New home, new fetishes

Story by doomkaiser142 on SoFurry

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#2 of Even and Orpatr (Raptor) Stories

Looking for a new home is never easy but sometimes a new start brings out all sorts of new surprises...

Found a mistake? Something I can improve on? Don't be afraid to leave a comment or shoot me a PM. All constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!

I take each comment / suggestion seriously.


Twigs snapped loudly underfoot as Even pushed through the thick foliage of the dense forest, making his way to a small clearing he'd discovered only days earlier.

"Come on, it's just a little further, my love," the young man dressed in torn, worn blue jeans and an equally ripped, long-sleeved black shirt said reassuringly, "I promise it'll be worth it."

He heard a gentle trill emanate from behind him followed soon after by another more puzzled coo that made him stop and turn around to face the strong, agile raptor following closely behind him.

"I can't tell you what it is or it'll ruin the surprise," Even said quickly as his gaze fell upon the look of curiosity and excitement etched into Orpatr's - or Patr as he'd discovered he preferred to be called - face, "Besides we really are close this time. Should be just over these bushes." He watched as his mate - a young male raptor with sleek brown scales - eyed the dense bushes behind him curiously before regathering his composure and nodding slowly in understanding. Even couldn't help but smile at how intelligent he was - how he so easily understood every word he said - and let his gaze wander over his nimble form in awe for only a brief moment before turning his attention back to the thick shrub.

Spreading the leaves aside he smiled gleefully as he spied the small clearing he'd been searching for on the other side. His smile grew slightly as he quickly stepped into the clearing - almost losing his balance to a hidden branch - and waited for his mate to join him before he announced with glee, "Here we are! And there it is; what I wanted to show you."

Even quickly raised his hand and pointed towards a large wood cabin perched delicately atop a tiny, grassy hill in the centre of the small, peaceful glade. It looked old and worn and had vines and weeds growing all the way up to the dirty opaque windows and around the huge, metallic rainwater tank on its side but otherwise appeared to be in still surprisingly good shape; no obvious signs of rot or structural damage.

Watching as his mate turned towards it he saw his expression change from puzzlement and excitement to curiosity and a need to inspect the strange new object he saw. Returning his hands to his sides Even watched silently as Patr strode slowly towards it and began to inspect it in greater detail; nudging softly against the walls and sniffing around curiously. As he disappeared around the back Even began to wonder if maybe he didn't like it as much as he'd hope he would and started to reason that it might make sense as he probably hadn't ever seen such a strange structure before when he heard a happy chirp resound from the side of the cabin.

Looking back up he saw his gleeful lover race quickly towards him with what looked like a small smile on his scaly lips before he came to a stop and nuzzled happily against Even's chest.

"Oh, you're looking very happy," Even remarked softly, "Does that mean this place seems alright?"

Even heard his love make another happy chirp and saw him nod excitedly in confirmation as he sighed in relief and replied with a smile, "Thank goodness for that. I wasn't exactly sure whether or not you'd like our new home. I mean I haven't really looked too far and didn't really... have a backup plan."

Rubbing his neck nervously at his confession he looked down at his feet and added a little more solemnly, "Besides I hoped this could be the least I could do after I cost us our old home."

A sharp nudge into his stomach made Even grunt and look up at his mate in time to see him shake his head quickly and chirp out rapidly a reply that he knew meant that he didn't blame him; his mate's eyes filled with concern.

"I know I didn't do it deliberately," Even replied, his tone still grave, "But I just feel so stupid for not realizing he was following me the whole time."

With a lump in his throat Even added, "It's just... what if he'd gotten you? I-I couldn't live with that. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget what happened that day."

=== 2 Days Ago ===

"Hey, Patr, I'm back," Even yelled out cheerfully as he climbed the slight incline to the mouth of their cave, a small brown backpack over one shoulder dripping with water from the freshly caught fish inside, "Sorry I left without you but I wanted to get us some breakfast and you just looked too cute to wake."

A silly smile crept onto his face at his words and only widened as he saw his mate slowly saunter out from the back of the cave and into the early morning sun; his maw opening wide as he yawned loudly having obviously just woken up.

"Well good morning to you too sleepyhead. I thought you'd at least be awake by now," Even added teasingly, "Oh well, as long as you're awake. Come on, I caught a lot of fish today and..."

Even stopped mid-sentence as he suddenly heard his mate growl intimidatingly, snarl angrily and lower himself closer to the ground as though he was ready to pounce at him.

"Uh, P-Patr, what's wro...," he began to stutter out nervously as he carefully eyed the angry raptor before he suddenly saw him lunge wildly at him and felt himself being knocked to the ground; his backpack skidding off from his grasp and disappearing from view. His mind ran circles around itself as he tried to fathom what he'd done wrong to warrant being pounced on given the how happy they'd been so far - having happily spent almost every hour of the last two weeks together - when he heard a loud 'bang' erupt from behind him followed closely after by the unmistakable sound of a bullet ricocheting off solid rock.

