Chapter 18: What Will You Touch?

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#18 of The Mating Season 2:

Chapter 18: What Will You Touch?

Kel stood in the doorway of Loryn's shadowy hut, watching as the striped wolf fumbled over tying a few feather talismans to his spear. Loryn had his back to his Kel, his head bowed over his work. Every now and then he sniffed, and Kel knew he was crying. He had never seen Loryn so forlorn, so utterly heartbroken, and his own heart was breaking -- his own heart had broken watching as his children held each other in the dirt. Kilyan had held his sister tightly in an agonized silence and the tears had poured down his face, his arms had trembled. And Zalia had trembled in her big brother's arms, sobbing and sobbing. Kel wound up carrying Zalia to Yzlo's hut, Keeno walking sadly in tow with Zalia's things, Aliona at his side. He left his wife and daughter with Yzlo, fervently thanking his friend, and then he walked over to Loryn's hut to find him -- Loryn with his paws trembling, his wet eyes suddenly hard-set when Kel was standing at his elbow.

"Zaldon said he'd come with us, said he'd help," Kel told Loryn quietly. "He went back to the winter village to tell his wives. I told him we'd be ready when he came back."

Loryn nodded, turning abruptly away. "So how is Zaldon anyway?" Loryn asked, and Kel could tell he was trying to keep his voice from trembling as he knelt down, fumbling with his traveling pack. He couldn't even get the clasp open. He was a wreck.

"Zaldon is Zaldon," Kel said and realized with a smile that he had quoted Lynny. "He asked about you. Asked if you were still fucking everything that moves."

Loryn sniffed and gave a laugh. "Sounds about right."

"Kilyan is coming too, though I refused to let him at first. After what happened on the way to the winter village . . ." Kel fell into a miserable silence.

Loryn looked up at him quickly, his ears pricking forward. "Kel, what happened?" he demanded, rising from his traveling pack. When he saw the misery in Kel's eyes, he took his shoulders and peered earnestly into his face.

"We were attacked by lone wolves," Kel growled, his muscles tensing just thinking about it. "They raped us both. They beat me. But that wolf -- he really h-hurt Kilyan. I hated myself after that -- I . . ." Kel shook his head and blinked out tears and Loryn held him.

"We're in the same boat, you and I," Loryn whispered against Kel. "We are both splendidly awful fathers. Kira smacked me when they told us Lea had been taken by Eno, told me it was all my fault. And it is my fault. If anything happened to her . . . God, what am I talking about? Something has happened to her!" Loryn turned miserably and squatted over his traveling pack again.

"So Kira's not speaking to you?" Kel asked sadly.

"What do you think, Kel?" Loryn answered darkly.

Kel stared miserably down at his friend as he fumbled to shove a few more items in his traveling pack. Then Loryn stood, the traveling pack on his shoulder, and took up his spear.

"Hell," Loryn said, "if I was Kira, I wouldn't be speaking to me either."

Kel turned away, going to the curtain and shouldering his own traveling pack, taking up his own spear. What would Aliona say if he told her about what had happened in the forest? She would have been heartbroken. But would she never speak to him again? Would she slap him across the face and blame him? Declare that his longing for Zaldon had done this to their son? He didn't know. He didn't want to think about it.

"Loryn," Kel asked as they paused at the curtain, "what are you going to do to Eno? If we catch up with him?"

"Pop his head like a grape."

Kilyan arrived some time later, looking determined and grim. Loryn was touched by how adamant the young wolf was that he should be a part of the rescue party. He wanted to say as much but could not find the words, and then Zaldon appeared in a puff of smoke some way down the street and they moved toward him.

"Hello, magic mange," Loryn said, managing a weak smile.

Zaldon smiled sympathetically down at Loryn, then pulled him into a rough hug. "We'll find her!" Zaldon whispered in Loryn's ear. "And, god, if we don't we'll sure as hell die trying!" Zaldon clapped Loryn on the back before he let him go, and Loryn gazed up at him warmly.

"Zaldon," Loryn said, shaking his head. "You always were my big brother. In more ways than one."

Zaldon laughed. "Not in front of the pup, huh?"

They all glanced at Kilyan, who blushed.

Kel ruffled Kilyan's ears fondly and said, "Let's head out."

Loryn led the group up the street.

"After the village gathering, they found fruit peels," Loryn told the others darkly, "scattered near the back gates of the village. And more of them heading south toward the gravesite up on that hill in the woods."

"Almost sounds like a deliberate trail," grunted Zaldon.

