The Growth Off

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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Based off of

by the Awesome twitch_the_dragon

Got to work on this right away, then got sidetracked, only to start again, and once more getting sidetracked, till I nailed my feet to the ground and finally finished it.

The Growth Off Challenge

Way in the back of his lab, Serophous worked to put the final touches on his project. He scrolled over his computer screen as a brown draco raptor tapped his foot impatiently.

"We going to get this show on the road soon or waste more time?" He grumbled, looking over the massive vat beside him, filled to the brim with Sero's latest growth brew.

"Hey, I want to make sure nothing goes wrong during the process Twitch." The collie scowled back, entering the final data.

"Nothing will go wrong. Everything will be right." A low growl escape Twitch's throat as he rubbed the vat with his clawed hand, licking his snout in anticipation. Sero stood and pushed back his glasses, walking over and connecting a tube to each side of the vat, a hiss escaping each hole as he clamped them tight, making sure they wouldn't move if tugged.

"Alright, here's how it goes. No interfering with the others pipe while we drink. The pump will steadily increase its flow over time, so if you ever fall behind, you may not be able to keep up drinking. The faster you drink, the faster you grow. Biggest guy at the end wins."

Twitch held the hose to his mouth, snickering.

"You think you're gonna stand a chance against me colliebutt?"

Sero laughed.

"Don't underestimate me." He looked up at the eighteen foot vat, ten foot wide as it churned with the growth formula. He touched a few buttons on the front panel, setting up a percent counter of remaining fluid, before starting the countdown. Both took their respectful places beside the vat and placed the tubes in their mouths, preparing.

The clocked beeped each number on its way down from five, ending in a large buzzer sound. Immediately the pumps started up right on que, slowly forcing out the growth serum as pre-set. Sero was so proud to see everything working right for once that he almost forgot about the liquid rushing into his mouth, starting to choke but quickly swallowed.

The effects of the potion were instantaneous. He could already feel his clothing starting to tighten around his expanding frame. Sure, it was only a few inches at the moment, but once the pump really got going, he would truly start to shoot up.

The collie decided to take a peek at how Twitch was doing. He almost dropped the hose from his maw in shock. The draco raptor was already a head taller than him and growing! His shirt sleeves were starting to rip, showing off thickening biceps as his chest pushed forward into hardening pecs. His pants looked skin tight on his form, showing off a tell-tale bulge that he was really enjoying the sensation. Twitch grinned as the collie looked over, steadily drawing in some big gulps from the hose, pushing his growth onward. Sero narrowed his eyes, starting to draw as hard as he could from the hose now to catch up, but something kept nagging at the back of his mind that wasn't right.

Another few minutes passed, the vat only reading 96%, and the results showed as his clothing didn't look capable to hold out much more. His shirt began to shred down the middle, showing off his white furred chest, his pants ripping by his tail as his lab coat started to rip down his back.

Twitch , on the other hand, was already out of most of his clothing, shreds laying on the floor, his thick tail pushing against the wall as his underwear looked more like a speedo, trying in vain to hold his equipment, his abs pushing outwards into a six-pack, deep grooves in between the muscles as he slowly felt along his growing body with his clawed hands.

Sero stuttered a bit. There was definitely some muscle growth mixed inside the vat, but not so much to be producing these results. Something had to be happening that affected the draco raptor differently than him. The collie clenched and unclenched his fists, preparing himself as he started to take in bigger gulps, so much so he almost choked, but painfully swallowed each one. The results showed as he began to grow faster, his own clothing shredding as his member pushed free from his too small boxers, pulsing into the air. He grinned at Twitch and flexed, though a tear in his eye as he tried to keep up the pace as they passed twenty feet, the vat only down to 90%, causing the pumps to go up a notch in speed.

Sero's victory was short lived though as Twitch smirked, taking deeper gulps as well, his own hard-on starting to pulse, the draco raptor chuckling as he adjusted the hose to the side of his maw.

"Face it Sero, you can't win. My metabolism increases my growth rate beyond any normal fur's." He put a hand on the ceiling, the floor starting to crack under his heavy feet.

Sero took a step back, watching as Twitch's wings began to push up as well, being forced to bend over and spread them against the ceiling, starting to dwarf the collie before he winked, pushing up and through, raining debris down below.

There was no way Sero could compete with that on his own. He had to think of something, and fast, but no matter how hard he drank, he couldn't take in enough, and Twitch was starting to drink even more! The tank beeped down to 84%, then 83%, the next speed increase would happen soon, and Sero wouldn't be able to keep up.

Gently kneeling down, he carefully opened the drawer and pulled out a tiny vial filled with a red liquid. It was his emergency concoction of 100% concentrate growth. He never had really tested it before, never thinking he'd need it, but now was the time. He easily broke off the top and put a thumb on the hose, quickly gulping the potion before resuming his drinking. The taste was sour, but it was washed away with the formula, looking up as the top of Twitch's chest was through the roof, the collie coming face to face with those hard abs and the bobbing head of the draco raptor's member.

