All You Can Eat

Story by Alex Reynard on SoFurry

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#3 of Bartleby Tales

All You Can Eat

another hellish tale from Alex Reynard.


This story is dedicated to my big blue nutball buddy, Kuma-Kun. But only on the

condition that you must masturbate furiously to it until your cock is worn down

to a tiny nub. *tee hee*

* * * * *

At any given moment in the Naughty level of Hell, there are more people sitting

down to eat than are currently alive on planet Earth.

A _lot_ more.

Now, while regular food, like a banana, an ice cream cone, or a Pop Tart, can

simply be wished into existence from out of the ether, what's to be done when

quite a large percentage of souls, and nearly all demons, prefer to dine upon

their fellow denizens? How to keep everything running smoothly, so that everyone

will always get as much to eat as they like, of whoever it is they prefer to eat?

The solution is downright democratic. Every day a vast lottery is held, and

billions of souls' names are drawn. These individuals are approached by Summoner

Robots or Minor Imps and asked politely if they would mind volunteering for

restaurant duty later on that day. Nearly everyone says yes, and those that don't

are not punished: it's a completely free choice. And more souls are asked than

will ever possibly be needed anyway, so everything works out nicely.

On this particular day, a shiny, hovering Summoner approached a nice-looking

white house in a semi-suburban area of Hell and knocked crisply on the door.

* * *

"I'll get it!!!" Xander Oakley bellowed at the top of his lungs.

Bartleby Fletch, his best friend, flinched. Being a bat, he was a bit

oversensitive to loud noises. He'd been playing over at Xander's house for a few

hours now, ever since school had let out. While normally the two boys' adventures

were quite yiffy, today they were both in mellow moods and were content with just

talking and racing their toy cars across the smooth kitchen floor. At least, for

now. They both knew it was highly likely they'd get up to some wild shenanigans

sooner or later. The two of them together were like baking powder and vinegar.

When combined, interesting results invariably occurred.

Bartleby willed his shiny yellow sportscar to come zooming back to him. It

skittered across the hardwood and made a spiffy jump straight up into the boy's

outstretched winghands. He set it on the floor again and watched it transform

itself into a heroic-looking robot cheetah action figure. At the same time, the

little bat cocked an ear to try and guess who was at the door.

A few moments later, he found out. Xander came trotting back into the kitchen.

"It's for you. A Summoner."

Curious, the little bat got up and followed his fox friend to the doorway. There,

a shiny little robot was hovering in midair, trying to look authoritative.

"Are you a Mister Bartleby Fletch?" the robot asked in a snappy baritone.

(Obviously not the same one Bartleby had met his first day. Besides, this one had

a glittering silver mustache)

He nodded. "Yessir."

"Ah. Good. Excellent. You are hereby requested for buffet duty tonight at ten o'

clock sharp, at Machiavelli's Cub Grill, out in the Zero Six sector of the

Gargantua Zone."

Bartleby had barely understood a word of that.

Xander, it seemed, had. "Really? Aw, cool! You lucky bastard!" he said, grinning

and playfully slugging his friend on the arm.

"Um, what exactly did he just say?" Bartleby queried.

"Buffet duty, dude. It's like when you were called to the kitchens before.

Actually, it's like how we all get picked for school lunch sometimes, just on a

much bigger scale."

"So, I'm gonna get cooked?" the little bat inquired, sounding much more excited

than nervous.

Xander nodded. "Oh yeah! Machiavelli's is a cool place too. Really fancy. Mom 'n

Dad 'n me ate there once. Everything on the menu is made from kids like us. And

the buffet's the best part!"

The excited young vulpine turned to the Summoner robot. "Hey, um, is there maybe

an empty space available?" he asked shrewdly. "It's my buddy's first time, and I

think I should be there to help show him the ropes."

Bartleby gave Xander a look, seeing completely through that last line. His sneaky

friend just wanted to end up as food himself! Not that he could really blame him,

of course.

The robot 'hmm'ed a bit, checking its internal database. "Actually, you're in

luck. We did have one cancellation earlier, so there is an empty spot." His gaze

went blank for a second, and he beeped a few times. Then he seemed to come around

again and he gave both boys a smart smile. "Right then, you and your friend are

now officially menu items! That is, of course, if you agree?" it asked Bartleby


"Of course!" the little bat burst out. No hesitation whatsoever.

The robot nodded. It was always glad to see first-timers eager to meet their


"Are we gonna go right now?" Bartleby asked.

"Certainly," the Summoner replied. "You'll need plenty of time to cook before

you're served, young man."

"Okay, cool," said Xander. "Lemme just run upstairs and tell my parents and I'll

be right back down." The robot nodded and Xander hustled off.

The excited little fox took off like a rocket up the main staircase to his

parents' bedroom. He flung the door open, and gasps were exchanged all around as

he found the two of them all wrapped up in an extremely creative, yoga-like sex


"Yipe! Uh, sorry!" he said, blushing just a bit (and not bothering at all to hide

his cocktip poking out of its sheath)

"No problem, sweetie," his mother said reassuringly. She took a second to

extricate her lubed-up arm from her husband's anus to scratch an itch she'd had

on her nose. "We only shut the door so we wouldn't make too much noise and

disturb you and Bartleby."

"Mm hmm," Mr. Oakley agreed. He wasn't too talkative at the moment, considering

he had one of his wife's dainty feet shoved almost completely in his mouth.

"Did you want to join in?" Mom asked. "Your father's cock is a bit occupied at

the moment," she said with a giggle, pointing to how it was currently wedged

almost all the way into her right ear canal, "but I'm sure we could find a way to

wiggle you in somewhere."

"Oooh, tempting, Mom," the naughty little fox said. "But Bartleby just got called

for buffet duty, and I wanna tag along. It's at Machiavelli's. Can I go?"

"Shhrff!" Mr. Oakley said agreeably.

"Of course," Mrs. Oakley concurred. "You go right on ah-OOH! Ahead, and make sure

Ba-ba--BaAAAA!! Bartleby has fun too! Ooooh!" It was becoming rather hard to

talk, what with what Mr. Oakley was doing to her vagina with his tail.

Xander chuckled, always happy to see his mom and dad happy too. "Okay, thanks. I

guess I'll be home around midnight then, unless someone takes me home in a doggy


"Stay out as long as you like," said Mom. "Oh, fucking SHIT!! Do that again,

Honey! Yes! YES!!!" (That last part was not directed at Xander)

His hardon at full power now, Xander blew his parents kisses and padded out the

door, leaving them to their play. He figured they'd be so busy, they probably

wouldn't even notice when he got home tonight at all!

A quick trip down the stairs and he was at his bat bud's side again. "All clear.

Ready for takeoff!"

"Roger that!" Bartleby said with a laugh, wrapping his wings around Xander.

The Summoner reached out its metal tentacles and touched both their shoulders.

"Allright then, here we go!"

A cyclone of flame exploded around the two boys and instantly whisked them far,

far away.

* * *

When the flames flickered out, the boys found themselves in a posh waiting room

along with about thirty or so other cubs, all of them completely naked as well.

They were all different species, but most of them were in the same approximate

age group as our two heroes. Xander didn't see anyone he recognized, but he did

spot a rather hot-looking young tabby across the room with a nifty cock. He hoped

he'd get to see that boy get cooked.

"So, here we is," the fox said to Bartleby. "Any questions?"

Bartleby was looking all around, taking in his surroundings. The place was very

elegant: real oil paintings on the walls, lots of polished wood architectural

details. He noticed an empty spot on a long red leather-upholstered bench on the

other side of the room and motioned for Xander to follow him and sit down

together. They did. Both boys enjoyed the feel of the squeaky fabric on their

bare hind ends. Bartleby had a question. "My first day, after we all yiffed in

your parents' bed..."

Xander grinned at the happy memory.

"...I got summoned and turned into a corn dog, and wound up in a cafeteria. When

Razielphustar was eatin' me, I noticed a big buffet on one wall, with cubs

sitting under the glass and serving pieces of themselves to people. Is that what

this is gonna be like?"

"Correctamundo," Xander replied snappily. "Just like that. They cook you whole,

and then they take you out to the dining area and you get to sit on a bunch of

really comfy lettuce. It feels nice 'n cool on your cooked butt. Then people come

up and ask you for something, like a foot, or your dick or whatever, and you've

got a bigass knife there, and you just carve off whatever they ask for."

"Sounds fun!" said Bartleby.

"It is!" Xander replied. He was glad his normally-reluctant friend was so easily

getting into this. The little bat had been in hell almost a month now, so he

guessed Bartleby had finally gotten comfortable with stuff like this. He thought

his shy little friend had probably always enjoyed foodie/snuffie stuff ever since

he got here, he just needed to shake off some of those residual Earth-jitters

about pain and permanence before he could really let himself enjoy it freely.