Instinctual fear overcame his body and before he really knew what he was doing he found himself on his hands and knees, crawling inside the cave and quickly pressing his back against the stone wall just inside the cave itself. As his mind tried to sort through what could be going on, it came to a screeching halt when he realized he hadn't seen his mate run back with him. Frightened but worried for his mate's safety more than his own he prepared himself to rush back out and check for him when a low whine from the opposite side of the entrance drew his attention. Looking over he was thankfully surprised to see his mate opposite him; his stance showing his aggression and fear but luckily no injury.

With the knowledge of his mate's safety secured in his mind Even fell back into fear and did the first thing that popped into his head, frantically calling out, "Wait please! Whoever you are, please don't shoot, we're friendly; both of us! We don't mean any harm!"

"Don't mean any bloody harm," a furious and strangely familiar voice screamed back at him, "Don't mean any damn harm you say!? You cheeky little bastard, you've got some nerve to say that to me, you cowardly prick!"

"That voice," Even whispered quietly to himself as the enraged voice continued to spew forth profanities - some of which he'd never even heard of before, "I know that voice. But where... Could it be him?"

Hearing more and more vulgar slander pour from the furious voice, Even quickly risked a look around the opening of the cave and froze in fear when he saw what - or rather who - he'd hoped never to see again. Standing just outside the cave with a crazed look in his eyes, veins bulging in his neck and a huge rifle in his grasp that he swung around madly was the hunter he'd encountered on his first day on the island; a tall tower of enraged muscle by the name of Johnathan Jacobson.

"Oh god no," Even muttered to himself as quickly ducked back around the side of the cave wall, narrowly avoiding an enormous chuck on lead aimed at his skull, "No, it's him. He's back. Oh god is he going to... He's going to kill us! Dammit, there's no way out of here. What do I do? Think, think!"

"What's the matter you cowardly prick," Even heard the hunter scream out in rage, "Don't you want to come out and play!? You could bring that pathetic pair of scale shoes out with you! I promise I'll only make you scream for a while! It's the least I can do for taking my damn leg!"

Even could hear the venom in each word he spat at him and could almost feel the insane rage coming off the hunter as he stuttered and stammered back, "W-Wait, please. L-Look you don't have to do this. We don't want to hurt anyone, we just want to be left in peace and... Wait, what did you mean by take your leg?"

"What did I mean? Hoh hoh, you funny little bastard," the hunter retorted in an insane, grave voice before switching to a much more mocking tone, "What? Didn't your precious little prick tell you!? That piece of shit took my damn leg! Chewed it up real nice he did! Had to get it replaced with a crappy fake one!"

Even could hear the hollow sound of the leg as the hunter banged his rifle against it but despite his best efforts he couldn't even begin to feel sorry for the monster who'd hunted so many animals to line his own pockets.

"Well come on then," the hunter yelled out again suddenly shooting again inside the cave making the bullet ricochet around inside but luckily miss them both, "Are you gonna come out to play!? Or am I gonna have to kill you in your own dirty hovel!?"

"Wait, please," Even called out again in desperation as he heard the hunter's heavy footfalls slowly easing closer, "Isn't there anything we can do to avoid this... senseless bloodshed?"

A loud roar of madding laughter echoed through the air before the hunter replied in a much nastier tone, "No fucking way! Not until I've skinned both you and that worthless pair of shoes!"

"He not a pair of shoes," Even screamed back in rage - much to his own surprise - as the sight of absolute terror in his mate's eyes and the horrible taunts from the hunter stirred something inside him, "He's so much more than just something for you to use to line your pockets with!"

"No, you're right," the hunter replied with a mocking tone before his footfalls became even louder again and his voice filled with even more rage, "With the size of him he'd make at least a matching handbag and belt! And if you hand him over now I might even let you watch as I skin him before I put a bullet in your thick skull!"

Gritting his teeth in unbelievable rage at the insults hurled towards his mate, Even felt his mind quickly piece together a rushed plan that he hoped would allow him to protect the one he so adored. Keeping his breathing quiet and listening for the loud steps of the hunter as he approached ever closer, he quashed his fears and gathered the remaining fragments of his courage to prepare himself for action; he knew he'd only have one shot at this.

"Aw, what's the matter you little shit," the hunter mocked loudly as he stepped closer again, the barrel of his gun almost poking through the mouth of the cave, "No witty comebacks?"

"How about this," Even screamed out as he suddenly dashed around the corner and pounced on the much larger man with rage almost surpassing the hunter's own demented anger.

With the element of surprise on his side and the adrenaline coursing through his body Even crashed into the hunter with enough force to shove him to the ground. Using his momentum to carry him he quickly pressed the gun up against his throat and yelled at him in blind rage, "I won't let you hurt him! I'll never let you hurt anything ever again!"

"You... little," the hunter spluttered underneath him as the gun pushed into his neck hard enough to stop the blood to his brain, "You think you've got this won? You're nothing... nothing but a worthless little prick!"

