My Roommate's A Stripper!? Ch. 28

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#28 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

Hey everyone! And welcome to Chapter 28 of "My Roommate's A Stripper!?" I know it's been a little while since the last chapter, but hopefully this daringly kinky and slightly emotional chapter will make up for the wait. And hopefully, with my new goals in line, the next chapters will come even faster. Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy this new chapter in a new year!

ALSO! I have officially started a Patreon in the hopes of making writing into an actual career, with long term goals of becoming published! If you want to support me, check it out here:

I'll be making a journal with more details.

Also, check out the "My Roommate's A Stripper!?" tumblr page here:

And the official Roommate ask page here:

Chapter 28 "The Many Levels of Love"

It's a common belief that the new year brings with it new opportunities for success and positive change. Max didn't think much of such things, but for her the new year did bring her a new, though unexpected friend. Ever since Christmas, Aiden had allowed Jessica to visit them again, but only if invited and if she promised to behave herself. She had been good so far, and even now was sitting on the couch chatting with Max as the skunk braided her hair.

"Goodness, what do you do with all this hair?" Max muttered as she twisted the vixen's locks into a tighter braid. "How do you manage it all?"

"I was thinking of letting it grow even longer." Jessica admitted, her fingers tapping away at her laptop, as usual. "I like having long hair, and mine has never given me much trouble, so long as I keep it clean. Plus longer hair is really pretty, right Nii-san?"

"Sure. Glad to see you two getting along, by the way." Aiden quipped from the dining table as he reviewed his notes for his novel. "Didn't take long for you two to get all buddy buddy. It's a nice improvement."

"My sparkling personality can win over anyone." Max said with a laugh. "No one can resist my charms."

"It helps when I stop acting like a tool." Jess added, earning her a tug at her hair.

"Don't say that." Max chastised, finished up her braid. "You had your reasons, but it's all in the past. Now we're good friends, right?"

"Yep." Jess giggled. "Almost like sisters even."

"Just what I needed." Aiden said with a laugh and a shake of his head. "Two little sisters. What a dream come true."

"Adorable little sisters." Max added with a laugh of her own, giving Jessica a hug from behind. "Couldn't ask for a cuter one, either."

Jessica squirmed into the hug, blushing at the compliment, but not refuting it. While the praise was embarrassing it was also welcomed, as well as that warm, squishy embrace. She did her best to shake that last thought from her mind, distracting herself with her laptop instead.

"What are you always typing away at on that thing?" Max asked, sitting up to get a better peek and inadvertently resting her rack against the younger girl's head. "You're on your laptop even more than your brother. Writing a novel of your own?"

"N-no." Jessica stammered, doing her best to ignore the weight on her head. "I'm just chatting with some friends, posting on my blog, stuff like that. Not really anything all that interesting."

"Well, I suppose that sounds fun. Not that I know the first thing about how those blogs work." She gave Jess another squeeze before getting off the couch. "Crap, it's later than I thought. Gotta get ready for work or I'll be late."

"Don't want that." Aiden said, taking a moment to stretch his back. "Be careful driving tonight. It's supposed to get cold and the roads are likely to ice over, so take it slow."

"Always do." Max assured him as she slipped into her coat. "Thanks for the heads up though. Jess, you can sleep in my bed if you want tonight. Better than the couch."

"Thanks, Maxi-nee," Jess replied, still blushing a bit, "but I'll probably be going home tonight. Mom and Dad are going out for breakfast tomorrow, and I don't want to miss it."

"Now that does sound like fun." Max mused. "Well, have a good night you two. See you in the morning, Aiden."

"Night." He replied with a wave, though Max was already out the door and off for work.

"Nice haul." The Stardock 69 bartender commented as Domino turned in the money from her last customer. "Found yourself another set of deep pockets, eh?"

"The assholes always have deep pockets." Max sighed with a shake of her head. "I swear, Char, the guy asked for a private lap dance in the back of his Mercedes at least three times. And yes, he made sure I knew he drove a brand new Mercedes, with all leather interior and everything."

"All cash, no class." The woman laughed, tucking the earnings away. "Looks like you really made him pay for it at least."

"I may have held out for a little more than I usually do." Domino replied with a smug grin. "Treat me like a piece of ass and I will empty your wallet with a smile."

"You're up again, Domino." A cheery waitress interjected as she stepped up to the bar. "One white russian and one whiskey and soda."

"No rest for the weary." Max said, stretching her legs in preparation for her next dance. "Probably my last one for the night. Here's hoping to end on a high note."

"It's that cute couple again." The waitress informed her with a smirk. "They've been coming to see you a lot lately. You offering some kind of discount to repeat customers now?"

"No, but that's not a bad idea." Domino threw a wink at the waitress as she collected the tray of freshly mixed drinks. "Valued customers get ten percent off their next dance."

