
Story by Dirty-Vermin06 on SoFurry

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This place was dark, damp, immersed in that musty basement smell. Where images lacked, emotions ran rampant, rolling in waves and ebbs of warms and cools, highs and lows, goods and bads. From fear blossomed joy which brought forth heated pulses of desire which dimmed to a sensation of disillusionment, then back again. Through this torrent of feelings reflected a dim light ahead, it's color was tinted a light pinkish-maroon color. Squinting, you could almost make out the silhouette, but it was vague...very vague.

Within that fuzzy, vague image appeared a pattern. Whenever the monsoon of lust, the ache of pleasure, the need for sex crawled to it's peak, the silhouette would become clearer and clearer with each pass. Soon the outlines of a male's body walking slowly closer became clear as if an artist had drawn them. His fur outlined with the pink and red light and behind him his long, thin tail swaggered confidently. The patterns of feeling soon began to level out to just the sensation of sexual longing, a throbbing ache pulsed between his legs. Kneeling, unable to move, he watched as the shadow moved ever closer, his features well hidden in the shade. He was close, very close, the heat from his body warm and welcoming. Soon, the entire place was cooking with this new heat, this raging madness, intoxicating as it was.

Kneeling still, he began to see the unmistakable image of a penis emerge against this stranger's shadow, just inches from his muzzle. Overtaken with arousal, he allowed his tongue to reach out for the throbbing member that stood in his presence. The taste was a bit salty, but not unpleasant. The smooth texture of the stranger's phallus overtook his mind as he took the cock into his mouth. The more confident his motions, the more he realized a sensation of guilt and filth running through his entire being. And the more the guilt inside him grew, the more vague the stranger. Dimmer and dimmer this ghost became, until everything went black.

Roduk opened his eyes, looking around in the dark. As he sat up, rubbing the fur on his chest, he looked over to his alarm clock. It was around three'o'clock in the morning. Letting his legs hang over the bed, he rested his elbows onto his knees, and cradled his head with his hands, "I don't get it..." It was then he noticed a very noticeable tent in his boxers, his penis aching for the urge for some type of sensation. He sat like that for a few moments, staring at his erection, waiting for the dream-residue of guilt to sulk away.

Letting out a displeased grunt, he walked out to the kitchen, his fox eyes keen to the darkness. Opening his fridge was like looking into the sun, and he winced away, reaching blindly for the carton of milk. After downing a few gulps he went back to his room, flopped onto his bed, and stared at the ceiling. "It's all I've been dreaming about, " he thought. "Not only that, but I think about it during the day too. I don't know what's wrong with me." His face scowled into the emptiness of his dark room, "I'm not gay. I have no desire to be gay." In the back of his mind, he could almost hear a tiny voice, "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that." Sighing heavily, he turned over, smothering his head under his pillow and soon found himself drifting back into sleep.

Roduk woke to an overcast morning. After a few attempts, he finally managed to rouse himself awake and upright to start his day. The morning was nothing unlike any other. He brushed his teeth, took a shower, combed his fur, ate his breakfast, then sipped on a cup a tea, watching the clouds gather outside. "Hmm...the weather guy didn't mention this." Roduk turned to retreat to his den, where his big, warm easy chair sat, awaiting his company.

Not two second after he was settled, the phone in his kitchen rang. "Figures." Briskly standing, he marched his way to the phone where he saw a familiar number on his caller ID, "Morning Brad, nice weather we're having."

"Yeah right, it's not what the weather guy said it would be, huh?" Brad was always cheery in the morning, thought Rudok.

"What's your motive?" Roduk and Brad never really talked on the phone. They only ever really called each other to make plans, or if something bad was going down.

"I was just wondering if you were up for a jog through the park today. I've been cooped up all week between work and home, so I figured today would be a good day to break the monotony."

Roduk took another glance out his nearest window, "I don't know, it might rain on us."

"Worse things have happened. Unless you're the wicked witch of the west or something. C'mon, I'm sure it'll be fine." Brad doesn't take no for an answer, "I'll be up there in a jiff, so be ready for me." And that was that.

Roduk had changed into his running shorts and tank top and was tying his shoes when there was a knock at the door, "Come in!"

Brad came in through the door, his fur still dry, "So, I guess it hasn't started raining yet?" Roduk deduced.

