[19] Kovux Entry #400 - Playing with Fire

Story by Arctacia on SoFurry

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#19 of Arctacia Mythos

Personal log recorded by Kovux.

[Start video log NEBaseRm11-02119533.]

A man runs down the hall to a destination uncertain, carrying a bag with him. Another soon joins up with him. "I just got the call! Do we know what happened?"

The other replies in mid pant as they turn a corner and continue along. "Not sure. We'll find out when we get there! I just know there was another episode..."

They both stop as they approach a doorway and peer in. Kovux is seen kneeled down beside AC with a concerned look on his face. The room they're in is a disaster with various objects flung about as if a tornado went through moments before. Kovux quickly raises his head and darts a look of urgency at the two that just arrived. "Come quick! He's lost consciousness!"

Without hesitation, both men hasten to AC's side and start to examine him. One of the apparent medics looks over at Kovux in question. "Do you know what happened to him?"

Kovux shook his head as he peered down in thought. No doubt he was looking back just moments before at the event that lead up to this point. "I really don't know. We were both talking about his recent developments. Just...with how he's been evolving to unlock a hidden potential."

"What?", the medic inquired as he furrowed his brows a bit, trying to understand. "What do you mean hidden potential? Also, weren't you the one who saved Edmund from death awhile back? I'm surprised you couldn't just...fix AC, too."

Kovux sighed a bit, bringing a paw up to his forehead as he stared off in thought. He realized this was going to be a bit of a strain at the moment. Still, he managed to bring as few and simple words to it as possible. "Yes, but that's only because I knew what was wrong with Edmund. In AC's case...I haven't a fucking clue. But what I do know is...he's starting to harness magic."

Kovux then glanced back at the medic, noticing that his face was turning only to the more perplexed. The medic then turned to look over at AC and the other medic, uncertain as how to further proceed. His comrade was still examining an unconscious AC to determine his state.

[Paused video log NEBaseRm11-02119533.]

[Starting Kovux personal log...]

So, that's a thing... Hey there again, Kovux here once more. After my little nap, I took a moment to dig up this particularly important point in AC's development. Let me tell you a bit about what happened that day.

It actually took place shortly after the incident where AC saved one of the maintenance personnel's life. All thanks to a seemingly supernatural ability that pushed him out of the way just before something heavy fell on the guy. Close call for him and damn lucky, really.

Anyway, after some looks of awe and wonderment from those nearby, we quickly darted into a side room to talk about what just happened. I was definitely curious myself since I didn't expect such a thing from their species.--Not this early and not under these circumstances, either. In case you forgot, let me remind you of this:

First, humans know nothing of magical energies. This is because where they existed in the universe did not allow for any way to attune them to it. So, as result, no magic or anything of the sort was possible.

Now, let's fast forward to where we are now in this story. AC was brought over to the gamma dimension where such magical energies are plentiful. Over time, certain humans will be able to feel and understand these elements to harness them in useful and tangible ways. There was initial promise in this when AC mentioned he could feel these energies despite not knowing what to do with them. However, that changed shortly after we returned. We glance ahead further to that one moment where the worker was on the verge of danger. Just in the nick of time, he was saved by AC's ability which deflected the heavy object out of the way with an invisible force--a magical force. But now here's the question: How did this creature who originally knew no magic, had only been in the gamma dimension for a short time and more importantly, was no longer in said dimension, but rather back in the alpha dimension, which didn't have much in the way of magical energies to begin with, possibly manage this feat?

I was puzzled, to say the least...

So, there we were, alone in the room with one another. I remember asking him about what happened and if he even knew what he did to trigger it. As I expected, he was clueless and didn't know. I tried to ask him about what he was thinking or felt. But in a way, I knew this too in the back of my mind. He was overcome with urgency, emotion, adrenaline, and fear. So many things were going on in that head of his, it didn't surprise me that it was just the right cocktail to encourage him to tap into that hidden part of his being. AC described it as if a part of his soul just flared up and channeled right from his body. He could feel this incredible energy just flow and take shape from his hand. And there it was, the first promises of human evolution and in a direction I'm sure they didn't even imagine.

But, the question still remained. How the hell did he do this in the alpha dimension? That's where my wonder for my friend grew equally in a direction I didn't imagine. Still, I had to try to look at this again first hand. I asked AC if he could maybe try to channel those forces again. I wanted to see if there was consistency. But also, I wanted to see if this really was a new door worth opening all the way.

