The new Beginning

Story by Ephemeral_Dreams on SoFurry

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#1 of Struggle

Cliche-story ^_^ based on real life experiences


His alarm clock made the incessant noise as his fist slammed down upon it.

"Damn.... and I was just dreaming...."

said Zach as he crawled out of bed, his scales causing tiny tinkling noises reverberating around his room.

"Crap it's Monday..and I forgot the homework!.. well...... gotta get ready i guess... *sigh*" Zach saundered over to the bathroom connected to his room and stood there, observing himself in front of the mirror.

What he saw made him smile: a 6'2" teal-yellow-ish colored (with some streaks of gold) dragon with flowing brown hair forming a ponytail down his back, with lusterous scales reflecting light and highlighting his powerful-looking wings.

Zach stretched long and wide, flexing every muscle he'd worked hard to get. (Actually, he believes he'd worked hard, but dragons gain natural musculature without ever having to work out)

Waking from his "trance," Zach stepped into the shower and started the water, yelping as the initial cold water hit him on his maw.

"mmmmm............ so warm..."

Zach had always appreciated a shower, and had been teased by his Football teammates for that. (but after hospitalizing a fox who suggested he was gay, he was never bothered again)

His hands washed progressively down his body, and got to his crotch, and Zach noticed a pole, throbbing from the previous staring at himself.

Zach thought, 'well at least something of me likes to get up early' as he wrapped his paw around it, feeling the warm scales sending shivers through hs synapses.

"Uggnnh..... yea...h......"

As he pumped his paw up and down, his tail started "wagging" like a dog tail, except this one had 20 pounds of muscle in it.

After about 15 minutes of imagining Kelsey, the lead cheerleader, jacking him off, Zach bit his tail as he roared while spewing cum onto the shower curtains. (thankfully, they were made of plastic)

"*Huff...* ...that was good....... I haven't done that in a while...."

"how long do I have..." He looked at his watch, which he almost never took off"


Zach jumped out of the shower and ran into his room, slamming open his closet doors.

He hurriedly grabbed a pair of green boxers, fitting jeans, and a shirt with Eragon logo on it. (he liked it just because of Saphira), put his shoes on, and ran down the stairs.

"Hey mom! dad!"

"hey Zach!"

"Hey son, grab something before you go"

"I'm already late! thank's mom!"

Said Zach as he grabbed his key from the rack and ran out the door, a car screeching sound alerting his parents of his departure.

Zach drives to school, Christian Rock emanating softly from his stereo....

"mmmhm?" Said Paul as he woke up slowly, his arms tingling.

"uggnnh..... its Monday...."

reluctantly, Prax got up and out of the queen-sized bed that was in his room.

As he woke up and sat on the bed, he sighs deeply and reflects back once again on his life


his mom was screaming outside the door of his crappy apartment,

She was yelling at him again, insisting on Prax to sit in his room and do nothing but study.

For Prax, even a night-out to Ultrazone was an yearly ocassion.

'God I'm so ....... depressed...... and she won't shut up........' "SHUT UP YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!" Yelled back Prax.

That got his mom even more pissed, and she started yelling at him with a skill with words he'd never even heard of.

'Only.... if...... i wasn't adopted to such a bitch......' thought Prax as tears were streaming down his maw, staining his chestfur, reminding him of another pain.

See Prax was gay, and he could not tell anyone because he was shy and afraid of other people's opinions if he ever came out to them. Even to his closest friends, of which he's barely had any, he could not tell. And the constant throbbing pain in his heart originated from his loneliness, multiplied tenfold by his mom's constant stress and the insurmountable loads of homework his AP teachers had fit to give him every single day.

"the AP test is only 3 weeks away, you MUST PRACTICE!! Take home this [23 page] review packet and it's due a week from now. also, there is a 1998 AP Calculus BC test that i want you to take as a preparation, that is due 3 days from now." Said Mr.Guy, an old yet fierce-looking Lion who taught AP-Calculus BC.

(also handed out 6 new AP tests: 2000~2005 tests)

And 4 other of Prax's AP teachers had said something to that effect.

Whenever he got home, his mom would glare at him if he did not immediately retreat to his room and give some inkling of studying.

And today................. another fight had started, sending Prax into his spiral of depression again.

Prax had thought of suicide multiple times, but always thought: "I had lived 18 years under depression and constant pressure, I HAVE to live 18 more years as a free person, else all the shit I've taken will be a waste..."

He tried his best to ignore the 1000-decibal noises coming from his mom, and prepared for school, shoving around 4 thick text books and 3 notebooks into his backpack, trying to remember if he'd forgotten anything.


That stung Prax. He had already been thrown away as a child.... he did not choose to be adopted to such a woman............ nor such a life.........

Prax was crying as he walked to the bus-stop, being the only senior who rode the bus because his parents would not buy him anything.

Nobody saw the 5' 10" Wolf getting on the bus, nor sitting down in the back, nor the fact that the fur near his beautiful green eyes were stained, only that a "weirdo" had gotten on, and their newest prey had arrived...

-To be Continued-

Author's Note: ^_^ starting of a new series..... I had awlays wanted to write and admired excellent writers such as Trahl, etc..... but I've never been good at writing XD

So i'm just writing down my feelings and my past story. (altered of course) Feel free to vote and Comment ^_^

Thank you for reading!

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