Chapter 2: Just Give In

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#2 of The Mating Season 2:

Chapter 2: Just Give In

"So you called out Zaldon's name," repeated Loryn, as if to make sure he was hearing Kel right, "and what did she do? She just walked out?"

Kel, sitting on the grass beside his friend, nodded miserably.

Kel and Loryn, best friends since childhood, had taken a walk into the forest that morning to their favorite spot: the bank near the waterfall. They were sitting in the reeds near the water, their spears forgotten in the tall grass. Kel was sitting up, his head bowed as he rested back on his paws, and Loryn was lying stretched out on his belly, his tail flashing in the sunlight as he idly tossed rocks into the shallows, his head toward the water.

Loryn was a wolf striped gray and black and was considered quite handsome by one and all. His big arms and mischievously lusty smile were the trademarks of his charm. Lying on his belly, he glanced over his shoulder at Kel with a cocked eyebrow and said, "Well, you're lucky. When I told Kira I was in love with Eno, she kicked me out on my tail. Aliona just walked into the bedroom. For all you know, that might've been an invitation."

"This is serious, Loryn!" Kel cried, squeezing his eyes shut impatiently.

Always laid back, Loryn rolled over, put his paws behind his head, and gazed sympathetically down his nose at Kel. "So she went into the bedroom. So what? It doesn't mean anything. It means you called out a male's name during sex and she was shocked."

"Don't you understand, Loryn? I'm not like you. I can't live without Aliona! Kira kicked you out and you were fine! You went on to live with Eno and you still see your daughter everyday, but if Aliona kicks me out . . . I don't know what I'd do! I love being with Aliona, and I love being with my children . . ."

"I hate to say this because I know you don't want to hear it," said Loryn, sitting up. He cupped Kel's face and said, "But, Kel, I think you're having these feelings because it's time. It's time to have sex with a male again!"

Kel closed his eyes and looked away, but Loryn kept cupping his face, kept forcing him to listen.

"You're fantasizing about Zaldon because you have needs that aren't being met. Aliona doesn't have a cock -- she can't meet those needs and you need to face that! Too bad females don't have both, eh?" Loryn added as an after thought. "Then I'd still be with Kira and you wouldn't be thinking of Zaldon while you fuck your wife."

Kel covered his eyes with a groan, as if he couldn't bear to hear these things.

"It's the truth, Kel," Loryn said, moving to sit beside his friend. "When's the last time you slept with a male?"

"You know when! It was with you!" Kel snapped miserably at the ground.

"Well, shit, that means it's been sixteen years! I don't know how you've held out this long, honestly. Why haven't you called out Zaldon's name before now? Goddamn."

Kel swallowed and realized he was trembling. "You know why! I haven't been with a male because . . . I can't bring myself to be with anyone except Zaldon. And you have Eno now. I didn't want it to seem as if -- as if I was taking you away from him. I know how jealous Eno is."

"I'll handle Eno," said Loryn with a snort. "He doesn't own me. If anyone ever came close to owning me . . . it was you. And not because you wanted to own me but more because you took my heart captive without ever knowing it or meaning to."

"Loryn," Kel said, smiling at his friend, "you know damn well you'll never belong to any one wolf -- not even to me."

"I'm being serious here, Kel, appreciate the moment!"

Kel flopped with a sudden weary sigh in the grass, and Loryn playfully flipped him onto his stomach without warning. Kel felt his buttocks spread open wide and shouted out indignantly when Loryn blew on his anus.

"Whew! Cobwebs! Sixteen years will do that --"

Loryn was tackled to the grass, and the childhood friends and once lovers laughed as they wrestled in the sun. Eluding a headlock, Loryn ran laughing out into the shallows. Kel ran after him and they splashed each other like males half their ages, laughing and flashing their tails, flattening their ears as the water hit them. Then Loryn moved toward the deeper water and cut in a strong stroke toward the waterfall, his tail swerving smoothly through the water behind him. Kel followed.

They passed through the waterfall together and behind it, their fur now plastered to their bodies, making the toned muscles stand out. They sat on the smooth stone landing behind the falls and dipped their feet in the water, and when Loryn put a happy arm around Kel, he wasn't surprised to see Kel's cock throb upright. Kel closed his eyes and groaned in embarrassment.

"Just like when we were pups," said Loryn, giving Kel's rigid cock a teasing flick. "I touched you once and you were standing at attention. Then I sucked you off. I was the first male to do it to you. And you were so frightened. . . ." Loryn closed his paw over Kel's cock and Kel shuddered. "And look at you! You're still frightened now . . ."