"It's kinda relaxing too," the foxboy added. "You get to chill out, talk with

whoever's next to you, occasionally cut yourself up a bit. It's nice, having

people walk by and check you out. I like thinking about how the other people

passing by all want to eat me. It makes me feel sexy."

Bartleby shivered happily. He found that thought sexy too. He was about to reply,

when a tall, twiggy iguana in a waiter's outfit popped in from a set of wide,

double doors. "Tiffany? Tiffany Goldberg?"

An adorable young ermine popped up from her seat, gave the hedgehog girl she'd

been sitting next to a happy hug goodbye, and scampered over to the waiter.

"That's me!"

"Oh, aren't you just the prettiest little thing! Come on in and we'll get you

nice and cooked up..." His words faded out of earshot as the double doors swung

shut behind him again.

Xander turned back to Bartleby. "Hey. Um, it'll probably be a while before they

call us. You wanna... You know?"

The young bat grinned. "Get yiffy? Sure!" He slid off the bench and got down on

the soft, burgundy-colored carpet. He raised his bottom in the air and wiggled it

cutely at Xander. He didn't feel any embarrassment in this, since several of the

other kids were already snuggling and playing too.

The foxboy laughed and gave his friend's tush a playful swat. "Oh come on! You're

always on the bottom!"

Bartleby blushed a bit. "Well, I like having your yiffy-stick inside me," he said


"You're too much of a sub," Xander kidded. "Haven't you ever heard, 'it's better

to give than receive'?"

Bartleby laughed out loud as he stood up. "Okay, okay. I'll screw you this time.

I'm just not as used to doing it that way."

Xander stood too, and gave his cute friend a knowing hug. "Aw, it's okay. I know

how much you like making other furs happy, and that's cool. It's one of the

things I really admire about you. You're a really unselfish guy."

Bartleby murred, giving Xander's soft cheekfur a nuzzle. "Gosh, thanks."

"You're welcome. And, y'know, sometimes I just wanna make you happy too." He gave

the bat boy a kiss on the cheek, then slithered down to the floor, giving

Bartleby's adorable scrotum a swift lick as he passed. He turned around, raising

his tail enticingly to his friend. "C'mon... yiff me."

Bartleby laughed at seeing his normally hyper pal becoming so tender all of a

sudden. But that was something he liked about Xander too. His fox friend always

managed to surprise him in the most wonderful ways.

He knelt down before the shivering, gleeful voop and just gazed at the other

boy's tailhole for a moment. It was like a little pink sunburst. Xander had the

cutest anus of anyone he knew. Somehow, it just always looked happy. Bartleby

gave it a soft poke with his wingfinger.

Xander churred. "Yeah... Go on, shove it in!" He knew they didn't even have to

worry about lube. One of the very best perks of Hell (in Xander's opinion), was

that anal sex was never, *ever* as uncomfortable as it could be on Earth. Always

as smooth and slippery an entry as both lovers liked.

Bartleby knew this too. Still, he couldn't resist bending in closer to give his

friend's tush a few quick kisses first. Xander wiggled and merfed in delight.

Bartleby nuzzled the fluffy fur of Xander's bottom. It was just like two soft

little pillows! He finished up with a quick peck right on the fox's pink pucker,

then readied his cock for launch. "All systems are go! Buttsex in three... two...


"Liftoff!" Xander squealed as Bartleby suddenly spiked him, his bat buddy's aim

straight and true. The happy foxboy squirmed his ass onto Bartleby's cock,

swallowing it up like a snake gulps a mousie. He pushed hard, grinding himself

into his lover's crotch, wanting as much of it inside him as possible. To put it

bluntly, Xander loved cock. And it showed.

Bartleby let out a long, hissing sigh as his young, tender meat was enveloped in

wiggly warmth. Xander helped him hilt it. The sensation was wonderful. It

occurred to him that it was silly to think about yiffy things in terms of who was

supposed to make who happy. Stuff like this made *both* of them happy. That was

the best part. It was a shared happiness. He was both giving and receiving

happiness in equal amounts.

Xander was quite full of happiness too, along with plenty of just plain ol'

regular ppiness. (Groan) He sang out little arfs of pleasure as Bartleby began to

thrust. Soft little pushes at first. Testing the waters. Getting a fraction more

confident with each push into Xander's soft tush. The foxboy was having a devil

of a time keeping his wildly wagging tail from whipping his friend in the face.

As the boys yiffed, several of the other cubs who weren't with a partner

themselves watched eagerly. Most of them were pawing off, having several naughty

tableaus all around the room to look at. Aside from Xander and Bartleby, two

white mouse sisters were eating each other out, a bear cub boy was pumping hard

into an ecstatic little chipmunk girl, two skunks, male and female, were

exploring beneath each other's tails, a coyotefemme was pleasuring a bunnyfemme

with her tail, and a ferretboy was getting an enthusiastic blowjob from a happy

young colt. A leopard boy sitting next to a squirrel boy noticed that both of

them were jerking off anyway, so he suggested they switch paws and play with each

other. The offer was met with a very spirited response.

Xander was in heaven. Cocks were simply his favorite toys, no doubt about it. He

loved knowing the hot member teasing his insides belonged to the wonderful, shy,

sweet bat he loved so much. Sure, Bartleby had been on top before, but it

happened so rarely it was a real treat when it did. "Ooh, you know, you can do me

harder if you wanna. It feels great!"

"You sure? Okay!" Bartleby had been a little timid at first, not quite used to

the balance of thrusting in general, but with Xander's consent, he braced himself

on the foxboy's back and gave a mighty plunge.

Xander 'eep'ed like someone had splashed cold water on him. "Yeah!! Do that some

more!!" he encouraged.

Bartleby was more than happy to oblige. With a sexy, boyish grunt, he drove his

cock deep inside Xander's butt again and again. "Ohhhh, wow! That feels awesome!"

Grunting and squirming and gritting his teeth, Xander whimpered, "Bartleby,

*huff* you can totally *puff* do this to me *huff* anytime you want! *puff*"

"I will! I promise!" the yiffy young bat exclaimed.

The leopard and squirrel boys were now masturbating each other at Ludicrous


The waiter showed up again, and called another cub. She whined disappointedly,

wanting to stay and watch the show instead. Understanding perfectly, he let her

wait by the door with him until the two protagonists reached their crescendo.

Xander rubbed his face on the soft, soft carpet, his eyes shut tight, his anal

passage full of raw, hot love. He was insensible with pleasure. He thrust his

young hips up again and again to submit to Bartleby's thrusts. He wasn't usually

the submissive type, but boy, could he ever see why Bartleby enjoyed it!

His short tail quivering with passion, Bartleby let out a final moan and forced

as much of himself as he could inside his very best friend. His tingling bat cock

shot out thick spurts of boyjuice into Xander's hungry guts.

Xander cooed and yipped like a wild canine, feeling Bartleby fill his butt with

love. With barely a second to spare, he darted his paw under his belly to catch

the jet of cum that suddenly shout out of him. Like a polite guest, he succeeded

in making sure not a single drop spoiled the nice carpet.

Soon enough, several other cocks and cunnies were exploding too. With sticky

paws, the leopard and squirrel applauded. "Great show, guys!" one of them called

out, and the other giggled.

Panting, with cutely flushed faces, both Xander and Bartleby rolled over onto the

carpet. They spooned cozily, Bartleby guessing correctly that Xander might like

the feeling of being snugly plugged up back there a while longer.

Xander took in a deep breath. "Bartleby, dude, that was *incredible*! I love you

so much! You gotta do that again sometime soon! My ass is your biggest fan now!"

Bartleby couldn't resist a happy laugh. He snuggled up to the foxboy's back and

nibbled his little triangular ears. "I love you too, and thanks. I had lotsa fun

too. You can totally count on us doing this again. I'd forgotten how *good* this


Xander held up his cum-covered paw. "Wanna lick?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely!" Bartleby gave his friend's fingers a big, loving slurp

like a popsicle.

Xander happily gobbled up the rest. "Finger lickin' good," he quipped.

The boys were then interrupted by none other than the tabby boy Xander had

spotted earlier. He smiled bashfully at them, and pointed out the little droplets

of cum leaking from Xander's ass.

"Um," he said shyly, "You gonna eat that?"

* * *

After quite a bit more naughty play, only some of it physical, the waiter popped

in once again. "Bartleby? Is there a Bartleby Fletch here?"

The young bat got to his feet, wondering where on earth the time had gone. It

felt like he'd just gotten here! It was like they said; time flies when you're

fucking your best friend in the ass. "I'm here!"

"Me too!" Xander shouted, popping up beside Bartleby. The two of them approached

the iguana and Xander helpfully explained their position. "Um, we're best

friends, and it's his first time. Is it cool if I go with him and watch him get

cooked? Like, to lend moral support or something?"

