Beneath the Surface IV

Story by Phoenix on SoFurry

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#4 of The Young Fox Chronicles

Hello again, everyone! I have to say, I was disappointed at the lack of comments placed on my last piece of this series, but I had quite a few emails, and not to mention a very good new friend come from the creation of part three. Although I am very happy for that, I really like those comments! Keep'em coming; just a few lines mean a lot to a writer concerning the appreciation for his work.

Now that that's out of the way, onto something else. If you're just now picking up this series, I strongly suggest you read parts one through three, because this one obviously continues on with that. You will miss a great deal of character development by not doing so. This is, of course, a m/m story, and if you're not into that sort of thing or you're under age (as if this is going to stop you if you're already here), then don't read it. There ya go, you've been warned. Now, on with the story!

My gift to my public. Enjoy.

The rain made for horrible driving conditions for the mother fox and her son as they drove along the highway, desperately trying to get home without sliding into a ditch. The windshield wipers furiously kept the rain from blinding their sight, but their efforts were sadly in vain; the rain was far too heavy to hold back.

"Well, look at it this way." Began the son in the passenger's seat. "At least I get to spend the rest of my 21st birthday with you, mom."

His mother smiled as she glanced over at him. "Well, that's true. I just feel sorry for you, though? I mean, what 21 year old man wants to spend one of the most important birthdays in his life with his mother?" She explained, laughing softly. "I understand, honey."

"Don't talk like that!" He replied, smiling. "Besides; you're the only woman in my life that I always know'll be there." He patted her on the hand, and she held his in return, squeezing it tightly.

She looked over at him. "I love you, son."

"I know." He replied, continuing to hold her hand. "And I love y-"

The car passing their own suddenly went out of control on the slick streets, crossed the line, and hit the small mustang head on. The sound of the tearing of metal was almost unbearable as the vehicle began to roll uncontrollably, and the fox found it hard to distinguish a sense of balance. Finally, as the car struck a rock on its roll downward, he was thrown from the car, hitting his back very harshly. The car stopped on its top inches from himself. He whimpered in pain as he attempted to raise himself up, but he found that he could not gain control of his legs, the rain beating hard against his body. Immediately, he realized that his mother was not in view. Was she thrown out of the car? Was she trapped, or could she even be ??

"No!" He told himself. "Don't even think that!" Crawling across the hard ground, he reached for the door handle, but as he extended his right paw for the switch, all consciousness was stripped away from himself. The grass felt good against his face as he let himself go, and as he closed his eyes, he only hoped that he, along with his mother, would be found.

Everything turned to black?

Although his eyes remained closed, he awoke. Obviously he was in a bed of some sort; the sheets were soft, and so was the pillow supporting his neck. He could have sworn that he felt an IV in his right wrist, and a steady, rhythmic beeping noise gracefully whispered into his ears from afar. As he opened his eyes, the assumptions of his position was clarified.

He was in a hospital.

"Tyler? Tyler, are you awake?"

Now, that was a voice he hadn't heard in a very long time. He turned his head in the direction that the voice had came from, and just as he had suspected, it was him.

He was as handsome as he ever was: a tall, broad-shouldered husky, his fur beautiful shades of deep silver and white, and ice blue eyes that would stare right through you. He wore a black Adidas hoodie with a pair of dark blue jean pants, and a pillow and blanket that dressed the chair behind him suggested that he had been here a while. As to why this old acquaintance was here, Ty had no idea, but it was nice to see an old friend any time. Still a bit dazed, and still feeling terrible due to the circumstance at hand, he flat out asked him. "Why are you here?"

The husky walked over beside him, went to his knees, and rested his arms under his own muzzle. "Wouldn't you do the same if you heard that a friend you haven't seen in four years turns up in the hospital?" He asked with a smile. "A friend of mine, who happened to be an EMT, brought you up in a conversation we were having at lunch yesterday."

The fox's head suddenly began to throb, and me moaned out in pain as he pinched the bridge of his muzzle and squinted his eyes shut. "God?" In the middle of all this, something terrifying jutted through his head, causing him to raise his upper body up, exposing his bare chest, though he cared little. His eyes wide with fear, he turned to his friend. "Weston? where's mom?"

"I?" The husky bowed his head with a sigh. "Ty, she? she's?" His voice began to quiver as he once again stared into the young fox's eyes. "There was? nothing they could have done. She was?" He tried to choose his words wisely, but it sounded the same either way. "?gone before they could get to her."

