Chapter 16: I'll Come Back For You

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#16 of The Mating Season 2:

Chapter 16: I'll Come Back For You

It wasn't very long before Zaldon had healed both Kel and Kilyan of their wounds. Now in the frosty night, they were preparing to return to the summer village. Zaldon had insisted on returning Kel and his son with magic, and Kel did not argue with him. Kel stood with Zaldon, Lynny, and Lynny's wife in the front room of Lynny's hut, waiting patiently as Lynny's wife forced delicious leftovers and presents on Kel. She was such a sweet female and so generously kind -- like her husband, Kel thought, reflecting on that morning sixteen years ago when Lynny had forced so many supplies on him and Aliona before their departure.

In Ohana's room, Kilyan could hear the loud laughter and the loud conversation of the adults. The fire was roaring, as was the wind, and there was a flurry of snow blowing outside so thick that Kilyan was eternally grateful Zaldon was using his magic to send them back. Besides, his fear of the lone wolf had only doubled after his horrific encounter with one.

Kilyan squatted near Ohana's sleeping furs, fumbling over his traveling pack, and he knew Ohana was kneeling at her table, brushing her mane, watching him. He pulled a flower from his pack. It was something he had picked back in the forest thinking he would give it to Lea, but suddenly warmed by the sound of Ohana's sad little sigh, Kilyan turned to her with the flower. She was startled. He stroked it gently over her lips, then placed it in her paw and kissed her.

"Oh, Kilyan," Ohana moaned as Kilyan's lips slowly pulled away. She threw her arms around him before he could get away and kissed him hard on the mouth. Kilyan yielded to the kiss, holding Ohana back, and when she pulled back and gazed up at him, he was saddened to see the worry in her eyes.

"But what is it, my Ohana?" Kilyan whispered.

Ohana closed her eyes and smiled, as if the words were music to her ears. But when she opened her eyes again, they were still large with gloom. "Don't forget about me, Kilyan," she whispered.

Kilyan was shocked. "Forget you?"

"Yes!" Ohana cried, her lips trembling. "Don't think I don't know how males are! They find another girl and they move on, but I don't think I could ever forget you. You were the sweetest, the gentlest -- I wish I could keep you . . ."

Kilyan was saddened when her lip trembled and she bowed her head against him. Kilyan kissed her mane and struggled to find something to say. He had never imagined that she felt this way about him. And he suddenly realized that he didn't want to leave her either. But there was Lea. He had thought of nothing else but returning to Lea. If only he could have them both.

"Do you love me, Ohana?" Kilyan whispered in her ear. "Because I think I love you."

Ohana smiled up at him. "Who could help loving you!" she said, and kissed Kilyan on the mouth.

"Then I will come back for you," Kilyan answered and smiled when Ohana gasped happily. "I will come back after my first mating season and ask your father for you. I've heard of some males doing that --"

"Oh, Kilyan!" Ohana showered his face with kisses, and Kilyan blushed under them, feeling himself rising against her.

Ohana felt it too and gave Kilyan a mischievous smile. "Do you want me, Kilyan?" she teased, cocking an eyebrow.

"I always want you!"

So saying, Kilyan drew Ohana up and down on his cock. She gave out a little cry of shock and delight that he was so bold -- their parents were just in the other room! But Kilyan smothered her cries with his kisses, and rising up, he held her against the wall and took her sweet and slow. They kissed deeply and moaned softly, and Kilyan never thought he could ever know such ecstasy as the hot, gushing walls of Ohana's pussy closing around him, growing deeper and wetter with each slow, throbbing thrust of his cock. He opened his eyes and looked at Ohana, who was gazing up at him with glowing gray eyes, and thinking of Lea looking at him with such love, holding him so tightly, kissing him in the same wild way, he realized for the first time why males took so many wives.

When it was over, Kilyan laid Ohana on her bed, kissed her on her head, and whispered that he loved her. She closed her eyes happily and snuggled down in the pillows as he stroked her mane. With another kiss on Ohana's cheek, Kilyan laid the flower beside her, shouldered his traveling pack, and left the room.