The waiter chuckled warmly. "Sure. Happens all the time. Come on back you two. I

think we might even be able to cook you both at the same time."

"Awesome!" Xander shouted.

"Neat! Thanks!" Bartleby exclaimed.

Taking the waiter's scaly paws, the two boys were led back to the kitchen.

And quite an impressive kitchen it was! Not the biggest one either boy had seen,

but certainly very classy. All the cooking implements gleamed and sparkled like

everything was brand new. Chefs bustled about, talking in several different

languages. Sounds of pots clanking and knives chopping filled the air. Gouts of

delectably-scented steam rose up from various recipes. Silver and brassy colors

sparkled like christmas decorations.

And absolutely everywhere were the sounds of happy children being cooked. Some

were lounging comfortably in big roasting pans, others lying down on huge

chopping boards watching their bodies dwindle into small chunks. Some were

turning serenely over a fiery barbecue pit. Others stretched out on massive

tanning-booth-like grills. Still more were relaxing in bright boiling copper

kettles. And all the rest were enjoying even stranger and more exotic forms of


The waiter pointed out a sleek, agile-looking black jackal at an immaculate

silver workstation a few feet away. "That's Jean-Pierre. He'll be your chef." He

patted them on the back. "Go over and say hi, boys, and have fun!"

The boys nodded, and ran over to meet the fur who'd soon be turning them into


The jackal turned around and spotted the two young ones. "Ah, what cute young

boys! Hop up here, my friends. I'm sure both of you will be very popular


As Xander and Bartleby scrambled up onto the cool metal counter, they were both

thinking the same thing; with a name like Jean-Pierre, they'd expected the dude

to be French. Instead, his thick, resonant accent sounded halfway between African

and Australian.

Jean-Pierre gave a striking first impression. Tall ears, long muzzle, gleaming

ebony fur, a sizeable bulge in the front of his apron (the only thing he wore,

besides a bit of turquoise jewelry), and a disarming, crafty grin. His golden-

cast eyes were small and half-lidded, but seemed to exude clever mischief.

He began to inspect the boys, feeling their young warm bodies all over. They both

giggled bashfully at his nimble, questing fingertips. "Let me guess... One of you

is new to this experience, and the other is along for companionship, eh?"

The boys nodded. "Yup, Bartleby's been cooked before, he just hasn't done the

buffet thing before," Xander said.

Bartleby nodded. "I'm not scared or anything, if that's what you meant. I

_totally_ wanna get cooked!" he said bravely.

The jackal grinned, pleased beyond measure. "Good, good! The more eager the prey,

the better the taste, I always say!" He ran his slim, graceful paws along

Bartleby's ears, over his nose, down his wings and around his tush. "I have had

bat before. A very savory meat, yes. I'm sure many of our other patrons tonight

won't have, so you will be a special, exotic treat for them."

Bartleby blushed and smiled at the kind words.

Jean-Pierre then gave Xander's tummy a firm pat. "And look at you! Nice and

plump! Perfect for cooking! And so handsome, too!"

The pudgy fox giggled and squirmed as the grinning jackal tickled him.

With a flick of his wrist, Jean-Pierre touched a small, glowing green button on a

control panel set into the counter and a very strange device rose up from the

metal surface, looking almost like it was growing straight out of the counter. It

looked smooth and tentacle-like; a hose-like protrusion with a small hole in the


"What's that for?" Bartleby asked Xander.

The fox grinned evilly. "Oh, you'll just have to find out, now won't you?" He

chuckled and gave his pal an encouraging pat on the back. "Go over and kinda bend

down next to it. It'll do the rest."

With both his friend and the chef looking at him with secretive smiles, Bartleby

reluctantly backed up towards the gleaming whatever-it-was. For a second, nothing

happened. And then-


Xander burst out laughing. "Oh man! The look on your face was priceless!"

Bartleby continued to squirm and grimace for a few seconds more as the machine

fulfilled its purpose. Then it abruptly let him go. Bartleby slid away from it as

fast as he could. He pounced on Xander. "Why the hell didn't you tell me that

thing was gonna vacuum my ass?!?"

The naughty fox only laughed harder. "'Cause then you wouldn't have had the fun

of finding out on your own! And come on, it felt yiffy. Admit it!"

Blushing just a tiny bit... "Well, okay. Yeah. It just surprised the hell out of


"Don't you mean it scared the shit out of you?" Xander helpfully supplied.

Bartleby lightly head-butted him.

Jean-Pierre, who had been standing back a bit, paw over his muzzle to stifle

guffaws, finally came forward to put a gentle paw on Bartleby's shoulder. "I hope

it wasn't too frightening, little one. We just need to make sure you are all

clean inside and out before you are cooked."

"I understand," he said. "And it wasn't that bad, really."

"My turn now anyway!" said Xander. With no hesitation whatsoever, he scooted

across the countertop and practically impaled himself on the poop-nozzle. A

second later, he was squirming in bizarre delight as his insides were given a

thorough cleaning by what felt like hurricane-force winds in reverse. The machine

took only a few seconds and afterwards Xander sprawled bonelessly on the counter

and let out a satisfied sigh. "I gotta get one of these for my room..."

"Now comes the cleaning on the outside," Jean-Pierre told them. He helped

Bartleby to his feet, instructing him to stand within a circle etched into the

counter. "Close your eyes and keep still. This will only take a second."

Bartleby nodded bravely. He was a little alarmed when instead of what he'd been

expecting, a transparent glass cylinder, like a giant test tube, descended around

him from the ceiling. He closed his eyes and a moment later it felt like a tidal

wave had crashed into him from above! A giant slosh of heavy liquid surrounded

him for a split-second, making his skin ripple and tingle. Then, just as

suddenly, it was slurped back up into wherever it had come from.

When the tube raised and Bartleby stepped out, he felt like he'd been on a tall

ride at a water park. He also felt suddenly chillier, which was undoubtedly due

to his sudden lack of fur.

Xander's cock grew a bit. "Ooh, damn! I love it when you don't have fur! It looks

really weird, but sexy too!" he cooed.

Bartleby inspected himself. He was perfectly smooth and pink all over, and he

hadn't felt this clean since the last time he'd taken a molten lava bath. He

padded over to show himself off for Xander. "You really think I look sexy like

this? You're weird. I look like a giant fetus!"

Xander nearly fell on his tail laughing. "Holy crap, you do!"

"So will you in a moment," Jean-Pierre reminded him.

"Oh, right." The little fox scrambled back up and stood on the circle. After his

own refreshing experience, he too was smooth as a baby's butt. He ran his paws

over himself. "Man, bare skin feels weird!"

Jean-Pierre had been thinking for a while now what to do with these two

delectable cubs. He eventually settled upon a simple approach. "Allright, young

ones, it is time to be cooked. I have had an idea. Since I happen to have a

double-wide roasting pan I don't get to use very often..." He trailed off,

letting them pick up on the idea.

"You mean, cook us together?" said Bartleby.

The jackal nodded. "Indeed."

"Sweet!!" Xander exploded. "Oh wow, how yiffy can you get?" he said to Bartleby.

"You 'n me snuggled up in a big pan, gettin' roasted in that big, hot oven!" He

was practically starting to drool. Bartleby was excited as well. He hadn't tried

a team-cooking before.

Seeing that the two morsels obviously enjoyed the idea, Jean-Pierre bent down to

rummage in his cupboards for the appropriate pan. "Aha! Here she is!" With an

elegant swoop, he whisked out the gigantic roaster and slammed it on the counter

before the two boys. "Looks comfy, yes?"

They both nodded.

Suddenly becoming a black-furred tornado, Jean-Pierre began to scurry madly

about, peeking in cupboards, dashing back and forth, assembling all the necessary

ingredients for two different boy marinades. Bartleby and Xander stepped

cooperatively into the pan (it was the perfect size for both of them to lie down

in and cuddle) and watched their chef as he went about his work. As he mixed and

measured, he explained in a lot of cooking jargon the boys didn't understand that

he was putting together sauces to baste them with, each one made specifically to

compliment the flavors of bat and fox, respectively. Xander thought that such a

personalized touch was probably why Machiavelli's got such good reviews from both

its customers and its ingredients.

In no time at all, the speedy jackal had prepared the sauces and began to

liberally baste both boys. Bartleby went first, standing up in the pan while

Jean-Pierre used a soft brush to cover him head to toe in a sweet, slightly

Oriental-smelling amber sauce. Xander watched his best friend being basted with a

huge hardon. Everything about being turned into food was sexy to him. It didn't

matter how many times it had happened to him, it was something he knew he'd

always love. As he took his turn being doused in a spicy, oily mixture, he

thought about why the culinary fetish appealed to him so much. He supposed a lot

of it had to do with how much of a roller-coaster it could be. Exciting and

relaxing, scary and sexy, changing back and forth over and over again. But more

than that though, it was the knowledge that no matter what happened, he was

perfectly safe. Something that would end in excruciating death back on Earth was

transformed in this realm into a wonderful, yiffy, exciting fun thing to do again

and again, as many times as he liked. No pain, no permanence. Along with the joy

of knowing how happy he'd make whoever ended up eating him, that was the core of

Xander's passion for becoming foodstuffs.