Brad smiled, "Nah, my remains would be washing into the drainage in the street by now if it were. Witches and water, the whole bit. Besides, I really don't think it'll actually rain."

"It's a shame, the world could do with one less evil." Roduk joked.

In two ticks, the two of them were out the door, walking their way down to the park. It was a nice park, with nice running paths, a duck pond, and one particular path leading into a nice thickly forested grove of aspens and junipers. The clouds still over hang in the sky, but the temperature was neither to warm or too cool for a jog. When Roduk and Brad reached the path, they gave a few minutes to do some stretches, then headed along the path at a good, steady pace.

"So, how has work been going?" Roduk asked across to Brad.

"Eh, same shit, different day. There's this new guy there, but he seems to be having a hard time fitting in. Sad thing, it's only his first week."

Roduk gave Brad a curious glance, "Why's that? He from a different country or something?"

"No, there's a rumor going around that he's gay. I wouldn't be surprised, he does seem to have that, uh...gayness to his personality."

Roduk felt a strange sense of irritation ring in his head. Trying to keep his tone in check, he asked, "What do you mean by 'gayness'?"

Brad thought about it for a second, "He has a very soft, feminine voice, and he wears his clothes differently. Not like crazy or anything, but it's as if he pays more attention to his clothes or something. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it just seems to show. He also tends to stand a bit differently, like his posture is a bit different, or crooked or something."

They were soon coming up to the small wood of aspen and juniper. Roduk couldn't help but notice a sense of guilt and annoyance rising in him as Brad continued to describe this new guy at work. It wasn't until they were well in the woods when Roduk said, "Well, so what if he is gay? I mean, what's the big deal?" He stopped running, only just now realizing how offended he was becoming.

Brad tilted his head a bit, looking back at Roduk as he stopped jogging too. "Well, nothing."

"So, then what's the problem?"

"Nothing, I don't care if he's gay or not. I'm just saying that other people at work are giving him a hard time about it, that's all." Roduk was looking down at the path, his ears lay back. He has never felt so awkward around Brad, his best friend since they were kids. He didn't really know what to do.

Brad took a couple steps closer to him, "Hey, you alright? Is something bothering you?"

"No," Roduk said as he avoided eye contact.

Brad studied him for a minute, "I'm not going to just drop this. Why did that upset you so much?" Brad never took No for an answer. Roduk looked up at Brad, and seeing the concern and sincerity in his eyes he dropped his shoulders with a sigh. "I don't know. I've just been feeling weird lately, since...I dunno."

"Since what?" he waited for an answer, "C'mon, man, you can tell me."

Roduk leaned up against a tree and crossed his arms, "I don't want you to get the wrong idea or anything, but I've just been having these dreams lately. They're just kind of weird, that's all."

Brad came and leaned next to him against the tree, "What're they about? Did you have a vision about the cloudy weather?" He smiled to Roduk and shouldered him, who gave him a crooked smirk back.

"No, it's...it's uncomfortable to say."

"It's alright, it's just a dream. Besides, I'm the only other person here."

"Well, okay...I've been having dreams about having sex with-" Roduk swallowed, he was feeling tense and uncomfortable. His mind raced; What will he think? He says he doesn't care if that guy at work is gay, but what about me? What if he thinks I'm gay? I don't even know if I'm gay, so how am I supposed to react or feel?

"Sex wiiiiith?"

Roduk shook his head, "Sex with....other men." He couldn't help grimacing as he snipped to the end of his confession. He held his arms tighter over his chest, one of his feet digging at the ground. Brad was quiet, thinking. After a few tense seconds he said, "Well, do you want to have sex with another guy?"

Roduk laughed, thinking he was leading to make a joke, "What, are you offering?"

Brad just gave a shrug and looked out into the trees. The first spatters of rain began to trickle from the sky. Roduk's muzzle dropped. He studied Brad for a minute or two, "Are you?"

Brad was thoughtful for a second or two more when he said, "I don't see what's the big deal, it's just a dream." He was avoiding the question. Roduk couldn't help but look at his friend with suspicion. He racked his brain over and over, but he could only think to ask, "Well...what do you thinking about all this?"

Brad looked at Roduk for a moment, then he said, "Would it be so bad? I mean, it's not like anyone is going to die or anything, it's just sex."

