Fox n' Gryph

Story by Captain Quinn C Drakon on SoFurry

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A fox gets a gryphon.

The bipedal red fox slinked in through the door. Going to work had gotten less and less appealing the past few weeks. Although the job was ideal, what with the hours fitting around his college schedule combined with excellent pay, Red had made an incredibly embarrassing mistake about a month ago.

Recently, his employer hired TJ, a gryphon, a very hot gryphon who was a combination of panther for the feline part, and raven for the avian portion, a combination that left TJ with a solid black, glossy covering that, the fox noted almost immediately, nicely accentuated the gryphon's lithe frame.

In the short time the two had worked together, Red actually fell heavily in love with TJ. It seemed the gryphon knew exactly what to say, liked to hang out with the fox on an almost constant basis, was a frequent partner when going on lunch breaks, and didn't seem to have a girlfriend. With all these seemingly positive indications, the fox did the most logical thing: He made a move on the gryphon.

Red immediately found out that he misread everything by the gryphon's rather cold hearted rejection of his offer. As a result of this mistake, Red's and TJ's happy friendship suffered by damaging awkwardness whenever they were together, and Red found himself being teased mercilessly by TJ. Even if the fox knew that the gryphon's teasing wasn't meant to be mean, it still hurt Red to the quick, always reminding him of the error he made, the disappointment of being turned down, and the loss of the good natured friendship they shared.

Despite his efforts to remain unobtrusive, TJ caught Red. Cringingly, Red endured the now common needling from the gryphon. The fox had grown tired of it since about a week ago, so schemed up a plan to make things better.

According to his research, there was a jewel that affected gryphons, making them extremely susceptible to suggestion. After much consideration, he ordered one from a seller online, the item arriving in short order. Red took comfort in reviewing the plan he came up with while enduring his daily dose of teasing.

Finally, he had the opportunity to put the plan into motion once TJ got his fill of teasing Red.

"So, what do you have going on tomorrow evening?" the fox inquired of the gryphon. "Tis your birthday, yes?"

The gryphon smirked. "Why? Gonna ask me out on a date? Yeah, but I won't be celebrating it til the weekend."

Red grinned back, but it was a knowing smile, as opposed to one of humor at the gryphon's remark. "Not a date, per se, but dinner is involved. I think I'll have some hamburgers."

The gryphon's eyes lit up upon mention of 'hamburgers'. Hamburgers were TJ's favorite food, something that Red knew full well.

"Just as long as it's just dinner!" TJ said.

"As you wish," the fox said, careful not to make promises, since he already knew that dinner is the least of the planned activities. "Dinner at 6."

* * *

Red pranced about the house, happier in his anticipation than he felt in weeks. He just about finished roasting the hamburgers when the doorbell rang. Quickly, the fox answered it, greeting TJ warmly and inviting him in.

Much to his relief, TJ decided to forgo the teasing for the day, making the dinner that much more pleasant. Towards the end, Red found himself gazing dreamily at TJ, but managed to catch himself before the gryphon noticed. Red got more opportunity to oogle the quadruped gryphon, though, as the two padded into the living room to hang out.

"Well, that was a pleasant night," the gryphon said after he and Red finished a marathon of movie watching, "but I'm getting tired. I think I ought to head home now."

The fox made a show of disappointment at this, "You sure? I mean, if you're that tired, you can stay the night here."

Perhaps it was the gryphon's exhaustion that prevented him from responding in any other way but serious. "I know, but, to be honest, I've seen you eying me, and I don't want to torture you like that."

Red nodded, just another example of how their friendship was still there. "I appreciate that. But, before you go, I have a gift for you." The fox presented the package containing the jewel, which was now set into a pendant. "Happy birthday."

The gryphon's beak bent into a grin. "Aw, I forgot that you remembered that it was my Birthday today." The gryphon's talons made short work of the wrapping, deftly opening the clamshell. The pleased grin morphed into one of amazement, the hybrid's eyes opening wide as he took in the pendant and its jewel. "It's ... it's ..." he stuttered.

"Beautiful?" Red offered.

"Beautiful..." the gryphon murmured.

Red nodded and stood there, watching TJ, observing as the gryphon's expression slowly relaxed into a blissful smile the longer he stared at the jewel. Finally, the fox spoke.

"Would you like me to put it on you?"

The gryphon slowly nodded, eyes still dazed, goofy smile still present.

Red removed the pendant from the box, his eagerness making his forepaws tremble. Still, he was able to slip it over the gryphon's head. As he was so close, Red pressed his advantage, planting a kiss on the gryphon's beak. TJ squawked in surprise, pulling back.

