A Vacation in Haven (Rocket x Daxter)

Story by BlueCayman2point0 on SoFurry

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seriously though. it's been a very long time since i actually made a story. i might be out of practice, but i still enjoyed this piece. i feel like it turned out quite well, but of course some feedback would be appreciated :)edit: added in some extra dialogue and a few transitional lines so that the adult content is completely out of nowhere.

"Alright Quill, my ship just broke the atmosphere here. I'll be touching down soon." "Cool. Never heard of this Haven City, but you're not getting shot at so I guess they're friendly." "Let's hope so. It's not like my ideal vacation involves being in prison or worse on an unknown planet." "Right. Well just try to behave. Things are calm for us now and I for one would like to enjoy it for a while." "C'mon, Quill, you say that like I always get in trouble. I should be offended." "I just don't want to have to come extract you before you blow up everything." "Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'm about to land now. I'll contact you in a week." "Have fun, and seriously don't blow up everything!"

Rocket rolled his eyes and ended the call to Quill as he brought his ship down to land. It's not all that often any of the Guardians can take time off, and Rocket had certainly been ready for a little break. The ship finally touched down and settled, and the raccoon was readily preparing to leave the confines of his vessel. Rocket released his harness and jumped from the pilot's chair with a little grin on his already smug mug. He grabbed a little bag of belongings and his trusty not-so-little weapon before making his way over to the exit. With the flip of a release switch, the exit door opened and lowered down to the steel streets of Haven City. The raccoon stepped out into the city, but quite soon found himself greeted by a very unfriendly welcome party. A group of various weaponized red and silver robots approached and were poised to shoot to kill. By the time they had all settled into combat stance, a ball of hot plasma flew in from some distance away. The ball struck a bot off to the side and a bright blue streak of lightning arced to each of the others, sending them off with a sudden pop and leaving nothing but the sizzle of wires and metal. Rocket had now readied his own weapon and turned to face who or whatever just glassed those death-bots.

"Put the piece down, Jumpsuit. Or I'll fry you too."

Rocket watched as a small, orange walking weasel-like thing made his way over. With a very reluctant sense of hesitation, the raccoon lowered his firearm. The grin that was present after just stepping off his ship was now long gone, replaced by a little scowl. He decided that for once he may not have superior fire power, and decided to take the calm approach to this situation first.

"And who the HELL are you?" Rocket stamped a foot as he fired this question off at the creature approaching him. "Well, Jumpsuit, the name's Daxter. You seem a little rude given that I just saved your ass and all." "You shot a freaking ball of lightning at me! How exactly should I respond?" "If I was aiming at you, you'd be dead." "Oh well don't you seem so sure of yourself." "Not of myself really, though I am pretty great. But with a gun like this, it's pretty hard not to kill things." "You call that a gun? It's a light show." "What does your pea shooter do? Shoot bullets? Bullets ain't all that bad." "If you'd like to find out what it shoots I can show you." "I mean if you want me to fry you like those KG death-bots, you welcome to try and hit me first." "My GOD you are cocky! I have to admit, I admire someone with confidence, even if that someone is a walking orange rat." "A RAT?! This coming from the dumpster diver." "Oh that's cute. A dumpster diver. You think just cause I'm a raccoon I eat trash. Boy I've never heard that one before. You are just a genius with insults." "Sarcasm? Really? That's how you want to be? Whatever. You sit here and be sarcastic, and I'll watch those robots come mess you up good."

Another swarm of weaponized robots approached en masse and quickly moved in to surround Rocket. The raccoon merely grinned as he readied his weapon. He took aim and then began to pull the trigger, firing off a single high-payload rpg with each pull. One by one the bots met their end, all in a casual and highly explosive manner. Machine parts and wires were left strewn about when all the smoke settled. Rocket lowered his weapon and began to laugh aloud.

"Ahahahaha! Oh man..." "What's so funny over there, Captain Spandex." "This is my kind of vacation." "You could've picked a better time to visit this lovely place. We're still at war with these damn bots, but since you're here, why don't you come to my bar?" "Are the drinks complimentary? I mean I am a guest." "I already saved your ass, but the drinks will be free anyway." "Now you're feeling generous?" "No. I own the bar. I already paid for the booze once, I ain't buying back from myself." "If the drinks are free then hell, why not. Sure." "You might want to... do something about your ship. Not exactly a safe neighborhood you dropped in on." "Good point. I'll put it on auto and send her up to orbit." "Yeah whatever you say, chief."

