Dr. Jackie and Mistress Heidi 3: Introducing Heidi

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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Heidi is created just in time for a visitor to drop by and make things interesting...

Hello, everyone. Hope you've been enjoying the story thus far, and as always, all constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy!

"POLICE! Don't move!"

Well, that's a fine way to say hello, Jackie thought. Still, she did as she was instructed, still holding the mop she was using lightly in her hands. She probably should've noticed her visitor earlier, but with her back to the door and how pissed she still was at Eric, it was reasonable to understand how Jackie might not have noticed the young woman who had a gun pointed at her now.

"Easy, Detective, easy..." Jackie spoke in a soft, gentle tone, trying to keep the situation as calm as possible. "I'm just cleaning up a mess here; nothing to be alarmed about."

"And threatening to kill someone, right?" Jackie chastised herself for being so vocal about her disgust with Eric. "Who are you? How did you know I was a detective?"

"Because..." Because you're my best friend, that's why, Jessy. Jessy, or Detective Jessica Smith as she was more formally known, was Jackie's best friend since high school. Jackie was assigned to be Jessica's tutor in algebra back in high school, and the two had developed a close friendship over time. Jessica had a strong sense of justice that wouldn't allow the mean girls that gave Jackie hell go unchecked, on one occasion getting into a brawl when one of them wouldn't take back a nasty comment. With her strong sense of justice, it was no surprise to Jackie when Jessica entered the police force after high school. She'd quickly risen through the ranks, and was just starting her second year as a detective.

Too bad Jackie couldn't actually explain any of that to Jessy right now. Given how different she looked after her transformation, Jackie imagined she was going to have a hard time convincing Jessy that she was the same shy, bright and timid girl that Jessy must have been expecting to find. Usually Jackie knew when Jessy would stop by after a day at the precinct where she worked, but apparently decided to make a surprise visit. Any other time she would've welcomed her friend's company, but this was the last thing Jackie needed tonight.

Jackie's eyes glanced over at the computer screen where her program was going through its final debugging stages. It had taken a few solid hours, but she was pretty sure she had removed all of Eric's handiwork from the system. To be safe, she set up a full system scan of her computer just in case there were any more nasty surprises before she tried to revert herself back to normal, and decided she might as well clean up the mess she had made with her earlier activities while she waited. She'd noticed the mop when she borrowed the janitor's dark green jumpsuit to wear after being unable to find any other clothing, and was in the process of cleaning up when Jessy walked in on her cursing up a storm, bringing her back to her current predicament.

"I'm not going to ask again. What are you doing in this lab? What's your name?" Jessy's tone was calm but authoritative, having gotten a lot of practice with civilians and criminals alike.

"...Heidi. Call me Heidi."

"Heidi" smiled a little to herself. It was the first name that popped into her mind, but now that she said it, she liked it a lot.

"O.K., Heidi. Where's Dr. Jackie?" If Jessy was skeptical of Heidi's name, she kept it out of her voice. "What is your relationship to her?"

"I'm Jackie's assistant. She got... called away, and I'm just here to clean up." Heidi thought she sounded pretty convincing for a story she was making up as she went along. Apparently Jessy hadn't noticed or been bothered by the cat ears atop Heidi's head, so it was entirely possible that Heidi could still convince her that this was all just a big misunderstandi-

"And she left her glasses behind? I find that very unlikely."

...Crap. Heidi cursed herself for leaving her glasses sitting on the lab bench in plain view. Jessy knew about Jackie's poor eyesight, and trying to convince her that Jackie had willingly gone somewhere without them were slim to none.

"Drop the mop and turn around, slowly. Keep your hands where I can see them." Heidi did as she was instructed, letting the mop clatter noisily to the floor. She continued to obey her friend's orders as she turned around slowly, keeping her hands raised as she turned to face Jessy.

Heidi couldn't help but smile a little at seeing a friendly face, even if that face had her service revolver pointed directly at her. Jessy always kept her chestnut brown locks cut short, and today was no different. Her brown eyes showed a little surprise seeing the cat ears atop Heidi's head, but an instant later they regained their steely determination and confidence. She clearly had just came off-duty, her shoulder holster sitting atop her white button down shirt and her badge clipped to the hip of her tan pants.

"It's alright, Detective. See? I'm unarmed, and I have no intention of hurting you." Heidi seemed to catch Jessy a little off guard with how calmly she was taking the whole situation. Most people didn't react so easily to having a gun pointed at them. "Is there any chance we can just talk this out?"

"Talking's good, but I'm not so sure about the unarmed part." Jessy kept her aim and breathing steady, not relaxing for a bit. When Heidi tilted her head a little in wordless confusion, Jessy explained. "I saw... something... moving around your waist before."

"Something?...Oh!" Heidi giggled slightly as she realized Jessy was referring to her concealed tail. "That's nothing to be worried about, Detective; that's just me. Well, a part of me, anyway."

"Really?" A little bit of skepticism crept into Jessy's voice now; she wasn't buying it.

"Undo that jump suit." Jessy's retightened her grip on her weapon, her aim wavering ever so slightly. Jackie wouldn't have noticed the small movement, but to the predatory Heidi they were the beginning signs of weakness, and weakness was something to be pounced on and exploited.