It was a joke of course, but with the number of regulars she had, Domino could possibly get away with it, if she really wanted to. Something to bring up with the Mistress perhaps.

The question of who the repeat customers were had a pleasantly surprising answer, assuring Max her high note close. "Terra! Marcus! What bring you here so late?" She didn't wait for an answer, serving their drinks then climbing onto the table to sit before her two feline friends. "Is it a special occasion perhaps?"

"Something like that." Terra replied with a grin, sitting so close to Marcus she was practically in his lap. "It's just about the anniversary of when we started dating, so we thought we'd do something fun to celebrate. Plus I needed some cheering up."

"It was all her idea, I swear." Marcus added, an arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders. "Not that I'd ever say no to enjoying one of your performances."

"Well, I'll make sure to make it a good one." With a grin Domino got to work, quickly finding the rhythm of the music as her hips swayed in the dim light. "Is there anything special my two favorite clients might like tonight?"

"Maybe." Terra said with a glint in her eye, pulling a few bills out of her pocket. "Is it alright if we just pay for your time in advance?"

An unusual request, and if anyone else had asked she would have been suspicious of some trick. But she trusted Terra, and so took the cash without question. Six hundred dollars, all up front. More than she had gotten from her last client. "Oh my. Trying to monopolize all my time, are we?"

"Maybe." Terra repeated, still grinning. "I don't want to break your dance up with all these small payments. Now we can just... enjoy ourselves."

"You'll get your money's worth and more." Domino assured her, already slipping her bra straps off her shoulders. She'd already decided to use her best, most provocative routine for these two, guaranteed to excite any couple for an amazing evening between the sheets. Her body became one with the music, forgoing words for sultry looks and an enticing display.

It was clearly working too, and as Domino stripped her bra away, golden nipple chain glinting in the lights, she couldn't help but smirk at what she saw. Though the felines' eyes were locked on her, they couldn't keep their hands off each other. While Marcus had his arm around his fiancée's shoulders from the start, his hand had slipped down to gently caress Terra's bust. His fingers kept slipping beneath the collar of her admittedly low cut top, just a few inches away from fully groping her. Terra didn't seem to mind, as her own hand was busy feeling up his inner thigh. Her hands had migrated up to his crotch, and she seemed quite content with palming and squeezing the growing bulge in his pants. Though technically frowned upon in the club, it was Domino's favorite reaction to her performance, exciting her even more in turn.

The dance continued on for some time, Domino expertly adjusting her moves to match the ever changing rhythm of the music. Unlike her previous dances with these two, Terra was keeping quiet, watching and enjoying the show instead of chatting with Max. They were watching her eagerly as she stripped away the layers of fabric, more enticed than usual. Occasionally Marcus would whisper something into Terra's ear, causing the siamese to blush and chew on her lip, though she never looked away from Max. There was a definite hunger and excitement in their eyes, and while Max wasn't used to seeing that in her friends, Domino practically fed off their lust for her.

The end of Maxine's shift came all too soon, which Domino informed them of with a sigh. "Can't dance all night I'm afraid. Not that I'd mind dancing more for you two."

"Just a few more minutes?" Marcus asked her as he pulled his arm away from Terra. "At least keep my lovely lady entertained until I get back from the bathroom?"

"I think I can do that." The skunk smirked, moving to sit at the edge of the table. "I'd even give you a lap dance if I could, Honey. No extra charge."

"Sounds wonderful." Terra agreed, giving her lover a kiss before he left to relieve himself. "Perhaps I could convince you to give me one in a more private setting. Maybe at my place?"

"Certainly." Domino cooed, idly running her fingers along the golden chain between her nipples. "Pick a date, and I'll make the time."

"How about tonight?" Terra finally dared to ask, finding the courage to make the offer with the aid of a few drinks. "I... we... were actually wondering if you'd like to come back to our place after your shift ends. Maybe have a drink or two, relax, and... see where the night takes us."

Domino's curiosity was piqued now, as evident by her momentarily stunned silence. While being invited to her clients' homes wasn't unheard of, this was the first time she was actually tempted to accept the offer. It was Marcus and Terra after all, and not some creep who only wanted to sleep with her.

"So, you want to take me home?" Domino teased once the initial surprise had passed. "Well, normally I wouldn't, but I don't have to be anywhere tomorrow so... oh, why not. It could be fun, and I trust you guys not to do anything seedy. Just don't tell my other customers. They might get jealous."

"I'd never." Terra scoffed. "It'll be our little secret. Nothing wrong with having a drink after work with some friends, after all."

"Nothing at all." Max agreed with a grin. "How about you and your boyfriend give me ten minutes and I'll meet you out in the parking lot?" With a wink she climbed off the table, throwing Marcus a playful smirk as she passed him on her way to the dressing room.