AC agreed to my request. He stood quietly for a moment; I noticed he was trying his best to focus again. I realized this was going to be harder than earlier. There was actual pressure and expectations, not the natural vibe he was able to go off of before. I asked him to maybe try thinking of something urgent in his mind, pretending his best to be in the moment. I don't know what the hell he was thinking of, but the next thing I knew, shit got seriously real.

Suddenly, the room started to shake as bolts of electricity surged around AC's body. I stepped back quickly in alarm, my eyes wide as fucking could be as I witnessed this in all its effects. AC then screamed out as he raised his hands to his head, grasping firming into his hair. Whatever he was doing, was beyond his control now. Barely a moment later, I could see what could only be described as an actual tear in reality, open up behind him and began to resonate with a low, booming hum that made me cover my own ears, grimacing at the loudness of it. I screamed out at AC as several papers and small objects were being flung around. Before I just about thought the worst, it all ended just as quickly as it started. The tear vanished and my friend collapsed to the floor shortly after. Anything that was airborne during that time quickly found respite the same way AC did just now.

I was able to let my guard down, realizing now my back was against a wall. I dropped any feeling of caution as I spotted AC unconscious on the floor. I quickly ran over to him and found him out cold completely. He was not responding at all. I called out for a medic in alarm as I was not sure what to do in this case. Not long after, that's when they showed up. Some other personnel entered as well to assess the damage and figure out what the hell happened.

Later on, we managed to get AC back to the medical chambers. Thankfully, he did wake up after a few hours and seemed rather drained. That's when this took place:

[Start video log NEBaseRm4-02119812.]

Kovux and AC are together in the medical area. AC is rested on a bed with Kovux nearby, who is sat down in a chair. Kovux leans in a bit and smiles, "How are you feeling?"

AC closed his eyes a moment, letting out a little sigh before looking at Kovux once more. "I feel like shit. I can still remember everything that happened."

Kovux looked on with intrigue, "Oh? I'm surprised you would have after something like that."

"Yeah, I was...rather surprised myself." AC said softly as his gaze wandered a bit. "I just remember doing what you told me...trying to think of something urgent that would...you know...invoke those feelings I had before. And...well..." He paused a moment to chuckle out in mild amusement. "It worked. And...holy shit, I just...I can't believe what I did." AC looked back over at Kovux as he continued, "Part of me is kind of impressed with such a feat but...the other part is...definitely, definitely worried. I think you can understand why."

Kovux nodded as he lowered his gaze a bit in thought. "Yes", he managed to reply. "I do... And I know it's going to be hard to try to...get all this shit together, but... We'll work something out, we have to. This is an important step for your species. There's going to be some rough spots for sure."

AC smiled a little and nodded. "Well...I would say I made a pretty big one. I just hate to bring harm to anyone in this process. I realize that...there will need to be some trial and error, but... I just want to keep everyone safe. It's bad enough we have those...damn...Ralkai to worry about."

Kovux looked up quietly for a moment. "I know...and you're right. We need to find a way to do this safely and away from here. We can probably keep practicing more on some safe and remote location."

AC then closed his eyes and gasped out. "Oh god!"

Kovux quickly grew alarmed and leaned over in concern. "What is it? Are you okay?"

AC slowly opened his eyes as he panted a little, almost on the verge of tears as he struggled to look back at Kovux. "I...I just saw us all die!"

Kovux narrowed his brows as he shook his head a little in disbelief. "What did you just say?"

AC didn't reply, he simply laid there as his gaze drifted off, tears were beginning to run down his cheeks.

"Dammit, AC.", Kovux inquired with a clear tone of concern and fear in his voice, leaning in closer now. "What did you just say?"

[End video log NEBaseRm4-02119812.]

Amazing how quickly things turn around when you realize inevitable doom is beckoning at your door.

[End Kovux personal log...]

[20] Kovux Entry #401 - By Way of the Stars

[Starting Kovux personal log...] So... it was the next day after AC's strange incident. It was getting to a point where I had to start giving such events names or details over the fact they were happening more often now. I knew I had to continue...

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[18] Kovux Entry #399 - Introductions and Recap

[User A.Z. logged off...] [User Kovux logged in...] Alright, Kovux here to take over some of these entries for awhile. My friend has been at this little project of his for some time and appears to have made some connections to who I am, or at least...

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[17] Personal Log #3

[The following is an audio transcript.] Decided to record this one by voice. I've just woken up and I need to get this off my mind while it still remains fresh. I had another strange dream. It was...it felt very real...like I had experienced it...

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