When they were both thoroughly dripping with marinade, the two boys laid down

side by side in the big pan and held paws.

"A taste-test first, before you go in the oven," Jean-Pierre suggested. "Tell me

what you think."

The boys took small licks off their fingertips and murred happily. They both

agreed; Jean-Pierre had exquisite taste.

"Then it is time for the two of you to begin roasting. It's a very hot oven, so

it will only take an hour or so. Then you will be ready to go on the buffet. Are

you excited?"

"You bet!" Xander said.

"Yeah!" Bartleby agreed.

With a satisfied nod, Jean-Pierre lifted up the big pan (displaying an effortless

strength) and strolled towards the ovens. They were titanic; big enough to cook a

compact car in (if, for whatever reason, you ever wanted to). He checked for a

vacant one, looking in at several smiling cubs all being cooked to perfection,

and spotted one near the middle. Already pre-heated, of course.

He nimbly swept open the door and a wave of insanely powerful heat blasted out,

actually singing his muzzlefur a tad. The boys in the roasting pan trembled with

fearful exhilaration. "We're actually gonna go *in* there," Bartleby marvelled to

Xander. The sheer seeming impossibility of it was making his weenie stiffer.

"See you soon, little dumplings." Jean-Pierre told them tenderly. "In just a

little while, you will come out as gorgeous, steaming-hot cub roasts!"

Xander and Bartleby held each other tighter.

"Au revoir and goodbye, little ones," the jackal whispered as he thrust them into

the inferno and shut the door behind them.

* * *

The heat wrapped itself around Xander like a living, breathing thing. It wasn't

just the temperature, it was the suddenness of going from a chilly countertop

into what felt like a million and a half degrees. The little fox yipped and

moaned in pleasurable pain. He and Bartleby held each other close.

"Mmmmm, it hurts! But it feels good too!" Bartleby whimpered, reminded of how

wonderfully warm and sore his butt would get after a good spanking from Mrs.


Xander nodded and nuzzled his companion's furless cheek. "It feels like I can

barely move," he whispered. "We're just meat now. Meat to be cooked and eaten..."

He reached down to gingerly stroke his red-hot cock.

Barely able to see through the oppressive red blaze, Bartleby nonetheless caught

the flicker of motion as Xander started pawing off. Totally typical. But then he

got an idea. "Hey, wait. Let's do like those other kids in the waiting room."

"Huh?" Xander asked, then felt the bat's gentle winghand creep across to hold his

boyhood too. "Ohh, I get it! Good idea." He reached over to Bartleby's smooth

crotch too, finding his friend's cock at least as hard as his own.

Amid the sound of their marinades sizzling on their skin, the two boys pleasured

each other. Nice and slow, savoring every instant of the wonderful, searing heat

that was changing their young bodies into food. They could feel their muscles

loosening, their insides getting mushy and loose. Adding the feel of a loving paw

to that made it all pure paradise.

With tiny whimpers and merfs, the boys continued to excite each other until

finally Xander let out a puppyish little yelp and spooged all over his taut,

tender tummy. The cum actually hissed as it hit his skin, almost instantly

becoming part of his marinade. Bartleby followed soon after, his cock feeling

like it was just about ready to rip right off of him. He squirted a little

farther than Xander and managed to catch a few drops on his tongue.

The two best friends exchanged a passionate kiss. Silently they shared the tiny

taste of Bartleby's cum on their tongues. Their paws roamed all over, loving the

feeling of how their bodies had begun to change. Thoughts of holiday dinners

flitted through their minds, but this time they were the centerpiece of the meal.

Xander heard something sizzle a second before he felt it. A thin stream of

boiling-hot liquid was spraying over his crotch.

"I, um, couldn't hold it," Bartleby admitted shyly.

"No problem," Xander reassured. He kissed his friend again, and when Bartleby was

done, he added his own pee to their recipe. The sensation of it flowing and

dousing them both was very yiffy indeed. Xander found himself hoping it wouldn't

overpower the taste of the yummy marinade.

* * *

Much too soon, the oven door opened, letting in an orgasmically shivery poof of

cooler air.

Xander squirmed and murred, not wanting to come out of the sexy oven at all. He

had gotten used to the incredible heat, and regretted leaving it like a grade-

schooler regrets leaving his warm bed and blankets on a chilly December day.

"Just five more minutes!" he croaked, his voice soft and creaky.

Jean-Pierre was at the ready with oven mitts. "Oh, you mean you *don't* want to

go out to the buffet so all the hungry customers can gaze upon you and think

about how much they want to eat you up?"

The wily jackal certainly knew how to press Xander's buttons. "I never said


Bartleby giggled. He had to admit, he wanted to stay in the oven a little while

longer too. He'd had a lot of fun slowly cuddling and kissing his furless fox

friend, talking about foody subjects. But the thought that soon he would be on

display and ready to eat made him even yiffier.

Again displaying a strength his agile form belied, Jean-Pierre whisked the two

cubs out of the oven and briskly deposited them upon a gigantic waiting hotpad at

his workstation. He smiled at them and licked his chops. "My, such fine specimens

of boy meat! I am sure you will be delectable!"

"You should try a sample then, just to be sure," Xander said slyly, looking up at

him with a frisky smile.

Jean-Pierre returned with one of his own. "I might get in trouble for that, but

then again, some things in life are worth the risk..." He leaned in closer and

opened his jaws, surrounding Xander's outstretched muzzle with a ring of pointy

jackal teeth.

Xander jumped a bit, then let out a coo of pleasure as those sharp little teeth

drove straight through and neatly separated his muzzle from his face. Oh, how

wonderful it felt to be eaten! Xander's thin tail wagged chaotically and he

regrew another mouth just to say, "That felt great!"

"Tastes great too, little one!" Jean-Pierre complimented, licking his lips. He

turned to Bartleby, who by now was practically vibrating with excitement. "Do you

think I should try a sample of you as well?"

"Oh yes sir!" the little bat said politely. His cock looked about to burst from

anticipation. Bartleby closed his eyes and felt Jean-Pierre's form draw nearer,

then the sensation of tiny teeth burying themselves in the sensitive flesh of his

ear and coming away with a nice big bite.

Jean-Pierre chewed and swallowed. "Fantastic! Savory and perfect!"

"Thank you!!" Bartleby gushed, a tickle of pre sliding down his cock. He was

perilously close to coming again, but wanted to hold it in for now. With a flick

of his ear, the bitemark vanished.

"Wait here just a second, you two," Jean-Pierre told the boys. They had just

enough time for a quick hug and kiss before he returned again, carrying a

restaurant trolley with two serving platters already set up for them. They would

sit on cushions of romaine lettuce, surrounded by a ring of sliced radishes. "The

time has come, my little friends, for you to be presented. I assume you both know

what is expected of you?" he asked.

The boys nodded. "Xander explained everything to me. I'm ready," said Bartleby.

Jean-Pierre helped them both stand up and step down off the counter onto the

serving trays. Understandably enough, they were both a bit wobbly from having

their muscles turned into meat, but Jean-Pierre knew well what to do, and

supported them in just the right places. Soon they were both settled in, cross-

legged, feeling the cool lettuce on their pink bottoms. The black jackal held out

two long, keen knives to them. "These are your serving tools. When a customer

asks for part of you, you will slice it off and place it on their plate with a

smile. Have fun. Be charming. Remember, we want you to have as much fun being

eaten as they do eating you."

"What if they ask for something and I'm not sure where it is? Like my spleen or

something?" Bartleby asked Jean-Pierre.

"Oh, don't worry," Xander butted in. "I know a lot about anatomy. I've always

been good at stuff like that in school. I'll help you out." Bartleby nodded and

gave the fox a hug in thanks.

"Any more questions?" Jean-Pierre asked. The boys shook their heads.

"Good! All ready? Then let us meet the customers!"

* * *

Jean-Pierre gave the bat and fox a goodbye wave as one of the waitstaff took the

trolley and wordlessly wheeled it out to the buffet area.

As soon as Bartleby passed through the wide kitchen doors into the dining area,

his ears started whirling around like radar dishes. So many sounds! Lots of

chatter and laughter and sounds of silverware clinking on plates. The restaurant

was much larger than the young bat had ever expected, and it seemed filled to

capacity. Everything was burgundy and gold. Every inch of the place gave off an

air of welcoming, subtle luxury. There were many couples dining tonight, and just

as many families. Various fursons bustled about, to and fro; waiters serving

customers, and customers coming back and forth from the buffet. Bartleby even saw

a few tables where the cub-roasts were seated right there on the table, having

happy conversations with whomever was eating them. Everyone looked like they were

having a grand night out. And Bartleby felt that way too.

