An Unexpected Pleasure

Story by Rifty on SoFurry

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Rift has no idea what Kara's latest fetish will have in store for him. My first lemon.

Please be gentle senpai, it's my first time. I swore that I would never write a lemon until I lost my virginity. Well screw it! This story involves an unexpected turn of events between my OC's Rift and Kara as they decide to spice up their sex life. I apologize in advance if it seems like I don't know what I'm doing, because I don't. All I have is the four plus years of lemon "reading". I hope you all enjoy my sick, twisted lemon.

Morning rose as Rift awoke to the sound of birds chirping, and the sun radiating off his scales as he stands up to stretch. The 21 year old fire guardian yawn as his staggering wears off. Although slightly shorter than his mate, Rift had a stockier build that put even Spyro to shame. His orange scales were accompanied by chrome horns, tail spade, and underbelly. The only imperfection on him was a scar on his chest, caused by his now deceased rival's tail spade.

Looking around for his mate, Rift could only sigh in defeat. 'She never gets up before I do.' Taking a deep breath, He can't help but shudder, her scent still filling the room, and raising his arousal. Shaking his head, Rift leaves his chambers in search of his mate.

Kara walked through the middle of the shopping center of Warfang. Shops of every kind as far as the eye could see. Her pearl white scales easily caught the attention of the former Terror of the Skies, Cynder.

"Well I'll be, I can't believe the heavy sleeper is awake this early."

"Oh, hello Cynder, what's up?"

"I'm just getting food for Spyro and I. What brings you here this time of day?"

Kara's face went deep red.

"Well I-I'm j-just l-looking for s-something to... spice up mine and Rift's alone time."

"Is he getting boring? Or is he having issues getting it up?"

"NEITHER!" Kara went quiet "He performs more than amazing thank you. We have this thing where once a week, one of us can live a fantasy of ours. Last week, Rift chose to... pleasure me with his tail."

"You seemed to have enjoyed it."

"I did, a lot."

"I can tell, you're dripping"

Kara squeaked in horror

"I'm sorry"

Cynder laughed

"Don't worry about it, you think it hasn't happened to me after a night with Spyro? So what are you doing for your night?"

Kara whispers as Cynder stands in shock.

"So, what do you think?"

"Just don't tell him until it happens. He would do just about anything for you, but I think that is too much for his pride to handle. In this case, it's definitely better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission."

"Alright, any Idea where I can get some?"

Cynder led Kara to a nearby shop...

With a long day as fire guardian over, Rift slumped to his bed in exhaustion. Renewing a truce with the cheetahs and dragons became problematic thanks to the always complaining Chief Prowlus. It would have never ended if not for Rift threatening to bite his head off. Hearing a noise behind him, Rift turns his head to see his lovely mate seductively moving towards him.

"My, have I told you recently how beautiful you are?"

"There's never a moment you don't, but go on."

"Words can't describe the goddess that stands before me."

"Then let your actions speak."

Kara pulls Rift into a passionate kiss, her scent immediately leading Rift's tip to emerge. Kara climbs on top of him and grinds, letting loose Rift's twelve inch chrome shaft. He groaned, trying to buck himself into her, but Kara wouldn't allow it.

"Rifty, don't you remember that it's my day?"

"What do you have in mind, m'lady?"

"It's a surprise"

"As you wish"

Rift groans in pleasure as Kara continues to grind against him. Reaching over to a table, she grabs a mysterious bottle and pops the top, pouring the bottle's contents into her paw. Moving back, she wraps the paw around Rift's shaft and begins stroking up and down. Rift lets out a loud roar as the liquid quickly takes effect.

"Now that that's taken care of, I can tell you what it is."

Kara pours more liquid into her paw and rubs it into her needy vent.

"Ohh... since you pleasure me so well, I wanted to share it with you, ahh..."

Rift becomes startled at this comment and discovers that his body is no longer as muscular, but feminine. He also finds that his once proud spire was quickly shrinking.

"This is a potion that shifts gender. When males shift, they completely take the form of a dragoness. But when a female shifts, they simply obtain male reproductive organs."

Startled, Rift lets out a feminine gasp, as his shaft and orbs shift into a needy female vent. With a growl a fourteen inch penis emerges from Kara's vent, completely amazing the now heat ridden Rift.

"Well my little Rifty, do you like what you see?"

"You always have to out-do me, don't you?"

"I dont know, you tell me."

Kara grinds her shaft against Rift's vent, making him chirp in pleasure.

"You know you want it. All you have to do is admit it, let go of that pride you don't need currently."

"p-please..." Rift was fighting an internal struggle with his pride. One small buck from Kara made his decision.

"P-please, fuck me like the dragoness you made me. Make me scream!"

Kara gave him a huge grin and pulled him into an intense kiss. At the same moment, Kara's shaft slowly forced it's way into Rift's dripping vent. Barely three inches in, and Rift was feeling the effects.

"Oh my god! It's huge."

Kara stops as her shafts hit a barrier. She waits a moment and looks at Rift.

"Are you ready?"

"Do it, make me your bitch!"

Kara shoves forward, shredding every bit of Rift's feminine virginity. His screams of pain are quickly replaced be groans of delight, half of Kara's shaft worked into his tight hole.

"Ugh, so huge!"

"Fuck! So tight!"

His vent working overtime, Rift's juices assisting Kara in reaching further into him, her shaft buried three quarters into him. Thrusting stopped as Kara reached a new barrier, Rift's cervix.

"Rift, it's your choice."

"Ughh! Please put it in, knot me like a true dragon."

Kara kissed him and forced her shaft into his womb, making a visible lump in his stomach. She begins thrusting faster and faster, knowing that neither would last much longer. With a squeal of delight, Rift loses himself to his first female orgasm. His vent, squeezing down on her, becomes too much as she thrusts one last time, knotting him and filling his womb with gushing hot seed, bringing Rift to a second orgasm. Panting in exhaustion, both fall asleep in content.

Hours pass and both stir from their slumber, Kara's shaft retreating to her vent, leaving Rift filled to the brim with her seed. The both smile and kiss before Rift questions her.

"Umm, when is the potion supposed to wear off?"

"It should have worn off after your last orgasm..." Her eyes widen as she quickly snatches the bottle looking terrified.

"Should the newly shifted male ejaculate into a newly shifted female in heat, the female will become gravid with offspring and the effects of the potion will be... permanent"

Tears fell from Rift's face and Kara became heartbroken.

"T-there's n-no w-way..."

Kara pulled him into an embrace.

"We'll figure something out, we always do."