"What're you doing?"

Red just smiled to him. "I'm kissing my new Mate. You did want to be my Mate, right?"

"I, uh, no. I've told you I'm not like that," TJ protested.

Red shook his head, running both his forepaws against the gryphon's neck, down his shoulders and through his chest feathers. "That can't be right. I know that's not right. What if I told you that you wanted to be my Mate? That you find males attractive and that nothing would please you more than to have one all your own?"

TJ groaned and leaned into the stroking paws, wobbling slightly in a swoon. "I... I... I'd agree with you. I'd love to have you as a Mate. Yes... I look forward to having a male that I can feel against me at any time I want."

"And to feel on?"

"N... I... Yes.."

"Well, feel free."

The gryphon nodded dumbly, reaching up with his foretalons, placing them against Red's chest, and stroking them slowly downward toward the fox's hips. TJ repeated this maneuver, sighing softly, altered mind allowing him to enjoy the curves of Red's muscles, Red cooing encouragingly at him.

After a moment, Red seized TJ's foretalons, bringing one of them up to kiss it. "Mmm. I guess you changed your mind about spending the night, yes?"

The gryphon nodded, "Why would I leave my Mate? Of course I'll stay."

With a smirk, Red nodded back, then ushered TJ out of the living room and into the bedroom. Once there, Red slid his shirt off, exposing his lithe torso to his new Mate, TJ actually groaning as he took in the sight of the sexy fox. Keeping his shorts on for the time being, he hopped up onto the bed. Propping himself up on his elbows, the fox regarded the gryphon. "Come on over, TJ."

TJ needed no further encouragement, immediately arriving between the other male's hindlegs. The desire suddenly present in his mind made the gryphon instantly start nosing gently into Red's cloth covered crotch. The desire was still too powerful for that, so the gryphon reached up, fully intending to pull the offending cloth out of the way.


At that word from Red, TJ immediately halted his advance, but looked up at Red with a pouty expression.

Red found the instant obedience hot, the bulge in his shorts increasing in size. "So, now I know you're a cockslut, but what about being a pawslut?"

The words uttered by the fox confused the gryphon for a moment. TJ seemed to recall that he was neither one of those things, but, at the same time, and much more convincingly, he felt those words ring true.

"Still not sure, huh?" Red said with some amusement. "Why don't you try it out and see how you feel about it?" Red watched as the gryphon continued to hesitate, losing patience with that. "Lick my hindpaws." he commanded then. "Now."

All hesitation vanished from the gryphon's body language, and he instantly grabbed the fox's leg, bringing one of the foxes hindpaw up, gazing at it with something close to adoration, admiring the sheen of the black fur covering it, somewhat amused at how the black 'sock' there seeming to offer a guideline of where to lick. With a happy sigh, the gryphon brought the hindpaw to his beak, resting it against his nares and inhaling the scent deeply. Then he slipped his tongue out and touch the hindpaw with it, murring deeply at the taste.

"You see? I knew you were a pawslut. You're a pawslut, right?" Red cooed.

Between his lappings, TJ responded in a calm voice, "I am a pawslut. Right."

"Oh man, that's hot, to hear you admit your desires," said the fox. "I've got another one, Pawslut."

The gryphon nodded eagerly, settling easily into his new pawslut role. Again, there was that odd dual thought, about how he never liked paws parallel to how he always loved paws, Red's in particular. The former thought was obviously wrong, though, considering how he eagerly went down on the fox's sexy hindpaws. Holding both hindpaws up, he fawned over them, lapping and licking, darting his tongue between the digits, rubbing them into his face and against his chest.


Once again, TJ immediately stopped his actions and, once again, felt dismayed at the order.

Red smiled reassuringly at his gryphon. "No worries, Mate. Plenty of time for fun. But, you need to fully take your clothes off." TJ was wearing a button T shirt and jeans, made for a four legged creature like him, likely for modesty. The buttons on the T shirt were torn off, the shirt hanging open to expose TJ's chest. "It'd be more pleasant for me if you were naked, and you want me to be happy, right?"

"Yes. Nothing makes me happier than the happiness of my Mate," the gryphon responded immediately, pulling the remains of his shirt off, then undoing his belt, sliding off his pants in short order, standing in complete nakedness for the fox.

The fox murrred. "That's so hot, Pawslut." He lifted a hindpaw. "Now, come back here and resume your work."

