiling because I have to. Some of these customers think I'm actually being genuine, which is laughable. I'm not an actor or charlatan, these furs are just dumb, milling about, following the hive minds command to keep spending their money. What a waste, I wish I could lure furs like the store does, flash shiny bits in front of their fat rich faces and get their credit card information. I can get commission, but i end up having to spend it on a damn suit, so that I can get commission in the first place! These people are slaves and they don't even know it.

Look at this neighborhood, what a fucking dump. Smells like piss and vomit. The piss I could understand, but the vomit lingers, it's so rancid, that my eyes water every time I walk to my own apartment. That's the other thing. Dealerships, what a fucking rip off. They want three times as much for a car then its worth. It's so depreciated! how am I supposed to justify a loan that is going to take me 3 years to pay if I can't rely on a car to get me two and a half years with out it falling into expensive pieces of crap? Fucking bullshit I have to deal with...

Walking home, that's bullshit! And I'll never forget this night, cause it only happened an hour ago... The night I get raped. That's some bullshit. Two more blocks and I'm home, my hind paws hitting the same spots on the sidewalk they do every day. Then a flying tackle takes me into the ally! Can you believe that? A flying tackle? Who does that? Seems like a waste of energy but it sure knocked the sense of awareness out of me. Landed in some filthy fucking trash cans, I think I might have tetanus if I cut myself on that tuna can lid. There some fucking goop there, nasty. Yeah, really, that's the first thing I realize after the fireflies go away. Everyone calls them stars, but I think they look much more like fireflies.

I landed hard on my shoulder. Not like 'ow, my shoulder is going to be sore for a few minutes', no I might have dislocated it. I definitely heard a pop, and I almost bit my fucking tongue off when I tried moving it that first time. I'm only a hare, a chubby one I suppose. sucks being short... At least I'm the tallest in my family, but I look at any other fur and my heat is always tilted up. That's some bullshit. I realize I'm pinned, I was practically nailed to the ground from the looks of the bruises that cover the entirety of my arms, from shoulder to elbow. Superficial, those really don't matter. You think the ears would have helped. they don't when you hate your life and you just walk home, looking at the ground thinking about all the bullshit you had to put up with.

I can see big round ears and a tawny coat, smells like, shit and five different scents. Carnivore with a head that huge, lion with out a doubt, I realize. Doesn't really matter, an ocelot could have it's way with me. Lioness, no mane, plus the muzzle is more slender then a males. I can't believe these aristocratic pricks. All the money anyone could ever want and this cunt comes to my side of town, after I had a shitty day at work, kissing her ass so she could by some fucking jewels she is going to wear once and forget, now she tackles me!? Is she going to fucking eat me?! She doesn't look hungry! Finish me off already! I'm done, fuck it! eat me!

How dare I think I'm that lucky though. Stupid. She shreds my clothes, and my skin, she wasn't exactly being tender. I hiss as I feel sharp claws drag from under my arms, over my ribs and to my mid thigh. Yeah, it stung, I suppose one could say. She throats me with a forearm that is as big as I am and I start to choke, it left her other arm free to rip everything off me. I can feel the cold concrete and dirty ally water soak my fur, I shut my eyes, and I'm just fucking praying that she wants me naked just before she kills me. Just do it you fucking bitch!

She smells me, I guess I smell alright, mild deodorant so customers don't think I'm a bum, but I hate the strong stuff, it gives me a headache. She nibbles my nipple, I'm sure her rich fucking prat of a husband loves that kinda shit but when my nipple starts to bleed, I don't seem to get aroused. I know, I'm weird that way. My poor pecker and satchel are so cold and sucked up into my body. I feel a massive paw grope my crotch. I realized why I never heard of a lioness as a prostitute, least considerate hand work ever. I don't really know if she knew what she was doing. Palming my crotch like she was kneading dough. It wasn't painful for those first few minutes, but it was excruciating to have to bare it. She flipped up her skirt and just like a slut, no panties. Mind you her thighs where as large as my pelvis, so her gunky old slit nearly swallowed me whole. It was neither erotic or smart. Even being a thick hare (one of the only things to ever make me give a genuine smile) it was like a foreign made compact trying to fuck the underground metro tube. To her credit, she may have been completely fucking retarded in her choice to rape me.

The big cat was grinding her pussy on me, all over my body, and the musk was heavy. It made me dizzy and she was starting to suffocate me and I almost passed out. Then she sank her jaws into me. That woke me up. I felt bones snap and could almost feel them get turned to powder with all the force she put into that bite. Deep puncture wounds in my light brown fur. I woke the dead. Lights turned on a few blocks down, but she wrapped that massive paw around my throat, cutting off my air and smothering my pace with those nasty rough tongues of theirs.

When you are injured and a major organ isn't damaged, the body takes pity and shuts down because of shock. I cry a little as I can still feel every little injustice done to me. The rat biting my ear and dashing away and the muck that was getting stuck in my fur and straining my skin with filth. I felt all that and I felt her breath as she panted, She was really working it, maybe she was possessed by a sex demon. I think there was an article in the paper where some rich wolf cunt used that in court, Yeah she said she belonged to an alternative religion. What fucking ever, she could rape who she wants and she wouldn't get but a slap on the hand. She was a vocal supporter of that judge. Money talks louder then a wolf bitch when she was sucking judge cock I bet.

My arms are useless. She is easily four times my mass. I just pray for death at this point. She let's out a sign and shivers. I hadn't realized I was that good, go figure. This is going to be a shitty way to walk into an emergency room. But she isn't done. One paw grabs hold of my side and an other on my ass, claws sink into my body and she rolls onto her back. Tasteless, she forces me to grind into her cunt. Her juices are thick and gooey, she's either dehydrated or an older skank then I have heard of. Doesn't even matter, she is going to town and I'm basically her fucking dildo. She has a cracked out look in her eye's and her tongue is hanging out. I'm glad she is enjoying this. I'm being shaken like a rag doll. Both my arms are in so much pain that I vomit. The smell of blood and the disorientation causing my stomach to lurch. She either did't notice or didn't care that I vomited on her tits.

I have no way to tell how long this has been going on? Realistically I think an hour, but the mind distorts things to protect you in times of stress. It might have been 20 minutes or two hours for all I know. I don't care though. I'm getting tired. My eyes aren't staying open even as I am being thrown around my body used as a dildo but it feels more like I'm cleaning out her cunt, more then anything else.

Her breaths are heavy and her chest is heaving. She lets out a low growl and turns into a keening scream. She grips me hard as her back arches sharply, And a rib finally snaps. This is bullshit...

She props me up against on of the buildings and I cough up specks of blood that color my lips and chin. What a fucking night, eh? She got off two huge orgasms, and what do I get? broken bones, loss of blood and possible disease and infection if someone takes me to the hospital in time. I hope they don't find me till the morning. After tonight I know I would rather die. The sooner the better cause I'm really hung up on this.

Better to just be dead. Much... Better...

The End


This was my first yiff story. let me know what you think. Any constructive critisisms are much appreciated. even 'you suck balls' as long as you tell me why :D