There was a decidedly excited grin on Max's face as she changed, eager to rejoin her friends for whatever it was they had planned. It didn't even take the full ten minutes before she was heading for the exit, unusually awake for the late hour and ready for whatever was to come.

For simplicities sake, Max decided to just follow Terra home in her own car instead of riding with them. It gave her the time to get back into her normal self, toning down the flirtatious tendencies of Domino in favor of her usual personality. She'd only need to be mildly flirtation for an evening with friends after all.

The drive itself was rather uneventful, save for a few icy patches on the road. They arrive at the apartment building with no issues though, and soon Max was curled up on the couch beside Terra while Marcus mixed them a few drinks.

"I hope you don't think I'm weird for inviting you over so late." Terra was blushing as she spoke, her alcohol driven bravery quickly fading. "You'd probably rather be sleeping now, huh?"

"Nonsense." Max retorted with a wave of her hand. "I'm actually feeling a bit energized. And like I said, I don't have anything I need to do tomorrow, so I can sleep in as late as I want. I was a bit surprised by the invite, though."

"I'm surprised she finally worked up the nerve to ask." Marcus said with a laugh as he delivered the drinks. "Part of me thought she'd chicken out."

"Shush you."

"Chicken out over what?" Max was compelled to ask, eyeing Terra over the edge of her glass. "It's not like you haven't invited me over before."

"Yeah, but... nevermind." Terra was pretending to be distracted by her drink, though even Max could see the nervous blush in her cheeks. "So, back at the club, you offered to give me a lapdance. Was that a genuine offer, or..." Terra could barely look Max in the eye as she mentioned this, only giving her a sideways glance as she nervously sipped her drink.

Max couldn't help but smirk, and without a word she slipped a leg over Terra, straddling the feline's lap and catching her by surprise, while an amused Marcus watched from nearby. "I don't have any music, but I'll see what I can do."

She began rocking her hips, letting her curves do the work while gently grinding her ample rear against Terra's lap. "You know, I don't get to give these often, so this is a bit of a treat for us both."

"She could sure use it." Marcus commented, watching approvingly from beside them. "Especially considering the mini panic attack she had earlier today."

"What?" Concern replaced the flirtatious tone in Max's voice, her dance coming to an abrupt stop. "What happened?"

Terra let out a deep breath before answering, her expression darkening as she was reminded of the events of earlier. "Well, I was informed today that I have to... postpone my wedding."

"What? Why?"

"Only till June!" Marcus quickly interjected, though it did little to improve the woman's mood.

"The place where we want to have the ceremony doesn't have any openings until June, at the earliest. And all our other choices don't have anything until almost next winter."

"It's only a couple months more." Marcus offered, clearly an argument he had tried earlier, to little effect. "And it gives us more time to plan for even more stuff."

"I was hoping to be married by now." Terra admitted with a sigh, and the whole mood of the room dropped. Max wasn't surprised, since she had heard Marcus had taken his time in proposing, while Terra had been ready ages ago. Either way, this was not a good atmosphere for a lap dance.

"Hey now, don't be like that." Max cooed, taking a big gulp of her drink before setting it aside, then giving her full attention to Terra. "It's not like you have to cancel. And you're supposed to be celebrating tonight anyway. So cheer up, give me a smile, and let me give you a private dance you won't soon forget."

The skunk didn't even wait for a response, pulling off her shirt as she resumed the lap dance. She stepped up the display, once again grinding her hips against Terra's lap as she thrust her breasts out towards the woman's face. She danced to the rhythm of the music in her head, running her fingers across her body and along the gentle features of Terra's face, getting a thrill from the excitement she was in the woman's eyes. "You're really enjoying this. Didn't know you were this into girls."

"Well, I'm not, I think." Terra admitted, her gaze constantly shifting between Max's eyes and her tits. "I mean, I've found other women attractive before, but I've never been attracted to one before... until I met you."

"Really now?"

"It's true." Marcus dared to interject once more. "Every time we visit you at work, it's her idea. She's also a big fan of your web show."

"Marcus!" Terra's face was a deep red beneath her fur, and she looked like she could shrink into the sofa at any moment. Max had to admit, it was adorable.

"I had no idea." The skunk smirked, gently encouraging Terra to look her in the eyes. "Don't be embarrassed. It's nice to have friends that enjoy my work. Say, how about I give you two private dances from now on, whenever you want? No charge."

"That would be lovely." Terra admitted, taking a long sip of her drink to steady her nerves. "And, maybe we could try a bit more than just dancing?"

"More? What more could you want?" Though Max asked, her grin showed she had a good idea of what Terra was implying. "Perhaps you want a more hands on performance? A live show of my webcam material?"