"But why would he want us to follow him?" Kel wondered darkly. "A trap?"

Loryn snorted. "Eno was working alone, Kel. I know this for a fact. The four us against him could hardly be a trap. To tell you the truth? I think Eno wants to be caught."

"But why?" Kilyan demanded suddenly. "Why has he taken her? And why only to get caught? Sir . . ." Kilyan added as a meek after thought. It was so awkward, traveling with his elders, with two of the wolves who had guided him in his warrior training. He didn't know if he should act like one of them or keep quiet and act like the student warrior he still was.

"This is the reason, young one," Loryn answered Kilyan. "I left Eno and went back to my wife. While you and your father were away, Eno started stalking Lea, started using her to get to me. He was doing it so I would beat him and punish him. He likes being beaten, and when we catch up to him, I suppose he'll like whatever pain I give to him. And I plan on giving him a lot regardless. When I realized what he was doing, that he wanted me to hurt him, I was going to have him banned as a lone wolf, but I . . . I felt sorry for him . . ."

"And he used that weakness in you, Loryn," said Kel, shaking his head darkly. "He knew you felt sorry for him. That goddamned -- that little shit!"

Loryn cleared his throat miserably. "I know, Kel. None of this would have happened if I wasn't so focused on thinking with my dick. But I was young and stupid. I guess I'm still a little of both," he said with a bitter laugh. "I think seventeen is too young to settle down, it really is. Damn the mating season."

They walked on in silence, and in the darkness at the end of the torchlit street, the southern gates of the village came into view. It was through these gates that the females herded their sheep out into the pastures everyday. It was through these gates that wolves would climb the distant hill to the wood and visit their deceased loved ones. It was through these gates and out to the western wood opposite the gravesite that wolves went to bury their garbage.

They found the fruit peels where Loryn had said, partially covered by a tangle of dead leaves. They had been completely covered before and thus no one had taken notice of them. And Eno's tracks through the village had been irregular, trampled by other wolves long before anyone realized Lea was missing, so that until the fruit peels were found, no one really knew which gate Eno might have used.

The group watched as Zaldon knelt down and sniffed over the fruit peels. Zaldon had always had the best nose for following scents. He squatted over the evidence, waving his paws over Eno's tracks in the dirt. He followed the tracks for a while, sniffing.

"The scent heads south," Zaldon announced, rising. "Toward the gravesite, just as you said, Loryn. But it is a faint scent, of course. Several hours old."

"Let's go," Loryn said grimly.

When they reached the gravesite, there was even more evidence of Eno's presence and now there was evidence of Lea's presence a well. Fruit peels and smashed fruits were scattered everywhere, and the little piles of stones that covered the graves had been shifted. But most alarming of all, they saw little dabs of blood in the moonlight: on the gravestones, in the dirt, trailing through the grass.

Kilyan stood miserable on the edge of the wretched scene. It seemed as if they had only just missed Eno. The scent of Lea was everywhere! He breathed her in with a sad heave of his chest and closed his eyes. What had happened here? Had he raped her? Beaten her? Kilyan wasn't sure he even wanted to know.

"The scent circles around here a little," Zaldon announced, who was sniffing at a tree. "But it goes on. Judging by the tracks, I think Lea may have broken free for a while and run from him. But then . . . there are only one pair of tracks heading due south again. As if he carried her."

Loryn closed his eyes. "God, how long were they up here while we hunted through the village for her like morons? I told them we should have come out straight away. I suggested the forest up north, but I suppose that would have been a waste of time."

"We're going to have to go beyond this wood then," Kel said as it dawned on him. He glanced at Kilyan as if he was wishing his son had stayed put in the village rather than face such a long journey, but Kilyan looked resolute.

"What's beyond this wood?" the young wolf asked, as if he would have faced anything.

"A couple miles of rock," said Loryn, kicking angrily at the scattered fruit. "The sea. And who the hell knows what else."

"The sun village," added Zaldon, sniffing a rock with a little stain of blood on it.

"The sun village?" repeated Kilyan blankly.

"Yes," said Zaldon. "Eno is my cousin, young one. My uncle, Eno's father Eloein, abducted Eno's mother from the sun village when I was but a pup. Arorta always wanted to go back, always talked about running away with Eno. But she never did. And after Eloein -- died -- I guess it didn't matter to her anymore. But Eno was obsessed with the idea of going there for the longest time. He couldn't wait to become a sorcerer so he could steal away to the sun village and kidnap other wolves' wives. Like his father."

