Chapter 11: Spank Me

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#11 of The Mating Season 2:

Chapter 11: Spank Me

Eno was sitting hunched in the gloom of his hut when the curtain was suddenly ripped aside and Loryn lunged in, looking livid. He halted on the edge of the room and his black eyes -- so glinting in his anger! -- darted through the darkness until they landed on Eno sitting in a chair near the barren fire pit. Without hesitating, Loryn moved toward Eno and punched him right out of the chair.

Eno tumbled to the floor like something shattered. Loryn stood glaring down at him, watching as Eno finally lifted himself up on one elbow and clutched his jaw, adjusting it almost as if it'd been knocked out of the socket. He looked up at Loryn with something between listlessness and hatred and saw his once-lover crack his knuckles, his jaw standing out in his anger.

"I gave you more of myself than I ever give a male -- I did it gently when I left you -- I did it with a consideration for your feelings! Do you know what anguish it caused me to look you in the eye and tell you I didn't love you anymore? And I did that as gently as I could. I did that for you! And considering what Kira has told me about your filthy lusting after my daughter, I did things quite gently with you. And how do you repay me? You stalk Lea!"

Loryn's voice was a roar. He kicked Eno hard in his side, and Eno groaned, curling into himself. Loryn kicked Eno again and again, very hard, very wildly, his eyes alight in his fury, his mane tossing, his fangs bared in a grimace. He dragged Eno up by the throat and was preparing to punch him again when Eno started laughing softly, his head hanging back as if his neck was broken.

"Stay the fuck away from my daughter," Loryn hissed through his fangs, "or I swear to god I'll kill you."

"Oh, yes, Daddy," Eno whispered, looking up at Loryn with eyes that were glazed over with lust. "Hit me again!"

Loryn froze, his muscles tensing angrily. He threw Eno roughly from him and turned away, putting a shaking paw to his eyes. What had he gotten himself into by bringing that pup here sixteen years ago? But he had to remind himself that Eno wasn't a pup anymore.

Loryn heard Eno moving on the ground behind him, and then that scathing voice as he said, "Did you really think you could leave me with your gentle embraces, with your kind little apologizes, and I'd be satisfied? I have never been so frustrated. You're not supposed to be gentle with me, Loryn."

"I don't smack males around when I break up with them!" said Loryn through his teeth.

"Yes, I know. You only smack me around to get your dick hard. Is it hard now, I wonder?"

Loryn felt Eno come up behind him and grab his cock. He stiffened as his cock tingled upright from the younger wolf's touch, but he smacked Eno's paw away and whirled as if he would strike him.

Eno fell back, hissing with laughter. "It makes you hard to hurt me, Loryn," he mocked. "You're just as sick as I am. So why the gentle words when you left me? Why the tears?"

Eno stepped close to Loryn and kissed him on the cheek, smoothed his gray mane back over his shoulder. Then very carefully, he took Loryn's cock in his paw and started stroking. Loryn started to tremble at this soft kissing and caressing. Damn him. He knew exactly what he was doing! Loryn shoved Eno away with a warning growl, but Eno only laughed again.

"You're trying to make me beat you!" Loryn said in amazement. "By going after my daughter, you're trying to make me enraged, to make me come back here and smack you around so you can feel like we're still together!"

Eno smiled, and Loryn felt a pang of guilt when a tear trailed from his eye. "Perhaps."

Loryn shook his head wretchedly, as if he was helpless. "This is just like sixteen years ago when you came running up to me, pouring your heart out to me, asking me to spank you and beat you. Asking me to love you."

"Is it?" whispered Eno. He drew close to Loryn again and stroked his mane.

"Yes! Because I don't know what to do with you -- because I still feel sorry for you and you're taking advantage of it!" Loryn smacked Eno's caressing paw away.

"You know what to do, Loryn: punish me. Spank me. I've been a bad boy. . ." Eno closed his mouth over Loryn's in a kiss, but Loryn shoved him off.

"If you don't," Eno whispered, glaring at him, "I'll do things to Lea that you never even dreamed of doing to me."

Loryn tensed, then grabbed Eno by the throat and slammed him hard against the wall. "You will leave Lea alone or I'll smash you into a pile of warm goo!" he roared, the black eyes firing.

Eno looked down on Loryn and laughed as if he would enjoy that.

Loryn let out a sudden roar and punched Eno to the ground again. Eno crumpled on his back, his nose gushing blood, the white flecks in his fur stained with it. Then Loryn was straddling him, Loryn had grabbed him by the throat and was choking him. He could feel his mind lagging as his throat was sealed, as his lungs struggled for air. But he managed a weak smile that enraged Loryn all the more.

