The Quiet Type

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#33 of A Real Animal Lover


of that fuzzy sow got me thinking of another experience I had, back in my younger

days. It concerns an animal not at all related to a pig, but still was one that

shared some manner of appearances with it. It was a tropical creature, and

within all the meaning of the word friendly, was as amiable a creature as you

could find.

                She was a Malaysian Tapir, with a

pattern of black and white reminiscent of the British Saddleback breed of

swine. I keep comparing her to a pig because quite honestly, I have found that

a lot of people have no idea what a tapir is. That's a shame, because they are

a very interesting animal, normally shy and reserved, living as they do in thick



one was in one of the zoos I was consulted on to do some work with an entirely

different species. I was always on my best behavior when working somewhere that

I wasn't familiar with, and this time was no exception. It was a nice zoo, one

of those regional ones that had a few oddballs used to attract visitors who

might not come otherwise.


name was Polly; a stupid name for a tapir, but she was named via a contest so

who was I to complain? I doubt she answered to it. It wasn't in these animal's

nature to answer to their names unless they were very well conditioned to it.

                I was

immediately drawn to her for two reasons. The first was her species hadn't been

crossed off my bucket list, though back then we didn't have such a thing. It

was just a to-do list. Secondly, I knew she could handle me and then some. If

you've ever seen a male's penis you'd know what I was talking about. And while

the whole thing was never meant to be inserted the entire length, it was still

a notable thing to see.


point here is that a male tapir had a hell of a lot more to give than I did.

                As was

typical, there was no male around for her, for a lot of these little zoos just

didn't have the breeding facilities. That was too bad. There has never been a

point in having an animal but not breeding it, especially for the rarer

specimens. Still, for me this was an opportunity for a little conquest,

assuming I could swing it.

                She was

in a pen by herself most of the time, though she was allowed to mingle with a

few other native species within one of the zoos exhibits. They at least  understood her shy nature, and didn't force a

lot of display time for her if the crowds were too noisy.


I was able to lie about needing to spend some time overnight observing the

animals I had been called in for, so staying there during the nocturnal hours

proved to be easy. However, since I had no reason to be in her enclosure, that

wasn't going to be as easy. It turns out it was a good thing I was athletic. A

knotted rope over the side of the pit separating her living space from the

observation area worked perfectly.

                But I'm

getting a little ahead of myself.

                I was

given the introduction to Polly only because I asked about her directly. Tapirs

aren't the rarest of zoo animals, but they are far more scarcely held in

captivity than elephants, rhinos, camels and giraffes. It is in part I think,

due to that they are generally timid and unassuming. Elephants are noisy and

big, rhinos imposing, and giraffes amazing and almost comical in their

appearance. Poor tapirs are just quiet and unassuming.

                She fit

the bill perfectly. She had been hand raised at another zoo and sent here while

she was still young and showed absolutely no fear of people. On the other hand,

it made sense for she had seen no other of her kind once she had been separated

from her mother. She easily took food from the hand and was content to have her

skin scratched lightly. She would be perfect for my lusts if I could only swing


                It was

the swinging it part that got me

thinking of the rope idea. There was no way I was going to get the key to her

enclosure door, and there was no way I was going to ask for it.


security guard made rounds twice, though on my first night there I learned

quickly that he actually stayed in his office and watched television most of the

night. Since the tapir was normally a very quiet beastie, I figured all I

needed to do was to be out of sight. She had a spot inside that she could

access anytime she wanted, so all I had to do was lure her there.


with a small bag of apples and a thick rope I had purchased earlier that day

from a local hardware store, I made my way to the horizontal metal bar that

provided both a railing and a barrier to the viewing public. It was set in

concrete, and dropped on the other side about ten feet; from there it sloped up

to the grassy area where she was most often seen. I have a feeling it was

originally designed for holding bears, but in a place like this, recycling pens

was a very common ploy to get the most out of their available space. I had done

in the past, and it was a hell of a lot cheaper than planning and building a

new one.