The gryphon squawked gleefully, turned on by the nickname and the thought of resuming his worship of the fox's paws, arousal evident by the presence of his erect cock bouncing between his hindlegs as he padded over to sit once again between his Mate's legs. Selecting a hindpaw, he went back to work tonguing the appendage.

Red grinned blissfully upon feeling the gryphon's tongue against his paw again, openly admiring the other male now that fox had him. The gryphon was as sexy as Red imagined he would be, the cock an impressive size, color matching the avian's fur and feathers. A sudden inspiration hit, one that Red acted on as soon as possible. He reached his other hindpaw down and stroked it against TJ's, eliciting a highly pleasured moan, a throb, and slimy pre from the gryphon.

Red smiled and murred more, slowly stroking along the erect cock, pausing to finally undo the button and zipper of his shorts, finally freeing his arousal from the confines of the cloth. Being that he knew what was going to happen this evening, he didn't bother with undies.

"Would you stroke me off, Pawslut?" Red said then.

"Of course!" TJ said, immediately curling a foretalon around the red, tapered shaft of his Mate, starting to stroke it gently. Used to ignoring that voice insisting that this isn't something he does, TJ just accepted this as completely acceptable. The cock felt good in his grasp, the feeling of the meat throbbing in his grip making him curious as to why he didn't like this before.

After what seemed like an eternity, Red groaned, "What should we do next?"

TJ shrugged. "I don't care, as long as I can do it with you."

Red nodded, expected as much. "Okay, stop.."

The stop command was immediately followed by compliance, though this time, TJ didn't feel disappointment, instead feeling a certain anticipation. He watched as Red hopped off the bed and approached him, then leaned in to meet the fox when Red leaned in to kiss him. After a ruffle of headfeathers, Red ordered TJ onto the bed, on his back, all fours in the air.

"You're a pawslut, Pawslut," the fox murmured as he stepped up to the prone gryphon, "I'm also fond of hindpaws, and have admired yours for a long, long time. Now I get to have them."

The gryphon nodded. "I know you've admired me for awhile, Love. I just wish I hadn't been so blind and kept you from me. I am yours, including my hindpaws." He wriggled the digits at Red and was gratified when the fox took one of the hindpaws and nuzzled it.

"Thank you," Red said, turning the nuzzle into a lick, running his tongue against, much as TJ did for him earlier. "But," he continued between slurps, "I'd like to sample more of you."

TJ grinned blissfully and wriggled his hindquarters. "I'm yours. Use me the way you want."

Red nodded and poised his cocktip against TJ's tailhole, spurting multiple shots of his pre there. "Like this?"

TJ groaned, panting, the hesitating moments from before no longer in existence. "Ooh, gods. Please. Please put it in me. I want to feel my Mate deep inside me. I want you to take me as reparations for the delay in my accepting mateship with you."

Red licked at TJ. "That's good to hear, Pawslut, but I forgave you already." With a grunt, he started pushing into the gryphon's tailhole. the beasty squirming and groaning as he felt a cock pushing into him for the first time. While his tailhole was tight, he still tried to clench against Red's length, wanting the most pleasure for his mate to feel, rewarded for his efforts by an extra grunt of effort from the fox. "You're so tight, Pawslut," Red said, the mind altered gryphon beaming happily at him, the avian's shaft throbbing and spurting pre madly, making a mess of his tummy fur and some of his lower chest feathers.

After what seemed like forever, Red finally fully buried himself into the quivering mass of fur and feathers under him, his shaft throbbing mightily, each throb spurting his own pre fluid into the purring gryphon, TJ continuing to rhythmically squeeze against the fox's meat. It soon became apparent that Red was content to simply idle in his new mate's rear, which, of course, TJ didn't mind. Upon realizing the canine's intent, TJ merely placed his foretalons behind his head, using them as pillows as he regarded Red with adoring eyes, admiring the fox's form, all adding to his own pleasure.

The fox returned the gryphon's grin. "So much better than teasing me about how I am, isn't it?" Red queried.

TJ grinned more, "Sure is! I'm glad you were able to change my mind about the whole thing."

The fox grinned more, the slight exposure of teeth making his expression somewhat predatory in nature. Unsurprisingly, TJ found this a big turn on, his member improbably increasing production of pre once more, even going so far as to splatter the gryphon's chest feathers with it.

Red grinned upon seeing TJ spurt on himself. "Aw, look at you, all making a mess on yourself," he churred. Reaching up, the fox rubbed the fluid into the feathers, digging deep to get to the skin underneath. "Feels good, doesn't it?"