Roduk's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know how to feel, worried, understanding, or tempted. Standing at this crossroad, he could hardly pay attention to the fact that his fur was getting damp from the rain. There the two of them stood, shoulder to shoulder against a tree, their silence covered by the drops of water hitting the ground beneath. Brad shifted, "So, who was in the dream?"

Roduk shrugged, "I don't know, some guy. He didn't have a face, it was just a shadow."

Brad nodded. Roduk could feel his tensity as he thought and thought about what else to say. After what felt like days, Brad said, "Well, was it good?"

Roduk couldn't help but laugh. Brad smiled, he found it kind of funny too. Roduk could feel his face turning red, "Well, I guess...I don't know, I always wake up feeling guilty, so I guess not all the time."

Brad's smile dropped slightly, "Why do you feel guilty?"

Roduk looked at him, "Because it's not supposed to be right-I mean for me, because I'm not like that." Roduk couldn't help but notice the green in his friend's eyes. Cat eyes seem to hold this intensiveness that he always found himself awed with. He felt vulnerable, exposed.

Brad smiled sympathetically, "Why? What's so wrong about having sex with another man?"

Roduk shrugged. He was so focused on the ground, he didn't notice that Brad was standing closer to him now. Still looking to the ground, Rudok said, "Would you do it?" He looked up, only just now noticing Brad was standing as close as he was to him.

Brad took his turn to shrug his shoulders, "I never tried it. But I'd be lying if I said I never thought about it from time to time."

Roduk's heart picked up pace, even after not running for this long. He swallowed again, "You?"

Brad nodded looking away, "Well, sure. I mean, why not?" Brad never took No for an answer. Roduk began to try and reason in his own head. Why not? Such a simple question, but in it's simplicity seemed to bring around that many more answers. Roduk thought "I guess it's not so much a question as it is an answer." He thumbed through his thoughts silently in his own head when he felt the warm, soft feeling of lips against his.

Brad pulled back looking back into Roduk's eyes, waiting for a response. Roduk just stared back at him, his body pressed firmly against the tree by his own astonishment. His chest rose and fell with his hastened breath, and his eyes closed as Brad came closer again to snatch another kiss.

Roduk's body suddenly felt like a Bunsen burner that was cranked up to as high as it could go, his blood streaming through his veins, his head spinning and whirling. His mouth moved in rhythm with Brad's, more and more confidently with each new greeting. The rain was pouring down, splashing water onto the wet ground, shrubs, trees, and these two lovers, now embracing as their tongues danced and tasted and entwined with each others. Rudok could feel his member becoming firm under his shorts as Brad's hips pressed closer and closer into his. He wanted nothing more than to tear his clothes from his body, expose his fur and flesh to this new found thrill and wonder. He wanted to be vulnerable, he wanted to be exploited.

Brad's hands found their way under Rudok's shirt, his paws feeling through the damp, foxen fur. Roduk's heart thundered on as he gave himself to the passion of his friend's hands, wishing for them to explore his entire body. Brad's hips grinded against Rudok's rhythmically, his throbbing sex courting his lover's through the shield of their shorts. Before he knew it, Rudok was stripping his own body of his shirt.

Brad seemed to marvel at his friend's body as his mouth teased at his neck, his ears, his chest, his shoulders, his stomach. As Brad made his way slowly to the band of Rudok's shorts, his paws rubbed against the bulge that was obvious in his pants. Rudok's head fell back, as his body quivered to the building event. Brad removed his own shirt, as his mouth pressed and played against Rudok's clothing. His hands moved up Rudok's thighs, under the pant leg, and out again. Rudok let out a moan as he felt Brad pulling down the rim of his shorts until, there in the rain, stood his throbbing, hungry erection.

Brad ran a paw over it's soft, moist shaft as he mouthed around the base of the sheath. Rudok was pressing his back into the tree, trying to keep himself from falling over from the overwhelmingly drunken dancing inside his head. Brad's tongue then followed a train from the base of Rudok's cock all the way to the tip. He retraced this trail with his warm, wet tongue back and forth, until he took the aching sex into his mouth. Rudok gave a slight whimper; it was all he could do to keep from crumbling under the immensity of his pleasure.