For a second he thought the hunter's taunts were nothing more than desperate, hollow threats as he continued to bare down on him with the gun when he realized too late where the hunter had positioned his legs. It happened so fast he wasn't even able to even yell out in pain when he felt the hunter's knee dig into his stomach and force the wind from lungs before the hunter used his own momentum to roll over on top of him. The next thing Even knew he was on his back and feeling the hunter's boot collide solidly with his back to force him to roll onto his side as he blinked away his bleary eyes and tried to look up at the hunter. But he instantly regretted his decision and a part of him wished he'd just kept his eyes closed when he found himself suddenly looking not at the hunter's furious eyes but down the barrel of the his rifle.

"You want to help those worthless sacks of scales," the hunter screamed back at him giving another viscous kick to his legs, "Then you can die along with them!"

Time slowed for a moment as he saw the hunter move his finger to the trigger and he felt his life starting to flash before his eyes; every small, worthless activity showing him how dull his life was until he had ventured to the island and met Orpatr.

So you really do see your life,_Even thought in the moment that time seemed to leave him, _How odd. I always thought it was an exaggeration, but here it is. My useless life; now thrown away. I hope only that Patr got away. Please god, if you exist, let him get away!

Barely managing to close his eyes as he felt time begin to pick up again and return to its normal speed Even wished silently for his mate's safety and hoped that his sacrifice would be painless when instead of a gunshot he heard a pained scream. His eyes shot open in time to see the gun fall from the hunter's grip and his mate quickly retreat from behind the hunter with a small chunk of flesh and saw blood dripping down the hunter's only remaining good leg. Without thinking or hesitation he started to rise to his feet and used his upward momentum to shove his shoulder into the bleeding hunter's ribs with enough force to crack at least one and stagger the behemoth backwards, away from his gun.

But the hunter was impossibly strong willed and despite the damage he appeared to have sustained Even could still hear him cursing under his breath and decided to quickly press the assault with a swift follow-up punch to the kidneys that sent the hunter reeling back towards his mate. His lover was seemingly able to read his mind as he positioned himself perfectly and kicked painfully at the hunter back; his sharp toe claw catching on the fabric of his shirt and delivering only a glancing blow. Although the blow didn't cause as much damage as Even knew it could it had managed to shove the hunter back towards him with just the right amount of force that he was able to grab him around the waist and heave him down the incline beside him and into the dense jungle.

But his rage was still fuelling his actions and there was no way he was willing to call it over just yet as he wasted only a moment to check for his mate's safety before he quickly took off after him; skidding down the small hill.

He survived losing a leg, Even thought to himself as he quickly dashed down the incline towards where he'd heaved the hunter, I wouldn't be surprise if he just walked this one off and came looking for us another day. But I won't let him. He's gone too far this far time.

Reaching the bottom of the small 'hill' and seeing the blood trail disappear into the nearby bushes Even steeled his nerves and quickly strode through them to pursue his target.

"Still... after... me," the hunter mocked with a pain tone, "What? Come to finish me off, little... prick?"

"You harm helpless creatures for your own gain," Even snapped back at him, furious at how he could be so injured and still act so arrogant, "You deserve to the same fate you 'bestowed' on all the other creatures you've slaughtered."

"Ha! And who's going to do that," the hunter questioned with a bitter grin on his face, "You? You won't do it. You're too pathetic, too much of a coward! You can't do anything without that pathetic suitcase with you."

Again Even felt his blood boil and a rage burn in his chest as the hunter laughed mockingly at him, seemingly ignoring his injuries and further fuelling his frenzy. Clenching his fists so hard he thought he might break his hands he felt his anger climb to a whole new level and began to stride towards him when he heard a familiar trill from behind him and turned in time to see his mate quickly barrel through the bushes behind him. Even in his enraged state he could hear his mate chirp and trill quickly in desperation to get his attention before shaking his head rapidly and nudging concernedly against his clenched fists.

His anger at the hunter's actions was still in his heart, he knew he would not ever be able to forgive this monster, but seeing the fear and desperation in his mate's eyes stirred something much more powerful in him and, almost against reason, he felt himself beginning to calm down.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I let my rage get the better of me," Even said with a sigh to his mate as he saw his worried eyes and felt his concerned nudges, "I just couldn't let him harm you. But you're right, I can't let him turn me into a murderous monster like him."

"Ha ha ha, you weak little cowards," the hunter called out loudly and snapped them both from their intimate moment, "Look at you two useless weaklings! To listen to that worthless monster, how stupid are you!? I knew you couldn't kill me, you're just too fucking pathetic!"

Gritting his teeth but managing to keep his cool Even retorted, "You're right, I won't kill you. My mate reminded me that I'm no murderer, and I won't become like you. I'll not stain my hands with your dirty blood."