"You could say that." Terra was glancing at her fiancé a bit nervously now, chewing on her lip with a mix of trepidation and excitement. "I've never been with a woman before, never even thought about it before. But now you've got me... curious. I mean, I don't know if you'd be interested, but..."

"You want to sleep with me?" Max asked with genuine surprise. "I didn't realize you meant you were that into me."

"If you don't want to I understand."

"What about your fiancé?" Max glanced at Marcus, still digesting it all. "Are you okay with that?"

"You know, I wasn't sure at first." Marcus said, taking a moment to enjoy a taste of his beverage. "When Terra first asked, I was a bit conflicted. But we talked about it, and I think I'm alright with it, so long as it's you, our trusted friend. And I get to watch at least, of course."

"Of course." Max turned her gaze back to Terra, her demeanor serious, but intrigued. "You really want this? With me?"

"Yes." Terra said with a firm nod. "I've been thinking about it for months, and you're the only woman I want to try this with, before I get married. If you want to."

Smiling, Max took Terra's face in her hands so they had to look into each other's eyes. "I'd love to. You've become a good friend of mine, someone I trust and care about. I'd love to sleep with you, and Marcus. In fact, it would be my pleasure." With a soft hum she leaned closer, pressing her lips against Terra's as she took the feline in a soft kiss.

Terra didn't hesitate to return that kiss, wrapping her arms around the skunk's waist as her blush deepened. They held each other close as they shared that tender kiss, the two women humming softly into the other's soft, warm lips. They enjoyed the feel of each other's touch for a bit longer, lingering in the moment before Max finally pulled away, a soft smile on her muzzle. "Hmm, you taste sweet."

"Your lips are so soft." Terra replied with a giggle. "Among other things." She gave the skunk a hug, their breasts pressing together. "Very soft." A snicker pulled their attention to Marcus, who was watching with a coy grin. "What are you smirking at?"

"Oh nothing." He replied, unable to wipe the smirk from his face. "I'm just enjoying the show."

"Maybe we should move this show to a more comfortable venue." With a wink, Max climbed off of Terra's lap, taking her by the hands and lifting her to her paws. Hand in hand they adjourned to the bedroom, Marcus following with a smile on his face and a bulge in his pants.

The man made himself comfortable in a chair while the two women sat side by side on the bed. "Let's get this off." The skunk cooed, pulling Terra's shirt up over her head. "No bra? You naughty girl."

"It's good to be naughty." The siamese replied, getting into the mood. "And it's so much more comfortable. Here, let's get those girls of yours some air, too." She reached around Max's back to unclasp her bra, freeing those hefty mounds with ease. "Aw, no chain? But it was so sexy."

"True, but it's also not mine." Max admitted, giving her bust a bounce. "Technically, it belongs to the club, though I may get one of my own. They don't work well with bras, though." She gave her breasts a squeeze, tugging at her nipple rings playfully before noticing how Terra was staring at them. "You can play with them, if you want."

Terra hesitated for a moment, eyeing those large, black furred breasts, golden nipple rings shining in the light. They were so much more beautiful up close, and finding her nerve she palmed that ample bosom, feeling the weight and firmness in her fingers. "Damn, these are heavy. They're like twice as heavy as mine. How do you carry these around all the time?"

"Very supportive bras." Max said with a laugh. "And exercising, too. I'm used to them, though, and I wouldn't trade them in for anything. But enough of that, let's get back to the fun." Gently she placed her hands on Terra's shoulders, pulling the feline in closer to her chest. "Go ahead and play."

"Play, huh?" Terra smirked, giving Maxine's breasts a firm squeeze. "Well, if you're giving me the lead..." Ignore the tempting meal before her, Terra lunged up to kiss Max deeply. Her hands continued to fondle those hefty breasts as she pushed the skunk over onto the bed, her rough tongue daring to push into her friend's muzzle. Max gladly granted her that access, moaning softly as she wrapped her arms around Terra, pulling her in tight.

"Damn..." Marcus muttered, watching rather intently. One hand tightly gripped his glass while the other kept rubbing his thigh, a noticeable tent forming in his pants. "Just... god damn. You really enjoying that, babe?"

"Are you worried?" Max broke the kiss to ask, a playful glint in her eyes. "Afraid I might steal your fiancée away from you?"

"Who wouldn't be?" He replied with a laugh. "Such a beautiful and skilled woman, you could probably seduce whoever you wanted."

"Are you really worried?" Terra asked, a hint of guilt in her voice. "If you don't want me to do this..."

"It's alright, babe." Marcus assured her. "I love you, and I trust you. I mean, you've stuck with me for this long, I'd hope it'd take more than this for me to lose you. Besides, I'd be a fool to pass up on a live show like this."

"Idiot." Terra rolled her eyes with a laugh. "But I love you, too."

"How sweet," Max said with a soft smile. "Now, how about we get this live show going?"