With Brad's mouth cupping the swollen shaft, he moved his head up and down, allowing his paws to tease and tantalize his friend's sack. The rhythm of his pumping would change every so often, igniting new sensations with each flick of the tongue or turn of his head. Brad let a wandering paw move slowly towards Rudok's rear where his sensitive anus was waiting. He gently rubbed a finger over it in a circular motion, reveling in the delightful moans and breaths he heard from Rudok above him. Brad snuck one of his fingers back into his mouth, lubricating his finger with syliva. His mouth continued working the hot shaft as his finger nimbly found it's way back to Rudok's bum.

Slowly and steadily, Brad applied more and more pressure with his finger, his mouth sucking and pleasing the cock, until his finger slipped into Rudok's tight ass. Rudok let out a gasp, but soon eased himself a bit lower onto Brad's hand. Brad started to slowly pump his finger in and out of the anus, focusing on a small bulge within the cavity. He began to pick up speed with is paw as well as with his mouth. Rudok's claws dug into the tree, as he felt his member's sensations changing, building. His hips moved in gentle motion with Brad's movements, his eyes clenched tight, his stomach contracting, "I'm going to-" His words cut short by his breath. Brad's finger continued it's pumping, as did his mouth, building on it's vigor as Rudok built to an orgasm. Suddenly, cum erupted from the tip of Rudok's penis, into the mouth of his comrade. As he cried out in pleasure, his legs shaking wildly, Brad lapped up the liquid vigorously, his finger still stroking Rudok's prostate.

As Rudok's peak began to crumble, his legs followed suit, his back running down the tree until he was sitting on the ground. Brad kissed Rudok's mouth, the taste of salty cum still on his lips. Rodok relished the flavor and the feeling of Brad's arms around him. He felt as if all the energy had been drained out of his body, however Brad's hand were still exploring feverishly down Rudok's back. Rudok took a hold of Brad's still-erect penis, after removing his shorts, moving it up and down in gentle cycles. Brad moaned into his mouth, his tongue exploring with more enthusiasm.

As Rudok focused more and more on the stiff sensation of his lover's cock, he could feel his gumption returning. Soon, he was burying his face between Brad's legs, tasting his fleshiness as he pleased and teased his cock. Brad's reactions were similar to his own as he writhed and whined against his torment of ecstasy. After several moments of exploring and sucking, Rudok could feel his member becoming hard again, "Whoa, " he thought, "I've never been this excited before." Brad must have noticed too, as he took hold of it, and began to rub it as Rudok continued to mouth his lover's phallus.

Soon, Brad pulled Rudok up for another session of heavy kissing, then he slowly turned onto all four, exposing his hungry rear to Rudok. Rudok plunged his muzzle against his ass, licking and sucking on his hole while using his paws to fondle Brad's testicles. Brad moaned, his claws digging into the wet base of the tree, the rain still pouring down on their bodies. His back arched and through the pounding sound of rain came a breathy, "Please..."

Rudok sat up and began to run the head of his penis around Brad's virgin rear. He slowly entered a couple inches of himself inside of Brad, then came back out, then did it again, pushing a little more of his dick inside with each entrance. With a little stretching, soon Rudok rammed his throbbing shaft well into Brad's ass, and Brad let out a yelp of pleasure. Rudok held himself there, caressing Brad, rubbing his back, showering him with kisses as he began to move his hips back and forth against him. Brad's breathing became heavier as the pounding became more intense. Rudok reached around, still thrusting his hips, and began to pump Brad's cock with his paw. Brad, his feline tail held high, his hands steadying him against the firm trunk of the tree, whined with each pulse of sensation that washed over him. Rudok listened intently to his sounds, becoming more and more excited as Brad did.

After several moments, Brad's body began to tighten with the onslaught of climax. Brad didn't heed a warning, and soon the ground under him was littered with white juice, the air full of the sounds of his whimpers. As his sphincter muscles contracted around Rudok's cock, he too came, a stream of hot, white, creamy cum spilling into his lover's body.

They shivered as they both came down from their sexual high. After catching his breath, Rudok pulled his limp, tired member out of Brad, and he sat against the tree. Brad simply allowed his body to lay face-down on the wet ground, his back rising and falling with his exalted breaths. Rudok smiled at him, then took survey of their scattered, wet clothes on the ground. Rudok crawled over and lay on top Brad, stroking the side of his face. Brad smiled, but there was an awkward air around them.

After a few minutes, in order to break the awkward silence, Brad said, "The weatherman definitely didn't mention any rain today..."

Rudok chuckled, kissing Brad on the cheek, and said, "There's a lot of things the weatherman didn't predict."