Listening to all of this, Kilyan felt his jaw tighten angrily. How was it that such wolves existed in the world? First that evil lone wolf who had raped him, and now another wolf probably hurting and raping his Lea. He wanted to break something.

"Disgusting," Kel hissed, and Kilyan remembered that his mother had once been abducted when he was but a pup.

"Now we have a destination," said Loryn. His back was to the group, his arms were folded over his spear. He rested his spear on his shoulder and moved away into the trees, saying over his shoulder that they should make camp as it was almost dawn. The others followed.

They traveled through the wood, picking their way through the sacred burial grounds, their spears on their shoulders as the first gray fingers of dawn stretched through the trees. Loryn walked in the lead, Kel followed him, then Kilyan, and Zaldon brought up the rear. They came to a clearing where birds were already singing, and in the frosty dawn, built a fire. They would have cast lots to see who had first watch, but it seemed none of them could sleep. They just sat around the fire, staring into it, each lost in their own thoughts, until Kilyan burst out angrily,

"Why is the world the way it is?"

The three adults looked at him, astonished. Kilyan looked from each face with demanding green eyes, his jaw still set in his anger.

"Why do wolves like this exist?" Kilyan further demanded of them. "And why don't we do something about it? Why do we let them run free into the world -- why -- how can a wolf gain pleasure out of taking a female against her will? It makes my heart sick." He glared at the fire but looked around when he felt his father massaging the back of his ears.

"My Kilyan," Kel said, "I wish the world was that simple. I really do. But it's not that simple. And . . . it is not that good. There are wolves in the world who will hurt you for no reason. They will do bad things to you -- bad things will happen, always happen. And all you can do is do your best to be strong and brave. But I have no fear for you, my Kilyan. Not anymore. After what happened up on the cliff . . . I know now that I have raised you to be braver and stronger than your father. And . . . I am satisfied that you can withstand a world so cruel. I am proud." Kel smiled at Kilyan, and Kilyan's ears went back flat on his head when he realized there were tears in his father's eyes.

Though his mind was still racing with his dark mediations, knowing his father was proud of him was enough to put Kilyan's heart at ease if only for a moment, and he asked if he might take second watch rather than the first. When Kel nodded his consent, Kilyan rolled out his sleeping furs and went to sleep.

"If I knew my Lea was half as strong as Kilyan there . . ." said Loryn, and his voice trailed away miserably as he ran a paw back through his mane. "God, to think of my little girl out there with Eno of all males. And we have to follow him all the fucking way to the sun village." Loryn's fists clenched at the thought.

"I should have snapped Eno's head off that morning I sent him after you," Zaldon whispered. "I let them release him from his punishment. He was so beaten up. It seemed the village had gotten a little carried away. I didn't want them to kill the damned pup. But then he comes up to me asking where you had gone, Loryn, and I, of course, smacked him. Gave him a warning. But I know now I should have done more than smack him. Hell, I should have let Lynny kill him that day."

"What day?" said Kel, his ears pricking forward.

Zaldon glowered at the fire. "Eno told everyone I was a tail chaser," he explained darkly. "He overheard me telling Lynny about you, Kel, after a visit to the summer village with my mother. The whole fucking winter village was ready to stone me. And all because of Eno. I told Lynny not to do it, but he beat the shit out of Eno. I wished he hadn't at the time: Eno was just a little pup. But now I know that little assholes grow into big assholes."

"From your lips to the gods' ears," muttered Loryn, his chin in his paws. "Wake me if you hear any howling. Beating the shit out of a lone wolf would be a great way to relax." They saw him crack his knuckles.

"Sure thing," said Kel, watching sympathetically as a very grim Loryn rolled out his sleeping furs.

They watched him climb in, but before he pulled the top fur over himself, he flashed his friends a smile and said, "Now you two behave!"

Kel blushed and covered his eyes, but Zaldon only chuckled.

"Same old Loryn," said Zaldon after some time. "I was really surprised to learn he had finally settled down -- you know, stopped fucking around on Kira. He was never the type that should have married right away. But the rules of the damned mating season. . . ."

"Yes, I have to admit that after becoming a father, I was only too eager to appeal to the village council, asking them to change the age for the mating season to thirty-five."

Zaldon chuckled. "That horrifying, is it? Seeing your children become adults?"

"Zaldon, I'd never been so scared as I was that morning when the loner attacked us up on the cliff. Never so scared! And seeing those awful things happen to Kilyan, I thought to myself that, my god, he's about to go out into the world alone and face these kinds of things everyday -- and I won't be there to protect him!"

