
Story by Thisguy42 on SoFurry

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This is a story I did for a contest winner over on FA quite some time ago, but I rather like how it turned out. It had been a while since I gave some love to dairy cows and that's a shame :3 . Hope you guys enjoy!


Two years ago, Ruby and Jackson were a newly wed couple that had a whole world ahead of them to explore and discover together. They would have done just that, had some terrible news not arrived from Ruby's aunt merely a month after their wedding. Ruby's grandmother had died and she had left her entire estate to Ruby. The estate itself was an quaint ranch house with four acres of land and the five dairy cows and bull that lived on it.

Ruby was saddened by the loss of a grandparent, but glad that she had been gifted a wonderful property where Jackson and herself could begin their life together. Neither really knew the first thing about maintaining a farm or the animals that lived on it for that matter. Fortunately, the farmhand who had helped Ruby's grandmother was more than willing to give them the help they required and even show them a thing or two along the way. They spent six months creating a home for themselves, learning alongside the farmhand and making some much needed repairs and renovations with their own earnings as Ruby's grandmother had very little to give aside from the property. Neither were phased by this and were happy with the fact that everything was going more smoothly than they could have imagined.

Six months later and the two newly weds had depleted their funds and fallen into debt since the farm was no longer turning out a profit. In a particularly bad stroke of luck, their only bull had passed away just before the cows could be bred and this meant they could no longer produce the milk they needed.

This wouldn't have been such an issue if finding jobs, full or part-time wasn't so difficult in the area, the town was out of the way and was mostly dominated by family owned businesses. As if lack of income wasn't a big problem already, after Ruby and Jackson failed to conceive a child of their own, they paid a visit to the local doctor and were given some devastating news. Ruby was infertile.

Ruby and Jackson were left with a tough choice, either go bankrupt or sell the property and the cattle, which would surely be slaughtered. Needless to say, they didn't like either idea. Nothing short of a miracle would dig them out this mess.

"What are we going to do? We can't live like this much longer," Ruby said with her head in her hands.

"I'm not sure there's much we can do at this point, there's just no money left. I wish it was in our control, but it's not. We should sleep on it and maybe we'll have a better plan in the morning," Jackson said with a shrug.

"Yeah... I suppose you're right," She said sadly. "I've just become so attached to this place I can't just give up."

Jackson sighed and said, "I know, I'd be lying if I said I haven't grown a fondness for this place too."

Looking on at Ruby's dejected expression, Jackson stood and offered his hand to her, which she took, allowing him to lead her to bed. She felt a little more comfortable knowing that he would be there to help her through this and felt a little more prepared to take on whatever the next day had in store for her.

The next morning, Jackson woke up early to submit some job applications one town over, leaving Ruby to her own devices for the majority of the day. After moping around the house for an hour she decided she would take a trip into town and search for something to take her mind off of her problems at home. One quiet car ride later and she found herself trudging down the bustling downtown, which didn't seem particularly charming to her today. She sighed and looked around at the familiar storefronts drearily; the only thing that caught her attention was the sight of a heavily pregnant woman holding hands with who she assumed was the lucky father. The sight should have been endearing, but it only made her jealous and angry.

As she rounded a corner, something slammed against her with a force that sent her reeling. She fell backward and was sent tumbling along with the culprit. She took a moment to regain her wits, and propped herself up, only to lock eyes with a distraught young woman. Her blue eyes were icy and accusing, as if it were Ruby's fault for this mess, but before any words could be exchanged, the woman glanced down the sidewalk and took off, albeit with a slight limp.

"Agh! Damn kid!" Ruby heard a winded voice say from behind her. She looked up as the woman addressed her, "Here, let me help you."

"Friend of yours?" Ruby asked jokingly, as the mystery woman helped her to her feet.

"Hah! She'll wish she was my friend by tomorrow, no one steals from me and gets away with it so easily," the woman said with malicious intent. "Anyway, I don't believe we've met, name's Holly," She said, hand outstretched.

