Fifty Shades of Tan: Stepping Out

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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#6 of Fifty Shades of Tan

Leilani is ready to see a bit more of the Florida Keys through the activity of grocery shopping. But first, it's time to meet Gerald, a well-meaning tiger with some serious "Mommy issues", which the otter will discover in due time. ^^

The elevator stopped at the second floor and a rather buff, tall, and striped thirty-something tiger wearing a pair of red Speedos, a black muscle shirt, and some leather flip-flops got on, smiling courteously towards me. "I know what you're thinking," he chuckled as he got inside and re-pushed the "lobby" button. "What's a guy like me doing taking the elevator down two floors when I could take the stairs, right?"

I chuckled and caressed my tailbase absently. "Actually, I was going over in my head what to pick up from your island's grocery store - if one exists."

"Oh yeah, there's a few. Best is Trader Vic's down on the South side. I'm heading there myself actually. Picking up some stuff for my mother. Name's Gerald." He thrust out a large paw and, caught off-guard, I took it in both my paws politely.


"Heavenly flowers. Sure fits you." He grinned and his dark brown eyes left my face to watch the numbers of the elevator slowly go from "1" down to "L". "I should have taken the stairs. I'd be at Vic's by now. But I'm still hurting after a scratch-football game down at the beach yesterday and my leg's not quite one hundred percent. Man, this thing is slow. I gotta put in a call to Reggie, he's the super here, to do something about this elevator. Always running slowly. Mom pitches a fit all the time about this. Meets with her bridge club up on the ninth floor once a week and it takes damn near five minutes for her to get there. Oh, here we go."

The doors slowly creaked open and the tiger hopped out first, waiting for me. "Want me to grab you a cab, little otter, or do you want to try hoofing?"

I was still in a whirl over the one-sided conversation and shook my head. "I could probably walk. If it is not too far?" I looked down at my sandals. I was never really the boldest hiker, and I would be walking on hard asphalt, not soft sand.

Gerald laid a paw on my shoulder, looking down at me kindly. He must have been at least two feet taller than me. "Come on, we'll get a cab together. Mom's going to bitch at me if I'm not back soon." He whistled loudly and a taxi roared up and screeched to a stop inches from the curb, causing me to take a few steps back.

The driver, a deep-brown bear with sunglasses and a cap, leaned his head out. "Where ya goin'?"

Gerald opened the back door and hopped inside, helping me in next to him for a tight fit. "Trader Vic's."

"Alrighty, hang on to somethin'." The bear spun the steering wheel and the cab jerked from the curb as if it had been given a hard shove. I was immediately thrown to the side and against the tiger, my muzzle mashed to his chest. I caught the scent of his musk, rather strong and masculine, and he gently helped me to sit up again.

"Here, maybe you'd like this, little otter." He leaned forward, pressing himself against me a moment, and slipped a belt around my shoulder and carefully atop my breasts, then clicked it into place. I could feel and hear his breath against my ear, as his whiskers brushed my cheek.

"Perfect, thank you," I smiled up at him, still thinking about his scent. "So..." Initiating casual conversation is my crutch, I swear. "Your mother? You live with her?"

Gerald smiled, holding the door-handle as the cab bounced and swerved through afternoon traffic. "About ten years now. Dad died back then, Mom didn't have the strength to take on the house, so I let her stay here with me. I'm just getting over a divorce, couple of cubs starting high school now, so I work to keep them happy and college-bound. I'm an artist, you probably saw my work if you were in the lobby. Got a nice gallery downtown too, if you ever wanna visit it. I'll get you in free of charge."

I smiled. My companion certainly liked to talk, but I did not mind. "Very nice of you, Gerald. I really love art. I did notice a few paintings when I arrived today. You have an eye for the island scenery."

"Wow, you just got in today? No wonder I don't know you. Hell, I'd notice a pretty girl like you right away. Angel, that's my ex, she's a really pretty girl too, a mink. She was about your age when I married her, I guess. You look like you're in your twenties..." I looked a little annoyed at that, but he was already continuing to talk. "We get along okay still, but she's found someone else that makes her more happy, so I'm happy and so are the kids. We're still friends and friendship's probably the most important thing."

I nodded, thinking of Aidan and our many romantic trysts under the moonlight's shimmer. "Yes, very important." I was, at the time, unfamiliar with the term "friends with benefits", but knowing what I know now, it would be safe to say I have many of these.

"What brings you to Calusa Beach, little otter?"

"Just sight-seeing." I smiled winsomely up at him and laid my paws in my lap. "I am from Tahiti originally. This is my first time traveling away from home. I came for an adventure, to meet new people, visit new places, and to see the world."

"Yeah, that was my Angel. She always wanted to go places I didn't want to, or do things I didn't want to, and I guess we finally decided we didn't have as much in common as we thought we did, and I guess the marriage just fizzled after that. Hell, I haven't even had sex since her and it's been almost ten years. Guess after Angel, I just wasn't interested in anyone. I'd be more inclined to just settle in front of the computer, take in some online porn or something, and work out my frustrations that way, if you get my meaning."

I blushed and suddenly thought of Aidan's thick, black erection on my laptop screen, bulging and pulsing against his stomach as a line of his cum jerked from the tip. I had been so frisky that were it possible, I would have appeared in his arms, jammed my hips down, and tried to take his full length deep into my warm, tight folds, so that he would be pumping all that feline cum into me in orgasm...and triggering my own, clamping his shaft between my soaking-wet heat with every squirt.

Normally, I would abandon a male member at the moment of release, pull off, and let him finish in my mouth, or spattering my body with his juices. With Aidan, I must confess, I love taking his cum into my sex...

I trembled in my seat and shook my head, crossing my legs, feeling a bit damp suddenly. The hot humidity of Florida was going to have an effect on my body, and was just one more thing I would need to get used to. "Sometimes pleasure has to be on our own terms, tiger," I said gently.

Gerald looked at me and grinned. "Yeah...well said, little otter. Say, you want some company at the market? We can shop together, and I can clue you in on all the sales going on, plus a few neat tricks about the produce there, and I can show you around so you can get your food in half the time, 'cause you seriously almost need a map to get around the place. To be honest, I'd like your company too, and I don't wanna really see you wandering that shop alone all lost and confused."

I giggled and reached over to squeeze his knee. "Enough, I get it. Of course you may accompany me. I would like that."

He shyly hung his head and closed his eyes, and I imagine he was thinking about two things at that moment.

One, that he was happy that I would go with him.

And secondly, that he had not had sex with someone, besides perhaps himself, in almost ten years.