Ty sat, frozen in fear and disbelief as the world came crashing down onto him without mercy. He didn't cry, he didn't scream; he stood there, frozen.

"Tyler, I'm so sorry?" The fox shook his head faintly, his lower jaw quivering. He mouthed the word, "no" several times, his fear stricken eyes never returning to normal. Weston gently touched his arm.

Without notice, Ty became hysterical. He shoved Weston away, leapt from the bed, ripping the IV straight from his arm as he took a harsh fall to the floor, once again finding very little strength in his legs. Weston immediately picked him up, even as hard as Ty at first pushed him away, until the fox collapsed in his arms, crying hysterically, screaming "no". He buried his muzzle into the husky's chest, and, for the next half our, did nothing but weep in this same state.

Everyone that Ty, along with his mother, had ever known, was there on that day. They all were dressed in black, as was expected at such an occasion, most with umbrellas that helped to keep away the afternoon shower. The sky fit the mood perfectly: dark grey, so grey that the sun was very well hidden, and though it was only in the middle of the day, it seemed as if it were dusk. Many cried, while others stood in saddening silence, but Ty was unlike any other. The closest one to the coffin, being the closest one to her family, he looked forward blankly, showing no expression whatsoever. The funeral seemed to do nothing for him.

After she was lowered into the grave, the group immediately made their way to the fox, telling them how sorry they were, and if he needed anything, all he needed to do was call. He cared little; nothing mattered, now, and his newfound view on life showed it. Still, though, he kept his emotions inside of himself, and before he knew it, the funeral had come to an end.

As Ty made his way back to his truck, he was stopped by his father, who blocked his way as he approached him. His expression was one of feint sadness; it was obvious that he was not nearly as torn up on the inside as was his son. "She was a wonderful person."

The fox snapped.

"What the HELL would you know about what type of person she was?!" Ty yelled as she shoved his father. The older fur only stared at him with angry eyes. "You shouldn't even have the right to BE here, you bastard!"

"Shut your mouth, boy!" He replied with a loud yell as people began to look at the two with surprise.

Ty didn't care; everyone thought that his father was such a nice person. He was so funny and so full of life. "You were the one who cheated on her all those years before she left you, and I was the one that got stuck covering up for YOUR unfaithfulness, because you made me feel like it would be my fault if the marriage didn't last!" The people began to whisper amongst themselves, though the fox didn't hear them. He began to calm himself, breathing heavily. "Go to hell, dad."

"Tyler?" Said Weston softly as he came up behind his friend, placing his hand upon his shoulder. "C'mon, you can come home with me.."

The fox continued to stand, locked in a gaze with his father, until the older fox turned his back, mumbling things that were best kept unheard. His heart beat was going what seemed like a thousand beats per minute, but he began to calm when he heard the voice of his friend. He turned around with a look of exhaustion, nodded, and the two left the cemetery.

The car trip was a quiet one, Ty having nothing to say, and Weston not knowing what to say at this point. The fox sat with his elbow propped on the arm rest as he stared out the window, a blank expression upon his face. Weston hated to see his friend like this. "Tell me what's on your mind, Ty." He stated, more of a command than a request.

"You don't care." Hissed back the fox.

"I'm telling you to tell me." His tone was very unfriendly, to say the least.

There was a very gloomy silence that followed. Eventually, Ty replied, but with hesitation. "?I don't have anyone anymore." He replied, doing everything possible to hold back tears.

"Lies." Replied Weston, never looking towards him. "You have me? You've always had me, and you know it."

Ty shook his head. "It's not that simple?"

"And why isn't it?"

"Because you know how I feel about you!" He yelled back, quickly catching himself in his anger and immediately turning back to the window.

Weston sighed. "I told you I'd never ask you to do anything you didn't want to, Ty. You said you weren't going to give into temptation, so I accepted that." The fox huffed. "You never once visited me after the week you spent at my place. You just acted like I didn't exist, and even though as sad as that made me, I let it go. You're my friend, and that's what friends do, Ty. They forgive each other." He waited for a reply, but there wasn't one. "I'm sorry I kissed you. I'm sorry I made you feel that way four years ago."

"It's not your fault it bothers me." Replied the fox, closing his eyes. "It's my own problem; you have nothing to do with it." He explained, sighing. "I just couldn't live with myself if I acted the way I felt." He laid his head against the cold glass, feeling the coolness on his cheek. "I mean?what would mom think of me?"

