Chapter 12: Do You Want Me?

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#12 of The Mating Season 2:

Chapter 12: Do You Want Me?

Kilyan felt his mind drift up groggily into the waking world when he thought he heard someone giggling at him. His ear twitched as the giggles continued and he shifted with a groan. He thought for one horrible moment that the scraggily lone wolf was still on top of him and his eyes opened wide with a whimper, but no. These were sleeping furs he was laying on, not the hard ground. He was on his belly and his body was covered with little aches, and when he made the slightest movement, the pain intensified. Trying to ignore the pain, Kilyan's bright green eyes darted around. He was in someone's bedroom. He saw a little wooden closet standing open, extra sleeping furs piled inside. He saw a low table with mane brushes, perfumed oils, and cloths on it. A clay pot full of dried flowers obviously native to the summer fields stood in a shadowy corner. So he was stretched on sleeping furs in someone's hut. But where? And what was that giggling?

Kilyan groaned and slowly pushed himself up, but the giggling stopped, and a girlish voice said urgently, "No, no, lie down! You'll hurt yourself!"

Kilyan lowered himself to his elbows, his ears pricking forward at the voice, and looked around to find a young female squatting beside the low table. He lay there in astonishment. She was very pretty. Her shapely little body was covered in silver fur, but there were white stripes around her eyes that only served to enhance their slanted shape. Her eyes were dark and gray and fiery, and her mane was a thick, soft shadow around her face. Her nose was as pink as her sex, and Kilyan could not stop staring at it as she smiled at him through thick black lashes.

"Just lie still," she told him in her friendly voice, and Kilyan noticed for the first time that she had a bowl of water. She dipped a cloth from the table in the bowl, then moved toward Kilyan.

Kilyan couldn't take his eyes off her as she knelt over him and started gently wiping at his fur. She was bathing him! Realizing this, he flushed all over his face and felt his cock getting hard. She seemed to notice his blushing and smiled down at him. He thanked god he was on his stomach. He remained perched on his elbows, staring over his shoulder at her.

"But . . . who are you?" Kilyan asked. "And where am I? Where is my father?"

"I am Ohana," the female told Kilyan. She dipped the cloth in the bowl again, wrung it out, and quietly told Kilyan to lift his tail.

Kilyan felt himself blushing furiously now. Surely she wasn't about to clean what he thought she was! But when Kilyan didn't obey, Ohana told him not to be silly and brushed his tail aside. She parted his buttocks with a sympathetic moan and started gently cleaning him in this intimate, this personal place. Kilyan bit his lip, in a private hell of ecstasy.

"The paste has worn off," Ohana whispered. "That's why you're in pain now. I'll apply more as soon as I've cleaned you . . ."

"But where am I? Where is my father?" Kilyan asked.

"This is my father's hut. He is an old friend of your father's. My father rescued you from those lone wolves in the forest and brought you here. You are in the winter village, of course. And your father is in the front room sleeping by the fire. He's fine. He just needs to rest."

Kilyan was relieved. Hearing these words, he dropped off his elbows at last and buried his face in the pillows.

"To think!" said Ohana. "I come home to find a young male in my bed! And such a handsome one at that! My mother could not stay to care for you, so she left me to."

"You think I'm handsome?" Kilyan asked, lifting his head in blank astonishment.

"Of course. Have you never looked at your reflection?"

He was handsome! Kilyan lay there wishing Lea had ever said those things to him. He realized suddenly that Lea had never been so bold, but this young Ohana was very unashamed and she seemed anything but shy.

"Roll over," Ohana ordered, "so I can bathe the other side of you."

Kilyan hesitated. He didn't want to roll over. Doing so would reveal his hard-on, and when she saw that he wanted her, he couldn't imagine what she would do. But Ohana twisted the wet cloth into a rope and playfully slapped his buttocks, repeating her command. She giggled at Kilyan's shyness and declared she had never met a male so bashful.

"Most males will jump your hide the second you're alone with them!" declared Ohana in amazement.

Kilyan squeezed his eyes shut and rolled over. He waited for the inevitable giggling but was relieved when Ohana only started bathing him briskly. He opened his eyes to see her dabbing the blood from his fur, and her dark gray eyes were full of sympathy. He relaxed, watching her perky breasts jiggling as she worked. The nipples were pink and had a slight curve to them. He wanted to pinch them and blushed crimson when Ohana caught him staring and flashed him a smile.

And then to Kilyan's intense embarrassment, Ohana started bathing his cock and balls. He had never had a female touch him down there, and the gentle and yet firm motions of her small fingers drew an involuntary shudder out of him.

Ohana wrung the cloth out over the bowl, and as she twisted it, she smiled at Kilyan out of the corners of her slanted eyes. She was squatting with her legs wide apart. Kilyan's eyes traced over her: her small feet, her shapely thighs smoothing into high buttocks, that small dimpled back and narrow waist -- and those high breasts! His eyes traced up to her face, and when he realized she was watching him -- and probably guessing his thoughts! Oh, god! -- he looked away quickly and blushed.