Rocket went into his ship to enable the autopilot and send it up into orbit for safe keeping. With everything set, he emerged to find some local transportation waiting. It appeared to be some sort of flying sports bike with the looks of a small plane mixed in. Daxter was seated on the machine and motioned for the raccoon to come get on. Rocket obliged and made his way over to the craft and climbed up onto the seat. Daxter fired the ignition and took off to the port of the city.


Daxter parked his zoomer outside of the bar and hopped off before walking over to the open entrance of his bar. Rocket followed and looked up to see a large illuminated fixture in the likeness of the weasel-like thing he had met recently. He continued to follow Daxter off to the side to a dimly lit booth right next to the bar. Daxter set down his gun on one of the leather-covered benches and then went behind the bar to grab two rather large bottles of red liquid. Rocket sat on the opposite bench and watched Daxter return with the two bottles and two glasses with a bit of ice in them. Daxter proceeded to open up one bottle and poured generous amounts of the liquid into both glasses. He slid one over to Rocket and sat down to enjoy his own drink. Both took a healthy swallow of the alcoholic red liquid and looked at each other for a moment. To prevent any awkward silence from developing, Daxter quickly engaged in conversation. "So... you got a name? Cause I really doubt your name is Jumpsuit or Captain Spandex." "Name's Rocket." "Just Rocket?" "Just Daxter?" "Fair enough. What's your story then?" "What is this, an interrogation?" "No. You carry a gun and have a fancy ship all to yourself. And you seem to know your way around a combat zone. What's your story." "Eh... it's complicated. Used to be a hero on my home planet. Turned into a bounty hunter for a bit. Met a human and then saved the galaxy from being ravaged by a psychotic warlord." "So vague. Going for the tough and mysterious type eh?" "It's not something I care to talk about. My story ain't the best." "Ah don't be so dramatic, sheesh." "It is was it is. What about you though? How about your story?" "Well I'm a hero too, but I wasn't always this short, orange and furry." "A hero? You? HA! You seem more like the sidekick type or maybe a house pet." "Very funny. Joke all you want, but I've saved this planet three times." "All by yourself?" "Well I can't take ALL the credit. I had some help here and there. Not everyone makes it out of war though." "I know... So what did you mean you weren't always short, orange and furry." "I wasn't. It happened before everything else though. It was an accident..." "Ah... So you were human once?" "Yeah something like that. I don't really mind it anymore though. Just had to get used to being two feet tall and having fur in strange places." "Heh... yeah I can see how that would be a problem. So what exactly are you now?" "Called an ottsel. Weasel and otter cross." "So you named the bar after yourself?" "Yeah. Figured Orange Lightening didn't fit the image well."

The pair chuckled and returned to taking steady swallows of booze. It wasn't long before they were both down to ice, and Daxter refilled the glasses. A steady buzz begins to take hold of them, growing stronger as they continued to down the liquid. The buzz grew stronger and stronger after each drink until the two were approaching thorough inebriation. With a few little hiccups escaping first, Daxter returned to conversation.

"You got a woman?" "Nah..." "A man?" "Nah..." "Not interested?" "It's not that it's just-" "You're on vacation right?" "Yeah. Taking a week of while I've still got the chance." "Here? For a week?" "Yup." "Where you planning on staying? Gonna call that fancy ship you got?" "Not really sure. Would be nice to just stay local though." "You can stay with me." "What?" "Yeah. You seem all right. If we were gonna fight we woulda had at it by now." "I guess but..." "But what? Come on you can't really believe I'm that threatening now." "Well sure. Uh... Thanks." "Ah don't mention it. It's just upstairs. Only one bed though." "Oh... I'll sleep on the floor then." "What? No! You can sleep in bed with me." "With...you?" "Yeah. I mean if you're open to that..." "Uh... sure. Sure. Thanks." "Look. I'm drunk. I'm going to be more open with you about this than I generally would." "About what?" "I go both ways." "Oh... is uh... is that why you want me in bed with you?" "Heh... only if that's what you want, stripes." "Ehhh... Been a while since I've slept with any one." "With any one? What... you go both ways too?" "Yeah. The girls are nice but sometimes a guy gets me." "Well then..." "Getting ideas already?" "Are you not?" "Not that often I get the option of someone around my size." "Well I guess we'll just have to see what happens." "Sure." "You look pretty good to me." "Wow you must be drunk." "Come on. Take it seriously." "Really?..." "Yeah. No need to make something up just cause I'm wasted." "You look good too..." "I know." "Wow dial back the modesty. You're far too humble." "You're the one who said I look good. I'm just agreeing with a smart guy." "We should probably quit drinking now before we get married." "Stopping won't make me quit the sweet talking." "Heh... that's fine. Didn't know someone could manage to pull of being cute and sexy while being wasted." "Guess I'm just that good."

