Kicked out Chapter 5. a change of heart and a new life

Story by FraddasD on SoFurry

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I still remember the turmoil of the entire week. Monday the day my mother died. We went to the Hospital and me being 18 I signed for the body and filled out the paper work for her *gulp* cremation. After that painful hospital trip we went to Zacks house.

"you boys are home, how was your..." Zacks mom started to ask but seein mine and tobys expressions she stoped

"Mom, we've got a major problem...terry's mom died" Zacks mom dropped the pan she was holding

"Oh no!!!" she ran over to me and Toby and gave us each a hug." I'm so sorry about the loss... It's terrible, but you boys are free to live here We have more than enough room for you all to stay"

Zack and I ended up shareing a bed with Toby for the night because he was still heartbroken like I was. After Toby fell asleep I curled up to Zack letting him stroke me untill I to fell asleep. The next morning me Zack and Toby both took a shower (which was a little weird and awkward). After that we packed our gear and wnt to school. Thankfully Zacks Dad gave Toby a Ride. When we arrived we saw our grup waiting for us. Zack was supporting me over to the group because I was still distraught.

"Zack whats wrong with him?" Kila asked

" We got a Major Problem guys..." Zack Began

"You've heard?" Tyler asked

"heard what?" Zack asked

"the pig is back and looking for Terry" Cole said

" GAH Fuck!!!! That's the last thing Terry needs after Yesterday." Zack said

"Why what happened?" Mark asked.

" My mom died" I spoke up tearing up slightly

"Oh hun I'm so sorry" Beth said giving me a hug. The rest come over to give me a hug. I felt like nothing could take a way the support and warmth of my friends...Wrong again!

I look and see a Familiar pig come our way.

"What on earth is...Oh its Terry O'rily and friends and mate" the pig said they Release me And I limp a few steps Forward.

"You know what your lucky I'm to Distraught to fight back" I said standing my ground

"Aww, feeling Remorse for you biting my ear off too bad I doin't forgi..." I cut her off

"MY MOM IS DEAD!!!" I Shriek to the Heavens ant to the pig " she died And I wasn't there to say goodbye Thanks to you, you old Sausage!"

"your mom is dead?" she said looking shocked

"that's what I just said" Bawling, now on the ground Zack came over to support me

"We where making plans on mine and his Marriage Cerimony and his mom couldn't handle the Stress...If I where you I'd goo find someone elses life to ruine because you've done enough to this poor kitten" Zack said to the pig She turns to walk away "maybe not" Hereing this my Cole spoke up first.

"that 500 pons bitch!" we where all shocked Cole never used curse words before.

" Whoa! Dude" Tyler said baking away "I never heard you swear before"

" this is a special fu...cking case" Cole said grinning Evily

"As impressed as I am me and Zack need to get to class" I said checking the time. We said our byes and ce ya at break. I came in to first perioed my teacher let zack stay with me after she heard the news. "l'll Alert Mr. Zansky you're here I'm sure he won't mind"

he stayed during first and seconed perioed classes with me. I was so grateful to have him at my side because there where moments when I'd break down and need his shoulder to cry on. My teachers didn't care That this was going on, they understood what it's like to lose a parent. They told me there stories of losing parents which didn't help at all. Thankfuly Break came and me and Zack went to break to hang out with everyone

"sorry I got your shirt wet" I said

"Don't be you have every right to cry" Zack said with a Reassuring smile. I saw the others Approach.

"how's he feeling zack?" Mark asked.

"I'm not mute just Exteamly depressed." I piped up in a raspy voice

"ok" Tyler said

"Any sign of hog face?" Zack asked looking around.

"no but She closed the gym for something" Cole said

"She said in the bullitin there would be an Assembly later" Mark spokwe up

"I didn't here any thing about that." I squeaked

"that's because you where crying sweety" zack said. The res of the break continued untill the pigs Voice came over the Annocement System.

"All students and staff are to report to the main gym for a special Assembly. And will Zack Ferone and Terry O'ryly meet me on out side the gym doors immediately"

"What ever the pig has planed where in it together ok?" I said everyone nodded encouragingly. We walked Across campus to the main gym trying to avoid the traffic of students. When we got to the door the pig was at the door with a rather stern looking hog.

"Zack, Terry I'd like you to meet my huband Romel." she said, we froze. " Romel is a male order minister, meaning..."

"meaning he can do a marriage ceremony to anyone anywhere I know my dads the same." Cole said

"correct and he's here to give the two of you" she pointed at me and Zack "a marriage my way of saying sorry for the way I acted to you... I can see you realy love each other"

"my wife and I had a gay son a while back his boy friend married him and robbed him of house and money and life...she saw you two and tried to separate you before the same thing would happen" Romel explained in a deep grunt me and Zack looked at each other

"We Appreciate the concern Romel but me and Zack love each other" I said still holding on to Zack

"And we would never do anything to hamr the other" Zack said

"well lets go inside and do this" Romel said Bekoning us all in. The entire gym was Decorated like a small church. I was Amazed and so was Zack. We watched A the pis went to the made podem

"students Faculty I'd like to present my husband Romel" the crowed claped as he came up to the podem

"friends Faculty and students, we are gathered here to umite two honest lovers in holy matrimony, Will Zack Ferone and Terry O'ryly please step forward" the crowed Errupted as we Approached the Podeum, Apperently they rememberd what I did. When we go there Romel held up his hoves, and it became silent again

"I Romel have a responsibility as a Male order minister to give a leagle wedding ceremony to a couple who ask for it, who presentds themselves to be Married?" me and Zack steped Forward

"We do" we said in unisen

"and what are your names" he asked

"Terry M. O'ryly" I said

"Zack J. Ferone" Zack said

"Zack, do you love Terry and hold him in high reguards and swear to take care of each other in sickness and in health as long as you 2 shall live until death do you part?"

" I do and shall" Zack said

"Terry do you love Zack and hold him in high reguards and swear to take care of each

other in sickness and in health as long as you 2 shall live until death do you part?"

"Just like Zack saidI do And shall" I said and Romel smiled.

" then in that case by the power vested in, me by me I now pronounce you a married couple and I present you with these cards as proof of your may kiss" Romel finised.

We took the cards and put them in our Wallets. Then to seal the deal I jumped in his 6 arms and gave kissed him. The Guys whereWhooting amd the girls where Screaming loudly. Everybody was cheering for us life seemed better.


On the eve of Graduation weeks later me and Zack got our diplomas and went to college. After college we settled down next door the pig who had a a home Availible for us after College I've forgiven her . Zack's mom and dad still visit us every weekend for a family dinner they where Surprised at what the pig . Toby is a little older and a junior now. And Surprisingly just like me has his own Boyfriend which is a bull named Luke. And they seem very happy together.

Beth and Kila both Graduated from Berkly and are expecting a baby soon. Tyler moved straight to the top of Wallstreet and is managing the stock market. And as for Cole and Mark they became a couple a week before Highschool graduation and are rocking the country with there band , so far they have three platum hits so far. Me and zack own a news paper company , the Milevill Headstone. And we have our own adopeed son. Everything is going great!