"Ruby," Ruby said, accepting Holly's hand.

Holly locked eyes with Ruby for a quick moment, as if she was looking for something.

Tearing her eyes away, Holly continued. "Sorry, you were caught up in this mess, that thief had been scoping out my store for a good while and just took off when I had my back turned," Holly said in an exasperated tone.

Something seemed off about the way Holly said this, it was almost as if she knew the girl was going to steal something, but if she knew why wouldn't she tell her to leave? Ruby decided it would be best to leave it alone and kept the thought to herself.

"So you own a store in town? I don't think I have ever seen it."

"Yeah, Obscure Treasures, there on the corner," Holly said, pointing down the street behind her.

"Oh! That one! Yes, yes I remember it now. I've never been inside, but I don't really have a need to come this way very often, most of our shopping is done on the other side of town," Ruby explained.

"Why don't you come back with me and check it out?" Holly asked with an excited tone.

"Umm, I suppose so," Ruby said, shrugging.

"Oh good! Follow me!" Holly exclaimed with delight.

Although she was a little hesitant because of Holly's forwardness, she decided to follow anyway.

"Well this is nice, I can't believe I haven't been in here yet," Ruby said, gazing at the various wares that filled the store.

"Please take a look, let me know if there's anything that piques your interest," Holly said, herding Ruby further into the store.

Holly's intuition told her there would be something that would catch this woman's attention, all she had to do was give her a push in the right direction.

Meanwhile, Ruby had begun browsing, she really didn't plan on buying anything, but there was no harm in looking. After all, Holly was nice enough to help her on the street so she could at least humor her. She was dead set on leaving empty handed, until she came across a brass cowbell. You see, Ruby was a bit of a nut when it came to collecting anything brass, more of an obsession than a hobby really, and she just couldn't help herself. She carefully picked it up and smirked as the bell inside jingled around. The thing was in perfect condition, complete with a sturdy leather collar; she was so engrossed in the item that she didn't hear Holly approach.

"Find something you like?" Holly asked with a large grin.

Ruby nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Uhh, yeah, but there's no price tag on it. Is it for display?" Ruby asked eagerly.

"Well, it is for sale, but I'll let you have it, if you want it," Holly said.

"Wait, you mean I can just have it for free? I couldn't do that, it's so nice, surely you want something for it," Ruby said, still unsure if she was being messed with.

Holly seemed to ignore Ruby's statement.

"You do want it don't you?" She asked.

"Umm, well, yes..." Ruby stammered. "But, why give it to me?"

Holly shrugged. "I just like to be giving once in a while, it's a gift from me to you, just make sure you pass on the word about my store, I always love meeting new customers."

"Well okay, if that's all I need to do, I will happily accept it," Ruby said, smiling.

"Good, good. Do you want a bag for it or would you like to wear it out?" Holly said with a laugh.

Ruby couldn't help but laugh at the notion and turned down the bag before she said her goodbyes.

After watching Ruby go, Holly wondered how long she would be able to resist the bell's charm, it had a certain persuasive aura about it that she knew all too well.

It was actually one of the few items in her store that she had found with a preexisting enchantment that she couldn't remove herself. She knew what kind of mayhem it could wreak, but in Ruby's case, she was sure it would do more good than harm, she just hoped she wouldn't get too much shit for it later on.

Ruby, meanwhile, was now sitting in her car holding the bell in front of her, the thing was oddly hypnotizing. How would look on her, she wondered. It was a strange thought, but the appeal of it won over her apprehension and she fastened it around her neck. It should have felt ridiculous, but it felt inexplicably comfortable.

It wasn't until she happened to glance at the digital clock on the dashboard that she realized she had been sitting there for twenty minutes and finally started her car. She exited the parking lot and swung around the corner onto the back road to the house.

As she passed by some of the lush, open pastures she felt a sudden surge of calm, washing away all of her anxiety and stress. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt so good, or why she felt this way now.

