Once was Blind

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#10 of Poke-Treat 2

The ending of this chapter irritated me. I just could not get it right... hopefully it doesn't confuse too many people.

I heard my name called... but I could not do anything to reply to whoever shouted. All I know was blinding light and comfort surrounded me. Warmth... that is all I could feel. I could not feel my body, my heart, nor my own breath. I waited in the light; there was nothing else to do other than be patient. I prayed that I was not dead. Sound finally came, the sound of battle; weapons firing and creatures shouting, dying, or fleeing. A voice called, it sounded far away, and I barely could understand it. It was familiar, yet it wasn't.


What was it trying to tell me? I had to grab it... hold it.


There... I could feel it. It felt of love, fear, and anger. There was more, I knew that, but how could I grasp it to learn more. The voice pulled away, I could not feel it. Yet there was another presence. This one was close... very close... as though it was a part of me. The light shifted, yet it did not shade.

A little blue-gray creature reached out to me. I grasped for it... it was fleeting, but yet it seemed to direct me to something. I fought the light, to follow this creature I had no knowledge of, to learn from it.

Mommy... do not Sleep.

It spoke... but how I saw no lips, no voice attached to it. Yet I knew that it belonged to this creature. It revealed a tree at first, more came to life. Multiplying. I was astounded at the sheer numbers at which they came to fill the space. I was surrounded, yet I still did not feel... whole. I searched for the little one again. I found it sitting, looking upon a little flower.

This flower wilts because you wish to Sleep. Do not make me wilt...

That voiceless voice. I stared at the creature... so familiar... yet...

I want to see my daddy, my sissy... you. You are strong. You cannot Sleep yet. The old one told me that.

The creature looked at me... somehow. I could see its eyes... bluest jewels that had ever been created.

They need you. Wake.

I gasped, my eyes shot open, the light burned, but I felt it all. Above me, several creatures I knew to be family stared down at me. Two in particular seemed to cry over me, especially when I moaned. One spoke, his voice made me smile, yet I could not respond. Not yet, violet light poured over me from numerous creatures that matched the two that cried.

"Lisa." I looked upon this one, the one that made me feel safe, warm... happy. "Do you remember what happened?"

I stared blankly. I wanted to speak, to reassure him that I was fine, but no words flowed. I felt a prick in the back of my thoughts. Familiar, like this one's voice.

Your Aura has gone dark. Please say something to me.

Aura? I could not remember that. I looked at him sadly. The younger one, female, I stared at she was familiar, yet not. She looked like the male.

"Mona, go get water, please."

The female left, I watched her.

"Please, Lisa, talk to me."

Two very different creatures came over to me; they knelt and looked at me. One spoke but I could not understand the noise. Something began to lift me, I was suddenly in pain. Everything burned. Then I was laying back down. Loud noises hurt my ears. There was a great fluster as creatures parted then older creatures like the last two came to me and moved me with little pain. Red lights showered over me and several of the creatures vanished except for the male and female. She returned to be alongside with the male. They both joined me in the noisy box; the female had started to cry completely. The oddly pink creatures poked me with something, I jerked lightly. I began to relax and then darkness came over me.


"What happened?"

"She was shot, Nurse Joy. Adrian could not get her to reply, though she did respond to him." Todd acted as a medium for the worried mate whom could not focus enough to reply himself.


"Yes, she was focused on trying to protect a clan of Lucarios and failed to dodge a blast from a machine. Like the one that destroyed the other Center. We won, but we did it with a lot of injuries. I think she overall saved many lives today."

"This Lucario has been marked as a VIP, so I will put the staff on alert for media deterrent. I will share information as needed. But do note that since you are not a next-of-kin, you will not be given anything more than a mediocre response."

"Nurse Joy, I do not think her mate can focus enough to do anything nor can her recently evolved daughter by means of communication."

"I'm sorry." The pink haired woman walked away leaving a Chansey and a Wigglytuff to intercept Todd.

"Adrian, do you know anyone you can call?" The silent male nodded then went to the VidCall booth and dialed the Elder Tree.

Todd shadowed the Lucario while Macy comforted Mona.


"Hello, can you find... Jason, please. It is an emergency." Todd spoke for the still silent Adrian whom only nodded slowly.

The pink nurse Pokèmon ran off leaving the two staring at a small office space. It was not long before the human Guardian of Life was revealed.

"We are in Valley Blossom, Lisa is hurt and in Joy's care. She refuses to talk to me on behalf for Adrian. Are you able to come?"

"Adrian?" Jason asked carefully.

