The World I live in | Prolog

Story by Ethaden on SoFurry

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#1 of The World I live in


atfirst, im sry that i didn´t upload anything in the past time, but again, i feel motivated to write again.

At first, I thought, i should rework my Work from a year ago, but as i tried it came out like a whole new yeah,...

here is the Prolog if the Story "The Worl I live in"

!Warning! Even through there is no adult stuff in here yet, there will be. Also, I tried something new in the way I write and yeah...

You will see :)

Somewhere in the world, at a small village called Kelegen, it has about 4000 citizens,

Well 4372 to be exactly. Almost 17 Miles away from the city and about 6 miles away from the highway, so you could imagine that it is not the most exciting place to live, but after all it´s a quiet place, where you can found peace.

But if you are a teenager like me, silence and peace is not the most important thing in your life,

don´t misunderstand me, it´s not boring, well not much... Ähem...I´m Sorry, I guess you already got bored because of me don´t you? You want to her something interesting and I´m here like: Yeah there is this boring place. At least I would be bored like hell.

What about we stop talking about unnecessary Details? Yeah? Okay, then, let´s start at the very start! Or better not....i guess I will start at some day where you don´t have to wait to long for some interesting stuff.

Alright let us start.

It was one of this hot sweaty summer days, me an 6,5 feet big Cat, is sitting in this room, so hot, so full of other Teens, it smells strongly like sweat, guess where I am. Yeah, I´m in my school, in my classroom in the middle of my mostly slow classmates. Do you ever asked yourself why it is called Classmate, even through they are not your mates? However, I´m sitting there, waiting for the lesson to be over, don´t think I hate school, my hand is high in the air, while I wait to give my opinion!

Okay maybe I hate school, but just a bit, a little bit, okay I hate it pretty much....

My teacher? Yeah it´s Misses Dakaz, a small cat with yellow eyes, kinda hot, but married. My history teacher, even I would give better and by far, more interesting lessons than her, but never mind, she likes me, so my oral grade is fine, so it´s not really my problem.

I turn my head to my right, there sits that one Wolf, Caren, the warmblooded Wolf, the hot Wolf, how could anyone not have a crush on her? "Damn i Would lick that brown fur till my tongue goes numb, well, not only the fur." i thought myself, while I gave a small giggle.

My arm sinks, I turn my head around to see the clock, I give a short sigh "Awesome! Just ten more minutes till I´m outta here!" my eyes walk down to that person behind me, he stares at me, again, that 7 feet big dog with his staring big purple eyes, his blue fur is kinda special, but i think it´s not his real colour, it looks just so fake, he is quiete muscular but I can´t stand his nature, he always mess around and does´t have anything better to do than makeing jokes about everyone. "I´m not your dessert big boy." comes out of my mound, the room becomes silent, Missis Dakaz heard me, it is not a secret that this dog is gay and my words must have sounded like I´m a homophobic person.

Her yellow eyes glare at me:"Jason! Watch your mouth or do we have to call your parent again?"

I was about to defend me, but it would be pointless, so I answered her growling "No, I´m Sorry, it wont happen again." "I hope so!" we both knew it would happen again.

What? I said she likes me? Yeah she really does like me, but when it comes to my personality, then I´m her enemy.

I look to my left, a few tables away, sits my best friend, I can see him, he tries to choke his laugh, while watches me with his orange eyes, an evil glare from me and he bursts out in laughter.

An even more annoyed Misses Dakaz calls "Shut it Darius!" "Sorry" he replies, still laughing, this fox with his orange white fur just cant control himself, but what should I say, we are going through thick and thin and I´m not really better in self control than him.

Misses Dakaz was just about to continue her speech about how the Germans attacked Poland in 1939 as the bell rings. A bif sigh leaves her mouth."Okay class, you can leave,

but remember your essay!" No one really listened her as my classmates rush through the Door. Just me, Darius and a few other classmates are packing their bags in calmness. As we leave the door, a short "Have a nice weekend" comes from me to Dakaz.

Still here? So it was not that boring? I always knew I am great!

"So you know whats up today?" I raise my arms a bit and get them in a weird position, where it looks like I am a triangle.

"Jorius Day!" he moves his arms like me and we both burst out in laughter.

Jorius day? Oh that´s just the best day of the week, every Friday, Darius comes to me and we both do anything together. We started to "celebrate it, so we would always find at least a bit time for each other.

"Well, see you later then." he winks at me right as he walks down the road and I turn to my way home.

"Damn, this allergies will kill me someday" I whisper as I scratch over my Arm. Under my Grey

fur on my left arm shines a bit red skin through. I grab inside my pocket, take my key as I come to our house, I open the door and enter, a small breath and a female voice yells from upstairs "Hey Bro!"

I answer her with a loud "Hi!" I throw my bag behind the door and set my shirt back to his normal form. I wipe a few sweat drops away from my forehead with my arm, as I walk in the kitchen to get

some water. I drink that water greedily, out of nowhere my little sister appears right behind me.

" hey bro, how are you? Feeling good?" A short scare later, after I had prevented a flooding, I turned around and looked at her. My little sister, 15 years old, Just 2 years younger than me, She is an Wolf with an incredible Body, even through she is just 15, her breast are quiet big, so is her ass. Yeah I might had a little crush on her, but now that I´m

older I know better to not think about stuff like that about my sister.

Yeah funny, I thought so at that day, I was pretty naive wasn't I?

Her white and black fur makes an nice combination, her right eye is totally black, while her left is just half black, half white, not her eyes, I mean her fur around it. Her eyes shine in a dark red, like our dads eyes. I wish I had fur like that, because mine is just Grey, from top to the bottom, all grey, at least it´s an dark Grey.

"How do you think was my day? Boring like always, at least it´s weekend." I grumbled to her, but she does´t seem to care about my grumbling, as she kept smiling:" Well, mine was really niece, I got an A in my Math Test" her eyes sparkled in pride of her grade. I give her a small smile:"That´s great, I told you, you would rock this test." She makes a short jump towards me and force me inside an embrace "But only because you helped me." I replied her embrace for a short moment, till she stops, she makes a step backwards, smiles, turns around and runs upstairs with a fast "See you".

I make a complacent face and take another sip of my water.

End of the Prolog

Yeah, that was the Prolog, now i would love the get your opinion of...everything what includes the story :D

English is not my Native language, so I´m still learning, so pease be gentle :3

With love and purr

Your Ethaden