When Kilyan entered the front room of the hut and took up his spear, he was startled into blushing to find his father, Ohana's parents, and the sorcerer Zaldon all staring at him. They were smiling in amusement, as if they knew everything that had just happened in the other room, and Kilyan, blushing furiously, was glad when his father cleared his throat and asked him if he was ready.

"Yes, Father," Kilyan said, resting his spear against his shoulder. He looked them all shamelessly in the face, his chin lifted, and Kel realized just how much his son had grown.

But you'll always be my little pup, Kel thought, and moving forward, he clapped a fond paw on Kilyan's head that embarrassed him.

Then the sorcerer Zaldon moved forward. Kilyan never thought he'd seen a male so big, so muscle-bound, and he couldn't help but stare in awe. Zaldon put a heavy paw on each of their shoulders and told them to close their eyes so the smoke would not get to them.

Smoke? Kilyan thought with a thudding heart, but before he had time to blink -- let alone close his eyes -- smoke had engulfed them. When the smoke started to clear, Kilyan felt Zaldon's big paw release him, and to his shame, he was leaning forward, choking up spit, and coughing. He felt his father slap him anxiously on the back, heard Zaldon apologize.

"I've never had to do that with other wolves before," Zaldon said anxiously.

But Kilyan straightened up quickly in his embarrassment and assured them that he was all right -- though he wasn't. His throat was burning from the smoke, as was his nose, and tears kept streaming from his eyes. The smoke had been very hot, after all.

"But you must say hello to everyone!" Kel said when Zaldon announced he should be heading back.

Kilyan looked up at Zaldon and was astonished to see such big wolf squirm so uncomfortably.

Zaldon rubbed the back of his ears, but seeing Kel's earnest, allowed himself to be led up the street.

Kilyan's veins were pumping in his excitement. His Lea! He was going to see his Lea again! And perhaps she would want him, and they would meet up in the fields, and he would be gentle with her -- he would be so gentle . . .

They passed through the dark torchlit street to Kel's hut, and as they approached, Kilyan was confused to see Zalia and Keeno standing outside. Zalia had a pile of sleeping furs in her arms and her head was bowed miserably. Keeno was standing beside her with his spear, and to Kilyan's further bewilderment, his best friend was holding his sister's belongings in a basket! What was going on here!

Kel, Zaldon, and Kilyan halted before the two downcast young wolves, but before Kel could ask his daughter what was happening, Aliona emerged from the hut. She beamed to see the three of them. Kilyan waited, struggling to stay patient, as his mother stood on tip-toe and kissed Zaldon, then hugged him tight and kissed him, then hugged and kissed his father.

"But, Aliona, what is happening here?" Kel asked, pulling back to look down at his wife.

When Kilyan saw his mother's blue eyes darken miserably, he darted an inquisitive glance at his sister, but Zalia wouldn't even look at him. Neither would Keeno. Something was very wrong here!

"We were moving into Yzlo's hut for a while because you weren't here and Loryn is leaving too. Lea . . ." Aliona darted a fearful glance at Kilyan, who was waiting with his ears pricked forward. She only bit her lip, and Kilyan begged, "Mother! Please!"

"What happened to Lea?" Kel gently coaxed his wife.

"She's been taken!" Zalia burst, squeezing her eyes shut. Her arms were trembling on the sleeping furs, and Kilyan saw Keeno glance at her shaking shoulders miserably.

"Taken? By who!" Kel cried.

"Eno," Aliona said darkly.

Kilyan felt himself go rigid, all his muscles tensing in his anger. "No!" he growled. "No! No -- it's not true!" Shocking them all, Kilyan lunged toward his sister and grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her. "Tell me it isn't true!" he moaned, shaking Zalia in his paws. "Tell me it isn't! Tell me!" His voice was a sob, and he shook Zalia so hard, the sleeping furs fell out of her arms.

"Kilyan!" Keeno cried in amazement.

But Kilyan kept shaking his sister, kept demanding the truth. He was in such a state of shock that he didn't seem able to stop.

"It's true, Kilyan, it's true! G-God, s-stop shaking me!" Zalia stammered angrily through her fangs. She grabbed her brother's arms and shook him back, twisting and sobbing angrily to get free, but Kilyan, still in a state of shock and despair, kept shaking his sister.

As the group watched this sad scene, Kilyan and Zalia fell to their knees together, fell into each other's arms, and wept.