"Your mother would have loved you for who you were?" Replied Weston. "She would have had a bigger problem with you lying to yourself about who you are."

They pulled into the driveway and entered the apartment, where Ty immediately laid down on the couch and Weston took a seat in his recliner. He stared at the fox as he rested. "Why don't you live with me? We could split the rent, and I could handle the rest." He began to explain the benefits of moving in to the fox rather nervously, as if he were afraid he'd say no.

"Yes." Replied the fox, interrupting Weston in his speech. "I will."

Weston was, to say the least, surprised. "Y?you will?" He asked, blinking nervously. "Alright, then." A smile came over his muzzle as he leaned back in the recliner. "Everything's gonna be alright, okay? I promise."

Ty nodded, and, for the first time since what seemed like forever, a tiny glimmer of hope was born within his soul. Maybe things really would be alright?


The door to the apartment swung open. "In the kitchen." Yelled Weston. The fox removed his sunglasses, placed them on the living room table, set his backpack on the couch, and went to the source of the voice. He smiled as he leaned up against the doorframe, watching the husky make dinner. He was cutting up pieces of what looked like chicken; knowing Weston, it was definitely going to be something great. "So, how was school, Mr. College student?" Asked the husky with a smile.

Ty shrugged with a smile, and continued to watch this beautiful dog make dinner. He truly loved everything about him.

Weston caught him looking, and smirked, embarrassed. "What?" he asked with a chuckle. "What are you looking at?"

He padded straight up to the wolf and hugged him tightly, causing the husky's eyes to grow wide with surprise. After the initial shock was over, he hugged back, resting his muzzle on the fox's shoulder. "It's been a tough three months for me."

Weston nodded his head. "I know."

"I just wanted to thank you for being there? You cared for me, when nobody else did." Continuing to hold onto him tightly, he spoke. "I thought that when my mom died, my life would be over; I had nobody. But, thanks to you, I have a reason to live again."

Weston thought that he would cry. "I?well, Ty, I?" He tried to speak, but the nervousness wouldn't allow it. He sighed as he pulled back. "I just want you to be happy, Ty. I want to be there for you."

They stood there, muzzles inches apart, as they stared into each other's eyes. As they did so, Ty remembered everything, in great detail, about their first kiss those four long years ago. He pictured himself wrapped in his lover's arms in a sweet embrace, and for the first time since then, wanted it. Biting his lip, he did what he knew he had to do.

He walked away.

In the shower that night, Ty fiercely contemplated over the feelings that he and Weston once shared. He remembered so easily the way Weston's large muzzle felt against his own, and how his muscular body felt as he traced his paws over them. He leaned his back against the shower wall as he allowed the water to soak his fur as he stared up at the ceiling. "Why are the feelings coming back?" He asked himself. "Just when I thought I had them under control, and everything was fine?" He sighed. "I suppose this'll never change."

And right then, right there, it happened.

He decided he was no longer going to lie to himself. No longer would he hide the feelings that he shared for this husky because of the way people would look upon them; he didn't care. He lived his life for himself, and he wouldn't allow anyone else to tell him the way he should live it. He loved Weston, and there was nothing wrong with showing that love. The torment of keeping it all inside would never keep him away from happiness, for he would simply not allow it.

The door to the bathroom opened, and Ty emerged, a towel wrapped around his waist. He exited the bedroom and approached an unsuspecting Weston, who happened to have his head buried in his closet. "Weston, can you come here for a second? I need to-" He turned around to find Ty, inches away from his muzzle. "Tyler?"

"Kiss me."

The embrace was exactly how he remembered it four years ago. The warm sensation of Weston's body against his own was the best feeling he had ever experienced in his life. They wrapped their arms around one another so sweetly and passionately, and they broke away only to breath as they did so. Tyler broke away to speak as he began kissing his lover's neck. "I knew you felt the same." He whispered.

Weston rubbed the side of his head against Ty's neck. "I didn't want to scare you off." He whispered back. "Ty, I never stopped loving you."

"I know?" Weston leaned Ty against a wall, and they once again embraced one another. "Weston, I want you.."

The husky pulled back with confused eyes. "But?but, are you??"

With certain eyes, Ty nodded. "I'm sure I'm ready, Weston. I love you with all of my heart, and I want to show you that?"