Zaldon nodded as if he understood.

"But there's only one year left until his first mating season. He'll be an adult then. He won't need me anymore. Does he still need me now?" Kel sighed. "Look what I've done to him! How can I even ask that? I let him get r-raped --"

Zaldon clamped a heavy paw on Kel's shoulder. "Kel, you are a good father. What happened up on the cliff did not happen because you were making a visit to see an old friend. It happened because little assholes grow into big assholes." He smiled.

Kel couldn't help but smile back. His Zaldon, always there with his big paws, with his comforting words, and with just a look from those darks eyes he could always lift Kel's spirits -- even when they weighed a thousand pounds.

"I love you, Zaldon," Kel said helplessly, shaking his head. "And I never get tired of telling you so."

"I never get tired of hearing it," Zaldon returned.

Kel moved closer and rested his head on Zaldon's shoulder, and Zaldon put his arm around him.

A few precious moments, Kel thought. A few precious moments with Zaldon. Then it was back to the winter village with his lover, back to the summer village with him. And they wouldn't see each other for how long? Months? Years? Decades? By the time they saw each other again, they might not be able to get it up anymore! Kel sighed miserably. If only there was some way to make Zaldon come back to the summer village! But Zaldon would never consent. Zaldon wasn't going to stand by and watch him with Aliona when he himself could not live a life with Kel. And it was selfish to even consider asking.

"What's the matter, Kel?" Zaldon whispered when he heard Kel's sigh.

"I can never really have you, can I?"

Zaldon swallowed thickly. "You know why."

"I do. But it doesn't stop this ache, this yearning in my heart."

"I know, Kel, I know . . ."

"Don't you get tired of it! Why didn't you come to me? Why did I have to come to you!"

"Kel, did you really expect me to knock on your hut when I know damn well you're married with children? And for all I know, you might've forgotten about me --"

Kel made a noise between outrage and disbelief.

"Well, why the hell not?" Zaldon demanded. "You're in love with Aliona -- you've always been in love with Aliona. I wouldn't ruin that for you by intruding, I wouldn't touch that."

"What will you touch!" Kel burst in frustration. He looked up at Zaldon with burning eyes, his jaw standing out in his anger -- exactly the way Kilyan's had.

Zaldon placed a finger on Kel's lips and caressed them. "I will touch these lips, these lips that my own lips crave." He kissed Kel gently on the lips, then traced his thumb near the tender flesh under Kel's eye. "And these eyes, eyes that speak of your love better than your lips do . . ." Kel closed his eyes as they were kissed too. Then Zaldon laid his paw flat on Kel's chest and whispered, "And if you would give it to me, I would touch this heart -- the part of it that belongs to me --"

"The part that always belonged to you!" Kel cried, closing his paw over Zaldon's.

"Yes," said Zaldon, smiling down at him fondly. "That's what I would touch."

Kel shook his head. "But that isn't nearly enough!"

Taking Zaldon by surprise, Kel smashed his lips to his, kissing him fervently, and he took Zaldon's big paw and placed it on his dick, which was throbbing hard.


"You have to touch this too!" Kel whispered against Zaldon's lips, and he closed Zaldon's paw around his dick and guided it into a stroke. "And you have to touch this," Kel whispered, placing Zaldon's paw against his cheek and closing his eyes. "And this . . ." He pressed his paw against Zaldon's paw and tangled the fingers lovingly. "And this too . . ." Kel placed Zaldon's big paw on his buttocks and looked him deeply in the eyes.

Zaldon's dick had gotten hard long ago, but he said with a little laugh, "All of that?"

"What good is touching my heart if you don't touch the rest of me?"

Zaldon let out a moan of longing, and Kel suddenly found himself pulled into Zaldon's lap. He put his arms around Zaldon's neck, relishing in the feel of Zaldon's hard thighs under his own, and then Zaldon was kissing him with deep, passionate thrusts of his tongue, running his big paws up and down Kel's back. They moaned through the kiss, their dicks painfully hard now, but Kel pulled back a little.

"But -- What if Kilyan --?" Kel stammered, trembling and closing his eyes as Zaldon showered his neck with kisses.

"He won't wake," Zaldon said between kisses and drew Kel closer with another groan.

"But Loryn --?"

"He won't wake either," Zaldon said, "and if does, we'll be happy to let him join us!"