"You fool! I'll come back and kill everything you hold dear," the hunter screamed out at him so angrily he thought he might literally explode, "I'll kill every godforsaken animal on this island. And then I'll make you watch while I slaughter everything you hold dear!"

Biting back a vulgar retort, he smiled back a cunning, knowing smile before saying calmly, "No, I don't think you will. Because even though I'm no murderer and I'll not have your blood on my hands..." Pausing to point behind the hunter he finished, "I don't think _he_feels the same way."

He watched as the hunter turned around quickly with a sneer on his face before bumping into the bottom jaw of the huge Tyrannosaur behind him that regarding the brutal hunter with angry, hungry eyes.

"No way," was all that managed to escape the hunter's lips before the angered reptile opened its huge maw and surrounded him with innumerable razor sharp teeth held fast in an impossibly powerful jaw. A moment later and Even had to turn away from the gruesome sight as powerful jaws closed around the hunter and the sounds of screams and crunching bones filled the air.

=== Present Day ===

Feeling his mate nuzzle comfortingly at his side and trill softly Even returned to reality and looked deep into his mate's intelligent, understanding eyes.

"I know," Even said understanding his mate's silent plea not to blame himself or think back to events already passed, "And you're right I suppose. What's done is done and cannot be undone. No use worrying about it now. Besides, it's not like there's any going back; not now that a Tyrannosaur knows where we live."

He saw his mate give a gentle, understanding nod and Even took a deep breath before letting a smile back onto his face as shook off the residual thoughts of that fateful day.

"Right," he said definitively with a spur in his step, "No time for moping around. We have new home to explore. Come on, I'll race you!"

Giving his mate no time to react except how long it took him to see the confused look on his mate's face, Even sprinted off towards the house as fast as he could and chuckled lightly to himself when he saw his lover easily breeze past him as though he were standing still. He knew he never stood a chance in a race against him - not when his mate had such long, powerful legs - but he couldn't help himself and a good run always seemed to cheer him up.

Reaching the vine covered front of the large cabin a lengthy few seconds after his mate had reached it he couldn't help but smile as his mate stood proudly in front of him with his chest puffed out and a winner's look on his face.

"I don't know, that one was pretty close," Even joked to his lover getting a sceptical trill in response, "Well, okay. Maybe 'pretty close' is an exaggeration, but I'll beat you one day."

He heard his mate retort teasingly with a playful chirp like 'as if' before he laughed again and added, "Come on, let's see what inside. I haven't actually looked in here yet."

Clearing away some of the thick, stubborn vines that had entangled themselves around the door frame Even turned the handle excitedly, eased the door open on its old, squeaky hinges and stepped inside; his mate following behind him.

"Oh, wow," Even exclaimed in surprise as his eyes adjusted to the dim light inside the house and refocused in time to be greeted by what looked like the cabin's luxuriously decorated living room, "This is not what I was expecting at all."

Even had anticipated that the cabin would be either empty or filled with so much old junk that they would have to spent the first few days moving it all outside so they could live safely under cover, but if this room was anything to go by then maybe they wouldn't be chucking out a single thing.

The living room - or at least that what it appeared to be - was filled with a fancy, red sofa, a beautifully carved, pine wood table, a tall bookshelf built into the wall that housed more DVDs than he thought possible to find in one location and an equally exquisite wooden television cabinet complete with a small, box-like TV on its top. The whole room looked like something out of a millionaire's mansion - filled with exquisitely chosen, beautiful furniture placed just right to not steal away the fairly impressive size of the room - but before he could ogle at it for too long his eyes caught sight of the kitchen through the doorway to his right. Ever curious, he followed through into the next room and was again genuinely surprised to see that it was in good condition despite having surely been abandoned for a long while if the vines along the outside were any indication of time.

Somewhere in his mind he wondered if it was at all possible that someone had actually been living here recently - it was in such a good condition - but realizing that he'd seen no-one else during his time on the island he dismissed the thought just as quickly as it arrived. Instead he was content to continue letting his eyes wander over the kitchen and noted that while it was nowhere near as impressive as the living room it was still none too shabby and a welcome sight for his eyes.

The room was considerably smaller than the living room but made up for its lack of space by having everything placed well around the perimeter of the room and up high on the plain, brown walls including some old, wooden cupboards painted a dull shade of red high up near the relatively low ceiling, a small counter-like table on the wall just above hip height, a tiny little sink with a still shiny, chrome faucet and a tiny, almost out-of-place, wood-fuelled stove that sat tucked away in the furthest corner with its chimney reaching up and disappearing into the roof.

That will come in handy,_Even thought to himself as he wandered over and crouched beside the stove to better inspect the cast-iron top, _Should make cooking dinner much easier. No need to worry about the flames burning the meat either. I just hope it still works as it should.

As Even stood back up and prepared to return to the living room, eager to see how his mate was doing and curious to explore more of their new home, he spotted another door hidden in the other corner of the room directly opposite the stove - this one slightly ajar with a broken padlock dangling from its handle .

