Chapter 26: Come On Home

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#26 of The Mating Season 2:

Chapter 26: Come On Home

When they returned to the summer village, Loryn realized he had no where to go. Kira had kicked him out yet again, after all. Kel offered to let Loryn stay with his family for a while, but Loryn declined, not wanting to be a burden to anyone. He told Kel that, difficult though it was, he was now going to live alone in the old hut he had shared with Eno for so many years. Lea had been heartbroken to learn her father was leaving her all over again, but Loryn kissed her on the head and reminded her that come this time next year she would have a new male to look after her now, a stronger male, a better male. And so saying, he winked at Kilyan, shouldered his spear, and moved off down the street.

It was late in the evening when they arrived back at the summer village. Zaldon had used magic to transport them. Loryn reflected sadly on the farewell between Kel and Zaldon: that long hug they shared just outside the village gates and finally that trembling kiss. Zaldon was next going to speak to his wives in the winter village, ask them if they didn't want to come live with him in the sun village with his new lover. They would more than likely say yes, especially Arorta, who was originally from there. Loryn chuckled to himself. Now Zaldon had three wives and a husband. It was too bad Zaldon didn't like pussy: he would've had it made.

Loryn arrived at last at the hut he had shared with Eno. He stood in the doorway holding his spear and traveling pack, not sure if he could enter. He could still smell Eno in this place, and taking a wretched step into the hut, every gloomy corner reminded him of his time spent with Eno: those long nights of kissing him beside the fire, or laughingly spanking him when he was "naughty," or just holding him all night, cuddling with him. Loryn sighed. He wasn't sure how he felt. He didn't miss Eno -- what Eno had done was unforgivable -- but at the same time . . . he kind of did. And he hated himself.

Loryn figured the best thing to do was to put Eno behind him. He stroked up a fire in the barren fire pit and then set to work burning all of Eno's possessions. Sitting beside the fire in an old chair, he tossed them in one by one, reflecting wretchedly that Eno had anticipated this: Eno had counted on Loryn murdering him and then coming back here and burning his possessions! But should Loryn have been surprised? Eno had always carried so much pain around inside of him. Loryn could remember with a pang those terribly sad black eyes, that broken heart that was always looking out at him. He remembered wanting to heal that heart. He suddenly scowled to himself and buried his face in his paws.

"Goodbye, Eno," Loryn whispered, tossing the last object in the flames: an old wooden comb that he had combed Eno's mane with any number of times. "And I'm sorry I couldn't heal that broken heart of yours before . . . before it came to this . . ."


Loryn grew very still. It was Kira's voice and he smelled her suddenly on the air: a subdued sort of fluffy scent, a scent that had always made his cock get hard whenever he slept with her in his arms, breathing in her mane. His cock didn't get hard now. He was too miserable. And he figured she had come bearing more of his possessions from their hut. He waited for the clatter that would tell him she had frostily dropped his possessions on the ground in the doorway, but no such clatter came. He heard her moving through the room instead, and suddenly, she was standing over him, her paw was rubbing his shoulder. When he looked up at her, he was surprised to see that she was in earnest, that her bright eyes were smiling at him sadly.

"Come home, Loryn," Kira said, and her hip pressed against him as she leaned back to smile down in his face.

Loryn was speechless. He gazed up at her in confusion. "But . . . Kira! What I've done . . ."

"What you did? You took pity on some poor abused pup. Yes, you've made a lot of mistakes, Loryn, but Eno was responsible for Eno." She raised her eyebrows at Loryn and pulled in her lips. "And then there's the whole me loving you thing." She smiled.

Loryn managed a weak smile, but he would still look distraught. He bowed his head and pulled Kira into his lap. She put her arm around him and kissed his cheek, stroking his mane as he stared miserably at the floor.

"Oh, Kira," Loryn moaned, "how in the hell can you love me?" He shook his head wretchedly but squeezed her tightly in his arm, holding her to his chest as if he feared she might disappear.

Kira rested her head against him. "I don't know," she said, drawing a laugh from her husband.

"Well, thank god you do!"

Loryn bent his wife back in his arms and kissed her. He bent Kira over the armrest of the chair, and then he was leaning over her, smiling down at her. She cupped his face and happily cursed those twinkling black eyes, those black eyes that had held her under their spell for years.

"I loved you at first because you were so handsome and strong," Kira whispered, gazing up at her husband dreamily. "I loved you for your mischievous smile. Then when you took me at the mating season and we held each other down in the grass, I loved you for your gentleness, your kind heart, for your jokes. You could always make me laugh, Loryn," Kira said with a laugh and shook her head happily. "And when we had Lea, I loved you because you were a good father. You still are, Loryn, whether you believe it or not."