Kel started kissing Zaldon back just as fiercely now. Zaldon began kissing Kel down his neck to his chest until Kel was bending back in his arms, moaning. And soon that big, hot cock was entering Kel, pumping into him, paralyzing him with ecstasy, and Zaldon was holding him from behind, kissing his neck, whispering in his ear that he loved him, had always loved him, and if only Kel knew how much . . . if only Kel knew . . .

When it was over, Zaldon held Kel close and kissed his ears and stroked his mane, and Kel closed his eyes, wishing that Aliona was there in his arms, that Zaldon could be holding him even as he was holding Aliona. That the three of them could have shared one love, could have lived together the way males lived with several wives. But that was quite impossible. According to the village council, that was blasphemy.

"You know, I thank god that Kilyan isn't a tail chaser," Kel said suddenly, startling Zaldon. "And I thank god he doesn't like both pussy and cock. Because of that, his life will be infinitely more simple. He'll never be pulled between desires, he'll never be looked down on for the way he feels or denied what he wants because others do not accept it. He'll . . . he'll be happy."

"Unlike us, huh?" said Zaldon with a miserable laugh. "Though I have to say, Kel, I think you're a little happier than I am."

"Yeah, I know . . ." Kel smoothed his paw over Zaldon's broad chest and kissed the white fur sympathetically. "But maybe there's a place where you can be a tail chaser or -- or like both pussy and cock and not suffer for it. A place where you could take a husband and a wife --"

Zaldon laughed. "A place like that would be too good to be true, Kel."

"Well, what if there was a village of just tail chasers then?" Kel demanded, rolling over on top of Zaldon. "Just males who liked cock, a place for tail chasers from other villages to find a sanctuary. You can't tell me you wouldn't live there if you could!"

"Of course I would! God, that would be heaven. But there's no such thing, Kel. The sad truth is we tail chasers must fuck out in the forests in secret, and if we want to take a male lover and live with him, that's our business. Some villages will accept that, other villages will rip your balls off for it. But a village predominantly of tail chasers? I guess it doesn't cost anything to dream."

Kel didn't see it, but Zaldon was smiling down at him with teasing, twinkling eyes.

Kel laid his head miserably on Zaldon's chest, listening to his heart and relishing in the fact that their cocks were so close together. He felt Zaldon's big paws running lightly up and down his back, soothing him, comforting him in his frustration. Zaldon's paws felt so good and he loved the feel of his breath on his mane, he loved the warmth of their hard bodies together, loved Zaldon's voice when he whispered of love. And it was amazing to him suddenly that they had spent their entire lives wanting and going unsatisfied. Poor Zaldon had been wanting Kel since they were children. And Kel had been wanting to give himself over to cock, to just give in, but not only that -- to be free to love a male as freely as he loved Aliona. But you could not have everything in this world. You simply could not. And that, Kel feared, was the very nature of his suffering.

But even if Kel could not have both Zaldon and Aliona, he at least wanted Zaldon to be happy! That was the torment of it.



"Have you ever been to the sun village?"

"My mother Joli liked to travel. That's how she met her lover in your village -- the one she started cheating on my father with. She was a talented carver. She carved all sorts of little things and traveled around selling them. My father let her do it because it made her happy, and she was a big female, of course, being from the winter village. She was strong enough to protect me and herself. I believe she was about six feet tall when I was pup. And she always took a few friends.

"The sun village was one of her favorite places to sell. It's a large village with a great trading post. And it's so pretty. I remember all the flowers, and all the designs painted on the walls. A sunny, bright, cheerful place. That's what I remember the most, if I remember nothing else. I couldn't have been more than four or five that first time we went. Eno was always so jealous that Lynny and I got to travel, especially to the sun village. I think that's probably why he told everyone I liked other male pups."

"Aliona told me how he tortured her with a nipple ring," Kel growled, and when Zaldon felt him shiver angrily, he stroked his mane again.

"She didn't want to tell me. I made her tell because after Loryn brought him back to the village, I wanted to know what kind of piece of shit I had to be looking at with my best friend for the rest of my life. And when she told me all those things, I tried to make Loryn see what a monster Eno is --"

"But all he saw was that big-eyed pup crying for the love the sorcerer never gave him," finished Zaldon. He sighed. "I guess love really is blind. But that blindness has caused Loryn his daughter."

"God, if he's done anything to her! I don't know what will happen to Kilyan. He has loved Lea since she first waddled into our hut. I still remember when they first met. Kira brought Lea over when she and Kilyan were just tiny pups, and Lea rejected him even then."

Zaldon chuckled. "Do you remember when we first met, Kel?"