"She's gone dark..." Was all he said before he pulled away from the screen to slump to the floor beside the booth.

"I'm coming. Give me a couple minutes."

The screen went dark. Todd sat down beside the Lucario and threw his arm over the crying Pokèmon. "It will be alright. She'll get better..."

"Don't make promises to me, human. Arceus guides her. I only weep for my own selfishness. I love my mate, my daughter, and my unborn pup. I fear for their safety as any father should. I cannot... I... just."

"Shh. I will be right beside you. I will do what I can. So will your teammates."

Adrian looked up as Jason, Moon, and Miguel appear. The Scizor came up to the Lucario and scooped him up neither spoke. Jason went to Todd and saw the sign of battle in his eyes.

"Mostly their side. I... now understand. I think I am ready to join your cause. I want to learn how to fight, protect, everything. Aerodactyl is teaching me when he can, but I do not get much private time. This... this battle just showed me the raw truth. I need to fight along side my team to protect my friends." Todd watched the Lucario in the arms of the bug.

"Welcome aboard, young knight. I see Mona evolved during the fray. That is one good thing. Has Lisa spoken with you about Macy?"


"That's good. Just know that you must keep her close."

"I... yes, sir."

"In the meantime, stay close to Adrian, I'll go talk to the Nurse."

Todd introduced himself to the bug, Adrian fought his emotions to play the translator while the two talked; while Jason walked away holding a bit of worry on his face.

"Mona, do you know what your father meant?"

:No. I do know that she is not right. I can see her as a living creature, but she has no true emotion. I am hoping Grandpa Jason can help her.:

"Do you think we can help?"

Mona looked at the human and shook her head. :Not like what you think. All we can do is gather the Aura and see if we cannot convey it to her. Father got through, so there is hope that she will come back.:

"Can we try?"

Hermes and Maxis walked in behind another gurney with an injured Clan mate then came over to the two females upon Hermes direction.

:Do not try anything. Always do. If you try, you will fail. Come, younglings. The healthy gather outside. Bring your father as well, little one, the distraction will do him good as well as us. Mona, you have done wonders as a bridge to humanity. If you would continue, it would save the Elders time.:

Mona nodded then went to her father and explained what the Alpha wanted. Miguel and Todd followed hoping two extra heads could help.

Outside the center, in the battlefield, a ring of Lucario sat silently in meditation. Hermes directed the group to enter the ring and sit themselves in the center.

"My friends, my Clan, we have injured among us. But none as grave as the poor soul whom sacrificed her Aura to save us. There are few in our history that have expended their Gift and survived long enough to wake. Lisa is strong. She is brave. And... she needs our help. She may not be of our Clan blood, but she is still a Lucario. We must give her our praises and hope we can reawaken her Gift. Bonded, you two are linked to her much like her mate is. You three will be our focal points. Mona, you will be the bridge between these points, you will bare alone the emotions of the Clan. Are you willing?" Hermes circled around his clan mates as he spoke before entering and joining the inner circle.

"I am, Alpha."

"Bug, you have a connection to her mate, I feel this. I will not hold you to anything, you may join if you wish as everything is a part of the Aura."

"I stand with my son."

"Very well. Adrian, sit at the Northern focal. Todd, you at the Eastern. Macy, you sit as the Southern. Mona, Western as that is where your mother lies for the time being. Bug, please take the central. You may not be a part of the Gift, but you can still join us in meditation and join your thoughts with ours."

While they moved to their spots, Hermes joined his Clan in the outer circle and sat in the one open spot. All seemed to fall silent around them as they became one in meditation. Todd and Macy was the last to close their eyes following the lead of the others. It seemed like an eternity, but power began to surge to each focal point into Mona then into the PokèCenter. The thoughts were noisy to Mona, but she held fast and let them flow. All her thoughts were focused on her mother's wellbeing. Nothing else mattered. After a moment of painful noise, she began to see a field of grass.

Curious, she began to look around and saw a blue figure playing with a small blue-gray figure. She rushed toward them only to find it was her mother playing with a little Riolu. They stopped playing and looked up at her.

"My, you have grown up. It has been such a long time." Lisa said in a dreary voice. "Meet your brother, would you like to play with us?"

"Mom, why are you here? This is not real."

"Of course it's real."

"Mom, dad is worried, grandpa is fighting Nurse Joy over you. Macy, Todd, and I are sitting with the Clan now trying to awaken your...Aura. Oh, Arceus... You have retreated into your Aura to save the pup. You need to snap out of it!" Mona stomped as she tried to shock her mother into reality.