Xander looked around just as much, but for a different reason. He was hoping

maybe he'd spot someone he knew here. True, Machiavelli's was just one small dot

on the near-infinite map of Hell, but the Naughty level had a way of subtly

encouraging 'chance' encounters, as both he and Bartleby could no doubt attest


There were two long, well-lit buffet islands near the back of the restaurant,

both of them full, except for two side-by-side spots which were obviously waiting

for a young bat and fox to fill the void. One island was strictly boys, the other

girls. But they were close enough together so that cubs could hold conversations

across the aisle while they waited to be nibbled upon.

"Here we go, you two. End of the line," the waiter told Bartleby and Xander as he

brought the trolley up beside the two vacant spots. The boys carefully lifted

themselves up off their trays and squirmed under the sneeze guards to take up

residence in their green and leafy seats for the rest of the evening. Bartleby

snatched a few radish slices before the trays were taken away, since he'd always

been fond of them.

Xander let out a happy, satisfied sigh as he settled in on his new seat of

lettuce. This one was much better padded, and wonderfully comfortable. "Well,

here we are, Batman. How long do you think it'll be before someone comes along

and wants to try us?"

"Oh, I don't know," Bartleby replied, still a little starstruck by his elegant

surroundings to really concentrate. "I hope it's soon. I really, really feel like

food now. Like, it's my purpose to be eaten. I *want* to be eaten!"

Xander grinned. "Cool! I'm really glad to see you so excited. When Mom 'n Dad 'n

me came here before, we were on the other side of the sneeze guards. We had a

little bit of everyone. I remember thinking how cool it would be to be up here on

display myself, and now I am! I'm just as excited as you are!"

Bartleby suddenly turned to his friend and gave him a great big hug. "Thanks for

coming with me, Xander. Really. This wouldn't have been half as much fun if I'd

just come here by myself."

"You're welcome," the little fox said softly, appreciating how honest and tender

his bat friend could be sometimes. "Same for you. I'm glad we're here together."

They held their hug for a few more seconds, until they were startled by a

politely amused "A-hem!"

The boys turned to see an outrageously gay fox couple standing before them. The

pair were both grinning canineishly, and wearing scandalous outfits that

proclaimed their raging homosexuality to the heavens in loud, proud tones. They

were nuzzling at one another so much, one might have thought they were joined at

the hip. (And what none of them realized was that these were the very same two

foxes Bartleby had overheard yiffing in the restroom at the zoo several weeks

ago. Xander was dead-on about 'chance' encounters in the Naughty level.)

"Oooooh, don't they look sweet!" the shorter one said.

"Figuratively and literally, honey!" replied the taller one.

"Hi!" said Xander brightly. "Would you like to eat some of us?"

Bartleby smiled warmly and tried his best to look edible.

"My goodness, they're so *cute*!!" the shorter one swooned, nearly falling

melodramatically to the floor, but for his partner's embrace. "I don't think I'll

be able to take a single bite!"

"I hope you'll at least try!" Bartleby said enticingly.

"See what I mean!"

The taller fox shushed his playful lover. "Come now, sweetie. I told you before;

it's your turn, so you get to make the selections. Now choose, you silly foxie!"

Giggling, the shorter one recovered from his mock-faint. He perked up as he

reviewed the long line of tasty boys, all ready and eager to give of themselves

for his meal. "Soooooo hard to decide..." He put his finger to his lips, mulling

it over, then finally decided, pointing at each cub as he made his choices. "Okay

now, I want a foot from this one, a leg from that one, this one's left ball and

that one's right, these three weenies, and this little cutie's head for dinner

conversation and then dessert."

Bartleby and Xander were both selected, as well as both boys on either side of

them. Bartleby was to give up his weenie and a foot, and Xander was to give up

both his own weenie and his right testicle. The lion cub to their left would lose

his weenie, leg and left testicle, and the mouse to their right would be losing

his head.

The boys went to work. As the fox couple held out their plates, the four boys all

started in to carve. Xander kinda wished he'd been asked for more, but certainly

wasn't about to complain. He loved losing his foxhood under any circumstances,

and knowing he was giving it freely so it could become someone's dinner was yiffy

as heck! He murred contentedly as he felt the razor-sharp blade effortlessly

separate his cock from his body, then split his nutsack straight down the middle.

He popped out a ball, leaving just a lone one behind, and held both savory

morsels out to place them on the foxes' plates. Seeing them in the company of two

more weenies, and knowing one of them was his best friend's, would definitely

have made him cum on the spot if he wasn't a tad ill-equipped at the moment. His

remaining nut did attempt a weak but valiant squirt though.

Bartleby was surprised to find he didn't hesitate at all in lowering the blade to

his own left foot and pressing down. His cooked flesh yielded easily. Little

coils of steam floated up from inside. It felt *good* to cut it off. After all,

it was just food now, and food needed to be eaten while it was still warm!

Bartleby felt a tingle go down his spine as he separated himself from his foot

and placed the little cut of meat on the clean white plate. Steeling his nerve,

he reached down and readied himself to do the same for his boyhood. He placed the

knife at the base of his penis, then closed his eyes and, not letting himself

think about it too much, made the cut. He cried out in surprised pleasure as his

young cock slipped right off, like it couldn't wait to wind up on the end of a

fork. Bartleby felt a thick splash of cream pour from his cockless crotch and

baste his warm nuts.

Delighted and yiffy with their selections, the fox couple thanked all four boys

and trotted back to their table, both of them knowing already that they would

definitely be coming back for seconds.

The lion boy let out a cute, excited growl as he regrew his boy-place. Xander

just made a soft grunt as he repaired himself too. Bartleby stared down at the

little pink patch above his ballsac in fascination. His cock was really gone, and

the best part was, he could simply wish it back whenever he wanted. Sure, he'd

lost it dozens of times before by now, but every now and then, he would still be

struck fully with the awesomeness of the event. 'This is something I could never

do back when I was alive,' he thought to himself. 'Well, I guess I could, but I

could only do it once. And it'd hurt like hell then too! But now I can do it

whenever I want, and it feels wonderful! I love how it feels! I love knowing I

never have to worry about it ever getting hurt ever again! I can lose it as many

times as I want, and I never have to worry. Never!' What an impossibly wonderful


As Bartleby radiated in feelings of perfect safety and reassurance, he happened

to glance sideways and notice the now-headless mouseboy's body was jerking off! A

rather eerie sight indeed. "Uh, Xander... How's that possible?"

Xander, whose attention had been momentarily diverted to staring at the line of

other boys' cocks all down the buffet line, looked up to see what Bartleby was

indicating. "Oh! Wow, that is weird, isn't it? I think I know what's going on

though. I've seen it before in some other buffets I've been in. Basically, if

someone takes your head, you don't grow another one back. Most of the time you're

not gonna want to have two heads in two different places, since that'd be


Bartleby nodded. "Naturally."

"So, like, the best way I can describe it is that your nervous system kinda takes

over like an autopilot." He pointed across the restaurant, where the fox couple

could be seen chowing down while chatting up the mouseboy's noggin. "He can still

feel everything his body's doing, and can still make it do stuff, like a remote

control car. But the neatest part is, if someone comes up and wants his nuts or

something, the body'll just do that automatically. It can still respond to

commands. Neat, huh?"

Bartleby stared in mild disbelief. Even for Naughty-level standards, that was a

pretty darn weird little factoid. "Wowww. Seriously? I gotta try that." He turned

to the headless mouse. "Pat your tummy."

Instantly, the paws obeyed, beating out a simple pattern on the stomach.

The little bat's eyes lit up. "Coooool!!"

This had possibilities...

By the time another customer came round, Bartleby and Xander had gotten their

mouse companion's body to clap, kick its legs, moon a waiter, and get up and

shimmy like a belly dancer. They were both rolling around, nearly insensible with

laughter and had to be tapped lightly on the shoulders by a customer to remind

them they were still on food duty. Xander dutifully gave the amused feline lady

his liver and eyeballs, while Bartleby provided both ears and a cut of his left

arm. Then they went back to giggling some more.

* * *

Rich, sweet jazz and classical music wafted through the air like a delectable

scent as the night rolled on.

After playing with the disemheadied mouse kid for as long as they could stand

without wetting themselves (again), Xander and Bartleby mostly chatted with their

fellow edibles and had fun serving themselves to happy customers. Bartleby

noticed that most people seemed to instantly want to try one, or both, of his

ears. They did look very appetizing, he had to admit. His cock and/or balls came

in at a close second place. Other times he gave up feet, slices of his rump,

savory internal organs, or sections of his arms and legs. Pretty much everything

on him seemed to get picked at least once. One guy even went down the line,

gathering all the boys' noses for a shish-ke-bab!