Weston smiled so sweetly that it made Ty want to cry. It was evident that the love that they shared was pure; there was no doubt about it. "Alright." He said with a smile as he flicked the lights off and led Ty to the bed, seating him on the side. He walked up next to him, and they began to kiss once again. Ty slid his paws up his lover's legs, and then tugged at his shirt, which he pulled over his head and threw it to the ground. He placed one paw on the husky's firm, white chest, and then placed both arms around his neck as Weston gently pushed him onto his back. Leaning down to his ear, he whispered. "If you don't like something, I want you to tell me, okay?" The nervous fox nodded as his huge, blue eyes stared up into his lover's. His heart began to beat extremely fast as he watched Weston unbutton his pants, and then slide them off of himself. Now all that was left of his clothing were his boxers. "Go ahead." He whispered as he raised up completely, smiling sweetly.

Nervously, Ty placed a paw on the husky's hip, and slid a finger inside the expandable strap. Taking a deep gulp, he slid them down until they were at his knees, and he immediately blushed when he saw the size of his lover's member for the first time. He was much larger than himself, but he knew that mattered very little. This relationship was not based on physical attraction alone. "You like?" He asked with a quiet chuckle, by which Ty replied with a nervous nod and grin. Weston then slid a paw from the fox's chest down to his belly button, sending a shiver through Ty's spine. His heart beat faster and faster as his nervousness increased. "May I?" Asked Weston with that same, sweet smile.

"Y?yes." Replied Ty nervously. He closed his eyes as he felt the towel come off, and the cool sensation of the air hitting his bare body felt too good for words. He blushed uncontrollably, and Weston chuckled. "It's...not as big as yours, but..."

"No, no no... It's plenty big." Weston said with a smile. "Don't you worry, buddy... I'm gonna make sure you enjoy every bit of this; leave it to me." He said with a soft kiss to the neck. "I remember what it was like to have a first time with a male." The two moved to the center of the bed, and Weston then had Ty lie on his back, while he leaned on his side right beside him. Weston placed his hand on his lover's knee, slowly running up his inner leg until he came to his glory, which was already poking out of its sheath. He softly ran a finger over the center of his exposed sack, and then gently held onto his member. Ty immediately sighed with pleasure. The husky slowly began pumping his friend as his member began to grow harder and harder, every so often producing a whimper of pleasure from the fox, met with a satisfied grin from the husky. After the fox's member had grown to full size, Weston lowered himself in front of his lover, his muzzle a few inches from Ty's groin. He looked up to meet the fox's eyes, smiled, and while still remaining eye contact, allowed a hot breath to pass his muzzle and onto the fox's sensitive sack and rod. The result was a deep moan of pleasure that came from the Fox, causing him to grab the husky by the head fur and tilt his head back.

"Ohh ... It... It feels great, Wes.." Muttered the fox under his breath, his breathing intensifying. The husky then wrapped his lips around the head of the fox's rod softly and slowly, immediately shoving the fox into a world of pleasure that he hadn't felt in ages. This was represented by his rather loud moans that he would produce with every flick of the tongue against his sensitive head. He then began to swirl his tongue in circles against the head, softly and gently, while he began to paw himself with his free hand.

Ty was overwhelmed in a wave of pleasure, and he began to feel a familiar pressure building up in his furry sack. His heart began to race faster, and he could feel his cheeks getting red underneath his fur, but he didn't care; this was the best feeling he had ever felt. He moaned loudly, calling out his lover's name, his entire body shaking with nervousness. "Weston!" He whimpered, breathing even heavier than before, "I'm...I'm coming!" Weston smiled, although the fox could not see it; his eyes were closed, engulfed in the trance of his orgasm. The husky began to bob his head up and down, swiftly and rapidly, as he felt the warm seed of his lover enter his mouth. He counted them as he continued to bob his head up and down... one, two three, four, five incredible shots of fox cum, which he swallowed with pleasure. The sweet taste, along with the sour aftertaste drove the husky absolutely insane, and he then became even more exited than ever. Ty, on the other hand, began to regain consciousness from his own orgasm, and looked onward to see a very pleased young husky smiling back at him with fox juice dripping from the sides of his mouth. Ty immediately blushed. "I...I'm sorry; I didn't last very long.." He said with a nervous, embarrassed laugh.

"Don't worry; I didn't last very long on my first time either." Weston said with a gentle smile. "We can help change that later. Besides, the taste alone was worth it..." The fox's face was overwhelmed with embarrassment; he would never have imagined himself in this position five years ago. His erection slowly began to fade, and eventually, his pink rod withdrew back into its sheath. The fox cleared his throat. "...Weston?" He asked with great hesitation.