"Nonsense. Your father died years ago, that so-called war never happened, and I failed becoming a Trainer. All that is left is my little boy."

"Mother! None of this is real! You are still my Trainer. Father is still alive. I need you. Tell me how I can bring you back."

"You cannot... she is mine." The Riolu spoke and sneered at Mona as he put himself between the two Lucarios. "You cannot have her!"

The little ball of fur struck Mona with...something, she was not sure what. She growled as she was forced back. She dropped to the 'ground' and charged the runt only to be swatted away once more.

"Give up, you cannot win."

"Never, I will have my mother back and my real baby brother!" Mona charged again, that same invisible force. "I will not let you keep to yourself! She has too many people counting on her. Her Family, her Friends, her Team! All of us need her. I will not fail!"

"You already have." The Riolu cackled then smacked Mona again.

"I am not alone. I have my family, my friends, the Clan. I will bring her BACK!" She shouted and a force unknown to her came from behind and struck the runt and sent it back. "Even if I have to kill you to do it. I will have her back!" Mona stood feeling power surge through her. It burn her very flesh as it stretched her fur flared and bled red. "I will not lose to you."

She rushed the runt, he gasped and went wide-eyed. She slammed her fist into the open jaw, slamming it closed. The sheer force brought the runt up to her eye level; of which she righted by slamming both fists into the stomach of her rival and smashing it into the ground below. The power burned her to the core, but she forced herself to continue. She slammed her fists together then pulled them apart slowly as she focused her Aura into a staff. She spun the staff in her paw then slammed it into the runt. The seemingly unconscious body bounced up.

"Time for a homerun."

She slammed the staff into the body front of her only to watch it vanish. The red fur on her arms twitched painfully. A cackle behind her made her turn quickly. A feral growl erupted from her throat. She swung blindly only striking nothingness.

"Where are you? Fight me!"

"Now where's the fun that? Find me!"

Mona smiled as it only took a single heartbeat to flash her Aura and find the invisible runt and smack the thing at her left.

"Found you, brat." She smiled as the beast was revealed and sent rolling across the grass. She then moved back to Lisa and started to reach down at the frightened Lucario only to be smacked away by the runt once more. Her staff dissipated as she was distracted, she growled in frustration and then drew in a breath and calmed her mind. "You will pay for that... painfully."

She put her palms together then opened her paws to send a colorful beam at the runt. It jumped quickly away, dodging every twist and turn she gave the Dragon Pulse. She dropped the power, then shifted into a defense state as she focused herself once more. The runt cackled and spat more words she ignored. It attacked again, this time the force flowed around Mona as though it was wind. It hissed.

"Let's see you dodge this."

She slung an Aura Sphere at the creature then vanished as she used her Extreme Speed she got behind the beast as it dodged the Sphere. She struck the beast in the back of the neck, she felt the neck snap and the body flop forward. This time she waited to see if it would move again, which it did not, before she moved to the fear-frozen Lisa.

"Mom, let's get out of here." She reached down at the Lucario.

At first, she pulled away then grabbed the offered paw. The power flowed out of Mona and into Lisa. She moaned as warmth flowed between them.

The link broke. Mona gasped as she fell onto her muzzle, once again in the thrall of the circle. Others gasped as they were once more themselves. Mona glimpsed at the Aura, she found the warmth that had flowed between her and her mother.

"I think she's back." Mona managed to get out before passing out.

Adrian checked the Aura, his locks flared as he concentrated then he ran off vaulting over the sitting Lucarios and into the Center where he forced his way to his mate's room.

"Mona?" Macy asked as she watched her collapse.

"She will be just fine, young ones." Zeus walked up to the circle with only the pole as his guide. His partner was entering the Center. "She battled something that we may never know. It has worn on her much more than any physical battle ever shall. She just needs sleep."

Hermes stood and walked over to his grandfather and grabbed his arm then asked if he would like to sit.

"Child, though that would be blissful, I cannot. Your father will be coming here soon and I must speak with him."


"Lisa!" Adrian slid into the room as his mate began to sit up.

"What happened?"

"You... you made an Aura Storm and survived. You went dark and everything. I don't know what the clan did, but your back. I can't... lose you again. Not like that."

"I went dark? What do you mean?"

"Your Aura... it was gone. You were alive, nothing else. You wouldn't even speak to us. I... I was lost without you. Don't do this again." Adrian climbed onto the bed and laid beside his mate. "But you did save the Clan and us."

"I don't remember that. Speaking of which, do you sense our pup? I don't feel pregnant anymore."