With no arguments from Terra, the two women went right back at it. Their hands roamed over each other's bodies as they kissed, moaning softly as they held each other close on the sheets. It wasn't long before the pants hit the floor, Terra interlocking her legs with Max's while the skunk reach around to feel of that ass.

"Oh my, is that a thong?" She asked, giving the thin strip of fabric a tug. "You really are a naughty kitten."

"In the best of ways." Terra replied, giving the skunk's tits a playful squeeze. "I'm a sucker for sexy underwear."

"Well, I'm a sucker for sexy women." Max smirked, pulling the skimpy garment down. "But they look so much better au naturel."

"Agreed." Smirking, Terra attempted the same, tugging at Max's soft panties. As she did, she caught sight of Marcus, practically drooling as he did his best to ignore the sizeable bulge in his pants. A playful grin crossed her muzzle, and she pressed in close to whisper in Maxine's ear. "Hey, help me drive Marcus nuts."

"What do you have in mind?" She whispered back, not passing the chance to nibble on Terra's ear. "I thought we were doing a good job of that already."

"Play with my paws." Terra breathed, feeling a bit of a rush as she rubbed her paws against Max's. "He's got a thing for paws. I want to really get him going."

Curious but not one to argue, Max did as Terra requested. She stretched out her toes, rubbing her paws against the feline's and interlacing their toes when they could. It didn't seem all that pleasurable to her, though Terra's paws were nice and soft, but she saw Marcus perk right up, even more than before. His eyes went wide as he licked his lips, a soft purring emanating from his chest as his hand finally grabbed for his crotch.

"Hey, no fapping." Terra pointed a finger at her mate. "I don't want you wasting any of that on your hand. Just watch and be patient, and you'll get a nice reward. I promise."

"You can be real cruel sometimes." Marcus said with a smirk, once again gripping his thigh to keep control. "But god if I don't love you for it."

"Then you'll love this." She purred with a wink, stretching her paws closer to him while nuzzling against Max, getting close to her ear once more. "So, what do we do now?"

Max had to stifle a chuckle. It was always so cute sleeping with a first timer. She breathed gently on the nap of the woman's neck as she pondered the options, a hand slipping up between Terra's thighs. "Well, we could just keep touching each other until we can't stand it anymore. Or, we could go down on each other, and see how sweet we really taste."

A small whimper escaped Terra's lips as Max finished her offer with a lick at her neck. "I've never tasted another woman before." She mewled once her head cleared a bit. "I think I'd like to try it."

"Then lie on your back, and relax." Max gently pushed Terra over before turning around to straddle her head, her glistening pussy now inches away from her nose. The skunk flashed Marcus a grin as she dipped her own head between Terra's spread thighs, admiring the tender flesh within.

"Looks tasty." She cooed, holding the feline's legs apart as she teasingly kissed at her puffy mons. "Soft, warm, and moist. A royal feast." Slowly she ran her tongue through the tender labia, savoring the tangy flavor of her friend. She could hear Terra moan softly as she ate her out, and every whimper encouraged her to continue, which she was more than happy to do. Though, she couldn't help but notice that something was missing. "Hey, it takes two to tango. Don't leave me dry, girl."

"Oh, s-sorry." It took a moment for Terra's eyes to focus, especially as Max went back to eating her out. Damn she was good with that tongue. With a deep breath she focused her gaze on the pussy before her. It was already dripping with moisture, and the scent was nearly overpowering. Gingerly, she gripped the skunk's ass, lifting her head to get a better taste. Purring softly, she pressed her lips against Maxi's, and the flavor surprised her. It was nothing like her own taste: tart yet sweet, and very hot. Her purring became a moan as her rough tongue slid through those velvety folds, lapping up every delectable drip and letting the juices slide down her throat,. It was a taste she could see herself getting very used to.

"Your girlfriend's pretty Oh!... Pretty good at this." Max managed to gasp, grinning at Marcus as her fingers tease Terra's pussy. "Oh god, that tongue. You're a... a lucky guy."

"Don't I know it." Marcus replied with a pained smirk. He could smell the musk building, and his member was straining against his pants. But he'd endure it, for now. "We cat's really know how to use our tongues."

"I can tell." A shiver ran up Max's spine as she felt the tip of Terra's tongue swirl around her clit, tugging on her piercing and sending waves of pleasure through her body. "Honey, if you keep that up... oh god..."

Suddenly she rolled off the feline, her body shivering from the denied release. Terra was left whimpering at the loss of her meal, rolling over to be near the skunk again. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No." Max assured her, taking a few steadying breaths. "But you were a few licks away from getting a shower."

"Oops?" Terra offered a shrug, though her tongue kept licking at her lips. "Guess I liked doing that more than I thought I would."