A warmth quickly began to fill the collie's frame, a tingle going up his spine, causing him to shudder. His eyes went wide as he shot up, his head exploding through the roof, causing Twitch to look down in bewilderment. Sero closed his eyes tightly as he continued to drink, fueled by the potion and vat as he grew. His quads and heels broke through the outer walls of his lab, his own muscles quaking and hardening each second, his frame putting even a well defined body builder to shame. Twitch had to take a step back, the collie's cock ramming into his chest, leaving a smear of pre as he passed the 80 foot mark. Sero didn't have time to think about how his hoses were doing, though they were specially modified for the purpose of this game to stretch over three miles if need be, almost like silly putty, yet with the ability to return to its original size after a few hours.

Twitch glared up at the rapidly growing canine, not understanding how he could have achieved this feat alone, but not willing to be out done. He took a step back, knocking down the other wall as he went out to the street. Furs crowded below, trying to run in a panic from the two giants, clogging the streets and blocking traffic.

The draco raptor paid no heed. He had been taking it easy so far, trying to not get lost in the moment, but now he had no choice. He readied himself as he began to draw harder, faster, taking in bigger and bigger gulps unlike before, his neck bulging out a bit from the quantity. The vat quickly went from 80% to 72%, then to 60%, the pumps turning up faster and faster as the two giants drank. Twitch's tail thickened and grew, lashing out and toppling one building as he passed the 150 foot mark, just up to Sero's chest.

His eyes slowly began to haze over, giving a few thrusts forward against Sero's sac and groaning, the motion only seeming to fuel his growth and drinking more so, turning into a dangerous cycle.

Sero finally opened his eyes, looking over his thick chest just in time to see what was going on down below. He couldn't believe it! Twitch was chest high to him already, and steadily catching up, even after he used the potion!

The two continued on, somehow the tank surviving their growing toes, only dropping its contents faster and faster as they expanded.





On and on it went. Their growths only sped up as they consumed more and more. 300 feet came and went. Furs in skyscrapers watched in awe from windows as Twitch's head passed the roof, giving a show of his sculpted back and tight rear, his thick tail curling around the base of the building as his wings blocked out the sun. They were too late to realize the danger as the draco raptor grew more, his tail crushing the lobby and sending the structure toppling down. Twitch didn't even notice, his mind was swimming in bliss as he grew, losing himself to the ectasy and pleasure, only wanting more as he looked Sero eye to eye.

Sero gulped as Twitch caught up, only hoping he could drink more than the draco raptor, and that the tank was almost empty. He could feel cars crunch under his feet simply by expanding, his legs knocking over smaller offices and homes, skyscrapers only coming up mid-thigh to him now as he pushed on.

Luckily though, the tank was nearing empty. It was only mere moments before it dinged at 0%, the pumps finally shutting down. Sero sucked out what was left, then let the tube fall from his mouth, panting as they still grew.

Now it was the final moment of who had gotten the most formula in them and grew the largest. The collie grunted and closed his eyes once more, tightening his fists as he tried to push his body on. Bigger, bigger, bigger!

600 feet.

700 feet.

900 feet.

It all came and passed as the titans grew larger and larger. Nearby cities were already reporting the event, helicopters daring to keep with the two as they expanded. The claws on their feet tore into the earth as if it was butter, a mere step sent quakes to the surrounding areas, and beads of pre flooded whole streets, washing away anyone and anything that may have survived.

Finally, it came to an end.

Sero took a few breaths, peeking an eye open and looking down. The city laid in ruins beneath his colossal paws, anything left standing didn't even come close to his ankle in height. His form was massive with muscle as well, barely able to see over his chest, his arms at a 45 degree angle as he grunted, shifting his legs and spreading them a bit. His cock and sac had grown as well, the meat thicker than a beer can to him, and could probably reach up to his chest if he tried. His sac was full and heavy, a bit pinched in between his muscular thighs as he grunted. At least he now new some of the side effects of the 100% growth potion. He then look forward and whimpered, ears folding back.

Ahead he stared at Twitch's valley-like abs, his own monstrous cock bobbing ahead of him, a deep groan escaping the draco raptor's mouth. Sero humpfed and stomped the ground, causing a quake to shake the nearest city, a crater created with fissures extending from it like a spider's web.

"Bah! You win, this time!" He jabbed a finger at the abs. Twitch looked over his chest, his eyes clouded over with lust as he licked his muzzle and growled. It was in an instant that Sero was forced onto all fours, yelping from the massive hand that held him, the head of Twitch's titanic cock moving between the collie's furred cheeks.

"What they hell are you doing?!" Sero yelped, squirming in vein to get free.

"To the victor goes the spoils..." came a husky reply.

Then, Twitch began to thrust.