Kel smiled, his cheek bulging against Zaldon's chest. "I think we were about seven. I was running on a training circuit. My father started my warrior training early -- he was always very strict with me. Wanted me to be the greatest warrior in the world. So I was running hard, trying to keep his anger at bay, and I was so frantic to run the circuit he laid out for me around the village that I wasn't paying attention. I was flying -- leaping over whatever got in my path --"

"Except for me," laughed Zaldon.

Kel closed his eyes happily. "Yes. I think I about smashed you to the ground. Do you know Kilyan did the same thing to Lea? When I thought about it later, I realized how much clumsiness Kilyan had inherited from me."

"You aren't so clumsy anymore. I wish you were. I was never so happy when you fell on top of me! I remember I couldn't even move. I was paralyzed to see those big, beautiful, green eyes staring down at me so worried. And you were the sweetest thing, apologizing over and over, helping me up, asking if I was all right. I wanted to kiss you, Kel. You were the first male I ever wanted to kiss, the way little male pups chase little girl pups -- that's how I wanted you. And you never guessed. You didn't even guess why I was blushing when you took my paw and helped me up."

"No, I was too busy marveling that you were so tall! I'd never seen a wolf from the winter village before. I was in awe of you. I'm still in awe of you now."

Kel lifted his head and kissed Zaldon's chest again, and Zaldon closed his arms around him. The sun was rising steadily higher, and they lay together in the bright, peaceful morning, listening to the birds twittering.

"Do you remember what happened next, Kel?" Zaldon whispered, but he didn't wait for Kel to answer. "I cupped your face. But I lied when you were startled. I said there was dirt on it, but there wasn't. That was just my excuse, an excuse to get my paws on you."

"Yes, I remember. I liked it when you touched my face, though it confused me, that feeling. I had no idea why I liked it anymore than I could fathom loving Loryn's arms around me when we wrestled. But there was something boyish about that simple gesture, that touch on my face -- something boyish and at the same time sweet. I always thought from that day forward that you were just affectionate -- just this big, gentle thing that you are. I never dreamed you were falling in love with me."

"I know, Kel. And I was glad to leave things that way."

"I wish you hadn't!" Kel scolded, kissing Zaldon suddenly on the mouth. "When I think of all the times Loryn and I were alone under the waterfall -- you could have been there with us!"

Zaldon shook his head. "Kel, you know damn well it wouldn't have mattered. I still would have been unsatisfied. I want your heart, Kel! I want you to share your life with me, be with me -- but I always knew you were after Aliona. Loryn is different. Loryn can be with you under the waterfall because he's your best friend: he doesn't want the kind of love I'm asking for."

"So what then?" Kel said darkly. "You'll just go back to the winter village and live there in misery?"

"What do you want me to do, Kel? Live in misery in the summer village?"

Kel said nothing. Zaldon was right, of course.

"Come now," Zaldon whispered, stroking Kel's ears, "we have this time right now. This little spark of happiness. Now stop being miserable and tell me you love me. Look at me with those big green eyes and . . . I'll live on it for the rest of my life."

Kel looked up to see Zaldon gazing down at him with intense black eyes, black eyes that seemed starved. He never thought he could love Zaldon so much as he did in that moment.

"Yes, that's it," Zaldon whispered happily. "That's the look that melts my heart."

Taking Kel by surprise, Zaldon rolled over on top of him until Kel found himself on his back. Zaldon whipped Kel's legs onto his shoulders and leaned down. Kel's heart fluttered when Zaldon's tongue filled his mouth. He melted into the kiss, moaning, pushing back with his tongue just as eagerly, and then Zaldon was inside of him again, feeding himself so slowly, so deeply, touching Kel in places that made him close his eyes, made him shiver and moan.

"Oh, Kel, what have those big green eyes done to me? I shall never let you go now . . ."

"Zaldon . . . you're so deep . . ." Kel closed his eyes and moaned. God, he was so deliciously thick, so hot, so strong!

"K-Kel, I --!" Zaldon squeezed his eyes shut and gave a little whimpering moan.

Kel knew Zaldon was about to come. He pulled Zaldon down until he was hunched over him, forcing his cock deeper still. And then their foreheads were pressed together, and they were moving fast against each other, panting, moaning, the heat of their bodies glowing around them until they were drenched in sweet. And the faster Zaldon drove himself, the more fervent Kel's kisses on his lips, until Zaldon released with a soft cry. They sagged together to the ground. They kissed each other's eyes, each other's cheeks, and as the morning drew on it was filled with loving whispers and . . . two wolves had never been so in love.