"Yeah?" Replied the husky, his bright eyes staring into his own.

The fox looked away in embarrassment as he spoke. "I... I, uh..." His heart began to race, but he took a deep breath and let out what he was thinking. "I would love it if you would take me..." His cheeks immediately glowed red with utter embarrassment at his own comment.

Weston's muzzle was immediately overtaken by a clever smirk. He then began to crawl on his hands and knees over the fox until his face was parallel to his own, then lowered his muzzle inches away from the fox's. Making eye contact, he whispered, "Turn around."

Ty's eyes grew wide with surprise as he gave a quick nod, and turned his body around so that his well rounded rear was exposed to his husky. He then buried his head in a pillow, closing his eyes tight. He knew this was going to hurt, especially as big as Weston was, but it was a pain he was willing to take. His eyes still clenched shut, he heard the husky pull something out of a drawer. He then leaned down to his ear, his well toned and masculine body softly resting upon his back, and smiled as he whispered, "If I'm being too rough, I want you to say something, alright?" The fox nodded in return. "Alright, then... Right now I'm going to do something to... loosen you up." Weston once again slid down below his lover, and smiled as he stared at his fox's exposed love hole. "You're going to love this." He whispered. Softly, he slid a single finger down the crease of his lover's rump, causing the fox to whimper slightly at the sensitivity of his touch. Weston smiled, and slowly pulled his muzzle closer until his nose touched his pink circle, and then slid his tongue slowly inside. Once again, Ty found himself in the same world of pleasure. Yes, he had gotten head before, but it wasn't nearly as good as what Weston had given him, and he had never experienced something as great as this. The feeling of Weston's tongue slowly burrowing its way inside his tight virgin hole was too much pleasure to take. He squeezed the pillow as hard as he could, moaning out loud, his tail twitching back and fourth with pleasure. Eventually, Weston pulled his tongue out, and the feeling of the wind flying up against his wet hole made chills run down his spine. "Are you ready?" Asked Weston softly. The fox nodded with nervousness, and took a deep breath. Having pulled out a bottle of lube, the husky poured some on his index finger, then placed it at the entrance of the fox's hole, immediately causing the fox to tense up. Disregarding this, Weston slid a finger in, and Ty immediately collapsed. The pain was great, but the pleasure far outweighed it. He squinted his eyes as the rapid pulling and pushing of the large finger drove him insane with pleasure. After Weston felt he had the young fox warmed up, he slid in another finger. The pain in this one was much greater, because it stretched the opening of his hole, but the pleasure began to take over for a while. He knew this was going to be even worse when the actual thing was inside of him, but he tried not to think about it, because he knew after a while he would enjoy it. "How are you doing?" Asked Weston, already knowing the answer.

"It's... ohh... It feels great..." He said in between breaths. Weston loved the sight of his large fingers going into this small fox's body, slightly pushing him forward as he did so. He could tell he was loving every minute of it. He then noticed that the fox had already developed another erection, and he smiled at this, knowing what was to come. He couldn't help but to give into the desire that he had yearned for most, and withdrew the fingers extremely slowly, the pleasure of withdrawal sending another wave of pleasure over the fox.

"Alright, Ty... here it comes." He said softly as he positioned himself upright behind the fox, Ty still shaking with nervousness. As gently as he could, Weston entered his large member into the small hole. Entering only the head at first, he allowed the fox to get used to having something that large inside of him, causing Ty to cry out more in pain than pleasure. "This is going to hurt Ty, but you're going to have to deal with it at first. It's the only way, sweetheart." Although a pained look was still on the fox's face as he reared his head around slowly, he nodded, breathing heavily, occasionally whimpering. The husky then delivered another slow thrust, entering his member about halfway, extending both the fox's pain and pleasure, for now, Weston's member began to rub up against the vulpine's prostate. It was true; this hurt Ty like he had never been hurt before, but the pleasure quickly took over that pain, and made it worthwhile.

"F...faster!" Begged Ty, breathing heavily, resting his head on the pillow as his head was positioned so he could see underneath him, catching a glimpse of Weston's strong legs and bushy tail behind himself, his own rock hard member throbbing. He wanted this more than anything now.

