Chapter 6: Two souls clash- Opposite Opinions (Part 2)

Story by Shadows of a Kitsune on SoFurry

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#6 of Flesh and Fur

Chapter 6

Meville stalls for time for the ship to fully land in Tera Bell. She blocks and evades every one of Red Fox's moves and she then summons upon the true extent of her swords power. It turned onto demon sword with a cat-like eye on the middle part of the sword. This power turns Mevill's eyes blood red. Red Fox readied himself for anything and he stood in his stance ready for her strike. She then seems to disappear and before Red Fox gets a chance to sence where she is, she strikes him with her blade foucusing on his vitals but misses the vitals by an inch. Red Fox falls to his knees and blood began to gush in intervals out of his body. The blood stained the wood turning it red.

Meville says," So... the mighty Red Fox has fallen to my mercy. I should just kill you here and now, but... you would make for a great slave."

Red Fox said in a calm monotone voice," I am no slave... to anyone."

Red Fox quickly got up and slashed at her chest. Mevill's tubtop she had on was slashed off and thus reveling her bare chest. She not minding the sudden exposure to the elements then made her next move on Red. Red Fox, paying no mind as well to her exposed chest, readied for her swords next slash. She doesn't seem to want to strike him yet. She waiting for the right moment to strike and she will finish him... or so she hopes. Red Fox then slashes the air and actualy hit her knocking her off in the direction of theslash that hit her. She is on her stomach laying on the deck floor, uncouncious. Red Fox shethes both his blades and walks off to the edge of the ship seeing tht they have landed. He jumps of the ship and he sees bunch of Meville's crew come of a door on the side of the ship. He then took them out but not killed them. Then Vixen and Gale came out to see Red Fox. Vixen then ran to him and huged him. Red Fox turn his head to see is daughter clinging to him. He then sees what she is whering and knocks her back. He was displeased that she was a member of Meville's crew. She was suprised by him knocking her back.

Vixen says," What do you do such things father?"

Red Fox replies," You are wearing the outfit of sky pirate member. That discrases the kitsune name."

Vixen says," Ahhhhkk! You and this "kitsune name" stuff! Next you'll say that human contact is agiast the kitsune name!"

Red Fox unshethes his blades and says," We prove to me that you are wothy of the kitsune name then. Fight me."

Vixen says unshething both her blades," Gladly."

Vixen face her fther in combat. She knew he would be like this. That's why she bought her blades. Gale just stood there watching them. She then sat down and figured that she could watch the show on front of her. Vixen makes her first move and her father, Red Fox, follows. She locks blades with her father and the sound of their swords clashing echoed through the crevases and allies of the city. Red Fox then runs along a building and strikes her from behind but misses. She then runs along the lower part of a building and strikes her father dead on. He was suprise to be struck by his daughter as she was never able to do it before. He then smiles and know that she has been trining herself to be like him. He then quickly makes his next move and tries to strike Vixen agian but his strike misses agian. She then tries to strike him but he catches it but as he thought he had her, she disappears agian.

Red Fox says," What?..."

Vixen then strikes him from the side and hits him agian. She quickly used her ice swords power.

Vixen yells," Blizzard burst!"

Vixen slashes her sword in the air and a blue enegy slash heads for Red Fox and hits him frezing him. or so it seem. She knew he wouldn't fall for it THAT easy. Ahe stands and waits for her father to leave his hiding place. He then emeges from the shadows and strikes her fast before she sees him and his blade is blocked by her hand. He is quite impressed of her percision to aviod and block. He is also suprise how fast she attack after dodging his attacks. He reshethes his blades and Vixen resheths hers too.

Red Fox says," I'm proud of you my daughter. You have master your skills that i've taught you and you are now using them well. I do though need somewhere to stay for sometime. I might as well stay in this area for a while. Vixen's eyes widened and she then gave her father another hug.

Vixen says," I'm happy that you will stay here. It's very nice for a city actualy. The suburbs, where I live, are very peacefull typicaly. There is a forest near there too."

Red Fox says," Okay. I see. I will stay for sure then. The forest will prove to be very equitble training grounds."

Vixen then grabed his hand and showed him where she lived. He saw the extrior of the house and was quiet. He didn't have anything to say about her two story house. He walked off into the forest and her made his home in there. Vixen then heads inside and heads up to Keka's room. She still is sleeping. Vixen rolls her eyes, smiles, and says," Figures."

She walks up tothe side of Keka's bed and shoke her shoulder. Keka slowly wakes up and reaches for one of Vixens breasts. She caresses it softly and sensualy.

Vixen says," Your making me horny again. (lol) Your my same old Keka."

Vixen smiles and helps her out of bed and gives her a kiss on the lips.

Keka says softly," Loves ya."

Vixen replies just as softly," Loves you too."

Vixen then takes her to the bathroom. She and Keka get into the shower together. Vixen raps her arms around Keka with the soap in her hand and she slowly rubs Keka's body with it. Then Keka put her arms around Vixen and soaped her body down. Vixen and Keka then started to kisses and their touges rapped around eachother and Vixen slowly start to reach for Keka's pussy and rub it. Keka then slowly did the same with Vixen. Vixen then forced Keka onto the floor and Vixen lays on top with the shower water beating on her back. Vixen then kisses Keka more. Vixen sits up and rubs her pussy agiast Keka. Their moans of pleasure echoed across the bathroom into the 2nd floor hall and all the way down stairs.

Keka says in pleasure," I was... uhhhhh! waiting all day for.... Ahhhh! this.. My sweet Vixen."

Vixen then acclerrated her movements and Vixen felt the pleasure rush increase very fast. Keka was in soo much pleasure that she couldn't help but arch her back. Vixen having the urge to like her pussy. She slid down and started to lick her pussy. Liquid started to come up of her pussy and Vixen licked deeper tasting her wounderous necture, all the while Vixen fingers herself. Vixen and Keka both are reaching their peaks and Kekas jucies spray on Vixen's face and Vixen sprays her juices on the floor.