Despite how relaxed she felt, her clothes were beginning to feel stuffy and tight. Searching for relief, she unclasped the first few buttons of her blouse, and yelped in surprise when her breasts swelled in her bra, spilling over the cups. In a panic, she pulled to the shoulder of the road and tried to slow her now pounding heart.

"Wh-what the hell is going on?" Ruby said, dumbfounded by the increased weight hanging off her chest.

She felt them tremble and bulge further out of her bra, putting more tension on the straps and the buttons of her shirt. She broke out in a cold sweat, an unnatural heat developing across her skin, especially just below her bellybutton.

Hands shaking, heart pounding, Ruby lifted her shirt and stifled a scream as the flesh on her stomach became a bright pink and pressed uncomfortably against the hem of her pants. She fumbled with the button on her jeans, but the expanding skin didn't wait for her and the button, put under too much pressure popped off.

Ruby whimpered as her sensitive skin was stretched by the engorging organ until it greatly surpassed the size of her head. She watched as four stubby knots pushed their way out of the sac with a soft pop. She knew what she was looking at, but she didn't want to believe this was truly happening. She poked at it tentatively, she felt her finger depress the pliable skin, and heard it respond with a noisy groan.

Her breasts now blocked her view of her entire lower body as they too, had grown annoyingly heavy and were also making hollow groans.

Ruby swore she heard the glug glug glug of fluid slowly flooding the empty space of her mammaries and with the rising pressure, she was becoming desperate to free herself of her small articles of clothing.

With all of the tugging and squirming, the bell around Ruby's neck clanged around loudly and it suddenly dawned on her that she didn't remember putting it on. Could that be the source of this madness?

In desperation, Ruby pulled on the snugly fitted collar, but try as she might nothing would make it budge.

"Why won't it come off?! Damned bell!" Ruby exclaimed.

She felt a jarring shock course through her hands as the bell retaliated and spurred further changes. Her body bulged with curves she never had before and another wave of growth rippled through her milk-laden assets. Everything felt so tight, so full, and she had to bite her lip to stifle a moan when she pushed on her bloated skin, causing it's creamy contents to slosh around teasingly.

"Oh god... w-why does it feel so good?" Ruby whispered to herself, moaning when her hand grew a mind of it's own and squeezed a sensitive breast.

"I-I need to get home..." Ruby said, her thought unfinished as another hand roaming down to her tight udder.

She pinched one of the fat teats experimentally, just to relieve some of the pressure, but it soon devolved into a messy situation when she couldn't stop her greedy hands. It felt so wrong, but the guilty pleasure made it that much more exciting, so much so, that she hardly noticed when her fingers started to stick to each other. It wasn't until she nearly lost her ability to grip that she actually looked at her hands, revealing that her middle and ring fingers had fused into a single digit.

"Oh no no no! I need that!" She exclaimed, as her delicate flesh warped into gnarled fists.

With her hands becoming more useless by the second, Ruby knew that her fun was over, she had to get home before both of her hands succumbed to the transformation.

Trying her best to ignore the demands of her pulsating body, Ruby started her car and sped toward her house, hoping it wasn't already too late for her.

Arriving at the gate in a cloud of dust, Ruby began to feel a familiar cramping in her hands. The remaining feeling she had in her curled fingers dissipated and her hands were, well... no longer hands. Her wrists had extended up her arm and developed an angle between her forming hooves and forelegs, the only remnants of her hands were a lone digit on each appendage. As if this weren't enough to digest, Ruby felt her clothes constrict her thickening form.

Ruby released her seat belt and climbed out of the car with unreserved urgency. Her face nearly ended up in the dirt when all of the added weight continued to move forward without her. Fortunately, she maintained enough control to land on her hands and knees.

That position was comfortable considering her current situation and a pleasant chill rushed down her spine, followed by an unnerving pop from her hips. Unbeknownst to her this now meant standing was no longer an option due to the new shape of her hips.