Wondering what would warrant a padlock on what he assumed would only be a walk-in pantry Even walked carefully over to it and listened quietly for any noises on the other side. When he heard nothing he gently nudged the door open and was surprised to see just how much darker this room was than the others and had to shift himself slightly to allow the natural sunlight from the outside to filter in and illuminate the otherwise pitch black room. He was a little hesitant at first to enter the strange, dark room but felt his curiosity get the better of him as he wandered in carefully and found that the only thing he could see in this room was a dull, worn table, some papers detailing something he didn't care to read about and an odd-looking machine that vaguely reminded him of his father's old generator. From the way the sunlight came in he was barely able to make out a big, red button on top of the machine with the word 'ON' written below it in fading black letters.

Curiosity welled in his mind and before he could stop himself or think about the consequences he quickly raised his hand to the button and pressed down on it without the slightest hesitation. The machine began to make a dull whirring sound followed by some softer thuds that slowly grew in volume and it was only then that Even realized the machine could be dangerous and that playing with something he had no idea about could very well be fatal. He was beginning to wonder if should have left it alone or should begin searching for a way to switch it off when suddenly the machine's whirring got louder again and a harsh light brighter than the afternoon sun's gentle rays erupted behind him.

Covering his eyes and turning to its source he was thankful to find that the bright light in the room was nothing more than the light coming from an exceptionally bright light bulb that swung lazily in the room's centre. Letting his eyes adjust to the intense, artificial light and turning back to the odd machine he was finally able to see its true shape and immediately knew that the machine he'd been so curious about was indeed only a simple, old generator of the exact same make and model his father had had almost 10 years ago; although this one looked like it had been heavily modified. With his curiosity now safely sated and any thoughts of the machine having catastrophic effects now gone from his mind Even realized why exactly this room had been locked away.

On the table he'd seen earlier and all over the floor and walls were numerous research papers denoting almost everything about every kind of dinosaur he had ever heard of - and quite a few he hadn't - ranging from simple things like physical appearance to more intimate knowledge of mating rituals to equations so complex just looking at them made his head hurt and swim with numbers. This room alone was a treasure trove of forbidden knowledge that he was sure scientists and dinosaur fanatics alike would literally kill for if only to get their hands on even a few of these precious documents. And yet all this knowledge - what had to have surely been decades of secret, mind-bogglingly complex work - that had once been so carefully stored in this safe room was now haphazardly strewn across the ground on pieces of silverfish riddled, yellowing paper. Had he understood any of the complex scientific jargon and impossible equations Even might have been tempted to salvage some remnant of lost knowledge, but as it stood he was more interesting in checking up with his mate and seeing if the generator would supply power to more than just this room.

Carefully making his way back to the kitchen and leaving the door to the hidden room slightly ajar he noticed that the light in the kitchen was also on and could hear the loud sound of TV static echoing from the living room. Moving towards the other room he switched off the kitchen light and carefully stuck his head around the corner to spy the static on the screen of the old TV but noticed his mate was nowhere in sight. Walking in and turning the TV off to silence its infernal noise he was about to call out to lover and see where he'd run off to when he heard a different, trill-growl echo down the hallway that backed onto the living room.

Even had never heard such an odd sound before but he knew from the voice that it belonged to his mate and quickly began striding down the hallway after the source of the noise; not entirely sure if it was good or bad. As he reached halfway down the corridor he was greeted with another door that looked like it lead to a fairly expansive bathroom - complete with a large shower and bathtub - but he wasn't able to inspect it for very long as another growl-like trill bounced down the hallway and into his ears. Following the sounds to the open door at the hallway's end he carefully pushed it open a little further and peered inside the room curiously before a gentle, cheerful smile plastered itself on his face.

Laying on the bed with a smile of absolute relaxation on his scaly maw was Orpatr who shifted slightly on top of the bedsheets and let out another growling trill as he pushed his head further into the plush-looking pillows.

"Sounds like someone's having fun," Even commented happily as he walked slowly towards his mate who looked up at him with a smile so big and trilled so gleeful it was almost comical, "Comfy is it?"

Instantly he saw his mate nod back quickly and roll himself onto his side to make room for him as he rubbed into the sheets again and purred loudly. Deciding to see if it really was as good as his mate made out he carefully pressed his hand into the soft fabric and could instantly see why his mate was trilling so loudly.

The material was so incredibly soft and fine that to call it silky smooth would have been an insult for it was so much better than anything silk could ever hope to offer. He had no idea what the actual fabric was and truthfully he couldn't find it in his mind to concentrate long enough to care as every moment he spent touching it just made him want to lay down on it and never get up. And that was to say nothing of the rich, vibrant ruby and sleek, sapphire trimmings that coloured the blanket or the beautiful emerald colour of the plush bed underneath it and flawless amethyst colour of the pillows that made it a beauty to see as well as to feel.