Loryn's voice grew soft as he spoke and he kissed Kel on the cheek, slowly stroking him. The strokes were long and gentle and strong, and Kel squirmed, moaning as Loryn breathed against his neck with hot kisses.

"Loryn, don't . . ." Kel moaned, his brows knit together, his eyes shut tight.

"Why not?" Loryn whispered in Kel's ear. "This is what your body needs, Kel. If you didn't get enough pussy, you'd probably be in the same horny, nervous state. But you don't get any cock and you're craving it. Just give in."

"I can't . . ."

"You can," Loryn whispered, giving Kel an affectionate lick under his eye. He kept stroking Kel, fondling him with that rough, quick skill that always made him melt.

Kel jerked as his passion threatened to release, "Loryn, don't -- oh, god, Loryn . . ." Kel blushed, squirming to get free as the pleasure kept mounting. And before Kel realized what was happening, Loryn had straddled his lap, had pressed him down on his back. Kel felt frightened but he didn't know why: he'd been with males before. He suddenly realized that he was frightened of proving that Loryn, as always, was right about his feelings, that Loryn, as always, knew just what Kel needed. And looking up at Loryn now as the taller wolf straddled him, Kel was secretly mortified that Loryn was going to keep working him until he came and his humiliation knew no end.

"Give in," Loryn whispered, still stroking Kel's cock.

Kel shook his head vigorously and his eyes widened in horror and when Loryn leaned down toward him. This was it: if Loryn kissed him he knew it was over, he was going to come, and Loryn was going to be right, and he would feel embarrassed in this private place where they had done these things so many times. He wouldn't be able to look at Loryn, he would stammer and blush, and Loryn would think it was all delightfully funny.

To Kel's dismay, Loryn did just what he'd predicted: he leaned down and kissed Kel on the lips. Loryn was fully aware that his kisses were irresistible, and Kel melted under the hungry, slow pull of them. Then Loryn's tongue filled his mouth, caressing, wet and hot, and Kel felt his dick throb painfully.

Kel managed in a panic to pull his lips free. "Loryn, please don't do this to me --"

"What, make you feel good? Heaven forbid!"

Loryn's kisses traveled over Kel's cheeks and down his neck. Kel couldn't hold back a moan when Loryn smoothed his tail in his paw. And then Loryn's paw swept under, and Kel let out a gasp when his anus was prodded. Nothing had prodded that place for several years now. Ignoring Kel's gasp, Loryn let his finger sink in.

"You always were so goddamned tight. If I come a-knocking . . . will you let me in?"

Alarmed at the prospect of being penetrated, Kel squirmed and fought, trying in desperation to throw Loryn off of him. Loryn laughed at this and grappled with Kel until he was holding Kel's arms pinned above his head. He smiled at Kel's heaving chest, so toned and finely sculpted; smiled at Kel's twisted look of frustration when he could not break free; smiled at Kel's small whimper and the way he bit his lip when Loryn purposely grazed his rigid dick against his friend's.

"If I can make you come," said Loryn, "then I get to fuck you. And if I can't, you get to walk away without a limp."

Kel glowered. "I'm not going to play your games, Loryn! I'm not Eno!"

"You didn't hesitate to play my games when we were pups . . ."

Loryn leaned down and kissed Kel on the lips, and it was such a tender kiss that Kel shuddered and relaxed in spite of himself. His green eyes filled with tears, and he whispered, "But, Loryn, it's been so long since I've -- since I've felt this way with another male --"

"I know, Kel," Loryn whispered lovingly. "You've denied your desires a long time."

"But you're right," Kel admitted, blushing scarlet. "I do need to be with a male. God, I think of it all the time. I imagine Zaldon inside of me . . . I even feel him in my dreams."

"You never imagine me?" said Loryn in mock indignation.

Kel blushed again and Loryn had his answer.

"Damn that Zaldon for not just coming back to the village with us," said Loryn, shaking his head. "But what does he do? He stays in the winter village and leaves you here to be all horny. I don't know why you can't just fuck some other male. Why do you always have to be in love to do it?" Loryn shook his head again and eased off of Kel.

Kel sat up, and they sat side by side again.

After a pause, Kel asked sheepishly, "Were you . . . were you really going to fuck me?"

"Yes. I still have every intention to."

Kel stiffened.

"You need to give in, Kel," Loryn whispered. He put his paw on Kel's head and drew him close and kissed his mane. Kel gave over to his silent kisses and leaned against him. "It's what your body needs. And I can give it you. I always could."

"I know . . ."

"But only if you'll let me. I didn't really fancy raping you: I just liked seeing you struggle. That was the nice thing about Eno: when I took him that first time, he was all tied up, struggling against the ropes, his little buttocks flexing. It was all very wonderful to watch. And with you it's the same. When I hold you down and your eyes fire like that, it makes me want to plough you like there's no tomorrow. Sometimes I think you have no idea how beautiful you are, Kel."