By now the first bottle was long empty and the second was already down to half full. Night had fallen and the sounds of the zoomers and other flying vehicles began to settle. The crowd at the bar had come and gone with only the regulars sticking around into the later hours. Daxter and Rocket had moved on to exchanging totally non-exaggerated stories about their past adventures and exploits, as well as joking with each other and laughing profusely. The ottsel would go on and on about his epic heroic tales, remembering to list all the hundreds of nasty monsters he had put down with his bare hands. Rocket would chuckle after nearly every sentence but let the ottsel keep going on until he had finally wrapped it all up. Then the raccoon told his tales. From the early days of saving his home world acting as it's defender, to his descent into bounty hunting and the numerous prisons he'd gotten out of. Lastly he got to his most recent escapade with the Guardians. Daxter seemed fascinated and a little jealous at times, after all he had only saved a world, whereas the well-traveled coon had saved a bit more than just one world. Finally they had finished their stories and soon all the other patrons had called it a night and headed home, leaving the ottsel and raccoon alone with what little booze they had left. The liquor didn't seem to last long though as it steadily diminished and eventually disappeared altogether. Now fully intoxicated, Daxter proposed that they retire to his room before they pass out at the booth. Rocket agreed and stammered away with Daxter to the upstairs loft. The ottsel opened his room and fumbled along the wall for the light switch and managed to find the pesky switch after a few seconds. It wasn't a five star hotel or anything, but it was good enough for a raccoon that was drunk off his ass. Daxter turned to face him and decided to make his first move. He planted a little kiss on the raccoon's lips which left the coon blushing a bit. After the sudden kiss Rocket staggered around in place a bit, which earned a little chuckle from Daxter who was fumbling with the belt on his pants. The ottsel managed to undo the belt and stumbled over to a side doorway to the bathroom.

"Leave the uh... light on when you finish. I gotta take a serious leak." "Will do, boss."

Rocket faintly heard the splash of liquid in the toilet, but he found himself wondering why he was listening to that of all things. A moment passed before Daxter emerged from the bathroom and gave Rocket a gesture to go in. The raccoon now staggered into the bathroom and unzipped the bottom of his suit to release his uncut member and relieve his bladder. Before his stream began to flow, he felt a body behind him and watched arms wrap around him. He was trying to process the situation and was just about to speak when a small orange hand grabbed his member, pulled back his foreskin slightly, and aimed it. Rocket decided to confront the situation once his bladder wasn't under extreme duress. He heaved a sigh of relief as his stream began to flow out and his bladder slowly emptied. The orange hand was still grasping the raccoon's member, but at this point Rocket was no longer in favor objecting to the helping hand. Rocket finished his piss and smiled slightly as he watched the hand give him a gentle little shake. It was a little unusual, but for some reason Rocket couldn't quite put it out of his mind that he liked the warm embrace and the soft helping hand. He went to speak but instead found himself being turned around and quickly met with a kiss. At first he held his eyes open and puts his hands on Daxter's chest as if to push him away and decline this sudden advance. But Rocket quickly let his defenses down, closed his eyes, and wrapped his arms around the ottsel's waist. Daxter slowly opened up his little muzzle and licked at the raccoon's lips, hoping to soon part that muzzle as well. The drunk coon was hesitant yet again, but only at first. Soon something came over him and he opened up his muzzle allowing a warm tongue to invade his mouth. Rocket could feel himself blushing through his fur, and the heat climbing through his body. He found his tongue meeting the ottsel's tongue and began to slowly lap and tangle his with it. The two were locked in this moment, making out with the passion of gentle lovers. It lasted for some while longer before Rocket felt that Daxter began to retract his tongue and pull away. Rocket slowly opened up his eyes to find the drunken ottsel still very close with a fervent blush and a little smile.