Eventually, after the fox couple had completed four trips to the buffet islands

and a spin by the dessert rack, they returned their mouse friend's head to his

body, giving him tender kisses of thanks on his forehead before they left.

Bartleby and Xander were a little worried he might be mad at them for fooling

around with the rest of him, but luckily enough he didn't seem to have noticed at

all, and was soon involved with them in a hot discussion of recent movies. (Of

course, Hell got all the recent developments in pop culture the instant they was

created up on Earth. CDs and movie tickets were always free, and popcorn was

given away by the bucketful)

Mostly, the night was an enjoyable, fun sequence of serving bits 'n pieces of

themselves to happy grownups, and a few cubs too. Bartleby found that he really

enjoyed the looks on the customers' faces as they took in the scent of his cooked

self. He felt proud to be tasty. He liked making them happy. He thought for sure

he'd be volunteering for buffet duty a lot more often now, just so long as his

best buddy was right there beside him!

Xander, of course, had been hamming it up all evening, schmoozing with the

customers and just generally exuding oodles of charm. Many people came back for

seconds just to be entertained by him.

In between slicing and serving, the boys on the buffet would snack on each other.

If someone saw someone else they'd like to try a bit of, they could just holler

down the line, ask for a sample, and it'd be passed to them like a hot dog at a

baseball game. Xander tried to sample everyone else's boybits at least once. And

Bartleby found that a whole lot of the other boys liked nibbling on his ears too.

It felt like he'd regenerated them about a hundred times already.

Occasionally, one of the customers would be so taken with one of the buffet

selections, they'd request the whole cub for dinner and companionship. Since

there were always more excited, eager kits waiting in the kitchen, this was no

problem at all. The customer would merely signal one of the waiters, who would

bring a tray over and carry the cub to the customer's table to be consumed.

So, as Bartleby and Xander watched, the lineup on both buffet islands changed

several times throughout the night. The lion boy beside them was selected by an

old former teacher of his. The two hadn't seen each other in years, and both were

really excited about getting the chance to catch up on things again. Many other

boys and girls were chosen by former friends, family members, or just other

fursons who found them adorable and nummy-looking.

Bartleby was just beginning to wonder if anyone would ask for him, when he

spotted a wonderfully familiar face entering the restaurant just then.

"Criss!!" he shouted.

Being a bat also, the hunky lifeguard (whom Bartleby had met on the beach his

first day in Hell) caught the boy's call easily. He and an equally buff lynx

hurried over to the buffet.

Criss Nero laughed when he saw his little bat buddy with no fur. "Bartleby? Is

that really you?"

Bartleby was beaming with excitement. His tail was wagging furiously. "Yup, it

sure is! Gosh, it's really good to see you again!"

Criss gave Bartleby a friendly pat on the head. "I know, it's been a while since

we last hooked up. Sorry about that, but I have been kinda busy. And, Xander! I

didn't realize that was you for a second!"

"No problem," the foxboy said. "We all look weird with no fur on." He and Criss

had met before a few weeks previous when Bartleby had invited him to an outdoor

concert where Criss and his friends were one of the acts. Xander'd had a rockin'

good time, watching the sexy grownup bat onstage, nearly strangling his electric

guitar and howling out ska-like vocals while wearing nothing but a pair of blue

boxers. The backstage party had been nearly as exciting as the show. A wild orgy

was held around a bonfire on the beach at sunset, and yiffy fun was had by all.

"Hey, I want you guys to meet a friend of mine," Criss told them. "This is Kaleb.

We met after a show a few weeks ago. We've been hangin' out together ever since."

The handsome lynx shook both boys' paws. He was definitely the surfer dude type

as well, right down to the slight bleach to his fur. By just the way he and Criss

stood together, it was easy to tell they were quite wildly in love with one

another, and that Kaleb was the more subdued of the pair.

Xander grinned at them. "Aww, a romantic dinner together at Machiavelli's. That's


Kaleb chuckled. "Exactly. This big goof's never been here. I had to have him

check it out." He leaned in close to plant a quick peck on Criss' cheek. The big

bat blushed.

"It's my first time too," Bartleby said.

"Really? Hey, neat! Havin' fun?" Criss asked.

"Lots!" the littler bat confirmed heartily.

Kaleb was struck with inspiration. "Hey, I got an idea. They let you take a whole

cub to your table here. Why not just get the little dude and chow down on him all


Both bats immediately liked the idea. "Great! I've been meaning to get together

for a while now anyway," Criss told Bartleby.

Xander's ears drooped. "Aww! You're leaving? Dude, I'll miss you!"

Bartleby looked back to his fox friend sympathetically. "I'm sorry. Um, I'll stay

if you want me to."

The pudgy fox smiled warmly. "Nah, it's okay. Besides, the customer is always

right. They wanna eat you, so I shouldn't stand in their way."

Criss and Kaleb chuckled. The lynx flagged a waiter.

Xander scooted closer to hug his bat friend. "It's cool. I figured this'd happen

eventually. We've had fun all night anyway."

Bartleby nodded. "And I'm sure someone'll come by and pick you too."

"I hope so!"

The waiter, a svelte otter, gestured to the boys that she meant to put Bartleby

on the tray she carried.

The boys nodded, and shared one more hug. "Bye, Xander. I'll see you later."

"Same here, Bartleby." He nuzzled his friend's cute noseleaf. "Oh yeah; our

shifts have been over for a while now, so we can leave whenever we want. How

'bout, whenever they get done with you, come and see if I'm still here. If I am,

we can go home together."

"Okay, sounds good." Bartleby gave his fox friend one more kiss. A tender smooch

that made Criss and Kaleb, and even the waiter, go 'awwwww!'

Then Bartleby allowed himself to be scooped up onto the tray. He waved to Xander

as he left with his grownup friends to go pick out a table.

Xander waved back, a little sad to see him go. It was kind of an anticlimax to

such a fun night.

He sat back in his lettuce, chin in paws. Just serving himself would be boring

now without Bartleby there beside him. He wondered if his friend was right, that

maybe soon he would be picked for solo dining.

And as it turned out, he was...

* * *

"My, what a delicious-looking little fox!" boomed a loud, resonant voice.

Xander was shaken straight out of his thoughts. He looked up and 'Eep!'ed.

Standing there with a plate in his hands was a colossal lion. He was regal in

every way possible, with a meticulously-managed mane so big it blotted out the

overhead lights. His manner of dress was that of someone _seriously_ important.

Red velvet jacket, emerald shirt, black trousers and even a gold sash across his


He looked down at Xander with eyes of dark burgundy. "I do believe I'd like to

eat every last little bit of you..."

Xander was a hard fox to intimidate. He was certainly intimidated in that moment

though. He shrank back a bit, his expression going from startled to worried in a

heartbeat. If his tail had had any fur, it would have been bristling.

Letting slip a small, cruel smile, the lion called out to a nearby waiter. "This

one! Immediately!!" He pointed right at Xander.

The claw at the end of his finger was a millimeter from the fox's nose. He


Cringing meekly, a mouse in a Machiavelli's uniform quickly wheeled out a tray.

The lion regarded him with malevolent playfulness; the look in a cat's eyes when

they spot prey. The waiter saw this clearly, and soon had Xander lifted up and

onto the tray before the poor young voop could even say a word.

As he was being wheeled to an available table at a disquietingly unsafe speed,

Xander held on tightly to the tray, teeth clenched, and wondered what in the here

he'd gotten himself into. Sure, he loved being eaten, but the look in that guy's

*eyes*! How could a guy like that even make it *into* the Naughty level? The fox

shuddered and hoped he could persuade his predator to just make it quick. Though

he knew perfectly well that wasn't very likely.

Bartleby, reduced to a head, a partial torso and two wings, waved at him as he

passed by. "Hi Xander!" Criss and Kaleb waved too, with their mouths full.

Xander tried bravely to smile and wave back.

The mouse waiter banged into the table by accident and Xander nearly went flying.

"Hey!" he shouted. "First rule of restauranting; don't drop the food on the


Giving the boy an honestly apologetic smile, the waiter patted Xander's paw.

"Sorry about that." Much more gentle now, he conveyed the tray to the center of

the table and wheeled away the cart, standing aside to welcome the customer.

The lion strolled forward, taking his own sweet time. He cast hungry, toothsome

grins at other cubs on the buffet line, and haughty chuckles at the other

customers. His swagger told any observer exactly what kind of a man he was.

Xander felt ill. He thought his best hope was that this guy might just pick him

up in one paw and cram him right down his throat in one gulp. Then go back for

seconds, of course.

"Bon appetit, sir," the waiter warbled.