"Oh, Kira . . ." Loryn sighed and looked at his wife helplessly, and Kira was saddened when tears filled his eyes. "I don't know how I managed without you all these years, and when I finally get you back I let this shit happen --"

Kira put a finger to Loryn's lips, her bright eyes now as sad as her husband's. "You've always done your best for Lea. Always. I was angry when I said those things to you -- I thought -- we thought she was dead. But it wasn't your fault, what happened. You're not a god, Loryn! You're just my Loryn. And . . . that's close enough."

Loryn laughed. "Would you find it terribly tedious if I told you I loved you?"

"Terribly," said Kira, rolling her eyes in mock boredom.

Loryn dragged a finger over her lips and down to her collarbone. He casually slipped open Kira's shawl, revealing the milky white curve of one of her breasts. Kira took a deep breath and her cleavage swelled.

"What if I made love to you then?" Loryn asked.

"I'll never get tired of your paws on my body!"

Loryn brushed the shawl away completely now and cupped the curve of Kira's breast, which was now heaving with her increasing breathlessness. He leaned down and sucked on her pink nipple very slowly, and Kira's head fell back over the armrest. The sucking continued: wet, gentle sucks alternated with licking and then much harder sucks. And then Loryn was spreading Kira's thighs, running his paw up and down them even as they quivered, and Kira closed her eyes and moaned when his fingers sank with hungry strokes into her sex.

"What are you going to do to me?" Kira whispered when Loryn had climbed down from the chair. He knelt in front of it now and lifting Kira's shapely leg in one of his big paws, he put it on his shoulder.

"I'm going to eat your delicious pussy," Loryn whispered, and Kira's heart fluttered when she realized he was breathless with anticipation.

Kira moaned, sagging in the chair when she felt that first hungry suck on her pussy lips. Why was he so good at this? Always so good at this? She moaned when the sucks came again: slow, loving sucks that pulled her lips into his mouth almost as if he was sucking them in a kiss. And then he was licking her, deliciously deep licks into her vagina opening, licks that slurped around her pussy lips, licks that traced tauntingly over her clit until that swelling knot of pleasure made her writhe and moan in the chair. Loryn moaned too and ate Kira deeper, faster, his hot lips and tongue working her into a frenzy. Her paws closed in fists on the armrests, her breasts were heaving, and she moaned long and low, "Oh . . . god . . ." Then it happened: she gave a shrill cry and released in Loryn's mouth.

Loryn gathered her into his arms and brought her down on his cock. He moved himself inside, gently and slowly, kissing her neck and the smashed, white mounds of her breasts as they pressed against him. Kira caught his panting mouth to her own and forced her tongue inside, and Loryn gave his tongue back, deeply, hungrily.

"Mmm -- did you miss me?" Kira whispered, pulling back from the kiss.

Loryn laughed softly in her ear. "God, Kira, do you feel how hard I am?" he answered, thrusting himself deeper even as he spoke. "I won't even ask if you missed me -- Mmm, you're just gushing . . ." Loryn held her tighter and drove himself in again, loving when she started panting shrilly in his ear.

Kira wrapped her arms around Loryn's neck, holding tight, panting and moaning in her husband's lap as he steadily pumped himself up into her, hunching back in his effort, groaning his appreciation when her pussy walls gushed yet again over his cock, contracting hot and strong around him, caressing him into an orgasm.

"Kira, I've wanted you all these years -- sometimes I thought about just sneaking back in our hut at night and doing such things to you, you would have been begging me to come back --"

"Sometimes I wished you would, Loryn."

Loryn laughed to hear this. "God, if I only knew! Don't worry, Kira -- I still plan on making you beg."

"Is that a promise?"

"For the rest of our lives, Kira -- even when those luscious tits are shriveled up, I'll still be there sucking on them."

Kira laughed. "I love you, Loryn."

"Mmm, I love you too, Kira. More than you'll ever know . . ."

"Your dick gives me an idea -- ah!"

Kira's head fell back as Loryn started pumping her harder. She jerked her hips down on his lap, smashing her pussy lips over him, and this seemed to drive him wild. He grabbed her buttocks in fistfuls and started working himself in faster and harder the more she moaned for it. At last, Kira cried out and her juices spurted over him hot and thick, and Loryn came too with a choked cry. They sagged together against the chair, Kira's back to it and Loryn leaning over her, panting against her. He kissed lazily at her neck, her cheeks, and she panted, stroking his mane and loving his hard chest weighing down on her. She felt his cock softening inside of her and didn't want him to take it out, and he didn't it. They just sat there against the chair, Kira still in Loryn's lap, and they kissed each other happily, deeply, fervently.

"Come home, Loryn," Kira whispered in her husband's ear.

Loryn smiled and gave his hips a playful jerk. Kira felt his cock thrust sharply inside of her and cried out, but she smiled when her husband pressed his forehead to hers and said with the old mischievous smile, "I'm already home, Kira. I'm already home."