"Wow... you uh... you got into that pretty quick." "Well... I mean I'm not always into guys but..." "Oh what you're gay for me? Seems pretty quick eh?" "Heh... what can I say. You work for me." "Is that so, Jumpsuit?" "Yeah..." "So it didn't bother you?" "Not bothered. Just kinda... surprised. Was good though. Better than sloppy drunk kissing." "We are drunk though genius." "Yeah but... that was still good." "Heh. Are you open to... taking it further then, raccoon?" "I think I need to sleep this off first. Will all this booze in me I don't think I'll be hard any time soon." "All out of fuel for your rocket, Rocket?" "Really? Jokes?" "What can I say... I'm a little smart ass." "Well I mean little doesn't describe that bulge I felt against me." "You noticed?" "Was pretty obvious heh..." "Ain't all that big." "I ain't all that big either." "Oh if you say so. I got a good look at it when you were pissing away." "What made you do that?" "Dunno. Curious. Wanted to know if the gun is the only reason you're called Rocket." "HA!" "Speaking of that... your junk's still out." "Is that a bad thing?" "Nope. Was planning on sleeping in the buff anyway." "Really now? Maybe I'll have to strip down too."

Daxter was the first to lose his clothes, then again he was only wearing pants that were still undone from his bathroom break. He simply slid them down his legs, kicked his feet out, and gave his rudder tail a little flick to toss them off to the side. Once his pants were gone, Rocket got his first glimpse of the nude ottsel, and found that he too was uncut. The still-wasted ottsel watched as Rocket began to remove his suit. First came the vest, and then the unzipped pants were pulled straight off. The pair stood in the buff before moving a little closer. They engaged in a little hug, done more so their dicks would touch and less for tender romantic faggotry. But there was still a hint of romance left in that little embrace. Daxter then turned stepped to his bed that was far too big for someone of his stature. He pulled back the sheets with a flick of a wrist and took a moment trying not to stumble and fall onto the bed. Finally he steadied himself and crawled into bed, turning his head to watch Rocket join him. The ottsel pulled up the sheets up to cover their nude bodies and quickly began to drift off to sleep after settling on his pillow. Rocket didn't last much longer himself and soon they were both out and snoring. Luckily they both had consumed their fair share of booze along their lifetimes, so at this point hangovers were no longer a problem.


Morning, or maybe it was afternoon really, came around and the mostly sobered up duo began to stir. Daxter was the first to make it out of bed and Rocket followed shortly thereafter. The two stretched and gave each other a little smile before taking turns hitting the head. Sure enough neither had a hangover, or at least they didn't complain about one. Instead, they returned to the fornication they were in the middle of during the night. They stood next to the bed and hugged each other close while engaging in a good, long kiss. Shortly after their lips met, their muzzles parted, and their tongues quickly grew tangled. Rocket ran his hands down Daxter's back to the base of his tail and held the ottsel close. Both were simply lost in this tender moment, and were now fully able to enjoy it for the romantic display it truly was. A few more moments passed before they finally pulled apart and looked down to find that they were both achingly hard. Daxter made his move without any words and simply knelt before Rocket. He reached for the raccoon's stiff uncut cock with one hand while leaning his head in with his mouth opened slightly. Those soft lips then met the sensitive head with a little kiss, but they slowly slid farther down. Daxter lapped at the tip of Rocket's shaft and decided to start slowly stroking down at the base. All the while Rocket let out gentle low moans and brushed a hand over Daxter's head. The ottsel continued to go down on the raccoon, soon taking nearly the entirety of that hard shaft into his warm little mouth. He held himself there for a moment, moving his hand from the base of Rocket's cock to the orbs that rested beneath it. The other hand soon came into play as it wandered off to reach the coon's bum. Daxter breathed softly through his nose as he began to pull his head back up Rocket's cock, pausing at the tip to lick up a fresh drop of pre before moving back down. He worked up to a steady pace and began to constantly make Rocket moan softly with his efforts. Rocket brought his hand to the back of Daxter's head and gave him a little push down. The raccoon then began to thrust his hips a little, careful enough not to push too deep and make the ottsel gag or choke. All was well though, and now Daxter was releasing a few muffled moans as Rocket's juicy shaft stuffed his maw. Daxter didn't increase his own pace, but rather allowed Rocket to take control and thrust away as he pleased. While having his muzzle steadily fucked, Daxter simply continued to massage the raccoon's balls with one hand and rub his butt with the other hand. The ottsel was patiently waiting for the raccoon to release his load, but it seemed that the coon had other plans. Rocket pulled his hips back slowly removed himself from Daxter's mouth, smiling somewhat deviously all the while.

"Why'd ya stop? That shaft of yours was pretty good." "And that mouth of yours was pretty good too, but that's not all I want to have my dick in." "Is that so? Well then." "Grab some lube?" "No we're really getting somewhere heh."