"Do you want me, Kilyan?" Ohana whispered, setting the cloth and the bowl aside.

Kilyan looked at her again and let out a gasp. She was touching herself! She smashed her breasts together and arched her back, thrusting out her high little rump so that her tail flickered up behind her. Then running her tongue over her teeth, she touched a finger to her pink sex and moaned with hooded eyes. All the while, her eyes remained fixed on Kilyan. Kilyan couldn't believe she was doing these things in front of him, and he realized that his chest was heaving visibly with his mounting desire. He lay very still as she came to his side. He was shocked when she straddled him. Then she leaned down and pressed her fingers to his lips. Kilyan inhaled the scent that was coming from her fingers. It smelled delicious, and he realized that her fingers where covered with her juices. He took her fingers in his mouth at once and shuddered at the sweet taste.

"Have you ever tasted a female's juices, Kilyan?" Ohana whispered, stroking his mane back from his eyes.

Kilyan shook his head vigorously and blushed his shame. "I've never tasted anything so warm and sweet," he confessed. His green eyes darted nervously from his own chest to her face and back again.

Ohana took his paw and placed it on one of her breasts. Kilyan was once again shocked by her boldness. Like Lea's breast, hers was so soft and so warm in his paw, and when he passed his thumb over that jutting nipple, he saw Ohana color up beautifully.

"But -- Ohana --" Kilyan stammered, pulling his paw quickly away. "Won't we get in trouble --?"

Ohana laughed and Kilyan loved the way her gray eyes fired when she did so. "Kilyan, you aren't the first young male to lay here in my bed. Just the shyest."

Kilyan bit his lip and squirmed in his humiliation.

"Don't be embarrassed," Ohana whispered, placing a tender paw on his cheek. "I think you're really . . . sweet."

Kilyan's heart pounded and his eyes snapped back on her face. "Do you?" he breathed. He couldn't believe this. Lea had never shown such desire for him -- no female had. Back in the summer village, everyone knew him as shy, stammering, clumsy Kilyan.

"Yes," Ohana whispered, leaning down to him.

Kilyan stiffened, not knowing what was about to happen next, but Ohana only kissed him. He felt her tongue enter his mouth, filling him, pushing at him with a hunger that made his heart beat faster. Before he realized what he was doing, Kilyan had lifted Ohana and rolled over on top of her, never once breaking the kiss. Ohana kissed him more fervently now, running her paws up and down his back, even squeezing his buttocks. Kilyan was startled. He never thought females liked a male's buttocks. And her hot thighs closing around him -- ah, they were heaven!

"Put it inside me, Kilyan," Ohana whispered in his ear.

"But -- you might get with my pup!" Kilyan cried, wide-eyed. But he shivered to hear her voice so husky and so hungry in his ear.

"I won't," Ohana whispered, "if you pull out before you come."

Kilyan felt his muscles shuddering in his excitement. Ohana's sex was pushing against him now and he could feel how wet, how warm it was. He sank himself into her and was astonished by the pleasure of her tight walls, so wet, so pulling. He had never imagined the strength of that little pink sex between her thighs. It was a hot sheath, pulling, sucking at him greedily in its hunger. Ohana let out a gasp when he entered her and for a moment, he thought she was in pain, but she pulled at his buttocks for him to thrust and he did eagerly. He groaned and shuddered and thought for one horrible moment that he might release his passion, but Ohana was kissing him again and smoothing his mane and groaning in his ear that he was deliciously thick inside of her, filling her in ways no male ever had. Kilyan blushed to hear these things and started kissing Ohana all over her face, bashfully at first and then with more confidence when she smiled.

The deeper Kilyan thrust himself, the more excited Ohana became. Her shrill gasps and moans drove him wild. And when she started jerking her hips against him in sudden, snapping motions, he was beside himself. She moaned, and another wave of her juices washed over him, and he could hold on no longer. He pulled out with a whimpering cry, and his sticky passion spilled on the sheets.

Kilyan knelt there on his paws and his knees, gasping, panting, and felt Ohana stoke his mane and kiss him. He closed his eyes. He couldn't believe that this had just happened to him, that such a beautiful female had wanted him, had said such things to him. He looked up at Ohana and she was lovely lying there with her hips twisted to the side. He ran his paw over the curve of her hip, then smoothed it down her tail. She was so soft, so pretty, and she was smiling at him. He blushed.

"Let me change the furs now," Ohana said, sitting up. She laughed at a sudden thought. "You're supposed to be resting and yet here I am seducing you, gorgeous thing that you are. The girls are going to be so jealous when I tell them I had you!"

Kilyan was startled to hear this. Ohana kissed him on the mouth and got up. He squatted back off the sleeping furs and watched as she changed them, loving the sight of her pink sex between her thighs when she knelt to reach in the closet.