"I certainly enjoyed it." Max smirked, her fingers tracing lines in the fur on Terra's thigh. "He looked like he did, too. But, I want to enjoy more than just your tongue."

"You'll have to lead for that part." Terra purred, laying on her back invitingly. "Please, make love to me, Maxine. Woman to woman."

"My pleasure." With a last glance at Marcus, who gave an approving nod, Max climbed on top of the woman. Their lips met with heated moans, their bodies pressing tightly together as Max positioned herself between Terra's spread legs. Marcus had a perfect view, licking his lips hungrily as Max began grinding her wet pussy into Terra's.

Terra let out a moan, her hips bucking up into Max's as the first wave of pleasure spread through her body. She hadn't known what to expect from this, how good it would feel to just rub their crotches together. But as her hips squirmed against Max's, her arms tightly wrapped around the skunk's body, she found herself nearly overwhelmed with the pleasure. She could just feel that gold ring teasing her sensitive clit, and the feel of Max's body against her own only heightened her pleasure. "Oh, Max! That feels so good. I had no idea..."

"You feel great, Honey." Max moaned in her ear, her hips rocking with increased speed. She was getting quite the thrill out of this herself, constantly glancing over her shoulder to watch Marcus watch them. She hadn't told either of them, but this was the first threesome she had ever participated in, and the first time she had ever had someone watch her making love to another. It was a fantasy come true, his hungry eyes and tented pants driving her mad with desire. "He's watching us." She whimpered excitedly. "Oh god, Terra!"

"Max!" Terra mewled, desperately clinging to the skunk as they made love. "Don't stop. I'm... getting close."

"Me too." Max breathed, kissing at Terra's neck as their wet pussies slid across each other, juices running everywhere. "Just... a bit more!"

The women held out for as long as they could, kissing passionately as they clung to each other. Words were replaced with moans and the wet sounds of their grinding pussies. An almost feral lust overcame them, hips grinding with ever increasing intensity. Their bodies tightened as they reached the peak of pleasure, toes curling as the two women simultaneously cried out in ecstasy.

"Oh fuck!" Marcus jumped as they climaxed, a thick stream of juices squirting out from between them and sprinkling his paws. Max was crying out to the heavens, her hips jerking with each pulse while Terra purred loudly through her own orgasm. The women held each other tightly as they thrashed, their minds lost to the pleasure, feeling only the rush of climax and the heat of each other's body.

"Mmm..." Terra hummed contently, a smile plastered on her face. "Oh, that was incredible."

"Glad you enjoyed it." Max cooed, nuzzling into Terra's neck as she tried to catch her breath. "You were amazing. Are amazing. So, think it's something you'd do again?"

"With you? Definitely." Terra replied, giving the skunk a quick kiss. "Maybe we could try other things, too."

"I could think of a few things. Maybe next time I'll bring my Ah!" Max cried out in a mix of surprise and pleasure, a sudden rush racing through her spine. She quickly glanced back to find Marcus between her legs, licking up some of the salty juices that coated her nethers.

"Sorry." He said with a smirk. "But I just couldn't sit and watch anymore. I hope you don't mind if I join you two."

"Depends on what you have in mind."

"Well, we've seen your show, and I know what you enjoy. I've always wanted to try anal, but Terra's a bit hesitant. So, if you're okay with it..."

"Sounds like a night of firsts all around." Max smirked. "We can, so long as Terra's okay with it."

"It's only fair." The siamese giggled. "A well earned reward for behaving himself for so long."

"Well then, get yourself lubed up and I'm all yours."

"One step ahead of you." Marcus was already stripping off his close, both women wide eyed as his dick finally stood free and at full attention. With a bottle of lube in hand, the man poured a generous amount over his shaft, massaging it in with a grin that sent an excited shiver up Max's spine. "You ready?"

"Been awhile since I've been with a man." Max admitted, her rear end rising in anticipation. "Just, go slow at first. Take it nice and easy."

Marcus nodded as he climbed onto the bed behind them. His hands ran over her supple ass, purring loudly as he rubbed his shaft through the pillowy crevasse. He felt a rush as his eyes met Terra's, the woman still laying beneath the skunk and watching him eagerly, approvingly. With a heavy breath he pressed the tip of his dick against Max's soft, yielding pucker. "I'm putting it in."

"Nice and easy." Max reiterated, relaxing her muscles as she leaned into the man. "I'm ready for you, Honey."

"Do it, Babe." Terra encouraged him further, reaching down to give the skunk's rear a firm squeeze. "I want to see you make her cum."

"Can't say no to you." Marcus grunted, slowly pushing his member through the skunk's tight ring of muscles. He could feel her squeezing his dick as he pushed in, eagerly taking his length with little resistance. "Damn. It's so tight."

"Only because you're so big." Max moaned, her ass pushing right back against him. "You're doing great, Baby. Don't stop."