Succumbing to the urge to lie down on it Even quickly climbed onto the bed beside his lover and fell back into it with a resounding sound of bliss escaping his lips; his legs comfortably dangling over the side.

"Oh, yeah. This is so much better than the ground," he said out loud as the softness eased his tired muscles and worked away pains he didn't even know he had, "What do you think, good enough for a new bed?"

He turned to his mate and again saw him nod happily and coo out blissfully before his mate eased himself over and nuzzled lovingly against his vulnerable neck.

Suppressing a laugh as his mate's scales tickled his flesh he arched his chin higher to allow him easier access to his throat and hummed lightly under his simple, yet pleasurable touch. As his mate pulled back Even lowered his chin and quickly placed a passionate his on his lover's scaly nose earning him a soft coo and another loving nuzzle - this time to his chest.

"Hey, that tickles," Even said cheerfully as he felt his mate's powerful head press gently into his chest and nuzzle again against him, "What's up with you? You seem very... ooh."

Feeling a familiar, scaly appendage press against his crotch Even looked down quickly and spied his mate's nimble tail as it brushed teasingly over his crotch with just enough force to stimulate the member trapped inside his pants.

"Someone seems very... forward today," Even said with a blush as he drew his gaze back up to his mate's eyes and saw the lust burning in them, "But you, oh, you know I can never say no."

Hearing his mate coo lewdly and feeling the teasing appendage slowly withdraw from his needy crotch he added, "Mm, wouldn't want to keep you waiting. Let me just change into something a bit more... revealing."

With a blush on his face and his mate shifting eagerly beside him he quickly sat up and prepared to move off the bed so he could dispose of his clothes and reveal himself completely to his mate when he suddenly found his lover's powerful legs in front of him.

"H-Hey, what's the matter," Even began to ask as he tried to work out why his mate had stopped him from standing before he saw a heavy blush on his face and a cunning, mischievous glint in his eyes that he'd seen only once before.

I know that look,_he thought quietly to himself with a small smile on his face, _The last time he gave me that look was when he showed me he wanted me to... 'play' with his slit. I wonder then...

"Come on, love. I know that look," he began with a slight tinge of excitement in his voice and a blush in his cheeks, "What have you got planned today, you sexy raptor?"

His gentle tease of a question didn't go unanswered for long as his dominant lover cooed softly and carefully shifted himself around until his muscular feet rested mere centimetres in front of Even's curious gaze; toes wiggling playfully in front of him and a soft hum emanating from his lusty lover's scaly chest.

"Your feet," Even asked curiously as he wondered if his mate wanted him to do exactly what he thought he wanted him to do, " Do you want me to... play with your feet?"

Such a question was not one he'd actually expected to ever ask in his life even though it was secretly his most desired fetish for he'd seen how others had reacted to the mere thought of footplay and was a little concerned about the reaction he himself might get. But when he heard a lusty, loving growl of confirmation emanate from his mate followed by a soothing, needy coo he couldn't help but sigh out in relief and smile softly.

"You really are such a naughty raptor, you know? Into all sorts of lustful things," he said submissively with a heavy blush burning in his cheeks as his hands carefully moved to the scaly sides of his mate's right foot earning a pleased coo of agreement from him, "But I have to admit, I've always wanted to try this. And... I'm glad I'm trying it with you."

Gently wrapping his hands around the sides of the scaly appendage Even smiled happily as he heard his mate purr softly and felt his muscles flex slowly in his grasp in anticipation. He gave a light, experimental squeeze to the slowly flexing muscles and wasn't disappointed when he heard his lover coo back pleased and press his foot a little harder into his untrained but ever willing hands silently asking for more and at the same time showing him he didn't need to worry about pressing too hard into his strong yet soft scales. Taking the subtle hint and hearing an encouraging coo he shifted his grip until his thumbs were at the centre of his lover's foot and without hesitation squeezed tightly around the appendage until he could feel the muscles underneath his malleable scales shifting against his palms and thumbs and seemingly giving back as good as they received.

That harder squeeze made his raptor mate trill out loudly in bliss and rest his head back against the soft fabric of the bed as Even let his grip hold for a moment longer before quickly releasing it moving slightly further up and clamping down on the foot again earning yet another pleased trill.

Wow, his muscles are so tense, Even thought quietly to himself as he felt the toned foot's strong muscles shift and unwind under his grip with every squeeze he gave, No wonder he needed a nice, strong squeeze to help him unwind. Mm, and I'm so glad I could be the one to help him do so. Such beautiful feet and such malleable scales; so strong yet so soft. Wonderful.

With the thought of his lover's shifting muscles and beautifully toned feet still in his mind he felt a second wind wash over him and new ideas and ways to please his mate and untangle the mess of knotted muscles in the feet enter his mind.