The lion sneered at him, then waved him away with a grand yellow paw. He eased

himself into the plush booth and the leather seat creaked and squeaked as he slid


As soon as he had a chance, the waiter skedaddled.

Xander was shivering a bit. He tried to hide it; tried to remain professional.

After all, he was on buffet duty, gosh darn it! It was his job to make the

customer happy by being a cooperative, willing meal. He tried to muster his pride

at that.

But when the lion's massive muzzle opened up to reveal a jungle of gleaming,

drool-dripping teeth, Xander pretty much turned to jelly.

The lion licked his lips.

Then, the great feline's demeanor totally changed. He cast two quick, cautious

looks to either side of the booth; making sure no one else was looking. Then he

did some sort of mystic passes with his hands, and a flickering purplish-white

curtain of electricity sprang up all around him and his meal.

It was impressive enough to momentarily distract Xander from his fear. He looked

all around. The 'force field' (for that was pretty much what it was), sparked and

crackled with violet energy. It enveloped them in a sphere, cutting off their

booth from the other diners completely. Xander could see past it somewhat, just

enough to notice that no one else in the restaurant was staring at the big purple

ball that had suddenly appeared in their midst. Xander guessed that meant it was

like a two-way mirror. Maybe it even set up an illusion outside of it.

And that meant, of course, that the lion wanted _absolute_ privacy for what he

was about to do next.

Xander realized this with a cringe that was nearly audible.

But then, just when his skin was at its goosebumpiest, he heard a very familiar

voice: "Ah! Damn, but it'll be good to get out of this thing!"

It COULDN'T be!! Xander swiveled around in an instant.

The lion reached up to fiddle with something apparently stuck in the middle of

his mane. Then suddenly, he gave a hard downward pull, and his face split in

half! Just like a costume!

Xander's eyes lit up with astonished joy. "Razielphustar!!!" he exploded.

The candy-apple red squirreldemon looked equally happy to see him too. "Yes, my

dear boy! Delighted to see you again! Sorry it's been such a while. I've been

busy as a man selling talcum powder at a diaper fetish convention. That, and my

zipper seems to be stuck!"

The furless fox crawled forward, noting how bizarre it looked to have this huge,

imposing body capped off with Raz's proportionally tiny head. And, of course, Raz

had somehow had his favorite top hat on in there the whole time.

Razielphustar tugged and tugged on the disguise's zipper, then got fed up and

just shouted a demonic curse word and erupted in flames. A split-second later,

the lion illusion had been burnt to cinders and he was back to his regular

handsome self. "Ahhhh! Much better now!"

"I've never seen you do *that* before!" the little fox marvelled. Meaning the

disguise, not the flames. Demons in general tended to spontaneously catch fire

rather a lot.

Razielphustar leaned in close, speaking in a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, my

dear boy, it seems I am a very popular demon in many parts of the Naughty level.

A Hellguardian's job is really only to make introductions, but it seems I somehow

make more than just a cursory impact on people. They tend to remember me, and are

always asking me to sit down and chat a while, or give them a blowjob, or chop

off their heads, or something like that..

"Normally I rather enjoy all the attention. But sometimes going out in public can

become extremely annoying. Especially in a place like this, where a good forty

percent of everyone here knows me from somewhere or other. Hence my appearance


Xander nodded in total comprehension. "Why the big, scary lion, though? I just

about pissed my lettuce!"

The demon chuckled and gave his fox friend a reassuring caress. "Sorry about

that. But you must admit, you never suspected it was me, did you?"

"No way!"

Razielphustar returned a smug smile. "There you go!"

Xander giggled. There was just something about Razielphustar's whole manner that

made him one of the most entertaining fursons he'd ever known. He was a born

showman. Full of that ineffable 'it' factor. Xander sometimes wondered why

someone didn't just give him a TV show already.

The squirreldemon picked up his silverware and willed a big white bib with a

cartoon fox on it into existence around his throat. He licked his chops. "I'm

starving, little one. And I meant what I said about you looking delicious."

Xander blushed and crawled forward, smiling demurely, feeling wonderfully happy

about being eaten now. "Would you like to try a taste first?" he hinted.

"Of course, my sweet Xander..." Razielphustar closed his eyes and leaned closer,

his muzzle touching Xander's oh so lightly.

The two of them kissed and murred, sharing warm feelings of love. They both had a

special place in their hearts for one another. Their personalities complimented

each other so well.

'What a wonderful surprise!', Xander thought. He felt the kiss melt away every

last bit of his tension. He felt wiggly and full of smiles. He felt 100% ready to

feed his gentle, caring demon friend.

"Mmmmmm," Razielphustar murred. He lowered his muzzle to the boy's crotch and

gave his cocktip the tiniest of licks, which naturally made Xander yip with

pleasure. "Scrumptious," he said suavely. He smacked his lips a bit. "Hmm, Jean-


Xander was now sporting a fine erection. "How'd you know that!?"

"Oh, simple, really. I come here quite often and have tasted enough of his

cooking to know that he almost always uses a sauce like this to marinate foxes.

That, and a few times before I've given him a 'tip' for his culinary artistry by

letting him give me a jolly good fuck up the ass after a meal."

Xander giggled in his paws. "So, where do you wanna start with me?"

The squirreldemon looked slightly crafty. "Well... I am feeling more than a

little predatory tonight. Would you mind if I completely dispensed with table

manners and just ravaged you?" he asked in a sly purr.

The little fox's skinny tail started wagging. "Go right ahead! I'd love that!"

Oh, how exciting! Xander lived for really stretching the limits of his snuffie

desires, and not too many of his other friends were comfortable with really

getting hard 'n messy. He splayed himself out in an appetizing pose and waited,

trembling, for the demon to dig in.

Razielphustar took in the mouth-watering aroma of the adorably cooked young kit.

Despite having sat on the buffet line for hours by now, Xander was still as

fresh, steaming and fragrant as if he'd just popped out of the oven (a perk of

the Naughty level, naturally). Razielphustar breathed in the odor of boyflesh and

felt his thick, hard cock bump against the bottom of the table. Despite being a

squirrel in appearance, he was all demon when it came down to appetite.

Wanting the mood to be just right, Razielphustar send out a mental command to the

restaurant's master CD. The music in the dining area stopped abruptly. A few

people looked up in surprise. Razielphustar checked the selections, and picked

out a stirring string-heavy classical piece he thought would be just perfect.

Willing it to begin playing, he sunk his teeth into Xander's belly just as the

first note rang out.

The little fox let himself go limp. A whimper of pleasurable pain escaped his

throat at the sharp fangs invading his flesh. It was not true that souls in the

Naughty level never felt any pain. They often did, so long as they chose to. And

this was really only quasi-pain. More 'intenseness' than actual hurt. Xander

murred and moaned as his belly was ripped open savagely and a puff of white steam


He felt his friend's muzzle rooting eagerly around inside him. Teeth tore at his

meat. His insides were messily gobbled, sometimes even slurped down whole.

Razielphustar was emptying him out just like sucking the filling out of a Cadbury

Creme Egg, all while gorgeous violin notes pierced the air around them.

The demon's tongue danced in joy. It was not just the taste of the little fox's

blood and meat that did it, but his pleasure. Razielphustar knew well he could

only ever enjoy something like this as long as his meal was enjoying it just as

much. He admired Xander's bravery in being willing to try so many strange,

extreme and exciting things with his body. And he treasured the trust the boy

held in him. Razielphustar was not simply dining on Xander's body, he was also

feasting upon the boy's emotions. And they were always what truly added spice to

any recipe.

Razielphustar had eaten millions of children throughout his long life. Perhaps

billions. And one thing he knew well was that the taste of fear or sadness would

ruin even the most skillfully prepared meal. The very instant his tongue

registered it, he would gather up the little fur in his arms, cradling them

gently, and do everything he could to make them happy again. A meal could not be

enjoyed unless it was free of doubts and worries. Razielphustar never ate anyone

who wasn't smiling the whole time from plate to belly.

Huge chunks of warm foxmeat surged down the squirreldemon's throat. Xander

writhed in ecstacy. Those wonderfully sharp teeth felt *soooo* good! There were

no words to describe it! He loved the sensation of his body becoming less and

less and less. He loved feeling himself dwindle as bits and pieces of his young

form were either sliced or bitten away. He loved to _feel_ like food, to feel

that this was his true purpose!

Razielphustar scooped Xander's heart into his muzzle and bit down hard. It

squished, and the boy's red essence went everywhere. The boy yipped in pleasure.

His stomach soon followed, Razielphustar chewing on it like a dog with a rubber

squeaky toy. He slurped down thick, pink sections of fox intestine like sausages.

He snapped and chomped and gulped and nosed around until Xander was as empty

inside as a duffel bag.

Xander was reeling. Flat on his back, he stared off into space, grooving on the

music and totally loving the feeling of being completely hollow inside. He felt

like a chocolate easter bunny. Like a fox-shaped hand puppet. And there was so

much left of him still to be devoured!