"Does it really feel good?" Terra was chewing her lip as she watched her fiancé push in to the hilt. "Doesn't it hurt at all?"

"Not a bit." Max breathed, a shiver running through her body as Marcus slowly started to thrust his hips. "But I've... oh... had a lot of practice. Oh yeah, just like that."

"It's softer than I expected." Marcus grunted, already increasing his pace. A wet slap further accentuated each thrust, his pent up lust threatening to overtake his control as those velvety rings of muscles squeezed his dick. "It's so much like... yet so different. God this feels good. Max, can I go faster?"

"Yes!" Max cried out, clinging to Terra as she rocked her hips back against Marcus. "Don't hold back. Give me... Give me everything!"

Marcus replied with a nearly feral growl as he released his pent up lust. His body bent over the skunk as he thrust into her, his hands finding and digging into the bedsheets as he pinned both women beneath him He wasn't even able to speak anymore, growling hungrily through clenched teeth.

"Oh god!" Max cried out, her eyes already rolling up in her head. The sudden assault had her ass on fire, waves of electric pleasure pulsing through her body with each thrust. The sensation was only heightened from being sandwiched between the two cats, Terra squeezing her ass and biting at her neck, magnifying the pleasure. "Oh yes! You guys... Keep this up and I'll..."

"Do it." Terra purred, releasing Max's ass only to grab hold of Marcus' hips, encouraging him to go even faster. She was thoroughly enjoying this show, especially from this point of view. "I want to see you cum. I want to see you both cum right on top of me."

"Fuck!" Marcus growled right into Max's ear, grinding balls deep into her tight ass. "I'm gonna cum. I'm... In or out?"

"In!" Max whimpered, the felines biting on either side of her neck now. She could feel her muscles tightening, milking the dick that was pounding her ass so perfectly, driving her right past the edge of carnal bliss. "Do it inside! Do it!"

Max's entire body spasmed as she climaxed, singing out the heavens once more as her mind went numb with pleasure. The sensation was enough to push Marcus over the edge, the man letting out a feral growl as he hilted in the skunk. Thick ropes of his seed coated her insides, the two locked in ecstasy with Terra along for the ride.

The three lovers remained locked together for a short while, enjoying the warm embrace of their shared afterglow. It was with a satisfied groan that Marcus eventually rolled off of the pile, his member pulling free with a wet pop that left Max shivering. She could already feel his seed starting to leak from her pucker, and it was with a sigh of her own that she finally rolled off of Terra.

"Hm, I needed that." That skunk cooed, unable to remove the smile from her face. "You guys are amazing, Thanks for inviting me over."

"Thank you for coming." Terra replied, laughing at her own joke. "And for putting up with my weird request."

"It was my pleasure." Max assured her. "I've never had any issue with sleeping with good friends. I'm just glad you enjoyed it. Now, I need to clean up, as someone was apparently rather pent up. You'll want to wash up, too." She reached over to give Marcus a poke. "Wash that with a warm cloth before you go to sleep. Trust me."

"Yeah alright. But let's do it quick. I'm suddenly very tired."

"Men: always passing out right after." Terra smirked. They had a bit of a laugh, though the general consensus now was for sleep all the same. They cleaned up quickly then returned to the bed, Terra finding herself sandwich between the others this time. It was warm and cozy, all of them heaving a rather contented sigh as they drifted off to sleep. The perfect way to end the evening, even though it was already almost four in the morning.

A sigh escaped Max's muzzle as the late morning sun warmed her face. She instinctively rolled away from the light, curling up on her side as she wasn't quite ready to get up just yet. As she got comfortable, her hand brushed against another's. Her eyes fluttered open, a soft smile creasing her face as her fingertips traced over Terra's open palm.

The sleeping feline was also on her side, facing the skunk with the sun lighting up her face. Marcus was right behind her, an arm lazily drooped over Terra's body. It was an adorable scene, made only more so when her fingers curled around Max's hand, a squeak of a yawn escaping her lips.

"Hey." Terra murmured as her eyes slowly opened, smiling warmly at the woman resting next to her. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah." Max replied, still holding the woman's hand. "I always sleep well when it's with someone I care about."

"It is nicer than sleeping alone." Terra agreed with a quick glance over her shoulder. "Even when it's with a big lump of fur."

"Oh he's a sweetheart. And very lucky, if I may say so."

"I feel like the lucky one." Terra admitted. "Especially after last night. That was amazing, by the way. I... I don't even know what else to say about it. You made me feel incredible, and it was all so exciting. If I wasn't engaged, I'd almost be worried about falling in love with... you." A heavy blush spread across Terra's face as she realized what she was saying. "That probably sounded weirder than I meant it to."