                I tied

the rope in an out of the way spot, climbed down it and settled on the concrete

bottom. There was a glow coming from the security lights above, so I could see

to make my way up to the top. Finding her wasn't difficult, because in general,

these are nocturnal animals. She was wide awake and quite curious about the odd

intrusion into her domain.


soon forgot about me when she smelled the apples. Her nimble, prehensile nose

found them easily enough and I fed them to her one by one.  After that we were perfect friends. I scratched

her hide from her neck to her rump. When I got down to her truncated tail, I

rubbed downward gently until I got to her hole. She had a sizable slit, with small

but pronounced lips, making her even more like your standard porker. Size-wise

though, she was much larger than your typical pig, but not outside the realm of

their upper weight limits.


before I go on, we need to have a quick biology lesson. Tapir males have an

extraordinary penis; both in its overall length and in it construction and use.

The tip flares out a bit oddly, and the whole thing can be several feet long,

and in some cases nearly a third of the animal's total body length. I had

nothing to compete with that.

                On the

other hand, he had quite the chore getting it where it needed to be on account

of the body structure of the species. His cock was quite flexible and he could manipulate

it with bursts of muscle power that controlled, to a certain degree, the

rigidity of it. It was an evolutionary adaptation that seemed a little

ridiculous, but I guess you went with whatever worked.


nice thing was, because the male had to take extra time just hitting the right

spot, the females were very patient. That led me to hope she would be equally

patient with me, assuming she was interested at all. The fact that she was

motionless as my fingers explored her slit spoke volumes, and the further

evidence of her willingness was to be assumed by her holding that posture as my

questing fingers slipped inside her.


in was going to be easy, as I assumed it would. I backed off for a moment to

undress, tossing my clothing in a pile. Thankfully she was of the right height

that positioning myself wasn't going to be a chore. I came up behind her,

making sure she was up for this, and since she refused to budge, I assume we

were a go. I spread her open and slid in without a bit of trouble. She was hot

and wet and I quickly had myself pressed up against her nice and tight.

                She was

a solid chunk of animal, and no matter how much force I put into it, she

remained steadfastly firm in her stance. I liked that. It made my life a whole

lot easier.


very promptly began producing copious amounts of lubrication, to the point that

it was dripping down onto the floor as my vigorous pounding forced it out. I

have no doubt it was another evolutionary necessity, as many of the bigger

animals, whose male had large cocks, did the same thing. I doubt any of these

girls wanted to be walking around bleeding from a dry insertion.

                With me

there was no such chance. I was far smaller than what she could handle, and

that didn't seem to bother her any. And while she might have been motionless on

the outside, she was displaying some wonderful little movements on the inside. I

know everyone thinks that animals are so bland when it comes to their

sexuality, but that's because no one has shared the experience with them to

know. Tapirs, like equines, seemed to be quite capable of enjoying sex. I would

hope so for all the trouble the males have just to get inside a willing girl.

                As I

plugged away on her, I had my usual train of thought, and that was how sex was

often over so quickly for most animals. I knew it was a survival mechanism, for

nothing would prove to be a more ignominious death than being killed whilst

screwing your sweetheart.  So all you

guys out there who blow a load quickly, don't feel bad. You're just still

following the old protocols meant for your survival.

                Some of

us have just evolved past that.

                She was

getting into our little tryst; that is if her internal reaction to my

stimulating her nerve endings had anything to say about it. For my part, I

found her enjoyable, but not in my top ten list. But then, I hadn't figure she

was going to place near the top. Anything that could take a cock the size of

her male counterparts wasn't going to be all that tight. Still, she managed to

be scintillatingly enticing in the way her insides trembled and shook as I

rubbed against the slippery walls of her cunt.


held still while I expended my energies getting off in her hole. I probably

should have been nervous, doing something like this at a strange zoo, but we

were out of the way, hidden from view, and since it was nighttime, I figured

the guard was either engrossed in his programming or else completely asleep. It

was nice to be able to relax while dallying with your female of choice.

