The Codex Chapter 10: Trial of strength

Story by Jax Crowley on SoFurry

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#10 of The Codex

Dog against owner.

"Open your eyes, Jax" A female voice said from a distance. The jackal opened his eyes, slightly disoriented while noticing how he sat in the middle of an empty room. His surroundings were dark, only the voice of the female resonated inside. The jackal stood up and felt stinging pain in his back and arms.

A faint light lit the room up, showing him scars of old wounds at his arms. He rubbed over his head in confusion, not sure how he got the scars in the first place. He then came to the realization that he was trapped, growling softly. "Who or what are you? Reveal yourself" he said while looking around himself.

The voice began to chuckle before glass dust filled the room, creating mirrors around the jackal to show his own body. His eyes widen as he saw long thick scars trailing down his whole back. His paws ran over his back to feel the hardened skin, his ears lowered while he formed a fist to punch through a mirror right in front of him. The mirror shattered and created glass dust once more.

The dust created small cuts into the fist, the jackal whining in response as he saw how small shards formed. His other paw grabbed his arm before pulling out the small shards, throwing them on the ground with anger. "What the hell is this!" he said, his voice filled with anger, yet slight fear.

"You have failed two times to kill the so called knights of Grandmurk, you get one more chance, but we need to get rid of something" the voice spoke before a shadow appeared in front of Jax. He narrowed his eyes to focus, the shadow taking form of Razette, queen of the Blood-maiden cult.

He shook his head, hearing the mirrors shatter behind him, the dust flying towards the raised hand of the shadow. "You have emotions that stand between you and their death" she spoke as the glass formed a long blade. She held onto it while lowering it, shaking her head while her eyes began to glow red.

The shadow started to take physical form, the glass sword pushed deep into Jax, who felt the blade push out of his back. His eyes were wide open, gazing down to see the glass blade, his paws holding onto it "W-Wha..." he mumbled.

She let go of the blade, letting the jackal fall on the ground with the sword still inside of him. Turning around while she raised both hands in the air, her wings forming and spreading out. "I'll give you a chance for promotion, with it a glimpse of true blood magic" she said while her wings showed thick veins running through them.

Jax crawled up, a finger snap from Razette causing the glass sword to shatter. She turned to face the jackal, her wings still spread out while her hands reached forwards. "Do you...Accept?" she asked, the jackal nodding in pain.

Blood veins pushed out of her wings and palms, rushing towards the open jackal chest and pushing into him. She started to raise her head, her pupils started to roll in ecstasy while the veins began to pump blood into the jackal. Long and deep inhalations were heard from the woman while the jackal cringed in pain.

He felt how his body became colder, lifeless, dead. Gazing down to his arms to see thick veins pop and throb heavily, his palms showing small scratches that looked like they could burst open any minute. His tail became bigger, his fur rougher and his eyes darker red. He grinned and grasped the veins that pumped blood into him, pulling them out and snapping them with a growl.

He grinned before pulling the woman closer, she quickly focused on the jackal who now held her tightly at her wings. Moving his head closer to show his growing fangs "Is this what you wanted? My lady?" he said with a chuckle, his knee pushing into her stomach as she grinned softly.

"Going to hurt your queen? By all means try, the consequence will result in your death though" she spoke with a strong voice, showing no signs of fear or any other emotion. He shook his head before licking his own lips, the open wound in his chest closed as veins began to stitch it up.

"By all means, try and kill me" he chuckled as he pulled the wings closer towards him, his knee pushing the female away, resulting into a scream of terror. He felt how her wings started to rip loose, tearing noises were heard as he soon pulled his foot back, giving one more kick into her. She felt how her wings were ripped off, falling on the ground while bleeding heavily from the open wounds.

The jackal threw the wings aside while raising one paw, the blood she leaked began to stiffen, creating spikes that pushed into Razette. He walked closer to the female who was pinned to the ground, kneeling in front of her. Her eyes were narrowed, shaking lightly in fear while the jackal chuckled in pleasure.

He placed his paw on her mouth, the other one placed a finger in front of his own muzzle "Shh, it's alright" he said with a sadistic tone. He saw how the female started to show emotion, her eyes filled with fear and her body shaking softly. "Emotions? Weren't those standing in the way of our ultimate goal?" he asked, the woman mumbling.

"You disgust me, giving away endless supplies of magic to a total stranger. You know my name, what more?" the jackal said while he felt the palm of his paw opened. Small veins started to rush out into the mouth he covered, the female eyes widened as she felt the veins into her own mouth.

Jax looked into the scared eyes, his own emotions gone. "You're going to fight me?" he asked while his other paw was resting on the ground. The female groaned while she started to close her mouth, biting the veins off. The jackal chuckled and stood up, his palm closing.