TJ looked confused for a moment, not sure if it was supposed to feel good, experiencing such a thing, but the confusion went away when he remembered it was Red telling him so, and he felt he could believe anything Red said. As such, the hybrid responded in a definite positive way, groaning and shoving his chest out into the fox's slimy paw, obviously wanting more of the contact, nodding vigorously and starting to pant, giving even more for the fox to rub into his feathers.

Red kept at it, working until the surface was completely soaked, from collarbone to tummy, panting softly as well, turned on just as much as his gryphon was at the action, the canine's shaft throbbing and pumping more and more of his own pre into TJ, the fox continuing to admire the gryph's sexy form slowly becoming shiny with the liquid.

At some point, Red decided he wanted to taste what TJ was offering, so started to lick his wet forepaw. After a few experimental licks, he found the taste to his liking, at least enough to where he wanted more. As a result, the fox decided to include licking his paw clean in with his massaging and stroking of TJ's chest.

TJ, for his part, was helplessly groaning and moaning, squirming and wiggling. In his new state of mind, just a simple touch of Red was enough to get him aroused, so having said fox's cock up his rear and that fox busily making a huge mess on his chest with pre had him so pleasantly teetering near his climax. He did notice there were pauses in being touched on the chest, the gryphon's curiosity making him glance down at Red, at which point he watched with keen interest as the fox licked his forepaw clean. When Red noticed this attention, the fox smiled at TJ, gathered more wetness into that forepaw, then reached forward to rub it onto TJ's beak. A small part of TJ protested this, which manifested as a flinch away. However, TJ's new, and, by his and Red's view, better personality made him feel ashamed for that, a shame that he tried to make up for by nuzzling extra earnestly at the wet paw, hoping to be forgiven for his lapse of judgment.

Red admittedly was disappointed, but then cheered up again at the earnest way his gryphon was trying to make up for it by nuzzling his paw. To show forgiveness, Red rubbed the nuzzling beak, then started petting it, sliming it all over, and even moving back to get some of those head feathers. TJ was apparently mindful about it, because he kept pressing into it. This, Red continued, along with the rubbing and stroking of TJ's chest, until all areas were sopping wet. Red would've continued doing this, but, each time he would feel along TJ's chest, his desire to run his tongue along the pleasing form of his new Mate grew stronger, a desire he acted on about the same time everything was nicely wet. He leaned over, then, starting to slowly lick the male under him, starting at the one shoulder and working his way in, TJ murring, as he always did upon feeling any contact, just as he should. Red found the additional taste of TJ's body to the pre slimed there even better, the musculature he was feeling with his tongue also a plus.

Because of the amount of pre smeared into TJ, it took Red quite a while to lick it all off, but, because it was so pleasant for the both of them, the time passed in pleasant haze. Eventually, though, Red finished licking all about TJ's front, straightening up after, his back popping from being in such a position for so long. After arching backwards in a stretch, Red regarded the gryphon sprawled under him. All those movements the fox made naturally caused Red's shaft to move about inside TJ, the gryphon's reactions being breathing hard, eyes closed, head rolling back and forth, hindpaw digits splaying and clenching randomly, seeming synched with the tailhole gripping Red's length.

As he gazed lovingly, and a bit possessively, at TJ, Red caught the movement of those hindpaws from the corner of his eye, causing him to turn his attention to them. Even after all the things he did to TJ, the hindpaws so sexy, so readily available, turned him on the most, enough that he couldn't keep that arousal from affecting him, the sensation enough to cause him to start thrusting into the male under him, much to TJ's delight, the gryphon gasping and panting more. A sudden squawk of surprise and spasmodic, tight clenching against his cock brought Red's attention back to TJ, just in time to see the gryphon's cock lurch, then start erupting, painting white streaks all over TJ's black chest feathers. Since he was so close to his climax for so long, TJ had plenty to spray on himself, giving a nice coating over most of him.

TJ was in heaven as he came, have never felt this level of pleasure before, not only having a hard cock pumping his tailhole, but also the feel of being splattered by seed, inferring that he's supposed to delight in that, even if he wasn't specifically told, knowing that's part of being gay and submissive. As he starts recovering from his initial orgasm, he begins to feel someone watching him, and, turning to look, found it to be Red. A slight feeling of shame built in the gryphon, then, for climaxing before his Mate, though there's no expression of disappointment present.

Red murred idly to himself as he watched TJ dump seed on himself, treated to another turn on: seeing a male covered in cum. He continued to watch until TJ looked at him, concerned at the shame rising in the gryphon's eyes. "Rrr? What's the matter?" the fox asked.