Daxter turned around and reached under the bed. After a little rummaging he pulled out a half empty bottle of clear lube. With a grin he promptly tossed the bottle over to Rocket, hopped on the bed, and flashed Rocket with some playful bedroom eyes. Rocket made his way onto the bed and positioned himself above Daxter. The two kissed once more before going any further.

"Want me to roll over?" "No. Stay on your back. I want to see your face you while I rail you." "You sure it's not cause you're just queer?" "Well... maybe a little." "Whatever you say heh. Now lube me up." "With pleasure."

Rocket proceeded to open up the bottle of lube and squeeze out a generous amount into his right hand. He smeared the lube along his cock and then put a bit more lube onto his first two digits. Then with a devilish grin he reached down to Daxter's ass and touched his lubed up fingers to the ottsel's tight little hole. He pressed one finger in to get a little lube inside the tight orifice, then soon added a second to help relax the hole. Once Rocket felt everything was ready, he put his left hand on his throbbing member and guided it right to Daxter's lubed up rear. Daxter gave a little nod to signal that he was ready to take it, and Rocket began to press into him. They both let soft moans slip out as Rocket slid in deeper and deeper into that warm, tight ass. Once Rocket had made it all the way in, he grabbed Daxter's ankles and shot a grin down to the ottsel. He pulled back a bit and was quick to press right back in, easily working into a solid pace of thrusting. Daxter let his head fall back and began to moan a little louder now as Rocket continued to stuff his ass in a steady rhythm of slightly rough thrusts. The little ottsel sporadically clenched his hole just to give the coon a bit more stimulation in hopes to coax him into popping. Rocket enjoyed the sensation but he had plenty of experience in tight situations, and had no plans of letting this tight ass get off so easily; he was ready to take his sweet time. The raccoon simply watched with a grin as he rolled his hips and crashed into Daxter with a noticeable force each time. He was savoring this: the feeling of that warm, tight space squeezing his throbbing cock, the moans the little ottsel was now constantly releasing, the sight of the ottsel's own uncut dick bobbing away with each thrust and slowly leaking pre; it was all thoroughly enjoyable. Rocket decided to dial back the pacing slightly and start really bringing those thrusts home. He was holding well on his word about railing Daxter for sure now.

"Mmm... I can keep this up for quite a while ya know." "Ngh.. well... as tempting as that sounds... When do you plan on popping?" "What's the matter? Getting too rough?" "Maybe I just want some hot cum in my ass?" "Now that's what I like to hear. Want me to start stroking you while I'm at it?" "I had something else ... in plan for me." "Oh?" "You'll find out when you finish."

The raccoon grinned and obliged Daxter and began to pick up the pace and thrust in a little bit harder. In truth he could have dumped his load in Daxter's mouth, but he didn't want to pass up the opportunity of getting in a fine ass like that. Rocket let a few moans slip out while pushing himself closer and closer to climax. Daxter took the pace and force as a hint that the hot raccoon was getting close and took the initiative to clench his hole a bit more now. The pair moaned almost in unison and locked eyes for a second. Daxter reached up and wrapped his arms around Rocket's neck and pulled him down into a deep kiss. Rocket moaned into Daxter's mouth and quickly set his tongue to work in there while his cock continued to work away in Daxter's ass. He tried to pull away so he could moan out loudly as he climaxed, but the relentless ottsel held him down as his cum began to flow. That coon cock was throbbing and blasting out a rather hefty load of semen into Daxter's hot hole. Rocket kept thrusting away as he emptied his load into Daxter, that tight ottsel milking every last drop out of him. Soon the thrusting came to a halt as the tremendous orgasm had finally withered. The two continued making out for a tender moment once it was all over, both breathing rather heavily through their noses. Eventually they broke the kiss and took amount to pant lightly and catch their breaths. They locked eyes and smiled at one another and found themselves to be blushing through their cheeks. Rocket steadied himself and brought his body back to a vertical position as he slowly pulled out of Daxter's cum-filled hole. The uncut coon cock slipped out and left Daxter gaping slightly for a moment and allowed a small amount of that raccoon seed to creep out. Daxter broke the silence while Rocket stared happily at his work.

"Man..." "Wow." "Been a while since I really had sex like that." "Glad you enjoyed it. Hope you're not too tired though." "Why's that?" "Well... I told you I had plans once you finished." "Want to bury your bone now?" "If that ain't too much for you to handle." "Oh I can take it." "We'll see about that, ring tail." "How do you want me?" "Just lay face down." "Don't want to see my face?" "Well stuffing you ain't all I want to do."