"Alright, then." Weston said with a smile as he began to pull himself in and out very slowly, teasing the fox for what he knew he wanted. As he did this, the husky grunted every so often. "You're so tight..." He muttered, now losing a bit of control over himself. Without even noticing it, his thrusting began to speed up, the fox ahead of him lost in sexual bliss at the action going on inside of him. Weston's breathing intensified as the incredibly tight, pink hole gripped his rod as hard as it could as he shoved himself in and out, now at a very fast pace. He leaned forward so that his hips were against his lover's white rump, and held him by the thighs, biting the fox's shoulder teasingly as he now humped harder than ever, the sensation of mating taking over his control. The two began to moan louder than ever, both obviously reaching climax.

"W...weston..." Whimpered the fox, leaning his head back as the husky continued to hump uncontrollably. "Ahh...f...fill me with your cum... I want it... Please...!" Although Weston said nothing, he heard perfectly clear, and he began to feel that familiar tightening up in his sac as he buried himself inside the fox. Weston raised his body up, rearing his head back as he moaned loudly, feeling his knot tighten up at the base of the hole. With one final, incredibly powerful thrust, he felt the knot go in, which made the fox yell out in pain. Ropes of cum began to jet out from the husky's rod, around seven shots, straight into Ty's bowels. Ty could feel the throbbing knot inside of him, and better yet, the warm seed of Weston deep inside of him. He loved it; yiff had never been this great with a female. Due to the incredible sensations going on in the fox's tail hole, he began to build up an orgasm himself, and before he knew it, he couldn't hold it any longer. As Weston continued to weakly hump, having already finished, Ty shot a second load, far more powerful than the first, as his lover's member rubbed up against his prostate. There was so much pressure behind his ejaculation that he had never felt before, and it had never felt this great. Suddenly, all power in his body seemed to leave, and both lovers collapsed, knotted as they fell asleep.

Weston awoke the next morning to the sound of clothes being rustled about. He wiped his eyes, and looked up, to find his lover packing his bags, and rather swiftly at that. "...sweetheart?"

"Don't call me that." Ty replied rather rudely. "I...I can't do this..."

Weston was overwhelmed with sadness and confusion. "You can't do what? What are you talking about?"

"I can't be with you!" He replied, shaking his head nervously. "It's wrong, it's wrong... God, what would my mother think of me... If anyone finds out about this, I'm ruined... My dad... God, he'd never let this one go..."

"Stop being an idiot, Ty!" Weston yelled, throwing back the sheets as he jumped out of the bed. "You should listen to yourself! You're an adult; you make your own decisions now. It doesn't matter what other people think of you any more!"

"Regardless of what you think, Weston, I do have a reputation, and I can't have that ruined, regardless of what I want, by living with a FAG!"

For a moment, Weston stood there, speechless because of what he heard. He shook his head. "Look at you." He said calmly, the fox taking notice of his change of voice as he stopped what he was doing and stared into his eyes. "'re afraid of being what you know in your heart you are, because you're afraid of what everyone will think of you." They stood there, locked into each other's eyes. "This isn't a High School Drama anymore, Ty. Why can't you get it through your thick skull that it doesn't MATTER what anyone else thinks?!"

"SHUT UP!" Yelled Ty, showing his teeth for a moment in his rage. "You screw everything up for me; you always have... It stared when you moved off to college, left me there, with nobody else...not so much as a goodbye..." He began to tear up. "...and then four years ago, I start to have these feelings for you, and you just make it worse by kissing me the way you did, and then now..."

Weston's angry side began to take over. "I wasn't the one who threw myself at someone else like a damn hoar last night. I didn't pin you down last night, Tyler. You wanted it!" He yelled, pointing a finger at him.

Ty bowed and shook his head. "This is hopeless.." He said under his breath, continuing to pack his bags. "I'm leaving." He said, clearing his throat. "I can't handle this any more; I've got to get away from you." He picked up his packed bag, turned his back, and began to leave.

"Fine, Tyler. Just keep lying to yourself, and everyone else.. Don't be man enough to accept the fact that you ARE gay, and just keep it bottled up inside, just like you always have. Throw away a beautiful life that you could always have here, just to keep your damn pride.."

The front door slammed shut.

And there you have it! Part IV is officially over. Did you like it? Didn't like the ending? Well, if you want to see the final conclusion of these two lovebirds (whether it be good or bad..), then send in those comments and reviews! I'm a sucker for comments; it keeps me motivated. Thanks again!