Fluhr Maelstrom's Journal?

Story by Niniju on SoFurry

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   Fluhr Maelstrom is a snow leopard with grey spots and silver eyes most of the time. Most. His behavior, eye color, and spot covers are about as consistent and predictable as long term weather. In other words, you'll never truly know. During rain, his eyes and spots are a deep blue. His attitude also is usually more leaning towards being calm or quietly somber. In snow, he's either very friendly or outright bitter, and his spots turn bright blue. On cloudy days, since no one likes cloudy days, he's just sad, and his spots darken to almost black. On sunny days, he's usually happy, and his spots gain a rainbow of colors. You get the idea.   Fluhr actually doesn't keep a journal, since he feels no need to. To fill space where his journal would be, I have some other information that may or may not be helpful.All ten of our heroes are one of two ages: 11 or 16. Gary is 22, but he was dragged into it by a bond his brother and him are connected with. Here's a (maybe) handy guide.Friz Nightly is 16 and will play the leader. Ghastillo Nightshade is 11 and helps keep Friz level-headed. Timler Chronor is 16 and is the whole reason the prophecy can be fulfilled. Regir Chronol is 11 and is the most experienced of the ten. He will be useful in preventing mental breakdowns in the group. Feir Pyrolight is 16 and will also be a leader. He and Friz will keep everyone in line while occasionally disagreeing to a degree that results in an arcane onslaught. Nick Halloway is 11 and will be the one who keeps everyone else alive. His healing powers are phenomenal. Furiolo and Alfenze Fallenoak are both 11 and are extremely perceptive. They will be very useful in acquiring information when needed.Fluhr Maelstrom is 16 and is a hot-headed storm creator. He will be a useful distractor later on.Julio Nautica is 11 and controls the winds in such a way as to help Fluhr distract others.

So now you know more than you did, whether or not you care. Next time will be Julio's description as well as a little backstory (if I find time). Julio, by the way, does not keep journals either...


   "Fure." Alfenze said, pointing toward a fire about a quarter mile to the west. I immediately thought about that raging fox from a few hours before.   "I don't like it." I said. "Alf?" Alfenze was already going towards it.   "I don't like it either,...

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Alfenze and Furiolo Fallenoak's Journal

   Alfenze Fallenoak is a twin and a tiger. His twin is Furiolo, and Furiolo prefers to be the leader. As far as tigers go, these two look like normal Bengal tigers. As far as powers go, they have a fairly short list of what they can do. In order to...

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A Safe Approach

(Nick's point of view)   Night eventually came, and I had recovered from my relentless sobbing. The fox had apologized to me, and I dismissed it, saying, "It's no problem. I know that I'm a horrible anthro. I've been working on that, actually." ...

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