He turned around while shaking his head "How does my blood taste?" he asked while snapping a finger. The veins had been leaking blood into Razette's mouth, this blood began to thicken. The female felt how the jackal blood inside her mouth became solid, spikes slowly pushing outwards, penetrating her mouth from all sides.

Painful screams and whimpers were heard while the jackal unsheathed one whip blade. "So let's talk about promotion, shall we?" he asked while pointing his sword tip to the stitched wound. The female was still pinned by blood spikes, her eyes followed the jackal while breathing heavily as spikes had created gaps in her mouth and throat.

"Look at you, pathetic piece of shit!" He yelled before unlocking his whip, letting it push into his own body to open up his gap. The tip pushing through his whole body before he quickly flung his blade back, letting it click together again, his other paw clenching together. Blood veins were drawn out by his clenching paw, opening his paw again as blood spikes were launched from his wound.

The spikes launched towards the wounded female, pushing into her chest and stomach, the jackal laughing all the while. He heard how material began to form behind him, turning his head to see a mage door. It opened as two blood maidens rushed inside, their hands ready to shoot multiple blood spears. He flung his whip out, catching one spear and deflecting the other.

Throwing the spear into their queen while quickly locking the whip into blade mode, rushing forward to one of them. Veins rushed out of his other paw, pushing against her leg to bring her off balance. In quick reflexes he rolled behind her, his blade pushed against her neck. "Well now, got your little henchmen huh?" he chuckled as he saw how the other repositioned herself in front of Jax.

"Tsk" he said, unlocking his blade, extending it out to create a cut in the blood maiden's neck. She gasped as Jax quickly stretched out his other paw. The other maiden did the same, seeing how the jackal began to draw blood from the cut. The jackal and maiden began to play a tug of war, Jax trying to pull out as much blood as he could while the maiden tried to push it back into her friend.

The wounded maiden began to cry in pain, soft screams were heard while the jackal unsheathed his whip again, using both paw to chant. Razette mumbled softly, getting used to her pain while trying to pull her hand free from the spike trap. "Don't...Don't fight..." she spoke softly, the maiden not hearing her. Jax grinned, showing his fangs while lowering his paws, stopping his enchantment abrupt.

The other maiden still using full force, widening her eyes as her strong magic started to counter work, drawing all the blood out of her friend. All four saw how the blood was drained, letting her fall on her knees while her blood covered the floor in front of her. She sat motionless, slowly falling to her side, veins not visible anymore as they were drained from her life supply.

The jackal saw how the blood formed a small pool, grinning while raising his paw. The maiden looked down to see the blood thicken, creating tall spikes that pushed into her. She groaned in pain before falling on her knees, the spikes pushing fully through her body from multiple sides. Razette saw this happen and started to mumble, breaking free from the blood spikes before jumping up with a yell.

She began to run towards the jackal, who in return lowered his paw. She quickly reached out, her hand grabbing hold onto the face of Jax before pulling it down. her knee moving upwards to give a hit on his head, Jax falling backwards with confusion and disorientation.

Razette placed her feet on Jax's chest with a sigh "And here they are, filthy beast kin wanting equality. You just proved that your kind can not handle magic. You betray me after I've done so much for you and your little nephew" she spoke with a stern voice, her heel pushing into the jackal who groaned in pain.

"Don't you dare talk about my nephew" Jax said, his eyes widened as he saw Razette smile. "Remember the day you arrived? Your nephew was tainted by the Dark-moon curse, he was dying. We had to draw the taint out of him, create a second vessel to function as alter ego and in the end we had to soulbind them" Razette said while sitting down in front of the jackal.

The female began talking while her wounds were healing, the blood that was on the floor was being absorbed by the queen of the blood maidens "You know what happened to his counter part? He has been killed by your old friend, do you remember what happens to the other one who is soulbound?" she asked, the jackal lowering his ears as he knew death was the answer.

"Oh my, you should have seen the poor boy, he just arrived here after battling in Etrena forest. He said he left big Riley there to deal with the two. And right as he said that, his little fragile body cramped together in pain" She spoke with somewhat pleasure in her voice, the jackal began to growl while trying to get away from the strong female.

She shook her head before feeling her heel push into the jackal body. "You have two options, obey me and fight as my captain or run away and I'll make sure no one wants your filthy kind. Don't even think of trying to kill me as you'll never be able to" Razette spoke, her voice toned down back to a more serious one before she lifted a hand.

The jackal began to feel dizzy, his veins throbbing harder while his eyes began to roll in his head. "Remember the transfusion I just did? your body is filled with my own blood, what you did to my face, I can do with your whole body" she continued her little talk while making Jax's body boil from heat. Whines were heard before she pulled the jackal up on his feet.

"Oh, and those two girls you just killed? My daughters, another proof your kind has no rights to live on this beautiful world. I give you until tomorrow" her hand slapped across his face, the jackal losing balance and falling on the ground unconscious.

Razette created a mage door before walking through it, leaving the power filled jackal behind in the dark room.