They pair moved around so that Rocket was now laying down on his belly with his tail up and swaying slowly. Daxter moved behind Rocket, but it wasn't his dick that he greeted the raccoon with. The ottsel had moved back farther so that when he went to lay down his face would be right in front of a tempting raccoon rear. He brought his hands up to spread that ass and quickly brought his little muzzle right to that tight pink ring. Rocket was surprised at first once he felt a small, warm tongue lapping at his hole, but almost immediately found himself letting out a little moan. Daxter continued licking that tight hole for a good while before finally slipping his tongue inside. The coon tasted vaguely musky, but it was a very enjoyable taste all in all. Daxter really got into the rimjob and worked his tongue in as deep as he could manage and soon found himself sliding his tongue back and forth. This elicited another moan from Rocket, one that was noticeably louder and longer than the first that had escaped. The little ottsel was more than happy to just keep eating ass, but decided it was time to move on to the main event. He withdrew his tongue slowly and gave the hole a few more good licks before raising himself up. Daxter reached for the bottle of lube and quickly opened it up. He squeezed a decent amount out and eagerly spread it onto his already dripping cock. He squeezed out a bit more onto one finger which quickly dove into Rocket's ass. The raccoon was a little startled at how sudden his own rear was invaded, but made no objections and grinned at the slightly rough treatment. Daxter didn't waste much more time; he had really gotten himself worked up between going down on Rocket, getting fucked, and then rimming a remarkable ass. He had crawled up so that he was laying on the coon's back and easily guided his dick up to that coon's hole. Rocket gave his bum a teasing little wiggle and Daxter pressed himself right in. The ottsel sank in all the way into Rocket and stayed there for a moment.

"Listen... I uh... I'm pretty worked up so..." "Heh. Don't worry about it. Think I'd be ready to burst too if I had done so much without touching myself." "Probably gonna cum pretty soon." "Mmm... good. Let me have it all."

Daxter slipped his arms underneath Rocket and hugged him tightly while beginning to thrust. It wasn't really all that long before Daxter was panting in Rocket's ear and really going at it. He didn't waste time and was already picking up some speed and putting a good amount of force into each thrust. It was admittedly rougher than Rocket was expecting, but he couldn't complain about a good hard fucking. Rocket took in the sensation of being filled and relished the extraordinary pleasure as Daxter slammed into him. The little ottsel grew close to climax rather quickly and soon found himself on the verge of much needed orgasm. With a final thrust in deep, Daxter let out a steady moan as his orgasm took over and his spunk flooded into Rocket. Rocket just smiled and let his ass be filled right up as Daxter's pulsing dick throbbed and those ottsel balls were drained. Soon enough though it was all over and the ottsel just lay there panting softly. A few moments later Daxter pushed himself up and pulled out. He might not have been in there long, but he still managed to give the coon a little gape from simply going hard and all out. Rocket rolled over onto his back and grinned up at the ottsel before pulling him into a tender embrace. He gave the ottsel a gentle squeeze and smiled. During this tender and loving moment, he couldn't help but notice the extremely obvious scent that lingered in the air now: a hot mixture of sex, sweat, and two different musky aromas.

"Damn it kinda reeks in here now." "Doesn't smell too bad to me." "Must just be you then." "Why don't you take a sniff and find out for yourself?" "Heh... believe me I can already smell you." "Oh yeah? Then what's so bad?" "I never said it was bad." "Good. You're here for a week. You might as well like it." "I can stay here?" "Hell yeah! You'll just have to return some favors." "Favors?" "Well... just the sexual ones." "Sounds like a deal to me. Anything else?" "Hmmm... you looking for a man?" "Only if you're the man." "It would be my pleasure." "Oh I'll try to make sure of that." "Mmm... you can definitely stay here." "Good. So uh... shower?" "Probably wouldn't hurt."

The two smiled at each other and kissed one more time. They got up off the bed, made their way over to the bathroom together, and started up some hot water for the shower. Needless to say the water wasn't the hot thing going on during that shower. Haven City had been a bit of a whirlwind at first, but it turned out to be much better than some normal vacation. Because of all the sex. There were guns and booze and explosions and a fair number of things to shoot too of course. But it was deeper than all that, than just some vacation or some free good times. Rocket and Daxter turned out to be more than just some fuck buddies. An ottsel and a raccoon... that's kind of an odd couple, but that didn't stop them from making it happen.