Take me higher

Story by Princess_Xeno on SoFurry

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Cara sat there, restless. Her whole being itched and her bones achhy? She was a shape shifter, meaning she could phase into any creature she desired. She was at the ripe age of 19 and preparing for her first shift... Six years too late. She whined softly as her bones slowly moved positioned. She looked up at the sky, watching as the bats flew past. She knew whatever she first changed into would be her more stronger animal and the animal she bonded with better. She whined and her clamped her eyes shut. Her body began to shake violently and she let out an ear piercing scream as her bone broke out of place and grew. Her screams soon became growls and finally, the pain subsided after ten long minutes. She huffed out and looked down. She saw two large paws instead of her hands and when she looked ahead, she could see everything as bright as daylight. She licked her chops then took off running, running faster than she ever has before. The wind flew through her fur and she could hear the trickle of water so she ran in that direction. The feeling she had as she ran was so much better than amazing. She felt free, like she could do anything she wanted. When she did arrive at the stream, she slowly approached it and look down to see her reflection. She was nervous but she knew she was a large animal, a hunter at that. But when she looked down, she was in awe. There stood a black tiger with the brightest of yellow eyes staring right back at her. She grinned widely at the sight. But, the grin seemed like a snarl. She chuckled and splashed the water before jumping in, her tail sinking below the water. This was simply fantastic! She heard a paw hit the ground and she growled, freezing in her spot. Another tiger emerged and she could easily tell it was a male given it's size was much larger than hers. Instead of it being black like hers,it looked like a Bengal tiger. She made a soft mew and it responded. She heard a voice in her head. 'Mate.' She growled lowly. She didn't even know him yet he was calling her mate?! She growled lowly and sunk into the water, eyeing him. The male slowly entered the water, watching her every move. Her body was readying its self for mating but her mind would not have it. Sure they were shape shifters but they werent animals. She jumped onto shore and shook her fur. The male growled lowly, slowly walking to her. Cara snapped her jaws at the male when he came to close for comfort. Why not phase back? She can't for a full twenty-four hours. Her eyes were now narrowed at him. 'If you want to be my mate, fight for it' she snarled through their link. He lowered down and her gaze followed. She could easily see the pink of his cock poking out. The tiger side of her nearly gained control at the sight. The male lunged at her, tackling Cara. Cara snarled and snapped at him, only grabbing air. He held her down and bit the scruff of her neck. She whined in both anger and pleasure. The male purred lowly as he positioned himself. Cara whimpered and felt her butt lift up. Was this how it was when you met your mate in an animal form? The howled in pleasure when she felt his thick throbbing cock enter her virgin pussy. Her walls contracted, keeping his cock deep inside her. Her mate snalred and used his overly large paws to bring her closer as he began to thrust inside her hole. Cara yowled out, her tiger side completely taken over. Her mouth parted in a pant and she moaned as best she could. She could feel his thick, hard cock throbbing within her, itching to release its bountiful seed. 'Mine' he growled and began to thrust even harder. Cara screamed out in both pleasure and pain but did not stop him.

He growled and snarled before his seed released inside her in large bounties. She whimpered and collapsed, breathless. The male pulled out and she heard cracking. Suddenly, there was a naked man behind her. Her yellow eyes searched him. He was stunningly handsome. He had a well built body, gorgeous green eyes, full lips, a nice ass, and a humongous cock... Even though it was flaccid. "Kane." He said and squat in front of her, petting her head. She began to purr and rub his hand with her large hand. "You know, I could smell your heat from a few miles away.. That's what called me over here." If she were in her human form, her cheeks would be redder than a beet. "And when I saw you, I knew you were my mate so I decided to come out as a tiger in hopes to relax you but nope " Kane laughed and she huffed out her response. "First phase? She nodded. "How old?" He asked and she felt embarrassed. '19' she sent him through the link. He paused and she looked away, far too embarrassed. "At least you aren't a child."Kane teased. Cara looked up at her mate. He would not see her for twenty-four hours.. She huffed and her eyes went to his large member. She licked her chops and looked up at him.

She knew what it was like when you were first met your mate, you would be wanting sex constantly. She huffed once noew and began to lick her slit, cleaning it. Shivering at the feeling, she continued to lick, for the pleasure of it. Cara let out a noise similar to moaning which caught Kane's attention. Smirking, Kane gently pushed her head away and began to lick her slit. Cara panted and let her head fall back in pleasure. Even as a tiger, it felt amazing to have someone do that to her. She panted and purred. "Already wet...." He purred and stuck a finger inside her. Cara moved around from the invasion. Her head swung around and she Nuzzled Kane. Kane smirked and helped her lay on her belly. Right when he was about to thrust into her, a voice boomed out."You aren't going to defile our mate yet are you?" Kane chuckled. "I already have. Maybe you should come to her?" Cara snarled at Kane in embarrassment. 'This is my brother, Tristan." Kane explained and Tristan quickly walked over. "Wow.. Her heat is.." Tristan shivered before kneeling and licking her cunt. Cara moved around to keep her self from tackling him. This was insane! Only in her dreams would there be to men as her mates. Maybe it was her mates she dreamy about.. She gasped the moment she felt something penetrate her. She looked back and there were both men, deep inside her pussy. She whined loudly, a roar escaping. "So fucking tight and wet.." Tristan groaned out. Cara clawed at the ground, tearing up the dirt and grass. 'Fuck me hard' she pleaded and that, was only the beginning. *well!! How was it? Please lemme know! I can't better if I don't get feedback anyways, thanks for reading :p *