                I eventually

blew a big load into that warm, moist hole and just kept chugging away. I hadn't

had a chance to dump any of my bodily fluids in a while, and it seemed a shame

to waste the chance to do a few more before the night was over.


this though I was, I had to admit a tighter hole would have been more

gratifying, so with that in mind, I lifted her stubby tail and considered her

other offering. It looked a lot smaller, which equated to being much tighter. I

pulled out and lined up higher, hoping for the best.

                It took

no small amount of rubbing and pushing to get in, but once I was there I slid

in just as deeply as before. And it was, as I had predicted, a much tighter

hole that the lower one. If she was suffering any discomfort from my intrusion,

she didn't let on for she still maintained her stance as before. I got a secure

hold on her haunches and unleashed an attack on her ass.

                It took

about five minutes before her muscles started to constrict. At first it was a seemingly

reflexive  thing, probably on account of

the friction and the fact that it was normally an exit. But after a while the

muscles began to rhythmically contract, and I had to think that it was some

sort of orgasmic reaction. Anatomy and physiology had a lot of things that

weren't yet understood, and many of them likely would never be studied

considering their propensity for causing embarrassment.

                Can you

imagine a paper entitled, "The Propensity

for Sexual Orgasm in Tapirs via Rectal Stimulation?"  

Neither can I.

                But it

seemed to be good for her, and it was especially good for me. My nails dug into

her hide as my hips repeatedly slammed into her, reaming her hole for the

first, and probably the last time in her life. I wasn't so confident of the

other, for maybe sometime in the future she might get matched up with a proper

male. I could at least hope for it. But anal wasn't likely to ever be n the

menu again.


fucked her ass for the next twenty minutes before I felt that wonderful

tightening in my loins. The first had come too easily so my second was going to

be glorious. I held it back as long as I could, basking in the ever tightening feel

of her sphincter. She was even beginning to grunt in time to my thrusts, which

at the speed I was going meant she sounded like she had a severe stutter.


came a point when holding back was no longer an option, so I relaxed and

allowed my cum to spill forth into her bowels. She was shaking slightly by this

point, and her insides were a mass of twitches and good vibrations.  I almost wished I had a nice big dildo to

pleasure her with, but that wasn't an item I was likely to be purchasing

anytime in the future, and she wasn't big enough for me to treat her like a

horse. Fisting was out of the question.


pulled out a few minutes later, marveling at the amount of fluid that had continued

to drip out of her during our little bit of fun. Tapirs could really produce

the juice when they needed to, which is another fact you'll probably never see

in print anywhere else. There was a puddle of it underneath us, and most of

that had come after I had poked her

in the butt. Apparently she was more sensitive there than lower, or else the

increased friction on account of the tightness provoked a greater response from

her. I really don't know even to this day. Repeating the experinace has never

been possible, much to my regret.


pulled on my clothing, heedless of the smell and the stickiness, gave her rump

a pat and went out into the enclosure. Thankfully I wasn't completely out of my

head for I just happened to see movement up on the viewing area. I ducked and

froze even as Polly followed me out. A flashlight beam settled on her flanks

and I heard the guard say, "Hey girl!' before turning off the light and walking



heart was racing faster than it had during out love making! I got myself

together, slipped over to the rope and scaled the wall in seconds flat. I then

undid the knot holding it in place, wrapped it around my shoulder and slunk off

to where I was supposed to be.


guard showed up a few minutes later, which didn't make me happy, but he never

said anything. I was worried about the smell, but in a zoo, everything ends to

smell a little musky, and if he noticed, he didn't seem to associate it with

anything in particular.

                It was

then that I thought that perhaps I should curtail my desires before they got me

in trouble. I thought long and hard on it, but in the end I just couldn't force

myself to... tapir off my amorous activities. They were just too much fun.

Starting a Game of Hyde and Seek

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                The next morning they were awoken by a cell phone going off. It was Edward's, telling them that the plane had been repaired. Apparently the fix was temporary, since parts for the beast weren't common in Great Britain, or anywhere...

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Midnight Blue

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