With clean sheets down, Kilyan lay down again with a wince. He was still a little bruised. Ohana told him she would apply the paste at once and took the jar up from the table. He lay there as she applied the cold paste to his sore anus, to the bites on his neck, and he watched her out of the corner of his eye. She was so lovely. And she had wanted him! He still couldn't quite believe it. So this is what happened during the mating season? Kilyan sighed to himself. If only his Lea had done this with him. If only . . . He remembered the way she had smiled at him after they were whipped and thought with a flutter of his heart that maybe she would!

When Ohana had finished, she put the jar away and came to lay beside Kilyan. They both lay on their stomachs, and Kilyan, wanting the brush of her soft silky fur against his own, put his arm around her. He closed his eyes, happy at the touch of her fingers examining his lips, his cheeks, stroking his mane.

"Something bad happened to you, didn't it?" Ohana whispered.

Kilyan looked at her and was warmed to see the sympathy in her pretty gray eyes.

"Something very bad," Kilyan admitted. "But being nursed by you . . . I think somehow that makes getting hurt worth it." He smiled and was happy when Ohana laughed.

"You're going to make some female very happy one day," she said, kissing him lightly on the lips. "Irresistible." She laughed to herself. "I heard my father telling my mother that when they carried you into the village, every young female was drooling over you, wanting to nurse you. Your father too."

Kilyan stared at her. He had never dreamed that such a thing had happened.

"How old are you, Kilyan?"

"I'm sixteen."

"Ah, then you aren't far from the mating season. I have two years to wait."

"Are you so eager to be married?" Kilyan teased, smoothing her mane back from her shoulder.

Ohana lifted her eyebrows. "You aren't stammering and shy anymore. Amazing what sex does to a male."

"No, it's just that . . . I feel comfortable with you," Kilyan admitted and blushed.

"Can I ask you something?" Ohana whispered.

Kilyan felt his heart thudding now but answered, "Yes."

"Why haven't you ever been with a female before?" Ohana asked in amazement. "I mean, it's not as if you weren't good-looking -- you're more than that. And it's not as if you aren't nice. I practically had to force you to sleep with me when most males don't know what 'no' means. So why?"

"I . . . I was saving myself," Kilyan admitted bashfully.

"For your sweetheart?" said Ohana, grinning.

Kilyan nodded. "But she would never let me be intimate with her. I've tried so hard just to make her like me all these years. She didn't even have to let me touch her. I would have been happy if she simply liked me . . ."

"Poor thing," said Ohana, patting Kilyan's cheek. "She was probably just shy, like you."

"But you're not," said Kilyan, smiling his amazement. "I had never seen a female touch herself like that. I think I almost lost control when you touched your sex."

Ohana laughed. "Would you like me to do it again?"

"I would like to touch you there," Kilyan admitted in a whisper.

Ohana rolled onto her back and guided his paw down between her thighs. Kilyan sighed as his fingers slid between the pussy lips. He slid them inside and felt himself rise when Ohana gave a little cry and her nipples jutted. He started caressing the rim of her opening, his fingers sliding in her juices. Then he explored the rest of her sex: the hot pussy lips, the little hard knot of flesh under them that seemed to pulse against his finger tips. Ohana jerked when he touched this hot place and gave little cry.

"That's my clit," she whispered. "Don't stop -- it gives a female so much pleasure if you touch her there."

Kilyan continued to caress Ohana, and as he did so, he watched with quiet hunger as her nipples jutted out harder. Ohana smiled at his staring.

"What else would you like to do to me?" she whispered, as if she already knew.

Kilyan kissed the curve of her breast, then hesitating with a flush, he closed his lips over her nipple. Ohana sighed as he suckled her, as his fingers continued their slow caressing, and she was soon wriggling under Kilyan as he gently aroused her to full passion again. She arched her back against the furs and whispered his name, and then her juices were gushing over his fingers.

"Ohana," Kilyan whispered in her ear as she moaned, "can I lick you down there? I want to taste you again."

Ohana twisted her hips and smiled at him in response. Kilyan hurried to kneel between her thighs. He pushed them a little wider, then plunged his tongue. He never dreamed anything could be so soft and wet and hot in his mouth and her taste aroused him painfully. He loved the way she squirmed when he licked her, the way she moaned and flushed when he sucked that little knot of pleasure she had identified as her clit. The more she seemed to respond, the hungrier his licking and sucking became, until she gave out a shrill little shriek and her juices suddenly gushed to fill his mouth. He swallowed them and lapped them down hungrily, even licking her thighs. He saw her swooning as if she was deliriously happy. Very happy himself, he crawled on top of her and kissed her on the lips.

In the entrance room of the hut, Kel awoke at a sudden pain in his side. He could feel the bruises where the lone wolf had kicked him so brutally in the ribs. It seemed the paste had worn off. With this terrible ache throbbing in his side, Kel pulled himself up and looked around for the paste. He remembered that Ohana would now have it in her room. Limping slightly and clutching at his side, Kel went to Ohana's room and pulled back the curtain. He halted at what he saw:

Kilyan and Ohana lay asleep in each other's arms, their legs tangled lovingly. Kel smiled. The paste could wait. He closed the curtain and withdrew.