In the midst of her current distress, she heard the bovine cries of the cows in the barn and was painfully reminded of the building pressure in her udder.

I'll just go to the barn and use the milker real quick, then I can figure out how to pry this stupid bell off... Yeah, just for a minute... She thought to herself, not realizing that she had begun crawling instead of walking toward the barn.

As she drew closer to the barn, her body continued to grow and change. Her rear end ballooned with muscle and a bit of extra padding, her thighs and calves followed a similar pattern, becoming more accustomed to lugging around an udder, brimming with milk. Just the thought made her sex quiver in her skintight jeans. Her vulva plumped and clit bulged, pushing against her panties rubbing her in all the right ways.

By the time Ruby reached the barn door and pull it open, she almost couldn't touch the ground with her hands as her bottom half now stood at a higher point than the rest of her. Despite the difficulty, Ruby pushed her way into the barn and was assaulted with the familiar, but extra powerful odor of the cows.

The atmosphere seemed to react with her body, her tiny clothing finally started to fall away in tatters as her feminine figure thickened and melded with her emerging bestial one.

A haze clouded her mind. making coherent thoughts harder to conjure. She suddenly forgot what she was doing, but a groan as her udder inflated again reminded her of her dire situation.

With her only capable hand, Ruby grabbed the suction cups attached to the milking machine, placed them over her leaking teats and flipped on the machine. Immediately, the machine came to life, whirring and pumping. Ruby almost collapsed from the pleasure, her wet nethers now leaking copiously. She couldn't remember anything that had ever felt so satisfying so quickly, or pleasurable for that matter.

Ruby, however, paid the price for giving into her body's desire; although the machine was working harder than ever, she didn't feel any emptier, in fact she felt even fuller than when she started. What she had not yet realized was that her swollen breasts had been shrinking, feeding their mass and contents back into her bulging udder. This, in turn, made her teats so thick and elongated that the seal of the suction cups became too weak and they dropped to the ground with a clatter.

"NNNOOOOOO!" Ruby bellowed, her voice distorting as her neck thickened and vocal cords warped.

Her pleading was not for the demise of her womanly assets, but for the loss of the milker. The pressure was mounting and Ruby tried to rid herself of the trinket wound about her neck, but she was too little too late. Her strength and the rest of her human digits were fading, her pinkies finally pulling into the hooves she now possessed. In retaliation, the bell sent another shock coursing through her body, driving a bolt of pleasure directly to her swollen sex.


Jackson had arrived at the gate, only to see Ruby's car sitting in the driveway with the engine idling and the driver's side door wide open.

Jackson rushed to the car to investigate and found nothing too out of the ordinary until he leaned in to turn off the engine and placed his hand in a warm fluid on the dashboard.

"What the hell?" He said bringing his hand closer and sniffing it warily. "I-Is that milk?"

His investigation was cut short when he heard a loud crash come from the barn. Now even more on edge, Jackson crept toward the door, which happened to be cracked open and slowly pushed it open.

Jackson was immediately blasted with a wave of humid air, tainted with an indistinguishable scent that hung in the air. He knew what the barn smelled and felt like, and this was not normal.

After he regained his wits, he was startled by an unfamiliar cow standing in the middle of the barn; it's brown backside was facing him, giving him an unhindered view of it's vulva, glistening and absurdly swollen.

It was shamefully hard for him to pull his eyes away from the cow's ass, but he managed and examined the mess on the ground. It was littered with what looked like the remnants of clothing as well as the remains of the milker that had clearly been knocked over by the pesky bovine in front of him.

Upset by the destruction of his equipment, Jackson moved further into the room intent on getting rid of the cow, but quickly stopped in his tracks when he heard an unsettling groan and watched with fascination as the animal became taller, gaining mass across it's already robust form.

"Wh-what the hell?" Jackson said, his voice quaking with fear.

Ruby swung her head around and locked eyes with Jackson before she opened her mouth to speak, but her pleas only came out as drawn out "Moos" and grunts.