"You're . . . hard . . . Loryn," Eno panted, his smile widening.

Loryn was indeed hard. He was standing erect even as he was strangling Eno. Filled suddenly with self-hatred, his arms trembled until his paws relaxed on Eno's throat and tears filled his eyes. Eno made a sudden move as if he would sit up, but Loryn tightened his paws again and tried to press him back down. Eno strained against Loryn, his paws on Loryn's arms, prying at them as they held him at bay. Loryn tried to hold Eno down but Eno was the bigger wolf: originally being from the winter village, Eno was at least seven feet tall, as well as much stronger than Loryn. He slowly pushed himself up against Loryn's straining arms, and though Loryn gritted his teeth and trembled to hold him at bay, Eno managed to force his face close to Loryn's and he kissed him. Eno took Loryn in his arms, bent him back, and kissed him hard, and Loryn, thoroughly ashamed of himself, melted under the power of those lips.

"Spank me, Daddy," Eno whispered, peering down at Loryn with large, hungry eyes. His lips trembled as they traveled over Loryn's cheeks, over his neck. "Please, Loryn! I've been so naughty. . . ."

"No. . . ." Loryn moaned and hated himself when he throbbed even harder under these kisses. He realized as his body shuddered to ignore this pleasure that he was as much a slave to passion as Eno was to pain.

"Loryn, please. I love you . . ."

Eno looked at Loryn which such sad, large eyes that Loryn groaned and pried himself away. He sat with his face in his paws and heard Eno crawl up behind him. Eno smoothed Loryn's mane over his shoulder and kissed him on the neck, tenderly, imploringly.

"Please, Loryn? I love when you spank me. I love when you fuck me. I love when you slap me across the face and order me on my knees. And I've missed that so much these past few days . . . I've missed you so much."

Eno gently pried Loryn's paws from his face and kissed at his tears; sweet, hungry kisses that made a lusty fire start to build in Loryn's eyes. Then Eno leaned down and started kissing the head of Loryn's hard cock, gently, eagerly. It was something Loryn had always made Eno do when he was begging. His little slave was always to kiss his organ when in silent appeal, and Eno did so now fervently, moaning in-between his kisses, "Please, Loryn! Please hurt me, Daddy! Spank me!"

Loryn smacked Eno away, smacked him hard across the face with a sudden swift motion that made Eno collapse to the floor. But Eno had never been so happy. He was sobbing happily when Loryn roughly threw him onto his stomach, and then he was sobbing in ecstasy when Loryn drove his dick inside in hard, violent thrusts that were so painfully deep Eno was jerking under each slam.

Loryn grunted and growled as he held Eno down by the throat and raped him brutally. Eno cried out in agony and delight when Loryn tore at his neck with his teeth, screamed when Loryn spanked him, screamed when Loryn penetrated so deeply that he felt himself splitting wide open. And when it was over and they both had come, Loryn collapsed on top of Eno, hating himself for his utter lack of control.

"God," Loryn painted miserably, "maybe you do own me . . ."

"No, Loryn, you own me! That's what you don't understand," Eno vowed under him. "I belong to you. I am your love slave! You can't just toss me aside whenever you fancy pussy."

"I don't just fancy pussy!" Loryn growled. "I love Kira. Maybe that kind of love isn't something you can understand. With the kind of father you had . . ."

Eno sobbed a little to hear his father mentioned and Loryn reflected what a pup he still was, even in his thirties.

"How can I make you understand," said Loryn wretchedly, "that this can't go on? Can't you find another male to be your master?"

"I don't want another male, Loryn! I want you!"

"You can't have me."

Eno sobbed again. "Yes, I can!"


"I c-can --"

"Enough!" Loryn snarled, and Eno fell to quiet sobbing. "I'm warning you, Eno: stop using Lea to get to me. If you come near her again, I'll go to the village council and they'll cast you out as a lone wolf. I've got all the evidence in the world against you: you were fool enough to let Zalia witness your lust for Lea firsthand. Kira knows about you too. And I wouldn't be surprised if the whole village wasn't gossiping about you now, letting Zalia chase you out of the hut with pots and mane brushes!"

Loryn shook his head in disgust and climbed off of Eno. Eno turned over, glowering up at him.

"Don't leave me like this, Loryn!" Eno shouted when Loryn was pushing aside the curtain.

Loryn paused in the doorway, and Eno saw him sigh so heavily that his shoulders slumped. But he straightened up again and left the hut with squared shoulders. He didn't look back.

"YOU'LL BE SORRY!" Eno roared after him. Then he whispered angrily to himself, "He'll be sorry."