Giving another powerful squeeze to the top of his mate's foot and maintaining his grip while his hands slowly slide down the sides and his thumbs pressed into the centre of his sole he heard his mate purr louder and felt the muscles twitch so vigorously that he couldn't help but notice how his toes flexed and wiggled playfully above him. And that was exactly what he'd hoped for. Loosening his grip as he reached the bottom he let the muscles begin to relax in his grip as he slowly climbed back to the now still toes and with one quick movement gently wrapped his hands around them and gave a softer but still firm squeeze on the more vulnerable flesh. His mate's excited growl of pleasure at the unexpected massage filled his ears and he felt the smaller but equally strong muscles twitch in his palm and the toes try eagerly to flex and spasm in his grip.

A gentle trill drew his attention to his mate's face where he saw the pleasure and curiosity mix in equal parts in his gaze causing Even to blush slightly and say, "Couldn't just do a half job. I needed to make sure I massaged all your muscles."

That answer was seemingly exactly what his mate was hoping for as he felt his lover gingerly spread his toes wider and wriggle them playfully in front of his gaze to try and coax him into gently playing with the even softer flesh between his toes. Even quickly took the hint as he rubbed his fingers over the incredibly tender flesh and up the sides of each wriggling appendage - his fingers interlocking with his mates toes - while his palms continued to rub softly over the ball of his foot and squeeze a little more lightly at his limber, thoroughly relaxed muscles.

The more tender muscle surrounding the toes was so different to the stronger flesh he'd felt flexing against his palms only moments earlier and felt oddly soothing and almost like he was being lulled into a stasis as his mind slowed to listen only the sounds of his mate and his hands moved of there own accord; pressing into every key pressure point like he somehow knew exactly where to touch. It was only in this stasis with his other senses so dulled the he was finally able to pick up on the unmistakable, irresistible, spicy-salty smell of his lover's musk that doused the air so thick he was amazed he hadn't managed to pick up on it earlier. Leaning slowly to one side so he could see around the tantalising foot in front of him he was greeting with a sight he wasn't sure if he'd see with only a simple massage. Yet there in front of him was his lover's large, slick raptor shaft jutting proudly into the air and quivering slightly as it leaked pre-cum freely from it's slightly pointed, slightly blunt tip that dribbled lazily down over the shaft's spines before finally coming to a rest in the small pool of slick pre forming on his mate's stomach.

Even was almost unable to stop himself from moaning out in bliss as the sight made his crotch ache with need and made him want to simply abandon his lover's foot in favour of throwing off his clothes and riding on his girth with his mate's slit slapping loudly against his well-used back entrance until he felt himself being filled up with potent, ever-fertile raptor spunk. But he'd come this far and still had so much more he wanted to try before the day was up. Although it was difficult, Even forced his eyes from the spire and shut away his own needs before redirecting his attention to the other, untouched foot.

"Can't just do things by half measures," Even said lustfully as he slowly and carefully loosened his fingers from his mate's still flexing toes and placed the first foot back onto the soft bedding earning a needy purr from his lover, "I've been so disrespectful to ignore your other immaculate foot for so long. I hope I can make it up to you."

Smiling slyly he carefully picked up the other foot and wrapped his hands around its sides before squeezing it firmly like he'd done with the other foot to loosen the knotted, tense muscles underneath the sleek scales. This time though Even had something a little more playful in mind and wasted only a fleeting few seconds to play with his delicate flesh and malleable scales before his hands drifted further up and gently wrapped around his cute, flexing toes. Hearing the growl-like purrs of ecstasy above him and feeling his fingers rub playfully over the toes as they wiggled teasingly into his gentle strokes for more Even finally decided he couldn't hold back any longer and quickly leant forward until his lips pressed softly against the scales on the ball of his mate's beautiful foot.

He heard his mate chirp out excitedly at his sudden movement but gave no time for him to respond before his tongue quickly darted out past his lips and lapped lovingly at the scales underneath, following up the natural curve of the foot and finally coming to a rest at the top of his middle toe. From his new position he was barely able to see the look of awe and ecstasy in his mate's eyes as he paused for just a moment before pulling his tongue away, kissing another toe and then licking tantalisingly slowly back down to where he'd started. The new sounds his mate was making made him smile lustfully - the sounds like a purr that had caught in his throat only to be finished as a moan of need - and spurred on his love for something so naughty and intimate as he placed another two, much more passionate kisses on his foot before changing tactics and suddenly rising up and placing a new kiss on the top of each toe; ever wary of the large, sharp claw on his mate's biggest toe.

Each kiss was incredible; the feeling almost intoxicating. The texture of the sturdy, immaculate scales against his softer lips combined with the way the muscles twitched and shifted beneath them was truly indescribable. He always knew he'd love to give footplay a chance and had convinced himself of its wonders but never could he have imaged just how wonderful it felt to have those scales pressed so close to his lips or how good it felt to have his tongue run over the clean, perfect scales that provided just the right amount of resistance before they gave way to even more sleek, wonderfully delicious scales. Truly words would never be able to describe just how amazing it felt to do something so naughty with the love of his life.