Jackson saw the "cow's" face and immediately recognized it as his wife's, although oddly swollen and resembling something much closer to that of a muzzle than a human face.

"Oh god, R-Ruby? Is that you?" Jackson said, taking a few steps forward.

Seeing Jackson had made her a bit more relaxed, and stirred some sexual feelings she had been trying to suppress until now. Ruby answered him with a moo, and backed herself into him, letting her gravid udder slap his leg in hopes that he would at least milk her.

Jackson stumbled a bit from the impact of the huge sac of flesh that hit him and stared at it with a glazed look. Why did it look so inviting to him?

She reared back into him again, pressing her sticky, aroused cunt into his belly. Jackson could smell her arousal, feel it's intense heat seeping under his clothing.

Jackson could no longer pull his eyes away from her udder; it was so big and full, practically begging him to suckle it. His resolve was crumbling, he couldn't stop his own movements and before he could come to his senses, he found himself kneeling before a leaking teat.

A faint voice cried out to him, told him what he was doing was wrong, but it was too late, he had began to suckle at Ruby like a newborn calf.

Until now, Ruby thought she would surely explode from the pressure, but now she melted into ecstasy as her husband pulled and teased on her plump nipple, greedily drinking everything she had to offer.

The direct contact with Ruby's milk triggered some immediate changes in Jackson; his body already bulking, popping a few buttons and seams.

With his growing body came renewed hunger and strength. The more he guzzled, the bigger and more bullish he became, demanding more of his wife's nourishing milk.

While she couldn't see him, she could hear Jackson's groans and the sounds of tearing fabric followed by an intense wave of musk that made her glistening sex wink with yearning.

Jackson had lost himself in the euphoric feeling drinking from Ruby had brought, even though he couldn't quite comprehend what was happening to him. That didn't much matter now, all he cared about was that each shift of his flesh made him stronger, more invigorated.

Of course becoming a bull had other perks, and he was painfully reminded of this as his fully erect phallus grew too large for his small boxers to contain. Still, the arousal was getting to Jackson and he was losing interest in the endless supply of dairy and trained his attention on the winking vulva that now sat at eye level.

Jackson decided to test the waters and plunged his thickening tongue into Ruby's hot depths. He heard her moo and felt her quiver and he reveled in that fact.

Jackson's actions only ignited their passion further; they both needed more and of course Jackson was more than happy to oblige.

The sounds of tearing fabric filled the room as Jackson lifted himself up and straddled Ruby. He sighed as his turgid shaft was freed of his clothes, giving it and his squirming testicles more room to mature.

His balls felt larger and denser as they filled with potent seed, his phallus lengthened again then disappeared into a spacious sheath. The contents of his sheath bulged and the tip of his tapered penis pushed it's way into Ruby.

Jackson's moans gave way into gruff grunts and moos as the rest of his human face pushed into a broad bovine muzzle, completing his transformation, although he still had some growing to do.

Ruby cried out as Jackson's pulsating maleness penetrated her hungry sex, giving her exactly what she wanted and then some.

Throbbing, the incessant throbbing that quickened along with the beating of their hearts was all the newly branded bovine lovers could focus on. Rational thought was gone, replaced with a purely carnal need to mate.

Jackson gave into the need and hilted himself inside of Ruby, his maleness stretching her to new extremes as it caught up with the rest of his body. His churning balls, groaned audibly, visibly growing as did his need for release.

Ruby let out a strangled moo and pulled Jackson's turgid dick, mid thrust, into a vice-like grip, squeezing with surprising force. Jackson could only grunt in response as Ruby's scorching depths enveloped him, all the way to the base. Her massaging unsurprisingly became too much to beat and time seemed to halt for a moment, before a torrent of gooey spunk shot into Ruby's womb.

Using muscles she didn't even know she had, Ruby milked Jackson for everything he was worth, leaving him with little else to do but spasm and twitch. What felt like minutes went by before the flow started to wane and by the time Jackson felt truly empty, Ruby's belly packed quite the extra bulge.