"Um, Detective, I don't wish to disobey a direct order, bu-"

"Do it! S-Slowly..." Heidi raised an eyebrow at the stammer and long pause; something was definitely weird with Jessy, and Heidi was beginning to get an idea of what it might be. Her mind wandered back to the script of changes that Eric had wanted to make for her. After the transformation she had been able to give it a full and through read, and quickly learned that Eric's physical transformation was not limited to cat parts and extra curves, or even necessarily limited to one person. As her hand slowly slid down and started to lower the zipper of her jumpsuit, Heidi wondered if Jessy was feeling some of those effects now.

Not only did Eric want Jackie to be his submissive catgirl pet, he also to use her to lure in more women. Given how Eric had specifically written about his pet having increased pheromone production that affected only females to make them suggestible and submissive, and given how far he was willing to go with Jackie, it wasn't much of a stretch to think that he had plenty of criminal and/or deviant things in mind for others. There had also been something about making his catgirl pet a lesbian for anybody but him, but Jackie had been able to remove that part before it got locked in.

Heidi had been in the lab for several hours now, and theorized that her pheromones must have pretty thoroughly saturated the air. That meant Jessy had been breathing them in since she walked in, and the effects were beginning to really show. Her tense and rigid shoulders were starting to droop, and her grip on her weapon was starting to slacken again. Even her eyes were starting to look a little hazy and tired, though they did perk up for a brief moment when Heidi eased the jumpsuit off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor around her feet.

"W-Why?..." Jessy shook her head for a brief moment, as if trying to clear the growing fog in her mind, "Why are you naked?..."

"Well, you see, Detective, there was a little accident..." Jackie would've been mortified of her current situation, but Heidi almost reveled in it. She was proud of her body, and while she wasn't about to go strutting naked through the streets, she didn't mind showing off a little for her friend. She liked the idea of being risqué and risky, which is why she decided to step out of the jumpsuit and take a slow, small step toward Jessy.

"Hey!" Jessy seemed to snap back to reality as Heidi approached, regaining her tense aiming stance for a brief moment. "S-Stay back!"

"Why, Detective?" Heidi smiled, doing a small turn to make sure Jessy got a full view of her bare body. "I'm clearly unarmed..."

Jessy was clearly fighting a losing battle as her shoulders started to relax again. She tensed again as Heidi took another slow step toward her, only to almost immediately relax again. A little purr escaped Heidi's lips as she continued to slowly close the distance between them, her hips swaying ever so slightly with each step.

"I'm not going to hurt you, and you don't want to hurt me, right?" The distance that had started at a little over ten feet between them was now less than five. Heidi could have almost reached out and touched Jessy's gun, and still she didn't move away or raise her weapon.

"You don't want to hurt a beautiful, harmless woman like me, right?" Jessy's head shook, whether in agreement or as a last ditch attempt to compose herself Heidi wasn't sure. "It's your duty to protect and serve, and you want to protect me, don't you?"

Heidi's hand gently gripped the barrel of Jessy's wavering weapon just before Jessy lost her grip on it entirely, her hands dropping limply to her sides. Heidi smiled as she opened the cylinder, letting the bullets fall into her hand and setting them and the now unloaded weapon on a nearby counter. Now almost chest to chest with Jessy, Heidi wondered now how she could get her friend's focus back enough to give her a proper explanation.

Heidi's started to reassure Jessy that everything was O.K, that she was going to explain everything. She only managed to get about two words into that explanation before her voice was muffled by Jessy's lips pressing against hers. It was only for the smallest of seconds as Jessy broke the kiss almost immediately that made Heidi's eyes go wide in shock and surprise. For the first time that night, she felt genuinely surprised and stunned.

"Wha?..." While Heidi's pheromones might have made someone more prone to doing something they might have been more hesitant to do otherwise, she was fairly certain they wouldn't make someone that had no genuine interest suddenly attracted to her. It might have made her more suggestive as well, but Heidi hadn't suggested her to do anything other than not shoot her. Did that mean Jessy truly found her attractive?

"I-I'm so-mmph!" This time it was Jessy who voice got muffled as Heidi slipped her hand behind Jessy's head and pulled her in for a deep, lustful kiss. Her other hand slid across Jessy's waist, pulling Jessy firmly against her. She loved how it felt to have her bare chest being firmly pressed against the body of another, especially someone she trusted so much. Heidi's felt herself starting to become wet again, especially when Jessy began to truly return the kiss.

Heidi knew at that moment what was attractive to her as their tongues started to push and prod against one another. It wasn't the male or female body that turned her on; it was their want for her, their submission that made her wild. She wanted to be adored and worshipped, with the sex just being an added bonus.

Heidi broke the kiss, leaving both women panting softly. Jessy looked almost disappointed until Heidi slowly ran a hand through her hair, stroking and petting her friend softly. She flashed back to that fantasy scenario where she seduced a man and woman together, realizing that she had little clue how to properly seduce another woman. She desperately needed some practice, and who better to do so with than her best friend?

"Why, Detective..." Heidi purred as she slowly began to undo the buttons of Jessy's shirt, "I had no idea you liked other girls..."