Pausing to unleash a wavering belch (which was perfectly synched with a

kettledrum in the classical piece), Razielphustar took a moment just to marvel at

what a mess he'd already made of himself and his adventurous companion. "Having

fun, Xander?"

The fox giggled. "Nuh-uh! You stopped eating me!"

Razielphustar laughed out loud. "Pardon me, little one! I'll get right back to

work then!"


Gaining a second wind, Razielphustar *really* cranked up his demonic digestive

system. Xander's entrails had been a mere appetizer. Demons can consume entire

villages when they're really feeling peckish, so Razielphustar had not yet begun

to munch.

Xander let out a loud, long howl as those awesome teeth sunk straight into his

thigh. Like a crazed beast, Razielphustar dug in and shook the limb back and

forth, tearing it savagely right out of its socket. Xander's cock was as stiff as


Chomping loudly and wetly, Razielphustar reduced the boy's leg to nothing in but

a few seconds. Xander adored how it felt to have it gone. He liked feeling the

air across his exposed meat. He liked how slightly off-balance he became.

Razielphustar leaned in close and gave him a loving, grateful kiss, then abruptly

yanked the boy's left arm clean off.

Xander arfed joyfully and came all over himself.

As soon as he finished with the arm, Razielphustar went straight to lapping up

all the nummy boy cream. It made a terrific palate-cleanser. The taste of cum

balanced the taste of flesh quite nicely. When he bit down on Xander's remaining

forearm, the meat tasted fresh and exciting again.

Xander's eyes were shut tight in bliss. He tried not to wiggle too much as

Razielphustar ravenously chewed his arm up. He felt like he was being mauled by a

T-rex! But in a *good* way!

The ecstatic young fox's leg was next to go. Razielphustar licked between the

adorable little toes one by one before opening wide and crunching them all off in

one enormous bite. Xander cooed loudly and was hard as a rock again in seconds.

The string section was really heating up now.

Xander's bones snapped and splintered like breadsticks in Razielphustar's

powerful jaws. The demon didn't even notice; he just appreciated the savory taste

the marrow added to the rest of the meal. In just a few short chomps, Xander had

become totally limbless. Razielphustar completed the effect by yanking the boy's

tail off suddenly and stuffing it in his mouth, murring appreciatively.

The foxboy's cock stood up, proud and fearless, waiting to be devoured next. But

Razielphustar wanted to save the very best for the very last. With his razor-

sharp claws, he reached in and scooped the boy's crotch away in one piece,

setting it aside on the table like a centerpiece. He knew full well Xander would

still be able to feel it, and having it detached like this would drive him up the


Indeed it did! Xander squirmed and made adorable little sounds of pleasure as his

boybits were removed. He could feel them sitting there beside him, still erect as

ever. In fact, he came a second time when Razielphustar bit playfully into his

plump little boy butt!

The squirreldemon made all sorts of yummy noises as he consumed the fox's

posterior. Cub butts were almost always one of the best parts of the meal! Tender

and plump; both cute and delicious!

Xander wasn't very mobile anymore, but he sure could make a lot of noise. He

hollered encouragements and cries of pleasure at the top of his lungs (not that

he had them anymore). It was a good thing Razielphustar's force field kept in

sound as well, otherwise the whole restaurant would've been staring at them by


Razielphustar couldn't even be bothered to chew anymore. The music was rising to

a crescendo, and he intended to climax at the same time it did. He gulped down

huge hunks of Xander's torso, swallowing them whole and feeling them travel all

the way down to his burbling belly. He nearly swooned, it felt so good. Not only

just the physical sensations, but also from knowing how much he loved Xander,

that the little fox loved him just as much, and that he was putting the boy

*inside* of him. Deep within him, where he would be completely safe for as long

as he chose to stay.

The music was building and Xander was dwindling. Razielphustar carefully nibbled

away the last of his chest and shoulders just as the final strains were being

played, and tossed Xander's bits in his mouth as the last note sounded, crunching

down hard on the tasty cock, shredding it to bits, and popping his balls like

cherries just as they blasted out their third eruption of spooge for the night.

Both boy and demon fell back, exhausted.

They did nothing but breathe heavily for a few moments. Xander's sounded a little

funny, since it was whistling out of the ragged end of his neck stump.

Then Razielphustar sat up, embraced the wonderful little fox's head, and kissed


Tender and slow, the exact opposite of his boisterous carnal debauchery, the

demon showed Xander his true feelings. They were both silent as Razielphustar

pressed their lips together, caressed the boy's ears, and nuzzled his nose.

"Thank you," he whispered finally.

Xander opened his eyes. "No, thank *you*."

He smiled. "You're welcome, little one. I have to say, that was certainly a lot

of fun! Exactly what I was in the mood for."

"Me too!" Xander confidently agreed. He looked around a bit and chuckled. "Man,

I'd hate to be the guy who has to bus THIS table!"

Razielphustar looked around too, and only then noticed that he'd inadvertency

splattered everything in the entire booth with boy-gore. Blood was splashed about

like housepaint. "Oh my," he deadpanned.

Xander giggled. "Cleanup on aisle seven!"

That gave Razielphustar an idea. "Capital suggestion, my dear boy." He set

Xander's head down, snapped his fingers, and transported several thousand gallons

of raging river water into the force field with them. Less than a second later,

he snapped his fingers again (as well as one can when engulfed in current so

strong it could rip the zipper off your jeans) and instantaneously sent it all

back where it came from.

Xander blinked. He was clean as a freakin' whistle.

Razielphustar shook his head a bit. He'd done such a good job of whisking the

water away, the two of them weren't even damp now. "That was refreshing, wasn't

it?" he said, sounding chipper.

Xander tried to nod, but didn't have any neck muscles.

Grinning warmly, Razielphustar picked up the fox head and nuzzled him all over.

"So, what are your plans for the rest of the evening?" he asked, while beginning

to chew on one of Xander's succulent ears.

"I dunno. I guess when Bartleby gets done gettin' eaten by Criss and Kaleb, we'll

go back to my place and yiff or something."

The demon 'hmm'ed. "Do you think he'd mind joining the two of us, and heading

back to my place for some cuddling and hot chocolate?"

If Xander had still had a tail, it would have been wagging. "Sure! That sounds

great! I'm not sure if Bartleby'll go for it; he might wanna do something with

his friends instead. But it's okay with me!"

Razielphustar nodded. He looked around, trying to see past the crackles of purple

electricity, and finally spotted two furs chatting with Bartleby's earless head

while the rest of him was, presumably, in their bellies. The demon perked up. "Oh

fantastic! *That* Criss! I hadn't met his new feline friend yet, so I wasn't sure

whom you meant at first. Actually, Bartleby introduced us once. Magnificent cock

on that lifeguard, I must say! And if they're game for it, he and his new friend

are certainly welcome to come along too!"

"Cool! A five-way?" Xander asked excitedly.

"But of course," Razielphustar said. "After all, I can always just grow four more

penises whenever I feel like it."

Xander cracked up.

* * *

Xander grew back his body, and his fur too, and was soon back to his normal,

yiffy self. He reached into a portal and pulled out a phone receiver to call his

mom and dad. They said it was fine with them if he slept over at Razielphustar's,

and that they'd been thinking of going out to an adult dance club that night

anyway (where much spouse-swapping and naughty sex would undoubtedly occur).

Xander was glad everything had worked out so well.

Then he watched in fascination as Razielphustar created another lion costume. It

really was a perfect illusion. The material twined into existence like moss on

amphetamines, transforming his demon friend back into the rather frightening

visage he'd sported before.

Once he was suitably suited up, Razielphustar brought down the electric barrier.

Its purpose, he explained, was not only to give them privacy, but also to display

a little 3D movie on its outside to the rest of the diners. All they saw was a

big lion quietly and methodically eating up a little fox boy. And using proper

table manners too. Xander thought that was really spiffy, and wondered where he

could get one so he could get away with all sorts of new mischief in Mrs.

Schaddenfreude's class. Razielphustar just chuckled and told him apologetically

that it was a demon thing.

Approaching the two bats and a kitty-cat, they found all three eagerly receptive

to the idea of going back to the squirreldemon's place for some hot snugglin'.

That is, once the 'big scary lion' had opened his jaws wide enough for

Razielphustar to poke his head out and give them all a wink. (And after Bartleby

regrew the rest of himself)

And so, after everyone had enjoyed a dish of ice cream for dessert, the quintet

left Machiavelli's for a night of erotic amusements. Criss walked arm-in-arm with

Kaleb, and Razielphustar carried each of the boys under his. He even winked to

the waiter on his way out.

They stepped into the portal in the main entrance, and were whisked a trillion

miles away in a blink.

And a naughty time was had by all...

The End

for now...