After resting on Ruby to take a few moments to catch his breath, Jackson slid out of her with a hearty slurp, the stench of sex quickly overpowering his senses.

Despite having filled Ruby to the brim, Jackson felt reinvigorated and eager for more. He gave Ruby a hungry look, but she simply blinked at him and gave an annoyed moo.

She didn't seem interested, but the other cows scattered about the barn had started to investigate the strange bull and judging by the intoxicating scent wafting from them, it wasn't hard for Jackson to figure out what they wanted.

As Ruby watched Jackson approach one of the horny bovines, she felt what she thought was a twinge of jealousy welling within her, but an odd rumble from her belly made her think otherwise.

Perplexed and shockingly still aroused, Ruby groaned her belly, already teeming with seed, bloated. Her body reacted to the sudden growth by kicking up her milk production, which, needless to say, quickly filled her empty udder.

Ruby braced herself and tried to hold her wobbly limbs steady as gravity began to act against her increasing proportions. She felt movement in her expanding belly and a wave of calm washed over her; already she had a sense of attachment to the developing calves. The euphoria of motherhood set in as she grew to full-term. Her belly bulging, udder plump and full, Ruby couldn't believe how blissful she felt after everything that had happened.

As the daylight outside faded she finally laid down to rest, eventually lulled to sleep by the kicking calves in her belly.

Two weeks later...

Two days after her passionate day of cow-hood with Jackson, Ruby had given birth to two healthy calves, one female and one male with the help of Jackson since he had reverted to his normal self the day prior. The experience was very surreal for the both of them, but so was the entire situation Holly had gotten them into.

Neither of them had felt uncomfortable with what they had done, they couldn't deny the fun they had and now that they had time to reflect on those bizarre events, they decided to thank Holly rather than reprimand her. After all, every one of their cows was pregnant and more productive than ever so they didn't have much to complain about.

"It's really strange to see those calves running around..." Ruby said, smiling, looking out at the small herd of cows from the kitchen window. "Not just because we haven't had any for a while, but because they're mine."

Ruby's smile soured a bit at the thought. They were hers, but in a way, they really weren't, how could they truly be when they were animals?

Jackson suddenly embraced her from behind.

"Yeah, I think I know the feeling..." He said, the memory of how all the grazing bovines became pregnant coming to the front of his mind.

Ruby smirked as she felt something poke into the small of her back.

"You perv, just can't keep you sated can I? I'm sure the cows would be more than happy to oblige your needs," Ruby joked, turning around to face Jackson.

"Hey, don't blame me for listening to my primal instincts, don't forget you were the one that lured me in like a siren." Jackson quipped.

"And I would do it again!" Ruby said, planting a kiss on his lips. "Now if you wouldn't mind releasing me, I need to use the bathroom."

"Not a chance," Jackson said with a smirk, playfully squeezing her tighter.

"How'd you like to wear that collar? I'm still interested to see what it would do to a guy, maybe you would join the ranks of our pregnant herd. It would be _real_easy to slip on while you slept..." Ruby threatened.

Jackson figured she was joking, but the fact that he had no idea where she had stashed the thing made him think otherwise and he loosened his hold on her.

"I knew you'd come to your senses," Ruby said, slipping from his clutches.

Leaving Jackson to his thoughts, Ruby padded down the hallway and locked herself in the bathroom. She quietly retrieved a box from a drawer under the sink. Inside, was a pregnancy test.

Since they had reverted to their normal selves, Ruby had noted how much sex they had been having and she had clung to a farfetched hope that it meant something more for her. She felt silly considering the reality of her situation but she felt inexplicably different about today.

After an unexciting moment, one that she repeated with a dull monotony, and a feeling she could only describe as dread. Ruby stood over the sink, took a deep breath and looked at the test line.

Her anxious frown melted into a smile and tears welled in her eyes. It was positive.