A sudden sharp hiss drew Even from his daydream-like trance as he quickly kissed back up his foot and continued to lap slowly at the top of his small toe while he checked what had caused his mate to hiss so suddenly. One look at the viscous liquid leaking from his mate's thick breeding tool and dribbling down his crimson spire into the overflowing pool of pre-cum on his crotch told him all he needed to know and simultaneously warned him of how close he was to finally pushing his mate over the edge he teetered on. With a cunning smile and a quiet hum Even stopped his gentle lapping for just a moment before lowering his head a little further, suddenly straightening his tongue like an arrow and pushing it quickly in between his lover's toes.

Instantly he felt the toes squeeze around his nimble organ and a loud yowl erupt from his mate as he felt the muscles on either side ripple and spasm wildly like they were trying to milk his tongue but still held on with enough force that he couldn't manage to free himself. And he soon discovered just why his mate's muscles had suddenly locked up and trapped his writhing organ between his strong toes as the position he was in offered him a perfect view of his mate's spire as it quivered and pulsed rapidly before a huge torrent of sticky, white raptor cream spewed forth from its tip and into the air.

Even watched as the seed arced high above his mate before suddenly crashing back down onto his sleek stomach scales with a resoundingly lewd splat that painted them a sultry, pearly white for a brief moment before his thick semen dribbled off his scales and onto the pre-cum-stained bedsheets beneath him. But even before his lover's first load had time to sink into the sheets he heard him yowl out again and Even saw his spire continue to twitch as another equally heavy load burst forth followed soon after by another two successive pulses of thick seed that arced a little lower and splashed over his groin; mixing with the pre-cum pooled just above his slit like a musky cocktail.

The whole scene was so lewd and so good Even couldn't will himself to look away and couldn't help the blush that burned in his cheeks and grew stronger every time he inhaled the spicy, musky air. He loved how sultry his mate looked covered in his own fertile spunk with his huge, crimson member jutting proudly into the air and a look of blissful relief in his eyes. But even though every lewd sight and musky smell only heightened his own arousal and made his crotch burn with need Even felt something different stir in him. It was strange but what he felt was not the desire for release, but the desire to thank his mate for allowing him to play out his most adored fetish and for allowing him to bring him to orgasm with it; even if he hadn't managed to try out every lewd idea in his mind.

No sooner had the thought of thanks entered his mind than he felt the muscles clamping around his tongue begin to loosen enough to let him free. Pulling away slowly and letting his tongue drift back into his maw he carefully shifted his weight and laid down his panted mate before quietly asking, "So, how was it?"

The answer that came from his mate was a slow, fatigued mix of loving hisses, thankful trills and gentle nuzzles that filled his heart to bursting with joy.

Feeling his mate nuzzle particularly strongly against his chest and trill softly in even greater thanks Even blushed slightly and replied, "I'm glad you liked it. But I should be thanking you."

He saw his mate's half curious, questioning gaze meet his own as he continued honestly, "Well, like I said. I always wanted to try something like this but I never told anyone before - not even you - because I was so worried what you'd think. And yet now... It's just... God you're so amazing."

He heard his mate trill back slyly in agreement with a small smirk on his face and chuckled back at his reaction when he heard another more serious trill come from his mate and a slightly harder nuzzle to his stomach.

Turning his gaze down a little further and seeing his mate tiredly regard the tent in his trousers and trill again as his sleepy lover attempted to shift his normally agile but now sluggish tail to his crotch he gently placed his hands around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"It's alright, you don't have to worry about that," he said with a small tone of disappointment hidden under the love in his voice, "You've had one heck of a day today. Travelling all the way to our new home, discovering the bed and... showing me the fun we can have in it."

His last words drew a slight smirk from his lover as he finished with, "So don't worry, I can wait. You get your rest for now."

But again another concerned coo echoed from his mate that he instantly understood as a way to ask if he was truly sure. There was no need for him to even think about his answer as he smiled contently and nodded slowly before hugging his neck tighter, placing a kiss on his nose and whispering back, "I can wait. Don't worry."

That seemed to be the only reassurance his mate needed as he carefully licked at Even's lips in a quick but loving kiss and placed his head above Even's own before the call of sleep dragged him away.

Even watched for a few brief moments as his mate's soft pants gradually slowed to a gentle snore and his body curled protectively around him like it always did when they slept together. Although he'd have loved to relieve the pressure on his crotch before cuddling up with his mate and drifting off to sleep, he was more concerned about his mate and seeing how hard it was for him to even keep his eyes open he knew it wouldn't have been right to ask for something so selfish.

"Besides, who knows what tomorrow holds," Even muttered quietly to himself with a sly smile on his face, "Every day I'm with him I'm learning and experiencing so much more than ever before. So I can wait, because as long as I'm with him I'm happy. He's all I need."

The words sounded strange to him as they passed his lips but he knew them to be true. As long as he was with his mate, nothing else mattered.

That was all he needed to face the surprises of tomorrow.