"You give me some idea."

Loryn laughed.

"I'll never understand why it's always so hard for you to give in to your feelings, Kel. Me? I fuck a male and I don't think twice. But you? A male practically has to club you over the head to get it in you."

"I don't understand it either. I just know that after I realized I might never see Zaldon again . . . it was like there was no point being with anyone else. Except you."

"But you weren't with me, Kel. Trust me: I'd remember."

"I know, Loryn. I'm sorry . . ."

Kel startled Loryn by kissing him on the lips. Loryn kissed Kel back, those deep, hungry kisses that Kel had always loved. And then Loryn was kissing Kel on his chin, on his neck, on his chest, his paws all over Kel's body as if he couldn't touch him enough. Kel leaned back on his paws, breathless with a hard-on, and Loryn leaned down and took his cock in his mouth. Loryn's mouth slobbered over Kel in long, loving strokes, pulling and sucking from the tip to the base, and Kel shuddered and moaned and his head fell back. And then Loryn was hovering over Kel again, kissing him on his cheeks, on his eyes.

"You know all this time you've been wanting Zaldon," Loryn whispered, "I've been wanting you?" He put his paw on the back of Kel's neck and kissed his throat, soft, wet little kisses.

"You have?"

"Mmm. You have no idea . . ."

Kel stood and wadded into the shallows until the water was at thighs. Loryn followed him, scooping up water, letting it fall down Kel's back, and watching with hungry eyes as the water plastered his fur over his hard buttocks. Kel bowed his head, trembling slightly as Loryn's paws smoothed down his back, then Loryn held him from behind and kissed his cheek.

"I still love you after so many years," Loryn whispered in Kel's ear with a sigh. "But you're wrong, Kel: I wasn't fine when Kira kicked me out. I was crushed." Kel felt Loryn's forehead drop against his neck. "I just . . . I'm not quite as good at showing it. Guess I'm not ah drama queen like you."

Kel laughed. He took the paw that was smoothing over his chest and kissed it sympathetically.

"I guess I deserved it. I always promised never to give my heart to anyone but Kira. I guess I was already a liar before I married her though: you've had my heart since the moment I laid eyes on you."

Loryn started fondling Kel again, and his head fell back against Loryn's shoulder with a groan. Loryn's strokes were wet now from the water and slow. He paused to squeeze Kel's organ and kiss his cheek, then he would continue the slow assault: running his paw up and down Kel's shaft, caressing the tip, massaging the heavy balls. Kel's cock throbbed painfully hard now, and Loryn whispered his encouragement.

"That's it, Kel. Just give in . . . just let me please you . . ."

Kel groaned.

"Let me make you feel things you'll never feel with Aliona. Just . . . give in."

"Loryn . . .?"


"I love you."

"I know."

"And I missed being with you as much as I miss being with Zaldon."

"Then you know what you have to do."

"But what if she leaves me, Loryn? I couldn't . . ."

"I know, Kel. You're hopeless."

Kel sighed as Loryn made his cock swell even thicker.

"Are you ready . . . for this?" Loryn whispered and clamped a paw on Kel's buttocks to indicate.

Kel blushed but nodded his head. Loryn took Kel in his arms and they stood with their hot, wet bodies pressed together. Kel felt that first explosive thrust as Loryn entered him. Loryn moaned long and low as if he'd been dreaming of this for years, and Kel shuddered, growing weak in his arms. Loryn took Kel's hips and pressed himself in and out, slowly and wetly, his teeth nibbling Kel's neck, licking, then nibbling again. They moved against each other, their muscular bodies flexing, their moans and gasps shielded by the crashing of the waterfall.

"Kel, beautiful Kel," Loryn whispered. Wrapping an arm around Kel's throat, he ran his paw down Kel's back, then reached around and fondled him.

"Oh, Loryn . . . god. . . ." Kel whispered, trembling under the slow rhythmic power of Loryn's pumping.

"Sweet Kel," Loryn whispered in his ear. "Give in, Kel . . ."

"Ah -- Loryn, I . . . Ah!" Kel's voice faded into a whimper and his sticky passion spilled over Loryn's fingers. Kel slumped in Loryn's arm and felt his body tingle when Loryn started kissing his neck again.

After he came inside of Kel, Loryn withdrew. He turned Kel around to face him.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Loryn whispered. He cupped Kel's face with one paw and kissed him wet and slow on the lips.

Kel was still trembling. He let his forehead fall against Loryn's and admitted in a breathless whisper, "No . . . it wasn't."