"Not really." Max said with a shake of her head. "There's many different kinds of love, and many different ways to express them. Marcus is your fiancé, the one you're in love with, the one who's most important in your heart. No one could take that spot, but that doesn't mean you can't love others. Family of course, and friends, too. If you love a friend, and want to show that love by sleeping with them, then that's perfectly fine. I mean, I sleep with my closest friend all the time, and I'm more than honored to get to sleep with the two of you, and share in your love."

With a warm smile, Max leaned over to give Terra a kiss. The feline blinked in surprise, before leaning into that kiss. It was gentle and warm, a soft show of affection that perfectly summed up what Max was trying to say. It only lasted a few seconds, but both women felt a warmth inside when they separated.

"I guess you're right." Terra conceded. "Makes more sense if I just give in and admit that I love you, as a very close friend."

"Love you, too." Max giggled. "And don't even think about paying for my show anymore. I'll give you two all the private dances you want."

"Okay." Terra blushed softly. "Say, how about we get some breakfast? I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

"I could go for some breakfast." Max admitted. "And a fresh cup of coffee. What about him?"

Terra glanced over her shoulder at her sleeping partner, who was still snoring away. "Oh, he won't wake up until he smells coffee brewing. Come on, I've got the biggest craving for eggs right now."

"Yes please." Max said with a laugh. She couldn't think of a better way to start this day, the perfect follow-up to a wonderful evening. She hadn't expected such feelings from Terra, but she was filled with the kind of warmth and happiness that only a friendship this close could bring.

There was a noticeable skip in Maxine's step as she walked down the hall towards her apartment. It was impossible to be in a bad mood after such a wonderful night, capped off with a late, hot breakfast with her feline friends, and plans for further fun with them down the road. She could only imagine what Aiden would say if he found out what, and who, she did last night. Not that he really needed to know.

"I'm home!" Max sang out as she stepped inside. "Did I miss anything?"

"Max!" Aiden was already scrambling her way. He nearly knocked her over as he took hold of her arms, looking her over in a near panic. "Where the hell have you been? Are you hurt? Why didn't you call?"

"Aiden, woah! Calm down a minute!" Max had never seen the fox so worked up before. His fur was disheveled, and he looked as though he'd been on edge for hours. It was very unlike the normally calm Aiden she knew. "Slow down and take a breath, and stop yelling. Now, what are you going on about?"

Aiden took a deep breath, though he was noticeably shaking and still had his hands on Max's shoulders. When he finally spoke, his words were forcibly slowed and even. "Where were you last night?"

"I was at Terra's, if you must know." This certainly wasn't the welcome home Max was expecting. It felt more like she was about to get a lecture from her father, and that was the last thing she wanted from Aiden. "She invited me to her place after work last night, for drinks, and I stayed there because it was so late. I didn't know I suddenly had a curfew."

"Why didn't you answer my texts?" He continued, still struggling to stay calm. "I called, and texted... I didn't know where you were."

"You did?" Curious, Max pulled her phone out of her purse. A quick check revealed the reason for her lack of reply. "Battery's dead. Guess I forgot to turn it off last night. Sorry."

The matter was settled as far as Max was concerned, but Aiden still held on to her. His head was bowed, his breath unsteady as he continued to force himself to stay calm. It was starting to unnerve her. "Aiden, what is wrong with you?"

"I thought..." Aiden had to take another deep breath before he could continue. "I thought that something had happened to you. I woke up, and you weren't here, and I was afraid... Do you know how many car accidents there were last night?" He finally made eye contact with her, and though he was shouting Max felt no anger in his gaze. Only panic and concern. "Half the roads were covered in ice, and I didn't know if you had been in an accident, or if someone had..." He choked on the sentence, his eyes starting to water up. "I was afraid that you were hurt, and I didn't know where you were, or where to find you."

"Aiden..." Max certainly hadn't expected this, and as Aiden let out a sob she moved closer, taking them man in a tight hug. "Oh Aiden, I'm sorry. I guess I could have left a message saying where I was, or something. But I'm okay, Aiden. I'm here now, and I'm okay."

"Don't scare me like that again." Aiden managed a chuckle, relief finally overcoming his morning long panic. "I spent half the morning trying to find you, calling different people... Oh god, I've got to call your mom and let her know you're home."

"Oh no, she must be going crazy." Max laughed, sharing in Aiden mirth, and glad to hear him laugh. "I'll call her. You go sit down and relax. This is my fault anyway."

Aiden nodded, though he held the hug for a few moments longer. he was hesitant to let go of the woman now that she was home again. Max didn't deny him this, feeling a mix of guilt for making him worry, and love from his concern for her safety. Like she had told Terra: there were many ways to express love, and the love she felt from, and for, Aiden right now was as strong as that for any family member. Or perhaps, even stronger. That thought was a little frightening to Max, so she ignored it, focusing instead on the warmth and safety of Aiden's embrace.