[16] Log #3522 - A Strange Gift

Story by Arctacia on SoFurry

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#16 of Arctacia Mythos


Curious...AC has stumbled upon some magical talent perhaps? Though, it's odd that could be possible if he was no longer in the magical rich dimensions of the universe. I will have to follow this more for sure.



DATE: 231:18:02149[DRL]

TIME: Z-2 X-8

SUBJECT: A Strange Gift

[The following is a personal log entry from Arctic-Cat.]

Kovux has been with us for a fair while now, at least a year I'd say. In that time, he has shown me a clearer path into understanding my own thoughts and visions I've been experiencing. It's gotten to a point where I've been able to make better sense of these strange occurrences, or at least not go completely insane from the flood of information I try to comprehend each time they do happen. I managed to save a copy of that scrawl I did on the whiteboard from a while back, referencing it on occasion. I've been able to see some recurring themes and similarities in my visions to that of the scrawled data. So far, I've been able to make out one thing that comes up a lot, a sort of trio-element that seems to suggest some strong interconnection. I'm not fully sure what it means yet, but symbolically it shows as a circle split down the middle with a line. And right in the middle of that, there is a smaller circle that acts as a focal point, creating three separate "zones". Sometimes I see arrow-like symbols that depict each of these three elements in a distinctive fashion. The scrawl I have shows these very concepts as well. In time, I might understand these better. I almost feel like I will for certain. I don't know if this air of confidence comes from the fact I've been able to grasp visions clearer over time or if Kovux's aid has anything to do with it. Something tells me it's something more, though. I feel like at times there is something bigger at play here. It excites and scares me all the same. Almost the same feeling I'm sure most, if not all of us had when we first came here to New Earth.

We are a long ways from home, or at least what we used to call home. I am curious what's left of the old Earth, if anything good has come from the war. But, I know a lot of it was likely disaster. A part of me would rather just not find out at all. We have had much fortune here that, going back to look at our old roots almost seems moot. Were we not the best of humanity that had evolved from most of the filth we left? Still, there were no doubt others that could qualify to be the same, at least I would imagine there had to be. But, I feel we'll likely not know this for certain. Kovux says there is a way he can take us back once he finishes a new ship for us. Come to think of it, there's been quite a few projects going on lately. Not unusual with Kovux's aid having been a huge value to us.

First off, there is the spaceship project that Kovux is working on. While it won't hold a lot, it will at least allow a small crew of about twenty or so to venture into the depths of space. Apparently, Kovux has some drive technology derived from what his own people use that allows for some faster-than-light travel. Most importantly, it will also have a subspace field generation that will prevent time dilation, which is a side effect of traveling that fast normally. When we first came out here, we no doubt were subject to that. I am curious just how much, though. For all we know, we may have jumped far ahead enough in time that there isn't even anything left of Earth or our species. We'll find out eventually, I'm sure.

Another project is one that Scott Wyre has been working on. He's always been intrigued with artificial intelligence and automatons. I guess out of his usual paranoia, he's been working on this bodyguard for me. Sometimes I wonder just what this thing will be "guarding". But, I know he just wants to be safe. Plus, I think it's been an excuse for him to actually work on this project after so long. It sounds like this thing is going to be modeled after a feline. He knows I like cats, so he thought it would be fitting. Though, we're talking large cats here and not your smaller ones. Should be interesting to see once it's done.

Lastly, I do want to note here that Kovux was kind enough to take me on a trip into space a few days back. He has just enough room for a few people in his current space craft, so I was able to tag along. He wanted to show me around to our neighboring areas. There are a couple planets in our system that have some really beautiful appearances to them. But, most importantly, Kovux wanted to show me into some of the deeper dimensions. He mentioned to us previously that the universe we know is actually comprised of four of these dimensions. The one we're in now, we can simply call alpha. The others follow the same naming conventions and are called, beta, gamma, and delta, respectively. Kovux mentioned that most of beta was practically a graveyard. The Ralkai had destroyed all perceivable life and left little behind. Most of space in beta was complete darkness. It's the most unnerving thing to imagine. He mentioned further that the Ralkai were finishing up with beta and would be moving onto gamma soon. The interesting thing about gamma and delta compared to alpha and beta, is the presence of what we called in most fantasy works, "mana". Essentially, a magical energy source that those who know how to harness such energies, can create many supernatural effects.

Out of intrigue and curiosity, we decided to breach into the gamma dimension. Though, the curiosity was more on my end as Kovux had been here before. We landed on a planet barren of any intelligent life. It was fairly similar to Earth, only the climates tended to be cooler here and more presence of snow and ice. Kovux said that in time, it would be a good idea for some humans to set out here before the Ralkai made their way to the gamma dimension. The importance of this was for human to gain an edge by trying to master the magical energies. Combining that with our technology would be a wonder to see. While some place in the delta dimension would have been a better choice in respect to the Ralkai proximity, gamma's magical energies were easier to gain mastery of than those on delta. Plus, once enough candidates had warmed up to magic here in gamma, it would be possible to move over to delta. This was the plan and it sounded like a good one. At least it's what we had to work with considering our stance against the Ralkai.

Kovux wanted me to try to attempt to sense and tap into the magical energies on this planet. After some effort, I wasn't quite convinced I had any significant gain from what I had previous. But, I did notice I could feel something alive and charged around my body. Clearly, the energies were there, but the talent to harness was just the very beginning of a load road ahead of me. It was a brief learning experience, certainly. I figured in time, I might actually have something. After awhile, we decided it was time to head back.

Having arrived back home in alpha did leave me feeling a bit lacking. I had become accustomed to the mana presence of gamma and now began to really notice the difference of both dimensions. Though, oddly enough later in that day, a strange phenomenon occurred that shocked even Kovux into wondering what creature I was...and may be even becoming. When a colonist worker was doing repairs on a nearby panel, a heavy component dislodged from nearby and was heading at an alarming and dangerous rate towards him. I was idly chatting with Kovux in the hall nearby when I heard the noise and noticed what was taking place. "Look out!!" I screamed to the worker as one of my hands pointed out towards him. It glowed suddenly with energy as a powerful wave of force thrust from it and quickly made its way over to the worker, pushing him out of the way from the force alone. The component finished crashing to the floor, right where the worker's body was previously. The worker was now several feet away from the origin of impact, laying on the floor looking a little bruised up, but otherwise fine. He slowly lifted his head with a look of shock on his face, glancing over at the object on the floor and then slowly at me. I stood there with Kovux, both of us with an equally shocked expression as my hand still remained extended and my entire body just frozen as I tried to comprehend what just occurred. Kovux's gaze and my own met at the same time as our heads slowly turned to one another. Slowly, people from nearby came walking in with confusion and curiosity as I glanced back down at my hand, finally now pulling it back towards myself. I turned my palm up towards me as if to look upon it for answers. But, I knew at this point in time, there were simply none. Only more questions...