"I ... I didn't mean to ... to cum before you, Mate," was the response. "I couldn't help myself. It was so nice having you fuck me again, after everything else."

Red felt his love swell a bit for TJ at that. "Aw, it's okay. Some may find that unacceptable, but not me." To further show forgiveness, Red grabbed TJ's shaft and started gently stroking it, the gryphon reacting by groaning and laying his head back again. The length, having weakened in spurting, lurched extra strongly again, blasting a few more powerful strands. "That's a good boy, Pawslut," Red cooed, humping faster now, the urge to cum rising quickly in him. Upon reaching a point where he needs more support to increase the power more, Red released TJ's maleness, adjusted his position, and grabbed the gryphon's hindlegs, just behind the hindpaws. Red suddenly faltered in speed, though, since grabbing the gryphon there wound up reminding him of those delectable hindpaws, his desire to climax fading as his desire to lick rises. Eventually, the fox stopped moving altogether, returning to idling with his cock in TJ, attention focused fully on the hindpaws.

TJ erfed curiously when the pleasant thrusts tapered off, curiously bringing his head up to watch Red, that curiosity fading to delight as the fox brought the gryph's hindpaw up, tongue sliding out to lick it. Red was taking his time, too, apparently savoring the taste and texture, slipping his tongue with deliberate slowness against it, starting from the very back where the bottom starts and ending at the very tip of the digits, passing over the pads for now. Only when each digit tip had been reached from the back of the paw's sole did Red focus some attention on those pads, kissing them each in turn, taking them into his muzzle as much as he could. Once finished with that bit, the fox repeated the licking he started out with, back of sole to each digit tip, but this time, when reaching the last one, he turned the paw so the top was accessible, licking each of the tendons that controlled the digits' gripping, going from the tips of those digits to the back of the hindpaw this time, adapting to the new positioning. This he did until the fur was fully moistened by his efforts, repeating his maneuvers on the sole as needed to get it wet there, too.

When finished with all that, Red moved the paw again, this time so he can take a digit into his muzzle, proceeding to suck on it, his arousal too much for him to do it gently, instead making him do it with earnest abandon, tongue lashing all about it. His hunger for the digit was not easily satiated, though, so he took the next one in line in to be sucked, licked, and basically fawned on. Still, his hunger affected him, and he soon found he took all four of them in, gleefully attending to them, finally, after all the time he spent gazing surreptitiously at them, dreaming of this moment.

TJ, a good boy, noticed this unrelenting desire for his hindpaw, so tried his best to help his Mate quench it, pushing his paw deeper into that sucking, licking maw, earning an mmf of delight from Red. TJ kept pushing in until Red signaled enough, then proceeded, at a sudden inspiration, to fuck Red's muzzle with his hindpaw, heartened by the rewarding groan and lurch of cock in him. Thanks to the fox's deviousness this evening, TJ knew exactly the kind of pleasure Red was getting from this, having been turned into a happy pawslut by Red's efforts. Because of this, TJ knew what the reaction would be should he bring his other hindpaw up and rest it against Red's chest, so he did just that, grunting with effort and pleasure as the movement moved that nice cock inside him a little. He barely touched the paw to Red when, suddenly, the contact made Red reach his climax, TJ's body jerking spasmodically at the resulting pop of Red's knot into him. There was a temporary pain at the sudden stretch around it, but the pain faded into hot pleasure as the fox began his hot, thick cum deep into the gryphon. This wonderful, new sensation was enough to make TJ cum again, just as powerful as the first time, or nearly so, because of the pleasure added by the licking of his hindpaw, something Red managed to continue even in the midst of his own mind blowing climax.

Only after every shot was inside TJ did Red stop his attentions to that hindpaw, bringing it down to join the other on his chest, rubbing the both of them with his forepaws as he leaned in to kiss TJ.

"Very nice, my Love," the fox cooed, filling TJ with even more happiness. "Very nice indeed."

TJ beamed happily at his new Mate. "Thank you. For everything. I love you."

"It was my pleasure, Pawslut. I love you, too.

* * *

Red and TJ padded into work together. True, there was some curiosity when TJ moved in with Red, but, because TJ used to be the most vocal in the teasing department, that curiosity remained quiet and polite. The gryphon, realizing being open with his new relationship would be inappropriate, was content simply to hang out with with his fox at work, delighting in the warmth in him at having a Mate such as he.

Red, naturally, was happy things have gotten better at work, even moreso than when he and TJ were just friends. Of course, it was sometimes hard to concentrate on his work, knowing the gryphon was all his, that sexy gryphon, with equally sexy paws.

Life was good.