"I didn't ask. I was just worried about you overall." Adrian nuzzled his love's muzzle. "Do you wish for me to ask? I don't sense it either."

"Do." Lisa ordered. "And find Mona."

"Yes, Ma'am." Adrian gave her a lick before going to do that.

Lisa rubbed her stomach, she had never shown her pregnancy, but she felt it before. Now it just seemed to be gone. Nurse Joy soon came in with a small machine and began to speak. Lisa only half registered it as she made her stomach bare. Joy prodded gently then used the machine. She finally went silent and looked at Lisa briefly before turning the tiny screen toward her. There had been signs of an embryo but it was not there now. Joy was dumbfounded. Adrian and Mona sneaked in as Joy tried to make sense of her findings. She finally gave up and left saying something about how the Parglouse family was crazy.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I think I killed him."

"Killed who?" Lisa looked at Mona then smiled. "You evolved! Excellent. Have you talked to your grandfather yet?"

"I think I killed my unborn brother. He wanted to keep you in that limbo. I was forced to fight him. I think I absorb him... his power... something. I don't know what happened..."

"Hush, little one. It is the will of Arceus if it truly did happen. I will assume He will come to you soon or send some sort of sign."

"But I killed him to save you, how can you say that is His will?"

"Mona." Jason walked in with an air of authority around him. "You did not kill him, but we did have a need to intervene to keep him from harming your mother more. He is safe though he is not aware of anything yet. He will be taught while he sleeps and grows then he will return to your mother. Father watches us all, you must believe this and have faith that everything has its purpose. His defeat you gave him only helped him to open his mind for help. That battle also had its affects on you, this you will soon learn. Oh, and before I forget, there is someone that wants a private moment with you. Here is the Pokèball. You will find a Trainer's room down the hall and to the right. Take all the time you need."

Jason tossed a ball at the Lucario and winked before moving away from the door. All the while, Lisa went slack jawed at this.

"Did you just tell my daughter it was fine to mate!"

"You heard my words, besides, they were declared mates at conception. You knew this."

"They are too young."

"Ask your mate."

Adrian whimpered under the pressure. "She's beginning." He said quietly.

"She just evolved!"

"Yet she did it at the same moment you used up your Aura, strange no?" Jason sat on the bed beside the two. "You said it yourself , everything happens for a reason. I'm not privy on this reason, just as He did not tell me of the attack. He knew that you would win. Now, instead of being mad, be happy for her. She will mate with him several times, but from what the whispers have hinted that she should remain barren for some time."


"I would expect something after the war. If we survive, I would love to see her as a mother."

Lisa groaned as silence resumed. Jason patted her knee before getting up and excusing himself. He wished her well then left the room. Moments later, Mona came in with a smile.

"Mickey... he evolved... and very, very handsome."

"Mona, you're in heat."

"I... I know. We..."

"I know. Your grandfather said you would, despite me hating it. I respect his decision, but I do not like you doing this. You are too young."

"My body says otherwise. Besides, my mate and I have a very solid pact."

"How dare-"

"Lisa!" Todd rushed in with Macy and Jason on his tail. "There's news you got to see!" He turned on the television and changed the channel to what he wanted then turned up the volume.

"-theory. The unknown fiends have been rampaging various towns searching for what they call 'The Great Soul.' Word has it that they may be looking for a series of people as well. So far the death toll has been one hundred people and five hundred Pokèmon. The fiends have been daring a group calling themselves 'The Army of Arceus' to come fight them. Should anyone know who this group is and if they are friendly, please contact them and ask them to help. The officials hope this ordeal can be solved quickly and without more causalities. The guard has been called upon and lockdowns have begun.

"In other news, the rash of market robberies has been ended in a standoff-"

Todd muted the television. "Are we going to do anything?"

"You three are going to stay here and get the next badge then move on. I will handle things for now."


"Don't want to here it. I will be sending a Psychic that will... help you gain some more influence with the media and escape from danger."

"You're sending Mew, aren't you?"

"No, worse. I am going to have a certain Victar-"

"The Mays?"

"Will you let me finish? This Psychic is sent by Sam's sister. He has proven himself as a... flamboyant warrior. His name is Jace, he is a Gallade and a Morph. He is also very open about his choice in sexual partners. Adrian, Todd, you have been warned. Moon is speaking with him now. Expect him to show up soon."

"I'm guessing his is gay." Todd started to blush.

"Fully. Now, I got to make a show happen. Be safe." Jason left once more shouting for Moon and Miguel.

"Wonderful. Let's get me signed out and join the world once more."